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Family tourism: problems and development prospects. Prospects for the development of family tourism in the region in the tourism industry

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In modern literature, leisure is not presented as an integral object of analysis. The concept of "leisure" itself is often interpreted and understood as rest, entertainment, pleasure, play, free time, non-work activities, freedom, recreation, etc. Granilshchikov, Yu.V. Family tourism / Yu.V. Granilshchikov. - M.: Profizdat, 2010. - S. 21.

The idea of ​​a socially open cultural and leisure activity is based on the idea that a modern family, each person acquires a completely new level of needs in the field of leisure. Leisure is necessary for people in order to relax, relieve stress, feel physical and psychological satisfaction, share their interests with friends and relatives, establish social contacts and get the opportunity for self-expression or creative activity.

Leisure and recreation may include the following activities Granovskaya, N.I. If you happen to go ...: Essay-guide / N.I. Granovskaya. - L .: Lenizdat, 1989. - S. 74 .:

Sports or various physical activities (the role of a spectator, participant, coach or any other organizational activity);

Artistic activity (painting, drawing, literary creativity);

Crafts (embroidery, knitting, weaving of various products and other handicrafts);

Animal care;

Hobbies (various activities of interest);

Visiting museums, theaters, galleries, excursions;

Games (board, computer games);

Entertainment (watching TV shows, movies, reading literature, listening to radio programs);

Communication with other people (telephone conversations, writing letters, invitations, organizing and attending evenings and other entertainment events.

Distinguish between active and passive leisure. The first type is associated with active (both physical and mental) activities, various types of activities - playing, singing, designing, sports activities, etc. The second type is associated with passive types of pastime, when a person acts as a passive spectator, "consumer" of cultural values ​​or doing nothing Granovskaya, N.I. If you happen to go ...: Essay-guide / N.I. Granovskaya. - L .: Lenizdat, 1989. - S. 77 ..

In modern theory and practice, the term "leisure" is most often used in three meanings: as a synonym for free time (its part), as a synonym for non-working (free) activity with various modifications, as a synonym for the state or psychological experience of a person at the moment. Within these meanings, there are a variety of scientific definitions, to the greatest extent this applies to the second meaning, since leisure as an activity has an extensive typology. Here, the number of domestic and foreign researchers offering their own definitions is especially large.

Leisure in its family context is inseparable from the many problems that accompany the development of a modern family - the dynamics of the demographic characteristics of the family, its socio-economic status and adaptation to new economic conditions, the content and direction of family policy. It can be said with certainty that leisure in a certain sense builds a family, family life. The implementation of this life-building concept in the field of leisure is of great social importance. If leisure does not contribute to the normal reproduction of the population, the upbringing of children, the continuation of traditions, the family will not be able to function normally in society, it will be on the way to moral, spiritual and physical degradation.

The most reliable is the interpretation of leisure as a temporary category, as a person's free time. As for recreation, this term is a combination of the following etymological meanings: rest and restoration. Thus, it is understood that recreation, recreational activities are carried out within the framework of leisure, free time.

Ways of spending leisure time (or its types) differ significantly on various grounds: gender, class, age, income, etc. To a large extent, forms of leisure are conditioned by the culture of mass consumption.

The family is a cell (small social group) of society, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties, i.e. relations between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and other relatives living together and leading a common household on the basis of a single family budget. Family life is characterized by material and spiritual processes. The modern family is in dire need of diversity and variability of leisure activities and socio-psychological relations; it tends to non-standard leisure activities Belyakov, O.I. Family tourism as a form of leisure activity / O.I. Belyakov, I.V. Meshcheryakova // All about tourism. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen.. Kiseleva T.G. in his textbook on socio-cultural activities, he notes that the special value of family leisure forms lies in the fact that various communication mechanisms are actively included and intensively involved in them: family - children, family - family, children - children, children - adolescents - adults. The simultaneity of these contacts gives family leisure emotional appeal, sincerity, warmth. Intra-family leisure relationships in themselves have a rehabilitating function, actively influence the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the family. Orientation towards the organization of joint socially useful and leisure activities of adults and children will have a positive effect on strengthening and uniting the family of Kiselev, T.G. Socio-cultural activity / T.G. Kiseleva. - M. : MGUKI, 2004. - S. 449 ..

A huge role in family education is played by the emotional background in the family, the relationship between parents, their ability to maintain love and warmth for each other and children. Only in a healthy family, where love and mutual understanding reign, can fully developed children grow up, with a healthy psyche and a positive attitude towards life.

Leisure is an important psychotherapeutic tool in resolving family problems. Selected interesting forms of spending free time help relieve stress, correct bad mood, and eliminate conflict in the family. Leisure forms help parents to transfer to their sons and daughters the accumulated knowledge, moral and cultural values, the most important norms and patterns of behavior, family traditions.

One of the most important problems of the modern family is the organization of its free time, which includes family leisure of the Granilshchikov, Yu.V. Family tourism / Yu.V. Granilshchikov. - M.: Profizdat, 2010. - S. 68 ..

Forms of family leisure, like families themselves, differ in:

the number of children;


type of leadership in the family;

family ways;

homogeneity of the social composition;

family experience;

the quality of relationships and atmosphere in the family;

special conditions of family life Belyakov, O.I. Family tourism as a form of leisure activity / O.I. Belyakov, I.V. Meshcheryakova // All about tourism. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen..

Family leisure is built on the basis of the main areas of family relations and taking into account all the functions of the family. Family leisure is an activity, the quality of which depends on such factors as: the level of culture and education in the family circle, the location and level of the family's well-being, age, individual characteristics and interests of each family member. Often, in families, parents spend their leisure time on their favorite hobby or watching TV, which very often does not coincide with the desire of children, such as: to play, draw, take a walk on the street, and so on. At the same time, problems arise in the family, quarrels and disassemblies that could have been avoided. All this is due to improper organization of family leisure. We can distinguish the following forms of family leisure:

Recreational family vacation - tourism, hiking.

Sports family vacation (relay races, mass races, beach tournaments, etc.).

Family screenings in cinemas

Excursion work - family visits to museums, exhibitions, monuments of art and architecture, memorable places.

Joint visits to concerts and public holidays

Family amateur art groups are a rare, but very popular form of cultural activity among the audience.

One of the forms of out-of-home leisure is tourism. Tourism is a special form of activity closely related to the use of free time. According to G.E. Zborovsky, in the two social phenomena under consideration, the basis of this connection is the free choice of activity, devoid of the hard pressure of any circumstances, elements of immutability and obligation. “Another, no less significant characteristic of tourism activity is that the main factor of its motivation is culture, understood both as production and consumption, the most diverse activities, the way of life of society and a person in it, and as spiritual, intellectual, artistic, religious, moral aspects of social and personal life associated with art. Consequently, tourism is, on the one hand, a link that connects free time and culture, on the other hand, it performs this integration function, closing them directly on itself” Zborovsky, G.E. Sociology of leisure and culture / G.E. Zborowski. - M.: Publishing house "Alteks", 2006. - S. 237.

Travel is often in demand to get acquainted with the material and spiritual objects of culture, to participate in cultural events. Together they affect the spiritual sphere of a person, his system of values, knowledge, influence social behavior, one way or another, affect the behavior as an economic entity. The family invariably performs the most important functions of transferring the deep cultural traditions of the people, giving stability and a positive direction to the process of cultural development and education of the younger generation.

At all times, parents tried to arrange cultural holidays with their children on holidays and weekends. Joint activity forms a family value system, positively and emotionally colors cognitive activity, leads to socially significant creativity and spiritual communication. Attending cultural events with the whole family affects the consolidation of family relationships. Such a cultural holiday with children always brings pleasure and unforgettable impressions to both children and parents. All family members penetrate and experience together the emotions and knowledge that they receive during cultural tourism. The process of cognition and education in the family circle enriches its common spiritual world. Family members become, as it were, a little closer, thanks to common knowledge and experiences experienced together. The humanitarian significance of cultural leisure lies in the use of its opportunities for the development of the individual, its creative potential, expanding the horizon of knowledge of family members. Combining rest with the whole family with the knowledge of the life, history and culture of another people is one of the tasks that cultural tourism is fully capable of solving. Acquaintance with the culture and customs of another country enriches the spiritual world of a person.

Family tourism, being an integral part and a special type of tourism, is becoming more and more in demand in the tourist services market. The main feature of family tourism is the complexity of the formation of a family tour program, associated, first of all, taking into account social, psychological and pedagogical conditions.

When organizing family tours, remember the following important components:

emotional contact as a necessity for bilateral and multilateral relations in family tourism;

taking into account the needs of children and adults in privacy;

a common goal in a variety of communication (both business and free);

a clear structure (should be), despite the fact that family leisure is characterized by the absence of strict standards, freedom to choose the types and methods of leisure activities;

taking into account the "possible stratification in the family tourist community" Ramzaeva, L.A. Family tourism as a means of educating adolescents in the system of additional education: author. dis. cand.ped. Sciences: 13.00.08 / Ramzaeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna; RAMT. - Skhodnya, 2002. - S. 19 .;

taking into account the age characteristics of communication, creating conditions for communication between children of different ages and adults;

creativity, or even more correctly, “co-creation”;

analysis of the life of a children-adult team for a certain period of time. Ramzaeva, L.A. Family tourism as a means of educating adolescents in the system of additional education: author. dis. cand.ped. Sciences: 13.00.08 / Ramzaeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna; RAMT. - Skhodnya, 2002. - S. 20.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that family tourism is one of the most difficult types of recreation. Based on psychological, pedagogical and scientific research, it can be argued that a widespread problem of family leisure is the correct distribution of time to meet the needs of each family member. Often, when organizing family leisure, a “bias” is made in the direction of a certain family member, in other words, either parents have to deny themselves something, or the children are not happy, feel unnecessary, and sometimes rest generally occurs at the expense of the health and safety of the child. This can happen if the parents, for example, irresponsibly reacted to the recommendations of the pediatrician, who warned that parents are strongly discouraged from taking their young child (infant) on a trip.

Traveling with children requires a special approach and strict organization. Here, a significant role is given to such a side of tourism activities as management. Experts say, and practice only reinforces this thesis: when planning a vacation with a child, especially with a small one, you should stay at resorts only with a developed service, which includes a wide range of services.

Also, great attention should be paid to the travel program itself, so that the child (children) maintain their usual routine as much as possible, suffer minimally from acclimatization, etc. Consequently, family tourism is a special type of tourism - both as a form of family leisure, and as a complex and financially profitable segment of consumption in the market. Granilshchikov, Yu.V. Family tourism / Yu.V. Granilshchikov. - M.: Profizdat, 2010. - S. 98 ..

A special place in the organization of the entertainment part of the trip is due to the fact that the purpose of family tourism is not only the trip itself, but also the strengthening of the family, the development of children, the formation of new knowledge and relationships in the family. Resting and communicating, participating in joint programs, parents and children learn to be closer to each other. The difficulty for the organizers here is the combination of the interests of adults and children, which requires ensuring the harmonious use in the family tour of programs designed only for children, only for adults and joint events that are interesting to everyone. This also imposes additional requirements on the mandatory availability of appropriate infrastructure at the places of intended accommodation on the route, including playgrounds and / or playrooms, the possibility of organizing children's parties and programs, and specially trained personnel.

If you want to go on a family trip, you need to decide on the type of vacation: you can choose for yourself a health trip or a tour related to sporting events. Excursions are great for families. In a word, the choice is quite large and the variety of the program often depends only on the age of the children - if they are still too small, then they choose a more relaxed program.

Consideration should also be given to aspects related to child psychology and physiology. The hotel where accommodation is supposed to be must have all the infrastructure that is needed for a good rest for young guests and their parents. One of the main requirements is ecological cleanliness. A place for a family vacation should be safe, calm, preferably located in an area with large green areas. Hotel rooms should be designed for a large company, at least they should be triple. Also, in hotels that provide family vacation services, there must be children's playrooms.

When choosing a tour for a family holiday, be sure to clarify what activities will be held for children and whether they will need the presence of adults. For example, it is better not to let children go on long excursions unaccompanied, but a child can watch a cartoon or play with other children without parental supervision. It is very good if the program includes walks in the forest or to the sea. Children also enjoy visiting zoos and amusement parks.

Organizing family tourism is not an easy task for a tour operator, requiring knowledge about the climatic conditions in countries, the services of various hotels, sightseeing tours, amusement parks and other important nuances. The tourism program may include visiting Disneyland, swimming in the sea, cycling and much more.

In relation to the conditions of leisure, education can be defined as a purposeful stimulation of the positive essential forces of the individual in the process of joint activity and pedagogically expedient interaction of the subjects of education. This definition largely reflects the ideas of humanistic psychology by K. Rogers, A. Maslow, T. Allport and other scientists who considered education as a process of creating conditions for self-realization and self-actualization of the individual.

The health-improving orientation of the use of tourism means can be explained primarily by Dzhangzhugazova, E.A. Marketing of tourist territories: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook Institutions / E.A. Dzhandzhugazova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - S. 132.:

the influence of constantly changing meteorological factors that enhance the adaptive capabilities of the child's body;

the possibility of choosing environmentally friendly conditions for physical education and outdoor activities;

ensuring the training effect of classes and the recommended level of physical activity.

Russia cannot compete with foreign countries in terms of the level of service, but it offers such a widespread and affordable type of children's recreation as sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation Zorin, I.V. Tourism management. Tourism as a kind of activity / I.V. Zorin, T.P. Kaverina, V.A. Quarterly. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen..

Also, a form of health promotion within the framework of active family recreation is effective walking, preferably in the "green zone". Their main advantages are:

Physical development, health promotion and hardening of the child's body;

Prevention of a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body, respiratory diseases;

Optimization of family relations by creating a pleasant atmosphere and spending time together, allowing you to get to know and understand each other better;

Development of moral qualities: perseverance, curiosity, love for the world around;

Positive educational impact through the development of new knowledge and skills, broadening one's horizons, forming a holistic view of the world and the homeland.

In a family trip, children feel their involvement in a common cause, see what benefits they bring. Walking with preschoolers requires careful organization. It is important to foresee all the little things, to find a successful combination of various kinds of physical activity with rest, which will give a positive emotional mood, bring joy to children.

Family hiking trips have an incomparable healing effect, resulting from the complex effect on the body of natural factors: the sun, air and a variety of motor activities. Joint trips and trips help to strengthen the family. They form positive moral qualities in children, they expand the horizons of the child, form primary ideas about the history of their native land. With the acquisition of the experience of camp life, children form the initial skills of survival in the natural environment. Independence, organization are brought up in children, the will develops Egorov, V.E. Tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon in the modern period / V.E. Egorov. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen..

Family tourism is a wonderful opportunity to relax, relax, at least for a while forget about boring everyday life and have a great time with your family. Rest with relatives helps to become even closer to each other, helps to strengthen the family, which is important and relevant at all times. Travel agencies should take into account all possible problems arising in connection with the specifics of vacationers when offering a family tour. The highest demand for family holidays coincides with the school holidays: the summer months, spring and autumn weeks plus two weeks in winter. But the most important thing is that the tourist offer is interesting for all family members. That is why in the next paragraph we examined the demand for family tourist and excursion programs with visits to estate museums and estate parks in the Leningrad Region.

Family tourism is a relatively new type of travel. It implies joint trips of parents and children, therefore it can be considered not only a form of recreation, but also an educational tool. According to the official wording of the World Tourism Organization, family tourism involves traveling with children under 11, but in practice, it usually does not recognize an age limit. For family trips, it is customary to choose ecologically clean places, quiet seaside resorts, as well as cities with great opportunities for children's recreation. may include a number of areas - sightseeing, cultural, educational, health-improving, recreational trips, travel for the purpose of beach recreation, as well as various forms of active entertainment.

Features of family tourism

Since children are involved in family tourism, it has certain specifics, which manifests itself in the choice of hotels, means of transportation, catering and entertainment. For accommodation, hotels where room pooling is available are preferable; ideally, the hotel should have playgrounds and playrooms. If the rest is made in a boarding house, four meals a day for children should be organized in it, or at least there should be a double menu - for adults and children.

Family tourism makes no less serious demands on the organization of a cultural and entertainment program. For example, study tours of local attractions should not be too complicated and academic, but should be understandable for people of all ages. If the excursion is intended exclusively for adults, then it should be possible to leave the child in the children's room for some time under the supervision of professional educators.

Organization of family tourism

When planning family tourism, it is necessary to take into account the availability of excursions and entertainment designed for children in the place of rest. We are talking about outdoor walks, attractions, zoos, water parks, various puppet show carnivals, etc. It is even better if the boarding house has interest groups and various programs for the creative development of children.

Family tourism aims not only to enjoy fun entertainment, but also to develop children. That is why it is important that the program for recreation with children includes additional services related to sports activities. We are talking about the presence in the recreation area of ​​tennis courts, swimming pools, sports and gyms. Excitement and positive emotions will leave bright and positive memories in the child’s soul if, during the holidays, he participates in football competitions, “Fun Starts” tournaments, etc.

Geography of family tourism

In Europe, the most popular countries for families with children are Greece, Spain, and Italy. Last but not least, this is due to the solid discounts provided in these states for many services related to children's recreation. Many excursions to legendary historical monuments are absolutely free for children. For example, if there are two children in a family, travelers pay only the cost of adult tickets to the Colosseum or the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii. The same applies to the Greek Acropolis, the famous Mount Olympus, the ruins of Knossos on about. Crete and other historical and cultural sites that abound in Italy and Greece. Significant discounts for children are provided in Turkey, Egypt and other Mediterranean countries. On the Black Sea coast of Russia, a good choice is

Family tourism is a relatively new type of travel. It includes joint trips of parents and children, so it can be considered not only a form of recreation, but also an educational tool. Family tourism can include a variety of activities such as sightseeing, cultural, educational and recreational travel, beach vacation travel, and various forms of active entertainment.

The concept of a family is commonly understood as that social group that has a historically defined organization, whose members are connected by marriage or kinship (as well as relations to take children into care), common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity.

Family tourism is conventionally considered travel of parents with children under 11 years old. However, this is not entirely true. Since its target audience should also include: young, unmarried; young families without children; young families with children; older families without children; older families with children and elderly families.

The family tourism market is very specific, as it has its own characteristics and requirements. Recently, there has been a noticeable trend towards family vacations around the world. This type of recreation can be very diverse: stationary and mobile, sports and health, etc. Therefore, programs can be completely different. Their set depends on the thematic focus of the tour. However, the presence of small children among travelers imposes its own specific features on the requirements for organizing these tours. When choosing accommodation, food and means of transportation, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of children's physiology and psychology, and also not to forget about the interests of adults (their parents).

Firstly, accommodation for such tours must be carried out in healthy and ecologically clean areas, calm and green places. In addition, hotels where tourists will be accommodated must meet specific functional requirements for families: 2-3-bed rooms, a system that unites rooms, rooms for children's games, etc. The programs of such tours must necessarily contain activities for children, adults, as well as joint activities.

Such programs should include study tours that both adults and children can participate in. Individual excursions for adults may also be included (subject to availability of babysitting service). Walks in nature (through the forest, river, sea) are very popular. Excursions to zoos or amusement parks should be organized.

When organizing recreational programs, it is also necessary to balance the interests of children and adults so that it is possible to organize special children's holidays (doll holidays, fairy tale holidays, ice cream or chocolate day), celebrate the birthdays of children who are currently visiting, etc. For these purposes, special employees are often hired to organize children's and joint programs (animators of children's and family holidays). Conditions should be created such as: the presence of playgrounds and small attractions in the territory adjacent to the hotel, as well as game rooms in case of bad weather. At the same time, we should not forget about adults: organizing dating evenings, creative programs, the presence of evening bars where parents can go after putting their children to bed. Also of interest are joint programs: organization of amateur performances, dances for children and adults, etc.

Sports programs for family tours are available as additional services (pools, tennis courts, gyms). Competitions in sports games (football, volleyball, "Funny Starts") between adults, children and mixed teams are very popular. Sports games between family teams with the presentation of symbolic prizes cause additional interest in sports programs on such tours. The most important function of the service is to create such a relaxing atmosphere in which the rest of the family can feel comfortable, calm, and at the same time it is interesting for them to relax.

As already noted, tourism currently plays an important role in family leisure.

Speaking about the specific motives for family participation in tourism activities, it should be borne in mind that the guiding principle is the desire to spend meaningful and interesting free time together.

Thus, family tourism, being one of the forms of family leisure, is of great importance in the life of a family person, as it seeks to restore physical and mental strength, is able to satisfy a person's needs for communication, entertainment, active and outdoor recreation.

Depending on organizational forms, the following types of tourism are distinguished. Organized tourism is strictly regulated travel offered by travel companies and usually implemented on a prepaid basis. Tourists can receive an appropriate set of services through the mediation of a travel company or without its participation, pay for a trip with a comprehensive service in advance or each service separately as it is used on the spot. Organized tourists purchase tours on pre-agreed routes, terms of stay, the volume of services provided through a special tourist sales apparatus. Some of them prefer tours with a comprehensive service, others are limited to partial tourist services (buying, for example, a kursovka only for meals).

unorganized tourism. Unlike organized tourists, unorganized tourists are not bound by any mutual obligations with various intermediaries, primarily travel companies. They travel on the principles of amateur performance and self-service. A typical example of unorganized tourism is hitchhiking, using passing cars as a means of transportation. X. Depending on the determining principle of pricing for the product, these types of tourism are distinguished.

Commercial tourism is "a standard option when a tourism company sells its tourist product to the buyer and makes a profit." The goods and services offered by the travel agency are designed mainly for people with high and medium income levels, who are ready to fully pay for tourist expenses from family budgets.

In contrast to commercial tourism, social (subsidized) tourism appears. “Social tourism is understood as travel subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs, while the state provides social benefits to certain categories of tourists in the manner prescribed by law.” These are certain subsidies in various forms, both from state and public organizations, as well as commercial structures, in order to provide opportunities for recreation and participation in tourism activities for various segments of the population who do not have enough money for this. Such layers include pensioners, students, categories of low-paid workers, etc. The concept of social tourism is based on three fundamental principles: providing recreation for each member of society through the widespread involvement of low-income people in the tourism sector; subsidizing tourism for the poor; active participation of central government, municipal, public and commercial structures in its development.

Tourism is particularly attractive due to the aesthetic and emotional aspects of travel. The historical and cultural environment draws a person into their unusual world. Therefore, the main condition for the development of cultural tourism is the historical and cultural potential of a country, the national heritage of the people, in general, tourist resources located in a particular territory.

In the process of social interaction caused by contacts between cultures, relationships of different nature arise, largely determined by the national and cultural mentality of representatives of different countries.

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