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How to meet a dancer in a club. How to meet a normal man in a club: a life hack for girls. Liz and Ursula

I did my first business at the age of 19. It all started somehow spontaneously. Summer was coming to an end, I was bored. In order to somehow entertain himself, he published several ads on 2 city sites ( and The advertisements said that a new fashionable nightclub in Minsk required dancers for permanent work. Literally a couple of hours later, a whole avalanche of candid female photos and resumes hit me. Everyone wanted to dance, they were interested in the club, salary and so on. I was a little scared of such an influx of questionnaires and began to think what to do with these pictures ...

A week later, I had a desire to personally interview go-go dancers and strippers (topless dancers). This plan seemed terribly cool and unusual. I organized the first interview in a cafe on an open terrace. For the company took with him one friend and a notebook. On the first day of the interviews, I was a little worried, asked various questions to the girls, took pictures, made them fill out questionnaires and draw their psychological portrait. The dancers, in turn, also asked me questions: “Which club do you want to work in? When is the opening? Why is the interview taking place here and not at the club? Why should I even answer questions when I should be dancing and so on.” To all this, I answered that the club is new, has not yet opened, it is being renovated, professional workers are needed, and so on. Everything somehow turned out very smoothly, that I believed myself and by the end of the day finally entered the role of a club headhunter.

By the end of the first week, I interviewed about 30 girls and was not going to stop, because I entered the rush.

Work became a habit, every time I scheduled interviews for 5-10 girls in various cafes and interviewed, interviewed and interviewed ... By the end of the month, a decent number of workers gathered in the database (about 100-150 dancers). It was time to take it to the next level. Because it was just that I was no longer interested in interviewing, I decided to look at how the girls dance. To implement this idea, it was necessary to find a room for castings. The first thought was to rent an assembly or rehearsal hall. With this intention, I went to one of the local theaters and talked with the administrator (theater attendant). The woman was very cultured and curious. I immediately asked for what purpose I needed the hall and what shoes the dancers would wear. All this puzzled me a little, because I was embarrassed to tell such a cultured woman about my true intentions (to arrange a casting of 150 half-dressed dancers and strippers, and even in high heels). And I tactfully retreated.

The next day I made a decision - castings should be held in natural conditions. More specifically, in nightclubs. To this end, bypassed 3 local establishments. In the very first one, I met the art director, who liked my idea with castings, but in the end we did not agree on a casting. In the 2nd club, I had to talk with the owner of the establishment. He also offered me a not very profitable option (he offered to just pay for the rent on preferential terms). I had to apply to the 3rd club. Here I was a success. Both the art director and the owner liked the idea of ​​holding castings in their institution. We immediately agreed. The conditions are very simple - they provide me with everything I need (stage, DJs, etc.), and I give them the opportunity to invite dancers they like to work (i.e. I do not receive any commission).

I organized the first casting very quickly. Literally the next day. Invited 20 dancers + hired a professional photographer (to take pictures of the girls, and I used the pictures as a portfolio). The casting went well. Everything was no worse than I imagined.

The girls danced, someone was offered a job, and I got pictures + aesthetic pleasure.

On enthusiasm, I held 5 more castings in this club. And then the most interesting began.

The stage of selling dancing girls to parties has begun. I went around most of the clubs, talked to promoters and art directors - showed everyone my base of dancers + left contacts. And the orders are slowly coming in. On average, I had at least 1-2 orders of dancers per week. The work process looked like this: I receive an order, agree on a price, I call the right girls, I come to the party with them, I get money for them, after that I pay off the dancers, minus my percentage.

In terms of money: on go-go dancers, the average cheat is from 10 to 15 dollars, on strippers from 50 to 100 dollars.

Those. if go dancers are ordered from me, then I earn almost nothing, consider working at 0. But as soon as an order for a striptease arrives, this is a completely different matter.

I worked for about a month, during which time I acquired a couple of regular customers + I was invited to conduct auditions in a truly new and fashionable nightclub.))

The biggest and most unusual income was from sending two dancers to a provincial town. I made $200 on this trade. I didn’t go anywhere myself, they gave me the money (as an advance payment), and I put the girls in the right car and they were taken to a nightclub. In the morning I phoned the dancers, it turned out that everything was ok.

Tips for followers:

1. Be very attentive to female workers. If you work with them on a friendly wave, this gives a number of advantages:

A) dancers will advise you of their dancing + beautiful friends and acquaintances;
B) it will be much easier to negotiate a salary, because the girls are ready to make concessions. Thus, your profit share will be higher.

2. Customer service is also very important. In fact, this is a very narrow market. And each client will order girls from you again and again.

3. Be prepared that your girls will be ordered directly. Those. customers will seek to exclude you from the money chain.

P.S. Please note that I was exclusively engaged in the employment of dancers. If someone offered to introduce him to the dancers from my base, I refused them.

Most guys don't know how meet a girl in the club, how to behave, how to approach, what to say and many more questions. Often because of insecurity, it is difficult for guys to get acquainted with a girl. in club or because of another reason or problem, but if you clearly decide to learn how to get acquainted in clubs, then you can learn.

In the article you will learn how to get acquainted with a girl in a club what you need to know, be able to do and what you need to correct in yourself in order to communicate and get to know girls has become much easier and easier. The most important thing is just to know what you want and go towards your goal.

To meet a girl in a club, you need to learn how to dance beautifully and interestingly, love clubs and girls. If you personally do not like being in a club, then there is no point in getting acquainted there. There are many other places to meet. If you still learn how to dance beautifully and eye-catching, then you will interest many girls so that they themselves will begin to approach you to get acquainted.

Decide what you want

Before you go to a club to meet a girl in a club, you need to decide what you need all this for. According to statistics, only 20% of people after meeting in a club were able to create a successful relationship. If you do not have goals and plans for a serious relationship, then you can safely get acquainted with the girls in the club, especially if you have extra money.

If you want a long-term relationship, then you should not choose a club as a place for dating. Everyone can learn meet with a girl in a club, but you need to understand that time and money do not like to be wasted.

Take courage

To meet a girl in a club, you just need to muster up the courage and approach her. Everyone does it differently, but it’s better to get to know each other sober in order to overcome inner fear forever, and not just for a short period. Courageous guys get the best and most beautiful girls, as modest and shy ones are afraid to be the first to approach and get to know each other.

To meet a girl in club, no need to think about who you are, forget about everything and behave the way you should behave with a girl. Be bold and confident. If your voice is trembling and you are afraid to approach, then it’s better not to approach yet, since such an acquaintance will lead to nothing. But remember, in order to overcome this fear, in any case, you will need to approach more than one girl.

How to meet a girl

Ask a girl to dance

If you don't know how meet a girl in a club, then just go up to her and invite her to dance if the appropriate music for a dance together has started playing in the club. But before that, it is advisable to practice at home and learn to dance. You can make an appointment with a professional to have him or her teach you how to dance beautifully.

If you learn how to dance wonderfully in a club, then getting to know a girl will not be difficult, as often they will come up to you. Remember, girls love guys who dance and move beautifully, because of this, mostly normal girls and go to the club, without selfish goals. Dance for a girl is something more than for a guy and a man.

But do not think that with one dance and your active movements you will force the girl to spend the night with you. The girl needs to be conquered. At any age, for a female, it is important for a man to behave in society - how he is dressed, whether his shoes are clean, how he looks at the girl, then how he will speak to her for the first time, what words he will choose for greeting. All this in total makes the girl understand what the guy is like and whether it is worth starting a conversation with him.

If you dance seductively while looking passionately at the girl or winking at her from time to time, your desire to get to know the girl better may end there. In order for a girl to pay attention to you, you need to stand out from the crowd and show her that you are more interested in her than all the other ladies present here. For this you need to act.

If she says "no" to me?

Most guys are afraid that a girl will immediately say “no” to them. If you approach her without hinting at anything, start a conversation, no one will send you to hell. A very correct action on your part would be a cautious display of interest. You should not put pressure on the girl and force her to drink the cocktail you bought or drag her to the dance floor so that she jumps with you. When a girl becomes interested in you, wants to communicate with you, she will not refuse you to dance or take a walk after the club.

The main goal is to make a first impression. So pay attention to how you leave your apartment when you head to the club. Is everything in order with you - is the T-shirt / shirt / T-shirt ironed qualitatively, are the shoes / sneakers clean and if the hair is not dirty. Everything should be as good as if you are going on your first date. By the way, in some situations, everything happens like this - the first acquaintance takes place in the club, and at the same time the first pastime together.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest

Since you came to the club and set yourself a goal - meet a girl, you must admit, it is stupid to return home and understand that you have not achieved your goal. “What will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow”, “and will anything happen to her at all.” I liked the girl - act. Why do you need tomorrow if it hasn't come yet? Modern youth lives today, this minute, appreciates every second of life.

How can you meet a girl

Choose Your Dinner Carefully

Girls enjoy smells. Smells mean a lot to women. Therefore, be vigilant during the evening meal before going out to the club, as there are products whose smell cannot be masked by mint "orbit" or even menthol toothpaste. Give up hot spices, onions, garlic, fish in any form, spicy ketchup and similar foods. Whatever you eat for dinner, take a shower and brush your teeth. Bring gum with you to the club.

Guys mistakes

- Don't show how cool you are . Girls do not perceive unnecessary show-off.

- Don't start a conversation with stupid phrases and questions like “What are you doing?” or “Oh baby, hi, how are you?”.

- Taboo - asking her age . Since she's in the club, she's eighteen. And this is the main thing. If you can't wait to find out her age after talking a little, ask her sometime what year she graduated from high school. Or find out how long she has been in university/college.

- Don't be too humble , but unleashed also be out of place in this case. Be polite and respectful.

- Don't use swear words . Yes, someone once decided that swear words are swear words and their use is unacceptable in high society. Swear words are always unpleasant to hear. But these are the norms of behavior, and you should not break them at least in the presence of people you do not know.

- persistence. It is certainly worth taking the initiative, but not so much that the girl begins to be afraid of you and complains to the security of the nightclub.

- Sense of humor. If you have no sense of humor and are too serious, then you shouldn't have come to the club at all. Develop a sense of humor in yourself - this quality will help you not only when meeting girls, but in general in life. You cannot be a serious person who does not care about what is happening around.

- Coarseness. Never confuse rudeness with perseverance. A strong character in men does not mean that you need to communicate with a girl, as if you are seeing her for the last time and you need to show all your bad manners. Be gallant towards the girl. Even if she tells you “no”, you should not be rude to her and call her offensive words, just because “I tried, but she refused me. How could she!

How to meet a girlin club

What should I say?

Actually, dancing is dancing, and the most important thing is what words to choose so that the girl agrees to communicate.

Forbidden greetings:

- Hi dear.

- Hello woman.

- Oh hello.

Say hello normally, like all adequate people - good evening or just hello. This is enough for her to hear your greeting and see you.

Phrases that will scare away a girl:

- Are you married?

- How old are you?

- Are you even eighteen?

- I'm tired of this loud music. Maybe to me?

- My sister asked me to look after the baby, but I don't know what to do with him. Come to me, tell me what to do?

Nowadays it is quite difficult to surprise a girl. Ordinary phrases will not interest her. First, come up with a reason for getting to know each other, the topic of your future conversation (at least three or four questions that will help you not be silent during the beginning of the conversation).

Dialogue options:

- Today is my first time in this club. Is there only music here all night or are there other contests for guests?

- I'm here for the first time today. Can you tell me what time the club is open? And are you here until the end? \ Do you often come here?

- Who is at the controls today?

If a girl is sitting at the bar, you can come up and ask directly - "Can I treat the lady with a cocktail." If anything - you have a good reason - you came here with a friend to share the joy, but the friend needed to leave for a short time on business. There can be many reasons for joy - your favorite football/basketball team made it to the finals/ was promoted at work/ a niece was born.

If you notice that an unpleasant person is sticking to the object of your sympathy, it's time to start acting! Walk up to the girl and act like you're her boyfriend by saying, "Honey, are you all right? Can we go home?" This vile type should lag behind the girl, and the girl, in turn (if she is well-mannered and kind), will definitely thank you for such an act.

Just don't stand next to her and wait for her to start saying "thank you". After you play the role of a caring guy, you can move a little to the side or sit close to the young lady. You don't have to disappear completely from the horizon either.

How to meet a girl?

Ask a girl what she's intowhat he does on the weekends, whether he attends any courses. And, according to the situation, invite her to the place where she happens to be. If the girl is sociable and easy-going (you will immediately understand this), you can offer to go to a new place for her. Do not insist if the girl refuses to go anywhere with you. She may refuse you for her reasonable reasons - you must admit, a rare girl will agree to go for a walk with a stranger.

Continue the conversation in the club, ask how she will get home. Maybe you could walk her home. Ask with whom she will return home and, if possible, order a taxi for her (if you feel reciprocal sympathy and interest).

If a girl comes home alone- say that now is not the best time of day to be calm when returning home. Say that you will be worried if she will go home with one taxi driver. Say that taxi drivers are different and you can not trust all drivers. But don't come up with scary stories about hearing someone raped/murdered/stealed in the club area recently. Feel the measure and do not scare the girl with your fantasies.

If you had a drink with a girlin cocktails/or twos/threes and she let you fool her, ask how you can get in touch with her. After all, you are interested in her well-being.

In any case, ask the girl for contacts, since she allowed to take her home, you are not hopeless, and she trusted you at least a little.

If she will be returning with her friends or friends, ask how you can contact her and if she would like to continue communication during the day and in a less noisy place. During a conversation, you can casually find out about her favorite cafe, and invite a girl to her favorite place on a first date.

Main - Be confident in yourself and your abilities! Don't be afraid to take the first step. It's great to be the first!

psycho- olog. en

Night clubs are a fairly popular place for dating, but there is an opinion that serious relationships cannot be found there, and this kind of dating is only suitable for a one-night stand. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

Do nightclubs exist solely for "picking up"? Debunking the Myths

  1. Contrary to the common stereotype that you only meet a guy in a club for a one night stand, this is not always true. And that's why:
    Many couples met just the same in nightclubs - for sure, there are such people in your environment. And this is the best proof that you can meet "your" person in the most unexpected place, and the club is no exception.
  2. The club is a great place for fun, relaxation, dancing. This is the leisure that brings people together, unites with a general mood, atmosphere. In a cheerful dancing company, even a modest and shy person relaxes, liberates himself and is not afraid to approach and get to know each other (what he would not do, for example, on the street).
  3. Much depends on the mood, image and behavior of the girl herself, namely:
    • the ability to "filter" men who are suitable to meet;
    • a good outfit and make-up (do not overdo it, so as not to look vulgar and not to provoke the thought of being easily accessible);
    • the ability to have fun from the heart, to be liberated, but not to cross the line, so as not to seem like an easy “prey”.
  4. It should be understood that a man will not deny himself pleasure if there is an opportunity to get it here and now, but this does not guarantee the further development of relations. So do not be offended and complain about fate if you go to him that evening, and the next day he does not call. And he never calls again.
  5. It is important to initially correctly define the "goal" - i.e. a guy who potentially came not for "picking", but for dating. But we will talk about this further.

First impression: how to attract attention and be interesting?

How to "figure out" a guy in a club who is set up for a serious acquaintance?

Intuition will help here. Carefully consider the guys with whom they came: a large group of different sexes, with a few friends or alone, how they behave. As a rule, if a man came alone, he is set to get acquainted, but whether it’s serious or not, it’s easy enough to find out. Just observe for a while his behavior, mannerisms. He approaches all the girls indiscriminately in search of the one who will not refuse - this is clearly not the hero of your novel. If a guy came just to get drunk and relax, it is unlikely that he is in a serious relationship.

Pay attention to the lonely guy behind the bar (but not passing one by one), with a thoughtful or slightly distant look. This is a potential "goal" - such people come to meet, but may not know where to start amid general fun and dancing. Noticed? Take action!

How to make acquaintance with the guy you like? We draw up an action plan

The easiest way to please is to dance

Position yourself on the dance floor so that you are in the field of view of the “object” you like. If you have a good figure, plastic, turn on all your charm and surrender to the dance. Concentrate on it, have fun. If the guy you like is also dancing, he will certainly pay attention and come up himself. If not, help him with a look, a smile. The same technique is also suitable for attracting the attention of a man who does not dance, but only watches.

  • do not try to incinerate him with a look, everything is good in moderation;
  • avoid feigned sexual looks (this may look from the outside like the look of an actress of low-class provincial porn);
  • smile simply, sincerely, friendly;
  • you should not flicker in front of the guy’s eyes, moving around him on the dance floor, like around a Christmas tree - take a position so that he can see you, and stick to it;
  • do not overdo it with artistry and sexuality in the dance, so as not to look vulgar.

Meeting at the bar

After placing an order, wait: either the “object” you are interested in will start acquaintance itself, or, if he still does not have the courage to contact you, we will act on our own. You can start with some insignificant phrase, or just smile at him. Club fun is not conducive to high-society philosophical conversations, so no one will expect a big tirade filled with Machiavelli quotes from you.

What phrases can be used to start a dialogue:

  1. Can you tell me where the second bar is?
  2. Such good music here, right?
  3. Do you know what song is playing right now?
  4. Don't you dance? It was a hard day?
  5. What amazing cocktails!
  6. Why don't you dance? It's so much fun here!

If you smoke, you can make acquaintances on the basis of this "hobby". In most clubs, smoking in the hall is prohibited - only in specially designated areas. Going there, you can find an interesting man and make acquaintance with him there, simply by asking him to light a cigarette for you, smiling sweetly or asking some simple question at the level of impressions about the club, the local music, etc.

Acquaintance with companies

If you come with friends and there are companies of guys without girls in the club, you can have a great time, meet and even find friends, if not your other half.

A start. How to win over a guy and continue dating

  1. Be positive, joke, smile, radiate positive energy. It attracts men.
  2. Dance with him, let him watch you, admire your figure, graceful movements, plasticity, but at the same time be moderately modest, avoid vulgarity.
  3. Allow yourself to be treated to a drink, but do not overdo it. This pause is needed to take a break from dancing and chat a little.
  4. Let's give the guy the opportunity to take care of himself, to prove himself as a gentleman.
  5. If there is no offer to exchange phone numbers, feel free to do it yourself.
  6. Let me kiss you - a light kiss on the cheek does not oblige you to anything, but it promotes rapprochement and relieves tension, awkwardness, creates some emotional connection to continue further acquaintances and meetings.

What to do if the guy you like does not want to get acquainted

In fact, there may well be such a turn of events, and you need to be prepared for this. You turned on all your charm to please him, took the first step, but the man is not in the mood for acquaintance. Do not get upset and look for flaws in yourself. There can be many reasons:

  1. He does not want to get acquainted in principle, because he is sure that you will not meet a decent girl in the club.
  2. Fatigue, bad mood.
  3. He has a girlfriend who that day could not be with him at the club. Perhaps they are in a quarrel, but he does not want to cheat on her.
  4. He may be going through a recent breakup and just not be ready for a new relationship.

Therefore, you should not take the refusal as a tragedy or a personal insult, and consider the evening hopelessly spoiled.
The most important thing always and in everything is a good mood, positive, and the rest will follow.

A nightclub is the very place where girls specially come to get acquainted. Everything here is conducive to quick acquaintances and easy communication. We'll show you how to enjoy these amazing benefits.

Advantages and disadvantages of club dating

Here are some of the main advantages of the club environment:

  • Atmosphere. Girls specially come to the club to relax, dance, meet new people. A charge of joy and good mood will contribute to your communication.
  • Alcohol. Most people in clubs are a little tipsy. Alcoholic drinks liberate girls and help to quickly break distrust.
  • You don't need to look for a reason. The club does not need to look for a reason to get acquainted. All you need to do is walk up and say "Hi".

The biggest downside is the loud music which makes dialogue difficult. Therefore, if you want to learn how to get acquainted in clubs. Learn to express your thoughts as briefly as possible and use gestures more often.

Where to start dating in the club

The first thing to start with is the look.

The club environment is not so demanding on the perfect appearance. On the dance floor, in the semi-darkness, in the crowd of people, no one will stare at you.

The only recommendation is to wear more light-colored clothes: white and pastel-colored t-shirts, shirts and polos, light-colored jeans or trousers. This is necessary so that you are more noticeable in the semi-darkness and catch the eye against the background of other people.

In addition, in some clubs at the entrance you will find hard face control. More about clubwear and face control in this video:

How to choose a girl and get her attention

How to determine whether a girl is counting on an acquaintance or just came to relax and dance? If a girl wants to attract attention, then she will:

  • actively look around, "catch" the views of the guys;
  • willingly communicate with others, smile, flirt;
  • have fun laughing with friends;
  • she will be beautifully dressed and brightly made up;
  • located in a place where it is easy to approach: in the aisle or not far from the bar.

As soon as you notice a suitable girl, you need to be in her line of sight. In order to attract her attention, you need to “catch” her gaze and smile. As soon as you received a return smile, you can safely approach and start dating.

How to approach her and strike up a conversation

The informal club atmosphere does not imply any special occasions for getting to know each other. So it's easy enough to walk up to her and say something like:

"Hello. I liked you. Let me treat you to a cocktail" or "Hi. You dance great. My name is Aleksey."

This does not mean that you can only get acquainted on the dance floor. There are other great places to meet, such as face control or a bar counter.

A very useful video, where all aspects of club dating are analyzed in detail:

We meet at the entrance to the club

The entrance to the club and face control is a great place to get to know each other. A queue usually forms here and there is a great opportunity to talk. In order to start a dialogue, you can ask the girl something or make a comment. Here are some examples:

"Hello. Do you come here often? Do you like this club? I'm here for the first time."

“So many people today. Don't push through."

Meet at the bar or at the table

If you see that the girl is sitting alone at the bar, then this is an ideal option to try to make an acquaintance.

The easiest way is just to treat her with a cocktail. In addition, the same phrases as for dating on the dance floor are perfect.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Don't focus on one. No need to close your attention on one girl, even if you really liked her. The right strategy is to communicate with everyone a little and continue to get to know only those who have shown a great interest in you.
  • Emotions. In club dating, your emotions play the biggest role. If you come there after a hard day at work, nothing good will come of it. You should come to the club well rested before that. It is best to sleep a few hours before this or just lie in bed.
  • Confidence. When dealing with women anywhere, it is important to be confident. The nightclub is no exception. Often guys are hindered by fear and shyness. To overcome them

Starting from the first parts, GTA 5 developers are actively introducing the fair sex into the game, and if in multiplayer mode it is possible to play for girls, then in single player you are surrounded exclusively by NPC ladies. Based on the experience of past games in the series, for example, GTA: San Andreas, players ask the question: "How to meet a girl in GTA 5?".

Initially, RockStarGames stated that there would be no opportunity to meet girls, however, everything is less clear than it seems, because when starting a relationship with a lady, each player pursues one goal. So, how is the female community represented by the example of NPCs with whom you can interact:

Dancers from the strip club Vanilla Unicorn.

Unfortunately, in the entire vast world of GTA 5, Rockstar managed to establish only one strip club. Entrance to this place is free, and until you order a private dance, you will only have to spend money on drinks and “money rain” for dancers. By the way, thanks to the money rain, the attitude of the girl who gets the cash improves towards you, and this will play a role in the seduction during the private.

Nevertheless, the local inhabitants are the most disposed to hone their pickup skills. Your goal is to come to the strip club "Vanilla Unicorn". We must immediately warn you - if you start shooting the guards, then the chances of leaving more than one are equal to zero. So put your weapons away and start choosing the object of desire.

After the choice is made, we go after the girl to a private booth - a dance awaits us there, during which you can flirt and even touch the stripper absolutely free of charge, however, you should not get too carried away, because the bouncer is closely watching the room. If the character begins to be very persistent, then he will definitely be driven away. Thus, the best option would be to dissolve your hands only when the guard leaves to check other rooms.

In addition, if Trevor has already taken possession of the Unicorn in the storyline, then nothing threatens our characters - not a single bouncer will raise a hand against the boss's friends. By the way, a lap dance is a prerequisite for 100% completion of the game.

After a short series of harassment, the sympathy indicator will fill up and the player will be presented with a choice of new options - a pair dance or a visit. By the way, not every girl will call for a visit - you will have to choose one of the following list:

Nevertheless, even these ladies can give Franklin a turn. Apparently, the young African American is odd to Michael and Trevor, in their opinion.

If the visit is still approved, then take your car and drive up to the back entrance of the club, a girl will come out of there, often not even bothering to change clothes, and sit down to you. After that, following the GPS data, we go to her apartment.

Further, everything is the same as before - the panorama of the city, voluptuous sighs, and then the hero-lover leaves the house. A nice bonus will be the dancer's phone number, and after a while, an erotic photo of the girl will also appear. Thus, it is now possible to repeat the circumstances of the night without dancing, only by calling her.

Liz and Ursula

Liz is a girl we meet in one of the taxi driver missions, they will open only after the acquisition of real estate (Downtown Cab Co.). On assignment, Franklin will have to give a ride to her young man, who turns out to be a very impudent Latino. After Liz appears on the horizon, Franklin makes several jokes in her direction, which provokes a skirmish in which the character has to beat the girl's boyfriend (or just shoot him). Then, as if nothing had happened, we complete the order by driving Liz to her friends in Little Seoul. The reward is about $ 450 and the girl's phone number, which can be used in the future.

In addition to Liz, the player is also given the opportunity to get to know a girl named Ursula. It can be picked up south of Mount Chiliad, on North Kalifa Way. After the girl tells heartbreaking stories all the way, the player is given her number as a reward. After that, you can call her. An interesting point is that after getting to know Ursula more closely, Ursula can give oral pleasure to the character while he is taking her home.

Night butterflies.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the priestesses of love, who have been familiar to the player for a long time. They are also available in GTA 5, however, over the years of evolution, these ladies have advanced much further than you might think - so now they will not get into your car if it is a rusty rattletrap from some barn at Sandy Shores - you will have to look for an expensive car.

As soon as the girl nevertheless climbed into the passenger seat, go to the alley and choose from the proposed list of services.

Thus, it becomes clear - although there is no opportunity to meet girls as such, there is a great alternative, which the developers called Booty Call or "call girl".

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How to quickly forget your ex-husband after a divorce If you can't forget your ex-husband
Divorce is always stress, emotions, tears. The very word "former" is given in the soul with pain, ...