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Pregnancy tests. Words our children should hear before bed. A letter from one mother! How and when to test to get an accurate result

Often, women want to know little about the likely settlement of a tiny baby in their tummy not on the day of trying to conceive. This is not yet possible, but since the invention of the pregnancy test, expectant mothers can establish an “interesting position” before the delay, and before good news the gynecologist will inform you.

Pregnancy tests: the essence of the work

Regardless of the variety, brand or cost, all pregnancy tests work the same. The mechanism is as follows.

False negative result

False negative result(there is no second line, but there is pregnancy) is possible if:

Pregnancy testing is carried out too early (hCG simply has not yet reached a “noticeable” concentration);
- the test’s expiration date has already expired (when purchasing, you need to pay attention to this, without leaving the cash register);
- a woman suffers from kidney or heart disease, which affects the production of hCG;
- the procedure algorithm is violated;
- the day before you consumed too much water or other liquid, which diluted the urine and reduced hCG level.

Pregnancy test and regular cycle

Regular cycle It is generally accepted that a menstrual cycle lasts the same number of days, plus or minus 1-4 days. Basically it ranges from 28 to 32 days, but there are individual exceptions.

With a “standard” 28-day cycle, the egg is released on the 14th day, and within two days it is receptive to fertilization. If intercourse has taken place, the embryo “travels” to the uterus for another 3-6 days, where within 24 hours it is fixed and begins to produce hCG.

With this development of events, pregnancy with one child can be noticed with a qualitative test from the 22nd day of constant menstrual cycle, And multiple pregnancy(two developing placentas produce twice as much hCG) - from day 20.

Pregnancy test and irregular cycle

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, it is very difficult to calculate the days suitable for conception. But it is possible using ovulation test or focusing on signs and sensations. The fact that the follicle has burst and the egg is ready to meet the sperm is indicated by:

- positive result ovulation test;
- jump basal temperature;
- increased libido;
- discharge becomes abundant and “slippery”;
- some feel it as a click in the area of ​​the left or right ovary, and then a short-term aching pain.

Now at least 12 days must pass from the date of ovulation, and only then can you try to take a highly sensitive pregnancy test.

Pregnancy test and menstruation

Sometimes a woman's periods do not stop even after pregnancy. In these cases, a woman often realizes that she is carrying a baby under her heart only when he begins to move or even later. But for those who carefully keep a chart of basal temperature, the day of embryo implantation (temperature drop on the chart) does not go unnoticed.

It is worth noting that menstrual flow do not affect the display in any way hCG test for pregnancy: they will not change the result.

Detection of multiple pregnancy test

Unfortunately, home pregnancy tests that can determine the number of embryos modern science I haven't figured it out yet. But a blood or urine test in a laboratory can easily show how many children a woman is pregnant with.

It all comes down to human chorionic gonadotropin again. Its growth and content in the blood is directly proportional to the number of embryos. For example, hCG norm at 3-4 weeks of gestation for one fetus - 1110 - 31500 mIU/ml, for two - 2220 - 63000 mIU/ml, for triplets - 3330 - 94500 mIU/ml.

A home pregnancy test cannot measure the amount of hCG. But a multiple pregnancy can be assumed if, even before the missed period, the “pregnant” line is already clearly bright.

At the same time, a visit to the doctor from the expected first days of the new cycle should not be delayed, since too high a hCG content may indicate a possible pathology.

Detection of ectopic pregnancy test

None of the above pregnancy tests can make it clear whether the embryo is developing outside the uterus (in fallopian tube, in rare cases – in abdominal cavity), or normal, inside. Certificate abnormal pregnancy there may be no or too weak second strip at a “decent” delay time. Laboratory analysis may reveal the absence hCG growth or its dynamics are too low.

Sometimes in pharmacies (mainly at antenatal clinics) you can find the “InexScreen” test. It is used to determine pathological pregnancy, but not earlier than two weeks from the start of the delay. Often, before this time, the presence or absence of pathologies is confirmed by an ophthalmologist.

Detection of frozen pregnancy by test

A frozen pregnancy can be determined using a home test only by indirect sign. For example, at the beginning of the delay, the pregnancy test showed two clear lines, and after 5-7 days, on a repeat test, the second one became weak and barely visible. In this case, you must immediately contact your doctor so that he can prescribe an ultrasound and a hCG test - reducing the intensity of the second strip, which determines the “interesting position”, with high probability may indicate embryo freezing.

But there is no need to panic prematurely either. Perhaps you just got a low-quality “detector” with an insufficient amount of reagent. For this reason, it is best to purchase multiple tests.

Rules for conducting a pregnancy test

Before taking a pregnancy test, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions for it. Thus, test strips need to be immersed in urine to a certain level for some time (5-7 seconds), tablet tests imply that the biomaterial in the required quantity will be placed with a pipette in a special window, while jet tests are carried under a stream of urine.

The result is also assessed through different time. Some detect pregnancy or its absence within three seconds, others require waiting for 3-5 minutes.

When buying a pregnancy test, every woman wants to see only worthy correct result. Untrue test results often make you nervous or very upset. To prevent this from happening, buy a “determinant interesting situation“You also need to approach it responsibly.

1. The veracity of the result strongly depends on the quality of the diagnostic device. The higher the number of reagent antibodies that are ready to detect even the minimum content of hCG, the higher the reliability.

2. Title famous brand– in itself guarantees quality.

3. Mostly, the quality of the reagent in a pregnancy test is indicated by its price, but imported and domestic brands should be considered separately, since the cost of foreign “determinants” will always be higher.

4. The packaging must contain maximum information: date of manufacture, manufacturer’s data, expiration date, batch number, data for feedback. The pregnancy test box must certainly contain a bag with a moisture-absorbing substance, and if the test is foreign-made, then there must also be a detailed description in Russian. If these are test strips, then their width according to the standards is at least 5 mm.

In order to achieve the most accurate results even from budget pregnancy tests, you should adhere to a number of rules for their use.

1. The test must be stored under the conditions required by the manufacturer.

2. Do not use tests with damaged packaging, or those whose expiration date has already expired.

3. Use the pregnancy test immediately after unpacking.

4. Before urinating, carry out hygiene procedures.

5. Use only sterile containers to collect urine.

6. Even if the manufacturer claims that the test is suitable for use regardless of the time of day, it is still better to collect morning urine that has accumulated after many hours of sleep.

7. It is important not to deviate from the instructions: immerse the diagnostic tester in urine or keep it under the stream for only the specified time, read the result before 10 minutes have passed.

8. Do not touch the part of the dough surface on which the reagent should appear with your hands.

The likelihood that the test determined your position correctly is very high, since today all types of pregnancy tests have the highest possible percentage of accuracy - no less than 98%. So why then are they released into various forms, since they are all good and reliable? A variable form of test release is used for the convenience of women, so we invite you to familiarize yourself with the advantages of each of them in order to decide which one is right for you.

What types of pregnancy tests are there??

A procedure that allows you to determine early stages whether life has begun inside a woman is called a pregnancy test. To do this, they use an express pregnancy test, and now we’ll figure out what kinds of pregnancy tests there are. They are divided into the following types:

  • strip test (paper strip) - shows the result after it is lowered to a certain point in the urine;
  • a test cassette (tablet) is an oblong plastic device with a window. Urine is dripped into this window using a pipette (it’s a special one, included in the kit);
  • midstream test (jet) – this test must be placed under a stream of urine, this saves the woman from the need to collect her container for use;
  • digital (electronic) – a new generation device. In addition to determining the woman’s position, it shows the number of weeks with a positive result. The most latest models can be used several times by replacing the included cartridges;
  • reservoir test system - it can be called a “fossil” because it is very difficult to find, but possible. This device looks like a glass for collecting urine, in which a test strip is built into the side. Once it is filled, the test strip absorbs the required amount of urine and displays the answer.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Initially, to understand why pregnancy tests lie, you need to understand how they work. A diagnostic test designed to conduct research, this occurs by recording in the urine an increase in the level of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is produced by the germinal membrane. The presence of this secretion confirms the presence and successful development of the embryo.
The fact is that it appears in the blood in the first week after the conception of a child and begins to grow after ovum"settles" in the uterus. Its level grows little by little every day, increasing more and more. Its maximum value is recorded at 7–11 weeks; usually by this time a woman is already 100% confident in her position. After this period, human chorionic gonadotropin begins to decline. But it should be taken into account that this hormone can be released not only during pregnancy, so its presence or absence in the urine is not yet an indicator. It may be that the source of the appearance human chorionic gonadotropin indicates the presence of some reason due to which this hormone is produced.

After the urine is tested, an indicator in the form of stripes indicates the presence or absence of the hormone (negative or positive result). If it is present, the reagent will react and show a change in color and the appearance of a second strip.
Also, we should not forget that the indicator is not so sensitive to detect the most minimal amount human chorionic gonadotropin, respectively, women who, after sexual intercourse, already run to do it, receive a false negative result.

A pregnancy test can give false hope or, on the contrary, deprive you of your cherished dream. Therefore, you must trust the result you see; it is better to contact a gynecologist to confirm the test result.

When do pregnancy tests lie?

Manufacturers of the tests say that the error can be observed in 5 women out of a hundred. Accordingly, we can say that only 5% of tests lie, but is this true? It is also worth clarifying that tablet models show wrong result much more often than other types. The fact is that many manufacturers save money and apply an expired reagent to the test strip.

Many women say that pregnancy tests lie, but you shouldn’t blame the manufacturers alone. The fact is that women do not always follow the diagnostic rules, which are usually indicated on the packaging.
A woman may show two stripes, but in fact there will be no pregnancy in the following cases:

  1. when are accepted hormonal drugs containing human chorionic gonadotropin (usually they are drunk to stimulate ovulation);
  2. presence of trophoblastic diseases;
  3. if there are any neoplasms (tumors) on the internal organs.

A pregnancy test shows a negative result, but in fact a woman is pregnant if:

  1. you purchased an expired test;
  2. made a diagnosis very early, at the very early stages urine cannot yet show the result;
  3. the procedure was performed using not the first morning urine;
  4. a woman suffers from kidney disease, usually in such patients the urine does not change during pregnancy;
  5. in the evening, before the morning when the test is planned, you drank a lot of liquid, then the urine is “diluted” and the test is not able to show a positive result;
  6. diuretics taken 1–2 days before the pregnancy test.

How to prepare for the procedure?

If you nevertheless decide to trust this diagnostic method, then carry out the procedure in the morning, since during this period the concentration of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is maximum and this will be shown by the diagnostic device. For a more accurate result, fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Diagnosis is carried out in the morning using fresh urine. If it stands for more than 10 minutes, the answer may be false.
  2. On the eve of the test, limit your fluid intake, this will help maintain the concentration of the hormone.
  3. If you can’t make a diagnosis in the morning, then do it in the afternoon. After all, logically speaking, if there is secretion, then it will not disappear anywhere in a day. To make the daily test more plausible, try to refrain from going to the toilet “little by little” and should be limited to 4 hours.
  4. Do not forget to read the instructions, because only a correctly carried out procedure can give at least some result.
  5. For more true result take a test after a missed period. It is best to take three tests and diagnose with an interval of 2-4 days. If the result is the same for all three, then most likely it is true.

How to properly diagnose?

  1. Take a sterile container for urine collection. It can be plastic or glass.
  2. In the morning, take this utensil and diagnostic device to the toilet or bathroom.
  3. Re-read the instructions again. Open the package of dough, but do not remove it. Usually, the packaging contains silica gel to preserve the device; it must be pulled out.
  4. Take a urine sample. It is necessary to take it not first, but to urinate a little into the toilet, and then into the prepared sterile container. If the device is inkjet, then there is no need to make a fence.
  5. Test strip remove and lower it into the container with urine to the indicated mark. Typically this mark is indicated by arrows. For jet tests - release the edge from the cap and urinate on the adsorbent part, it is also indicated by an arrow. It should be kept under the stream for 5 seconds. If the device is a cassette device, then drop 4 drops of urine into the diagnostic area with a special pipette.
  6. You need to hold it there for about 10 seconds, the exact amount of time is indicated in the instructions.
  7. Remove the strip from the dish and place it on a horizontal surface.
  8. After 2–5 minutes, the result will be visible. You should not wait long as the result may disappear after 10 minutes.

A pregnancy test can tell you about your situation, the main condition is to do it correctly. For your convenience, pharmacies and stores offer different kinds pregnancy tests - all you have to do is choose the one that suits you most in terms of preferences and price.

Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina

For every woman, the birth of her baby is an incomparable happiness. But not all couples manage to become parents right away. Each unsuccessful attempt, long waits and fear have an impact strong influence on mental condition future mother.

A woman’s body is a very complex thing, and such a complex structure is connected with the function of childbirth. It is clear that if the menstrual cycle “gets lost” even for a couple of days, there is a possibility that a new life. But it happens that a woman has some health problems, as a result of which her period did not come on time. The simplest and good option to calm and eliminate all doubts is a pregnancy test. But how can you figure out which one is the best? best test for pregnancy? In order not to get lost among the variety of products and to find out which test is really good, you need to understand what each of them is and what they are like.


The pregnancy test itself is an opportunity to determine potential conception. Doctors divide a huge number of modern tests (electronic, digital, ultra-sensitive) into three main groups:

1) test strips;

2) tablets;

3) jet.

The most common are test strips, which are made in the form of small pieces of paper and impregnated with special reagents. After contact paper strip With a woman’s urine, after some time it is possible to understand whether pregnancy has occurred (a negative result is the appearance of one stripe, a positive result is the presence of two stripes). The advantage of using such a test is the low price. The downside is that you can't always get the right result.

Tablet tests look like two small windows. The expectant mother should enter her urine into the first window. After a couple of minutes in the second window you will see what happened. These tests are slightly more expensive than strip tests, but they are more accurate.

Household guesses

Any of the options mentioned is a rapid pregnancy test. Gynecologists advise carrying out such tests on the fifth day after a missed period. You can choose them based on confidence in any manufacturer, material wealth, and the desire of the woman herself. Even the most expensive tests should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, because it is important to obtain reliable data. Whatever the result, you should schedule a visit to the doctor, because you should only see a specialist.

The conclusion from the above can be made very simple. When a woman chooses the best pregnancy test, she should look close attention on its sensitivity indicated on the packaging, and on its cost. If she wants to find out whether a new life has arisen in her or not yet, it is better not to fix her gaze on cheap tests. The choice of test type does not affect the accuracy of determining the result, because their operating principle is absolutely the same. The only difference is ease of use.

Ladies who suspect an interesting position often wonder what the most accurate test for pregnancy. These are convenient devices for confirming pregnancy at home, allowing you to establish the fact of an accomplished conception without contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist. This is a fairly truthful technique that helps a woman decide whether she should worry about menstrual delays or whether she needs to contact a consultation to register.

Any product to detect pregnancy examines a urine sample, because it contains the pregnancy hormone - hCG, if the patient is pregnant. This hormonal substance is produced by the chorion membrane formed after fertilization. An increase in hCG begins about a week after conception, but not every test device is able to detect hormonal fluctuations at such an early stage.

It is difficult to say which pregnancy test is better to choose, because a lot depends on the gestation period and other factors. Although the principle of operation comes down to one mechanism - the detection of hCG. Any rapid test has a component containing a reagent that produces antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin. When a pregnant woman’s urine hits the working surface of the test, a corresponding reaction occurs and a bright red or pinkish strip appears, indicating pregnancy.

Also, any device is equipped with a control zone, where a line must appear. If there are two stripes, then the testing showed a positive result, proving the fact of conception.

Types of test instruments

How to choose a pregnancy test? Manufacturers offer many varieties of home remedies for testing.

  1. Test strips are the first generation of strips that are considered the cheapest. This option is quite easy to use and has a primitive diagnostic system. This is why women often choose strip tests to confirm the fact of conception. The strip needs to be dipped into a bowl with urine up to the mark indicated on the test and held for about 10-20 seconds. Such a short period of time is enough for a reaction to occur. After another three minutes, the result appears. Which pregnancy tests are better to choose if you don’t have a lot of money? There will be strip tests ideal option. Such strips can detect pregnancy from the first day of delay. In the early stages they are useless because they have low sensitivity.
  2. Tablets – more modern method detection of pregnancy, having increased hypersensitivity to the hCG hormone. Therefore, experts call the tablet version among the best pregnancy tests. The product package includes a urine pipette. Then the biomaterial is dripped onto special window tablet test. When the urine is absorbed, a reaction will occur, depending on which the result will appear. The tablet express test device is more intricate, but the results are reliable. Such a test will cost much more than a strip test - 150-280 rubles.

Other types

More modern version for home testing - an inkjet device. Such products are distinguished by reliable results and almost never make mistakes. The jet test is extremely convenient to use; a woman does not need to collect urine in a bowl or pipette to conduct the study. You need to place the product under the stream while urinating, and after 60 seconds, look at the results in a special test window. This is the best pregnancy test in terms of reliability, because it shows the most accurate results. The sensitivity to hCG of inkjet tests is slightly higher than that of tablet tests, so they can be used at the earliest stages, but they are expensive.

Test systems. Many women consider test systems equipped with a reservoir to be the best. This product is a tank with a special indicator. Urine is placed in the reservoir, the indicator absorbs it, and then gives the result. Test systems cannot be called convenient enough, but they are much easier to use than conventional strip tests. And their cost is lower than that of inkjet or tablet test models.

Electronic-digital. Exactly this newest generation products that detect pregnancy. Among them there are also reusable models that not only completely report pregnancy, but also help determine the exact date birth of a baby.

Which is better

The pharmaceutical market is replete with various tests, so it is sometimes quite difficult for a woman to make a choice. Which pregnancy tests have the most accurate results? Of course, those who have the greatest sensitivity. Among both domestic and foreign tests There are worthy representatives with fairly high reliability. Every woman who suspects she is pregnant wants to purchase a high-quality and reliable product so as not to doubt the results obtained. How to choose among such a variety? Let's try to figure it out.

Russian test products for detecting pregnancy are required to be registered with the State Control of Medicines and Medical Equipment. Russian stamps are not particularly popular and are often inferior to their foreign counterparts in hCG sensitivity and quality characteristics. Among our brands today, the most popular strip tests are Be Sure, Tablet-type Biocard, HCG-IHA-Recipi and HCG-IHA-Vera strips, Vera-Plus inkjet device, HCG-IHA-Eax and Bee-sure-s.

Among foreign products for the express diagnosis of pregnancy, the most famous brands are Frautest, Evitest, Clearblue, etc. We will consider each of the tests in more detail below.

Brief overview of popular tests

Which pregnancy test to choose from all the variety offered is a rather problematic question. When you purchase a test, you want to immediately get a reliable result, so as not to be nervous and make useless trips to antenatal clinic. It's better to buy a quality one right away modern test and do not waste time on unreliable and low-quality products. As for manufacturers, there are enough of them, many of them deserve a high opinion

Frautest Express

Ultrasensitive strip test with hypersensitivity from 15 mMKE/ml. The manufacturer assures that you can use the test without waiting for a delay. The test can determine the fact of conception a couple of days before the expected delay. The results are known within 3-5 minutes after removing the strip from the urine, in which you need to keep the strip for 10 seconds. For some women, this is not entirely convenient, especially if testing is not carried out at home.

But still, Frautest is in quite high demand, because it can show the correct result in an early pregnancy test. According to statistics, the reliability of the results reaches 99%. And the cost of such a test is relatively small. Experts consider it one of the best tests.

Clearblue Digital

Let’s say right away that tests of this brand are quite expensive, their price is about 500 rubles. But the price is justified enough high quality. It is safe to say that Kleablu is the best test that few can compare with. The percentage of accuracy with which the test determines the fact of completed fertilization reaches more than 99%.

Besides, Clearblue Digital in addition to the presence or absence of pregnancy, it shows its duration. The format of the displayed indicators may look like 1-2, 2-3 or 3+. The accuracy of gestational age indicators is 92%. It is usually recommended to carry out testing on the first day of the delay, but if you don’t want to wait, then it can be done as early as four days before the start of the expected menstruation.

But it is not so important for all women to know the pregnancy period from the test, because the mother will still have to undergo examination and ultrasonography upon registration in the residential complex. But sometimes it happens that menstruation occurs during an existing pregnancy. This is where the test’s ability to determine the period from the moment of conception can come in handy. In general, the test deserves praise, but it has a kind of drawback - high cost.

Evitest Proof

This is a tablet type test which is different high performance the veracity of the results. This is the most reliable test to determine pregnancy, by at least, one of the most accurate. And the purity of the results obtained is beyond doubt. The window into which you need to instill urine cannot be touched or dirty, so nothing can affect the results. A few drops of urine are applied with a special pipette to the surface in the window, where the diagnostic result soon appears.

If we talk about the reliability of the results, then Evitest is a good product, which has many positive reviews. Its reliability rate reaches more than 99%, which makes it attractive to women.

Lady Test

A fairly cheap product that is convenient to store even in a wallet. The sensitivity of the test is slightly lower and starts at 20 mIU/ml. Therefore, in the early stages of pregnancy, determining the presence of pregnancy can be quite difficult, especially if the woman drank a lot of liquid the day before. The cheapness of the product on the one hand and not particularly reliable on the other, which can force a woman to spend whole line tests, makes Lady Test not particularly attractive. But overall the product is quite reliable.

Premium Diagnostics

A jet test that is recommended for any woman who needs a quick and reliable result. The accuracy of the indicators reaches 99%, provided that the study was carried out on the first day of the delay or later. Overall, this is an excellent test for determining pregnancy, which is convenient to use both at home and in less time. comfortable conditions. The relatively low price and high reliability make it very attractive in the eyes of many women.

According to statistics, the Frautest, Clearble and Be confident tests are considered the most truthful.

When to do research

If the sensitivity of the test is 15 mIU/ml, it can be done no earlier than 2-3 days before the expected onset of menstruation, although it all depends on the exact timing of conception and the time of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine endometrium. Therefore, sometimes it can happen that a woman takes a test a week before the expected start of menstruation, and the test shows that she is pregnant. This is due to the fact that the woman ovulated earlier, and therefore conception also occurred earlier. Therefore, sometimes women mistakenly believe that the test was able to determine the fact of pregnancy at a very early stage.

How to do testing correctly

The main priority in testing, or more precisely, in choosing a rapid test, is its sensitivity. Tests with a sensitivity index of 25 mIU/ml will show a reliable result only 13-15 days after fertilization. Therefore, accurate results can be obtained after 2 weeks from the date of ovulation. Many people are concerned about what sensitivity is preferable so that the result is as reliable as possible. Experts say that it is better to opt for products that have a sensitivity index of 10 m IU/ml. These tests can establish the fact of pregnancy from the 8-9th day of conception.

Whatever rapid test a woman uses, be sure to read the instructions. Although their operating principle is identical, the nuances of application may differ slightly, which as a result may affect the reliability of the data obtained. Testing can be done at any time, but it is best to schedule it in the early morning when human chorionic gonadotropin levels are highest. The main thing is to avoid taking diuretics and drinking too much.

Also, when testing, it is necessary to read the results correctly. At least one strip must appear on the test - a control one, which indicates the functionality of the product and indicates the operation of the express test. If the test shows one line, then the woman is not pregnant, and if two lines appear, then the result is positive. If after the diagnostic procedure more than one band does not appear, then the test is expired or faulty.

If the result is positive, there will be two stripes, but it is not at all necessary that they are the same. The shade of the second stripe depends on hCG concentrations in a woman's urine. How shorter term, the dimmer the second line on the test product will be.

Are errors possible?

So, you have decided on the choice of an express test, now you need to clarify that sometimes the test results can be erroneous.

  • If a faint stripe appears on the product, this may indicate pregnancy.
  • Sometimes dull color stripes indicate a weak concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin.
  • But sometimes it happens that the test shows a positive result in the absence of conception. This is quite possible if the girl took some medications or has tumor pathologies.
  • It also happens that testing gives a negative result, while pregnancy actually exists.
  • False-negative results occur in several cases, for example, with kidney pathologies, with heavy drinking.
  • If an express test shows no pregnancy, and you are experiencing all the signs of pregnancy, then you should definitely contact the LCD.
  • It is worth consulting with a doctor which tests should be purchased if you suspect conception. It will also be useful to find out what can affect the test results.

False positive statistics

We have seen that there are many rapid tests for determining pregnancy with different price indicators. But a high price does not always indicate high reliability of the results. The statistics are such that not only cheap tests, but also expensive ones are wrong. A survey was conducted among women regarding what tests they were given false results. Women noted that most often false positive or false negative results were observed when testing with products from the brands Bee-Sure, Evitest, Vera, Eva-test, L-test, BB test.

Even if testing shows no pregnancy, but signs of an interesting position are visible on the face, it is imperative to undergo a gynecological examination.

Today there are a huge number of types of pregnancy tests; in this article we will look at the most common types of pregnancy tests.

Test strips to determine pregnancy.

A tool for quickly diagnosing pregnancy, belonging to the first generation of such tests. Popular and inexpensive test strips are extremely easy to use - the end of the strip soaked in the reagent should be immersed for a few seconds in a container with morning urine, and within 10 minutes the result will appear on the surface being tested. The unconditional and significant advantages of this system are its low price. As a disadvantage, the limited sensitivity of the strip can be noted, which may affect the accuracy of the test result if it is carried out in the first days of the delay, when the level of the hCG hormone in the urine is relatively low. In addition, to carry out the test, you will need a sterile container for urine and you must strictly adhere to the immersion time specified in the instructions - under-exposure or over-exposure of the strip can result in an unreliable result.

Tablet tests (test cassette) to determine pregnancy.

Tablet tests (test cassette) for determining pregnancy, responsive even to relatively low level HCG in the urine of a pregnant woman, they show reliable results almost from the first days of the delay. The scheme of action is not complicated: with the pipette included in the kit, you should apply a few drops of urine into a hole specially designated for this, and after 5 minutes the test result will appear in the next window. The tablet test is convenient to use, but is more expensive than test strips and also requires a clean container for urine from which to draw it into a pipette.

Jet test (midstream test) to determine pregnancy.

The jet pregnancy test is one of the most convenient to use. It has a high ability to conduct research in almost any conditions, without the use of containers and other additional devices. It is enough to remove the protective cap from the cassette and bring the desired end to the stream of urine. Convenient, simple and hygienic. The disadvantage of an inkjet pregnancy test is its high cost compared to other test systems.

How to take a pregnancy test? Instructions for using a pregnancy test.

Pregnancy test - a quick, accurate and easy-to-use test for home use. It will only take a few minutes, and you can independently get the answer to the question that is so important to you now. This test can reliably determine pregnancy in urine from the first day of a missed menstrual cycle. The test can be used at any time of the day. This test is a test device that is specially designed for maximum comfort during use. Simple procedure makes the test easy to carry out, and the results obtained are clear for an unambiguous answer. A one-step urine test is a quick pregnancy test that you can easily do yourself. It detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which appears in the urine at the very beginning of pregnancy.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that begins to be produced in a woman’s body immediately after fertilization; its level rises rapidly and very soon it can be detected in the urine. The pregnancy test contains antibodies that interact with this hormone in a certain way. When urine is dropped into the cassette, capillary action causes the tested urine to move across the membrane. When hCG reaches the Test area of ​​the membrane, it forms a colored line. The absence of this colored line suggests a negative result. As a control method, a colored line should appear in the Control Zone area if the test is performed correctly.

What is required to determine pregnancy using a test?

1. Test strip (test cassette ( tablet test) or test-midstream ( jet test)) for testing.
2. Timer (clock or alarm)
3. Clean, dry container for collecting urine (small container)
WARNING: Do not use the test more than once.

Causes of a false positive pregnancy test result.

Why do false positive and false negative pregnancy test results occur? Possible reasons false positive result pregnancy test (the test shows a positive result if there is no pregnancy):
1. Taking medications containing hCG;
2. Presence of tumors;
3. A small number of days after the abortion.

Reasons for a false negative pregnancy test result.

Possible reasons false negative result pregnancy test (the test shows a negative result if pregnancy is present):
1. The test was carried out earlier due date(especially if a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle);
2. Kidney pathology and of cardio-vascular system, which prevents the release of hCG in the urine in normal concentrations;
3. Large intake of fluids or diuretics before testing.

A pregnancy test done at home by experienced people is almost as accurate as laboratory testing. But when it is used by ordinary consumers, the accuracy drops. Most users did not understand or follow the instructions for use included in the kit. Using a pregnancy test incorrectly can result in both false negative and false positive results.

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