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Ammonia-free professional hair dye which is better. The best gentle hair dyes without ammonia. Anthocyanin Second Edition, Anthocyanin - a new paint with bright shades and a lamination effect, Korea

The dangers of ammonia paints have been known for a long time. Its unpleasant odor, the ability to cause allergies, burn mucous membranes and respiratory tract - an unpleasant picture. Moreover, ammonia can accumulate in the pores and poison the body with toxic substances! Professional hair dye without ammonia will avoid all such surprises!

Advantages of paints without ammonia

Ammonia-free paints have a lot of important advantages, which explain the popularity of these products:

  • Delicate coloration. Dyes envelop the hair - they do not penetrate deep into and do not burn out the natural pigment;
  • Wide color palette - more than 50 shades;
  • No unpleasant ammonia odor;
  • Useful ingredients. The composition of ammonia-free paints includes several components that have a beneficial effect on the hair. These are vitamins, useful acids, minerals and extracts from plants that strengthen the bulbs, do not harm the hair structure and stimulate blood circulation in the epidermis;
  • No contraindications. Even pregnant women can use this paint.

Disadvantages of ammonia-free paints

With such a list of advantages, gentle paint has several disadvantages:

  • Provide short term results. Do not believe the slogans that the effect of such paint will last for a long time! The color will be strongly washed off with each wash of the head, and after two weeks it will become dull and dim. However, the problem can be solved! Dyes without ammonia can accumulate colors. If you constantly use the same shade, it will become much brighter;
  • Poor coverage of gray hair. When used independently, it is almost impossible to get rid of gray hair. But if you go to the salon, the result will be excellent. Using a special gel to fix the effect, the hairdresser will be able to paint over gray hair;
  • Poor quality lighting. If you want to become a blonde from a burning brunette, ammonia-free dye is unlikely to help you. He is not able to lighten the hair;
  • High price. Compared to conventional, a good ammonia-free dye comes at a high price. Yes, and in a beauty salon, you will be charged much more for the work done.

Overview of popular brands

To make your choice easier, we have compiled a list of ammonia-free paints that are recommended by experienced professionals.

Wella Professionals

Professional ammonia-free series. Gentle dye Wella Professionals gives the hair shine, rich and uniform shade, as well as smoothness and softness. The products of this brand pleases their fans with a fairly large palette and an affordable price. But its main advantage is the Color Touch Plus series. If you mix this paint with an emulsion of hydrogen peroxide, you can paint over gray hair.

L'Oreal Casting Gloss

L'Oreal created professional ammonia-free hair dye just a couple of years ago, but it has caught on in record time. The reason for this is the useful composition and a different palette (26 shades - from blond to black). Royal jelly gives the strands silkiness and nourishes them perfectly. The dye paints strands well, including gray hair. The hallmark of the paint is the aroma - berries collected in the forest.

Chi Ilonic

The manufacturer of this paint promises a result that will win you over. Persistent saturated shade, ecological composition, useful components - this is what is characteristic of Chi Ilonic dyes. The paint is created from silk and CHI 44 alloy, which makes it truly unique. It is perfect for those who want to lighten without damaging the structure.

Revlon Professionals

The paints of this brand contain many useful components (liquid crystals, slow-acting pigments, bioactive activators, etc.) that nourish the strands and restore their structure. Revlon Professionals ensures accurate color matching. It is often used to cover gray hair.

Kadus Fervidol Brilliant

Having appeared quite recently, this fashionable novelty has already managed to receive a lot of customer reviews. The composition of the dye includes minerals, oil extracts, natural salt compounds, natural waxes and activators with hydrogen peroxide. Activators color the strands, and waxes seal them. Thanks to this “work”, the hair becomes smooth and shiny, and the paint does not fade for a long time. The Kadus Fervidol Brilliant line has 50 colors - from blond to brunette.

Igora by Schwarzkopf

Professional ammonia-free paint Igora offers a varied color palette. In its composition you will find two active ingredients (silica and biotin), which slow down the aging of the strands, as well as a color enhancer. Hair after dyeing becomes thick, strong and elastic.

Cutrin That

This Finnish paint is based on arctic cranberry essential oil, which has a number of useful properties. It prolongs the youthfulness of the strands, prevents their fragility, strengthens and facilitates combing.

Selective Professional

Italian mineral brightening dye Selective Professional was created specifically for fair-haired people. It will allow you to lighten several tones at once, without harming your hair.


The Russian brand Estel meets all standards. It is cheaper in price, but the quality is not inferior to foreign samples. The composition of the dye included guarana, green tea and a keratin complex. Each of these components nourishes the strands well and heals their structure.

Garnier Color Shine

It has a creamy texture, includes cranberry extract and argan oil. Garnier Color Shine offers 16 tones and makes hair bright, soft and silky.

Londa Color

Londa color is a tinting paint that offers as many as 37 shades. At the heart of this tool are microspheres that allow you to create vibrant colors.


Faberlic also has a palette of paints that do not contain ammonia. It does not spoil the hair, but saturates it with shine and strengthens at the roots. This is made possible by many extracts - lotus, aloe, ginkgo biloba and sunflower.

How to apply dyes without ammonia?

Ammonia-free hair dye will give a good result only if it is used correctly. Remember a few rules!

  • Rule 1. Paint must be applied to contaminated strands without residues of styling products and other cosmetics. Otherwise, the shade may be uneven. There is also a possibility that the color will be completely different, because none of us knows how the dye will behave when in contact with foam and varnish.
  • Rule 2. The entire length is impregnated with a coloring agent so that there are no gaps.
  • Rule 3. Keep the composition for half an hour, then wash off with shampoo.
  • Rule 4. At the end of the process, you need a good balm that can enhance the effect of oils and vitamins.
  • Rule 5. When buying paint, check its composition. If you saw sodium benzoate or amines on the package, there can be no talk of any gentle staining.
  • Rule 6. Pregnant women are advised to slightly reduce the time (about 20 minutes). The same time period is enough for too thin and sparse hair.

Any innovation gives rise to a lot of rumors and speculation. So, about ammonia-free hair dyes, which recently appeared on the mass sale, you can hear a lot of conflicting opinions. It is not easy to sort out such an abundance of diverse information on your own, and there is no reason for it - after all, there are experts, professionals in their field.

We addressed our questions to: Artem Shishkin, stylist, and Svetlana Kobzeva, technologist of a professional cosmetic brand.

On the Internet, you can read that ammonia-free dyes are completely harmless to hair? Is it really?

Artem Shishkin: It is a myth that ammonia-free dyes are completely harmless to hair compared to ammonia. It's all about the proper use of the dye. Those and other dyes are designed to solve various kinds of problems, and the choice of one or another type of dye - ammonia or ammonia-free - lies with the hairdresser. Landmarks - the condition of the client's hair and the desired result.

The production of ammonia-free dyes is based on the replacement of the usual ammonia with an odorless component that is able to oxidize a smaller amount of pigments per unit of time, which causes its effect during dyeing - softer.

But first, let's take a look at the coloring process itself. In order for the color pigments of the paint to penetrate deep into the structure of the hair and for a long time to gain a foothold there to create the desired color, it is necessary to lift the scales of the surface layer of the hair. Usually this function is performed by ammonia, which is a volatile gas with a pungent odor. It intensively affects the structure of the hair, achieving the desired coloring results.

A softer, but no less effective alternative to ammonia is a chemical compound - ethanolamine, which performs the same functions in the staining process, but does it slowly and gently, without having a strong odor. This component helps ammonia-free dyes lighten hair up to 4 levels and ensure color fastness.

In addition, many ammonia-free paints are equipped with various caring components that soften the coloring process even more. For example, Schwarzkopf Professional's natural eco-friendly Essensity line contains the active substance ectoine, widely known for its protective, moisturizing, stimulating properties. First of all, ectoine is a powerful "magnet" for water, which allows the dye to retain moisture inside the hair. Thanks to this component, coloring pigments are evenly distributed and fixed in the hair structure, which makes them shiny and well-groomed. Ectoine also has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of scalp cells. Another caring component in the composition of Essensity paint is grape seed oil extract, which envelops the hair with the thinnest invisible film, protects it from environmental influences, and also carefully nourishes and restores.

In addition, the palette of ammonia-free paints usually has more natural shades. Hair after dyeing with such dyes looks natural, shiny and well-groomed.

Svetlana Kobzeva: Let's start with taboo. Such dyes are not recommended for use in lightening. In this case, ammonia should be preferred. To lighten the pigment, a much greater force of penetration into the hair is required.

Ammonia-free dyes are recommended for tone-on-tone, darker color or tinting. At the same time, there are ammonia-free dyes suitable for both toning and permanent coloring. For example, hairdressers use B.Life Color from FarmaVita as a tinting dye (for this you need a low % activator) and permanent (in this case, the activator should be 6%).

Are ammonia-free dyes permanent?

Svetlana Kobzeva: The coloring pigments contained in them are so small that they easily penetrate into these small “gates”, into the open scales of the hair. There is already a very dense sedimentation of pigments in the hair, which ensures good durability. As a result, the colors are quite stable and more dense.

However, let's be more specific. How quickly will the color wash off?

Svetlana Kobzeva: The classic durability of any dye is 2 weeks. After this period, the cuticle layer gradually loosens and, of course, the coloring pigment slowly begins to wash out. But the dye with a smaller molecule is washed out more slowly. Color loses intensity gradually.

Which paints are more resistant - ammonia or ammonia-free?

Artem Shishkin: Ammonia dyes are considered more resistant, since during the dyeing process they oxidize more pigments, so the color stays on the hair longer and is washed out more slowly.

There is an opinion that if gray hair is more than 50%, ammonia-free paints will not help. This is true?

Artem Shishkin: Ammonia-free paints do not have 100% gray coverage due to the slow oxidation of pigments, therefore, in the presence of a high concentration of gray hair, it is better to use ammonia dyes that guarantee durability and 100% coverage. Although it is worth opening the veil of secrecy: new-generation ammonia-free dyes promise to be just as effective in solving coloring tasks - covering gray hair, lightening, color fastness - as ammonia ones.

What ammonia-free hair dyes are the best?

There is no definite answer to this question. What suits one person is often not ideal for another.

But still, we have compiled our own small rating of ammonia-free paints, which have collected a lot of positive feedback.

As part of many caring ingredients - avocado oil, panthenol and olive extract provide nutrition and hydration, and the keratin complex, another ingredient, makes hair more elastic.

Features of hair dye with ammonia: composition, method of application, contraindications. Differences of paint without ammonia from ammonia.

The undisputed leader among preparations for coloring hair is ammonia paint. It allows you to radically change the color of your hair for a long time. In addition, ammonia hair dye is capable of up to 4 tones with virtually no harm, unlike

The difference between dyes with ammonia and non-ammonia

Hair dyes according to their composition are divided into three groups:

  • chemical dyes with ammonia;
  • physical, tint paints;
  • natural dyes.

Chemical dyes, unlike other dyes, act inside the hair, dissolving its natural pigment, and clogging the resulting voids with artificial coloring pigment.

It is in this way that a cardinal change of hair is achieved, and permanent coloring is ensured.

Name Shade palette Compound Peculiarities
deluxe 109 basic, 4 colors for toning bleached hair, 10 tones for lightening, 10 correctors, 11 bright colors for color highlighting Ammonia, emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, perfume composition, chromo-energy complex containing vegetable oils, panthenol. Softens the scalp, has a gentle effect on the hair during dyeing, the formula of oils penetrates the hair shaft, protecting it from destruction by the oxidizing agent.
professional 91 basic shade Ammonia, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, fragrance, glycerin, lanolin. Gently affects the scalp. The lanolin included in the composition envelops the hair, making it smooth and shiny.
color naturals 43 shades Ammonia, emulsifiers, thickeners, stabilizers, vegetable oils, lanolin. Natural oils protect hair from damage, wax gives them shine and smoothness.
permanent cream paint 32 natural shades Ammonia, emulsifiers, thickeners, stabilizers, vegetable oils, keratin complex Oils protect hair from damage by smoothing the cuticle. Keratin fills the voids of the hair, making it denser and stronger.

The composition of the creamy coloring agent includes substances that ensure the adhesion of the artificial pigment to the hair shaft.

Numbers on paint

With the help of a numerical code indicated on a tube of paint, its shade is indicated. First number to a point indicates the level of depth of tone, where 1 is blue-black, 2 is black, and then ascending from dark to light, where 10 is a very light blond. Numbers after the dot- color nuance, that is, the intended shade.

  • 3.golden.
  • 4.copper.
  • 6.purple.
  • 7.brown.
  • 8.pearl.

A two-digit number after the dot indicates that the paint uses a mixture of 2 shades. For example, the numbers 9.76 should be understood as blond with a brownish-purple tint.

Mode of application

The coloring composition is prepared by mixing an oxidizing agent and paint in a non-metallic container. in a ratio of 1:1. The choice of the required percentage of oxide when using professional paint is determined in accordance with the existing hair color and the desired shade.

When lighting, use 9% or 12% oxidants, when painting tone on tone or in darker shades - 3%. In household paints, oxide comes with a coloring preparation.

It is necessary to apply the coloring composition first to the hair roots, starting from the back of the head, after that - distribute the mass over all the remaining hairs. The exposure time is 45 minutes. It is necessary to wash off the composition using shampoo until the water becomes clear. Be sure to apply after shampoo.


Before painting with a chemical dye, a stain test should be carried out for the first time 24 hours in advance. To do this, a small amount of paint should be applied to the skin behind the ear, left for 45 minutes, then rinsed with water. If during the test or in 24 hours after it, signs of irritation appeared on the skin, it is better to refuse this drug.

Since ancient times, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have sought to change their appearance by resorting to dyeing their hair. However, the use of a variety of compounds harmed the health of the curls. Fortunately, today there is such an invention as professional ammonia-free hair dye, which helps to safely change the image.

However, not all women use ammonia-free hair tinting or hair coloring, which is due to their poor awareness in this area. Today we will tell you in detail what ammonia-free hair dyes exist and how to choose them correctly.

We are sure that our original instruction will be useful even for experienced hairdressers, not to mention ordinary consumers who simply want to change the look and style with the help of paint.

Advantages and disadvantages

To know how to choose ammonia-free hair dye, you should be aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of such mixtures. This will allow you to better navigate the different brands, as well as understand if you are ready to change the color of the curls using a paint that does not contain ammonia.

Positive characteristics

The main thing to note is the gentle effect on the hair.

The components of the coloring composition do not destroy the structure, while the use of ammonia mixtures leads to the fact that the curls become:

  • dry;
  • weak;
  • lifeless;
  • brittle.

But ammonia-free hair dyes also have a reduced amount of hydrogen peroxide, which negatively affects the structure of curls. When using such a tool, the coloring pigment simply envelops the hair, but does not penetrate inside.

In addition, professional Italian or any other paint of this type ensures the restoration of curls due to the high content of nutrients and trace elements, including:

  • B vitamins;
  • grape seed oil extracts;
  • birch extracts;
  • millet extracts;
  • other herbal ingredients.

That is, we can say with confidence that such a paint is almost natural and provides protection for curls from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and guarantees:

  • normalization of sebaceous secretions;
  • activation of blood circulation in the skin;
  • nutrition of hair follicles;
  • strengthening the roots.

Note. No wonder experienced stylists and hairdressers say that such a tool will be an excellent restorer. It will return shine, silkiness to the hair, provide a natural, natural shade.

It is also recommended to use ammonia-free hair coloring if you decide to experiment - the shade is washed off quite quickly, and re-coloring can be done literally on the same day if the result does not suit you. This will not harm the hair.

Negative characteristics

Of course, even the most modern, effective and high-quality tool cannot have only positive characteristics. For greater objectivity, we simply have to point out the shortcomings.

One of the negative characteristics is the rapid washing off of the coloring composition. Although manufacturers claim that the shade will last up to six to eight weeks, however, with each wash of the head, the color still fades, even if you do not immediately notice it.

Note. It is not always worth using this coloring option if you need to deal with gray hair. The only case when ammonia-free coloring can be used in the fight against gray hair is in combination with special fixing gels.

In addition, according to experts, it is not recommended to use the tool with your own hands, since you need to have certain skills:

  • understand shades;
  • have solid experience in applying paint;
  • know all the features of the use of compositions of this type.

Well, the last negative characteristic is the higher cost compared to conventional paints.

Advice. You should not joyfully grab an inexpensive ammonia-free dye from the shelf and rush to the checkout at full speed. Low price indicates low quality.

Although, if we talk about the harm that ordinary mixtures cause and how much time, effort and financial resources sometimes need to be spent on restoring damaged hair, then it’s probably better to pay a little more.

Overview of the best brands

Especially for you, we have compiled a kind of rating for hair dyes without ammonia - although we deliberately did not put anyone in first or last place, but made a list with detailed characteristics. After studying it, you will be able to determine for yourself which paint is the best for you!

Wella Professionals Color Touch

This brand attracted consumers:

  • natural composition;
  • reasonable price- perhaps the most affordable among all the products in this segment.

After using it, the hair becomes:

  • soft;
  • pleasant to the touch;
  • shiny.

The tool fits perfectly on the hair, providing:

  • uniform coloring;
  • long-term preservation of the acquired shade.

Note. In its line, the manufacturer also introduced an additional mixture. It is ideal for fully covering gray hair, if you add a little hydrogen peroxide emulsion to the composition.

L'oreal Casting Gloss

If you're looking for a brand that can provide you with an incredible selection of colors, you won't find a better brand than this one. In total, the series has more than twenty-five shades, ranging from black to light blond.

The uniqueness of the brand lies in the presence of royal jelly, which provides your hair with:

  • softness;
  • tenderness;
  • silkiness;
  • shine;
  • pleasant aroma.

Another plus in favor of L'oreal products is the ability to fully and effectively paint over gray hair.

Schwarzkopf Essential Color

It is difficult to meet a woman who has not heard about this brand, known throughout the world.

If we talk about products of this type, then it has earned the trust of consumers due to its composition, the ingredients of which are:

  • litchi;
  • White tea.

In general, the Schwarzkopf line has two dozen shades that are able to fight even with gray hair - depending on the chosen tone, painting it over by 40-100%.

Chi Ilonic

Interestingly, this manufacturer is not as widely known as the previous three, but also guarantees gray coverage, not to mention lasting color.

But the main advantage of the company's products is that its coloring compositions make it possible to lighten curls by eight tones without harming their health and structure.

Revlon Professionals

The composition of the coloring compositions of this manufacturer includes:

  • restoring;
  • nutritional components;
  • pigments;
  • liquid crystals.

That is, in fact, it is not even a paint, but a kind of cream-gel. Revlon Professionals is recommended to use when needed:

  • paint over gray hair;
  • get tone on tone;
  • acquire a bright, persistent saturated shade;
  • will provide shine to the hair.

Kadus Fervidol Brilliant

This brand, which has more than fifty shades, is better known to professionals than to ordinary consumers.

The composition of the mixture includes:

  • extracts of various vegetable oils;
  • natural salts;
  • minerals;
  • waxes and other natural ingredients.

The essence of using Kadus Fervidol Brilliant is as follows:

  • by means of an activator, staining with a curl is carried out;
  • then they are sealed with a kind of natural wax.

This approach allows you to not only get a lasting, rich color, but also provide your hair with:

  • smoothness;
  • shine;
  • silkiness.

In conclusion

As you can see, a good ammonia-free hair dye is a reality. There is a wide range of products of this type that will allow you to change the color of your hair, while maintaining the health and beauty of the curls.

The additional video in this article will help you better understand the topic under discussion.

The best hair dye without ammonia: reviews

Some of the problems of the fair sex, which even an experienced psychologist gives in to, will help to solve a trip to the hairdresser. This idea belongs to a wise man who is very familiar with female nature.

Agree, it is in the hairdressing salon that girls and women do two of their favorite activities: chatting and improving their appearance. It is difficult for men to understand, but a new hairstyle or hair color can refresh not only the image, but also the look at some things. Of course, this only works if the outcome is successful, so it’s clearly not worth trusting yourself to novice stylists.

If you have long wanted to become a blonde, passionate redhead or chocolate brunette - do not give up on this idea. Ammonia-free hair dye will help bring your plans to life with less harm to health. Reviews and opinions of the fair sex regarding this beauty product are divided. We will try to summarize all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as talk about the most famous brands that produce hair cosmetics.

Why no ammonia?

Around 2010, advertisements began appearing on TV and in magazines featuring a new product, ammonia-free hair dye. Reviews from professionals were confusing, and many girls and women considered it just a ploy to increase sales.

It took a long time before we experienced the benefits of ammonia-free hair products first hand. So, why is the ammonia contained in permanent paints harmful?

Two main components, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, are found in conventional paint. Their action is aimed at bleaching the hair pigment, as well as damaging its surface, which allows the coloring pigment to penetrate as deep as possible into the structure. Such an impact does not pass without a trace: the more often you dye your hair, the worse their appearance becomes.

Of course, not a single good hair dye without ammonia, reviews of which will be presented in our review, is absolutely safe. However, manufacturers try to minimize the amount of harmful substances.

Schwarzkopf & Henkel

Schwarzkopf is considered a pioneer in the creation of ammonia-free paint, so it is not surprising that hair products have an excellent reputation. Shampoos, conditioners and masks, styling cosmetics - choosing a line for a certain type of hair is not difficult.

Nectra Color is Schwarzkopf's most popular ammonia-free hair dye. Reviews note the affordable price, beautiful packaging and ease of application at home, but the quality, according to customer estimates, is a little let down.

What does the manufacturer promise?

Modern hair products boast a whole range of nutrients, and Nectra Color is no exception. The special formula provides glossy shine and luxurious color, smoothes the surface of each hair and eliminates gray hair.

The composition of the caring conditioner includes: panthenol, apricot kernel oil and flower nectar. This combination improves the condition of the hair after dyeing.

All of the above is indicated on a colorful box, but which of these “works”?

  1. Most of those who managed to try the novelty deny painting over gray hair. Indeed, paint without ammonia is practically unable to cope with this scourge.
  2. The complexity of staining at home is a non-uniform color.
  3. Not quite satisfied with the technique of applying paint. It is necessary to squeeze out the paint itself into a bottle with an oxidizing agent, shake it and apply it to the hair with a nozzle. Customers note that a lot of the product that could be used remains on the walls of the bottle.

Overall, Nectra Color received low marks. Many girls and women agreed that they would not buy this paint for the second time.


Estel Professional cosmetics first appeared on the Russian market in 2009 and from the first days won the sympathy of the fair sex. However, the most surprising was the information that the manufacturer is a company from St. Petersburg, because the quality and appearance of beauty products were in no way inferior to well-known foreign brands.

Estelle hair dye without ammonia is in the greatest demand. Reviews of SENSE DE LUXE note a rich palette (56 classic shades). Restoration of the hair structure, intensive nutrition and hydration provides a combination of olive extract, panthenol, keratin and avocado oil.

SENSE DE LUXE belongs to the category of professional hair care products. For this reason, cream paint must be mixed with a separately purchased oxygenator 3% or activator 1.5%, which are also available in the Estel series. Detailed instructions are included in each package.

Girls and women who have tried ammonia-free paint from a St. Petersburg manufacturer note that the hair color after the procedure matches the palette. In addition, the paint lays down evenly. Due to the lack of durability, the color begins to wash off after two weeks. There is a cumulative effect.


Many beginners in coloring choose L'Oreal cosmetics for many years of experience and advanced technology.

Casting Crème Gloss - L'Oreal hair dye without ammonia, reviews of which are varied.

According to the information from the manufacturer, the special formula of the paint takes care of the hair, gives a unique shine and natural color.

According to customers, Crème Gloss is not particularly durable. When shampooing 2-3 times a week, the new color promises to disappear within a month, although L'Oreal experts say the color lasts up to 28 shampoos. At the same time, the color on the hair is fully consistent with that indicated on the package.

Like many representatives of the mass market, the Casting ammonia-free hair dye, the reviews of which are presented above, does not completely cope with gray hair.

The complex for care after dyeing is enriched with royal jelly - component No. 1 for nourishing and restoring the hair structure. L'Oreal experts for the durability of paint without ammonia advise additionally using products for dyed hair, for example, the Elseve Color and Shine line.


In the Garnier brand line, ammonia-free hair dye is presented in two versions. Customer reviews favor Olia, but we'll start with Color & Shine. The palette consists of 16 rich natural shades, and the formula is complemented by two caring ingredients:

  • argan oil to soften the skin and make hair silky;
  • cranberry extract, responsible for the antioxidant and protective effect.

Girls and women who use Color & Shine note that their hair color fades noticeably after three or four weeks. In addition, unhealthy hair becomes very dry after dyeing.


Olia is the most popular ammonia-free Garnier hair dye. Reviews note a high content of natural oils (up to 60% in the composition), which means that the coloring is gentle. Indeed, only a small part of the customers notes the lack of moisture, in other cases, the color falls evenly, and the hair remains alive.

Disadvantages of paint without ammonia

Summing up, you can also voice the disadvantages of using products without ammonia. And the first one is resilience. 28 uses of shampoo or 5-6 weeks is about the promise every brand places on the package. In reality, the color will last for 2-3 weeks, and even less with daily shampooing. The thing is that, unlike conventional paints, ammonia-free ones do not penetrate into the very structure of the hair, but only envelop it from the outside.

The inability to completely paint over gray hair is the second drawback that any hair dye without ammonia has. Reviews of the fair sex note the desired effect only in the first days after the procedure. Then the gray hair slowly begins to show through.

And finally, the cost of paint without ammonia is about 2-3 times higher. This is due to the use of more natural ingredients.

Opposite opinion

Some experts believe that it is impossible to create paint without ammonia in the mass market. The composition of such funds still contain substances harmful to health. We are not professionals in the field of cosmetic products, but all girls and women should understand that hair dye, even without ammonia, is a complex chemical compound, the use of which will certainly affect the hair and scalp to a greater or lesser extent.

Most hairdressers advise choosing professional ammonia-free hair dyes. Of course, their cost is higher than that of L'Oreal or Garnier, but the quality is correspondingly better.

Ammonia-free hair dye

Thanks to the achievements of the beauty industry, every woman can create and change her image, color and type of hairstyle. When choosing, in addition to a beautiful shade, the safety of the coloring composition is also important. Figure out which ammonia-free hair dye suits you best - professional or gentle, tone-on or resistant. You can decide whether to dye your hair during pregnancy, and how often you can use ammonia-free coloring compounds.

List of paints without ammonia

Understand what is the feature of ammonia-free formulations. The types of paints vary, and formulations containing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide give a lasting color due to the very aggressive effect on the strands. The composition bleaches and replaces the natural pigment, lifting the hair scales. As a result, the hairstyle becomes more fluffy, and the texture is overdried.

If you want to change the shade, this will again negatively affect the health of the hair. A more gentle hair dye is a composition without ammonia, but based on its derivatives - amines. When using such a composition, the staining effect is not created due to deep penetration. The shade will appear due to the creation of a colored shell in the upper layers of the cuticle.

It should be noted that ammonia-free hair dyes are significantly better for women's health. Often the compositions are enriched with plant extracts or valuable oils, but these are washed off faster. The dyes in them are also not completely harmless, so before you change your appearance, do not forget to do an allergy test.


These complex compositions are the first in the ranking in terms of effectiveness and quality of staining, they are very different in composition from the assortment presented on store shelves. Using them in salons, hairdressers choose the proportions themselves, achieving a persistent original color in order to emphasize the individuality of a woman and achieve the desired color. The palette is obtained from blond to copper-red or rich black. Consider the most popular brands used by specialists. This:

  • Igora - a palette from the German manufacturer Schwarzkopf, consists of 46 colors, 4 variants of an oxidizing lotion and 8 mixtons that neutralize or enhance the desired color. Helps to immediately achieve a uniform color after highlighting.
  • Kutrin - Finnish professional paint, presented in 95 shades. Facilitates combing, does not damage the hair follicles.
  • Selective Professional - professional Italian hair dye without ammonia, the palette consists of 105 colors and 68 shades. Very resistant composition, in the future you can tint only the roots.

The most sparing

Women who have experienced harmful effects on their hair are interested in the question: what is the most harmless hair dye? Definitely, it should be an ammonia-free composition, and preference should be given to cream paints that do not spoil the hair structure. For example, you can choose the right color from blond or light brown to black in the assortment of such brands:

  • Garnier Color - contains vegetable oils, easy to apply;
  • Londa Color - contains keratin and natural wax, so that the curls feel full, and reflective particles add shine.


One of the requirements of a modern woman is the invariance of color even after frequent washing of dyed hair, and manufacturers pay a lot of attention to this aspect. For example, persistent ammonia-free hair dye Loreal Casting Gloss presents a diverse palette for permanent coloring of 28 shades. It is convenient to use at home. Pros:

  • the coloring composition does not drain;
  • the product is easily washed off the scalp.


If you need to emphasize the natural color or you need a not too obvious coloring result that will be evenly washed off, it is preferable to choose tinted hair dyes without ammonia. Try these color palettes:

  • Vella Color Touch - in addition to a wide range of possible colors, gives the strands silkiness after dyeing;
  • Vella Ilyumina - in the process of dyeing, it covers each hair with a special radiant composition, which makes hairstyles and curls especially beautiful;
  • Schwarzkopf tinting mousse - suitable for refreshing color or for intense coloring.

Find out how to choose tinted hair products.

Suitable for gray hair

Until recently, it was generally accepted that only persistent ammonia paint could successfully cope with gray hair. Women painted over whitened strands, sacrificing the health of their hair. Now there is no such stereotype, and manufacturers make wide palettes of coloring compositions for women with this problem. Thanks to all sorts of shades of colors and caring compositions, others will not understand that you have gray hair that is regularly dyed. There is a dye for gray hair without ammonia in the palettes from manufacturers:

  • Loreal;
  • Londa color;
  • Garnier and others.

Clarifier without ammonia

When choosing a product among the range of ammonia-free clarifiers, you need to know that when working with such much safer formulas, skill is needed. To achieve the desired shade of blond, and the new color is distributed evenly along the entire length, it is better to trust the master. For lightening use such paints without ammonia for hair:

  • Loreal Platinum - this brightening paste does not dry out the scalp and, thanks to the beeswax included in the composition, cares for curls;
  • Vella Blondor - brightens strands well by several tones, leaving no yellowness.

Is it possible for pregnant women to dye their hair with dye without ammonia

Many women in the period of bearing a child very often face the choice of whether to dye their hair or sacrifice their appearance, avoiding a possible risk to the health of the baby. According to experts, the choice in this situation will depend on the psycho-emotional state of the woman. In case you cannot do without procedures, ammonia-free hair dye for pregnant women is the only possible option. In this case, the number of stains should be minimized. The coloring composition still includes a variety of chemicals that penetrate the body during procedures.

How often can you dye your hair with ammonia-free hair dye

When coloring, a sense of proportion is very important. You need to understand that it is impossible without consequences for the health and quality of the hairstyle to abruptly and often switch from a dark shade to a light blond and vice versa. It should be noted that the staining procedure should be no more than once every 1.5-2 months, during this period the roots just grow. So that the color does not fade and is saturated all this time, choose paint without ammonia from the palettes of Estelle, Matrix, Pallet from Schwarzkopf, Faberlik or other manufacturers. Use shampoos for colored hair and repair masks that nourish curls.

Check out the Loreal color palette in more detail to choose the perfect shade for yourself.

Video about Estel ammonia-free paint with a palette

To figure out whether to trust the manufacturer of paint without ammonia Estelle, to find out how it works along the entire length of the hair, watch the following video. In a short video, the specialist talks in detail about the composition of the product and a number of advantages from its use, and also comments on the color palette of the brand. Professional advice will help you maximize the health of your hair when changing your image.


Inga, 27 years old: I want to warn all girls about the consequences of staining with Faberlic Pearly Blonde cream-paint - do not expect a noble cold shade, as in the photo on the package! My composition itself was barely enough for my bob haircut, and besides, after painting, a reddish-brown tint appeared on my hair (I will try to wash it off as soon as possible).

Alina, 39 years old: After I tried Igora Royal paint from Schwarzkopf, I ask the hairdresser to use only her. It covers my gray hair very well. For almost two months, along the entire length of the hairstyle, the color remains as saturated as immediately after painting. I like the quality of the dyed hair to the touch - soft, supple, not overdried.

Irina, 25 years old: I was tired of the completely bleached color of my hair, which, after regular lightening, became very brittle and fell out. After searching the Internet for what safe hair dye could help me, I decided to try Estel's ammonia-free composition, and I did not regret it. The hair was dyed evenly in a beautiful light beige shade, I am very satisfied!

What is the best hair dye according to the TV show "Test Purchase"

Many people know the television program "Test Purchase". It can rightfully be called popular, because the creators of the program help ordinary residents of our country to choose only high-quality products. Recently, a story was shown on television about which hair dye is the best. So, pay attention to the video:

Professional paints participated in the program: Loreal and Sios, as well as non-professional ones: Garnier, Pallet, Brillance and Londa.

The best professional hair dye


Vella paint is made in Germany. A feature of the paint is that it is completely free of ammonia. It does not harm the hair, but on the contrary, restores it, because it contains keratin and natural wax. After the staining procedure, the curls become smooth, look healthy and shiny.

Vella offers women 9 color ranges: "Rich Naturals", "Pure Naturals", "Special Mix", "Deep Browns", "Vibrant Reds", "Plus", "Relights Red", "Sunlights" and "Relights Blonde".

The paint has no unpleasant odor, is easy to apply and rinse off, and also provides color fastness.


Matrix produces the following products: Color Sinc tinting products, SOKOLOR beaty permanent paint, V-Light brightening products and SoRed color highlighting products.

Color Sinc. This series does not contain ammonia, so it is very gentle on the hair. The paint can be used on both dyed hair and natural hair. If you have never dyed your hair, but they have lost their elasticity and shine, use this series.

SOKOLOR beaty. The paint holds up well for several months. The color remains bright and saturated throughout the entire time.

V Light. This is a great series for blondes. The palette includes golden, platinum and sand shades.

SoRed. The palette of this series is replete with all sorts of red shades. Ideal for brunettes who decide to change their look with highlights.


deluxe. The paint is rich in vitamins, so it helps to strengthen the hair. It is perfectly applied to curls, which allows you to use it very economically.

Sense De Luxe. This series of paints does not contain ammonia, but despite this, the color is retained for a very long time.

DeLuxe Silver. This type of paint is specially designed to combat gray hair. The paint not only perfectly paints the hair, but also strengthens it.

Essex. This series contains many beautiful and rich shades.


The paint of this brand is one of the most economical among professional paints. It is quite persistent and absolutely harmless to health. The palette is very varied. Any woman with her help can realize her most creative ideas.

If you are going to dye your hair at home, be careful, because the color of the shade on the package may not match the result. Therefore, it is better to go through the staining procedure in the salon with a good master.


This is a universal paint, it can be easily used not only in the salon, but also at home. The Londa brand palette is very rich and varied. The dye contains beneficial lipids and natural wax, which promotes nourishing hair care. Despite the fact that the paint gently affects the curls, it paints over gray hair by 100%.

Ammonia is a chemical that emits harmful fumes and can cause burns (if the skin is sensitive). Ammonia-free hair dye provides safe and gentle coloring. Ammonia is also a cheap clarifier because it contains hydrogen peroxide.

Can I dye my hair with ammonia-free dye?

Ammonia-free paint has its drawbacks and advantages. Such funds are not suitable for all women, as they do not paint over gray hair and overgrown roots. Due to the use of ammonia-free dye, the hair may be unevenly dyed, especially if it has already been dyed with an ammonia product before.

Advantages of paints without ammonia:

  • lack of a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • gentle coloring that does not injure curls or scalp;
  • a large palette of colors (ammonia products in this regard are still in the lead);
  • no contraindications.

Professional paint without ammonia is not cheap. No matter how high-quality such a tool is, it still will not give a long-term result. Coloring produced by an ammonia-free product lasts no more than 2-3 weeks. Ammonia-free products also do not allow you to lighten your hair several tones at a time.

Is ammonia-free hair dye harmful?

Before using any paint, you need to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, you must first apply the product to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and then to a thin strand of hair. This procedure will help to avoid unpleasant incidents in the future.

Professional products that do not contain ammonia are not harmful to hair. They can be used by pregnant and lactating women. The product automatically becomes harmful if it contains toxic components (Syoss Oleo Intense).

How is ammonia-free dyeing done?

Hair coloring

Light shades of ammonia-free paint are not intended for dark curls. If a woman from a brunette wants to turn into a blonde, then she will need to bleach her hair first. But the lightening procedure noticeably spoils the condition of the curls, so the positive effect of the ammonia-free dye will not be noticeable. Ammonia-free paint in such situations is required in order not to injure the hair even more.

Ammonia opens the hair pores, which makes the curls become naughty and fluffy. After using ammonia-free products, the hair structure does not change.

Proper staining with a gentle product should occur according to the following scheme:

  1. Paint is applied to unwashed hair. At the same time, there should not be any other means on the curls (gels, varnishes, mousses). First, the product must be distributed over the roots, and after 10-15 minutes, applied along the entire length of the hair.
  2. The product should not be washed off for 30-40 minutes. The exact time depends on the desired shade: if a woman wants to get a bright, intense color, she needs to keep the product longer.
  3. In conclusion, you need to apply a nourishing balm to the curls. It is highly recommended that you let your hair dry naturally to keep it shiny and frizz-free.

The dye will work faster if you wrap your head in a towel (after putting on a special plastic cap).

How quickly does ammonia-free paint wash off?

Paints without ammonia are washed off quickly, a maximum of a month. Some products, such as Garnier, do not linger on the hair at all. A high-quality and professional product without ammonia lasts a little less than ammonia paint. You can constantly tint your hair with a gentle product, as it will not harm.

If you make a kind of rating of funds, then the leading positions will be occupied by products from Kapous, Matrix, Estel. They are durable and their use is not limited to simple staining. With the help of these paints, you can beautifully tint your hair without changing the shade dramatically. You can see what shades Matrix has prepared for blondes, brown-haired women and brunettes.

Overview of paints from the best manufacturers

Where can I buy? Below is a list of ammonia-free paints that are popular among the fair sex. To purchase, you can go to the official website of the manufacturer. Professional products (Kapous, Matrix) can also be found in professional cosmetics stores. How they look can be seen in the photo.

Syoss Oleo Intense

Hair dye Syoss Oleo Intense

The manufacturer claims that Sjos Oleo Intense contains various vitamins and oils. The composition really has useful substances, including argon oil, which nourishes the hair. But the tool has one significant disadvantage: the presence of toxic components. The product contains sulfates (SLS), linalool (a substance capable of causing dermatitis), aminophenol. Ammonia paint can be much safer than Syoss Oleo Intense.

The product is not recommended for women with sensitive skin or those whose hair is in poor condition. Sweat customer reviews, we can conclude that the paint is not resistant, weakly paints over gray hair and can dry out curls. Its price varies from 286 to 409 rubles.

Estel Sense De Luxe

Hair dye Estel Sense De Luxe

Estelle is a high-quality and popular brand in the beauty industry. Products manufactured by this company are used in almost all hairdressing salons. Estel Sense De Luxe is also distinguished by its pleasant quality and high durability. Bright pigment is washed out in 3-4 weeks, but the shade lasts up to 2 months. With the help of the product, you can carry out both full coloring and toning.

In order to tone the hair, the paint should be kept for no more than 15-20 minutes.

Estel Sense De Luxe is a good gentle paint that is suitable for weakened thin hair. The product contains keratin and vitamins, so the product strengthens and restores curls. The average cost is 270 rubles.

Matrix Socolor Beauty

Hair dye Matrix Socolor Beauty

Matrix Socolor Beauty professional coloring agent is distinguished by a rich palette of shades and good durability. Matrix hair products are used in salons. This Italian company has long established itself in the field of beauty.

Matrix Socolor Beauty paint has a significant plus - it is suitable for painting over gray hair. The composition of the product is distinguished by the presence of 3 useful oils: burdock, olive and jojoba. The product contains ceramides R, which protect the scalp and make hair stronger. It costs from 336 to 505 rubles.

Matrix Color Sync

Hair dye Matrix Color Sync

Matrix Color Sync tinting cream paint is great not only for coloring, but also for home lamination. There is a colorless product in the palette that makes curls shiny and smooth. The paint also contains nourishing oils and ceramides R (substances obtained artificially from natural ingredients). The product is suitable for lifeless dull hair. Covers gray hair well. Price - 620 rubles.


Hair dye Londa

Londa produces budget hair products. The ammonia-free color palette contains both light and dark shades. These funds are not of high quality, but they are in an affordable price category. Ammonia-free products from Londa can dry out hair, it does not give shine and silkiness. Not suitable for initially dry and lifeless hair. Light shades from the palette contain an oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide), which is a derivative of ammonia. The cost varies from 270 to 350 rubles.


Hair dye Kapous Magic Keratin Non Ammonia

Kapus is a company that manufactures professional hair products. Kapous has a popular color palette called Non Ammonia (without ammonia). They contain various nourishing and regenerating oils (jojoba, argon wood) and vitamins. Means Non Ammonia does not injure hair at all. The line includes a large palette of shades. The products are also free of parabens and SLS. Kapus paints are well suited for both home and salon coloring. The average price is 300 rubles.

Garnier Color & Shine

Hair dye Garnier Color & Shine

An oily paint that perfectly covers gray hair and gives a bright pigment to the hair. Garnier Color & Shine nourishes the curls, making them silky and shiny. Paint is suitable for experiments. Some women use it to correct an unsuccessful result after staining with Tonic. This product from Garnier is good for everything except durability. The bright color will last no more than 2 weeks, after which it will gradually fade. Garnier Color & Shine contains nourishing oils and cranberry extract. The composition is natural and harmless, perhaps that is why the pigment is washed out so quickly. The cost of Garnier is about 200 rubles.

Schwarzkopf Nectra Color

Hair dye Schwarzkopf Nectra Color

The Schwarzkopf company positions the Nectra Color line of cream paints as persistent and harmless. The pigment is really washed out of the curls for a long time (within a month), while the product itself does not contain ammonia and derivatives. The palette is poor, light colors can lie unevenly. Dark shades are of the highest quality and excellent pigmentation. In general, the product is suitable for women who want to dye their hair black or chestnut. The composition of the product includes bio-oils and flower nectar.


Hair dye Krasa Faberlic

Faberlic produces products for the body, face and hair. The company has a line of persistent ammonia-free cream paints. Ammonia-free products from Faberlic exude the smell of cheap ammonia paint. This is the first point that is disturbing. After staining and during it, the head may tingle. Such a skin reaction also indicates an unnatural composition.

L "Oreal

Hair dye L "Oreal CASTING Creme Gloss

L'Oreal ammonia-free paint is called CASTING Creme Gloss. The palette contains very attractive shades. The products contain both natural ingredients (royal jelly, oils) and chemical ones. Casting Creme Gloss won't harm your hair, but it won't make it any better either. The main care effect comes from the balm that is contained in the set. Coloring agents from the ammonia-free line poorly paint over gray hair. The product is not bad, but only suitable for women with relatively healthy hair. Approximate cost - 500 rubles.

In general, ammonia-free paints are a good solution for people with scalp sensitivity. And also for those who simply do not want to spoil their hair and change their structure.

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