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The first symptoms of labor. Condition before childbirth: mental and physical condition, harbingers of childbirth

Many women worry that they will not be able to correctly determine the onset of labor. Indeed, it is important to guess this moment: you need to have time to prepare for childbirth, mentally and physically tune in to the upcoming event, withstand a lot of stress. You will need to prepare things for a trip to the hospital, collect documents, necessary hygiene items. You should call doctors in time so as not to pose a threat to your health, the life of the baby.

Often, young expectant mothers believe that they can miss this unique moment, not notice the onset of childbirth in time. In fact, experts note that it is almost impossible to confuse real labor pains with preparatory ones. In addition, the approaching birth has a lot of signs. Some are widespread, some symptoms are characteristic of specific groups of women. Even the expectant mother, who is preparing for childbirth for the first time, will easily be able to determine the very moment when the child is about to be born. How to understand that soon to give birth? Monitor your condition, pay attention to any changes. Remember a few basic signs, follow the recommendations. Then you will immediately know that the birth is close, you will be able to properly prepare for them.

How to distinguish preparatory contractions from generic?
Most women are concerned about the similarity of sensations during the so-called "training" fights with those signs of an approaching birth, which they have read about many times in various sources, heard from their friends. Of course, preparatory contractions are a bit similar to prenatal contractions, but it is still very difficult to confuse them with them. Any woman who is not giving birth for the first time will not be embarrassed by this behavior of the uterus. Learn to distinguish between pre-labor contractions and labor contractions.

  • When 38 weeks of pregnancy passes, training contractions may begin.
  • Preparatory contractions are noticeably less painful than labor. True, primiparous women have nothing to compare with, so the sensations may seem extremely unpleasant.
  • An important feature of training bouts is monotony. They do not increase, do not become more painful, prolonged.
  • The intensity of the preliminary contractions does not increase.
  • Most often, the so-called "false contractions" stop quickly enough, and the woman feels good again.
Learn to deal with discomfort during pre-contractions. Change body position, walk around the room. You can try to distract yourself: read a book, listen to your favorite music or watch a movie. You will stop worrying, forget about the pain, and the contractions will have time to pass.

Signs of labor pains
Harbingers of the birth of a baby are labor pains. You will identify them immediately. They have a number of distinctive features, so it is almost impossible to confuse these contractions before childbirth with preparatory ones.

  1. Regularity. Labor contractions are regular. They do not pass, they appear with a certain systematicity. The contractions are most characteristic for forty seconds, the breaks between them are approximately 15 minutes.
  2. Increasing intensity. The contractions before childbirth gradually increase, become more intense, heavy.
  3. Pain sensations. Labor pains are much more painful than training ones. The pain comes in waves, usually begins in the back, lower back. Then the sensation spreads along the hips, and a kind of ring closes in the abdomen.
  4. Tone of the uterus. With real contractions, the state of the uterus can be easily determined if you simply put your hand on your stomach. The uterus is tense because it is in good shape.
  5. Increased contractions immediately before childbirth. Gradually, the contractions become more intense. When the contraction lasts about a minute, and the break between contractions has already decreased, it is 3-5 minutes, it's time to go to the hospital, or call the midwife at home if you decide to give birth at home.

Note! When strong, frequent and painful labor pains suddenly stop, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. This may be a sign of weak labor activity. Even in the absence of contractions, specialists will help the baby to be born and preserve the health of the young mother.

Preparation for childbirth and behavior during labor. A few nuances
Behave correctly during labor pains in order to alleviate your condition as much as possible, to prepare well for the upcoming hard work.

  • Calm. Try to calm down and relax completely. Think about the fact that not much time will pass - and you will already give birth. Realize the end of a difficult period, do not be afraid of pain. She will pass.
  • Positive attitude. Tune in to the upcoming birth, maintain confidence in a successful outcome. Your attitude will positively affect the condition of the baby, and will help you yourself.
  • Relax. During contractions, you must completely relax, do not pinch, do not strain your muscles.
  • Proper breathing. Breathe deeply when you feel pain approaching. After the start of the fight, you need to change your breathing to superficial, frequent and rhythmic. If the contraction is over, take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
  • Body position. During fights, it is better to stand with your back against the wall, the back of the chair. When a woman is lying, the pain may be stronger.
  • Massage. A light massage of the lower back will help alleviate the condition. Movement should be directed from top to bottom. You can simply stroke your stomach with smooth circular movements.
Remember the recommendations so that your preparation for childbirth goes well.

Signs of an upcoming birth
You can understand that labor will begin soon, not only by the nature of the contractions. There are a few more common signs that will let you know: the baby is about to be born.

  1. Preliminary fights. When the birth is already close, a few days are left before them, preliminary contractions appear regularly. They are necessary to prepare the uterus for the future birth of the baby.
  2. Discomfort in the thighs. When a woman carries a child for 35 weeks, discomfort may appear in the pelvis and hips.
  3. Pulling in the lower abdomen. Ligaments are stretched more and more before childbirth, so women can feel an unpleasant pull in the stomach.
  4. Aching pains. The pubic bones gradually diverge. So the mother's body prepares for childbirth. In this case, there is aching pain in the perineum.
  5. The belly dropped. Before childbirth, the abdomen drops. The child moves into the pelvis, and the stomach is gradually pulled down.
  6. The waters have receded. Immediately before childbirth, the waters break. It is advisable to pay attention to their color, texture, smell, so that later everything can be reported to the doctor. Sometimes the water breaks right during contractions. It is important to remember that immediately after the departure of the waters, you need to consult a doctor, since childbirth has already begun.
  7. Birth pains. A sign of the imminent birth of a baby is frequent, regular, painful contractions.
  8. Loose stools, frequent urination. Sometimes women begin to go to the toilet more often when labor approaches.
  9. Chills. Some expectant mothers are shivering before childbirth.
  10. Increased activity. It is characteristic that many women become more active before childbirth. They have a desire to create a more comfortable atmosphere in the apartment, to cook more things for the baby, to go around the shops.
Keep track of your condition. You will immediately understand that you will soon give birth. New sensations in the body during pregnancy are a natural and normal phenomenon. It is important to figure out in time whether the sensation that has appeared is a symptom of a pathological condition, such as a threat of abortion, or is it a natural sign of the development of the pregnancy itself.
Such signs at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy are the so-called harbingers of childbirth - markers of the readiness of the woman's body for childbirth. Listen to the word "harbingers." What is its meaning? These are heralds, foreshadowing some upcoming important event, preceding it. Harbingers appear a few days before the onset of childbirth, when the pregnancy is considered to be full-term, and the baby is fully mature and ready for extrauterine existence, i.e. after the 37th week of pregnancy.
The baby's lungs are already developed enough that he can breathe atmospheric air. special cells of his lungs begin to produce biologically active substances - this is a signal for the mother's body. In the parent "control center" a planned relocation takes place, an installation is given for the exit. The expectant mother experiences syndromes that are very similar to birth.
However, harbingers are recognized not only to notify. Each harbinger occurs in connection with changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Moreover, the change is characterized by the suddenness of the occurrence of spasmodicity, sharpness, therefore it attracts the attention of a woman.

The main signs of harbingers of childbirth

1. The earliest harbinger is the prolapse of the abdomen of a pregnant woman.

What does it look like? About 2-3 weeks before the birth, you will find that the stomach has dropped. Often this happens suddenly, somehow suddenly. Still, the height of the fundus of the uterus, which increases weekly by 1 cm and by the 37th week is about 37-40 cm (if there is only one baby in the uterus), suddenly decreases by 2-3 cm in a few hours.
Of course, this does not go unnoticed: breathing becomes easier, the shape of the abdomen changes - it becomes flat, sloping from above. According to one of the pregnant women, at first, when the stomach is high, “at least put a cup and saucer and drink tea.” And at the moment of the realization of the harbinger, which we called “abdominal prolapse”, the uterus immediately becomes 2-3 cm lower. You can’t put a cup and saucer on. Between the chest and stomach, the palm now easily fits. Why is this happening? The lower segment of the uterus before childbirth becomes softer and stretches. The child descends, tightly pressing his head against the bone rim of the small pelvis, and the stomach becomes lower.

Signs of a harbinger:
the appearance of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Shooting pains in the perineum and legs may appear, because with all its weight the child presses on the muscles, ligaments and nerves.
easier breathing (the pregnant uterus no longer presses so hard on the lungs)
decrease in motor activity of the baby.
It is likely that a child's reduced motor activity may puzzle or frighten you. The child is pressed against the bone ring of the small pelvis with his head, as a result of which he stops turning and can only move his arms and legs. So the decrease in perturbations is quite understandable and normal.
And the purpose of the harbinger is clear: fixing the head prevents the baby from turning over and facilitates the onset of the birth process. The birth canal for the child is already passed by three centimeters! And only ten will remain in childbirth.
In the case of the pelvic position, the lowering of the presenting part does not occur. Due to its large size and softness, the baby's bottom cannot fit into the bony ring of the mother's pelvis.

2. Mucus plug

An equally significant criterion for the body's readiness for childbirth is the release of the mucous plug from the genital tract. During pregnancy, thick cervical mucus in the form of a cork prevented access to the uterus by harmful microorganisms, and by the time of delivery, it liquefies and flows out of the genital tract.
Liquefaction of mucus is facilitated by estrogens, the level of which rises for childbirth. We do this 3-5 days before delivery. You will find on the pad a muco-watery discharge of a beige or brown color, sometimes with streaks of blood, in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons. Usually this happens in the morning, at once, the next morning the discharge may be repeated. At this stage, the question may arise: is this amniotic fluid?

After all, both those and other discharges are liquid, and at first observation they seem to be similar. (By the way, water is normally poured out at the end of the 1st stage of labor, and prenatal effusion is rarely observed.) Compare:

Departure time:

cork - 3-5 days before delivery
water - At the end of the 1st stage of labor, sometimes before childbirth or at the beginning

cork - Slimy beige, brown, may be streaked with blood
water - Transparent, can be light pink, light green

cork - Liquid, mucous
water - watery

cork - in portions of 1-2 tablespoons, several days in a row
water - Constant leakage, positive symptom of "cough shock"

What to do:
cork - watch
water - Go to the hospital

Water, unlike the mucous plug, is clear, warm and constantly leaking. A simple cough can be used as a diagnostic criterion. With tension in the abdominal wall, the water will flow more strongly, and the amount of mucous plug will not change.

3. Change in the well-being and mood of a pregnant woman

The next harbinger that occurs a few days before childbirth is a change in the state of health and mood of the pregnant woman. There may be an emotional upsurge, sudden euphoria, unreasonable sadness, tearfulness. For the third trimester, childbirth and the postpartum period, they are most characteristic. Sometimes these feelings quickly replace each other during the day. There may be sweating, flushes of heat to the head, slight dizziness, a feeling of chills. These manifestations are associated with pronounced hormonal changes before childbirth.
4. Protrusion of the navel

A protrusion of the navel may appear in the third trimester of pregnancy (before the 37th week) and is probably associated with a general softening of the connective tissues of the body and an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, as well as with overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall and abdominal skin.
5. "Duck walk"

The center of gravity shifts, and the woman, when walking, compensatory tilts her shoulders back. When a pregnant woman walks, she puts her legs not in one line, as it was before pregnancy, but slightly spreading them, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport. This is important in order to better hold the increased volumes. There is nothing wrong with this, this is a typical gait of a woman before childbirth. if this is the first pregnancy, then the woman will walk like this for 2-4 weeks. During subsequent pregnancies, the abdomen drops literally on the eve of childbirth.

6. Weight loss

2-3 days before giving birth, a woman may lose a little weight (1-2 kg). Due to what, then, body weight can change so quickly? Of course, due to the release of the body from excess fluid in the form of urine. The usefulness (physiological) of this precursor lies in the fact that as a result of a decrease in the liquid component of the blood (recall that urine is formed from blood), the blood thickens, its clotting increases, which helps to reduce blood loss during childbirth. In addition, the additional volume of fluid that was previously used to produce amniotic fluid, increase the volume of blood circulating in the body of the mother and child, is no longer needed - and excess water is excreted from the body. Sometimes this period is characterized not only by frequent urination, but also by diarrhea. The intestines before childbirth also need to be cleaned.
Perhaps the most significant and tangible harbingers of childbirth are premonitory contractions and the maturity of the cervix.

7. Precursor contractions

Precursor contractions - non-rhythmic uterine contractions that appear a few days before childbirth, usually in the evenings. Women often call them trial contractions, which makes sense. The purpose of pre-vesticular contractions is to prepare the birth canal, and specifically, to promote the maturation of the cervix - its shortening and expansion.

Precursor contractions are well felt. How can you recognize them?

To begin with, let's figure out what a fight is and is there a fundamental difference between forerunner, labor pains, normal contractile activity and increased uterine tone.
The mechanism of occurrence of all these states is the same.
This is an increase in the contractility of the uterus, the tension of its muscle layer. And since the uterus is a completely muscular organ (plus the mucous membrane from the inside and the connective tissue base of the peritoneum - along the outer surface), we say that the contraction is a contraction of the uterus, meaning by this its muscle. The uterus at the same time for some time (usually up to a minute) becomes dense, tense, well contoured, there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum.

The differences are as follows:

Normal contractile contractions (called Braxton-Hicks contractions by doctors) are natural, brief, painless contractions of the uterus, usually noticeable after the 24th week of pregnancy. They appear 4-6 times a day and are considered a normal manifestation of the contractile activity of the uterus, which demonstrates its ability to tension, reminds of itself. In addition, at the time of the change in tone, blood circulation improves, which allows you to deliver more nutrients to the child.
We are talking about increased uterine tone with frequent and prolonged uterine tension, exceeding the frequency and intensity of Braxton-Hicks contractions. In the event of an increased tone before the 37th week of pregnancy, this is a sign of the threat of premature birth.
The same contractions, but after the 37th week of pregnancy, are already called precursor. They have their own characteristics. The main distinguishing feature of precursor contractions is their irregularity. The contractions themselves are short - only a few seconds, rarely - up to a minute. Pauses between such contractions vary greatly and can be from 10-15 to 20-30 minutes.
Precursor contractions usually appear 5-7 days before childbirth, in the evenings or at the beginning of the night, preventing the woman from falling asleep for several hours. Then they pass by themselves or after a massage, a warm bath, soothing tea. A few hours before delivery, mild uterine tension may be accompanied by loose stools. Sometimes contractions are represented only by pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and aching pains in the lower back and sacrum. It's uncomfortable. You can alleviate the condition by breathing exercises, stroking the abdomen clockwise, softly and gently, with the whole palm.
Labor pains differ from precursor contractions in their regularity and gradual increase in frequency and intensity.
As soon as contractions begin, note the time between them by the clock. Within two hours you will have no doubt about the nature of these contractions. Labor pains will increase regularly and gradually, but you cannot say the same about precursor contractions - they are incomprehensible, sluggish, irregular.

8. Ripening of the cervix

The cervix is ​​a muscular formation with circularly arranged muscle fibers that form the entrance and exit from the uterus. In this case, we are interested in the exit function. Opening slightly in the prenatal period, the cervix becomes soft, pliable, short (1-1.5 cm versus 3 cm during pregnancy), which facilitates its further opening already in the process of childbirth. Such a cervix is ​​​​mature, which means it is ready for the onset of childbirth.
This harbinger is more noticeable to the obstetrician during examination than to the woman herself. The maturity of the cervix is ​​an important criterion for the readiness of the body for childbirth. Readiness corresponds to a certain state of the nervous system (the inclusion of a generic dominant), a hormonal background that corresponds to the end of pregnancy and has reached the threshold level necessary to start the birth process.

When there is very little left before the onset of childbirth, then every pregnant woman begins to think about what kind of symptoms will tell her about the beginning of this important event. Of course, this issue is very important, because every woman wants to be in a specialized maternity hospital during the birth process and is under the supervision of doctors and obstetricians. If a woman knows everything necessary about the signs of childbirth, then, accordingly, she will worry less. If there is no such knowledge, then the pregnant woman may start to panic, and in no case should this be done.

Signs of incipient labor

Signs of the imminent onset of the birth process are one of the parts that is included in the period of the precursors of childbirth. The first signs of labor should usually appear about 7-14 days before the due date. So, the following changes in the body of the expectant mother can be attributed to the list of harbingers of childbirth:
  1. Belly starts to drop. This condition is easily explained by the fact that the presenting part of the child begins to gradually descend into the woman's small pelvis, and the uterine fundus also descends due to a decrease in the tone of the abdominal muscles. A few weeks before the birth, the baby's head will be directed to the entrance to the mother's small pelvis. If the birth is the first, then the omission can begin 4 weeks before the birth. If a woman is multiparous, then prolapse, in most cases, occurs immediately a week or two before the onset of labor.
  2. Increased secretion of cervical glands, which are located on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. This provokes the discharge of the mucous plug, and mucous secretions begin to appear from the vagina, which are an astringent secret from the cervix. Over time, the discharge may become more and more transparent.
  3. Gradually, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe. This condition occurs due to the fact that the child moves more into the lower abdomen and the stomach with the diaphragm begins to feel freer. At the same time, other rather unpleasant consequences of moving the baby may begin to appear. Many pregnant women experience discomfort while sitting, heartburn, and frequent urination due to pressure on the bladder.
  4. Severe lower back pain. This occurs as a result of an increase in the weight of the child and its pressure on the woman's small pelvis, the stretching of the iliac-sacral connective tissue increases.
  5. Quite often shortly before delivery urges increase not only for urination, but also for feces. In this case, many experts recommend starting to take laxatives, which are aimed at preparing and cleansing the body before childbirth. Also, some hormones act on the body in this way and prepare it naturally.
  6. There is also a significant sign weight loss in women. Before giving birth, a woman can lose an average of 1-1.5 kilograms. This is due to the increased excretion of fluid from the body of the expectant mother.
  7. It should be noted that significantly baby's activity changes. Some babies become quiet, while others become too active, especially when compared to how they behaved throughout the pregnancy.
  8. Before childbirth, a woman noticeably decreases or even completely loss of appetite. Also, a few weeks before giving birth, a woman's mood begins to change very quickly and dramatically. This is influenced by changes that occur in the endocrine system.
  9. In most women, the "nesting" instinct begins to manifest itself when she is intensely preparing for the appearance of a child.

Signs of an upcoming birth

The first symptoms of the onset of labor, which can begin about 1-2 weeks before the birth of the child, gradually pass into the preliminary period. It is considered normal to consider the preliminary period when a woman's pregnancy is full-term and from time to time she begins to experience different in duration and frequency, a bit like contractions, pain in the lower abdomen. It should be noted that the normal preliminary period lasts no more than six hours. This period does not affect the rhythm of sleep or wakefulness.

If during this period the gynecologist examines the vagina, he will see that the cervix is ​​mature and ready for childbirth, and also note the presence of mucous secretions in the woman. Preliminary pains will eventually turn into real regular labor pains, which are evidence of the beginning of the first stage of labor.

Signs of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous

Signs of labor activity will not differ from what kind of child you give birth to. Of course, the only difference will be that the second time the harbingers of childbirth cause less fear and anxiety. In addition, there is already experience and a woman knows how to behave in a particular case. An interesting fact is that in multiparous women, signs of labor can be more pronounced and begin closer to the onset of labor.

Onset of labor signs and symptoms

When the body has finished preparing for childbirth, you can notice some changes that may indicate this. So, there are several signs that your baby will be born very soon:
  • there are regular contractions. After they appear, a pregnant woman turns into a woman in labor. Contractions can be compared to rhythmic pressure on a woman's abdomen. Gradually, the contractions will become more frequent and stronger, respectively, pain and discomfort will increase. During each contraction, it will be possible to feel that the uterus becomes very hard. Between contractions, the body will completely relax.
  • Mucus plug comes off. This is a dense lump of mucus that can move away both a few weeks before the birth, and a few days or even hours. It is worth noting that in most cases, a small amount of blood will be present in the mucus from the cork.
  • The cervix begins to gradually flatten, which ends with the opening of the uterine os.
  • Amniotic fluid drains. Depending on how exactly and in what place the fetal bladder bursts, the waters can leave at one time or leave in a small amount several times. It is very important to notice the condition when the water is leaking and turn to the doctor with this problem in time.

Signs of preterm labor

I would like to add that if the birth is premature, then their signs will not differ in any way from the timely birth process. It is worth noting that those births that occur from 27 to 32 weeks of pregnancy are called premature.
  • There are several clear signs that may indicate a possible onset of labor ahead of time:
  • the cervix becomes soft and begins to shorten (you can see this on an ultrasound);
  • a woman has sensations that resemble contractions;
  • there are vaginal bleeding of varying degrees of complexity;
  • water begins to leak or completely drains;
  • the activity of the child is very sharply reduced.
If you have signs of childbirth long before the due date, then you should immediately call an ambulance. You should not expect that everything will go away by itself, because if this is really the beginning of labor, then you and your child may need not only the help of doctors and obstetricians, but also resuscitation procedures.

In this article:

So the 9 months of waiting are coming to an end, and every pregnant woman wonders what the first symptoms will help her understand that childbirth is starting, at what point to call an ambulance. Doctors talk about signs of incipient labor activity in the mother and fetus.

Harbingers of the imminent onset of childbirth in a woman

After 38 weeks, the pregnancy is considered full-term. Before childbirth, the normal beginning of which is considered to be any time between 38 and 42 weeks, the level of hormones responsible for bearing the fetus decreases in the body of women, and the level of those that stimulate labor activity increases significantly.

Hormonal changes affect both the physical and psychological state of women. The presence of several of the following signs indicates the imminent onset of labor. The first symptoms may appear even a few weeks before childbirth.

One of the main symptoms of approaching childbirth is the prolapse of the abdomen, which occurs due to a tighter entry of the fetal head into the pelvic ring. Many women say that it has become easier for them to sit and breathe, heartburn has disappeared. Obstetricians note the prolapse of the uterine fundus. Although for most this occurs within a few weeks, for some women, the stomach drops right before childbirth.

Very often, to train the body before childbirth, Braxton-Hicks contractions occur (precursor, false, training). They can be quite long and intense. Unlike true false contractions, they are not regular, do not increase in intensity and duration, often resemble menstrual pain, and usually stop if the woman relaxes or takes a warm bath. If you were able to fall asleep, these are definitely training bouts.

Many women experience nausea, loose stools, and even vomiting during the prenatal period. According to doctors, these signs indicate the process of opening the cervix. However, one must be careful, constantly drink water in small quantities in order to prevent dehydration of the body, because these symptoms can accompany poisoning and intestinal infection.

In some cases, in women in the last stages of pregnancy, urination may become more frequent, which occurs due to increased pressure of the uterus on the lower abdomen, in particular the bladder. As a result, swelling disappears. It is also believed that this indicates the ridding of the body of excess, cleansing before childbirth. Those of the women who are regularly weighed may notice a weight loss of 1-2 kilograms.

Some of the pregnant women experience pain in the lumbar region and pressure in the lower abdomen.
The discharge of the mucous plug can occur both immediately before childbirth, and 2 weeks before them. Mucus is located in the cervical canal and protects the fetus from infection. When it stands out, the child continues to be reliably protected by the amniotic membrane.

How to understand that it was the mucous plug that stood out? It is transparent, colorless, may be streaked with blood; quantity - about 20 ml. If the cork came out more than 2 weeks before the due date (estimated date of birth) or the cork was painted in some color, you need to seek medical help, otherwise there is no cause for concern

The psychological sign of an approaching birth is the “nesting instinct”, when a woman tries to stay at home as much as possible, choosing a cozy corner, or cleans, erases, irons, preparing a “nest” for her child. Here you should not overdo it with physical activity and save energy for the upcoming birth.
All of the above first manifestations of approaching childbirth do not require immediate medical attention, but in case of any doubt, it is better not to be shy and consult a doctor.

Fetal symptoms

Usually, a few days before the birth, the baby becomes less active: he has grown up, and it is increasingly difficult for him to move in a cramped space. However, if a woman feels less than 10 series of movements per day, it is necessary to consult a doctor to exclude the risk of developing fetal hypoxia.

The main signs of incipient labor

The main sign of the development of labor activity is the development of contractions, that is, an increase in their intensity, an increase in duration and a decrease in the intervals between them. The first contractions usually appear as pulling pains in the lower abdomen or lower back, lasting several seconds at intervals of 15-20 minutes. Often contractions are accompanied by chills. You should not worry when chills appear, this is one of the natural reactions of the body before childbirth.

The outflow of amniotic fluid is the second reliable sign of the onset of labor. In this case, the liquid should be light or yellowish, colored water may indicate an oxygen starvation of the child in the womb or an infection. Rupture of the amniotic membrane can occur both immediately before childbirth, and many hours before them.

When to call an ambulance?

  1. If your water has broken, you should immediately go to the maternity ward: the longer the child is without water, the higher the likelihood of complications.
  2. With regular increasing contractions, when the interval between them is 7-10 minutes. If it takes more than 30 minutes to go to the hospital, it is better to call an ambulance without waiting for such a short interval.
  3. If bleeding occurs.

In primiparous and multiparous women, the symptoms of the onset of labor are the same, however, in the second childbirth, as a rule, they proceed more rapidly than if the childbirth is the first, therefore, if signs of labor activity are manifested in women who have already given birth, it is better to immediately go to a medical facility.

Easy childbirth and health to you and the baby!

The pregnancy is going well, the expectant mother feels good, but she does not leave the feeling of anxiety for the most important process - childbirth. This is especially exciting if a woman gives birth for the first time. How to understand that the child is ready to be born when you need to go to the hospital so that the doctors can take delivery on time. The first signs of childbirth should be known to all women who are going to give birth, so as not to harm themselves or the baby.

Many try to fully trust the doctor who sets the date, or rather the date of birth, but in practice it often turns out that the child is born earlier or later than the appointed date, it depends on many factors. Premature birth is just as dangerous as a post-term baby, so you need to monitor your body, serve yourself in order to feel the first signs of childbirth in time. It is necessary to know what will happen in the body before childbirth, what changes in the female state should be understood as the approach of childbirth.

What are the first signs of childbirth?

The main first sign of the approach of childbirth is the prolapse of the abdomen. The fact is that the child must descend in order to prepare for its birth. With a normal birth, this occurs at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, it even becomes easier for a woman to breathe, but many will experience discomfort due to frequent urination and swelling. Your arms and legs may swell, and you may want to go to the toilet more often. This is due to the fact that the child, having descended, puts pressure on the kidneys and bladder, so do not be afraid of edema, they will be a warning to you, as the first sign of the approach of childbirth, that happy moment when the baby is born.

Another of the main signs of approaching childbirth is weight loss. Throughout your pregnancy, you only gained weight, but now you have lost a couple of kilograms, don’t worry, it means you will soon become a mother, which is why it is so important to regularly measure your weight throughout the entire period. Weight loss is due to the absorption of amniotic fluid, so you should not be afraid of this.

The first sign of close childbirth will be a change in appetite. If you ate well, and suddenly stopped feeling the pleasure of eating, your appetite suddenly disappeared, get ready for a close birth. This will be evidenced, and vice versa, by an increased appetite, if it was not characteristic of you during pregnancy.

Just a few days before giving birth, a woman begins to feel a pulling pain in the pubic bone area. If it has become habitual for you that your back, lower back is aching, now the pain will go exactly to the pubic part. The fact is that for childbirth it is necessary that the bones become softer in order to facilitate childbirth, so there is a certain softening of them, which is accompanied by a dull pain. Do not be afraid of these symptoms, just start preparing for the hospital.

In addition to physiological changes in the body, psychological metamorphoses also occur. The character and mood of a woman becomes changeable, then she cries, then laughs. During pregnancy, this was less noticeable than a few days before delivery, so this sign should also be paid attention to. You cannot fall asleep, some previously completely unimportant problems began to worry you, apathy or, conversely, aggression attacks you. All this will pass after childbirth, but for now it's time for you and your husband to prepare for the birth of the baby.

What to do if the first signs of childbirth are found?

If you notice several of the first signs of labor listed above, and they are getting worse, then you will give birth in less than a week. However, the last trimester should be very careful, do not lift anything heavier than one and a half kilograms, lie more. However, small physical activity will be beneficial, otherwise you can move on, that is, the child will be born later than necessary, what it threatens, read the article: Is a post-term pregnancy dangerous?

It is best to walk outdoors for several hours a day, in a park, garden, do feasible household chores - wipe the dust, wash dishes, cook delicious food, iron, but it is forbidden to wash the floors in an inclination or wash clothes by hand. In these household chores, let your relatives help you, or an improvised tool - a mop with a comfortable long handle, a washing machine.

But the main thing before childbirth is positive emotions that must be present around the woman all the time, so that the baby feels his mother's good condition, no worries, so that nothing frightens him before being born.

How to determine the onset of labor?

All the signs that appear in a woman make her understand that childbirth is close, that you need to be constantly ready for them, you need to collect things that will be needed in the hospital. However, the closer the crucial moment, the more worries, whether she will be able to understand that childbirth is starting.

To determine the onset of labor, it is necessary to pay attention to obvious signs of a change in the condition of a woman:

  • There is an adrenaline rush, her palms and feet become wet, she begins to feel a strong growing excitement
  • Some fluid comes out of the uterus, sometimes with blood secretions - this is a special mucous plug that protected the baby throughout the entire period of pregnancy. However, there are times when she comes out a day or two before the birth itself, but most often just before the birth.
  • Fights begin. The first contractions are only a little painful, the pain moves from the lower abdomen to the lower back. If you do not immediately notice these sensations - do not worry, the first birth can last up to 14 hours, so you will have time to see a doctor when you feel stronger contractions. Gradually, the strength of contractions and their duration will increase. Prenatal contractions happen at intervals of about 5 minutes, and more often. When the uterus begins to contract, you will feel it, moreover, this will be preceded by the discharge of amniotic fluid.
  • It should be understood that the discharge of water is the beginning of childbirth, but the water can drain slowly if the baby’s head blocks their path, or quickly, in which case it is very important to deliver the baby as quickly as possible so that the baby does not suffocate and is not injured, any delay can become critical for baby health. If you were not at the doctor during the discharge of the waters, carefully remember the time and appearance of the waters, their smell, all this must be known to the obstetrician-gynecologist who will take delivery.

What to do if the water breaks?

Firstly, do not panic, you must immediately call an ambulance or a husband who will take you to the hospital, even if the water has broken and there are no contractions. You need to ride in a car reclining, you can take a bottle of still water or black tea with lemon with you. Usually, modern women think through everything in advance, so when collecting a bag for childbirth, do not forget to take water, because during childbirth and after you really want to drink.

The first signs of preterm labor

We will talk more about preterm birth in another article, but now I would like to explain only those cases when you should really worry that you have the first signs of preterm labor. The fact is that that pregnancy is considered normal when the child is born for about 40 weeks, if the birth begins earlier, then this is premature and you should be prepared for anything, so it is so important to know the signs of premature birth.

If you identify the symptoms and first signs of preterm labor in time, you can consult a doctor in time:

  • The appearance of contractions that repeat every 10 minutes or even more often
  • Discharge of watery fluid, which may indicate an injury to the amniotic fluid bladder
  • Cramps in the lower abdomen, similar to menstruation
  • Dull aching pain in the lower back, may be temporary
  • Pressure in the pelvic area, can also be intermittent
  • Abdominal cramps

If you find several of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid premature birth.

How to induce contractions on your own?

But not only premature births are dangerous, but also re-carrying, so if you have been in a position for more than 41 weeks, you can cause contractions on your own without harm to the health of the child in order to speed up the natural process of giving birth to a child.

To induce natural contractions on your own when the baby is not in a hurry to be born, you should eat more of those foods that contain fiber, drink less water, do not overeat. This will stimulate the intestines.

You need to walk more, be upright, you can even dance at home. Gradually, under the weight of amniotic fluid, the fetus will move, the muscles of the uterus will begin to contract, which will lead to the first contractions, and later to childbirth.

You can massage the nipples of the breast, which allows the hormone oxytocin to appear in the body, which also causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the breast, preparing it for feeding.

Stroke your stomach, talk to your child, call him, say how much you love him. Such contact between mother and child is sometimes the main impetus for the birth of a baby.

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