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I cannot become weak. Is the strength of a woman in her weakness? How to learn to be weak

Padding around the form

“The weaker sex is strong due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weaker sex” (Pshekrui)

Real-life observations clearly show that truly strong men are attracted to weak and fragile women, and not to strong and “self-sufficient” business women who are trying to fight for success in life on an equal footing with men. Feminine weakness and masculine strength are attracted to each other like two polar poles of a magnet.- and this most important principle underlies the relationship between the sexes.

But what about the fact that it is very difficult for a weak woman to survive in the modern world, where to show weakness means to find yourself in failure? Times have changed, and now a woman, in order not to be a loser, it is vital to be strong. The unfortunate fact is that single women in our society have a harder time than men. Sometimes a weak woman has to raise her children on her own, and manage the household, and make a career. How can one not lose the remnants of one's weakness and fragility? Therefore, more and more often you can meet women who are commonly called "bitches". A typical bitch is heartless, cruel, self-sufficient, goes to her goal over the heads of others and does not allow herself to be bypassed by either women or men. That's just the personal life of a bitch woman develops, as a rule, unsuccessfully. Either the bitch finds herself a henpecked man, whom she herself does not respect and whom she cheats on, or remains alone, since men, for the most part, shun her.

A woman who demonstrates her strength to others is shunned by both strong men and weak ones. Weaklings are simply afraid of her, and strong men see her rather not as a woman, but as a rival who should not be allowed to get close to them - that's why successful bitches have to spend their days alone. Alas, becoming strong, “self-sufficient” and successful in business, a woman often irretrievably loses most of her femininity, and pays for financial and professional success with failures in her personal life. And this despite the fact that many business women look very well-groomed, as they have enough money to visit the best spas. This suggests that even a beautiful appearance cannot compensate a woman for the lack of inner femininity.

With strong women, men behave not like women, but like brothers in sex, like equals - either compete or make friends. Successful business women are usually smart, so many men are happy to be friends or cooperate with them, but they prefer to look after weak women. The point here is also that men do not trust strong bitchy women. A man needs a woman so that next to her you can relax, open up, feel cozy and comfortable. Is it possible to relax when there is a strong and dangerous predator nearby, capable of taking advantage of your weakness at any moment? For most men consider strong women dangerous predators with whom you need to be on the alert all the time.

But even the strongest and toughest woman still remains a woman, and therefore, deep down, she dreams of love and a strong family. And no matter how strong women dress up in clothes of self-sufficiency, deep down they still remain women - lonely, unhappy and unclaimed. Therefore, no professional success can compensate a woman for the absence of a beloved and loving man and a normal family.

So women have to choose - either work and career - or happiness in their personal lives. Of course, there are women who managed to combine both in their lives, but they did it only because, in spite of everything, they managed to remain feminine and weak!

And one more important point, why men avoid strong and self-sufficient women. A man needs to feel that a woman needs him. And when a woman demonstrates with all her appearance and behavior that there is no such problem that she could not cope with on her own, any man, being next to her, either begins to experience an acute inferiority complex, or feels unnecessary, they say, such a strong woman will do without him. But next to a weak woman, even a not very strong man can easily feel like a hero, a knight and a prince in one bottle.

So it turns out that a strong woman becomes a hostage to her own strength. Not realizing that the point is not in men, but in herself, she gradually becomes hardened, begins to hate and despise men, consider them cowards, and beat her loneliness with the help of workaholism, doing work and career from morning until late at night. It turns out a vicious circle: the stronger a woman becomes, the more failures she has in her personal life, and the more failures in her personal life, the more armor the woman’s heart becomes, which immediately affects her appearance. The look of such a woman is usually not soft and warm, but hard, tenacious and cold.

Meanwhile, any woman can find the way to her feminine happiness in only one way - by becoming feminine, fragile and weak, because only in this way can she manifest her feminine nature and attract a man into her life. But alas, not everyone is given to change themselves and work on themselves. And no matter how much a strong woman suffers from loneliness, it will be difficult for her to agree to change herself, allowing herself to be weak. And all because weakness is mistakenly perceived by such women as a big disadvantage that can interfere with their path to success. And to become a "loser", a strong woman will not allow pride, which is generally very noticeably developed in such women.

Unfortunately, not all strong women understand that it is possible not to be a loser, and at the same time remain feminine and attractive to men. But this is quite possible! And the path to female happiness is generally simple - to return to your natural state of femininity, allowing yourself to be weak at least sometimes.

Here are some tips on how a woman can remain weak without losing her strength:

* Periodically demonstrate your helplessness(even if this is not the case) and shift the solution of the problem to others. Preferably for men. Thanks to such a little trick, a woman can kill two birds with one stone: she will have more free time, not busy with business and problems, and the men next to her will have the opportunity to show their masculine qualities, saving a woman from life's problems and difficulties and thereby making her life easier. It is quite possible to turn to especially slow-witted men with a request for help directly, and not hints - any real man will only be happy to ask for help from a woman. After all, a fragile and weak woman who needs the help of a strong man looks so touching and romantic that you just want to start caring for her!

* Learn to ask for help. Asking for help is not as easy as it seems. If a woman is used to solving everything on her own and being proud of her “self-sufficiency”, then it will be very difficult for her to give up her image of a strong and self-sufficient lady in order to demonstrate her weakness and helplessness to a man, even if only for the purpose of pleasing him. For such women, asking for help is humiliating. Therefore, in order not to feel spiritual discomfort in such situations, one should first realize that there is nothing shameful for a woman in being weak! Nature has created a woman weak in order for men to protect and protect her. For this reason, a man will never lose respect for a woman who turned to him for help, but he will be flattered, and may even feel a purely male interest in this woman. In fact, men really want to be useful to women - after all, this is their male destiny!

* We must give up the senseless pursuit of perfection.. In psychology, there is such a thing as the “excellent student syndrome”. Many women dedicate their entire lives to the pursuit of success simply because they have grown accustomed to making too high demands on themselves since childhood. To be always and in everything first is the motto of these women. Meanwhile, it is almost impossible to be the best in everything, and this must be understood! A woman was created not to be the most successful, ideal and perfect, but to be happy. And the happiness of a woman is primarily in a strong family. Chasing ghostly perfection, many women simply do not leave themselves time for their personal lives, and then wonder why they do not have it. What we strive for, what we invest our time and effort into, then we have - one of the basic laws of life. To find a loving man, you must first do at least something for this.

Each woman has her own path to her personal happiness, so you never need to imitate or envy anyone. But at the same time, the main condition for achieving happiness in personal life for all women is the same - to accept their femininity, to allow their feminine nature to be freely expressed. Men are drawn only to feminine women. And the main signs of femininity are weakness, tenderness, fragility, softness, flexibility, pliability.

So, dear women, if you want to be not only strong, but also happy, stop flaunting your strength, take off your mask of self-sufficiency and become yourself - gentle, weak, charming women. Believe me, your personal happiness is worth it! Padding around the form

The weaker sex is strong due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weaker sex.

Weakness attracts strength. A weak woman attracts a strong man. Sounds tempting. But how to be a "weak" woman in the conditions of modern capitalism with an "inhuman" face, when you need to survive and fight back, work with your elbows and move over corpses. HOW? While she thinks about it, they will eat it, deceive it, set it up! not she them, so they her!

In the cruel, fast-paced world of ever-increasing corruption at all levels of life, a woman is trapped in traps of envy and cunning, deceit and cruelty. And what is left for her? Claws biting into life and tearing off pieces from it to feed herself and her children, whom she often brings up alone, the modern business woman has learned to be strong. And even very strong. So strong that an ordinary average man seems next to her a weakling and a loser. And if his conscience allows him, he hides under her wing, if pride allows, he becomes henpecked, but if not, then he retreats away.

She, strong and aggressively independent, is avoided and avoided not only by weaklings, but also by strong men like her.

They are interested in her, she turns on, attracts, attracts, but it’s hard to deal with her, she is a competitor, she requires a high level of communication. And it's stressful.

With a woman, you want to relax and not think about your perfection. Sometimes you really want her to look into his mouth and consider it a demigod that he is ready to find someone simpler and forgive her lack of brains and a bad figure. Only to be the leader, the leader, who decides everything and everything. And to be stronger for the simple reason that he is a man. So he prefers "weak" and "stupid".

And with the "strong" remains friends. It is not easy with her, because she herself has learned to make decisions and take responsibility for herself. And sometimes he does it much better than a man.

But what is she? She, poor thing, finds herself all alone in her heroic self-sufficiency.

Miss congeniality, not claimed by either the weak or the strong.

And she, by the way, just wants love, like every person on earth. Because with all her strength, intelligence and enterprise, she still remains a woman.

With invariable feminine weaknesses and tricks, sweet habits and words, with a lullaby that sounds in her in rare moments of inner tenderness, with all her little feminine traits, thrust so far into the deepest depths of her being that you will not find.

A modern woman, preoccupied with her career and active advancement in life, takes men's places and plays men's roles, and to some extent she herself expels real men from her life.

In fact, why does she need them if she is both a Swiss, a reaper and a gambler on the pipe. And at the same time, she manages to learn three languages, give birth to a child, build her body and business, and even form her own completely original and deep inner spiritual world.

She, according to an old school habit, does all this so diligently, not allowing herself to relax and dismiss nurses, that she does not notice how her tender weak points and features are gradually filled with lead and become stronger than any armor. And flowers cannot grow through this armor. Because they are gentle...

The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the more our heroine will bite into life, the more violently life will separate her from the simple womanish happiness that she longs for in the depths of her soul, no matter what. And worthy like no other. Happiness, where a woman is supposed to be the way God originally created her. Weak, tender, compassionate and kind, requiring care and love.

In order to protect herself from life, she becomes hardened, but this separates her from the life stream in which she is destined to swim and enjoy this process, fulfilling her mission and taking her place. It becomes heavy, iron and cold and can regain its lightness only by radically changing its worldview.

At first glance, this seems impossible. And why? Do not go down to the level of losers? Do not give up the positions that she won on her own and with such difficulty!

Of course, don't give up! There is another, more human way to bring her back to life.

To do this, she just needs to allow herself to be weak! It’s like learning it all over again, as if nothing had happened, starting from a blank sheet.

- At least once a day you need to allow yourself complete helplessness which requires outside intervention. Better from a man. This mobilizes him and gives the woman a pleasant feeling of complementarity. Yes, it is not easy for modern women to let life moments that she is used to carefully control over take their course. Yes, she herself knows how to repair tanks and negotiate, sign contracts and change gaskets in taps. Not to mention hammering nails and screwing in light bulbs. But why? Why should she grab onto everything if there is a convenient opportunity to demonstrate, and most importantly, feel her helplessness. In general, this is a very good indicator if she has such small secret "weak points" that she is used to hiding. Now they need to be revealed to the world. Let everyone see that she has them. This will give her a bit of fragile feminine charm. And it will attract those who are ready to protect this beauty!

- You need to learn how to ask for help. The thing is sometimes unthinkable for self-sufficient people who consider themselves docks in any matters. But, Firstly, it is impossible to be absolute docks in everything, but, Secondly, the one who asks for help indirectly speaks of his imperfection, which means that he is a living person, the same as everyone else. And that you can approach it and find the key. And even become necessary. This is it is so important, especially for a man, to be necessary for a woman . This mobilizes him, elevates him in his own eyes. This inspires and arouses interest in those who need this help. There is a certain psychological law of our attraction to those whom we have helped. We are always interested in how our word will respond, and how our work will be useful. Remember what you like to do more, give gifts or receive them? Surely you enjoy doing good to someone. So put yourself in the place of that man who will have such a happy opportunity - to be your assistant or savior.

- Stop taking the exam for excellence. It's impossible to be perfect in everything. Relax. Allow yourself to be a little lazy, to be lazy. Forget about the tight schedule you've squeezed your life into. Look at it, whether there is a place for a man in it, and for love in the version that can be. When you gladly allow yourself to give him all your time without a trace, you will become in demand. At least for a while, but try to feel your own need for another person. Sometimes a business woman is so preoccupied with the pressing working moments of her survival that she does not allow herself to live. Relax, just relax. Go shopping like a normal person, chat with a friend, lie on the couch with a book. In the end, it is sometimes useful to remember what all this boron cheese is for. Where are we all rushing, striving, why all this? And when will we start to just live? Maybe do it right now, without delay?

How to become a weak woman so that a real, strong man appears next to you, about whom you dream so much?

Every business woman has her own way. And this path is only a movement towards oneself, one's feminine nature, one's destiny. Each of us knows it and feels it. Only for some reason violently resists this knowledge.

Now, weigh all the pros and cons. And think that you have already been strong and self-sufficient. Maybe stop playing other people's games! It's time to try yourself in the role of a simple woman, weak and vulnerable, without an iron shell. A woman who remembers the lullaby of her soul. And it needs protection.

The weaker sex is strong due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weaker sex.

Weakness attracts strength. A weak woman attracts a strong man. Sounds tempting. But how to be a "weak" woman in the conditions of modern capitalism with an "inhuman" face, when you need to survive and fight back, work with your elbows and move over corpses. HOW? While she thinks about it, they will eat it, deceive it, set it up! not she them, so they her!

In the cruel, fast-paced world of ever-increasing corruption at all levels of life, a woman is trapped in traps of envy and cunning, deceit and cruelty. And what is left for her? Claws biting into life and tearing off pieces from it to feed herself and her children, whom she often brings up alone, the modern business woman has learned to be strong. And even very strong. So strong that an ordinary average man seems next to her a weakling and a loser. And if his conscience allows him, he hides under her wing, if pride allows, he becomes henpecked, but if not, then he retreats away.

She, strong and aggressively independent, is avoided and avoided not only by weaklings, but also by strong men like her.

They are interested in her, she turns on, attracts, attracts, but it’s hard to deal with her, she is a competitor, she requires a high level of communication. And it's stressful.

With a woman, you want to relax and not think about your perfection. Sometimes you really want her to look into his mouth and consider it a demigod that he is ready to find someone simpler and forgive her lack of brains and a bad figure. Only to be the leader, the leader, who decides everything and everything. And to be stronger for the simple reason that he is a man. So he prefers "weak" and "stupid".

And with the "strong" remains friends. It is not easy with her, because she herself has learned to make decisions and take responsibility for herself. And sometimes he does it much better than a man.

But what is she? She, poor thing, finds herself all alone in her heroic self-sufficiency.

Miss congeniality, not claimed by either the weak or the strong.

And she, by the way, just wants love, like every person on earth. Because with all her strength, intelligence and enterprise, she still remains a woman.

With invariable feminine weaknesses and tricks, sweet habits and words, with a lullaby that sounds in her in rare moments of inner tenderness, with all her little feminine traits, thrust so far into the deepest depths of her being that you will not find.

A modern woman, preoccupied with her career and active advancement in life, takes men's places and plays men's roles, and to some extent she herself expels real men from her life.

In fact, why does she need them if she is both a Swiss, a reaper and a gambler on the pipe. And at the same time, she manages to learn three languages, give birth to a child, build her body and business, and even form her own completely original and deep inner spiritual world.

She, according to an old school habit, does all this so diligently, not allowing herself to relax and dismiss nurses, that she does not notice how her tender weak points and features are gradually filled with lead and become stronger than any armor. And flowers cannot grow through this armor. Because they are gentle...

The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the more our heroine will bite into life, the more violently life will separate her from the simple womanish happiness that she longs for in the depths of her soul, no matter what. And worthy like no other. Happiness, where a woman is supposed to be the way God originally created her. Weak, tender, compassionate and kind, requiring care and love.

In order to protect herself from life, she becomes hardened, but this separates her from the life stream in which she is destined to swim and enjoy this process, fulfilling her mission and taking her place. It becomes heavy, iron and cold and can regain its lightness only by radically changing its worldview.

At first glance, this seems impossible. And why? Do not go down to the level of losers? Do not give up the positions that she won on her own and with such difficulty!

Of course, don't give up! There is another, more human way to bring her back to life.

To do this, she just needs to allow herself to be weak! It’s like learning it all over again, as if nothing had happened, starting from a blank sheet.

- At least once a day you need to allow yourself complete helplessness which requires outside intervention. Better from a man. This mobilizes him and gives the woman a pleasant feeling of complementarity. Yes, it is not easy for modern women to let life moments that she is used to carefully control over take their course. Yes, she herself knows how to repair tanks and negotiate, sign contracts and change gaskets in taps. Not to mention hammering nails and screwing in light bulbs. But why? Why should she grab onto everything if there is a convenient opportunity to demonstrate, and most importantly, feel her helplessness. In general, this is a very good indicator if she has such small secret "weak points" that she is used to hiding. Now they need to be revealed to the world. Let everyone see that she has them. This will give her a bit of fragile feminine charm. And it will attract those who are ready to protect this beauty!

- You need to learn how to ask for help. The thing is sometimes unthinkable for self-sufficient people who consider themselves docks in any matters. But, Firstly, it is impossible to be absolute docks in everything, but, Secondly, the one who asks for help indirectly speaks of his imperfection, which means that he is a living person, the same as everyone else. And that you can approach it and find the key. And even become necessary. This is it is so important, especially for a man, to be necessary for a woman . This mobilizes him, elevates him in his own eyes. This inspires and arouses interest in those who need this help. There is a certain psychological law of our attraction to those whom we have helped. We are always interested in how our word will respond, and how our work will be useful. Remember what you like to do more, give gifts or receive them? Surely you enjoy doing good to someone. So put yourself in the place of that man who will have such a happy opportunity - to be your assistant or savior.

- Stop taking the exam for excellence. It's impossible to be perfect in everything. Relax. Allow yourself to be a little lazy, to be lazy. Forget about the tight schedule you've squeezed your life into. Look at it, whether there is a place for a man in it, and for love in the version that can be. When you gladly allow yourself to give him all your time without a trace, you will become in demand. At least for a while, but try to feel your own need for another person. Sometimes a business woman is so preoccupied with the pressing working moments of her survival that she does not allow herself to live. Relax, just relax. Go shopping like a normal person, chat with a friend, lie on the couch with a book. In the end, it is sometimes useful to remember what all this boron cheese is for. Where are we all rushing, striving, why all this? And when will we start to just live? Maybe do it right now, without delay?

How to become a weak woman so that a real, strong man appears next to you, about whom you dream so much?

Every business woman has her own way. And this path is only a movement towards oneself, one's feminine nature, one's destiny. Each of us knows it and feels it. Only for some reason violently resists this knowledge.

Now, weigh all the pros and cons. And think that you have already been strong and self-sufficient. Maybe stop playing other people's games! It's time to try yourself in the role of a simple woman, weak and vulnerable, without an iron shell. A woman who remembers the lullaby of her soul. And it needs protection.

“The weaker sex is strong due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weaker sex” (Pshekrui)

Real-life observations clearly show that truly strong men are attracted to weak and fragile women, and not to strong and “self-sufficient” business women who are trying to fight for success in life on an equal footing with men. Feminine weakness and masculine strength are attracted to each other like the two polar poles of a magnet - and this most important principle underlies the relationship between the sexes.

But what about the fact that it is very difficult for a weak woman to survive in the modern world, where to show weakness means to find yourself in failure? Times have changed, and now a woman, in order not to be a loser, it is vital to be strong. The unfortunate fact is that single women in our society have a harder time than men. Sometimes a weak woman has to raise her children on her own, and manage the household, and make a career. How can one not lose the remnants of one's weakness and fragility? Therefore, more and more often you can meet women who are commonly called "bitches". A typical bitch is heartless, cruel, self-sufficient, goes to her goal over the heads of others and does not allow herself to be bypassed by either women or men. That's just the personal life of a bitch woman develops, as a rule, unsuccessfully. Either the bitch finds herself a henpecked man, whom she herself does not respect and whom she cheats on, or remains alone, since men, for the most part, shun her.

A woman who demonstrates her strength to others is shunned by both strong men and weak ones. Weaklings are simply afraid of her, and strong men see her rather not as a woman, but as a rival who should not be allowed to get close to them - that's why successful bitches have to spend their days alone. Alas, becoming strong, “self-sufficient” and successful in business, a woman often irretrievably loses most of her femininity, and pays for financial and professional success with failures in her personal life. And this despite the fact that many business women look very well-groomed, as they have enough money to visit the best spas. This suggests that even a beautiful appearance cannot compensate a woman for the lack of inner femininity.

With strong women, men behave not like women, but like brothers in sex, like equals - either compete or make friends. Successful business women are usually smart, so many men are happy to be friends or cooperate with them, but they prefer to look after weak women. The point here is also that men do not trust strong bitchy women. A man needs a woman so that next to her you can relax, open up, feel cozy and comfortable. Is it possible to relax when there is a strong and dangerous predator nearby, capable of taking advantage of your weakness at any moment? For most men consider strong women dangerous predators with whom you need to be on the alert all the time.

But even the strongest and toughest woman still remains a woman, and therefore, deep down, she dreams of love and a strong family. And no matter how strong women dress up in clothes of self-sufficiency, deep down they still remain women - lonely, unhappy and unclaimed. Therefore, no professional success can compensate a woman for the absence of a beloved and loving man and a normal family.

So women have to choose - either work and career - or happiness in their personal lives. Of course, there are women who managed to combine both in their lives, but they did it only because, in spite of everything, they managed to remain feminine and weak!

And one more important point, why men avoid strong and self-sufficient women. A man needs to feel that a woman needs him. And when a woman demonstrates with all her appearance and behavior that there is no such problem that she could not cope with on her own, any man, being next to her, either begins to experience an acute inferiority complex, or feels unnecessary, they say, such a strong woman will do without him. But next to a weak woman, even a not very strong man can easily feel like a hero, a knight and a prince in one bottle.

So it turns out that a strong woman becomes a hostage to her own strength. Not realizing that the point is not in men, but in herself, she gradually becomes hardened, begins to hate and despise men, consider them cowards, and beat her loneliness with the help of workaholism, doing work and career from morning until late at night. It turns out a vicious circle: the stronger a woman becomes, the more failures she has in her personal life, and the more failures in her personal life, the more armor the woman’s heart becomes, which immediately affects her appearance. The look of such a woman is usually not soft and warm, but hard, tenacious and cold.

Meanwhile, any woman can find the way to her feminine happiness in only one way - by becoming feminine, fragile and weak, because only in this way can she manifest her feminine nature and attract a man into her life. But alas, not everyone is given to change themselves and work on themselves. And no matter how much a strong woman suffers from loneliness, it will be difficult for her to agree to change herself, allowing herself to be weak. And all because weakness is mistakenly perceived by such women as a big disadvantage that can interfere with their path to success. And to become a "loser", a strong woman will not allow pride, which is generally very noticeably developed in such women.

Unfortunately, not all strong women understand that it is possible not to be a loser, and at the same time remain feminine and attractive to men. But this is quite possible! And the path to female happiness is generally simple - to return to your natural state of femininity, allowing yourself to be weak at least sometimes.

Here are some tips on how a woman can remain weak without losing her strength:

* Periodically demonstrate their helplessness (even if it is not so) and shift the solution of the problem to others. Preferably for men. Thanks to such a little trick, a woman can kill two birds with one stone: she will have more free time, not busy with business and problems, and the men next to her will have the opportunity to show their masculine qualities, saving a woman from life's problems and difficulties and thereby making her life easier. It is quite possible to turn to especially slow-witted men with a request for help directly, and not hints - any real man will only be happy to ask for help from a woman. After all, a fragile and weak woman who needs the help of a strong man looks so touching and romantic that you just want to start caring for her!

* Learn to ask for help. Asking for help is not as easy as it seems. If a woman is used to solving everything on her own and being proud of her “self-sufficiency”, then it will be very difficult for her to give up her image of a strong and self-sufficient lady in order to demonstrate her weakness and helplessness to a man, even if only for the purpose of pleasing him. For such women, asking for help is humiliating. Therefore, in order not to feel spiritual discomfort in such situations, one should first realize that there is nothing shameful for a woman in being weak! Nature has created a woman weak in order for men to protect and protect her. For this reason, a man will never lose respect for a woman who turned to him for help, but he will be flattered, and may even feel a purely male interest in this woman. In fact, men really want to be useful to women - after all, this is their male destiny!

* It is necessary to give up the senseless striving for perfection. In psychology, there is such a thing as the “excellent student syndrome”. Many women dedicate their entire lives to the pursuit of success simply because they have grown accustomed to making too high demands on themselves since childhood. To be always and in everything first is the motto of these women. Meanwhile, it is almost impossible to be the best in everything, and this must be understood! A woman was created not to be the most successful, ideal and perfect, but to be happy. And the happiness of a woman is primarily in a strong family. Chasing ghostly perfection, many women simply do not leave themselves time for their personal lives, and then wonder why they do not have it. What we strive for, what we invest our time and effort into, then we have - one of the basic laws of life. To find a loving man, you must first do at least something for this.

Each woman has her own path to her personal happiness, so you never need to imitate or envy anyone. But at the same time, the main condition for achieving happiness in personal life for all women is the same - to accept their femininity, to allow their feminine nature to be freely expressed. Men are drawn only to feminine women. And the main signs of femininity are weakness, tenderness, fragility, softness, flexibility, pliability.

So, dear women, if you want to be not only strong, but also happy, stop flaunting your strength, take off the mask of self-sufficiency and become yourself - gentle, weak, charming women. Believe me, your personal happiness is worth it!

How to become a weak woman in front of a man

"Strong woman" - how fashionable and modern it is. Even in films, since Soviet times, they praise such energetic and enterprising aunts who love to lead and point. Work comes first, family comes second, and in the family she is the leading usurper. For many growing girls, such heroines have always been a model.

But remember that Mymra from "Office Romance" is actually a weak and unhappy woman who dreams of a strong man, and the commanders in the family are the heroines of tales and anecdotes. Why go against nature and build Joan of Arc out of yourself? Being strong is the privilege of men, and women should learn to be weak next to their protector. How to do it?

What is the psychology of a weak woman

Now it is fashionable to go to all sorts of trainings and seminars: smart people teach business, personal growth, family tricks according to the principle: "Beat first, push with your elbows." Moreover, these wise men seem to point blankly do not notice each of their students - what is his gender, psychotype, physical and psychological ability.

As a result, after such mass trainings, weak businessmen bud, who gave all the money to teachers for seminars, their books and brochures, and in their personal lives they are generally completely desolated. After useless pushing with their elbows, they lack the strength even for love.

Things are even worse in trainings for single women on the topic “How to get married”. Direction is something like this:

    "Don't marry a poor man!" Salary 50,000 - worthless rogue, 250,000 - sex for food, up to a million - you might think, for a million - feel free to marry.

    "Be strong, rule over your husband!". He must be crushed with authority, kept on a short leash, otherwise he will be beaten off by hands.

    “Do not forgive him for his faults, punish him for everything!” You supposedly have a weapon - your body and authority, if anything - deprive him of sex. And he didn't deserve borscht either.

As a result, after such stupid unfortunate lessons, unfortunate graduates are born. They smile en masse from photos of their women's edition, and at night weep into the pillow with burning tears from loneliness.

It's simple: you can't find free millionaires during the day with fire, but even "rogue" with a salary of 50,000 are not led to female training. And those who are being led are not needed for nothing: gigolos, opportunists who themselves pull money, lying on the couch.

Why are such trainings harmful and why does a woman need to become weak in front of a man? Seminars are empty chatter, theory that has nothing to do with practice. Practice can be one - meditation with closed eyes: "I am strong, I can do anything!". And that's it!

Now prove it with real practice. You see, your closet is not according to Feng Shui? And the neighbor upstairs got drunk and yells. Let's move this cabinet alone to another corner and tame your neighbor! What's happened? She tore her back and got it in the forehead from the drunk? That's it! Bandage and lie down, you are our strong one!

The whole psychology of female strength is precisely in weakness, and not in command and impudence. Nature has rewarded you with another tool: miserable tears, weak physical strength, tenderness and affection. So use them, and a man will be able to appreciate it without losing his authority.

In general, read about the advantages of this quality in the character of a girl in the article Why women are considered the weaker sex.

Ways to become defenseless and weak

What is female weakness? In the frailty of her muscles and naivete? Of course not. Weakness is the inner world of a woman, a character trait, and it is she who requires the wisdom and flexibility of the mind.

To learn to be a weak woman, you need to know the measure of your abilities and not go too far. Use your feminine privileges only when they are in place, and don't be Mrs. Omnipotence.

Women's tears

This is a weapon that can kill a man, or can break his heart. No man can stand the eternal whining or tantrums, accompanied by streams from the eyes. For the first time, he will feel sorry for his beloved, for the second time it will annoy, for the third time - wildly infuriate.

Women's tears should touch and encourage a man to take some action. Here are the situations in which they can be shown to a man:

    “I was walking home, and some gopniks were standing at the entrance! I was so scared that you were not around that I even forgot to call you out of fear! In this case, the man will seriously think about your safety and will protect you in every possible way.

    “I had a terrible dream that you left me, and I burst into tears in a dream.” If you wake up your lover with these words even at night, he will pull you to him and calm you down. By doing so, you will show him how much you depend on his love.

    “Forgive me, I am very guilty before you!”. Recognition of one's own mistakes should be with sincere repentance, and if it is also monstrous, then with tears. Well, on this topic, you better read how to apologize to a guy.

Don't get into the habit of weeping over any trifle. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite: a man will not believe a single tear of yours, and in general will stop paying attention to your streams.

physically weak woman

You never have to be a hero if you are standing behind a man. Otherwise, all heroism can turn against you. If you managed to move mountains and repulse the gopnik, then why are they afraid for you: and next time you will do it.

By the way, do not forget about your female body: by moving mountains, you can damage yourself not only the fragile bones of the spine, but also achieve uterine prolapse. And you still need to give birth!

Plus, you humiliate your lover as a man. For example, she decided to rearrange the furniture herself without consulting him. Firstly, you ignored his opinion on this matter, and secondly, you took away his job as an owner. Even if he is frail in figure, he is strong and sinewy. And you questioned his abilities.

Psychological weakness

Women by nature are born crybabies and boyaks. Therefore, do not try to overcome yourself in defiance of nature. If you are afraid of a spider - you can squeal, let your lover save you from him. If you are afraid of a scary moment in a horror movie - bury your head in the shoulder of a man, closing your eyes, let him calm you down.

Let a man take care of you when you need it. Throw this female stupidity: “I can’t get sick, I have to feed my family” - and went to work with a temperature. All people get sick. When your eyes are full of gratitude for bringing raspberry tea to bed, a man will see his significance here too.

Even if you are strong by nature, and as a child you were a tomboy, then in order to become weak, you just need to relax. Strong women are to blame if they take all the burden on themselves and are proud of it. No one has ever awarded them an order for this heroism. Well, if only the medal "For Valiant Labor" in the USSR.

"I need you!" - that's what your husband or just a loved one should feel from you. In the eyes of a man, it is not a shame to be defenseless and vulnerable, otherwise he will not see the point in being a reliable shoulder and a stone wall for you. Trembling with fear, crying with resentment and sadness, seeing a defender in a beloved, showing weakness - this is normal for a woman. And spit on the idiotic training of strong women.

And what in return?

Indeed, one cannot be selfish and always take advantage of female weakness. But you have one more weapon in reserve: it is tenderness and affection. In gratitude for the masculine courage shown in battle with a bully or a spider, you must also reward your knight.

Your handles should not move furniture and repulse the enemy. Your hands are needed so that the house is clean, the husband is fed and caressed at night. Your hands are required to bring raspberry tea to bed when your loved one is also sick.

Let's separate the flies from the cutlets. You can only be strong in your wisdom. And all men's problems should be solved by your knight. If you go against nature, you will upset the balance, the relationship will deteriorate or come to naught.

Pay attention to families where the balance is broken - the wife is a usurper, and the husband is a whining henpecked. Is it really a bad picture? And for sure, once this woman did not want to show normal female weakness and studied at the training courses for her husbands. But you certainly don't need to repeat her mistakes.

More on the topic:

Weak strong woman in a relationship with a man

Can a weak strong woman exist in each of us? I can say unequivocally - it’s not just hard for a strong woman to arrange her personal life, but it happens that it’s impossible. In many ways, everything depends on how she will show her strength in communication with others and, in particular, with the opposite sex.

A strong woman in a relationship with a man

There are cases when a strong woman is not particularly in need of a relationship, because, in fact, she can provide herself with absolutely everything ... Except for the love of a man ...

Where does a strong woman get problems with men? The thing is that all our troubles come from our mind, from our head. And the heart often gives impulses to the head! They hurt him, it complained to the head, and she: “All men are goats! We don't trust anyone!" And without trust and the ability to forgive, how can relationships with the opposite sex turn out? But it is precisely the absence of these qualities that leads to the fact that a strong woman becomes inaccessible to men. After all, she is the main source of affection, understanding, gentleness and love in a relationship.

Thus, depriving herself of these qualities, she tries to hide herself from pain with imaginary indifference and opens the door to loneliness!

Find the inner girl in you...

A strong woman usually complains about only one flaw in her life - sometimes she wants to be weak! How to become a weak woman? You need to overcome yourself and get from the depths of your "I" a small and fragile girl who is hiding in every woman! The main thing is not to be ashamed of your weakness, but wisely combine it with spiritual strength!

After all, a wise woman knows how to remain a strict boss at work, and at home turn into a gentle and understanding wife. Does not work? So try! Do you lack softness? Then rummage through your memory and try to find what events caused in you a desperate resistance to feelings, a fear of being vulnerable and offended, a desire to protect yourself from men? Look well in yourself for what destroyed your inner girl who wants and knows how to love, and tear it out of your heart! Being strong is good, but being cold, rebellious and proud is bad.

Therefore, it is necessary to work on yourself, because personality and relationships are hard work. Letting everything take its course, we risk being left alone.

play dumb

When a strong woman has already acquired spiritual strength, it seems overwhelming for her to become a helpless fool. But she has the main weapon - a flexible mind and experience accumulated over the years, which can help her hide her strength. And it is very important to use it all wisely in a relationship with a man.

It is these qualities that will help her discover the female wisdom in herself, which usually allows a man to show his core. That weak strong woman who admires and touches him should appear before him. Somewhere to remain silent, somewhere not to notice, somewhere to praise and make him the best. And it is very important to try not to make typical female mistakes in relationships with men. This does not mean being a fool who allows everything to her chosen one! This means being wise, who does not try to remake it and does not soar over trifles!

That is why it does not hurt a woman to sometimes blur in a gentle smile and look at her man with admiration in her eyes. Or try to show once again your naivety, even if it has exhausted itself long ago. Of course, you should not abuse this, so as not to spoil your missus.

How women become "strong"

Often, due to male egoism, the fair sex is forced to do what, in truth, a loved one is obliged to do. By allowing men to ignore our strengths and health, we turn ourselves into "strong men."

Dear women, do not drag shopping bags like a loaded horse! And don't say that if you don't do it, no one else will. Put your hands on your hips and say decisively: “We won’t go shopping together, the New Year will be with fried potatoes!”. And let your man see the truth in your eyes!

The thing is that the stronger sex tends to relax very quickly when it feels that a strong woman takes on most of the responsibilities. All men perfectly notice when a spouse pulls too much on herself. But even seeing this, many of them simply ignore this point. The reason is male laziness. It is present in most men. Unless, of course, next to you is not that real man who knows how, like no one else, to show who is the boss in the house.

And women, in turn, have two main excuses for putting themselves under the pressure of male insolence.

The first step to a strong woman: "It's easier to do it yourself than to ask a hundred times a day!" Believe me, dear ladies, lazy men are just waiting for this - your psycho. So stand your ground - he must do it! If she is completely impudent, shame a little, pointing out that no normal man will allow a woman to do overwork. And never give up - do your job. Does not affect? So, forget to wash his dirty clothes a couple of times. Let him know what happens when you refuse to do your job.

The second step to a strong woman: “What is there, let him rest! And now I’ll quickly go through the garden, dig up a couple of acres, and I’ll sleep peacefully. The important thing is that the job is done." He will quickly get used to it! While you will plow the expanses of your garden, he will watch the football and go out by sunset to show - look, I left! It's not my fault that you can't sit!

Therefore, strong women, patience, patience and once again patience! It's none of your business to do men's work! A weak strong woman - she is only strong inside, but outside - fragile and tender. When your man sees this, he will certainly look at you differently! And don't take on the giantess attitude to do your homework! No one will appreciate this, and you will have to be both a wife and a husband until the end of your days!

How to be a strong woman? This does not mean dragging everything on yourself and believing that others are not capable of doing anything for you! To be strong means to become strong in spirit and emotionally, but at the same time - to remain wise and soft. And the combination of these qualities is a real and invincible inner female strength.

How to become weak?

Many men are interested in what are the weaknesses of a strong woman? And few of them who understand that the main weakness is her strength! That weakness, from which she sometimes wants to get rid of, which deprives her of sincerity and often even femininity.

In any of us there is that quality that makes us, first of all, a woman - softness, kindness and sincerity. It is into these qualities that it is necessary to transform the inner energy coming from you. Let your strength be directed to what requires enhanced therapy: self-realization, creativity, the fight against excess weight or other own shortcomings. The main thing is to deprive this force of the ability to carry destructive energy, which destroys everything around that is weaker than it. Direct it to your achievements and good deeds! After all, if the female power is positive, it will turn out to be good for you!

And most importantly - do not let a man replace his masculinity with your strong qualities, otherwise you will forever change roles in a life together. Remember that a weak strong woman is a combination of powerful internal and external qualities that can lead you to significant achievements and great happiness!

The modern world is paradoxical, a hundred years ago it would never have occurred to anyone to learn this, and now there are strong women everywhere who can cope with any men's affairs, but do not know how to be weak. They have become perfect, but also cruel, because there is competition at work, competition with friends, and for some reason it turns out that such an attitude to life leads to the fact that competition also arises with a beloved man. It's just that a woman is used to snatching a piece of happiness from life with her claws, but this does not work in love. Here you can not take pressure, you need to take weakness.

However, it is very difficult to change yourself and soften, and not to the detriment of your professional life, if you have to fight every day. However, this must be done, because strength attracts weakness, and weakness attracts strength. So, until you learn to be a weak woman, you will not meet a strong man. And who wants to be with a weakling? No one, unless, of course, you are just not enthusiastic about the role of mom in a relationship.

Allow yourself to be helpless

In modern life, there are an infinitesimal number of things that a man would handle, but a woman would not handle. However, you do not have to show that you know how to screw light bulbs and fix faucets. Hide some of your abilities. Just allow yourself to be helpless. Let at least one day a week take care of you, and not you about someone. Do not control your life on this day, but rely on others.

Weaknesses are usually hidden, you sacredly keep the information that you are afraid of spiders and heights, and you also don’t admit to anyone that you don’t know how to drive a car and that’s why you ride the bus, and not because you don’t have enough money for it. There are still a couple of things that you do not know how, but which you do not want to talk about. But in vain! The thing is that if others know about your weaknesses, they will want to take care of you, help you. And if you share such information with a man, then he will feel like your main protector, leader, and you will become for him the one you want to take care of. So do not be afraid to open up your weaknesses, they will help you in your personal life.

Ask for help

Why is it hard to ask for help? Probably because you don’t want to burden a person with your problems. Many people think so, so they think that it is better to do everything yourself. However, help can be compared to a gift. Happy is not only the one who receives, but also the one who gives, if he sees joy, a smile and sincere gratitude on the face of the recipient of the gift. Also with help. It may be pleasant for a person to help you, but it is important that this help is appreciated, then two people get pleasure from it. Do not be afraid to ask a man to do something for you, he will consider it a joy. In turn, think about how to thank him so that he also experiences positive emotions.


Almost everyone strives for perfection. They think that if you are perfect, then everyone will love you. However, in reality, it turns out that they love more for shortcomings than for virtues. Probably, you have heard more than once from men, “Oh, how cute she is embarrassed!” (and a woman would like not to blush in public), "she's so funny when she's nervous" (she probably doesn't like it), "she's so clumsy, it makes me laugh." It is a pleasure for men to observe the imperfection of women, it causes a smile in them and a reason to take care. And the woman who is perfect is difficult to approach. You can’t feel relaxed with her, you can’t make fun of her. Therefore, it is difficult to remain yourself in her society. Therefore, women should not be afraid of their imperfection, but on the contrary, they should not be ashamed of their stupid deeds, shortcomings in appearance, in general, everything that makes ordinary women out of you. Become an earthly woman that you can reach with your hand and find love, not an unattainable goddess who is doomed to be alone.


How to become feminine. Part 2

It is easy and pleasant to be a womanly woman! But how to become the one about which they will say “Oh, what a woman”? Everyone has the best feminine qualities - you just need to strengthen them, develop them in yourself. We started doing this in the article "How to become feminine." And today we continue to give advice on the development of femininity.

Many of these tips are optional if you want to develop your femininity. However, keep them in mind!

7. Get feminine

Men often complain that women have become completely unfeminine, not only in appearance, but also in character. Rigidity, determination, prudence, coldness ... Men are drawn to other feminine qualities:

Kindness. Good is attractive. Sow goodness everywhere and you will be loved! If women do not preach decency, politeness, then where will they come from? After all, both children and men learn from women!

Sincerity. Are you aware that insincerity is the problem of the 21st century? This is not at all surprising. Here is what Erich Fromm writes:

“Today we are dealing with an individual who behaves like an automaton who does not know and does not understand himself. He only knows the person they are expected to see in him - a person whose language of communication has been replaced by meaningless babble, whose lively laughter has been replaced by a synthetic smile, whose true pain has been replaced by a feeling of dull despair. Two things can be said about this man. The first is that he suffers from a loss of spontaneity and individuality, and this may be an incurable disease. Secondly, he is not significantly different from us and the millions of those who walk this earth.”

First of all, be honest with yourself 🙂

Forgiveness. Accept people for who they are. Love people! And then you will not want to envy or discuss others.

How to become kind, sincere, soft - in general, feminine in character? For many of us, this is a long journey, but we must begin with Love!

8. Learn to be weak. The strength of a woman is in her weakness!

In our age of strong and self-confident women, it is very difficult to be weak!

For some of us, the “weaker sex” sounds like a dirty word, because we have become truly strong, independent and self-reliant. At the same time, the “stronger sex” does not mind at all, because it allows them to relax!

Being independent and independent is great, but what about those privileges of the weaker sex that we have? After all, in our hearts we are still weak women!

How to be a weak woman, at least sometimes, at least for a while? Here are a couple of tips:

  • We do not take on too much, whether it be duties or bags.
  • We do not buy obviously ugly things, because they are “practical” and “comfortable”. It is better to once again take a man by the hand than to spank next to him with a proud look and the gait of a heffalump.
  • Not with words, but with deeds, we remind men that we are weak creatures. Sometimes you have to cry for this, but we can, because we are Women!
  • If they open doors for us, move a chair in a cafe, help carry bags, in a word, they behave gallantly, gladly accept help and smile gratefully. It is generally useful to accept the help of a man, because it is a gift to us! If you do not need help, you must also report it tactfully.
  • Ask the man for help. You will be surprised, but it helps to tie a man to you!
  • We do not hide our weaknesses, and they become our highlight. For example, Masha loves Raffaello sweets very much, and her husband often indulges her with another box, for which Masha is very grateful to him. "She's so sweet to me," he explains to everyone.
  • We do not make a man henpecked (more on that below)
  • No need to seem cheerful all the time (more on that below).
  • More rest (more on that below).

9. Don't make a man henpecked

  • Strong woman, weak man
  • Weak woman, strong man

It seems to be an axiom, but many of us would like to be with a strong man only in words. After all, how convenient it is to be a strong woman: you can control everything, so that not a single step without permission!

In fact, many of us are trying to subdue a man under his heel. We insist that everything be our way, argue with a man to the point of hoarseness, control his every step, try to humiliate and show that we are better than him, and so on. As a result, the weaker one bends under us, and we get a man without initiative, weak-willed and with bad habits like alcoholism. Well, the one that is stronger just runs away - to look for a Real Woman.

What to do? Think about what kind of relationship you want, and evaluate your actions and actions from this position. Do they help to have a strong, courageous person next to you, or vice versa, repel him?

10. Don't Cheer Up

Oddly enough, “peppy in life” is a mood for masculinity. After all, we remember that a feminine woman is a peaceful and relaxed creature.

If you want to be active - be! But there is no need to cheer yourself up on purpose, artificially.

11. Get more sleep and rest

I understand that the advice is banal, but sleep is really very important for us. This is physiologically explained - with a constant lack of sleep, the monthly cycle goes astray and PMS is especially tough.

A well-rested woman looks younger, feels better, her blush is healthy, and her psyche is strong! She is gentler, kinder and sweeter 🙂

12. Live and get carried away

Obsessed with everyday problems, we forget not only about our body, but also about our soul. And if there is no flight of the soul, then what kind of rich and interesting life can we talk about?

That is why each of us should have hobbies and hobbies. A hobby is not just an "outlet" that allows you not only to be alone with yourself, but also to experience job satisfaction.

Previously, women held in high esteem the so-called women's arts. The girls painted watercolors, embroidered, played the piano, knitted, danced... Now we are different, and our hobbies are different too. To develop femininity, it is not necessary to practice women's art - just remember that there is something besides housekeeping and work. Living life to the fullest, getting involved, learning something new is not just useful - it is vital!

13. Be flirty

Coquetry is often an innate feminine quality. This is an exciting game with a man, easy flirting, which does not oblige you to anything. However, by flirting, we understand that men like us, and this is so important for our self-esteem!

Coquetry is a special look, and various preening gestures, and a female “sharp tongue”, and much more. All this is necessary in order for a man to single out a coquette from the crowd and turn his male attention to her.

14. Smile

The smile can be different. Sometimes a completely unremarkable face becomes beautiful as soon as a smile lights up on it.

But just smiling is not enough - you need to be able to:

  • Smile beautifully (rehearsing in front of a mirror)
  • Smile often, but appropriately. Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool, a smile out of place is also.
  • Smile differently. A smile can be both contented, and joyful, and apologetic ...

Controlling your facial expressions is generally very useful. Sometimes you look at a woman and you are horrified. Especially if a woman is standing in the sun without glasses.

15. Work out a royal posture

It's no secret that posture can instantly give us confidence. If the posture is not just good, but also royal, we feel accordingly! Royal posture is achieved not only with a straight back, but also with the head planted: the chin becomes parallel to the ground. Look at Nefertiti!

It is important that posture becomes a habit, because when we do not control our body (busy with our thoughts, for example), the body takes on a familiar posture. And without sports, it is problematic to develop a royal posture.

16. Dance

Dancing is what will help you develop your posture!

Nowadays, more and more women are interested in dancing, and rightly so! Dancing is not just a women's hobby. Properly chosen dances increase female energy. After them, the mood improves, an indescribable smoothness of movements appears, I want to bloom and give love! And the most interesting thing is that women's health improves.

However, it is better to avoid dances with sharp, masculine movements: they can also affect your energy, but already negatively.

17. Try to look feminine

It's no secret to you that the way we look is the way we feel. We look feminine - it means we feel that way!

How to look feminine is a rather voluminous topic, and we will consider it in more detail in our next article. Stay with!

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What does it really mean to be a weak woman?

In this article we will talk about another bright problem of our time, which has become widespread in the world. You will learn the truth about "strong" women and learn what it means to be a weak woman.

The article is rather painful, so the comments after it are open to your statements, indignation, etc.

In modern society, the problem of underdeveloped men and underdeveloped women is acute. What underdevelopment are we talking about?

We are talking about the fact that in women there are less and less feminine qualities, and in men there are less and less masculine qualities. We are talking about women, so we will continue about them.

Signs of an underdeveloped woman

It is very easy to recognize such a woman. This is a woman who goes towards career and work, and not towards family and relationships.

There are many such women now.

They have a high-paying job or business for which they give most of their time; they have housing bought at their own expense; they have cars and other indicators of modern "success".

Do you think such a woman will be able to meet a normal developed man?

Such women hope so. But, unfortunately, their hopes are not destined to come true in 99% of cases.

In our world, everything is tripled simply: a developed person gets a developed person, an undeveloped person gets an undeveloped one.

The problem is that we do not know that the nature of a woman, her destiny is love, relationships, family, children. But not a career, providing for a family, etc.

A woman with strong career and work aspirations will not be able to get a developed man in her life.

As a rule, such women get weak men who do not want to strain and take responsibility because everything is already there for life (“a strong” woman has earned everything).

And such women get the corresponding men, who are like children for them to take care of (most likely, the man will be younger).

Often such relationships fall apart after the man in such a relationship matures and becomes developed, and the woman ages. He finds himself a normal woman younger than himself, but he leaves this one.

Reasons for the degradation of men and women

This trend of so-called strong women, imposed from the West, is destroying the normal family structure. As a result, men become irresponsible, indecisive, weak and cowardly.

Much of this is due to the wrong upbringing in our modern culture. If earlier they brought up men in boys, and women in girls from childhood, now everyone is being adjusted to the same standard, making a child's personality something between a man and a woman.

In view of this, one must know that much depends on parents and on the upbringing they give their children.

There is no need to hope for a school and an institute, they do not give a moral and spiritual education that can make a person happy and satisfied.

It also partly happened due to the collapse of the USSR in the 90s, when all values ​​\u200b\u200bcollapsed and many men experienced terrible stress. Everything they believed in and aspired to ceased to exist in an instant.

And since a man lives by ideas and certain values, they began to break mentally.

It was then that mass drunkenness and its accompanying phenomena began.

Women in those difficult times, on the contrary, began to think how to get out of a difficult situation, how to feed and clothe their children. As a result, they went into business, into careers, began to occupy leadership positions.

At the same time, the institution of the family began to rapidly degrade, the number of divorces increased significantly.

No wonder, because men are no longer men, and women are no longer women.

To be frank, such a successful modern woman with the signs listed above is a weak woman. She cannot and does not know how to live in accordance with her nature, she cannot be happy and cannot meet a normal man.

Another sign of a weak woman is rude and depraved behavior, causing appearance, etc.

This is what it means to be a weak woman.

What to do?

There is only one solution to this problem.

A woman needs to begin to smoothly transfer her efforts towards family life and relationships.

You don’t need to touch your husband at the same time, wait for him to suddenly become strong. No, now it will take time.

The woman will need to gradually give the initiative in various situations into the hands of her husband. Thus, she will make him strong, responsible and decisive, and herself and the whole family happy.

One of the signs of a strong developed woman is the ability to take on the character of her husband.

For example, a strong woman in a relationship with her husband always agrees with him when resolving any issues. And this does not mean that everything will be so.

With this behavior, she will be able to turn any situation the way she wants it. Indeed, in fact, a woman controls the atmosphere and events in the family.

This is not given to a woman just like that, easily.

In order to have such an ability (outwardly to agree and accept the authority of her husband), a woman needs to develop feminine character traits in herself, engage in women's activities, and resolve issues in the family and relationships.

Acting as described above, the woman will gradually become a developed and strong personality, respectively, her husband will also gradually become a strong person, responsible, determined and purposeful.

The main thing to take away from this article

Now we note the most important thing in the article that needs to be understood and remembered.

  1. Signs of an underdeveloped (weak) woman

Such a woman has an independent appearance, she is characterized by ostentatious independence and the opinion that she does not need a man. Often she has a car and an apartment (house), which she earned herself.

A rough or masculine demeanor distinguishes this woman from real women, as well as a defiant appearance and similar signs. And in our time, alcohol and smoking can be added here.

  1. What does it mean to be a strong woman?

Such a woman radiates love, calmness and kindness. She looks modest, or at least has a non-defiant appearance. This woman has many girlfriends.

Such a woman, as a rule, looks 5-10 years younger than her age (but there are exceptions). Often the man of such a woman is developed with a whole set of positive qualities: loyalty, honesty, responsibility, etc.

  1. How to become a developed woman?

You need to start developing in yourself the feminine qualities of character: kindness, gentleness, non-violence, truthfulness, compassion, humility, etc.

A woman is tedious to understand that she is by nature meant for relationships, family and children, and not for a career. Accordingly, she needs to make more efforts towards her nature, learn to love and build relationships.

Moral and spiritual development will greatly help in this, which will help a woman to reveal her nature.

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If you want to learn even more about how to become a real and happy woman, then study the article How to Become a Happy Woman?

How to learn female weakness? / Relationships and psychology / Man and woman

We all know the saying: “The strength of a woman is in her weakness”, but at the same time, not all of us fully understand the meaning of this statement. What is female weakness? And how can a woman be weak, but at the same time cope well with the difficult role of hostess, wife and mother?

We offer you, dear women, a small step-by-step guide:

1. The main thing that a woman should understand is that it is as natural for a woman to be weak as it is for a man to be strong. And this means that a woman has no reason to be ashamed and ashamed of her weakness. Some women, influenced by modern ideas of emancipation and gender equality, struggle to become strong and independent, and then wonder why they are single and why they have not developed a personal life.

2. There is nothing shameful for a woman to ask a man for help. There are things that we women really can't do! Nowadays, many women want to feel self-sufficient, and therefore they are trying to prove to themselves and their men that they cope with all problems on their own and are no worse than men. A modern woman can raise a child herself, make a career, and maintain order in the house. But the trouble is that next to such self-sufficient women, men feel unnecessary, and therefore leave them for weaker women who need their male strength and support. So do not be shy to show a man your weakness by asking him to help carry a heavy bag home or repair broken home appliances.

3. Taking care of her family, husband and children, a woman should not forget about herself. A woman just needs to take care of herself, take care of herself, groom and love herself. For only in this case she will be able to inspire her man to exploits and at the same time remain beautiful, weak, fragile, tender and defenseless.

4. Skirts and dresses suit women more than trousers. Probably no one will argue with the fact that a woman looks much more feminine in a skirt or dress than in trousers or jeans. Therefore, a woman who prefers to dress in typical women's clothing, emphasizing her fragility and weakness, is more likely to arouse a man's desire to help her and support her than a woman in trousers.

5. Sometimes, in order to provoke a man to typical masculine behavior, in order to wait for help and support from him, a woman needs only one thing - to moderate her initiative a little and pause. If a woman herself is not in a hurry to put heavy bags on herself or take them off the hanger and put on a jacket, then any man who is next to her at that moment will definitely help her to do this, unless, of course, he is a real man.

6. Unfortunately, not all women understand that being weak is one thing, and being sacrificial is another. A weak woman can expect respect and understanding from a man, besides, she knows her own worth and will never allow anyone to humiliate herself or take advantage of her weakness. Whereas a woman prone to sacrifice can sacrifice herself to an unworthy man who will not appreciate her sacrifice and will not be grateful to her for it.

7. A woman should be able to indulge herself. Excessive self-demanding deprives a woman of some of her charm and makes her a slave to all sorts of conventions. When a woman takes on too many responsibilities, she can no longer afford to be weak, and therefore, she has no reason to rely on help and support from men.

Undoubtedly, for many women who have long tried to overcome their weakness and tried to be strong on a par with men, it will not be easy to rebuild themselves and return to their natural state again - to become weak and fragile. But believe me, dear women, the result is worth it! Only when you are no longer ashamed of your weakness, your men will begin to treat you like princesses, will perform feats for you and will be able to show their best male qualities next to you - strength, courage, courage and courage.

They say weak women attract strong men. And what woman does not dream of a strong man who can solve all her problems, and not vice versa, as is often the case now? How can you learn to be weak if life itself dictates such conditions that you are both a woman and a man in one person: to a hot hut ..., and a galloping horse ..., and caress your husband? Yes, and there is no suitable example to follow. Where are you, weak women? And in general, the concept of "weakness" somehow disappeared, because you solve all the problems yourself: there is no time to cry, not to play some roles.

Well, come on, let's learn a little to show weakness. Until recently, I myself did not know what it means to be weak, but now my life often pleasantly surprises me.

How to learn to be weak. Instructions for use.

1. First you need to understand that weakness is not a vice, it is a normal desire to manifest the feminine in yourself. As our parents taught us, in this life the strongest survive, that all problems must be solved by yourself, and if you can’t, you are a loser. And do not upset your parents, because they wanted to see you as a strong person, and you did not live up to their expectations. So the girls grew up with the name "I myself."

2. One of the manifestations of weakness is to ask for help. How can you ask if we are so proud and independent! We pull, we pull, and we stretch everything, even the veins. And why so tear yourself up when you can simply ask. But it’s embarrassing and embarrassing to admit that you can’t do something on your own. How not to disappoint people! And there is one more position: “I asked, they ignored me or refused, so I won’t ask anymore, why be so humiliated”? I wonder who needs your pride? Or do you need help? for new shoes, ask your parents for help, and be sure to thank them - no one has canceled politeness.

3. Take care of yourself. Take care of your body. Be yourself, don't pretend to be something. When you are harmonious inside, you will feel your strength in yourself, discover the charms in yourself, and you may even like that you are a woman, weak and tender.

4. Wear dresses and skirts, stand in heels. In such an outfit it is easier to feel like a woman, and you will not, for example, move cabinets in a skirt, change taps, carry heavy bags and glue wallpaper. When you are wearing a skirt, you cannot run, but walk with small steps. And men pay attention to you: they open doors for you, offer to bring bags. And don't run ahead of the locomotive. If you paid for groceries at the checkout in a supermarket, do not grab your bags first when a man is next to you. I once had such a moment in my life. And the man who was next to me said: "I love Russian women: all by themselves." And I was even ashamed. Going up to the hanger at home, do not grab your coat first, but get up and wait. A man, whatever he may be, will still understand what is expected of him, and will meet your expectations - he will give you a coat. And let him feel needed in such trifles! Further more. If he thinks you can't do it without his help, that's it - he's yours forever.

5. Some will think, why pretend to be a dumb sheep? The whole point is that you do not need to depict anything. When you portray something that contradicts you inside, this is the position of a victim, a person with low self-esteem. You need to make it clear to yourself that you are a woman and worthy of help.

6. . Life is very exciting and interesting. Don't forget about yourself in the race for results. Try to get the most out of life. So you will come to harmony with yourself, and to strengthen your feminine.

Learning to be weak is a fascinating process, and brings stunning results. Get over yourself. Start asking. Not being able to ask is not your strength, it is your weakness. Enjoy yourself and life will play in a new way. A man will show his strengths to you, and will be able to get a star from the sky for you. But do you want this? Good luck to you!

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