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Drooling strongly in a 3 month old baby. Excessive salivation in a child

A drooling baby seems cute. Increased salivation is observed in infants at 2-3 months, and by the year the amount of salivary fluid decreases. Often, with hypersalivation, drooling flows down the chin, which causes significant inconvenience to both parents and the baby himself. In what cases is increased salivation the norm, and in what cases is it a pathological process?

Why is saliva needed?

Saliva is a biological fluid produced by the salivary glands and secreted into the oral cavity. The main glands that produce it:

  • submandibular;
  • parotid;
  • sublingual;
  • many small glands in the mouth.

Why is saliva needed? When it becomes small, a person experiences discomfort, dry mouth, feels thirsty. It helps to chew food and swallow. The main functions of saliva:

Such a wide range of effects is due to the composition of saliva. For 98% it consists of water, the remaining 2% are the following substances:

In addition, saliva contains other enzymes, as well as acid salts and trace elements. The composition of this biological fluid can vary depending on the person's diet, health status, and the irritant that enters the oral cavity.

What saliva should be normal?

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In a healthy person, saliva is clear or slightly cloudy and colorless, with little or no odor. It is a little viscous, if you rub a drop between your fingers, you will feel a slip. The viscosity is only slightly greater than that of water. The density of saliva varies depending on its composition and is 1.002–1.12 g/ml.

One of the most important characteristics of saliva is acidity. Normally, it should be above 7 pH, that is, saliva is an alkaline environment. With an increase in acidity, the salivary fluid loses its bactericidal properties. An acidic environment is perfect for the reproduction of pathogens.

The buffer capacity of saliva is a concept that characterizes the ability of salivary fluid to neutralize harmful substances that enter the oral cavity. The higher the acidity, the lower the buffer capacity. Acidity increases with prolonged consumption of carbohydrates in food. That is why parents forbid their children to eat a lot of sweets so that they do not have caries.

Why does a baby drool profusely?

In newborns, saliva begins to flow immediately after birth, salivation only increases until the age of three months. It is not for nothing that bibs are hung on the chest of babies so that they do not wet their clothes. Sometimes such a feature of babies seems cute, but every mother has ever asked such a question: is this the norm if drooling runs so hard, or is it due to illness?

Physiological causes of increased salivation

Saliva is produced immediately at the birth of a child, but at 2-3 months, the baby blows bubbles most abundantly. This is a normal process, it is necessary for the full development of the child. Reasons why newborns have increased salivation:

The peak of intensive secretion of salivary fluid falls on 3-5 months. By six months, the swallowing reflex is almost formed. At what age does saliva stop flowing? By the age of 1, salivation normalizes, the baby can already control swallowing, the liquid does not flow down the chin.

Pathological causes

Hypersalivation is excessive salivation due to increased secretion of the salivary glands. If the baby drools down the chin and chest, there are too many of them, irritation and a rash around the mouth began to appear, this indicates the presence of a disease that provoked hypersalivation.

Causes of pathological salivation in a 2–3-month-old baby:

  1. Stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the oral cavity, characterized by the formation of ulcers and aphthae on the mucosa. With the help of saliva, the body tries to neutralize the infection, it is secreted as a reaction to infection. Also, the amount of salivary fluid increases due to the pain experienced by the baby.
  2. Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida. A frequent occurrence in newborns who become infected with thrush from the mother during the passage of the birth canal or from dirty nipples and bottles. It manifests itself in the appearance of a white curdled coating on the tongue, under which bleeding ulcers are hidden. Saliva with thrush is thick, cloudy, smells unpleasant.
  3. Cerebral palsy and other disorders of the central nervous system. The child has partial paralysis of the muscles, convulsions, and a violation of the coordination of muscle movements. Such violations prevent children from retaining saliva in their mouths.
  4. Colds, SARS, respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis). With these ailments, in addition to hypersalivation, the child develops a cough, runny nose, and fever.
  5. Diseases of the digestive system. Pathologies in the work of the stomach and intestines can provoke increased salivation. Saliva will smell bad and have a thicker consistency.

Changes in the amount and composition of saliva can occur due to stressful situations and nervous tension. Only a doctor can find out the cause that caused hypersalivation. First of all, it is necessary to take the baby to a pediatrician, and he will refer you to other specialists, if necessary: ​​an endocrinologist, neurologist, dentist or gastroenterologist.

How to alleviate the condition of the child?

The child is 3 months old, drooling - what to do? If the baby has a constantly wet mouth and chin, irritation will form in this place over time. The skin begins to peel off, weeping sores appear in this area. Some tips on how to help the baby:

If the baby is experiencing discomfort from excessive salivation, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Both a strong secretion of saliva and its lack should alert. Only a doctor can determine whether hypersalivation is a physiological norm for a particular newborn or is it a consequence of a disease.

The long-awaited day came and the baby was born, which was so reverently nurtured under the heart of the mother for 9 months. No one and nothing can burden the joy of motherhood. Constant sleep deprivation, caring for the little one, cooking, cleaning ... All this is nothing compared to the feelings that young parents experience after each cooing and smiling of their baby. What surprise parents are given if their 2-3-month-old baby began to salivate intensely. Bibs have gone to the entrance and everyone is waiting for the first tooth to appear. When does saliva normally begin to flow in children, and why does a two-month-old baby salivate so much?

Why does the baby salivate?

There is an opinion that if a baby salivates, it means that the first clove will appear soon. This opinion is not always shared by pediatricians, because pediatrics clearly states that the first tooth in a baby erupts at about 6 months from birth. Let's look at this issue in more depth. An interesting fact is that the salivary glands have the ability to produce saliva even at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus. Why does a child drool at such an early age?

When is excessive salivation normal?

Parents should not be surprised if their beloved baby drools a lot. This is a normal physiological process, conceived by nature itself. Parents should be alerted by the side symptoms that accompany their increased excretion in the little one. Therefore, one should know when such a physiological process should cause an alarming reaction, and when it is the norm and does not require any medical intervention.


An increase in the amount of salivation can be observed in the first months after birth. In newborns, this process is nothing more than a protective function.

It is the secretion of saliva that can prevent the infection from entering the oral cavity in the first weeks after birth.

In addition, saliva has another important function in newborns, especially between 2 and 5 months of age. Thanks to special enzymes that are part of saliva, starch is broken down into sugar. This allows the gastrointestinal tract to adapt favorably to a new environment, promotes the proper process of digestion, and normalizes bowel function.

At 1 month

The swallowing reflex in a newborn is not yet fully developed, but the active work of the salivary glands stimulates the production of saliva. The baby at 1 month has not yet learned to swallow, although the young mother notices his swallowing reflex when breastfeeding.

Not understanding what he should do with saliva in his mouth, if he is already full, the logical action for him will be to let saliva out - to his parents and it seems that they are flowing in a stream along his chin. Mom and dad should then make sure that the baby does not choke on saliva while lying on its back - it is best to put it on a barrel. Also, keep your baby's chin as dry as possible.

At 2 months

At 2 months of age, salivation does not decrease, but increases even more? It is worth examining the baby's mouth. Often, excessive salivation may indicate an inflammatory process in the mouth, for example, stomatitis. A child at 2 months old requires special attention if drooling comes in bubbles (we recommend reading:). If the tongue is covered with a white coating, then the pediatrician should be informed about this, who will recommend an effective remedy for candidiasis.

At 3 months

Why does a three-month-old peanut have so many saliva, and does it literally spit in a stream? At 2-3 months, children are already beginning to learn about the world around them. Their attention is attracted by nearby toys, which they strive to pull into their mouths. The thought creeps up that here it is - now the teeth should definitely erupt. Do not rush - everything has its turn.

In the third month of life, the amount of gland secretions, normally, should visually decrease. The child has already learned to hold his head, so some of the branches from the salivary glands can already flow into the stomach. Moreover, closer to the 4th month, the swallowing reflex begins to automate. Do not worry - salivation is considered the norm if the baby:

  • calm;
  • funny;
  • active;
  • playful;
  • does not refuse food.

Symptoms that require a pediatrician's consultation

A healthy child with parents and its proper development is a great happiness. Strong salivation, if it is not accompanied by other symptoms of abnormalities, requires only a timely change of clothes and bibs. Unfortunately, sometimes an immediate consultation with a local pediatrician is necessary. We list the symptoms in infants that should alert parents and require immediate consultation with a pediatrician:

  • Saliva does not cease to stand out and is accompanied by difficulty breathing through the nose and increased body temperature. It is possible that the baby caught the virus - it is required to determine its etiology.
  • The child's eyes turned red, his nose was blocked, coughing and frequent sneezing appeared. These symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction. At two or three months and up to a year, the development of allergies in an infant can be provoked by pollen from flowering houseplants, dust, detergents, children's hygiene products and pets.
  • Thickening of the tongue and its constant prolapse from the mouth with profuse salivation. This may indicate a dysfunction of the endocrine system.
  • Thick, cloudy saliva may indicate the presence of helminths. The pediatrician will prescribe the appropriate tests, the results of which will help to refute or confirm the suspicions.
  • If by 3 months the baby does not hold his head, his fontanel pulsates, he does not get enough sleep and constantly cries, then he should be shown to a neurologist. Developmental pathologies are not excluded.
  • Is excessive salivation accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing in the crumbs? Immediately call the pediatrician at home - these are symptoms of SARS.

The child cannot yet independently tell where it hurts. You should carefully monitor the behavior of the baby and, at the slightest suspicion of a deviation from the norm, immediately inform the pediatrician.

The birth of a child is not only a long-awaited event, but sometimes a test for a young and inexperienced mother. The baby is prone to various diseases, since the immune system is not yet sufficiently formed. Alarm signals cannot be ignored. Drooling in such young children, who are not yet three months old, is not uncommon, but increased salivation can be a symptom of certain health problems.

Moms are wondering if the baby is 2 months old, and drooling bubbles, is this normal.

In general, salivation at this age is normal, but too strong, of course, indicates the appearance of some kind of irritating factors in the external environment. After all, they don’t just appear, such is the physiology of the baby. Pediatricians say that this is how a protective reaction of a small organism manifests itself.

Pediatricians say that increased salivation manifests itself as a protective reaction of the body.

Saliva also occurs in infants at 1 month, but their especially abundant discharge begins at 2-3 months. The child develops gradually, the body is formed in several stages. So, just a few months after birth, a small person begins to explore everything in the most accessible ways for him. So far, he can cognize the world around him only through certain sense organs, the set of methods is limited, all objects need to be tasted. Therefore, babies even pull their own legs into their mouths, not to mention all the objects found on the floor. They can be not only toys that parents treat in a special way, but also household utensils, etc. Keeping track of a lively toddler is not always possible, so the body must be protected. This function is performed by saliva.. Bacteria of various viruses can be found on all these numerous objects, and the protective functions of the child are not yet sufficiently formed. Therefore, a lot of saliva in the baby, maybe for a very understandable reason. This is a protective agent, because they have antibacterial properties. There are already relevant studies proving this fact quite definitely.

Does it seem to parents that the child has too much of such secretions? In children, the body works a little differently than in mature individuals. The secretions from these specific glands increase, the glands themselves work actively. But the baby still does not know how to cope with them, that is, swallow. Some of his systems are simply not adapted for this yet. Therefore, it seems that the baby has too much saliva. Inexperienced mothers may panic, but don't worry too much about it.

With abundant salivation, the diet of a nursing mother should be reviewed

You can reconsider the diet of the baby.

Increased salivation in infants at 2 months may be due to malnutrition of the child, a lack of certain substances.

These secretions contain special enzymes. They not only contribute to disinfection, but are also able to break down starch. This process is necessary for the transformation of starch into sugar. Sugar in a small amount is necessary, it is needed for the development of a growing organism, for the formation of mental abilities. In the early stages of development, sugar is essential food for the mind. In addition, it is necessary to provide a person with energy. Therefore, if adults can choose to consume sugar or not, then children simply need it, parents should remember this. But, of course, we are not talking about an abundance of sweets and sweets.. The necessary and easily digestible sugar is found in fruits and honey. But the baby receives most of the nutrients at this stage exclusively from the mother's body, so it is the latter who needs to pay attention to the diet, to ensure its saturation with vitamins and essential sugars.

Drooling is also associated with the appearance of teeth. It is they who are able to reduce the intensity of the pain that accompanies this process. The gums soften, teething occurs faster and without pain. But the first teeth usually appear only after half a year.

What if it's a problem

But extremely strong and profuse salivation in infants can be evidence of serious problems, evidence of illness. And this may not just be a signal of a cold or a slight inflammation, a large amount of discharge can be a sign of a serious illness affecting the organs of movement, vital systems. The brain can also be affected, and saliva is also a signal of tumor formation.

Abundant salivation in infants can be evidence of serious problems

Parents themselves, even with solid experience or knowledge gleaned from a variety of popular science manuals, will not be able to identify and diagnose problems. Simply because sometimes special tools, research methods are needed.

You should not find out the source of the problem on your own, especially when newborns drool in the first months, you should immediately contact a specialist who has professional skills and all the necessary tools for research.

A pediatrician can redirect parents to a neurologist, you should not be afraid of this, the main thing is to go through all the necessary consultations in time so that, if there is a problem, it can be detected in time and cured, and eliminate its consequences.

It has already been said about a cold, of course, if a runny nose is an additional symptom, then a banal SARS can be suspected as the cause of excessive, according to parents, saliva. It is difficult for the baby to breathe through the nose, it is blocked. But breathing through the mouth can be difficult if there is too much secretion. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, otherwise, the child may experience a breakdown.

Stomatitis can also signal itself by the appearance of such symptoms. Actually, in this case, the mucosa forms secretions to cope with the infection. It may also indicate a large salivation of the growth of blood vessels. But if the parents have even a shadow of doubt, it is better to consult a doctor once again. The child cannot talk about his problems at this age, so the responsibility lies with his mature relatives. You can ask more experienced parents for advice or look for answers in reference books if it is not possible to get qualified advice. But if the problem persists, you should visit a specialist as soon as possible.

Baby care rules

Rapid teething is one of the causes of excessive salivation

What will help solve the problem?

  • Rapid teething. Usually they really begin to erupt no earlier than six months later. But there have been cases of the first appearance of teeth in the second, third month of life. And during the first year and a half, it will be difficult to do something with excessively intense salivation. But you can buy special toys filled with water for your baby. They are also called teethers or teethers. This will help reduce the discomfort of the baby.
  • Salivary glands are overactive. It may just be a period in development that passes in a couple of months. Nothing should be done, just spend more time caring for the child. The problem will gradually disappear by itself.
  • How to fight infection. This case is also described above. The child is very active in learning about the surrounding objects. This also goes away with time. You need to follow the baby, pay more attention to games, choose hypoallergenic toys, monitor his place of residence.
  • hypersalivation. This is the name of increased salivation if it is a symptom of the disease.

    You need to see a doctor urgently. It is better to identify the disease at the first stage, so that the treatment process is easier.

    You need to monitor the baby carefully, examine him regularly in order to correctly identify all other signs of disease.

The rules for caring for a baby are quite simple. With an excessive amount of secretion of such a liquid, special fabric pads will help to cope. Unpleasant sensations can occur not only in parents, but also in the baby, although he will not be able to say about it. Therefore, the task of parents is to make his first months more comfortable. You can apply ointments, this is necessary if inflammation appears. They need to be healed, and creams and ointments are used for this. The most important thing is to take care of the cleanliness of the child and not get upset for no reason, this period will pass quickly enough. It is necessary to pay more attention to the well-being of the baby so that this stage does not affect him in any way.

After the birth of a child, as it grows, almost every week in its development, you can notice the appearance of something new. Therefore, if a baby is drooling, such an event should not pass without the attention of parents, especially from the second month of life. The baby saliva is abundantly secreted, which at first does not cause inconvenience, but after 4-5 days the salivation becomes stronger, and the mother often has to change the child's clothes. If the baby's chin is constantly wet with saliva, irritation, inflammation and a rash appear on it very quickly, which give the child discomfort.

Causes of strong salivation in an infant

The main reason why there is an increased separation of saliva in children is the preparation of the gums for teething. This period often begins at 2 or 3 months and lasts up to a year and a half of the child's life. Often the teeth, when moving in the gum, bring the child pain and a feeling of fullness.

Saliva has the ability to mitigate inflammation of the gums, as it initially has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is impossible to cope with the separation of saliva, but you can help teeth erupt if you buy toys for the baby - rodents - the inside of which is filled with water. They need to be cooled in the refrigerator and given to the baby so that he scratches his gums with it. The sensation of pain from a chilled toy will be dulled.

Active work of the salivary glands

In the first year of a baby's life, the salivary glands are not fully formed and can sometimes arrange a "check" of their work. A lot of saliva is released, the child is not able to cope with it, and it simply flows out. But this process is short and rather rare.


Starting from the 3rd month, the baby tries to learn the world through the mouth. The older he gets, the more things he has in his mouth. Any dirty toy can cause a child to have a disease such as stomatitis. The body tries to get rid of microbes, infections as quickly as possible, and, given that saliva has a bactericidal property, it completely fills the baby's mouth.


This phenomenon is observed in children aged 3-6 years and is considered quite normal. In older children, this aesthetic defect causes a lot of inconvenience and is considered a disease. In most cases, hypersalivation is associated with a violation of the swallowing reflex and is accompanied by more serious diseases. To completely exclude cerebral palsy, epidemic encephalitis and other diseases, you need to consult a doctor.

How can you help

Saliva flowing in the baby in too much quantity confirms teething. It is useless to fight this phenomenon, since you will not be able to influence the natural process in the body. But to make life easier for the baby, and for yourself, is very possible:

  • so that clothes do not get wet from saliva, buy special collars made of waterproof material for the baby;
  • on a walk, give the baby a dummy, it will help swallow saliva;
  • itchy gums can be massaged by using a clean index finger. They need to lightly press on the likely areas of teething;
  • gel for gums will cool the inflamed areas, quickly anesthetize and relieve redness.

Do not forget that saliva secreted in large quantities is a temporary phenomenon, and after the appearance of the first main teeth, the baby's condition will be easier. Abundant salivation will gradually pass. Just wait out this time with your child. However, to exclude the possibility of any other diseases, show the baby to the doctor. Let the district pediatrician examine your child and establish the correct diagnosis.

drooling in 3 month old baby

saliva at 3 months

In chapter Parenting to the question The child is 3 months old, salivating and sucking the fist given by the author SG the best answer is that we still drool like a stream))) and they also started to flow early at about three months, and the first tooth appeared at five and a half, but I don’t allow my hand to gnaw, I change it for a toy, but we didn’t take a pacifier and even now only on the street I can stick it so that the cold air does not swallow

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: A child is 3 months old, drooling and sucking a fist

Answer from ***SKARLETT***
Let nothing be too early. it's like that for everyone

Answer from Araucaria-2
mine was constantly drooling, the first tooth appeared only by 5 months. The pacifier is worth a try, not the fact, of course, that he will want it. And a friend of a small one almost had the first one by the year, she also drooled constantly. So they climb there, teeth, but to

Answer from Nadezhda Kiyanitsina
give a better domestic rubber toy.

Answer from Zhanna Kuznetsova
scratches gums, precocious. Good development!

Answer from Vasin's love
You buy him a special silicone ring at the pharmacy, kids love to suck on it and rub their gums.

Answer from Elena
Give him something to scratch his gums, he'll like it.

Answer from Katyushka Kukharenko
This is for almost all children at this age, It is unlikely that this is for the teeth, we have been prophesying teeth since 4 months - as a result, not a single one. and we are 9 months old! img src= gt;. /a

Answer from Sweeties
why is it early, it’s already possible, but the fist is still tastier

Answer from Yatiana
Well, they still suck their fists in utero. And the teeth are like someone. Mine had 2 teeth at 3 months.

Answer from Oksana))
No, it's not for cutting. Buy a soft rubber toy to chew on. We are already 5 months old. and still there is no tooth, but the cam pulls into the mouth.

Answer from Maria zablikova
It's in front of the teeth.

Answer from Elena Khaydukova
Children are already born with teeth, so it's time to prepare, soon it will be biting.

Answer from Nikolai Kolomytsev
maybe he's just hungry and wants to eat, and you are all toys yes toys)))))))))))) hunger is not a toy so you can eat a fist)))

Answer from Lenka foam
My hands in my mouth pulls somewhere from 2.5 months, and from 3 months drooling. This is not to the teeth, this is such a period. I give teethers, but not because of the teeth, but because she needs to pull everything into her mouth

Answer from I love you!)))
Have us saliva stream, too, with 3 months! now 5, no teeth! chews everything, and the pacifier and the fist, and whatever comes to hand!))))

Answer from Jovetlana
give me anything (a pacifier, a toy, a raw carrot - it won’t bite off, but scratch the gum))). but do not let him suck his fist or finger - then you try to wean.

Answer from Olga Vinnikova
We are also 3 months old, salivating, sucking a fist, biting her chest very painfully, crying until I let my finger bite!

Answer from OKSANA
2 teeth erupted in mine at 3 months, I buy babydent drops, they help us don’t buy only teethers with liquid, we bought an ordinary Russian one, like a tree, there are also fish, they are soft and are well held by the handle

Hello! Here are some other threads with relevant answers:

A child of 2.5 months salivates and sucks a cam

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You must show the child to the pediatrician, because of course such symptoms can be on the background of teething, although of course it’s too early for your teeth, but everything is possible. And why show the doctor, yes, because if all the same, teeth erupt, then against the background of their teething, immunity decreases very much, so you can easily get sick (In general, at such moments, I washed my nose anyway and smeared the nasal mucosa with Viferon gel, so we are a pediatrician Yes, and then, of course, you can write everything off as teeth, but in principle no one canceled a cold, so there must be a doctor’s examination, after the examination, the doctor will tell you for sure if it’s teeth, and if it’s still not teeth, then he will prescribe treatment .

In the human body, there are large and small salivary glands, it is thanks to them that the regulation of salivation occurs. If this rather complicated process proceeds normally without deviations, they are able to secrete up to 2.5 liters of saliva per day. Otherwise, certain disturbances in the functioning of vital systems may be accompanied by salivation - increased secretion of saliva, or in other words, hypersalivation. Also, excessive salivation in a child can be called ptyalism or sialorrhea.

The handle of the baby is always in the mouth, and saliva constantly flows down the chin? The reasons for this can be very different.

In the period up to 2 years, children are characterized by excessive functioning of the salivary glands. At this age, this is a physiological feature. The reason may well be cutting milk teeth, which also force the crumbs to suck their own fingers or even fists. When a child drools in large quantities, this often leads to a rash in the mouth area, but it does not need treatment. It just needs to get through this time. Parents should be more attentive to the appearance of profuse salivation after the child is 2 years old, since various pathological causes can cause it.

Drooling in the baby and their causes

All newborns in the first month are distinguished by the fact that their salivary glands have a fairly low level of secretory activity. It is not common for a one-month-old baby to drool a lot with blisters in general, but there are several factors that can cause profuse salivation:

  1. Immaturity of the system that regulates salivation. However, by one and a half months, saliva secreted in large quantities will become normal, since it is by this age that the salivary glands begin to work more actively.
  2. Allergic rhinitis or an infection that is bacterial or viral in nature. Such reasons are quite likely if there are no other symptoms (for example, the first teeth are climbing in the crumbs, and therefore he sucks his fists all the time).
  3. birth defects. In this case, you should consult a pediatrician.

When a 2-month-old child drools, this is most often associated with the inability to swallow them - this physiological process naturally occurs only in the process of feeding. During this period of time, the endocrine glands and salivary glands simultaneously begin to function in the baby's body. As a result, a three-month-old baby can observe constant streams of saliva, but this is natural, and over time he will learn how to properly handle saliva.

The cause of increased salivation in babies can be diseases, for example, rhinitis

At 3-4 months, copious salivation may mark the beginning of the growth of milk teeth (which teeth are cut first?). It is also accompanied by restless behavior, the child endlessly sucks his fingers, and sometimes the entire fist. The formation of the first teeth begins deep in the gum. Overcoming the way up, they injure the gum tissue, which causes a lot of pain, which is why the child sucks his fist and always puts his fingers in his mouth. Saliva helps soften the gums, thus reducing the pain experienced by the child.

After the teeth have already erupted, saliva performs important cleaning functions: due to the alkali content, they wash out food debris after feeding and foreign particles that have fallen into the mouth due to the fact that the baby sucks on the hands. Thus, they help prevent dental pathologies.

Helping a baby with excessive salivation

The continuous flow of saliva in an infant causes discomfort to both the baby and the parents. The result of profuse salivation can be not only constantly wet clothes and a bad mood, but also irritation in the chin and chest. Such a rash, which appears as a result of endlessly flowing saliva, causes far from the most pleasant sensations and additional inconvenience. Plus, a large amount of saliva secreted can provoke a cough in the crumbs.

The use of teethers and special gels for gums will relieve itchy mouth and soothe the baby.

It is possible to minimize all the ensuing consequences through proper care, which includes:

  • The use of bibs. They have been resorting to their help for a very long time, and due to the presence of a lining made of waterproof materials, they perfectly protect the baby's chest from constant exposure to moisture. It will not be superfluous to include them in the list of things that need to be purchased even before the baby is born.
  • Buying a pacifier. In the modern world, many mothers are trying to give up nipples. However, it can be very useful, because with it it becomes much easier for the baby to swallow saliva.
  • Purchasing cutters. Such inventions are aimed at reducing itchy gums. At the same time, they perfectly absorb excess saliva. It is important to regularly send them to the wash and rinse well.
  • The use of face creams containing vitamins A and E. Lubrication of irritated areas with them will reduce discomfort.
  • Laying the baby on the tummy. Since newborn babies lie on their backs almost all the time, saliva accumulates, as it is difficult for them to flow out of their mouths. Laying the baby on your stomach is a great solution to this problem.
  • The use of cooling and anesthetic gels. They will relieve itching in the gums, which in turn will lead to a decrease in irritation, and therefore a decrease in saliva.

Despite all the inconvenience associated with heavy salivation, in most cases this is completely normal. All children go through this, and parents just need to be patient and, if possible, alleviate the condition of the crumbs.

If you are still worried about the continuous salivation of the baby, which is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, consult a pediatrician Excessive salivation as a symptom of diseases

The table below lists the possible reasons why a child at the appropriate age drools profusely against the background of other manifestations. It also describes the measures that can be taken to somehow alleviate his condition:

What worries the child? Likely Causes Your actions
In the first six months of life, the baby became irritable, tends to gnaw and chew something all the time, pulls any objects into his mouth The process of eruption of milk teeth A nipple, special rubber rings or just a cold object will help to calm the baby.
The baby has a headache, a sore throat, a stuffy nose, snot flows, he sneezes, coughs, he has a fever, possibly enlarged lymph nodes in his neck SARS or tonsillitis, sometimes streptococcal Call a doctor and lower the temperature with paracetamol at the required dose
Painful ulcers or white spots appeared on the oral mucosa of the crumbs Stomatitis Examination by a pediatrician and prescribing appropriate treatment. At home, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda
In the sitting position, the baby takes deep breaths with an open mouth with the presence of noise, while his chin is lowered. A high temperature rises and the child complains of a severe sore throat Epiglottitis is swelling of the epiglottis. This is the formation that covers the windpipe This disease affects only children older than three years of age. It is necessary to calm the baby and yourself so as not to aggravate the already difficult breathing and call an ambulance
Sudden fall with twitching of limbs convulsions Immediate call for an ambulance

Other possible causes of excessive salivation in a child who is already two years old may include:

  • a disease that disrupts the functioning of the salivary glands, such as viral sialadenitis;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreatitis and peptic ulcer;
  • all kinds of deviations in the work of the central nervous system;
  • nervous stress.

In children older than two years, drooling may indicate an illness, such as gastrointestinal problems.

Based on functional studies of the sublingual and parotid salivary glands, which are carried out to date, only increased salivation can be diagnosed. In the absence of pathologies, the amount of saliva secreted, which ranges from 1 to 4 ml within 20 minutes, is considered within the normal range. When exceeding 10 milliliters, it is believed that a person has such a pathology as hypersalivation. Its false form can manifest itself, for example, as a result of a tongue injury or bulbar palsy.

In any case, whatever the underlying cause of hypersalivation, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. Elimination of the main problem will entail an independent cessation of salivation.


If we consider salivation from a physiological point of view, then this process assumes the mutual work of the receptors of the periphery and the brain. The point is that when saliva is collected in the mouth, then the command to swallow it is transmitted through the motor pathways to the brain. When the functioning of the reflex sensorimotor arc is disturbed, as a result of a distortion of sensitivity, or in other words, with hypoesthesia, the flow of information from the oral cavity does not reach the brain. This leads to the fact that the number of involuntary swallows during the day decreases, which means that the amount of saliva increases.

In order to restore reflex swallowing, it is necessary to correct the sensorimotor arc. In order to overcome this problem, you need to try to create conditions under which the brain will again receive sufficient information.

Only a doctor can choose a method of treating complicated salivation, the main thing is not to let everything take its course, the disease itself will not go away

Cryotherapy is considered the most effective way to combat hypersalivation. The bottom line is to hold an ice stick on the tongue of the crumbs. Naturally, this approach does not give 100% guarantees, but if salivation does not stop completely, then at least it is significantly reduced. Cryotherapy does not work instantly, but requires endurance and perseverance, but it is less painful than surgery and dental correction.

Reasons to see a doctor

If up to two years, increased salivation in children is a physiological norm, then after this age limit, this problem requires the help of specialists. The consultation will clarify whether such a situation is temporary and normal from the point of view of physiology, or, on the contrary, pathological, and one cannot do without medical intervention.

In the case of true hypersalivation, drugs are prescribed that have an anticholinergic effect. These include:

  • Spasmolitin;
  • Atropine;
  • Tifen;
  • Diprofen and others.

Taking such drugs has a number of side effects that can be an order of magnitude more serious than excessive salivation. Surgery and radiation are also dangerous with abnormalities such as caries or facial asymmetry. Any decisions regarding the treatment of the problem should be made deliberately, choosing methods based on their appropriateness and individual characteristics.

Excessive salivation can provoke dysarthria in an older child - a violation of pronunciation. Speech becomes slurred and unintelligible. This, in turn, slows down the pace of development, which negatively affects its socialization. In such cases, a qualified speech therapy massage may be needed. During this period, the baby should drink more water in order to restore fluid losses in the body. Whatever leads to the problem of drooling, it is important not to let it take its course.


A temperature in a 3 month old baby can be a serious cause for concern. An increase in temperature to 38 degrees and above in a baby at such an early age requires urgent medical attention. In this case, you should immediately call a doctor, informing you that the child is only 3 months old. If it is not possible to call a pediatrician, call an ambulance, even if it is late at night. In no case should you bring down the temperature with medicines on your own (unless the doctor recommends them), this is necessary so as not to mask the symptoms of the disease before a medical examination. Usually, a child with a high temperature will have a urine and blood test, which can detect a bacterial infection.


A child at 3 months old cries, mainly as a result of many reasons. The most common reason for a baby to cry at 3 months is hunger. Also, the baby may cry as a result of intestinal colic. Their reason is the immaturity of the enzymatic system of the crumbs, malnutrition of a nursing mother, and an allergic reaction. Gas accumulates in his intestines, presses on the walls of the intestines, causing pain.

Another reason for a baby crying at 3 months is fatigue. Due to the hyperexcitability of the nervous system, children quickly get tired. And their main reaction to fatigue - psycho-emotional or physical - is crying.

Cough, runny nose

If a child has a runny nose at 3 months, then first of all it is necessary to help him free the nasal cavity from excess accumulated mucus. For these purposes, special devices called aspirators are suitable for such young children. Today in pharmacies they are sold in a wide range of different types. Nasal mucus should be aspirated as often as necessary. If you need to cure a runny nose in a baby at 3 months, then for a better effect, before cleansing, it is better to drop 1-2 drops of a saline cleansing solution into the nasal cavity. This helps soften the crust and makes the mucus more fluid, speeding up its removal.

sleeping badly

If a child does not sleep well at 3 months, then it is recommended to observe the evening ritual of going to bed. Encourage your child to fall asleep every day after an evening bath. Before going to bed, it is recommended to ventilate the room where the baby will sleep. Do not leave the lamp on at night. It is also recommended to eliminate all the unpleasant moments associated with improper care. For example, if the baby is worried about intestinal colic, then massage the tummy and wear it in an upright position. This will allow him to get rid of gases and fall asleep faster. If the child has diaper rash, then it is better not to wear a diaper at night. If the problem is neurological in nature, then the child may stay up all night and cry constantly. Such a condition of his needs treatment, and in this case, you need to seek help from a pediatrician.

Spitting up, drooling

If a child spits up at 3 months and drools, then this is not always a cause for concern. At about 2-3 months, the baby begins active salivation, this is provided for by nature and is in the order of things. With the help of its bactericidal properties, saliva protects the baby's body from various infections, which is especially important when the child puts everything in his mouth.

Regurgitation is the passive throwing of a small amount of food from the stomach into the esophagus, pharynx and oral cavity, most often observed in children under three to four months of age. This phenomenon occurs even in absolutely healthy children (however, not often, and the volume of regurgitation should not exceed 3 milliliters). According to statistics, up to 67% of all children under the age of 4 months spit up at least once a day, so if this happens rarely and in small quantities, then there should be no cause for concern.

Doesn't eat well

A child at 3 months does not eat well for the following reasons:

  • monotonous food - perhaps you feed him with milk alone, and at this age you can already slightly diversify his menu;
  • selective appetite - perhaps he does not like certain foods. This may be due to the taste preferences of the crumbs;
  • a large portion - a mother’s mistake may be that she offers the crumbs a larger portion of food than he should, and he, in turn, begins to actively resist;
  • fast feeding - the situation also affects the baby's appetite. You should not push the baby, let him eat as much time as he needs;
  • diseases - sometimes the cause of poor appetite can be a consequence of the inflammatory process in the nose and nasopharynx - it can be caused by tuberculosis, kidney disease and worms.

Stomach ache, constipation

Constipation in a child at 3 months of age who is breastfed, in most cases, occurs as a result of a violation of the absorption of nutrients and feeding. With quantitative underfeeding, or good absorption of mother's breast milk, the child may not have enough feces to stimulate the urge to defecate. In such cases, stool retention can be 2-3 days. Also, the cause of constipation at this age may be a lack of vegetable fiber. At the same time, excess fat in food only exacerbates constipation, contributing to even greater hardening of feces. In addition to reducing the frequency of bowel movements during constipation in children, abdominal pain and a decrease in appetite are also observed. In case of chronic constipation, stool volume increases.


In children at 3 months, dysbacteriosis occurs as a result of an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. Normally, both harmful and beneficial microorganisms should live in it, but in a healthy baby, the number of harmful ones is minimal. Problems appear when, as a result of some reasons (stress, decreased immunity, taking antibiotics, unhealthy diet), harmful bacteria multiply and crowd out beneficial ones. The main consequences of dysbacteriosis are associated with disruption of the digestive tract. If the bowels are not working properly, this means that the baby is not getting all the nutrients he needs. The baby may develop such a phenomenon as malabsorption. It is associated with malabsorption in the small intestine and leads to diarrhea, when the child's stool becomes frothy, has a clayey pungent odor.


If a child is naughty at 3 months, many parents believe that various health problems are the cause of this, but in reality this is far from the case. Most often, when a child is naughty at three months old, this is due to the fact that he is simply bored. Capricious, the child whimpers, cries as if "not really." In order to cope with such whims, you need to talk with the baby, play with him, try to take him in your arms and tell a funny nursery rhyme or a fairy tale, and you yourself will not notice how a mischievous smile appears on his face. In the same case, if the baby is naughty all the time, for no apparent reason, it is recommended to show him to the doctor, because maybe this is a symptom of some kind of disease.

thumb sucking

It happens that a child at 3 months sucks a finger or a fist, and it happens like this: the child accidentally gets a finger in his mouth, and he greedily sucks on it, while doing this with smacking and whistling. These actions indicate that the baby's need for suckling is not satisfied, and you need to either give him a pacifier or increase the time of sucking at the breast. It is in the first 3 months that the baby's need for sucking is very high, while over time it begins to gradually disappear. If the child sucks his thumb for several minutes just before feeding, this indicates that he is simply hungry. Almost all babies put their fingers in their mouths when their teeth start to cut, do not be afraid of this - it's normal.

Tries to sit up

Most parents are interested in the question, if a child at 3 months old is trying to network, is it possible for him to do this? Most pediatricians do not recommend planting a baby at this age, but if your baby is extremely active, then you can, most importantly, not for a long time. Mom can sit the baby on her lap or on the table, but be sure to hold it, you can also sit it on the bed, but be sure to prop it up with a blanket or pillows. At the age of three months, the baby begins to form the muscular and skeletal system. From two months, you can start doing gymnastics with your baby, teach him to rise, holding on to the fingers of the parent. To strengthen the muscular system from an early age, teach the baby to crawl. Also from 3 months you can feed the baby in an upright position.

Before allowing the baby to sit at 3 months, parents must be sure that he is completely healthy, since in this position there is a very large load on the skeletal system and spine, which in the future may affect his health. All children try to sit at such an early age, but not all succeed. At this age, he still cannot sit up straight, he falls on his side, or leans on the handles.

Watching TV

The smaller the baby, the more time mom spends with him in front of the TV. But is it possible for a child to watch TV at 3 months? Let's try to figure it out. In the first weeks of a baby's life, the muffled sound from a working TV has a lulling effect on him. At 3 months, the baby is already beginning to understand where a cartoon is shown, and where, for example, a documentary. In addition, at this age, his vision is quite ready for watching TV, but not for too long. You can allow the baby at this age to watch no more than one short cartoon per day.

TV should not be used as background sound for a child's room. Don't watch your favorite show while you are giving your baby a bottle or a breast. You will be very passionate about what is happening on the screen, not paying proper attention to feeding.

throws back his head

A child at 3 months old can throw his head back for several reasons:

  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • everything is fine, it's just that the baby is so comfortable;
  • increased intracranial pressure (it is this that is accompanied by various neurological manifestations).

What can be done in such a case? In most cases, the baby throws his head back due to muscle tone, which can be removed as a result of a massage course. If you are embarrassed by this position of the crumbs, then put it on the back, as a result of the passive transfer of the center of gravity to the shoulder blades, the child himself will relax the neck.

Periodically, you should do the following exercises: take the child comfortably so that his back and buttocks are on your forearms, and you can put your palms on his coat hanger. Holding it in this position, gently and briefly turn it upside down. Over time, you can play such a game more often and “hang” for longer.

Buy a swim ring. Dangling the crumbs with legs in the water perfectly develops dexterity and relieves tone. The result of such a procedure is noticeable very soon.

Teeth are being cut

A child is teething at 3 months, is this normal? At the age of three months, babies cut their teeth quite often. At least, it is at this age that the first symptoms of the eruption of the first incisors in his life begin to appear in the crumbs.

There is an easy way by which you can calculate how many teeth a child should have at a certain age. To do this, it is necessary to subtract 6 from the age (in months). However, you need to understand that all children are individual and the timing of their teeth thinning is also completely different. It often happens that the teeth begin to be cut at 3 months, and it happens that only at 10 months. According to doctors, both of these cases are completely normal.

sticks out tongue

If you notice that your child is sticking out his tongue at 3 months, then you should watch him carefully, and also pay attention to his general well-being: does he throw his head back, does he sleep well, does he grimace when sticking out his tongue? In most cases, the child does this in a playful way, but it also happens in an involuntary way. In some cases, if a child shows his tongue, this may not be fun at all, but a very serious symptom of some kind of disease associated, for example, with the nervous or endocrine system. That is why at this stage it is so important to observe the development of your crumbs.

arches back

If a child arches his back at 3 months, then it is imperative to look also at his accompanying actions. In the event that the baby cries, then this may indicate increased pressure, which requires mandatory consultation with the doctor and further treatment. Also, the cause of this may be muscle tension, which can be removed with a light relaxing massage. However, it is far from always that if a child arches his back, this means that he has any health problems. At this age, babies are preparing to roll over on their tummy, and it is for this reason that they begin to arch their backs. This is a kind of preparatory process for the coup. If during such arching of the back the child does not cry, then there is no cause for concern, just physical development goes on its own.

Hair fall out

The first hair of a child is very delicate and thin, reminiscent of fluff. All mothers need to know that a child's hair begins to fall out at 3 months, and there is nothing to worry about. The first hairs are fickle and soon new ones should grow in their place. When rubbing the head against a pillow, mattress, mother's hands during breastfeeding, a cap during a walk, the skin of such a crumb begins to sweat, and thin hairs fall out easily. Also, in a child at 3 months, hairs can fall out while combing them with a soft comb - there is nothing to worry about.

Usually, hair falls out around the third month of life, while parents should not be scared, since it is at this time that your baby is going through a kind of developmental leap, as a result of which the entire hairline is gradually replaced. Instead of "fluffy" thin hair, the child begins to grow new, tougher and stronger. However, the process of replacing lost hair is often delayed - new hair can begin to grow much later, up to a year and a half, this is also within the normal range.

Red cheeks

Rosy cheeks are a sign of good circulation and good health. But if a child at 3 months has red cheeks for no reason, what can this mean? First of all, before starting treatment, you need to find out the cause of their redness. One of the options for redness of the cheeks can be diathesis, but I immediately want to say that it is not a disease. Translated from the Greek language, "diathesis" means "a predisposition or inclination towards something." Therefore, diathesis is not a disease, but an indicator of your baby's predisposition to certain diseases. Therefore, there is no answer to the question of how to cure redness of the cheeks with diathesis. Diathesis cannot be cured, but it can be used to establish a diagnosis and cure the disease that it indicates. To date, three main causes or three types of diathesis have been identified:

  • lymphatic-hypoplastic;
  • neuro-arthritic;
  • exudative-catarrhal (allergic).

The latter type is the most common, and is called allergic diathesis, it is caused by certain foods. Most often, they are exposed to children from three months to a year.

Sweats a lot

Often, parents notice that a child is sweating a lot at 3 months, and wonder what is the reason. You should not panic, sweat is a physiological natural process. At the age of 3-4 weeks, the child's sweat glands begin to work. However, they are still very poorly developed, and any temperature difference leads to vasodilation, as a result of which the baby is cold or sweats a lot. However, if the baby sweats, despite the stable normal temperature in the room, urgently show it to the pediatrician. This is especially necessary if the baby sweats in a dream. This may be the first sign of such a serious disease as rickets. Often, when the baby begins to sweat, he becomes extremely capricious, cries a lot for no reason, sleeps restlessly. Such changes may be an additional sign of the development of rickets. Often, excessive sweating occurs in children with heart failure, with colds, hyperthyroidism, with a lack of vitamin D in the body, or while taking certain medications.

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