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Summer recreation activities kindergarten. Presentation on the topic: “Organization of summer recreational work in a preschool institution. Organization of summer recreational work in a preschool educational institution through knowledge of the world around

Tatyana Boyarkina
Organization of summer recreational activities in a preschool institution

Good afternoon Dear colleagues!

I bring to your attention " Organization of summer recreational activities in a preschool institution»

At the final pedagogical council in May, I introduce teachers to the goals and objectives of the kindergarten in summer period.

Successful implementation summer wellness largely determined by an integrated approach to planning organizations and medical and pedagogical control. Carrying out preventive, hardening and recreational activities with children in summer the period must necessarily be regulated by regulatory documents.

Success summer health work is determined, first of all, by how timely and efficiently the kindergarten team prepared. Preparation affects all aspects of life preschool, all members of the team, according to their functional duties.

The head develops a plan for preparing the kindergarten for summer wellness period, distributes responsibilities between administrative and managerial, medical, pedagogical and junior personnel for the improvement of the territory, equipment of sites, sports grounds in accordance with SaNPiN.

Medical workers also draw up a plan of medical work for summer wellness period.

Deputy for VMR and senior educator represent activities with children for the summer wellness period.

IN summer wellness the period of activity of children is transferred to fresh air.

Lunch is postponed by 15 minutes. Earlier. There is a lengthening of daytime sleep.

For summer wellness period, it is necessary to create conditions.

In our preschool institution created all conditions. The plots are landscaped, the verandas of each age group are presented with scenes from fairy tales. The flower beds and vegetable gardens are very wonderful. Shaded canopies are made on each site, where children can hide from the sun. Each age group has a shower where children bathe in warm water after a morning walk. There are sandboxes on the plots. They close with lids in the evening. Sand is treated with boiling water. Every month the sand is examined for helminths. The results are negative.

What forms of work do we use in working with children?

Hardening - system activities that increase endurance organism to the diverse influences of the external environment and educating the ability organism quickly and without harm to health to adapt to adverse effects by means of self-defense.

Hardening is permissible only with the full health of the child; you can start the procedure at any time of the year, but the warmest time is most favorable for this.

The shower can be used by children only from 1.5- summer age. This water procedure tones up the nervous system of the child, gives him vigor, has a positive effect on appetite and sleep. The shower is especially useful for lethargic children with poor appetite. The water temperature in summer is 33-35°. Gradually, by 1 degree every week in the summer, after 3-5 days, it is reduced to 28 °.

The full development of children is impossible without organizations a balanced diet in compliance with established nutritional standards.

A cyclic 10-day menu for spring has been developed - summer period approved by Rospotrebnadzor.

At organizations nutrition of children, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the sufficient content of the protein component in the diet, the main sources of which are meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products.

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products

Here is healthy food

Full of vitamins!

IN summer period, vegetables and fruits occupy an important place in the diet. To increase the supply of vitamins and minerals, early vegetables should be included as widely as possible in the child's diet. (radishes, lettuce, green onions, various greenery: dill, parsley).

According to the work plan at the LOP, children receive juices and fruits for a second breakfast every day. Vitaminization of the third dish is carried out.

If meat, eggs, milk and dairy products are basically 100% done, then there are problems with fresh fish. During the year and the LOP, the norm for fish is not met. Currently, the supply of fish seems to be getting better, our kindergarten received 186 kg. fish.

IN summer period, a lot of work is being done with the parents of the pupils. Consultations, conversations, workshops for parents are held, information is regularly updated in parental corners on topics related to maintaining and strengthening the health of children in the summer, about hardening organism about breathing exercises, about catering and summer holidays for children.

Parents are of great help in carrying out the repair of groups and equipment in the areas, in landscaping areas, in preparing holidays and entertainment for children held in the preschool in the summer.

Report on organization of summer health work

in MBDOU Kindergarten No. 4 "Birch"

Summer health work was organized according to the approved plan and is aimed at ensuring the protection of the life and health of pupils, organization health-saving regime, prevention of morbidity and injury.

The emphasis was placed on increasing the time spent in the fresh air, on increasing the motor activity of children through outdoor games, sports entertainment, excursions, and portable material. Children willingly worked in the flower garden, in the garden, participated in role-playing games, games with water and sand, organized theatrical performances, played out game situations on the parking lot.

wellness work was based on tempering procedures such as How: air baths, walking barefoot, dousing legs, stripping down to panties, playing with water and organizations nutrition based on vitamin therapy. For juices, the standards are met by 99%, by vegetables by 89%, by fruits by 90%.

In just three summer month in MBDOU 7 cases of diseases of pupils from them: 3 - SARS, 1 - bronchitis, 1 - acute respiratory infections, 2 - streptoderma. Incidence by institution was 24% which is in line with the previous year. At the end of August after summer wellness again taken blood from children. Out of 200 children, 196 have a blood test that meets the standards, which is 98%. No cases of child injuries have been registered.

IN summer period were successful themed weeks organized: "Skilled Hands", "Our friend is nature", "Theatrical Kaleidoscope", "My city". The MBDOU has collected didactic and methodological material on these topics.

In June, a bright emotional holiday was held in kindergarten "Children Protection Day". All summer long, an information stand on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries worked at MBDOU.

The experience of educators Aimesheva Z.T., Saparova A.E., Mustakova B.D., Popova T.G., Gorun E.P. organization of summer recreation pupils' work. Methodological material was drawn up based on the results of the implementation of the thematic project "Flower Outfit".

According to the results summer - wellness work framed photo exhibition « Summer mood» , an exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents "All colors of summer", organized review competition among educators for the best design of plots and gardens.

During the period summer - wellness jobs for parents organized consultations on topics « Summer holidays for children» , "Adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten" (for parents of newly arriving children). Sanitary bulletins were constantly posted on the topics "Intestinal infection", Summer Injury Prevention, "Vitamins on your table". Parents were actively involved in the improvement of kindergarten sites. By the efforts of the parents of the pupils of the kindergarten, plot buildings for children's games according to fairy tales were installed in the plots.

All planned activities for summer - health-improving work implemented. The problem in the work of MBDOU remains the need to repair gazebos, sidewalk paths, the facade of the building, the blind area around the building.

Summer is a period of entertainment, impressions and new experiences in the life of kids. Educators, as a rule, temporarily postpone classes with counting material, geometric shapes, numbers and letters, and go with the children to explore the rich world of nature. They observe the life of plants and insects, listen to the singing of birds, collect natural material for future crafts.

In order for work with children to be organized in the summer, a detailed plan for summer recreational work in kindergarten should be drawn up. But before you start this work, we offer you some useful tips - it's up to you which ones to use.

Before making a plan for the summer in kindergarten

Before drawing up a plan for summer recreational work at a preschool educational institution, it is important to think over the goals and objectives for this period. Let's give them as an example, you may have slightly different goals and objectives.


  • to create the most effective living conditions for kindergarten students, contributing to the harmonious development and development of their cognitive activity, on the basis of recreational activities, using the opportunities provided by the summer season.


  • preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, using the possibilities of the sun, air and water in various types of children's activities;
  • to form in preschoolers the habit of a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • to form skills of safe behavior;
  • develop the cognitive interests of pupils;
  • to instill love for nature, respect for it, to form initial environmental knowledge;
  • to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers regarding the organization of summer recreational work;
  • provide methodological assistance in planning and organizing summer recreational work and recreation for pupils;
  • increase the competence of parents in organizing summer recreation and recreation for children;
  • involve families in the educational process and the implementation of plans for the rehabilitation and summer recreation of children in kindergarten on the basis of cooperation pedagogy.

The organization of summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution should begin with the preparation for it of children's groups, children's walking areas, and the adjacent territory of the kindergarten.

Kindergarten teachers should:

  1. conduct thematic design of groups;
  2. prepare information for parents on the topics of health improvement, hardening, safety measures for children in the summer;
  3. carry out landscaping of the territory of the kindergarten (plant trees, shrubs, cut existing ones, lay out flower beds);
  4. carry out repairs and painting of play buildings and small architectural forms, if possible, perform additional decorative design of kindergarten sections (with the involvement of parents).

Next, you should take care of the preparation of the educators themselves for the summer season.

  1. Do they understand what healing opportunities this period provides?
  2. Do they know what and how to teach preschoolers, using the opportunity to visually demonstrate the subjects of study (plants, birds, insects, etc.)?
  3. Do they know how to effectively use the sports, play, experimental equipment available to the kindergarten to achieve the goals?
  4. Do they know the safety rules when conducting summer children's walks, excursions, experiments, experiments?

An approximate plan for preparing for the summer period in kindergarten

Administrative work




1. Organize and carry out repair work of various types (specify exactly what needs to be done).

2. Conduct an audit of the existing equipment (children's and sports grounds), inventory, sets of games used on a summer walk.

· pick up informational literature and children's books about plants and animals, about agriculture.

Working with parents

  1. Conduct parent-teacher meetings in groups on preparing for the summer and summer plans for preschool educational institutions, at which the medical worker is instructed to acquaint parents with the current state of children's health, to make recommendations; to the educator - to tell about the plan for summer recreational work in kindergarten.
  2. Conduct consultations on medical and pedagogical topics for parents of children who plan to leave the city for the summer with their children, and for those parents whose children will remain in the city.
  3. Prepare and arrange for parents in the methodological office a thematic information and reference stand, folders for display in groups, portable street stands.

How to improve the health of children in the summer

Personal education is inextricably linked with the health of the body. When, if not in summer, to strengthen children's health, improve the body, increase its resistance to disease. It is during the warm season that ample opportunities are provided for the implementation of these tasks, using air, sun and water; food enriched with fresh fruits, berries and vegetables; high physical activity.

Under the supervision of a nurse, kindergarten teachers throughout the summer (subject to favorable weather), a variety of recreational work can be carried out in the preschool educational institution.

For example:

  • walking barefoot on sand, grass, pebbles,
  • swimming and playing in the outdoor pool;
  • exercise, outdoor games, active game programs and outdoor activities.

And, of course, the plan for summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution should include the maximum possible stay of children in the fresh air (the morning reception of children, gymnastics and all kinds of entertainment can take place on the street, daytime walks should be made as long as possible).

Organization of summer recreational work in a preschool educational institution through knowledge of the world around

Improving work in kindergarten can take place in the process of learning new things. The teacher should try to captivate children into the wonderful world of nature, reveal to children its diversity, and give answers to many questions that interest preschoolers.

Bring children closer to the natural world through the following activities:

  • acquaintance with medicinal plants, special attention should be paid to those that are likely to grow in your walking areas (plantain, coltsfoot);
  • observation of the behavior of butterflies, beetles, ants, worms;
  • let the children hear (albeit recorded) the singing of the lark, the nightingale, the chirping of the magpie, etc.;
  • plant a plant with the children: a flower (marigolds, violets) or a vegetable (radish, turnip), and watch their growth, flowering, ripening.

The purpose of all these activities is to teach children to see the manifestation of the life of nature, in its entirety. It will be easier to achieve this if you make a summer calendar of nature. It will help to systematize and generalize what he saw.

Of course, each event requires preliminary preparation. It is important not to force, but to arouse the child's interest in digging in the garden, looking for and examining grasshoppers, spiders, and bugs in the grass.

Visit the picturesque corners of your native land and teach children to see their charm, smell the flowers, hear the unique sounds of nature. In the process of walks and thematic classes, constantly remind children that it is necessary to protect nature, take care of it - this is how the foundations of environmental education will be laid already at preschool age.

Through observation, help the children see the harmony in nature. This will help them understand why it is impossible to break branches in vain, throw garbage anywhere, pollute forests, rivers, disturb wild animals and birds.

The main forms of work with preschoolers:

  • walks,
  • excursions,
  • thematic quizzes and competitions,
  • holidays according to the plan of the summer calendar,
  • reading books and guessing riddles on the theme of summer and nature,
  • hiking trips,
  • collection of medicinal herbs,
  • work in the garden or in the flower garden.

The experience and knowledge acquired by preschoolers in the summer will make their lives more meaningful, introduce them to outdoor activities, and teach them how to use nature correctly to strengthen and maintain their own health.

  • Evenings of entertainment for children "Grass-Ant", "Here it is - our summer!".
  • Consultations for educators "The work of preschoolers in the garden and in the flower garden."
  • Workshop for teachers "Options for creating equipment with your own hands for playing with wind, sand, water."
  • Organization of research and experimental work in the garden.

Main events in June

  • Big summer holiday "Red summer - a wonderful remedy for health."
  • Health entertainment for children "The sun, air and water are our best friends."
  • Consultations for educators "Environmental education of children in kindergarten in summer"
  • Asphalt drawing competition "Let's save our native nature"

Main events of August

  • Sports entertainment "Physical education - cheers!".
  • Evenings of entertainment for children “I love Russian birches”, “What a pity to part with the summer”.
  • Exchange of experience between teachers through mutual visits to classes (topics are provided to choose from).
  • Production meeting on the topic of summing up the results of summer health work.

When planning for the summer in kindergarten, it is important to remember the main thing: in the matter of the physical and psychological recovery of pupils, the most important thing is the sincere love and care of educators for them.

Summer health work with children in kindergarten

Summer recreation period in preschool educational institution

The constant stay of children in the fresh air, the variety of forms, colors and sounds in nature, many different experiences and new impressions, food rich in vitamins, expanse for movement in natural conditions - all this gives the child a significant physical and emotional reserve of strength for successful full development and improvement. immunity.
At the same time, summer is fraught with some health hazards for children - the risk of overheating, sunburn, general relaxation on hot days, fatigue from excessive running around, and the adverse effects of water when used excessively.
In the summer, the daily routine is maximally saturated with outdoor activities: walks, excursions, hikes, outdoor games - all this allows children to gain new motor experience.
So, the main goal of the preschool team in the summer is the general improvement and strengthening of the child's body. This can be achieved only through the joint efforts of the teaching and service staff, their timely preparation for the summer recreation season.
Physical education in the summer has its own characteristics, although it is a continuation of the work carried out during the school year, the following events are organized: morning exercises, physical education, elements of physical education in the daily routine (independent motor activity, outdoor games), tempering procedures, joint and independent activities (various games using physical education equipment), walks outside the territory of the preschool educational institution (walks, hiking, jogging, games).
Morning exercises should be carried out on a sports ground or site. Gymnastics increases muscle tone and creates a positive emotional mood. One of the main requirements is that morning exercises should not be forced.
In order for gymnastics to be interesting, dynamic, it is necessary to widely use musical accompaniment, sports equipment, attractive attributes (handkerchiefs, ribbons, flags, etc. - for the collective execution of movements).
The content of morning exercises depends on the age of the children (the motor skills they have), the conditions for conducting and the planned motor activity during the day.
If on the same day there is a sports festival or entertainment, then part of the morning exercises will be a kind of preparation for them.
You can use various forms of morning exercises: traditional; plot (“Across the seas, along the waves”, “Along the forest paths”, etc.); health jogging with a set of exercises; exercises with the inclusion of dance-rhythmic movements, games of different mobility, etc.
Physical education classes in the summer are aimed at attracting children to optimal motor activity, which brings a feeling of “muscle joy”. Lessons are based on familiar material. The children practice and consolidate the motor skills acquired in the school year.
Young children should be trained in the correct use of equipment, the use of orientation skills in space (on the site, sports ground).
For older preschoolers, it is important that they can realize their interests in sports games and exercises, showing their motor abilities and developing them in every possible way.
Motor activity should correspond to the motor experience of the child, his interests, desires and functional capabilities.
Summer is a favorable time for solving many problems in working with preschoolers, including cognitive ones. Teachers should use the conditions of the summer period as much as possible in various activities that will allow children to consolidate and apply the knowledge gained during the school year.
Domestic and foreign researchers note the importance of those activities in education that bring joy to the child, exerting a positive moral influence, and harmoniously develop the mental and physical abilities of a growing person.
Familiarization with any object or phenomenon gives the most optimal result if it is effective. It is necessary to give children the opportunity to "act" with the studied objects of the world around them. Specially organized research activity allows pupils to obtain information about the phenomena or objects being studied, and the teacher to make the learning process as effective as possible and more fully satisfy the natural curiosity of preschoolers.
During the research work, all the senses are involved: the child listens, peers, touches, sniffs, tries. His active vocabulary is enriched, the regulatory and planning function of speech is improved. Mastering tool actions develops the baby's hand.
In summer, soil, sand, water, air, stones become more accessible to children - as a material for research. The children will learn about the properties, qualities, the relationship of these natural objects and their use by humans in the process of conducting simple experiments and experiments.
Experimentation is included in various forms of work with children:
- excursions;
- walks;
- trips;
- labor activity;
- observations;
- conducting experiments, organized as an independent or joint activity.
Summer provides favorable opportunities for a variety of visual activities for children, full of new vivid impressions. The following forms of work can be used:
- artistic and visual activity in the open air;
- joint activities of children and adults;
- hobby classes;
- independent visual activity;
- organization of exhibitions of children's works;
- holding holidays, quizzes, competitions.
In the summer, you can widely use non-traditional art techniques, such as:
- "Plasticine painting";
- "Spray";
- "Printing with natural forms";
- "Drawing with crumpled paper, pieces of cardboard with different textures";
- "Blotography";
- "Magic threads";
- "Drawing through wet gauze."
In the summer it is necessary to spend more leisure time, entertainment, children are especially interested in “unexpected” holidays: “Festival of funny balls”, “Festival of soap bubbles”, “Favorite Toy Day”, “Jungle is calling”, “Scythe - girl's beauty”, “Festival of a cheerful breeze ”, “Festival of yard games”, etc. Such holidays do not require long preparation, but invariably arouse great interest of children.
The most favorite game in the summer is sand building. The main condition for successful activity in this case is the preparation of sand for work. It must be clean and moist. Toddlers still do not know how to create large buildings, their structures are imperfect and simple. Older children build large collective buildings, complex in design, develop interesting plot games. To maintain interest in these types of games, to enrich the plot, additional material, large building material, toys, various containers, boards, etc. should be used. Playing with water will also arouse no less interest in children, for this you need quite a bit - a children's inflatable pool or basin with water, toys and attributes.
Soap bubbles, balloons, spinners and other handmade toys will help to keep pupils busy with interesting activities, create a good mood for the whole day.
In summer, children get maximum impressions, pleasure and joy from communicating with peers and new discoveries. At the same time, the more time preschoolers spend on the street, the more attention adults should pay to organizing children's activities in the summer. A competent solution of these issues will help to avoid troubles and provide an emotionally rich life for all participants in the educational process.
Summer is a special period in the life of every child. It depends on the adults around him how he will spend this time with health benefits, the development of emotional and cognitive processes. So, on the eve of the summer period in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to carry out appropriate preparatory activities, namely:
adjust the mode of life of children, taking into account the warm season (this mode should be placed both in the parental corners and in the catering department - a food distribution schedule);
to revise the schedule of directly educational activities, including motor, musical and artistic activities in it;
develop a system for hardening children, taking into account the state of health of children and the conditions created in each age group;
make recommendations for parents on how to organize a child's leisure time in the summer, what books to read, what observations to make in nature, and also to inform parents whose children stay in kindergarten in the summer months about changes in the preschool educational system.
In summer, the duration of walks increases. To achieve a health-improving effect, the day regimen provides for the maximum possible stay of children in the open air, the duration of sleep and other types of rest corresponding to their age. It is necessary to provide preschoolers with maximum exposure to fresh air, the possibility of physical activity. The plans of educators during the day should provide for all types of children's activities: motor, productive, communicative, labor, cognitive research, musical and artistic, reading fiction, games.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year. Time for vacations, trips, meetings. In the summer, there are fewer children in the kindergarten - someone is resting in the country, some are leaving with their parents, for example, to the sea. But many preschoolers stay in the city and attend kindergarten all summer. How to make this time for them informative, fun, full of new experiences?

With the help of fun games, you can have fun and interestingly organize the rest of children both on the street and at home. Watching interesting cartoons contributes to the development of mental and speech activity of children. The poems, riddles, proverbs, counting rhymes collected by the educator are quite appropriate in the summer period.

During the summer period, classes in groups are not provided. But cultural and leisure activities are separately highlighted in the program, which allows each child to provide rest, emotional well-being, contributing to the formation of the ability to occupy oneself.

The practical activity of children is important for their aesthetic development. And a special place in it is occupied by artistic activity. Children love songs and poems, they are very willing to join classes saturated with them. During the summer holidays, preschoolers take part in the holidays: "Children's Day", "Russia is my Motherland", "Hello, summer!". They are happy to teach and read poetry, sing songs, dance, dance.

Children spend most of the day outdoors in the summer. At the same time, precautionary measures are not forgotten - they put on a hat, in a shaded place they take off part of their clothes. It is good if air baths are combined with outdoor games.

Every summer, games and sports activities are held on the sports ground of the kindergarten: “My cheerful sonorous ball”, “Visiting a fairy tale”.

When composing summer entertainment scenarios, try to acquaint children with the signs of summer, the customs and traditions of the Russian people, let the children learn poems and proverbs about summer, dance, sing Russian folk songs, play folk games.

When planning leisure activities for children for the summer, it is important not to forget the main thing - to show as much love for the child as possible, more genuine, reasonable care for his development - physical, mental, emotional, moral.


Summer is the most fertile time for preserving and strengthening the health of children, creating conditions for their full-fledged comprehensive mental and physical development. The summer period is the most optimal and favorable for health-improving and educational work with preschoolers.
Educational work with children during this period of time is carried out, as a rule, on the street. The mode of operation is chosen so that in summer the children are constantly in the fresh air. This does not imply the abolition of educational activities with preschoolers, but rather expands the opportunities for educators to carry out full-fledged work with children on a walk. These are conversations, and role-playing games, games with water and sand, various observations, work in nature, etc.
The efforts of the teaching staff during this period are aimed not only at creating conditions that ensure the protection of life and health, preventing morbidity and injuries, but also at implementing a system of measures that promote health improvement and physical development, moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity, the formation of cultural and hygienic and work skills.
Educational work on a walk can be divided into the following aspects:
- physical development: morning exercises, tempering procedures, speech physical exercises, dynamic pauses, outdoor games and sports activities, water and drinking regimen is observed in all age groups;
- social development: guided tours, moral conversations about culture, history of the native land, conversations of an ecological orientation;
- cognitive development: games-classes, mini-quizzes on the works of children's writers are held; entertainment with soap bubbles and sunbeams, evenings of riddles and riddles, experiments and observations in the environment;
- aesthetic development: learning poems, proverbs and sayings, listening to songs on a specific topic, organizing exhibitions of drawings, contests of readers and creative stories.
So, we use in our work a variety of forms of organizing the activities of preschoolers in the summer. These are excursions, creative games, quizzes, hiking, travel games, sports holidays and entertainment. Everyone can show their creative abilities, find activities of interest, expand knowledge, improve motor skills and abilities.
During this period, we hold the Summer Olympic Games. This sports entertainment can be carried out together with parents. The scenario of the event includes interesting fairy tale characters. Such holidays teach children that sport not only improves health, but also makes a person strong, strong, hardy and cheerful.
We pay special attention to the safety of children in the summer, on the streets and roads of the city. Work on injury prevention is carried out not only with children, but also with their parents.
The summer recreational period contributes not only to active educational work, but also to overcoming the psychological barrier between the educator and the child, the educator and parents.

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