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Tao of love: basic exercises. Energies of Love in interaction. The Evolution and Depreciation of the Tao of Love

As statistics show, the Chinese, in comparison with representatives of other countries, are absolutely satisfied with their sex life. It turns out that China comes out on top in terms of the quality of sexual life in the world. Of course, the culture of this country has changed significantly over the past centuries, but this nevertheless does not prevent us from tracing the echoes of the past in the modern way of the progressive state. Before proceeding to such an extensive topic as the Chinese Tao of Love, let's talk a little about the general trends in the cultural and philosophical currents of the eastern country.

A little about culture

At the moment, China is the third largest country in the world after Canada and Russia, and even the first in terms of population. Almost all the inhabitants of the country are ethnic Chinese. Taoism, Confucianism and Chinese Buddhism (Mahayana) are the three religious pillars on which the spiritual life in this country is based. And although these currents are different, nevertheless, they are based on certain common worldview features.

China's "cosmism" covers all spheres of life, including family well-being, peace, public order, morality in general, and science.

Cosmism is a doctrine centered on the surrounding world in all its manifestations, it is aimed at the desire of all things to be in harmony. Heaven, earth, man - everything should strive for harmonious coexistence. Thus, we smoothly move on to the topic of Taoism. In the Tao of love, sex and relationships are an integral part of human life, which also need to be perfected. Actually, the very concept of "tao" ("way") combines the world order, the active, creative, living cosmos and the course of natural things.

The doctrine of Taoism appeared in Zhou China simultaneously with Confucianism as an independent philosophical doctrine. Lao Tzu, a philosopher who is considered the founder of Taoist philosophy, is recognized by modern researchers as a legendary figure, since no reliable biographical and historical information has been found confirming his existence. According to folk tradition, in the 4th century BC, he left China and left his work entitled "Tao-te-ching" to the guard of the border outpost. This treatise includes the foundations of Taoism and the philosophy of Lao Tzu. The main emphasis in the doctrine is on the doctrine of the great Tao, the absolute and the universal law. The "Way" always and everywhere dominates and has limitless power. No one created him, because he is the creator of all things. Inaudible and invisible, inaccessible to the senses, inexhaustible and infinite, formless and nameless, Tao gives rise, form and name to everything in the world. The "Way" is above everything, even the great Sky. Happiness and the meaning of life is to merge with this universal force.

Taoism reveals to man the secrets of the universe, as well as the eternal questions of life and death. The teaching of the Tao gave people hope for the acquisition of eternal life, to be more precise, those who managed to know the Tao.

Such prospects attracted both the common people and the nobility. The idea so captured the minds of people that the emperors even sent expeditions in search of the elixir of immortality and generously provided Taoist magicians with finances.

Over time, numerous shamans, magicians and healers who joined the idea of ​​​​Taoism well adjusted the teachings to peasant superstitions and were able to gain great power.

In accordance with the Tao, the human body is a microcosm, which is an accumulation of spirits and divine forces, the interaction of the feminine and masculine principles.

Anyone who strives to achieve immortality must create conditions for all spirits - monads (and there are about 36 thousand of them) - such conditions that they do not want to leave the body.

According to the teachings of the Taoists, the deterrent was achieved through restrictions on food and in special breathing and physical exercises. In addition, a candidate for the ranks of the immortals must do at least 1200 good deeds in a row.

Sex in China

The philosophy of love of Confucius says: “Love is the beginning and end of our existence. True sages bow before her power."

For a long time in China, such concepts as marriage, love and sex were distinguished, polygamy and sexual freedom in family relations were allowed, sexual perversions were not punished, etc.

As in India, a large body of Chinese literature is devoted to descriptions of frank relationships.

Books on the Tao of Love have for centuries formulated the principles of intimate life.

Every civilization has its own structure that determines its sexual practice. For men, the Tao of love brought great attraction and pleasure - it was achieved through the social humiliation of women, the judicious ingenuity of men and freedom from complexes.

If it were necessary to identify a single area of ​​sexual diversity in China, which is not revealed to a greater extent in other cultures, it can be safely called the use of various aids and devices.

Frankly, without any restraint, art and literature depicted and described the technique of the Tao of love. Then, instead of a young and attractive person, they could prefer an experienced lover who knows how to enjoy frequent long-term intercourse.

Taoist doctors considered sex as a natural part of the relationship of spouses.

Sex in books about the Tao of Love is presented not as a simple everyday activity, but as a real pleasure that must be savored, because it benefits and prolongs life.

What are only worth mentioning that various forms of sex were prescribed for the treatment of common diseases not related to the reproductive system. Entire manuals about love and sex were developed: various techniques and methods of intercourse, compliments and foreplay were described.

Pictures of an erotic nature were not only instructive, they were rather an aphrodisiac for men and women.

Tao of love ideas

Ejaculation and orgasm are not synonymous in Chinese erotology. After ejaculation, the man's ears buzz, he feels tired, drowsy, his eyes stick together, his throat dries up, his limbs become stiff and sluggish.

It is known that during the ejection of the seed, the stronger sex experiences a moment of pleasure, followed by hours of fatigue. But when a man is able to control the number of ejaculations during intercourse, his body becomes stronger, his hearing and vision improve, and his mind is clear.

From the outside, it may seem that a man deprives himself of a sharp and pleasant sensation, but restraint only strengthens his attraction to the woman he loves, as if he cannot get enough of her in full. This is what is considered true pleasure in the Tao of love.

The “jing” energy, which is concentrated in our internal organs, is consumed by us throughout life, and therefore the body system begins to fail over time, which, no doubt, leads to illness and death.

Good deeds and proper nutrition are designed to restore the fading source of energy. Taoists also recommend avoiding negative emotions, fear and anger, as they pump out the precious source of "ching" energy.

From this follows the logical conclusion of the Taoist sages: the more energy is stored, the healthier a person is.

The Tao of love says that the sex glands contain huge deposits of high-quality "ching" energy, and sexual arousal can increase it.

During ejaculation, men uselessly spend a large amount of vital energy. Women also lose their strength during each menstruation, so being unpregnant for a long time was considered dangerous for a woman's health.

In the Taoist philosophy of love, there are a large number of techniques like intimate gymnastics, which allows you to constantly be in a state of erotic uplift. This approach allows you to save, produce and pump energy into the brain, send it to other organs to maintain vigor and youthful spirit.

The primary task of a man is a rare ejaculation, and for women, the Tao of love prescribes getting rid of menstruation long before the onset of menopause, as well as joint sexual activities in large quantities, variety and always with pleasure.

The moving partner gives energy to his recumbent lover, who, in turn, accumulates it, processes it and shares it with the partner. Here everything is not as we are told: the peak of sexual pleasure does not fall on discharge (ejaculation or contractions of the walls of the vagina with secretion), but on the process.

The described physiological discharge in Taoist practice is considered only an “external” orgasm, second-rate and energy-consuming.

The highest pleasure is considered to reach the boiling point and turn off the fire of passion. Such a technique of the Tao of Love allows you to achieve not a physical, “vulgar” orgasm, but a spiritual, “peak” one, which cannot be compared to an “external” orgasm in terms of intensity or beauty.

After such intercourse, peace and tranquility descend on partners, which allows them to feel as if they are in higher realms.

All the ancient texts of China emphasized that the Tao of love is the single most important factor in lengthening life. If the couple adheres to the established rules, then the man remains young and healthy for a long time, and the woman saves herself from hundreds of diseases. Until the end of their days, such lovers can enjoy love and at the same time preserve vital energy.

Proper intercourse technique begins with mastering proper breathing - you need to breathe deeply and long so that the bodies can relax and the hearts calm down. Before mastering the art of love, it is necessary to reach agreement in desires - this will help to avoid conflicts and dissatisfaction.

When the couple has created a fertile ground for intimacy, only then can one proceed to intercourse according to the methods of Tao.

By the way, material and physical factors are also very important: the room should be neither hot nor cold, the stomach should be neither full nor empty.

Reviews about the Tao of love help to reveal another important factor: the methods of intercourse should not exhaust the man, while the woman should be as relaxed as possible, since only in this way can mutual satisfaction be achieved.

Tao as a way to find harmony

Created on the basis of Indian tantra, the teaching of Tao organically absorbed the most effective methods and made them available for general use. That is why Taoism has long been the dominant religion in China.

But those who choose to follow this path must master control of their own sexual energy.

Guide for men

Men need to learn how to control ejaculation, exercise to increase potency and maintain a healthy sex life. First of all, attention is paid to the management of erection.

According to the teachings of Tao, every man is able to control his erection and fully satisfy his woman. In this case, neither age nor physical activity matters.

Tao of love for two is the basis of erotology in China. Even in ancient times, people knew them in the same way that every schoolchild now knows the alphabet.

Impotence is a word that does not frighten the Taoists. Here, ejaculation and male orgasm are completely different things that any man needs to share, as the doctrine points out.

Control over ejaculation and the possibility of orgasm without it is the result of the Taoist practice of love.

Thanks to this approach, a man is able to make love to his wife for as long as they wish. In addition, Chinese medicine considers the seed as a carrier of vitality, so men are strongly advised to spend the "ching" energy as carefully as possible, but not through sexual abstinence, but with the help of a special technique (for 10 sexual intercourse there are no more than 2-3 ejaculations). ).

In order to delay ejaculation, special exercises can be used, including short-term squeezing of the base of the penis.

The couple will achieve harmony only through paired efforts. The improvement of both partners will allow you to reach the heights of pleasure in the marital bed.

Note to woman

Love and sex in the life of the fair sex also play a huge role.

Tao will help you acquire real femininity, teach you to relax next to a man, teach naturalness, listen to your inner feelings and follow them hand in hand with your partner.

To implement the above, a woman needs special training aimed at controlling sexual energy, as well as exercises that will increase her sexual strength.

Physical exercises for the development of internal muscles, coupled with a strong-willed attitude, will allow you to gain endless strength in intimate life.

In addition, the source of energy in this case will be the Tao of love, which will lead those who follow it to physical health and longevity.

East is a delicate matter

According to the philosophy of Tao, a person must first of all love the entire universe and everything living in it.

To achieve such a state, a person needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right (this means mainly vegetarian food), not worry about trifles, get rid of bad habits and addictions, be able to enjoy both earthly and heavenly joys.

Only by observing the purity of life, a person can usefully apply the teachings of Tao in sexual practice.

What is the method of "holding ching"?

In addition to the anti-aging and therapeutic effect, interrupted intercourse has several other benefits.

Previously, this method allowed the Chinese to prolong intercourse, especially when they had to distribute their efforts among several partners (in the case of polygamy). In such situations, it was vital not to exhaust yourself with constant ejaculation.

However, the technique, which was used several centuries ago, is still popular with oriental lovers. The Japanese and Chinese have a reputation for being skilled lovers, thanks to their exquisite yet marathon-long love games.

Eastern philosophy of sexuality

To a European, the approach to intimate life in China may seem very unusual. Human sexuality here is at the same time practical, chaste and at the same time not under seven locks. The Chinese do not have a sanctimonious denial of sexuality or, conversely, an all-encompassing cult of pleasure. They also do not have a fear of carnal love. In the Eastern tradition, sex is not a forbidden fruit, it is seen as an integral part of life.

Sex in China is something that, of course, should be used by a person in everyday life along with the mind and body.

However, intimate matters must be treated with responsibility and thoughtfully in order to get as much benefit and pleasure as possible as a result.

In the East, sexuality is accepted for what it is: it is seen as the fullness of the human relationship to the world, the experience of the unity of being.

The Eastern idea of ​​sexuality is not in the application of effort, but in inactivity as a symbol of all activity. This includes the peace of the heart, or the so-called "endless contemplation of the soul."

Finding sexuality in China is considered an act of self-replenishment, not violence.


Chinese writings on the topic of erotica and sex are striking in their non-violent and unpretentious mixture, almost inseparable unity of a pragmatic view of the most intimate and delicate moments of sexual relations. In these sources, sex is described in an enthusiastic way, which reminds us of how highly intimacy is valued in the East: there sex is revered as intimate, something too serious that should not be flaunted or made public.

The unity of sanity and sensuality is in no way far-fetched and does not carry an internal falsity.

As the tao love quotes say, the truth is that only those who are able to overcome them can live by instincts.

Only through inner looseness, one can gain self-control, no matter how absurd it may sound to many. Carnal pleasures are accessible only to a mature, wise soul.

It turns out that in the sexual culture of China, three different dimensions are organically intertwined: morality (insists on the depth of feelings and cordiality), revelation (both physical and spiritual), benefit (bodily hygiene).

For the Chinese, sexual relations were considered the most direct and pure expression of the interplay of yin and yang.

If we recall the quote from the Book of Changes: “One is yin, the other is yang, this is what the Way (Tao) is”, one can understand that in the eyes of the Taoists, sex is a great art that serves to release the instinct of Pure Desire hidden in the depths (otherwise - the creative impulse of life).

For the Chinese, the interaction of the sexes is not only an experience that rises to the experience of "the fullness of life." Sexual life involves all human emotions in the endless expanse of Desire and thereby manifests itself in all its versatility: here is strength, and peace, and influence, and response, and fullness, and emptiness, natural and cultivated, instinct and speculation.

Such a play of opposites does not enslave a person, but frees him at the expense of purity and childlike serenity.

It is no coincidence that Taoist literature refers to intercourse as "fun" or "joy." The desire to overcome the sexual instinct by stretching pleasure helps to develop the most profound and direct manifestation of the game element in a person.

The love game is the beginning of spirit cultivation.

If the world of love turns into an inescapable game, then all sorts of norms and rules are cut off. Instead of the usual plots, situations and circumstances appear that are resolved by a creative and sensitive vigil of the spirit.

The peace of the soul is valued in China much higher than any accomplishment. And here it does not matter what a person has achieved or achieved if he has not first developed peace in himself.

Tao of love: quotes

The only transformer and alchemist that turns everything into gold is love.
The only magic against death, aging, boring life is love.
In our universe, all life is created by the harmony of yin and yang. When yang is in harmony with yin, then all its problems will be solved, and if yin is in harmony with yang, all obstacles in its path will disappear.
When a man loves without losing his seed, he strengthens his body. When he loves twice without losing it, his sight and hearing will become sharper; if three times, all diseases will disappear; if 4 times - the world will be in his soul; if 5 times, his heart and blood circulation will be renewed; if 6 times, his lower back will become stronger; if 7 times, his hips and buttocks will become stronger; if 8 times - the skin will become smooth; if 9 times - he will reach longevity; if 10 times, he will become like immortality.

Do you know that the contact of the hands of a man and a woman is already sex?

Any the interaction of a man and a woman is sex. According to the ancient Eastern teachings of Tao. And according to your feelings. If you feel it...

Taoism is a philosophy of nature. Dao- the path of unity of man with the infinitely loving force of nature. Having merged with nature, man achieves harmony.

Tao of love- about harmonious relations between the sexes.

But not only about how to turn sexual intercourse into a high pleasure, a real art. Tao of love - the secrets of interaction, exchange of thoughts, feelings, energy between a man and a woman.

What is the Tao of Love

Sexuality so natural! The strongest earthly animal instinct, leading to the most highly spiritual experiences - to a feeling of unity with the Universe.

The ancients knew about it. Including our ancestors.

Slavic culture is a unique wonderful mix of western and eastern. However, it is better when the ratio of these cultures in matters of sex is not equal, not 50 to 50. The art of love predominantly one must learn by adopting the experience of the Eastern sages.

There are many good arguments for this.

Just remember that in the East sex has never been considered sinful for anyone. Unlike the civilizations of the West, in the East, sensuality and sexuality have not only never been suppressed, but, on the contrary, cultivated.

There are many beautiful words in Russian that replace the Latin “seks”:

  • intercourse,
  • delight,
  • pardon,
  • Love.

These are deep, meaningful words. Use them when talking about the bodily manifestation of your love.

After all, as you call a wonderful act of unity between a man and a woman, it will be like that.

When a bodily act is filled with meaning, turns into the art of togetherness male and female energy:

  • there is a feeling of true closeness, unity, kinship with a partner;
  • develops the ability to communicate with a partner telepathically;
  • comes the ability to experience an orgasm with the whole body, mind (and not just in the genital area);
  • there are multiple, prolonged, incredible sensations orgasms;
  • a man learns to restrain ejaculation, thereby prolonging not only sexual intercourse, but also his life;
  • a woman acquires the ability to manage her fertility, regulate the cycle;
  • there is no need for contraception;
  • the body is rejuvenated, the aging process is suspended;
  • the body heals, diseases go away;
  • there is a feeling of fullness, joy of life.

Properly directed, along the right path, sexual energy is transformed into something more ... This is taught by the Tao of love.

Sexual energy changes and transforms the world around through the bodies of a man and woman who love each other.

Eat three important points in the Tao of Love:

  1. A man and a woman should love each other not only passionately, but also tenderly, sensually. There is no magical sex without feelings.
  2. Before sexual contact, partners should retire, relax, feel the enjoyment of life itself, experience gratitude for life.
  3. It can take years to truly master the Tao of love. Regular practice is the key to success.

However, you can start right now with the basics. physical exercises.

Physiology, physicality - the basis of health, not only physical, but also psychological, as well as spiritual harmony. Without physical culture in any way. An unhealthy body finds it difficult to enjoy.

Why not pump up the muscles responsible for pleasure in sex?

Practicing the Tao of Love for Men and Women

Exercises aimed at increasing male potency:

  1. Lying on your back or in a knee-elbow position, alternately contract and relax the muscles of the anus. The contraction-relaxation cycle should initially take a few seconds. Having mastered the muscles, bring to one compression-unclenching per second. Perform 50 times two to three times a day daily.
  2. Stop urination by force of will. Remember which muscles are working. Learn to work them in the same way as the muscles of the anus. Arbitrarily contract and relax them daily for 5 days. Up to 40 contractions 3-5 times a day are recommended. After - 2 days of rest.
  3. Massage the scrotum and testicles. Squeeze the testicles with your palms until a slight soreness appears. A man is recommended to carry out such a massage every day as many times as he is old.

Women's Taoist Exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, arms along the body. Raise and lower the pelvis slowly, smoothly. Perform exercises 10 times or more daily.
  2. Lying, sitting or standing, compress and relax the muscles of the vagina. Perform daily for 10-15 minutes (optimally 200 repetitions).
  3. Lying, sitting or standing, squeeze and relax the muscles of the vagina for three counts. One-two-three - increasing tension or increasing relaxation in stages. Do it daily, the more the better. But don't overdo it! Like any muscle, the pelvis can be overtrained.

Joint training in the Tao of love

Develop sensuality with your partner!

The exercises of the Tao of love, at first glance, have nothing to do with sex. But in fact they develop sensitivity, which means sex will become more sensual.

This games to sensitivity. They can be used as a prelude to sexual intercourse.

  1. Guess the smell. Take 5-6 bright smelling items. For example, perfume, soap, essential oil, tangerine, cinnamon stick. Together with a partner, study these smells, and then arrange an exam. Blindfold your partner, offer to smell this or that object. Play with a partner. Let him smell several things at once, mix the scents and ask him to reveal the composition. Finally, have him/her examine your scent with your eyes closed.
  2. Guess by touch. Take objects with different tactile sensations. It can be just pieces of fabric (silk, wool, linen, cotton). You can also take more erotic items right away. For example, a feather, a piece of ice or even a whip. Gently, barely touching, run these objects over the exposed areas of the partner's body. Let him guess what you touch. A prerequisite is that the partner's eyes must be blindfolded.
  3. Degree of taste. Create a mini lab in the kitchen. You will need a glass, clean water, as well as liquid honey, salt or lemon juice. The most pleasant sweet taste, so you can start with honey. Add a drop of honey to a glass of water without your partner noticing. Offer him a drink of water. Let him tell you what it tastes like. If you can’t immediately determine, add more honey. Keep adding it until your loved one recognizes the sweetness of honey. In conclusion, you can invite your partner to experience the sweetness of honey on your lips. So you can play with any taste. Experiment!

These simple games incredibly excite the mind, body, soul. Try to diversify your sex life with them. Improvement of relations, their renewal or even revival will not keep you waiting.

Do you want to know even more sexual life-improving techniques of the tao of love? For you, records of their own and cultural traditions of Ancient China are provided by the guru of intimate relationships L. Piterkina.

Webinars are available as part of the project by Y. Pryakhina “Women's Academy of Online Trainers”. Follow the link to find more in the public domain free, interesting and useful information.

TAO OF LOVE- the traditional Chinese art of love, which was formed under the influence of Taoism, considering love and sex, gives both of these concepts the same semantic meaning. In accordance with the Tao, life is beautiful in all its manifestations and one should not limit human desires, erect artificial barriers on the way to complete satisfaction.

There are three main provisions of Tao philosophy and medicine regarding love: a man can live an intimate life without any restrictions, but at the same time he must establish for himself and observe certain breaks between eruptions. This will create the necessary reserve of energy and strength for him, thanks to which he will be able to love his partner at any time when he feels desire or when she wants it. Moreover, he will be able to increase the duration of the act until the woman is completely satisfied. The eruption itself, especially not controlled by a man, should not be a source of the strongest sensations for him. Having penetrated the understanding of this, a man will reach a wider range of sensations in love.

In an intimate life, a woman should experience complete satisfaction of her erotic desires.

According to Taoist principles, orgasm and ejaculation are two different things, and it is possible to experience orgasm without ejaculating at the same time.

When a man learns to act according to the canons of the Tao, he will not only achieve an increase in his vitality and improve his well-being, but will also gain something beyond that. First of all, he will have confidence that he is able to satisfy the desires of his beloved woman, even if she is very demanding. And such confidence will provide him with ever-increasing male power and ever-increasing attraction. Satisfaction from communication that meets the needs of a woman, the confidence that a man is capable of love almost always, are serious privileges that the Tao provides to its adherents.

The Tao of Love is the Chinese philosophy of love. Chapter 2. Understanding the Tao of love.

Chapter 2. Understanding the Tao of love.

Neither medicine nor food
nor spiritual salvation can prolong
a man's life if he never
understood and did not practice the Tao of love.
Peng Zu

1. Three basic concepts of this Tao.

Three main concepts separate the Tao of love from other sexual explorations. They must be perfectly understood before they can be practiced.

The first concept is that a man must find the correct order of ejaculation according to his age and physical condition. This should strengthen him so that he can make love as soon as it suits his and his partner's desires, and continue for as long (or resume them as often) as necessary to achieve complete satisfaction with his partner.

The second concept entails revolutionary changes in Western concepts of sex. The ancient Chinese believed that ejaculation - especially uncontrolled ejaculation - was not the most ecstatic moment for a man. Knowing this, a man is able to discover many other more pleasant pleasures of sex. This, on the one hand, will make it easier for him to control the emission of semen. This old concept stems directly from the dialogue between Cai Niu and Peng Zu in Ejaculation Revisited.

The third concept - very significant from the outside - is the importance of satisfying a woman. It has already been widely disseminated by the work of Kinsai and the Western sex researchers who followed him. These results have been given even greater weight in recent years by various Women's Movements, and the validity of their conclusions is unlikely to be questioned.

These three concepts form the real basis of the ancient Chinese philosophy of love. Not only did they help men and women approach their desires for frequent and prolonged lovemaking, but they also gave ancient China the sexual freedom and naturalness that flourished for as long as Taoism dominated. Taoists were of the opinion that sexual harmony leads us to unity with the infinite power of nature, which, in their opinion, also has sexual overtones. Earth, for example, is female or Yin, while Sky is male or Yang. The interaction between them makes up the world as a whole. Through development, the union of man and woman also creates unity. And one is just as important as the other.

2. The role of a woman.

From the very beginning, the woman has played an important role in the philosophy of the Tao of love. They were known as teachers of the Tao of love and advisors to the emperor. Until recently, it was not in Chinese philosophy that women were reduced to a secondary level. The importance of women has been illustrated extensively in the texts on the Tao of love. Among them are dialogues between Emperor Zhang Di and his adviser Su Niu. As we have seen in the dialogues cited above, their language is charming and graphic. For example, the "phallus" becomes the "jade trunk" (yu heng), and the external female genital organs become the "jade gate" (yu meng). It is interesting to note in this connection that the ancient Chinese never used the terms in a derogatory sense, as street people do today. Their open and free attitude towards sex made it impossible for them to think of sexual terms as "dirty words". In this book, we sometimes use the ancient "yu heng" instead of "phallus" for variety.

3. The importance of making love.

How important lovemaking was for the Taoists of antiquity can be seen from the dialogue "Su Niu Zhang": Emperor Zhang Di: "I am tired and I feel disharmony. I am sad and full of sorrow. What should I do?" Su Niu: "All the sickness of a man can be attributed to the imperfect abilities of love. A woman is stronger in sex and in body structure than a man, like water is stronger than fire. Those who know the Tao of love are like good cooks who know how to mix five scents in delicious dish.Those who know the Tao of love and harmonize Yin and Yang are able to blend the five joys into a heavenly pleasure: those who do not know the Tao of love will die in time without even having the actual enjoyment of the pleasures of love. ?"

The dialogue continues as Zhang Di decides to test this advice. He turned to his other adviser (he had four and only one of them was a man) Xuan Niu: Zhang Di: "Su Niu taught me how to achieve harmony between Yin and Yang. Now I want to hear what you have to say about this to confirm what I have learned." Xuan Niu: "In our universe, all life is created by the harmony of Yin and Yang. When Yang has harmony with Yin, then all his problems will be solved, and if Yin has harmony with Yang, all obstacles in her path will disappear. One Yin and one Yang must constantly help each other. And then the man will feel firmness and strength. The woman will be ready to accept it into herself. The two will then be in communion and their secretions will nourish each other ... "

4. How to observe the satisfaction of a woman.

When Zhang Di received this advice from his female advisors, he explored in detail the application of the third principle of the Tao of love. He again returned to his chief adviser and asked: "How can a man observe the desires and satisfaction of a woman?" Su Niu: "There are ten directions. A man should observe and learn what to do. These ten directions are:

1. Her jade arms wrap around his back, her lower body moves. She sticks out her tongue and licks him, trying to arouse him. This means that she is very aroused.

2. Her fragrant body becomes lethargic, limbs stretched out and motionless, she breathes heavily through her nose. This indicates that she wants him to resume thrusting.

3. She opens her hands to play with the sleeping man's jade hammer and embraces him. This indicates that she desires him.

5. With two hands she holds her legs and opens her jade gates wide. This indicates that she is enjoying a lot.

6. Her tongue sticks out like a half-asleep or half-drunk. This indicates that her organs desire deep and shallow strokes and want them to be delivered vigorously.

7. She stretches her legs and fingers, trying to keep his jade hammer inside her, but it is not clear to her how to satisfy her need for thrusts. At the same time, she whispers something. This indicates that the flow of Yin has begun.

8. Suddenly she gets what she wants and turns him around slightly by the waist. She sweats a little and laughs at the same time. This indicates that she does not want him to finish at all, because she wants more.

9. The sweet feeling has already come and she is getting more and more pleasure. Her Yin flow had arrived. She still holds him tightly. This indicates that she is not yet fully

10. Her body became hot and damp with sweat. Arms and legs are relaxed. This indicates that she is satisfied to the end.

These minute details leave no doubt that Taoist physicians have carefully examined the subject, and there are indications that a third person must be present to record the woman's reactions at every stage of intercourse. It is also true that some lovemaking positions required three participants and that some information could be gleaned from these sessions.

5. Misconceptions about Tao.

For many years the Tao of love was not well understood in the West. It has been misrepresented by many Western writers, who have all given it names that never really matched it. A list of some of the more common ones might include the following:

A) COITUS RESERVATUS: a term first chosen by the West several hundred years ago. This term is misleading because it focuses too narrowly on one aspect of the Tao of love. For example, among other things, he does not take into account the advice of the Tao about controlling the intervals of emission depending on the age of the man, his strength and physical condition.

B) MALE ABstinence: a term originating in the Oneida Community, an experimental group in the US state of Vermont, in the mid-19th century. He became more famous after being mentioned in Haylock Ellis's era-defining book, Studies in the Psychology of Sex. As the name suggests, male continence describes a form of love that requires complete renunciation of ejaculation except when conceiving is desired. The Tao of love does not advise complete renunciation of ejaculation except in very old or sick people.

C) KARREZA: A very passive form of lovemaking that was erroneously identified with the ancient Chinese way of love in a particularly influential 1920s book, The Perfect Marriage. Its author criticized this technique, described earlier in this century by Maria Stones in Love in Marriage. In fact, karretsai has very little in common with the Tao of love; besides, where the latter refers to very weak or very old people, they are encouraged to adopt a more passive method so that they can still get something from the communication of Yin and Yang. But the Tao certainly does not advise the young or the healthy and strong to be passive. Carezza, according to the publication of Maria Stones, is much more like male abstinence than the Tao of love. It involves stroking and then very calm and passive intercourse without ejaculation.

G) MYSTICISM COITUS RESERVATUS is a term coined by the late Dutch diplomat R. H. van Gulik in his wonderful and detailed book in English (with some insertions in Latin) titled Sexual Life in Ancient China, mentioned earlier. This is probably the only mystery book in which the Tao of love is discussed in any detail. Unfortunately, van Gulik did not fully understand this issue. he sincerely acknowledges this in the preface to his book and that is why he uses the term "mysticismus coitus reservetus". He further explains that since he has not fully understood this issue, he is simply a compiler and feels it is his duty to present the rare and valuable information he has collected.

E) The Tantric arts or TANTRISM are just as often mistaken for the Tao of love, although TANTRISM has been significantly influenced, and perhaps even rooted in the Tao of love, its various schools have developed into something completely different. The Buddhist Vairayanic school mentions China as the birthplace of their doctrine, which is called "Chinese discipline". The Indian way of love is super-ritualistic and more closely related to religion, while the Chinese Tao of love remains an important branch of Chinese medicine. Imsak (or Ismak) is something that is little known. Apparently, it is similar to the Tao of love. "Anango Ranga" translated by Sir Richard Bartok says: "This practice is called in Arabic medicine "Imsak" which means "retention" or "preservation." And besides this brief description, we can say very little about Imsak because it has not yet been written not a single book. According to the biographer of the late Ali Khan, Leonard Slater, Ali Khan practiced the secret method of Imsak. Slater writes that this method was born many centuries ago in the East. The Arabs occupied part of India from the eighth century and may have adopted the techniques of Tantrism. It is also quite possible that What
they learned directly from the Chinese during the same period. While doing Imsak, Ali Khan was able to control himself, no matter how often he made love, and he let down no more than 2 times a week.

Obviously, all these practices contain an element that is either derived from or similar to the Tao of love. But they are not the same. In the past, Western customs and prejudice prevented a full understanding of the Tao of love. The concepts of the Taoists seemed too unusual to be understood. However, over the past 20 years, the attitude towards love in the West has changed significantly.

Today, we can easily accept the Freudian conclusion that mental health is closely related to a satisfactory sex life and that there is no neurosis without sexual conflict, an idea first proclaimed by the teachers of the Tao of love many thousands of years ago. It is thanks to this favorable climate that the time has come for a full elucidation of the ancient Taoist philosophy of love.


"... neither medicine, nor food, nor spiritual salvation

cannot prolong a man's life if he never

did not understand and did not practice the Tao of love."


Three basic concepts separate from other sexual studies. They must be perfectly understood before they can be practiced.

The first concept is that a man must find the correct order of ejaculation according to his age and physical condition. This should strengthen him so that he can make love as soon as it suits his partner's desires, and continue making love for as long (or resume it as often) as necessary to achieve complete satisfaction with his partner.

The second concept entails revolutionary changes in Western concepts of sex. The ancient Chinese believed that ejaculation, especially uncontrolled ejaculation, was not the most ecstatic moment for men. Knowing this, a man is able to discover many other, more pleasant pleasures of sex. On the other hand, it makes it easier for him to control the ejaculation. This second notion follows directly from the dialogue between Cai Niu and Peng Zu in Ejaculation Revisited.

The third concept is the importance of satisfying a woman. It has already been widely disseminated by the work of Kinsei and the Western sex researchers who followed him. These results have been given even greater importance in recent years by various women's movements, and the validity is unlikely to be questioned.

These concepts form the basis of the ancient Chinese philosophy of love. Not only did they help men and women approach their desires for frequent and prolonged lovemaking, but they also gave ancient China a sexual freedom and naturalness that flourished for as long as Taoism dominated. The Taoists were of the opinion that sexual harmony brings us into union with the infinite power of nature, which, in their opinion, also has sexual features. The earth, for example, is a woman, or the yin element, and the sky is a man, or yang; the interaction between them makes up the world as a whole. Through development, the union of man and woman also creates unity.


From the very beginning, women played an important role in the philosophy of the Tao of love, they were known as teachers of the Tao of love and advisers to the emperor. Until recently, there was no such thing in Chinese philosophy that the role of women was reduced to a secondary level. The importance of women has been illustrated at length in texts on the Tao of Love; some of them are still available; many are written in the form of dialogues. Among them are dialogues between Emperor Zhang Li and his adviser Su Niu. As we have already seen in the dialogues cited above, their language is charming and graphic, for example, the phallus becomes a jade trunk (yu heng), and the external female genitals become a jade gate (yu meng). It is interesting to note in this connection that the ancient Chinese never used the terms in a pejorative sense, as street people do today. Their open and free attitude towards sex made it impossible for them to think of sexual terms as dirty words. In this book, we sometimes use the ancient word yuheng instead of phallus for the sake of variety.


How important lovemaking was to the Taoists of antiquity can be seen from the dialogue:

Emperor Zhang Li: I'm tired and I feel disharmony. I am sad and full of fear. What should I do about it?

Su Niu: All the sickness of a man can be attributed to imperfect ways of loving. A woman is stronger in sex and body structure than a man, just as Water is stronger than fire. Those who know the Tao of love are like good cooks who know how to mix 5 scents into a delicious dish. Those who know the Tao of love and harmonize yin and yang are able to blend the 5 joys into heavenly pleasure. Those who do not know the Tao of love will die in time without even having the actual enjoyment and pleasure of love. Is this not what Your Majesty should investigate?

The dialogue continues as Zhang Li decides to test this advice. He turned to his other adviser (he had 3 of them, but only one adviser was a man) Xuan Nu.

Zhang Li: Su Niu taught me how to achieve harmony between yin and yang. Now I want to hear what you have to say about this to confirm what I have learned.

Xuan Niu: In our universe, all life is created by the harmony of yin and yang. When yang is in harmony with yin, then all its problems will be solved, and if yin is in harmony with yang, all obstacles in its path will disappear. One yin and one yang must constantly help each other, and then men will feel firmness and strength, and a woman will be ready to accept it into herself. Then the two will be in communion, and their excretions will nourish each other...


When Zhang Li received this advice from his female advisors, he explored in detail the application of the third principle of the Tao of Love. He returned to his chief adviser and asked:

How can a man observe the desires and satisfaction of a woman?

There are 10 directions,” Su Niu replied. - A man should watch and learn what to do. These 10 guidelines are:

1. Her arms wrap around his back, her lower body moves. This means that she is very aroused.

2. Her fragrant body becomes lethargic, limbs are stretched out and motionless, she breathes heavily through her nose. This indicates that she wants the tremors to resume.

3. She opens her hands to play with the sleeping man's jade hammer and embraces him. This indicates that she desires him.

5. She holds her legs with both hands and opens her jade gates wide. This indicates that she is enjoying a lot.

6. Her tongue sticks out like a half asleep or half drunk. This indicates that her organs desire deep and shallow strokes and she wants them to be delivered vigorously.

7. She stretches her legs and fingers, trying to keep his jade hammer inside her, but it is not clear to her how he will satisfy her need for pushing, at the same time she whispers something quietly. This indicates that there is a yin flow.

8. Suddenly she gets what she wants and turns him around slightly by the waist. She sweats a little and laughs at the same time. This indicates that she does not want him to finish at all, because she wants more.

9. The sweet feeling has already come, and she is getting more and more pleasure; her yin flow has arrived; she still holds him tightly. This indicates that she is still not completely satisfied.

10. Her body is hot and damp with sweat, her arms and legs are relaxed. This indicates that she is satisfied to the end.

These minute details leave no doubt that the Taoist physicians carefully examined the subject, and there are indications that a third person was present, recording the woman's reactions at every stage of intercourse. It is also true that some lovemaking positions required three participants and that some information could be gleaned from such sessions.


For many years, the Tao of love was not well understood in the West. It has been misrepresented by many Western writers; they all gave him names that never really matched him. A list of some of the more common names includes the following: a) contus-reservantus- a term first chosen by the West several hundred years ago. This term is misleading because it focuses too narrowly on just one aspect of the Tao of love. For example, he, among other things, does not take into account the advice of the Tao about controlling the intervals of emission depending on the age of the man, his strength and physical condition; b) male continence- a term that was born in the Oneida Society, an experimental group in the US state of Vermont, in the middle of the 19th century. He became more famous after being mentioned in Hazlock Ellis's era-defining book, Studies in the Psychology of Sex. As the name suggests, male continence describes a form of love that requires complete renunciation of ejaculation, except when conception is desired. The Tao of love does not advise complete renunciation of ejaculation, except in cases where conception is desired; the tao of love does not advise complete renunciation of ejaculation, except for old or very sick people; V) careppa is a very passive form of lovemaking that has been erroneously identified with the ancient Chinese way of love, especially in the influential book The Perfect Marriage. Its author, T. H. van de Belze, criticized this technique, described earlier in the same century by Maria Stone in Love in Marriage. In fact, careppa bears very little resemblance to the tao of love, except where the latter addresses very weak or very old people and suggests that they adopt a more passive method so that they can still gain something from yin and yang communication, but Tao definitely does not advise young or healthy and strong people to be passive. Kareppa, judging by the publication of Maria Stone, is much more like male continence than the Tao of love. It involves stroking and then very calm and passive intercourse without ejaculation;

G) mysticism contus-reservatus is a term coined by the late Dutch diplomat R. H. van Gulik in his wonderful and detailed book in English (with some insertions in Latin) titled Sexual Life in Ancient China, mentioned earlier. This is probably the only mystery book in which the Tao of love is discussed in any detail. Unfortunately, van Gulik did not fully understand this issue. He sincerely acknowledges this in the preface to his book, and that is why he uses the term "mysticismus contus-reservatus." He further explains that, since he has not fully understood this subject, he is simply a compiler and considers it his duty to state the rare and valuable information he has collected; e) tantric arts, or tantrism- also often mistaken for the Tao of love; although it greatly influenced Tantrism, which is rooted in the Tao of love, its various schools developed into something quite different. The Buddhist Vairagic school mentions China as the birthplace of their doctrine, which is called "Chinese discipline". The Indian way of love is super-ritualistic and more closely related to religion, while the Chinese tao of love remains an important branch of Chinese medicine; e) imsak (or ismak)- something that is little known. Apparently, it is similar to the Tao of love. "Diango Ranga" translated by Sir Richard Burton says: "This practice is called in Arabic medicine insak, which means retention or preservation. Apart from this brief description, we can say very little about insak, for no book has yet been written about it. By According to the biographer of the late Ali Khan, Leonard Slater, Ali Khan practiced the secret method of imsak.Slater writes that this method was born many centuries ago in the East.(Arabs from the VIII century occupied part of India and could perceive the techniques of Tantrism. directly from the Chinese during the same period.) While practicing imsak, Ali Khan was able to control himself, he did not let down more than twice a week, no matter how often he made love. Obviously, all these practices contain an element either derivative or similar with the Tao of love, but they are not the same thing.In the past, Western customs and Western prejudice prevented a full understanding of the Tao of Love.Taoist concepts seemed too unusual to be understood, however, over the past 20 years, attitudes towards love and sex in the West have significantly has changed.

Today, we can easily accept the Freudian conclusion that mental health is closely related to a satisfactory sex life and that there is no neurosis without sexual conflict, an idea first proclaimed by the teachers of the Tao of love many thousands of years ago. It is thanks to this favorable climate that the time has come for a full elucidation of the ancient Taoist philosophy of love.

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