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What does a cucumber face mask do? Homemade moisturizing cucumber face mask. Fresh cucumber masks for dry skin

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Cucumber mask is great way transform your skin into summer period: at this time, more than ever, she needs the nutrition and protection that the simplest cucumber can provide.

What are the benefits of a cucumber mask?

The benefit of cucumber masks for facial skin is that when the vitamins and nutrients contained in cucumber get on the skin and dermis, the metabolic process is activated and intensive collagen production is resumed. The skin begins to “breathe”, cells are renewed, damaged tissues are regenerated.

Beneficial features

The secret of cucumber masks is simple: this vegetable contains substances such as:

  • Retinol, eliminating dryness and flaking;
  • Thiamine, which has protective and rejuvenating properties;
  • Pantothenic acid, smoothes wrinkles;
  • Pyrodoxin, which stimulates intercellular metabolic processes.
  • In addition to the above, cucumber contains folic acid, tocopherol, biotin and niocin, which together affect the skin - this brings very good results!

Cucumber masks people with various types skin - there are no contraindications to them, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Recipes at home

For pimples and acne

Suitable for oily, problematic or combined type skin. Perfectly eliminates all of the above cosmetic problems, if you do it 2-3 times a week.

  • Grate the cucumbers and squeeze out the juice so that you end up with 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid;
  • Place the white separated from the yolk in a separate container and beat until foam appears;
  • Mix everything.
  • Apply only to clean skin Without makeup;
  • Keep it for no more than 20 minutes;
  • Wash cold water, then lubricate the skin with cleansing cream.


Suitable for aging and aging skin. With regular use (2-3 times a week), the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced, and the effect lasts for a long time.

  • Peel the cucumber and chop it thoroughly. You can use a grater or blender;
  • Prepare a water bath in which you need to melt the honey, then cool;
  • Mix honey with cucumber puree.
  • On dry face skin, free of cosmetics, distribute the mixture in a layer of 1-2 mm;
  • Leave on for 10-15 minutes, after which wash with warm water and massage in nourishing anti-aging cream.


Recommended for increased pigmentation, bad color face or excessive dryness. It perfectly mattifies and makes age spots fade, provides intense nutrition and hydration. For getting desired result need to be done this procedure 1-2 times a week.

  • Shred small pieces peeled cucumber (you can use a blender);
  • Carry out the above steps with carrots;
  • Mix cucumber and carrot puree in a ceramic or crystal bowl, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk (preferably sour) and 1 tsp. oatmeal, mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Terms of use:

  • Distribute the mask only to clean and dry skin after makeup removal;
  • Session time – 15-20 minutes;
  • Use warm water to remove residues;
  • Spray mineral water on your face and leave to dry (without wiping);
  • Massage in light cream.

For the skin around the eyes

Easy to use, but gives a very positive effect of cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing and whitening. Applying this recipe 2-3 times a week can also improve the color of the skin around the eyes.

The cooking method is not particularly difficult, because... here you just need to peel the cucumber, cut it into circles and place one such circle on each eyelid for 25 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended not to wash your face for two hours.


Effectively eliminates pigmentation and acne marks, improves skin color. To achieve full results, you need to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months.

  • Grate 1 cucumber;
  • Place it in an iron bowl and add a few drops of lemon juice;
  • Heat on the stove, cool if necessary.
  • Distribute the cooled product evenly and cover with gauze soaked in cucumber juice;
  • Leave on for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse off cool water.

For aging skin

Designed for people aged 35-40 years. Prevents premature aging, stimulates collagen production and improves blood circulation. The recommended number of sessions is 2-3 times a week.

  • Grate 1 cucumber;
  • Do the same with fresh potatoes;
  • Mix them together.
  • Apply the mask to clean, makeup-free skin;
  • Wash with cool water after 20 minutes.

For oily skin

Eliminates oily shine, stabilizes the sebaceous and sweat glands, mattifies, cleanses and tightens pores. To achieve this result, you need to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.

  • Grate 1 cucumber and 1 apple without peel and seeds;
  • Add medium fat cream, mix everything.
  • Apply only to clean skin;
  • The product should act for no more than 20 minutes;
  • Remove any remaining mask using a cotton pad moistened with cold water;
  • Apply light cream.

Moisturizing for dry skin

It has cleansing, tonic, nourishing and refreshing properties. It is enough to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week to stabilize the metabolic process in dry type.

  • Grind the peeled cucumber using a blender;
  • Mix cucumber puree with cold sour cream;
  • Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Apply exclusively to dry skin after makeup removal in a thick layer;
  • Hold for 15 minutes;
  • Withdraw remaining funds cotton pad, soaked in cold water;
  • Wipe your face with tonic, do not apply cream.

A cucumber mask is a great way to restore freshness and freshness to your skin. healthy looking. And if you combine the cucumber base with other components, you can solve many skin problems.

The secret to the effectiveness of a cucumber face mask

Cucumber has wide range skin-beneficial ingredients that make this product a real treasure.

  • Vitamin A is especially useful for dry skin; it can eliminate the feeling of tight skin, peeling, and chapping.
  • Riboflavin is responsible for proper oxygenation of the skin.
  • Thiamine rejuvenates the skin and protects it from external influences.
  • Folic acid eliminates acne and pimples.
  • Ascorbic acid helps restore elasticity.
  • Pyridoxine improves metabolic processes in cells.
  • Due to the content of pantothenic acid, it is possible to smooth out small wrinkles and make deep ones less noticeable.
  • Tocopherol is involved in cell renewal.
  • Biotin helps damaged tissues recover faster.
  • Niacin gives the skin a fresh and healthy appearance.

Cucumber is very useful for facial skin, masks based on it give instant effect. After using them, the skin immediately becomes fresh, smooth and very moisturized. In addition, the cucumber face mask contains no irritating components, so it can be safely applied to the area around the eyes.

The benefits of cucumber preparations for the face are difficult to overestimate.

  • An effective whitening agent made from cucumbers. If you regularly apply the healing composition, you will be able to solve the problem of freckles and pigmentation. Your skin color will become more even.
  • A cucumber face mask does not cause allergies. This is explained by the fact that the pH level of this vegetable is equal to the acid-base balance of the skin.
  • A face mask with cucumber is an excellent way to get rid of excessive oiliness, prevent inflammation and the formation of acne.
  • If you apply cucumber slices to the eyes and the area around the eyes, you can get rid of dark circles, small bruises and bags.
  • On dry skin, a product made from cucumber has no less effective effect than expensive cosmetics.
  • Cucumber for the face is used as a tonic and restores skin elasticity.

In addition, a cucumber face mask at home helps get rid of enlarged pores, unhealthy complexion, and eyelid skin problems.

For getting maximum effect When using cucumber composition, you must adhere to certain rules.

  • It is recommended to use fresh cucumbers grown in your own garden.
  • The benefits of the prepared product will be noticeable if you use only natural products.
  • Cucumbers need to be cooled first.
  • Typically, after wiping your face cucumber juice don't wash.
  • To make a face mask with fresh cucumber, you need to first chop this vegetable (grate it on a fine grater).
  • A cucumber mask at home is applied to the face for a certain time, then you should wash with cool water. You need to have a separate towel for your face.
  • The composition prepared from cucumber should be used immediately, as over time healing properties of this product are lost.
  • Before using the mask, it is advisable to use a scrub.

You should also have an idea of ​​how long to keep the cucumber mask on. The recommendations of cosmetologists are as follows:

  • The mask is applied to the area around the eyes for no more than a quarter of an hour.
  • Apply cucumber slices to the entire face for 20 minutes.
  • Cucumber juice does not need to be washed off at all. It absorbs perfectly.

Whiten skin

A cucumber miracle mask prepared according to this recipe can improve your face. To prepare it you will need natural honey, fresh cucumber and lemon juice. All these ingredients need to be taken 1 teaspoon each and mixed thoroughly (the cucumber should be grated in advance). Apply the bleaching agent to a cleansed face and leave for 10 minutes. Thanks to this composition, age spots can be lightened.

You can whiten your face with another mask. To prepare it you will need fresh cucumber and lemon. To prepare the composition, you need to grate the cucumber, then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Juice is also squeezed out of the lemon. For the mask, mix 2 tablespoons of each ingredient. Use a cotton swab soaked in the solution to gently wipe your face. The action time of the composition is 15 minutes. You can use a small piece of gauze or cotton fabric moisten in the prepared potion and apply to the face.

Smoothing out wrinkles

A cucumber face mask against wrinkles is very simple but effective. We only need a cucumber. To prepare a healing mask, you need to take half a cucumber, grate and cool in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Cucumber pulp should be applied to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour. Thanks to this remedy you can get rid of dark circles and eliminate puffiness under the eyes. But the most important thing is that this simple remedy removes fine wrinkles well.

Mask for dry and sensitive skin

This mask is made from cucumber and sour cream. Sour cream should be full-fat and fresh. Mix a few tablespoons of fresh cucumber, grated, and a spoonful of sour cream in a bowl. Leave the applied mask on your face for 15 minutes. Residues are removed using cotton pads.

Anti-acne remedy

Based on cucumber and baking soda You can prepare a product that will perfectly cope with acne and rashes. Two tablespoons of cucumber pulp should be mixed with a teaspoon of soda. Apply the resulting composition to the face in a circular motion and leave for 15 minutes.

You can try another mask made from cucumber and egg white. This composition is most suitable for oily skin. Egg white you need to beat a little and mix with 1 tablespoon of cucumber pulp. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Mask with cottage cheese

With this simple composition you will be able to get rid of facial skin imperfections, moisturize and soften it. For this mask you need to mix 1 tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese with the same amount of cucumber pulp. Apply the mixture evenly to your face and leave for 10 minutes.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice is very beneficial for facial skin. Everyone knows how to cook it. All you have to do is take a fresh cucumber, chop it, and squeeze it through cheesecloth. The resulting juice can be poured into ice cube trays and frozen. The easiest way to use cucumber juice is to wipe your face with frozen cubes in the morning. Or you can soak gauze in cucumber juice and apply it to your face for 15 minutes. Cucumber juice will not only perfectly moisturize the skin, but also saturate the epidermal cells with vitamins and useful microelements, which will instantly improve your complexion.

Oatmeal mask

Making such a mask at home is very simple. To do this you will need grated cucumber, half a glass of chopped oatmeal and the same amount natural yogurt. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until smooth and applied to the face for 10 minutes. After the procedure, wipe your face well with cucumber juice. This product will well moisturize, soften and soothe irritated skin prone to allergies.

Cucumber and honey

This composition is an excellent remedy home cosmetology. It perfectly moisturizes, tones, nourishes, brightens and delicately relieves skin redness.

Honey needs to be heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Mix 1 tablespoon of cucumber puree with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the product to the face for 15 minutes. After the mask, it is advisable not to use cosmetics.


The use of cucumber masks is not recommended for everyone. Allergy to cucumbers is very rare, but still occurs, so this product should not be used as part of masks for those who have similar problems. This also applies to those who are allergic to the pollen of this plant.

People who have open wounds or cuts on their face should refrain from using such a cosmetic product. In addition, you should not use a cucumber mask during an exacerbation of a skin disease.

Cucumber face mask for wrinkles - wonderful cosmetic product, the effect of it can be assessed after the first use. Correct Application masks prepared at home will give your skin a second life.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of a cucumber face mask. But one of the most important benefits of the product is that it brings lightning-fast results. Literally after the first use of the vegetable for cosmetic purposes, you can see how the skin becomes fresher and more velvety. Moreover, this result will be even if you are wearing a mask, except for one thing fresh cucumber, there will be no additional components.

Also, cucumbers, coming into contact with the epidermis, stimulate collagen production. Namely, this protein is responsible for youthful skin. As we age, our body loses its ability to produce collagen required quantity and this provokes the aging process. The crunchy green vegetable gives strength to replenish collagen deficiency.

Cucumber effect

Silicon dioxide, which is part of its composition, also helps cucumber solve age-related skin problems. This substance helps reduce the depth of the grooves. Why else is it useful to use cucumber in for cosmetic purposes?

  • Returns a healthy look. Thus, together with vitamin B2, skin cells absorb oxygen better and more easily. Folic acid is an excellent remedy against acne. Vitamin B6 normalizes cellular metabolism. Biotin accelerates the healing process of damaged areas. And vitamin K is an excellent anti-puffiness remedy, removes age spots, and evens out color. Therefore, a whitening face mask with cucumber is considered one of the most effective among natural remedies.
  • Rejuvenates. Vitamin A, contained in cucumber, is at the forefront here. It is this that has a rejuvenating effect by stimulating the production of collagen in the body. In addition, it helps against acne and inflammation. Thiamine and pantothenic acid work together with vitamin A to combat the problems of aging skin.
  • Protects. The cucumber helps to cope with this task ascorbic acid. As a powerful natural antioxidant, it blocks the action of free radicals, protecting the skin from premature aging and diseases. Plus also stimulates collagen synthesis. And nicotinic acid reduces the risk of chronic diseases of the epidermis.

Who are cucumber masks suitable for and how to prepare them

Natural cucumber cosmetics are gentle care that is suitable for all skin types and is recommended even for swelling and eye fatigue. But you need to take into account that using such vegetable masks It is possible only in season and it is better that the product comes from your own garden. Otherwise, there is a risk of running into goods grown using chemicals. Stuffed vegetables are dangerous.

A cucumber face mask at home is easy to prepare. You don’t need to have any specific skills or have a special cosmetology tool. Elementary: if you sat at the computer for a long time, cut two cucumber circles and place them on your closed eyelids. The only point: before multi-component face masks made from cucumber for wrinkles and acne, it is better to steam the skin.

Popular recipes: daily care and solutions to global problems

How to make a face mask from cucumbers? You need to wash the vegetable well and then cool it. Next, depending on the instructions, the pulp is ground or the juice is squeezed out. Frequency of application - from several times a week to complex daily care. But let's move on to the recipes.

Cucumber in sour cream - express hydration

  1. Add a tablespoon of full-fat sour cream to the puree and mix the ingredients.
  2. Mask time is 15 minutes.

Cucumber-honey whitening with lemon

  1. Peel one medium-sized cucumber.
  2. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree and squeeze out the “water” from it.
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey to the puree.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice, teaspoon.
  5. Add lemon juice to the main ingredients and mix.
  6. Mask time is 20 minutes.
  7. Wash with warm purified water.
  8. Apply your usual daily care cream.

Rejuvenating mask with dairy products and herbs

  1. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree from one medium-sized vegetable.
  2. Add a tablespoon of fat to the puree homemade milk, mix.
  3. Add a tablespoon of cottage cheese and stir.
  4. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and stir.
  5. Finely chop the parsley, add to the main ingredients, stir.
  6. Mask time is 20 minutes.
  7. Wash with warm purified water.
  8. Apply your usual daily care cream.

Mask with protein against acne and inflamed tubercles

  1. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree from one medium-sized vegetable.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the puree.
  3. Take one medium size egg, separate the protein.
  4. Beat the egg whites.
  5. Mix cucumber juice and whipped egg white.
  6. Mask time is 15 minutes.
  7. Wash with warm purified water.
  8. Apply your usual daily care cream.

Alcohol tonic mask for oily skin

  1. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the puree.
  3. Add vodka to the juice. Proportion: a tablespoon of vodka to four tablespoons of juice.
  4. Do not rinse off.
  5. Wipe your face daily before going to bed.

Salad mask for comprehensive daily care and hydration

  1. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree from one medium-sized vegetable.
  2. Using a grater, puree one medium-sized tomato.
  3. Mix tomato and cucumber “porridge”.
  4. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to the main ingredients.
  5. Mask time is 15 minutes.
  6. Wash with chilled purified water.
  7. Apply your usual daily care cream.

According to reviews, cucumber care products are a panacea for girls struggling with freckles. “Sun kisses” disappear if you regularly use a mixture of cucumber and lemon juice. The combination of cucumber and sauerkraut will also help whiten your face.

If you like the cucumber face mask against wrinkles, you need to think in advance about how to carry out the procedures all year round. Some girls dry cucumber peels. But an easier option: freeze the grated vegetable or make ice cubes from cucumber juice. At low temperatures the product loses some of its properties, but still brings tangible benefits.

Who among us doesn’t love fresh, crispy cucumbers picked straight from the garden? Or marinated with fragrant herbs, garlic and pepper? And also this one delicious vegetable irreplaceable in salads, cold soups, on a festive or everyday table, on a picnic. Cucumbers are also used in medicine: they are recommended for people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract, duodenal ulcer and obesity.

However, eating beneficial features cucumbers are not limited. It has long been known that cucumber gruel helps with sunburn, redness and irritation of the skin, as well as bruises and hematomas. Cucumber juice and extract are widely used in the cosmetics industry, where a variety of lotions, creams and ointments are made from them. And the amateurs natural cosmetics often used this vegetable for making homemade face masks. It is believed that they can relieve many dermatological problems and restore youth, freshness and natural radiance to the skin. What are the benefits of cucumber masks and how to make them correctly to achieve success, read on.

Benefits of homemade cucumber masks for facial skin

Cucumber is without a doubt one of the most healthy vegetables not only for the skin, but also for the entire body as a whole. The fact is that it consists of more than 80% water, but not ordinary water, but structured water, which easily penetrates deep into cells, improving the transport of nutrients and oxygen. As a result, metabolism is activated, lymph outflow is improved, toxin removal and tissue regeneration are accelerated. Plus, cucumber pulp contains valuable vitamins and microelements. Among them:

  • vitamin A - regulates the water-fat balance in cells, eliminates dryness and flaking of the dermis;
  • vitamin C - accelerates the process of cell renewal, stimulates collagen synthesis, increases local immunity;
  • Vitamin E - protects skin from negative impact from the outside, prevents the occurrence of dermatological problems, promotes the absorption of other elements;
  • B vitamins - are involved in many metabolic processes, have a comprehensive effect on the epidermis, normalize the secretion sebum;
  • vitamin K - improves complexion, eliminates age spots, moisturizes and refreshes the skin;
  • vitamin H - has moisturizing and wound-healing properties, prevents the appearance of post-acne and keloid scars;
  • potassium - helps fight early signs aging skin, helps retain moisture in cells;
  • iodine - plays a huge role in the functioning of cells, helps to activate metabolic processes, eliminates fatigue and dry skin;
  • sulfur - stabilizes synthesis collagen fibers, restores skin elasticity, prevents fungal diseases;
  • organic acids - moisturize the epidermis, protect it from exposure external factors, promote cell rejuvenation.

The big advantage of cucumber masks over other facial care cosmetics is that they give an almost instant effect and are suitable for any skin type, including sensitive ones. In addition, cucumbers do not contain aggressive components, so products based on them can be used for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Indications and contraindications for the use of cucumber face masks

Like any others cosmetical tools, homemade cucumber-based masks have certain indications for use:

  • increased dryness of the dermis, accompanied by a feeling of tightness;
  • excessive oily dermis;
  • age spots and freckles;
  • irritation, itching and peeling of facial skin;
  • enlarged pores, comedones;
  • age-related changes skin;
  • swelling, bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • dullness of the skin, unhealthy complexion;
  • expression lines, acne, acne (in complex therapy).

As for contraindications to the use of cucumber-based masks, these include only an allergy to the main component or additional products. To ensure that cucumber formulations are well tolerated, you need to test each of them on a small area of ​​skin before first use. You should also refrain from using cucumbers for cosmetic purposes if you have skin diseases infectious nature, extensive rashes, boils. In these cases, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist.

Tips for preparing and using cucumber masks

In order for cucumber masks to be truly useful and effective, you need to adhere to a number of important recommendations regarding the preparation and use of such products:

  • It is advisable to use fresh cucumbers for making masks, grown in your own garden or purchased from farmers. The main thing is that the vegetables are not processed chemicals, which are unlikely to be beneficial for the skin. If desired, cucumber pulp can be prepared for future use by freezing (in small portions).
  • It is recommended to cool cucumbers before use. If you don’t have enough time, just cut the vegetable into slices and place them on your face for about 20 minutes. During the procedure, take comfortable position and try to completely relax your muscles. There is no need to wash your face or apply cream to your skin after the session.
  • For cooking multi-component masks The cucumber must first be chopped in a blender or grated on a fine grater. Prepare masks for one use, as they cannot be stored.
  • Cucumber masks should be applied to the area around the eyes for no more than 10–15 minutes, to other areas - for 20–30 minutes. Before the procedure, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with a scrub to remove dead skin cells and open the pores.
  • Wash off the compositions with cool water, preferably without using detergents. After the procedures, you can apply caring creams to your face, selected according to your skin type and existing problems. It is also useful to wipe your face with frozen cucumber juice at the end of the sessions - such manipulations help to moisturize and tone the dermis, eliminate age spots and smooth out wrinkles.

To eliminate certain skin problems, cucumber masks should be made 2-3 times a week in courses of 1.5-2 months. IN for preventive purposes 4–6 procedures per month are sufficient. For greater effect, change periodically additional components cosmetic composition and combine masks with other cosmetics.

Cucumber face masks: popular recipes


Effect: eliminates age spots (including age spots), improves complexion, fills the skin with a healthy glow.

  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 10 ml lemon juice,
  • 20 g small oat flakes,
  • 20 g liquid honey.

How to do:

  • Grate the cucumber and mix the resulting pulp with lemon juice, oatmeal and honey.
  • Mix and apply to face for 15 minutes.
  • We wash ourselves with cool water.

For oily skin

Effect: normalizes sebum production, eliminates oily shine, tightens pores.

  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 raw egg white,
  • 20 g low-fat yogurt.

How to do:

  • Grind the cucumber using a grater or blender, add protein and yogurt to the vegetable pulp.
  • Apply the finished mask to your face, wait about 20 minutes, then wash with water.

For intense skin hydration

Effect: fills the facial skin with moisture, eliminates flaking, irritation and itching.

  • 1 small chilled cucumber
  • 30 g fat sour cream,
  • 20 ml olive oil.

How to do:

  • Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and mix vegetable puree with sour cream and butter.
  • Distribute the prepared composition evenly on the face, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Against age-related changes

Effect: smoothes wrinkles, tightens facial contours, refreshes the skin.

  • 1 small cucumber,
  • 50 ml of strong parsley decoction,
  • 20 g cottage cheese,
  • 30 ml almond oil.

How to do:

  • Grind cucumber using any in a convenient way, mix the resulting pulp with the remaining ingredients and distribute the finished mass on the face.
  • We wait about 20–25 minutes, then wash with warm water.

For the eye area

Effect: eliminates swelling, relieves fatigue, promotes smoothing facial wrinkles.

  • 50 ml fresh cucumber juice,
  • 30 ml heavy cream,
  • 10 ml olive oil.

How to do:

  • Mix cucumber juice with cream and butter and whip into a light foam.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to the skin around the eyes and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Wash off the mask with water and lubricate the eyelids with nourishing cream.


Effect: deeply cleanses pores, nourishes the skin nutrients, tones, moisturizes, prevents inflammation.

  • 80 g cucumber puree,
  • 50 g grated carrots,
  • 50 ml yogurt,
  • 20 g oat flour.

How to do:

  • Mix cucumber puree with carrot pulp and flour.
  • Add yogurt, mix and apply a thick layer to the face for about 15 minutes.
  • Wash off vitamin mask water.

Cucumber face mask - simple, affordable and enough effective remedy, which allows not only to prolong the youth of the skin and preserve its beauty, but also to eliminate many dermatological and cosmetic problems. However, do not forget that any composition works better in combination with other facial care procedures, proper nutrition, physical activity and healthy rest.

A cucumber face mask will help cope with many skin problems. Effectively eliminates wrinkles, brightens, gets rid of acne, helps eliminate oily shine and dryness, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


Face masks with a whitening effect will help you get rid of age spots, freckles, eliminate circles under the eyes, smooth out uneven complexions and traces of wrinkles. Masks made from parsley leaves and juice, honey, sour cream and lemon have a whitening effect. The masks are applied to the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with cold water.

With parsley
  • 30 grams of chopped parsley leaves;
  • 200 ml boiled water;
  • 25 ml cucumber juice.

Pour water into the parsley and leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Add cucumber juice and keep covered for about 5 minutes. Soak a napkin in this infusion and place it on your face. Homemade lightening will be more noticeable with regular procedures. Parsley gently whitens and moisturizes the skin.

With parsley (another option)
  • cucumber;
  • parsley leaves.

Grind and mix to obtain a homogeneous mass. At regular use Whitening due to these two components will be effective.

With honey
  • 1 tsp. fresh liquid honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cucumber pulp.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, use only freshly prepared mixture.

With egg white
  • 1 egg white;
  • 30 grams of grated fresh cucumber;
  • 1 teaspoon parsley leaves.

Beat the egg white until thick foam, mix with cucumber and parsley juice, mix again.

With lemon
  • cucumber juice;
  • lemon juice.

Mix in equal proportions. Moisten a napkin and place on your face, hold for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the face becomes fresh, pigmentation is less noticeable.

With strawberries and sour cream
  • cucumber;
  • strawberry;
  • sour cream.

Grind until smooth and add a spoonful of sour cream. Mix well. This mixture provides strong lightening at home.


They tighten the skin well and model facial contours at home. Smoothes out and gets rid of deep wrinkles.

With potatoes
  • 20 grams of fresh potatoes;
  • 20 grams of cucumber mass.

Mix vegetables and apply evenly to face. Simple and effective mask against expression and age wrinkles.

With aspirin
  • 1 grated cucumber;
  • aspirin - 2 pcs.;
  • chamomile - 1 spoon of decoction.

Mix everything, rub in soft massage movements. Remove any remaining product using a sponge. It has a beneficial effect on smoothing out facial wrinkles, making them less noticeable.

With milk
  • 50 grams of cucumber juice;
  • 100 grams of milk.

Make a milkshake from the ingredients and wipe your face with it using a sponge, 2 times a day, morning and evening, you can remove makeup using this product. Regular use will smooth out and eliminate even the deepest wrinkles.

For dry and oily skin

From sour cream
  • cucumber pulp;
  • 20 grams of sour cream.

Finely grate a fresh cucumber and add sour cream to it. Take products in equal proportions. Effectively fights oily shine and dryness.

With kefir
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 15 ml kefir.

Mash the vegetable well, add kefir, stir until smooth without lumps. You can make it gentle and effective scrub by adding a little flour.

With olive oil

Mix the ingredients, it should look like liquid mixture. Apply to clean skin and leave for 20 minutes.

  • 30 grams of cucumber pulp;
  • 20 ml honey;
  • 10 gr.

Peel the vegetable, chop it, mix with honey and diluted clay. Apply for 25 minutes, rinse off warm water. The mixture will relieve greasy shine and prevent acne.

Anti acne

For smooth skin
  • pureed cucumber mass;
  • 1 spoon of sour cream.

Mix and apply for an hour clean face. Moisturizing mask fights skin problems, acne and acne at home.

With blue clay
  • 1 spoon of clay;
  • finely grated cucumber.

Prepare the ingredients and mix in equal quantities. Apply to skin and leave until completely dry, then wash with cool water.

With cottage cheese
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • cucumber mass.

Combine in equal proportions and mix. Apply spot on problem areas or all over the face. Rinse off with cool water.

For tired skin

It will help relieve fatigue, remove traces of wrinkles, circles under the eyes, and signs of fatigue at home.

With rose water
  • 15 ml fresh cucumber juice;
  • 15 ml rose water;
  • 1 spoon of cream.

Combine the ingredients, mix, beat until foamy with a mixer. Apply for 15 minutes, remove with a damp cloth.

  • 20 grams of cucumber mass;
  • 20 ml milk;
  • 20 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

Grind the vegetable until smooth, add cottage cheese, milk and olive oil heated in a water bath. Mix everything thoroughly. Use three times a week to relieve fatigue and get rid of wrinkles.

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