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Malakhov dna test Prokhor Chaliapin. Prokhor Chaliapin's godmother stated that the singer's father may be his grandfather. Let them say: Prokhor Chaliapin passed the DNA

At the end of May, the former lover of Prokhor Chaliapin admitted that she would become a mother for the second time. 33-year-old Anna Kalashnikova kept the name of the father of the child a secret, but did not hide the fact that the man indulges her with expensive gifts. For his birthday, he presented Anna with an apartment worth more than 40 million rubles.

Unfortunately, in the fifth month of pregnancy, the girl lost her baby. Prokhor Chaliapin from the very beginning stated that he did not believe in the pregnancy of his ex-lover, and said that this story would sooner or later end in a “miscarriage”.

Prokhor has reason to doubt the sincerity of Kalashnikova. In 2015, Anna gave birth to a son, Daniel. The girl assured that Chaliapin was the father of the child, but it turned out that the actress became pregnant from her former lover, whom she broke up with shortly before the start of the affair with the artist. Prokhor accused Kalashnikov of betrayal and broke off the engagement.

Recently, Anna and Prokhor became guests of Dmitry Shepelev's program "Actually." Former lovers came to the show to find out everything they wanted to know about each other with the help of a polygraph. Kalashnikova asked the singer to confirm that even during her first pregnancy he knew that the child might not be from him. Chaliapin did not deny that he knew about Anna's previous relationship, but he wanted to know for sure, so he practically tricked her into the show "Let them talk" and persuaded her to do a DNA test.

In turn, Prokhor wanted to find out if Kalashnikova was pregnant for the second time. Anna stated that she really was in a position and lost a child. The polygraph showed that the model was telling the truth. However, the singer remained at his opinion. “Unfortunately, I don’t believe in it,” Chaliapin concluded.

For several years, Prokhor Chaliapin's father Andrei Zakharenkov has been in a psychiatric clinic in Volgograd. The 57-year-old man suffers from schizophrenia and is considered a danger to society. He has been in treatment since 1993 after he was tried for fighting. When Prokhor was little, he saw how his father treated animals cruelly and his mother Elena, to whom he raised his hand. Sometimes the boy also got it.

The mother of Prokhor Chaliapin announced in the new issue of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live" a terrible secret. Her father-in-law showed signs of attention when she was just starting to live with Andrei. Prokhor's godmother Elena Aleksashkina remembered that during her pregnancy with Prokhor, her husband accused her of treason.

“Father-in-law Ivan Andreevich, despite the fact that he was a married man, had a lot of women. In general, he walked from his mother-in-law. He got the impression that when we were alone, he molested me. I remember one case, on February 23, the father-in-law falls down from work, dear, late in the evening. I was already asleep at that time. The bed was big. At some point, I turn around, and my father-in-law lies next to me, ”recalls Chaliapin’s mother.

When Prokhor was born, he was very similar to Ivan Andreevich, which greatly resented his father. “It was like a clouding in his head that Prokhor was from Ivan Andreevich,” Elena noted.

At one time, Andrei walked a lot from Prokhor's mother, and once the child even found his father with his mistress. Subsequently, Chaliapin rarely spoke about his relatives to his friends.

“For me, this topic is extremely unpleasant. Grandfather has always been a standard for me in terms of attitude to life. And despite the paradox of the situation, I would be happy if my grandfather was my father, not my father. But it hurts my mom's reputation a lot. Of course it's not pretty. But that's just because my father never loved me. My grandfather really was more to me than my father. He taught me how to drive a car. When I was nine years old, he put me behind the wheel of his Volga, he had a gorgeous twenty-first. He took me fishing all the time. He treated me with warmth, ”admitted Prokhor.

Prokhor's grandfather and grandmother were very wealthy people. They even gave the house to his mom and dad after he was born. Elena recalls how her husband abused her and her child when he drank heavily. Andrei Ivanovich is being treated at the clinic, and no one wants to take him away. “It’s all lies that they told my mom about me. We lived in abundance. Everything they had, they gave me. For 17 years I have not been able to remove the compulsory treatment, ”said Prokhor’s father.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya also came to the program to support Chaliapin, with whom they are together. “Based on what the doctors said, it is unlikely that Prokhor’s father will come out and serve himself,” the artist’s chosen one reflects.

At the end of the program, the results of the DNA test were announced. The study involved the material of Andrei Zakharenkov and Prokhor Chaliapin. “The results of the DNA test are such that Andrei Zakharenkov is with a 99.9% probability the biological father of Prokhor,” said Snezhana Koroleva.

January 23, 2019

The artist's dad did a DNA test to find out the truth.

Prokhor Chaliapin. photo:

Last year, he began dating Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. At first, the singer assured that they were just talking on friendly terms, but for the past few months the couple has not hidden their romance. They make joint plans for the future and the first thing they want to do is have a baby, and only then get married. In October 2018, the artist even his chosen one with his mother Elena Kolesnikova and his own, who has been in a psychiatric clinic in Volgograd for many years. The parent asks his son to take him home, but Prokhor refuses to do this, because he does not want to take responsibility for his father's behavior.

more on the topic

The other day, Chaliapin's mother became the heroine of the program "Live". She revealed a family secret. It turned out that Andrei Ivanovich may not be the father of the singer. This is exactly what the godmother of the star Elena Aleksashkina said. She was previously friends with Kolesnichenko and found out about their family secret during the baptism of Prokhor. Her words were commented by the parent of the singer. “Father-in-law Ivan Andreevich, despite the fact that he was a married man, had a lot of women. In general, he walked from his mother-in-law. He got the impression that when we were alone, he molested me. I remember one case, on February 23, the father-in-law falls down from work, dear, late in the evening. I was already asleep at that moment. The bed was big. At some point, I turn around, and my father-in-law lies next to me, ”Elena shared her memories. She admitted that she had just got married and soon found out that she was pregnant. According to her, later, when she came home with the child, relatives said that the boy was very similar to his grandfather. After this incident, Ivan Andreevich was convinced that Prokhor was his son. However, the woman herself did not answer the question of whether she had cheated on her husband.

Mom Prokhor revealed a family secret. photo: frame from the program "Live"

Chaliapin himself appeared in the studio. He admitted that he first heard this story as a child. “For me, this topic is extremely unpleasant. Grandfather has always been a standard for me in terms of attitude to life. And despite the paradox of the situation, I would be happy if my grandfather was my father, not my father. But it hurts my mom's reputation a lot. Of course it's not pretty. But that's just because my father never loved me. My grandfather really was more to me than my father. He taught me how to drive a car. When I was nine years old, he put me behind the wheel of his Volga. He took me fishing all the time. He treated me with warmth, ”said the artist.

Prokhor admitted that he loved his grandfather very much. photo: frame from the program "Live"

During the broadcast, Prokhor admitted that he loved his grandfather very much and even wants to be buried next to him. To find out the truth about who is the father of the singer, a DNA examination was carried out. The test showed that with a probability of 99.9%, Prokhor Chaliapin is the son of Andrei Zakharenkov, which means that all the suspicions of the artist's relatives were false.

grandfather of Prokhor Chaliapin. photo: frame from the program "Live"

According to singer Milena Deinega, on the day of conception, Anna Kalashnikova left the club with the owner of real estate in the Emirates

According to singer Milena Deinega, on the day of conception she left the club with the owner of real estate in the Emirates

A year and a half ago, singer Andrey ZAKHARENKOV, better known under the pseudonym Prokhor SHALYAPIN, broke up with his wife Larisa KOPENKINA and announced his intention to start a family with actress and singer Anna KALASHNIKOVA, who allegedly became pregnant from him (EG No. 52, 2014). After some time, Anna really had a child - a boy, Daniel. However, Chaliapin was in no hurry to marry her. And recently, the singer had an excuse to completely break off all relations with Kalashnikova. At his request, Andrey MALAKHOV's TV program "Let them talk" organized a DNA study. It showed that Prokhor could be the father of Anna's child with a probability of zero percent.

In fairness, it must be admitted that fatherhood Chaliapin from the very beginning raised serious doubts. Many even then agreed that this whole story was invented in order to promote Kalashnikova her publicist Tima Brik. The one who recently passed away from the abuse of diet pills.

We made a big mistake by taking Kalashnikov to lead our parties at the Who is who karaoke club, the singer's wife admitted Roma Zhukov Elena. - Not only did she constantly push herself forward on stage and did not allow my husband to say anything, in addition, she frankly pestered him - hung on his neck, kissed him. And when I could not stand it and told her everything, Kalashnikova, together with her PR man Tima Brik, began to weave intrigues against me. She wrote text messages to my husband: “Your Lena is so-and-so. You don't know who you live with. Let's have business with you, and Lena in FIG! Why do you need her with five children? She spread dirty rumors that I was looking for a rich man. In fact, Kalashnikova tried to get into our family and destroy it. I have always respected Prokhor Chaliapin. She helped to celebrate his birthday in “Who is who” and even gave him a whole table from the institution. But I am perplexed by his current PR with Kalashnikova. However, this is their own business. I don't get into their relationship. If they have them at all. It seems to me that this is not real. From whom she has a child - I can’t even imagine. Everyone knows that Kalashnikova lives off rich men. Crying to them that she has loans. And everyone helps her.

Despite everything, the artist considers Danka his son. Photo:

Pleased the men under the table

Kalashnikova was ready for anything for the sake of PR, for the sake of the number of views on the Internet, her former press agent testified. Valentina Gurova. - She starred half-naked in the video Sergei Zverev"Let me undress you!" Under what conditions they took her there - I do not know. She herself met Zverev somewhere and through his PR manager Tim Brik agreed on everything. I only heard that the role in Zverev's video at that time cost from 15 to 30 thousand dollars. In the end, it did nothing for her. And then Brick invited her to make a knight's move. He always had one horse - Prosha Chaliapin. Once Tim arranged a PR romance with our ex-soloist of the Tutsi group Adeline Sharipova. And now, according to the same scheme, he brought Kalashnikov with him. Whoever has money, he asks and buys. Where Kalashnikova got the money from - I can't tell you. I can only hint. She constantly hangs out at karaoke with rich businessmen. In principle, it is normal when a successful man stands behind a successful woman. But only if this man is permanent, as it was in his time with Yana Rudkovskaya And Olga Slutsker. And when a girl says that one rich fan gave her an apartment, another a car, and a third gave money for a video, this already leads to certain conclusions.

Only one thing remained incomprehensible in this whole story - from whom did Kalashnikova actually give birth. We managed to clarify this piquant question with the help of her ex-girlfriend, singer and host of the MusicBox TV channel. Milena Deinega.

Initially, I was very close friends with Chaliapin, - said Milena. - We went on tour together in the Krasnodar Territory: he performed half a concert, and I performed half a concert with my band. I was introduced to Anya Kalashnikova a little later. We also developed friendships. I even invited her to my wedding.

Once Anya confessed to me that she was pregnant from one man, but he already has a wife and children. "What should I do? she asked. “I really want a child from him.” “You should have thought with your head before going to bed with a married man,” I scolded her. Why destroy his family? You can’t build your happiness on the misfortune of others.” I do not respect women who walk with other people's husbands, and even more so - they get pregnant from them. One of these ruined my first marriage.

My husband and I were working as trainers at the gym at the time. A girl Natasha came to us, who had already given birth to a married man before. And at a difficult moment for our family, when I lost a long-awaited child, this sheep began to sleep with my husband. I could not forgive such a betrayal and filed for divorce. Naturally, after what I heard from Anya, my attitude towards her changed dramatically. And finally, my acquaintance businessman opened my eyes to her. “I recently vacationed in the United Arab Emirates,” he said. - Kalashnikova came there already in position. You have no idea what she went to for money and how many men she pleased in my presence, sitting under the table! I was just in shock. You shouldn't even be near her. God forbid, they will think that you are the same.

Questionable PR

Then events took a completely unexpected turn, - continues Deinega. - At that time, I was in close contact with Serezha Zverev, with whom we recorded a duet. Once he sent me a text message: “Imagine, Kalashnikova calls me and says if I want to promote that she is expecting a baby, like, from me!” Naturally, Serezha refused. "This is ridiculous! - he was indignant. - Why do I need it?" Accordingly, when Anya began to spin the story with Chaliapin, it immediately became clear to me that this was PR. Moreover, I initially did not believe that he even slept with her. According to their stories, it allegedly happened drunk after Anya's birthday in the Who is who karaoke club. I attended this birthday party. We arrived there just together with Chaliapin. But he had a lot of activities that day. And he left the club before anyone else.

And we continued to buzz until the morning. Anya all this time actively communicated with some Armenian - either the owner of this club, or a rich guest. She constantly sat down next to him. And he gave her some instructions. Because of this, then there were rumors that Anya gave birth to this Armenian.

But in fact, she then left the club not at all with him, but with a completely different person. I don't want to say who he is. God forbid his wife finds out. Their children are growing up. Everything will collapse - both the family and the business. All I can say is that his name is Michael. He owns large facilities in the United Arab Emirates. Anya always went there on vacation. I pulled up my artist friends to perform there for free, for accommodation. And in Moscow, she lived in a house that belonged to Mikhail.

Thus, Chaliapin could not stay with Anya that day. It was out of the question. The only thing I didn’t understand was why Prosha agreed to such dubious PR. I always told him that he was a lost artist for me. He has a chic voice and excellent external data. And there is no worthy repertoire. It would be better for him to do this, and not PR on dirty linen.

I offered him some hit songs for free. She offered to perform with my "live" musicians. But he did not want to pay them a thousand rubles each. Although he received 100 thousand from the concert. And I never got around to recording the songs. I really feel bad for him. A good guy is missing.

Weak on the front

In the end, Prokhor and I had a fight, Milena sighs. - He sent me an angry message on WhatsApp: “Milena! How could you? I believed you so much." - "What are you talking about?" - I answered in bewilderment. It turned out that StarHit magazine wrote, referring to me, that he was not the father of Anya's child. But I didn't give interviews to anyone. And no one contacted me from there. And if I spoke about it, it was only in a narrow circle. “No, this is our child with Anya,” Prokhor insisted. “You should come to Channel One and support us.” “I don’t participate in shaking dirty linen and I’m not going to participate,” I refused. - Why discuss on the main TV channel of the country with whom he sleeps? People are tired of this nonsense. For artists, the best PR is good new songs, videos or concerts.”

Then Anya called. Tried to persuade me. “I sincerely wish you that the child is born healthy! - I said. - But, in my opinion, you can not build such intrigues when you have a small treasure in your stomach. I'm sorry, but I think that you act like a finished person, that you go and promote yourself at the expense of the child. Anya freaked out and hung up. We never spoke to her again. Then she gave an interview on the radio and said that she didn’t know me at all. Although she had a bunch of photos of us together on Instagram. And to deny our acquaintance was simply stupid. And after the results of the DNA analysis were published in “Let them talk”, I suddenly received a message on WhatsApp from Prokhor: “Milena, I'm sorry! You was right. Unblock me on Instagram! Let's add each other as friends again!" “Please, accept my sincere condolences,” I wrote to him. “It’s a pity that you initially didn’t want to listen to me about Anya.”

To be honest, when I watched this program, I was surprised how upset Prokhor was when he found out that the child was not his. One got the impression that he was sincerely convinced of the opposite. “Damn, maybe they really had something once,” I thought. Anya, as they say, is weak in the front. She doesn't care who she sleeps with. She jumps into bed with everything that moves. And Prokhor does not tolerate alcohol very well.

I remember two years ago we had a concert in Krasnodar. Sponsors put free brandy. He drank literally two glasses and was already drunk. "Show me to my room! he asked. "I'm completely mad." It doesn't take long for him to forget where he was and what he was doing.

Knowing Anya's cunning nature, I admit that she could take advantage of Prokhor's intoxication and lie to him that she got pregnant from him. However, then his ex-wife called me. Lara Kopenkina, with whom we are now broadcasting together on MusicBox, and said: “Milena, do not flatter yourself much with what you see in“ Let them talk ”! These are some new games. Now they will do PR that the child was almost replaced in the maternity hospital. My opinion is that such women as Anya need to be flogged with rods. What self-respecting woman would go on television to find out who her child is from and expose herself to the whole country as a slut who does not remember who she sleeps with ?! It is thanks to people like her that everyone in show business is considered a slut. If she herself is not ashamed, at least she would think about the child. He will eventually go to kindergarten, then to school. And all this dirt is not going anywhere from the Internet. And will pursue him.

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