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Training on strategic technology to improve memory. How to develop memory in an adult: exercises for training. Review of the best techniques for the development of memory. Memory training exercises

Something with my memory has become .... Familiar? Yes, "here I remember - here not..." is close to almost all categories of people of all ages. Memory and attention often fail and we shake our heads sadly: What to do...?

What is memory?

Memory and problems with it

Memory- the mental form of the nervous and mental activity of a person to retain, accumulate, store and reproduce all the information that the body passes through its organs of perception.

The process of memory loss is called hypomnesia. Usually the problem occurs with age or as a result of some kind of brain disease (sclerosis of cerebral vessels, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and so on).

However, healthy and young people often complain about the weakening of memory. Here it is important not to confuse the disease with the selectivity of our memory and attention.

You noticed that when you meet, you immediately forget the named ones, this is because at this moment, we read information about the person we see. A stereotype is triggered: almost everyone is familiar to us, and the brain turns off in this direction, clinging to and dwelling on other facts. Here you should only slightly concentrate your attention on the right points.

So, if you just talked to a person and forgot his name or the address he gave, this is not a reason to run to the doctor. Often this is the ability of the brain to sort out more and less important aspects of information for us. But if, after talking with a person, and after a while you can’t remember what he asked you to talk about, you should be wary and think about treatment ...

Memory and attention test

Or another quick memory test with Schulte tables used for speed reading. Look at the table for 10 seconds. Then close it and write down the numbers you remember:

Test results:

  1. If you managed to remember 10 or more numbers, you can be congratulated, you have an excellent memory!
  2. A person with a satisfactory memory remembers 6-7 numbers.
  3. If less, the memory is reduced.

A simple and always accessible exercise is the solution of mathematical examples.

Count "in your mind" everywhere: in front of a supermarket checkout, calculating a discount from price tags for promotions, tipping in a restaurant, or considering a monthly budget - all this trains the brain.

For two minutes, try to memorize as many of the words below as you can. Then write down all the words that you remember and count. Repeat the exercise every day, follow the progress.

Causes of memory impairment

There are several reasons for memory impairment, as well as for any physiological process of the body. Here are those well-known external causes that adversely affect the general health of a person and, in particular, the weakening of memory:

  1. Bad ecology the pollution of the air we breathe. Brain cells need oxygen to function, which is becoming more and more problematic in our gassed city.
  2. Poor quality sleep, frequent manifestations, because it is in a dream that all recovery processes occur in the body. Healthy, uninterrupted sleep is especially important, which must necessarily begin before 24:00 and end at 6-8:00 in the morning.
  3. Information overload that we all experience: the Internet, radio, television. An endless stream of information suddenly falls on the brain, or the person himself clogs it with unnecessary “trash”.
  4. Psychological fatigue, nervous overload - sources of memory impairment.
  5. Many familiar banal laziness when a person, the same student, who until recently kept a lot of information in his head, after graduating, stops reading, counts with a calculator, keeps all records of cases through a notebook. The brain stopped receiving signals for memorization, it completely turns off and a person sometimes already forgets his name 🙂.
  6. Poor nutrition, deficiency, lack of natural products, eating food, in which there are a lot of preservatives, food additives, dyes.
  7. Smoking does not contribute to the quality of health, impairs memory. Moreover, it was experimentally established that people who reduced the daily number of cigarettes or quit smoking noticeably improved their memory.
  8. Age the phenomenon of memory loss, due to the difficulty of blood flow in the vessels of the brain, poor blood circulation. No matter how regrettable it may sound, but doctors consider it quite acceptable - age-related weakening of memory.

As you can see, all causes are external, not a word about genetics, so the memory given by nature , anyone can improve if they want.

How to improve memory and attention at home

Train your memory the best way to improve it.Easy, just like we train our muscles, we can exercise and focus.

Look carefully for 3-5 seconds at two or three people, turn away and ask yourself what you managed to remember: what color is the jacket of the first, the hat of the second, and how long is the hair of the third.

You are going to the Hypermarket, make a shopping list, afraid to forget. Not bad, put it in the back pocket. Walk around the hall and remember what you need to buy, and just before the checkout, check the contents of the basket with the list.
The following is a summary of the technique for improving memory I.I. Poloneichika- Head of the Center for Intelligent Technologies, recognized today most successful in the post-Soviet space. It's called the accumulation system. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • Wake up your brains, change your occupation, expand your sphere of interests, hobbies. If you are interested in investing, switch to politics, culture, healthy eating, or the arts.
  • Read books, learn poetry, memorize passages of prose that are especially difficult to remember. And it is important that the poems are good, better than the classics, because our brain is very selective, but it is equally important that you like these poems.
  • Solve crosswords. It is important here that the process brings pleasure, brings joy to you, then there will be success.
  • Calculate the calendar date by day of the week and vice versa. For example, today is Wednesday, May 1st, and on Friday, in a week, what will be the date? (19!) Or what day will May 23 be?
  • Name 30 names of countries, cities, capitals of states, rivers and lakes in 30 seconds. Or think of 30 words in 30 seconds in alphabetical order. Speed ​​is very important here. Let 30 for 30 fail, but the brain will work and this will already give results.
  • It has been established that it is very important to diversify your occupation, which stimulates the establishment of new connections of nerve cells in the brain, and even causes the growth of these cells, contributing to an increase in the level of memory.
  • Remembering dreams and replaying them while awake improves brain function.

Our memory is inertial, at first you will forget about these exercises, you will be overcome by laziness, but take it under control and after two, maximum three weeks you will notice the results.

Computer games for the development of memory and attention

Well trains memory, develops thinking and attention computer games. It is important that these are not simple toys, but designed by specialists and meeting medical requirements. Such games can be found on the project. their simulators were developed jointly with scientists from Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

No less effective are the memory training methods shown in the picture below. They are more fun, which means it will be more interesting to make them. Pictures are clickable.

Acupuncture - an ancient way to improve memory

Acupuncture is a massage of biologically active points on the human body that activates blood circulation.
It is recommended to act on the following points:

"Middle of a man" (renzong point) - a point between the upper lip and nose,

“Union of a hundred” (baihui point), located on the top of the head.

"Gate of the mind" (shenmen point), at the wrist at the level of the little finger.

P alchik gymnastics for memory

Exercises with the fingers of both hands increase memory and develop intelligence. It is useful to massage the base of the thumbs.

Japanese memory exercises

Everyone knows that the Japanese are record holders in life expectancy. Japanese doctors devote a lot of time to the memory and attention of their patients and develop special techniques.

The Japanese have proven that mental arithmetic improves memory well, children who count “in their minds” at school are much smarter and have better memory than their peers with calculators.

So mental counting among the Japanese is recognized as the best way to improve memory. In this case, not only the brain experiences an additional load, but the memorization process also improves.

Sports and active recreation for brain activity

Do morning exercises, sports, visit a fitness center, any physical exercise enhances the metabolic process in cells, in which more oxygen enters the blood. Walk outdoors more.

Excite your memory, do not let it sleep and relax, but do not overdo it in your experiments!

Nutrition to Improve Focus

For brain function and good memory, everything is very important in the human diet.

  • , those same 1.5-2 liters (important, the very best, structured that is contained in berries, fruits, vegetables). Its quantity depends on the organism of each, and 1 liter is enough for someone. Read about how much water everyone needs at the link
  • Good supply of oxygen to the body. It is he who nourishes the brain, providing memory. And here those products that accelerate blood flow and gently stimulate blood circulation are especially important here.
  • Antioxidants will protect the brain from aging, while amino acids and carbohydrates will provide nutrition. Vitamins C, E - as the main antioxidants. group B and vitamin K, all vitamins with which plant foods are rich.
  • omega-3 fatty acids,
  • Trace elements - selenium, iodine, phosphorus.

Products for brain function and memory improvement

Nature has taken care of products that improve memory and brain function. Their list is quite extensive. So, what products can improve memory.

  • Drink blueberry juice! Previously it was called a product of vision, now it turned out that the berry has a positive effect on memory. And by the way, frozen blueberries work just as well as fresh ones.
  • Black grapes, currants are very beneficial for the brain due to the content of antioxidants.
  • Garlic improves blood circulation in the brain, just 1-2 cloves will remove forgetfulness. A slice or twig will help to avoid the smell, if you chew garlic with them.

Infused with alcohol, it perfectly enhances mental activity, improves blood circulation in the brain.

  • Nuts are leaders among products for memory and brain. Fatty acids, which are so rich in nuts, vitamins and amino acids, zinc and magnesium, develop brain activity and stimulate brain function. Especially useful for nuts in the amount of 5-7 pieces daily; It is no coincidence that they look like hemispheres of the brain.

  • Dairy products and milk due to cottage cheese are important in everyone's diet.
  • Eat a piece of bitter cocoa every day.
  • Greens are useful and its presence in the diet of all is important. Salads from vegetables and olive oil, sesame, rapeseed, mustard, pumpkin seed oil - a gift for memory and brain.
  • Improve memory. We do not exclude sweets from our menu, remember that glucose activates the hippocampus - the section of the brain responsible for memory.
  • especially in early spring, when our diet for vitamins is so poor.

  • containing Omega-3 acids are especially necessary for brain activity;
  • Seaweed, whose iodine maintains mental clarity and forms IQ.
  • Horseradish has a beneficial effect on improving memory, especially in combination with lemon;
  • Ginger is useful in these cases, according to the Chinese, it is simply irreplaceable. Decoctions of ginger are good: insist and drink 10 g per glass of boiling water; You can use dry powder with half a teaspoon of water. Yes, and simply, add ginger to dishes;
  • Include dried fruits, baked vegetables and fruits, stewed carrots in your diet;
  • White meat chicken in terms of improving memory is the most useful. Whoever eats little meat has an excellent memory! 🙂

People who are too keen on diets suffer more from a lack of attention and memory, as well as those who Not has breakfast.

Herbs and plants to improve memory and brain function

Traditional medicine in its arsenal contains a whole storehouse of recipes, using various plants available to everyone that have a beneficial effect on memory.

  • Ginkgo biloba plant - a leader in the protection of capillaries and blood vessels of the brain. Thus, it improves not only memory, but also vision, improves sleep, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and their walls, and thins the blood. On its plant basis, drugs are sold that perfectly relieve many health problems.
  • Rosemary is an aromatic herb rich in antioxidants and carnosic acid, which dilate blood vessels, increase blood circulation, and improve memory. Studies have shown that even the smell of rosemary enhances memory.
  • Ginseng - the root of life, perfectly stimulates the brain.
  • Schisandra chinensis - improves tone, stimulates brain activity, promotes ingenuity.
  • Aronia chokeberry - especially helps with memory loss caused by atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

The best drugs to improve brain function

If, nevertheless, the above methods did not give noticeable results and your memory still does not please you, you can turn to medications that improve brain function, increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.

Ginkgo biloba- a medical preparation with natural ingredients, normalizes the state of cerebral vessels, improves mental activity and normalizes blood flow. The drug has an antioxidant effect, normalizes metabolic processes and improves blood circulation in the brain.

  • How to improve memory and learn to remember everything easily and quickly
  • What time of day is the best time to remember information?
  • How to train memory with minimal effort and time

Ivan Sechenov called memory "the cornerstone of mental development", "the main condition of mental life". Memory is a powerful force that becomes "the basis of all mental development." Without this power, every sensation would have to be felt for the millionth time as for the first time. A person would be deprived of the opportunity to comprehend concrete sensations with consequences for mental development. Therefore, it is not in vain that the question how to improve memory, worries everyone today. An excellent memory is especially important for the CEO, who has to take into account many aspects and details in his work. To improve memory and attention, several effective methods can be recommended that do not require a significant investment of time and effort.

How to improve memory

1. Leni fight! A person who is lazy in his actions and thoughts cannot count on a good memory.

An entrepreneur's brain doesn't work the way most people do. This view is receiving more and more scientific confirmation through research.

We have prepared a useful article in which we tell you how entrepreneurial thinking differs and how to train it.

Bonus! In the article you will find 4 Ways to Train Your Entrepreneurial Brain.

If you are already a subscriber of the General Director magazine, read the article

2. Focus on the memorization process if you want to improve memory and brain function. You should listen, think, draw parallels with the knowledge already gained and your life. The more of your thoughts and feelings, for which the information flow is “fixed”, the higher the probability of remembering the necessary information.

3. If you forget something: the meaning of a word, a figure from a report, the phone number of friends, the name of a singer - it is not at all necessary to immediately go into folders, dictionaries or the Internet. Try to make an effort - within a few minutes, remembering the necessary information on your own. This method will contribute to the development and strengthening of memory.

4. Reading good literature. After reading an interesting book, write down the plot and the names of the characters in the work. You should periodically review the records, restoring what you have read in your memory. This will help improve memory and attention, while you will be a truly erudite person. After all, who else can so easily remember the sequence of chapters in "War and Peace" or the name of the horse of the legendary Don Quixote.

5. Move more, exercise and dance. It has been proven that physical activity improves the blood circulation of the brain, with the activation of the mental processes of the body, for the perception, processing and reproduction of relevant information.

6. Memorization without seeing images before your eyes, understanding, retelling the text in your own words is unprofitable. After all, cramming further than RAM in this case will not work. Similarly, there will be unprofitable attempts to learn “before the exam”, “for tomorrow”, etc. When memorizing, you should put the choice on the item “forever” in order to better remember the necessary information.

7. When you memorize the name of a person you just met, you should mentally associate it with famous personalities or other acquaintances with the same name. And you should definitely add something from yourself “Ksenia. She's like Ksenia Sobchak, but she's married, brunette, and doesn't broadcast." But the nose is exactly the same. ”

8. Repetition is the mother of learning. The well-known phrase now as it is impossible by the way. But it should be repeated not five times immediately after reading the information, but for five days one time. And it is recommended to do it at night.

9. Read relevant literature. Many valuable and memorable tips for improving memory can be found in the publications “Notes for Memory” by S. Peunov, “Secrets of Memory” by B. Sergeev, as well as in the literature of Martin Kunz, Günter Karsten, Gary Small, Nadiel Lapp, Igor Matyugin, etc.

10. Needlework should not be regarded as an outdated occupation, which is inherent only to housewives or our grandmothers. After all, it is known that cross-stitching, weaving various baubles, stringing beads - all these actions have a positive effect on the state of memory and the functioning of the human brain.

11. Stick to the right diet. You should supplement your daily diet with foods that are useful for activating the brain and memory. Among these products, seafood, fish, cereals, vegetable oil can be noted, improving the entire memorization process. Sometimes even a piece of chocolate can activate the work of a tired brain, giving extra strength.

12. In preparation for the upcoming negotiations, you should surround yourself with appropriate aromas that activate memory processes. You can light an aromatic lamp with suitable essential oils: lemon, rosemary or mint.

13. Learn the poems of your favorite poets. Daily memorization of verses, albeit one a day (if difficult, you can limit yourself to quatrains) will be very useful for activating the brain and developing memory. It will be interesting, for example, to organize creative and poetic evenings with your relatives and friends. After just a few months, you can feel a significant improvement in memory.

14. Learn foreign languages. This skill will improve memory and attention. In addition, in pursuit of recipes, how to improve memory, save yourself from senile insanity.

15. It is known that professional "memorizers" of multi-digit numbers have an incomparable imagination - this is their secret. They represent numbers in the form of plants, animals, all kinds of objects. For example, a unit is represented in the form of a pillar, a deuce in the form of a swan, a six is ​​a castle, an eight is a matryoshka doll, etc. To remember, for example, a telephone, 333-18-10, they make up such sentences: “three swallows flew up to the pole and saw a nesting doll sitting on a neighboring pole and chewing a bagel.” If the imagination is not developed enough, instead of presenting this image, you can simply draw it on paper.

16. When you tell something, you need to pause for two seconds so that the words are remembered. If you want what has been said to be forgotten soon, you can speak without interruptions. For an ideal result, we recommend speaking figuratively so that the people around you can create images that match your speech.

17. It is very useful to build associative rows. For example, you need to buy coconut pies, milk and broccoli. In order not to forget about your purchase, you should imagine a milky river, in the middle of which there is an island with coconut palms and broccoli. Such associative series will also allow you to remember work questions, remembering technical parameters and indicators related to your business.

18. It is useful to create paradoxical images. The use of this method contributes to the memorization of unusual, complex phrases, professional terms. For this, try to associate any such expression with a paradoxical, vivid, even some protest way.

19. Mentally arrange objects in certain places. You can imagine a street that is familiar to you by placing all the items that you need to remember in front of the entrances of the houses. Mentally assign a certain object to each house - then we walk along this street and restore the entire list in our memory. I began to use this memo relatively recently, when I learned about the methods of theater actors. They often associate a particular line with a particular place on the stage where they are.

20. Choose the best time of day to remember the information you need. Memory works best in the morning, in the 8-12 hour range. Then gradually the memory becomes dull until 17 hours. Then it is activated again. If you are not very tired, 19 hours is the optimal time for perceiving and memorizing information from complex charts and documents, getting acquainted with reports for which you need to process and compare a significant amount of data. At least in my experience, I can confirm such recommendations with confidence.

Unusual Ways to Remember Business Information

How to remember the name of a business partner. For example, we get acquainted with Alexander Petrovich Medvedev, the general director of the Romashka company. To do this, you can use a sticker, we write the name of our new friend on one side of it, on the other - “CEO of the Romashka company”. We attach this sticker, hiding the name of the partner. Imagine a bear (an association with Medvedev), next to a Lexus car (Alexander - sounds like Alexis, Lexus), holding a parsley in his hands (Petrovich). Next, we say aloud several times "Medvedev Alexander Petrovich." This image at this time on a subconscious level will be associated with the name of your business partner. It will be enough to look at the sticker indicating his position in order to instantly remember the last name, first name and patronymic of a person.

Memorization of a difficult name. In particular, it is required to memorize the names of VoIP telephony protocols. In this case, you can use simple and memorable images instead of technical sets of letters and numbers.

  • IAX2 - the second squad of the Ajax football team
  • MGCP - gate (translated from English as media gateway control protocol - and means "gate").
  • Megaco / H.248 - mega prefix;
  • SCTP - stream (from English the designation translates as "gate");
  • SCCP - "dry".

From the associations received, we collect a phrase - and in the end we remember how Ajax scored the ball into the goal - this is a mega success; but the torrent of applause soon dried up. While this may sound rather nonsensical, it is quite easy to remember.

Memorization of a number of numbers (for example, a telephone number). If you look at the digital series more closely, you can notice descending or ascending numbers of different sequences, consisting of odd or even numbers, complex or simple. For example, 674523 - there is a descending sequence of even digits, 6,4,2, as well as a descending sequence of odd digits - 7,5,3.

Memorizing the key ideas of the report. We draw up a diagram on a piece of paper (it is advisable not to write the text by hand, but to type on the keyboard to make it easier to parse). We place the main thesis of the report in the center, write out other important thoughts near the main thesis, less significant nuances - on the periphery. You can show the relationship between these ideas using lines. The more obvious the connection of a certain idea with the main idea of ​​the report, the thicker the line can become. Use different colors and fonts to reflect these links. Thanks to this method, it is better to remember a significant amount of information (including exact data) - something that needs to be recounted, but does not need to be memorized.

  • Mnemonics techniques: how to learn to memorize quickly and easily

Practitioner tells

Denis Sologub, Head of Information Technology, Azbuka Vkusa supermarket chain, Moscow

I am in the information technology market. Therefore, you have to work with huge amounts of information, including numbers. But at the same time, I easily remember all the numbers - although, probably, these are just features of my short-term memory, which does not fail at a crucial moment. But I think that you need to regularly engage in the development of long-term memory - it is important to train it. I manage to achieve this result thanks to regular, weekly participation in the corporate game "60 Seconds" - it is similar to the famous television program "What? Where? When?".

Thanks to this, it is possible to temporarily distract from everyday work, while honing your skills and abilities, streamlining disparate information in your brain, logically linking information with other known data. At the same time, everything needs to be done quite quickly - you need to answer the question in one minute. Thanks to this, new neural connections are formed with a positive effect on long-term memory.

1. Play chess and strategy games. Find time to solve logic problems. Logical thinking can always be developed - there would be a desire. I can also recommend chess and similar board games (it is very interesting to play with your children, for example). Strategic computer games will also be useful.

All this will contribute to the overactive formation of new neural connections in the brain - since the player has to calculate different scenarios much faster compared to everyday life.

The skills gained during such games will be essential for a successful business. They will facilitate the ease of making effective decisions when looking for strategic partners, improving the product, etc. I recommend playing such games for 1-2 hours - with as much regularity as you can afford. It makes no sense to play for less than an hour - you will not have time to understand the meaning of the game. If you play more than 2 hours in a row, the brain starts to get tired, it is difficult to perceive new data.

2. Develop observation. Try, for example, to mark items throughout the day that have something in common with each other. For example, a certain brand or a red car. Each time you need to add a new one to the list of already combined items, and at the end of the day we remember the maximum number of items from our chain. Try also to remember the appearance of all objects or all shades of red. This exercise contributes to the development of mindfulness, with a long-term preservation of a significant amount of heterogeneous information in one's memory.

3. Take vitamins. I regularly take appropriate vitamins. According to doctors, certain vitamins (more precisely B, C, E) will contribute to the improvement of the nervous system, with the acceleration of the transmission of impulses along the nerve fibers - having a positive effect on attention and memory. The action of vitamins also helps to protect the brain from constant stress, with partial relief from the feeling of chronic fatigue. If you don't like all kinds of capsules or tablets, you can think about a healthy diet, including nuts, greens, citrus fruits, bean sprouts and wheat salads.

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Memory is the foundation for all spheres of human life. The memory contains what connects a person with their ancestors. The modern world is arranged in such a way that every day people are faced with a huge flow of information, including that coming from the media. In order not to get lost in this endless stream, you need to learn how to isolate the information that is really important at the present time. In order to keep up with the times, you need to learn how to use your resources correctly and not waste them in vain.

Rice. Ways to drastically improve memory

To date, many different techniques and exercises have been invented, here are the main ones:

A good option for improving the properties of memory can be the development of foreign languages;

Reading literature can help develop memory;

memorization of poems. One of the important points is that it is better to memorize exactly those verses that you like;

From time to time you can brush up on your knowledge of mathematics by calculating operations in your head;

You can think about how the skills in the development of memory will help in achieving the goals;

Every day remember what happened during the last day;

Try to regularly pronounce aloud the information that needs to be stored in your memory;

It is necessary to focus on various details, this is like an exercise for children: carefully consider all the objects, remember, close the page and try to reproduce what was drawn on the page;

It is necessary to raise in memory the information that you need to remember, forgetting about the Internet and other helpers;

It is very important to focus on the details in the world around you. For example, on the way to work, you can count how many people are waiting for the bus, how many men and how many women are at the bus stop, etc.;

One of the most effective ways to develop memory is to count daily from one to one hundred and back (from A to Z and vice versa);

Numbers can help improve memory quality;

Try to use several types of memory. For example, when memorizing a certain text, you first need to write it, and then read it loudly and with expression;

You can try to combine memorization with some physical exercise, for example, walking in the park while memorizing the study notes;

When memorizing, you can use the associative series, for this it is necessary to mentally depict the memorized information in the form of pictures, so the memorization process will take place without difficulty and, moreover, for a long time;

To train and improve the work of memory, you must constantly be "in the brain movement", you need to constantly think. Take part in various kinds of discussions, etc.

When choosing ways to develop and train memory, it is necessary to choose the most interesting ones so that they are not boring to perform every day.

In front of you are several places cute, places - no, but living creatures. You have a minute to remember them. After a minute has passed, remove this drawing and ...

… write down the names of all the animals in alphabetical order.

Little blue skirt, ribbon in a braid

Meet Maria, Bibiana, Mercedes and Juana. Yes, we agree, names a bit unusual for our area, but nonetheless. Memorize the clothes, objects, and names of these four girls for 90 seconds. After that, follow the old pattern: scroll up the picture and answer the questions below.

  1. Who has blue bows on their heads: Maria or Bibiana?
  2. What is the name of the girl in blue boots?
  3. Which of the girls has bangs and a polka dot suit?
  4. Which of the girls has a kitten: Juana or Bibiana?

Memorable minute

Below are written the names of people and dates associated with some events in their lives. You must read this list three times. And then remove it and write down from memory what you remember.

  1. Vitya and Flora got married on July 17, 1976.
  2. Larisa was born on May 12, 1987.
  3. Yulia defended her Ph.D. thesis on June 21, 2013.
  4. The mayor scheduled a grand event on February 25, 2015.

White Bim Black Ear

Now you have 30 seconds to remember these animals and their names. After this time, close the picture and try to demonstrate the magic of your memory.

Writing history

You have 90 seconds to memorize the names and dates of birth of famous historical figures. And now…

... we put all the names and dates in a huge time shaker and mixed them. Find the correct year of birth for each historical person. Don't peek!

Look at the picture below, which is somewhat reminiscent of a Soviet carpet. Stare at the squares for as long as you need. When you think you've memorized everything, put the drawing out of sight and answer the questions below.

  1. How many flowers with three petals are shown in the picture?
  2. How many black flowers are shown in the picture?
  3. How many flowers are in the picture that have only five petals, but lack any kind of additional elements?

Only crypto, only hardcore

If the previous exercises seemed like child's play, then this will make you really tense. You have two minutes to memorize this secret cipher. Then courageously (for women - feminine) close the picture and try to decipher the three words below.

Ready? Go! (By the way, this is a really doable exercise. It is enough to train for about a month every day, and Turing himself will envy you, so famously you will begin to cope with any cryptographic things.)

Congratulations, you've just supercharged your memory. And finally, a couple more banal, but effective tips in order to become a memory giant.

Be observant. Go in for sports. Keep an external order: always store frequently used items in the same places. Sing songs, explain recipes, quote poetry, and memorize fairy tales to tell your children or grandchildren later. Lay visual routes and tie ideas (abstract and not only) to images.

Solve puzzles, crossword puzzles, guess riddles, play dominoes and chess. Talk to people. Be optimistic. And, of course, read books!

Article on the topic: "Trainings for the development of memory"

In our article "Training and Improving Attention Memory" we will tell you how you can improve memory and attention with the help of training. According to statistics, about 70% of people are afraid of senile insanity, they are afraid of age-related changes in their mental abilities. Although, according to scientists, this danger is real for 5%. Of course, you can enroll yourself in the company of Walter Scott, who did not remember the content of his works, or Charlie Chaplin, who always forgot the name of the theater director. But the one who does not shock the people around him with his forgetfulness feels much calmer and more confident.

For a long time no one has been surprised by such a paradox: we believe in the great possibilities of the brain, but when memory and intellectual abilities weaken with age, we consider this phenomenon almost inevitable. But if you look at the liveliness of our mind, this is not at all the influence of heredity and not a gift from the gods, as people usually think. We can and are able to keep our intelligence up to 80 years and even much higher.

So how can you improve brain function? 1. Memory training 2. Brain stimulation with nootropics

First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet, because the normal functioning of the brain depends on the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of vitamins: A, C, E, K and group B. Each of them contributes to one or another aspect of good brain function: it prevents fatigue, slow reaction, allows you to keep memory sharp, helps to concentrate. For good brain function and, accordingly, good memory, the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of iron, folic acid and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is important. Therefore, the diet should contain lean red meat, beef liver, jacket-boiled potatoes, rye bread, milk, bananas, yogurt, oatmeal, buckwheat, apples, fatty fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, walnuts, linseed oil.

Mental abilities deteriorate because the connection between the nerve cells of the brain deteriorates.

It used to be thought that once a failed brain cell is not restored, but now this statement has been refuted.

It turns out that nerve cells, as well as brain cells, can be restored during regular mental training.

Memory and attention training

Article on the topic: "Tasks for the development of memory"

What is memory?

Memory is the basis of mental life, the basis of our consciousness. It is a magic box that preserves our past for our future. A man without memory would not be a man. Any simple or complex activity (reading, writing or comprehending one's own behavior) is based on the fact that the image of the perceived is stored in memory for at least a few seconds. If there were no memory, we could not understand a single sentence, because, without having time to read to the end, we would forget its beginning. Information from our senses would be useless if memory did not maintain connections between individual facts and events.

Memory has many faces. There is a certain stock of words, information, concepts, images that are stored in memory, as in an arsenal, all my life; this is your own name, images of dad and mom, native language, features and characteristics of the place where a person was born, etc. All this is a long-term memory. But there is also short-term memory. For example, you need to remember to tell your son to put on a clean shirt, remember to buy a newspaper, etc. But now the day has passed, and many details associated with it fade into the background. In this case, the information was stored for a short time: seconds or minutes. Such memory is called short-term. A set of exercises for the development of memory in adolescents.

Memory is one of the mental processes that can be developed with the greatest efficiency. The following are games, tasks, exercises that develop the memory of adolescents.

Procedure 1

Words are being read. The subjects should try to remember them in pairs. Then only the first words of each pair are read, and the subjects write down the second.

MATERIAL: chicken - egg, scissors - cut, horse - hay, book - teach, butterfly - fly, brush - teeth, drum - pioneer, snow - winter, rooster - scream, ink - notebook, cow - milk, locomotive - go, pear - compote, lamp - evening.

Procedure 2

"Close your eyes and imagine the corresponding pictures, the names of which will be spoken..." 1. A lion attacking an antelope 2. A dog wagging its tail 3. A fly in your soup 4. Macaroons in a box 5. Lightning in the dark 6. A stain on your favorite clothes 7. A diamond sparkling in the sun 8. A scream of horror in the night 9. The joy of motherhood 10. A friend stealing money from your wallet

Tests for the development of memory

Article on the topic: "Tests for the development of memory"

Currently, representatives of various sciences, such as psychology, biology, genetics, cybernetics, medicine and others, are concerned about the problems of memory development. Each of these sciences has its own questions, due to which they turn to the problems of memory, their own system of concepts, respectively, their own theories of memory. But all these sciences, taken together, expand our knowledge of human memory, mutually complement each other, allow us to look deeper into this, one of the most important and mysterious phenomena of human psychology.

This simple memory test can help give you a better idea of ​​whether or not memory problems are a cause for concern.

1. Remember these words: apple, television, lamb

2. Remember this name and address: Fedor Krainov 2745 3 embankment, 190/9 3. Remember what you have been doing for the last 3 weeks. Was it hard to remember?

4. Do you find it difficult to remember lists?

5. Have you noticed a decrease in your ability to calculate mathematical examples in your head?

6. Did you forget to pay your bills?

7. Do you have trouble remembering names?

8. Have you ever forgotten people you should have known?

9. Have you had difficulty finding the correct word you want to use?

10. Have you had trouble remembering simple tasks like using the microwave or using the remote control?

11. Do you have memory lapses that interfere with your work?

12. Do you have memory lapses that interfere with your interactions at home?

13. Do you have memory lapses that prevent you from adapting to different social situations?

14. Names of the last three mayors of your city.

15. Names of the last four Russian presidents.

16. What did you eat for dinner the day before yesterday?

17. What were the last two films you saw?

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