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The dog was bitten by an infected tick. The dog was bitten by a tick - symptoms and treatment at home. Blood Cell Destroyer

Symptoms of a tick bite in a dog depend on the disease carried by the tick. An accurate diagnosis can only be made using a blood test.

The first signs of piroplasmosis may appear during from 1 to 5 days (the longest period is 20 days). Signs of a tick bite in a dog infected with encephalitis will become noticeable in 14 days. Some diseases, such as borreliosis (Lyme disease), may appear months later.

Symptoms of piroplasmosis:

  • refusal to eat. At first, the dog may eat less than usual, but after a while it will completely refuse to eat. In this case, the animal may be thirsty;
  • lethargy, general weakness. The animal will try to lie down most of the time, behave passively, and refuse to go for walks. As the disease progresses, weakness will increase;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • dizziness, shortness of breath;
  • spasms, convulsions. There may be spasms in the neck, or the hind limbs will begin to fail;
  • elevated temperature. This symptom may not appear, especially if it is re-infected. The temperature subsides two days after infection;
  • pallor of mucous membranes. Associated with a lack of oxygen and intoxication of the body;
  • dark urine. The urine will darken due to the removal of red blood cells destroyed by the disease.

Symptoms of encephalitis:

  • heat;
  • , motor impairment;
  • disruption of the urinary system;
  • visual impairment;
  • tremor;
  • laryngeal paresis, change in barking;
  • pain in the neck and head;
  • paralysis.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately take your pet to a doctor. The longer it remains untreated, the more harm will be caused to health. Delayed assistance can lead to death.

Important! Piroplasmosis may not be detected during the first blood test.

If several obvious signs of the disease are detected, but Babesia is not found in the blood, it is necessary to retest.

How to get a tick from a dog? It must be carefully removed with tweezers, pulling out the body with a slow twisting motion. Instead of tweezers, you can use thread. A loop is created from it, which hooks the tick.

The bite wound should be treated with iodine or brilliant green. The remaining tick head under the skin can lead to inflammation. You need to lubricate this place with iodine, after some time it will come out on its own. If this does not happen, you should take your dog to the vet.

Attention! The longer a tick is attached to a dog, the more it infects the animal.

Possible consequences of a bite

Consequences of piroplasmosis. The destruction of red blood cells and the release of large amounts of hemoglobin has a negative effect on all organs of the dog. Possible dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, spleen. Possible cerebral hypoxia.

Consequences of encephalitis can be the most severe: neuropsychic disorders, paralysis, blindness.

After identifying and removing a tick, you should contact a veterinary clinic as soon as possible, without waiting for symptoms of the disease to appear.

Bite prevention

In places where heating mains pass, it may be warm enough to awaken the tick, even if it is cold outside. Try to avoid such areas when walking with your pet.

There are several options for protecting your dog from ticks:

  • drops on the withers. Your pet needs to be treated every three weeks. The drug begins to act after three days, during which time the animal is prohibited from bathing. The most popular drops are Advantix, Frontline, and Inspector. In recent years, the effectiveness of these drugs has decreased significantly;
  • anti-tick collar. Requires constant wear and for this reason is considered an undesirable option;
  • pills. Given once a month. They are currently recommended by veterinarians as the most effective option;
  • spray. It is necessary to treat the dog every time before a walk. Sprays are an additional prophylactic agent;
  • essential oils. Instead of a spray, you can use oils whose smell repels ticks: mint, lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree oil. A few drops of oil should be dissolved in water and sprayed onto the animal’s fur. This remedy should only be used as an additional option;
  • special suits. When hiking in a forest or park where the grass is quite tall, you can wear light, light-colored cotton overalls. It will allow you to quickly and easily detect a tick and protect the animal’s skin from a bite;
  • combing after a walk and inspection. After each walk, you need to carefully examine and comb the dog. Ticks take a while to burrow into the skin, so this option can help avoid being bitten.

Anti-mite products may cause allergies. When using for the first time, you need to monitor the condition of the animal. If signs of an allergic reaction are noticeable, it is necessary to wash off the product and give the appropriate one.

Attention! No tick repellent is effective enough to completely protect your dog from being bitten.

Dogs do not develop immunity to piroplasmosis and other tick-borne diseases, so it is important to remain vigilant at all times. Prevention and timely consultation with a doctor in the event of a bite will help preserve the life and health of your pet.

If pet owners independently remove a bloodsucker that has burrowed into the animal, it is recommended to send the insect to a laboratory to determine its danger.

There is virtually no threat from a tick bite unless a pathogen enters the bloodstream. After removing the insect, the wound will heal quickly. The danger is posed by the fact that ticks are carriers of various diseases.

In winter, ticks are in a latent state - they sleep. During this period, their body produces toxins that accumulate and become dangerous. At the moment of the bite, the toxin penetrates the dog and has a negative effect on it.

Tick ​​activity is greater in the spring. A hungry insect, awakened from hibernation, tries to find food for itself, and therefore domestic animals are its frequent victims.

  • armpits of the forelimbs;
  • the ears or the area around them;
  • abdomen and groin area;
  • areas along the line of the spine.

What symptoms should you expect from a tick bite:

Ticks on dogs can “travel” through the body for several days after they land on the fur. They move slowly in order to achieve the most optimal conditions for their feeding. Therefore, when examining animals at home after a walk for ticks, you need to be very careful. This procedure is recommended to be carried out at the doorstep of the house. If the bloodsucker is still on the fur, it may fall to the floor during inspection. When the procedure is carried out in the house, the bloodsucker will overtake its victim again after some time.

If the animal behaves suspiciously and after examination a tick is found embedded in its skin, it is recommended to immediately take the pet to a veterinary clinic. If veterinary assistance cannot be provided immediately, owners are advised to attempt to remove the bloodsucker themselves. For this case, you will need special tweezers.

Important! After removing the bloodsucker, the bite site must be treated with a disinfectant.

The consequences of a tick bite are not always tragic, even if the animal is infected with some disease. Pet owners should be aware that preventive vaccinations against various diseases only increase the chances of recovery. That is why it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists and carry out vaccinations in a timely manner.

For a person, a tick bite is not as terrible as for an animal, but the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms is inevitable if the insect was a carrier of one of the diseases.

After a tick bite, in addition to encephalitis, a dog may develop the following diseases:

  • piroplasmosis;
  • hepatozoonosis;
  • bartonellosis;
  • Lyme disease;
  • Erchiliosis.

If the animal only experiences symptoms of body intoxication, then such consequences of a tick bite can be considered the least dangerous. It will be difficult and unsafe to manage without medical help for any complication.

One of the common complications after the bite of an infected tick is a disease such as piroplasmosis. Even with timely and correct treatment, the pathological process can lead to complications.

As a result of the bite, the skin is damaged and pathogens enter the bloodstream. Symptoms of the disease will appear as:

  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • refusal of food;
  • increasing the daily norm of water consumed;
  • increase in body temperature.

The first stage will last for several days, after which the symptoms of the disease will disappear on their own, but not for long. The resumption of pathological signs is more pronounced. The dog refuses everything and lies down almost all the time. At this time, red blood cells are destroyed. The color of the urine changes to a darker color and can sometimes take on a greenish tint. Despite refusing to eat, the pet suffers from bouts of diarrhea. In especially severe cases, paralysis of the limbs is observed.

Treatment of piroplasmosis should be comprehensive. In addition to drugs that promote the rapid elimination of toxic substances from the body, the animal must be given vitamins, hepatoprotectors and drugs that stabilize cardiac activity.

Any disease must be treated correctly. If the diagnosis is made incorrectly and the animal is prescribed an antiparasitic therapeutic course when it is not required, for the dog everything can end in death or long-term rehabilitation. Even one injection will be enough to cause harm.

In this article I will describe the symptoms of a tick bite in a dog. I’ll tell you how to remove a tick at home and what to do: there are several effective methods, depending on what you have on hand. I will describe the possible consequences of a bite and how to save a dog after a tick bite, what a tick looks like, its types, what kind of food it should have.

The pet supply market offers enough products to protect your pet from tick and flea bites. Unfortunately, no product will completely guarantee protection of your pet from bites.

Signs of ear mites or otodectosis disease

Otodectosis and its symptoms:

  • the dog often scratches its ear (scabies);
  • the animal shakes its head, trying to throw the insect out of its ear;
  • wounds appear in the auricle (if they are not treated in time, the wounds will begin to fester);
  • A dark-colored discharge appears from the ear, with a characteristic unpleasant odor.

Ear drops and ointments are used in treatment.

All medications used to treat ear mites are poisonous! Each dog is prescribed the drug and dosage individually by a veterinarian.

If the dosage is incorrect, you can either fail to cure and cause your pet to become ill, or cause irreparable harm to the animal due to an overdose of poisons.

Otodectosis in a dog

Signs of a subcutaneous mite

The subcutaneous tick can live on a dog asymptomatically.

Main symptoms:

  • hair loss;
  • skin redness;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • loss of appetite;
  • in severe forms of the disease - the appearance of pustules.

Treatment of demodicosis lasts for months. Veterinarians prescribe antibiotic therapy, treat with ointments, vitamins, and strengthen the immune system.

Signs of Ixodid tick

If an ixodid tick bite is not detected in time, the dog may not survive.

Therefore, breeders must know the main signs:

  • loss of appetite;
  • dark urine;
  • loss of playfulness, lethargy;
  • vomiting and loose stools;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • convulsions;
  • dullness of mucous membranes;
  • temperature increase;
  • trembling in the body;
  • paralysis.

If at least one of the signs appears, you should immediately contact a veterinarian!

The longer the infection remains in the animal’s body, the less likely it is to recover.

Removing a tick is not difficult.

The entire tick should be removed! Then there is a chance that infection will not occur and the bite site will not become inflamed.

It is advisable to remove it with rubber gloves and burn it after removal.

It is best to remove the tick with special tweezers.

Possible consequences after a bite and the possibility of infection

The consequences of a bite can be very sad:

  1. Purulent inflammation may begin at the site of the bite.
  2. The likelihood of deterioration in the functioning of internal organs: stomach, heart, liver, and so on.
  3. Convulsions, paralysis, mental disorders.
  4. Blindness.
  5. The infection can enter the animal's blood.
  6. Even death is possible.

What should the owner of a bitten dog do?

First of all, you need to take care of the safety of your family and yourself.

Do not touch the tick with bare hands, as encephalitis can be transmitted.

The owner then needs to remove and disinfect the bite site and take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Do blood and urine tests.

An animal that is recovering needs a special diet and care. The dog is limited in movement for 10-15 days.

A good owner will always treat his pet with attention and act at the first sign of trouble.

The dog will thank such an owner many times over with his devotion and friendliness!

The most dangerous types of ticks for dogs are:

  1. Subcutaneous or ixodic. They cause unpleasant illnesses, such as piroplasmosis, the treatment of which can take from several weeks to six months.
  2. Argaceae. Their sizes can vary from 3 mm to 3 cm, depending on whether the insect has had time to “eat.” Argas ticks are dangerous because they can transmit encephalitis, fever and plague.

Depending on the type of tick, dogs may develop the following diseases:


When attacked by ticks, the symptoms of the disease will depend on the form of the disease:

  • focal;
  • generalized.

The focal form is indicated by:

  • the formation of bald spots all over the body (on the chest, paws, head, stomach);
  • mild itching.

If we are talking about a generalized form, then the dog appears:

  • bald patch covered with rough skin;
  • gray and red spots on the body;
  • unpleasant odor from the pet;
  • unbearable itching;
  • damage to internal organs.

The first symptoms of a tick bite are noticed within the first week. All these signs do not appear simultaneously, but incrementally. To prevent a generalized form of the disease, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis and determine a course of treatment.


It is very easy to diagnose a tick bite yourself if you carefully examine your pet's body. However, to determine the type of disease, it is worth getting diagnosed by a veterinarian. Identifying piroplasmosis, he studies:

  • clinical picture;
  • animal history;
  • epidemiological data;
  • results of blood smear microscopy analysis.

Veterinarians should also take into account the general mood and condition of the dog and carefully monitor the course of its illness. A useful measure would be blood biochemistry and urine analysis.


The data obtained during diagnosis allows you to correctly determine the type of step-by-step treatment:
Destruction of the pathogen with the necessary drugs. These include “Veriben” and “Piro-Stop”. The drugs contain ingredients that are toxic to the pathogen.

Removing body intoxication. In this case it is reasonable to use:

  • saline solutions;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • some heart medications.

The duration of treatment and dosage of medications will depend on the general condition of the animal. For some dogs, a month is enough to recover, for others it takes more than six months with follow-up tests.

First aid

At home, you can remove the tick from under your pet's skin yourself. You can find out the location of the bite by a small lump (seal):

Be sure to monitor the wound, because no one has canceled the inflammatory processes in it.

In addition, you can provide first aid to your beloved pet:

  1. When dehydrated. Pour 200 ml of liquid into the dog's mouth every hour.
  2. When vomiting. Give an enema or subcutaneous injection with cerucal in ampoules. The dosage of the drug is 0.5-0.7 mg per 10 kg of animal weight.
  3. If it is impossible to transport the animal. If your dog is large, you can take a blood test yourself. To do this, wipe the dog's ear with alcohol and make a small incision in the blood vessel. Blood sampling is done on a clean glass plate.
  4. With weakened immunity. It is necessary to administer 25 ml of glucose 3 times a day subcutaneously. A complex of vitamins B6 and B12 (1 ampoule/day) will not be superfluous.

In addition to medications, the dog needs to be provided with a minimum of physical activity and proper nutrition during the illness and in the future. Even after complete recovery, if the diet is incorrect, the animal may develop kidney problems or develop pancreatitis. When a weakened pet refuses even his favorite foods, the doctor prescribes nutrient droppers and recommends following the following diet:

  • meat purees (veal, lamb, rabbit or turkey);
  • buckwheat and wheat porridge;
  • corn or olive oil;
  • dietary dry food.

Drug treatment

Today you can vaccinate your pet against piroplasmosis using the Pirodog vaccine. It forms a strong immunity to the causative agent of this disease.

If treatment is started early, the dog begins to recover on the second day. But with advanced forms, complete recovery may not occur at all. Veterinarians most often prescribe the following drugs:

A tick bite can go unnoticed by your beloved pet or “leave” behind a number of complications:

  • CNS disorders;
  • renal failure;
  • anemia;
  • heart failure.

Bad consequences are provoked not only by the causative agent of the disease, but also by the consequences of the treatment itself. Therapy may include toxic drugs with various side effects. Thus, “Imidocarb” is quite capable of disrupting the balance of neurotransmitters and causing an allergic reaction. Veterinarians advise softening the effect of the drug with antihistamines.

A complication such as anemia may persist for a couple of weeks after recovery. During this period, you should not subject the animal to strong physical stress and, if possible, limit its movements.


An excellent remedy and effective “barrier” against ticks for four-legged animals will be acaricides, which are included in collars, aerosols, ointments and other medicines:

  • "Bolfo";
  • "Fipronil";
  • "Sentry";
  • "Frontline";
  • "Certificate".

Do not use the medications Azidine and Berenil as prophylaxis. This is due to the high toxicity of these agents.

You can also prevent tick attacks using special drops or sprays on the withers:

  • Advantix;
  • "Hartz"
  • "Serco";
  • "Leopard".

Upon contact with treated wool, mites die before they penetrate the skin. Drops and sprays should be used a couple of days before going outdoors or traveling outside the city. It is necessary to treat, among other things, the animal’s paws, head, armpits and ears. It is important to treat long-haired breeds with double the amount of preventative agents.

Any self-medication can harm the dog, so at the first symptoms of a tick bite you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

The bite of ixodid ticks can be dangerous not only for people, but also for pets. Diseases in dogs often arise from ticks; symptoms may not appear immediately, but only after some time. Therefore, it is important to monitor changes in the dog’s condition as quickly as possible.

The first symptoms of an ixodid tick bite

Skin inflammation after a tick bite is much more common than the reaction of the nervous system to damage from toxins.

Usually, within 2 to 3 hours after the bite, you can notice the first symptoms on the dog’s skin.

How pronounced they are depends on many factors: the general condition of the dog, the type of tick, the duration of the insect’s presence on the skin.

A tick that has drunk blood greatly increases in size

Skin symptoms:

  • the bite site swells, turns red, and becomes hot to the touch;
  • the dog is bothered by itching at the site of the bite, it tries to reach the wound with its tongue;
  • approximately 2 days after the bite, skin inflammation may occur with the formation of nodules (granulomas).

In rare cases, if the wound becomes infected, suppuration may occur on the skin.

A nervous system reaction to toxin poisoning from a bite rarely occurs.

Small dogs are usually affected by this. The risk of developing neurological disorders even depends on climatic conditions. Typically, tick saliva is more toxic on hot days than on cool weather.

Symptoms of nervous system intoxication:

In severe cases, breathing difficulties occur and the animal may die from suffocation.

However, severe intoxication is rare. Most often, neurological symptoms are limited to paralysis of the hind legs. The greatest danger is posed by infectious diseases that can develop subsequently.

Symptoms of diseases caused by ixodid tick bites

Only after a long time can dogs develop diseases from tick bites. The owner of the animal most often does not associate the manifestations of these diseases with a bite. Due to the long latent (incubation) period, it is sometimes difficult for a veterinarian to diagnose the disease. Therefore, the manifestations of such diseases should be carefully studied.


Piroplasmosis - . The causative agent of the disease is the simplest microorganism - piroplasma.

Red blood cells die, and body tissues begin to lack oxygen.

The disease does not always appear immediately

The disease can appear either a few weeks after the tick bite or a few days later. Piroplasmosis cannot be diagnosed independently; you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Without treatment, this disease is fatal.

In very rare cases, piroplasmosis can be transmitted from a sick dog to a person.

What symptoms should alert a dog owner?

  1. The color of the urine becomes dark (from reddish to black).
  2. The animal becomes lethargic and apathetic.
  3. Body temperature rises.
  4. The dog refuses to eat, but drinks a lot.
  5. The mucous membranes of the skin turn yellow.
  6. Breathing becomes difficult.
  7. Diarrhea and vomiting occur (sometimes with blood). For more information about the disease, see this video:

Lyme disease, or tick-borne borreliosis

The causative agent of the disease is Borrelia. This is a fairly common disease in dogs caused by tick bites.

Symptoms of borreliosis are often mistaken for symptoms of the flu.

The disease affects the joints, heart and nervous systems of the animal. The disease is dangerous because the first symptoms may be mild. Lyme disease can begin immediately with severe joint damage.

If you have borreliosis, your pet may develop a rash.

It is important not to miss the early signs of borreliosis, which can occur 1 to 6 months after a tick bite:

  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • gait disturbance, sudden onset of lameness.

If treatment is not started at this stage, then after 2 - 3 months more severe manifestations of the disease may occur:

  • increased muscle pain, decreased muscle tone;
  • severe inflammation of the joints with pain and swelling;
  • paralysis of limbs, movement disorders;
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • frequent urination, blood in the urine.

Veterinarians treat borreliosis with antibiotics. If treatment is started in a timely manner, the symptoms of the disease gradually disappear. Joint pain can only persist for a long time. If treatment is started late, at the stage of paralysis, paresis of the limbs can remain for life.


More often, dogs in the countryside or in the country are infected with bartonellosis. But infection is quite possible in a city forest park.

Bartonella attacks blood cells, causing red blood cells to stick together.

For a long time, the disease can occur in a latent form, without manifesting itself in any way. Acute bartonellosis is extremely rare; most often the disease becomes chronic.

Due to the sticking of red blood cells, the dog has problems with the cardiovascular system

Severe damage to the cardiovascular system and brain occurs, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • hemorrhages in the eyeballs, subcutaneous hemorrhages, increased bleeding;
  • rhinitis (runny nose) with nosebleeds;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hind limb weakness;
  • fever, loss of appetite, lethargy;
  • inflammation of the eyelids;
  • inflammation of the brain;
  • anemia;
  • sudden weight loss (sometimes to the point of anorexia);
  • increased drowsiness (lethargy);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • pulmonary edema, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. About bartonellosis, using the example of the manifestation of the disease in cats, see this video:

Diagnosis is based on the results of a blood test for antibodies to the pathogen. Veterinarians have not developed a special treatment for bartonellosis.

It is not possible to completely cleanse a dog’s body of Bartonella.

Antibiotic therapy (doxycycline, azithromycin) and symptomatic treatment of inflammatory processes are carried out.

Granulocytic and monocytic ehrlichiosis

The disease is caused by rickettsiae. They affect blood cells - monocytes and granulocytes. The incubation period lasts 1 - 3 weeks.

There are 2 forms of the disease: granulocytic and monocytic. A common symptom is sudden lethargy. The animal refuses to eat and walk, and constantly lies in one place.

This disease also affects the hematopoietic system

Symptoms of granulocytic ehrlichiosis:

  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammation of the eyelids;
  • convulsions;
  • joint pain.

Symptoms of monocytic ehrlichiosis:

If ehrlichiosis is suspected, a blood test is performed to determine antibodies to the causative agent of the disease. The disease is treated with antibiotics. In the acute stage, the disease is completely cured. However, if ehrlichiosis has become chronic, complete recovery usually does not occur. Then the symptoms of the disease persist throughout the animal’s life.

Symptomatic treatment is carried out, and in incurable cases - palliative therapy.

It is important to treat within the first 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms, while the disease is in its acute form. Otherwise, irreversible changes in the body may occur.


This rare disease occurs in the southern regions of Russia. Its symptoms are similar to those of many other infectious diseases, making diagnosis difficult.

The causative agent of hepatozoonosis affects neutrophils and monocytes in the blood.

For a long time, a dog can be a carrier of hepatozoonosis and not have any deviations in health. The disease begins to manifest itself when immunity decreases. Often, symptoms of hepatozoonosis occur when a dog is infected with piroplasms.

Symptoms of hepatozoonosis:

To identify the disease, the polysize chain reaction method (DNA diagnostics) is used. But such analysis is carried out only in large veterinary laboratories.

There is no specific treatment.

Treatment of individual manifestations of the disease is carried out. It is never possible to completely rid the animal of the pathogen. Hepatozoonosis most often becomes chronic, when periods of exacerbation are followed by remissions.

Symptoms of dog diseases caused by scabies mites

Microscopic scabies mites come in different types. Each type of mite causes its own specific disease: sarcoptic mange, demodectic mange, otodectosis, cheyletiosis and notoedrosis. Diseases caused by scabies mites have similar symptoms. The main manifestations of such diseases include severe itching and hair loss.

Dogs with sarcoptic mange suffer from severe itching

Sarcoptic mange is a common disease in dogs caused by scabies mites. It is caused by sarcoptic mange mites.

Most of the symptoms of this disease are associated with itching and scratching.

  • the dog behaves restlessly, nervously;
  • red dots appear on the body, claw marks are visible;
  • ulcers and bloody crusts appear on the skin;
  • Dandruff appears in the fur (especially around the ears).

Sarcoptic mange cannot be cured on its own. The disease is diagnosed by a blood test and examination of scrapings from the affected skin. For more information about the manifestation of the disease in dogs, watch this video:

Demodectic mange is not transmitted to other animals or humans. To identify this disease, an extensive diagnostic examination is performed.

Otodectosis - ear scabies.

Dogs become infected with otodectosis mites from each other through close contact.

Without treatment, the lesion begins to spread to the deep parts of the ear. As a result, the dog may lose hearing. The disease may be complicated by brain damage.

Otodecosis can cause hearing loss

Therefore, it is important to notice the first signs of ear scabies.

  • the dog rubs intensely against various objects;
  • the animal shakes its head, tilts its head towards the sore ear;
  • sticky discharge is noticeable in the affected ear.

Cheyletiosis and notoedrosis have similar symptoms and pose a danger not only to dogs, but also to humans.

The cheyletii mite burrows into the upper layers of the animal's skin.

Most often the neck, back or ear area is affected. The following symptoms may be noticed:

Manifestations of notohedrosis are similar in symptoms to cheyletiosis, but are more severe. The notoedrosis mite burrows deep into the skin. The hair falls out, and a rash in the form of blisters forms on the animal's face. Notoedrosis, like cheyletiosis, can be treated at home only after diagnostic tests.

Helping a dog with ticks

If an ixodid tick has attached itself to your dog's skin, it is necessary to remove it from the body. It is better to carry out the procedure for extracting an insect with gloves, because a tick bite is dangerous for humans.

The bite site should be lubricated with oil.

Then grab the insect's body with tweezers and slowly pull it out. Do not remove the tick with sudden movements. The head may remain in the dog's skin and cause inflammation. After removing the insect, the wound must be treated with iodine.

Body temperature should be measured daily. If suspicious symptoms appear, contact your veterinarian immediately.

It is important to identify the first signs of scabies. These diseases cannot be treated at home without a diagnostic examination. The owner should carefully monitor the condition of the pet's fur and skin. If signs such as itching, hair loss, or the appearance of bald patches appear, you should seek help from a veterinarian.

Domestic dogs should not be allowed to come into contact with stray and sick animals.

It is important to monitor the hygiene of the animal.

The vaccine against ear mites (otodectosis) is usually used more for the treatment of the disease than for prevention.

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