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Board for games for children. Busyboard - do-it-yourself development board with locks and buttons for kids. Instructions for choosing a safe board

A developmental board or, as they say, a "board with locks", and in the European manner a "busyboard" is a manual with doors, locks, latches, runners, clasps, locks, gears - in general, everything that a child can open, close, fiddle with , twist, click, scroll, move.
All this is necessary to use the natural cognitive needs of the child for the development and formation of the same motor skills of the hands in a playful way. Kids love these boards. They understand very well that these are not some boring "educational" things, but almost real ones!.
But some manufacturers are too carried away by reality and put on the boards the technical details of what is called "from life". Such boards turn out to be too brutal-technogenic ("just some kind of testing field" at times) - in general, not systemically and not beautifully - everything is mixed up .... Another minus - many elements are tight for children's soft fingers ....
We believe that the manufacturers of wooden aids are not quite right, they include some elements of their products in the boards, which are sold as separate units ... There are so many of them - it's easy to choose and buy what you need. on the boards there should be something that cannot be in other manuals, something special!
Perhaps the best boards are those where a single field design with colorful pictures is created, united by a single logical task. For example, a house with doors and windows, a farm with cages with animals, a train with wagons, clothes with fasteners ..

Parental supervision of young children is exhausting on both sides. The child is trying to learn about the world, but he is protected, forbidden or distracted from an interesting outlet and medicine cabinet. Mom, on the contrary, everything falls out of her hands as soon as she sees something related to the risk of injury or damage in the field of view of her son or daughter. Every adult thinks about the age at which you should introduce your baby to dangerous objects. On the one hand, you won’t follow the child all your life, and on the other hand, the risk of being in a hospital bed with a juvenile tomboy is too great.

Montessori Method

Especially in order to solve such a dilemma, the Italian teacher and scientist Maria Montessori proposed, as part of her methodology, to teach children through the knowledge of the essence of things. After all, it is not at all necessary to bring the baby to a real door so that he understands the principle of the heck. You can simply give this item into the hands of the baby and he will figure out its functionality. The distinction between the actions of the child and the danger that threatens him has advanced the theory of teaching preschoolers to a new level.

A well-known methodologist offered to transfer improvised household appliances to the stand for study. Thus, children will be able to study the functionality of every small detail, and parents will no longer fear for their lives. By moving door chains, cornice rings or a zipper, the child will develop fine motor skills of the fingers and study the things that interest him. Neural signals from little fingers will be transmitted to the brain and enrich the memory of the baby with impressions. Such stimulation favorably affects the intellectual and physical development of the crumbs.

READ IN DETAILS about the Montessori method:

Maria Montessori method: basic principles, advantages and disadvantages

Do-it-yourself Montessori method: organize a developing environment at home

Book- 60 lessons with a child according to the Montessori method

Developing board with locks, clasps, toggle switches and buttons

What is this stand with visual material?

You can make a development board with your own hands or buy a ready-made one. In fact, this is an ordinary board, with the most dangerous things fixed, from which parents shuddered. For example, it can be a non-working socket with a plug, a switch, cabinet door handles or a door hook, lacing, a call button, and even a circular dial from an old telephone, i.e. it can be anything that can be touched, moved, studied without any threat to life. In the meantime, the child is busy with such a serious matter, mom can also give herself 10-15 minutes of free time 🙂

This development board has its own name - busyboard. Literally, "business board" can be translated as "a board to occupy the baby." Indeed, various small items and bright design can captivate a son or daughter for a long time.

The developmental board of the business board ensures the comprehensive development of the child and helps parents protect him from traumatic situations at the stage of mastering the world around him.

Every year more and more new types of development boards are produced. Manufacturers are not limited to a standard set of small parts. Pursuing the goal of developing children's fine motor skills, materials of various textures are applied to the body of the board. Little fingers will feel rubber balls, plastic wheels, felt, a piece of wool knit and strung beads. Each of these items will give the baby new sensations and diversify his idea of ​​the world around him.

Creating a development board with your own hands

In stores, factory copies of developing boards come across. Taking them as an example, it is quite possible to create a business board with your own hands. The craft that came out from under the hands of the parents will be valued by the child more than faceless stamping.

So, you have decided to create a development board yourself and now you are wondering how best to do it. First you need to choose a base. As a rule, for this they take a small piece of plywood, plastic or laminated chipboard. A regular board will be too heavy, and a non-laminated board can bring a lot of splinters to your son or daughter instead of being useful. As additional inserts, small boards, the same plywood or pieces of laminate are used. Sometimes, for a business board, dense corrugated cardboard is taken as a basis. It will be convenient if you decide to introduce your child to the world of fabrics and sewing accessories.

The next step will be to analyze your mezzanines and old drawers for spare parts for furniture and other little things that it was once a pity to throw out. If you are a champion of cleanliness and you cannot find such details in your house, you can always buy them in addition at a hardware or hardware store. Moreover, you still have to go there for self-tapping screws for fasteners.

After you have fished out all the future fragments of the development board, try to arrange them and decorate the board. Often, to emulate entrance doors, small boards are placed on the board on small hinges, which the baby can lock himself with various types of locks and locks. Behind such a peculiar door, you can place a niche. Then the child will be able to arrange hiding places there, hiding his favorite baby doll or a donated candy. It does not matter if something does not fit on the first version of your bodyboard - in the future you can always supplement the board with these copies if something goes wrong there.

And, finally, the last stage is to securely fasten all the fragments with self-tapping screws or nail them with studs. Carefully inspect the opposite side of the board. Protruding sharp ends of the screws can injure the child, so it will be necessary to process them with emery or a file.

material to use

It is best if elements from various materials are attached to the board - fabric, metal, plastic, rubber. This diversifies the range of sensations and does not have time to pall the baby. The most used parts are:

  • Door latches, locks, latches, hecks, hinges, handles, borders and everything that is called door fittings. Something can just serve as a frame for a business board.
  • Furniture wheels.
  • Rollers construction, massage. Even a thick toilet paper roll will do.
  • Lacing. On the base, an image of a shoe is usually drawn, rivets are attached to it and the laces are tucked in according to all the rules. It is better if you choose bright colors for this element.
  • Fasteners, zippers, Velcro, buttons, hooks and loops. All this can be found in a sewing store and sewn onto strong pieces of fabric, which will then be fixed on the base.
  • Bells or similar parts that make a sound. An old doorbell or parts from a xylophone will do.
  • An abacus, large rings on a piece of an old cornice, or just beads strung on a thread. By moving them in different directions, the baby will be able to learn to count.
  • An old phone dial or keypad from a mobile device.
  • Lightning. For simplicity, they usually use tractor-type zippers, you can attach them with good glue or a stapler, and decorate them again with a pattern: for example, it can be a jacket or a crocodile that has a zipper instead of teeth!
  • Toggle switches, switches, call button or other similar items.
  • Mirrors with protective edge.
  • Pieces of various fabrics.
  • Lanterns and lights. Naturally, the most simple and understandable to the child.
  • Mail locks with keys.
  • Buttons, animal eyes and other sewing accessories.
  • A panel with buttons from an unnecessary electrical appliance and much more ...

This list is just a rough guide to what you can use. If you find something else at home that will be useful for the development of your child, add this element to your development board. The main thing is that the new fragment is safe and cannot injure the child in your absence.

Photo gallery of bodyboards

Video instructions: how to make a board with your own hands

Each parent paid attention that a recently purchased toy no longer arouses any interest in the baby. The child is equally played with the switch, and standard pans, locks and keys. It is not surprising that such curious kids from nine climb to sockets and dangerous devices in everyday life. There is a need to simply negotiate with the violator, but it does not always work out. Children are constantly mischievous. Allowed for children do it yourself very exciting and development board with locks.

The child is equally played with the switch, and standard pans, locks and keys

The main characteristics of developing boards

Usually such boards are used to calm the child, and to secure. Developing boards help to develop the baby's fingers, fine motor skills, logical thinking. First, it will allow you to awaken, develop sensations, and the process of consistent thought.

Fact. The development board with locks was invented by Maria Montessori - “this is not only an option to distract the child, but also the development of significant skills in everyday life. The intellect and imagination develop. Maria Montessori made sure that the development of the child is better during the games, it is used in demand until today.

Developing boards are also sold, there is a plus that it is possible to additionally add some of your own detail, paint with drawings and photographs. There are functions to change the factory model with another part so that the playful child does not get bored.

They say that such an educational toy is suitable for games with a child from 9, 10 months and up to two years old, and not intricate devices are suitable for use up to five years, in the ratio of the details on the board.

Developing boards are also sold, there is a plus that it is possible to additionally add some of your own detail, paint with drawings and photographs

What does lock board mean?

This educational toy is called differently, the principle remains the same, on a board or plywood, many locks, switches, beautiful buttons, an old telephone on a wire join. It is also extraordinarily practical that it is allowed to color it in any way and with anything, a lot of pictures, numbers, fruits, just cutouts from a magazine. Children like this type of board so much that they forget about sockets. Moreover, if you make such a board yourself, then it will not hit your wallet.

Variety of development boards

Not a hard board. If you really like this idea, but you are afraid for the child, no matter what he scratches, does not pinch his finger. It is advisable to build a board out of fabric, it looks like a rug than a board. If the child likes to grab everything in his hands and pull, all sorts of interesting and colorful objects. That is a fabric board to allow the baby to play with no one, without interfering, and to master fine motor skills. To make such a soft board, you will need a large-sized fabric that is very dense, similar to drape and felt, and use old things very much. Whatever the fabric rolls, we need to use a sofa or a large pillow.

Prepare a dense thread and a large needle, also prepare various details that will be on the board, this can:

  • Different size and color buttons, and different shapes;
  • all sorts of emblems, patterns, flowers, can be cut out of old things;
  • different Velcro, it is also allowed to cut out of felt and sew on the sticky part;
  • loops, knots, hooks;
  • different figures, from old things, wood, sun;
  • small soft toys, animals and vegetables, and you get a whole fairy tale:
  • laces, ribbons, ropes;
  • You can use a variety of sewing sets.

It is advisable to build a board out of fabric, it looks like a rug than a board

Now we all put together all the elements of a soft board, sew and attach. In order to create a fairy tale on fabric, it is suitable to sew on different houses, cars, trees, flowers, clouds. And soft toys of animals, fruits and vegetables, if it is possible to make them with Velcro, so that the child can play. There are also various pockets in which all sorts of items will be stored, children like to get and put things in. Attach various beads, from different rings and thick thread, and any other toy details you want.

Regular hard board. In this case, a board or a piece of plywood is used. It is possible to use other hard surfaces, cardboard is also suitable. You decide on the size, it depends on what will be on this canvas, but at the same time think about where this installation will be located and folded.

How to build such a creative board

Advice. Before making a board for a child, it is suitable to use whatever you like and consider it necessary that it spins, moves and shines. Absolutely everything that interests the child can fit on the top of the work surface, so you will protect the child from his own search for adventure.

The very process of preparing this board is a very interesting and exciting thing for all family members. Mom will take care of the design and decoration of the development board. Dad will take over the work of screwing the parts, it is necessary to process the board so that the child does not have splinters. For this fun activity, you can invite relatives and friends with children, everyone will have fun.

It is possible to use other hard surfaces, cardboard is also suitable.

What can be used on the creative board:

You can hide behind windows or doors, beautiful drawings with a different set of animals, a rainbow of colors, and numbers, and the child will look for where he is hiding, hiding. If the child loses interest in the structure, then something can be added or a new board can be designed.

If you do not have unnecessary things or old parts that you threw away a long time ago, it is possible to ask your grandparents and friends for details.

In what order do you decide how you or your child like it best and to what extent your fantasy will play out. It is permissible to issue colored cardboards, paint with felt-tip pens, paints, make various applications. Make windows out of plywood boards or cardboard that open and close with locks and latches. In this window, a photo, a picture, something that your child likes can howl. With the help of such a board, the child will learn colors and their combinations, learn the name of animals, what sounds they make, and count numbers, animals, flowers, clouds, trees.

With the help of the board, you will interest and distract your child for a long time, he will be happy to play new adventures and develop hand motor skills, and recognize the detailed world every new day.

At the same time, you can join the game with the child, or leave alone with the board so that he independently studies it.

We create a board with our own hands

Before starting work, you may need to go to a hardware store for the missing parts. For the base, it is better to choose a board that does not require additional processing, such as furniture veneer. As an option, make the stand voluminous, for various shelves, locks, and so on. You can use old laminate or thick cardboard as doors.

Advice. If you still decide to make doors, then fasten them to two hinges, otherwise it will hang out. And it is advisable to choose iron-based door handles; simple plastic ones can be broken off or pulled out of the shield.

Shield Tools

  • jigsaw, or Electra file;
  • drill;
  • cordless or mains screwdriver;
  • pliers, for cutting nails, if the nails are large.

When using a call, so that it does not bother you or annoy you, it is allowed to wrap foam rubber around the speaker.

Creation steps

It can take a lot of time to fake such a billowing shield, about two days after work.

In a low amount of time, you will create a toy for a child with your own hands, not just a colorful, fashionable one. But also learning numbers, colors, and other educational games. At the same time, the child develops his physical abilities, motor skills, and work with small objects, with which the child learns patience. And with the help of a shield, the child will always be in business, and not climb into dangerous places that can harm the little traveler.

Do-it-yourself developing board for a child

Do-it-yourself board for children with locks 38 photo ideas:

As soon as children become more active and begin to explore the world around them, their curiosity knows no bounds. Often, such a craving for space exploration adds gray hair to parents when the child reaches for sockets in the apartment, switches, scissors, knives and other dangerous objects. To satisfy children's curiosity and keep the child busy with useful work, you can make a business board with your own hands, it is also known as a development board. Such a bright and interesting toy will captivate the baby for a long time, it is completely safe and allows you to develop hand motor skills.

Children's development board with a clock - an owl

What is a business board

This is an educational toy, which is a small wooden, plywood or cardboard base with many small items. For the game, locks, doors, hecks, laces, various buttons, sockets, small puzzles, abacus, switches, buttons with fabric loops, etc. are used. The more objects of various colors and purposes, the more fun it is for the baby to study them. Fumbling with small details is not only an exciting process for children, active finger work develops fine motor skills of the hands, in addition, such entertainment is useful for overall development.

Children's development board with various items

A development board bought in a store or made by yourself may differ in material, size, number of parts and color design. For the manufacture of this training subject, it is advised to use materials of different textures. Each of the elements presented on the board will give the baby new ideas about the world around him.

Children's development board with a drawing board

At what age can you play with a touch board

The developmental board begins to interest the baby from about 8 months. By this time, the child already knows how to sit and focus on the process. However, before the age of one, it is not recommended to use hard boards, at first it is worth playing with soft parts made of fabric and thick felt (when buying felt sheets, you should pay attention to their thickness, it is better to take at least 1.5 or 2 mm). All items are attached to the base with a system of Velcro and buttons.

Children's development board with switches and light bulbs

The types of parts differ depending on the age of the child. So, a one-year-old baby is more interested in pulling the handles, opening windows and doors with locks, behind which are images of animals, pressing buttons, etc. But older children (3-4 years old) will be more interested in looking for numbers and letters, opening locks and solving simple puzzles .

Children's development board with phones

What items to choose

A number of companies involved in the production of educational boards accept orders for the manufacture of such toys according to individual measurements. However, the development board is simple enough to be made by hand.

and drawing board
Children's development board with houses

The main thing is to decide in advance what needs to be placed on it:

  • buttons with loops;
  • hooks for clothes;
  • doors with locks;
  • small light bulbs;
  • switches;
  • sockets;
  • abacus;
  • toggle switches;
  • buttons or phone dial;
  • remote controller;
  • eyelets with laces to help you learn to tie your shoes;
  • coils, etc.

The choice and quantity depends on the age of the child. The older it is, the more complex in design details can be present on the game panel.

Children's development board with a phone
Children's development board with various interesting items

How to make a business board safe

Even if you do not take your eyes off the child during games, the development board itself (its elements and materials) must be safe.

  1. The finished board must be well fixed so as not to accidentally fall on the baby's head during a particularly intense game.
  2. When choosing the base for the gaming panel, make sure that it is smooth and without nicks. Corners and sharp protrusions must be rounded off on their own or closed with special plugs or soft material.
  3. Each removable part must be tied to the panel with a strong cord so that the baby does not accidentally drag it into his mouth and swallow it.
  4. As soon as you attach all the components to the board, be sure to check if they are securely fixed. A small child should not tear them off, even with the best efforts.
  5. If the toy has luminous parts, they must be powered only by batteries.
  6. A development board, whether purchased or homemade, can be safe. But the number of elements depends only on the age of the children playing and their personal inclinations.

Children's development board with a compass

What is needed for a business board

To make a simple model, you will need:

  • small door hinges (4 pcs.);
  • compact door handles (4 pcs.);
  • latches (2 pcs.);
  • constipation with a hook;
  • constipation with a chain;
  • a small colored padlock with lugs (4 pcs.) and keys;
  • chain (1 m);
  • revolving door handle;
  • magnets for doors and windows;
  • switches;
  • socket;
  • a small lamp powered by batteries;
  • battery bell;
  • telephone circle;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corners for the frame;
  • a sheet of plywood of the required size;
  • remnants of the laminate;
  • wooden boards.

Children's development board with numbers

To make the development board last longer, choose metal door handles instead of wooden ones, and to keep the doors with locks even, each of them must be attached to two hinges. So that the ringtone is not too loud, you can additionally wrap it with soft material - felt or foam rubber. For the sake of the safety of the child, the socket must be attached to the base without a plug, otherwise the baby will consider real sockets connected to the power supply to be a toy.

Children's development board with numbers and light bulbs

What tools will be needed

To make a children's business board, in addition to the base and many cognitive elements, you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • wire cutters;
  • screwdriver

For the base, it is better to take durable plywood or wooden boards from which you can construct a shallow box.

Children's development board with numbers

Step by step instructions

It can take from one to two days to make a business board, depending on the complexity of the work. We suggest using the assembly instructions for a relatively simple model in the form of a box with doors.

  1. Cut boards for side parts and shelves that will be attached to the inside of the product. Treat all parts with sandpaper, including a sheet of plywood of the right size.
  2. With a pencil, make markings on a sheet of plywood and mark the location of the parts. Carefully draw the places where the largest ones will be located - doors, telephone disk, switches.
  3. Drill holes for hinges.
  4. Using a jigsaw, cut out holes for opening elements (doors and windows), a telephone circle, an outlet and a bell. The edges should be carefully processed so that they become perfectly smooth.
  5. Attach the boards to the plywood sheet using self-tapping screws and metal corners.
  6. To ensure that the hinges are flush with the doors, small laminate strips can be placed under them.
  7. Attach magnets to one side of the door openings. There should be metal plates on the doors in the same place to fix them when closed.
  8. Attach the rest of the fittings (latches, latches, etc.) using self-tapping screws. If they are too long, shorten them with wire cutters.
  9. Hide all the electrical elements of the door lock inside a wooden box, there should be only a button on the game panel.
  10. Glue the lamp to the base.
  11. The back side of the box must be closed, for this, attach the laminate panels to it with self-tapping screws.
  12. At the top of the box, you can make a handle for easy carrying of the toy. If the development board must hang on the wall, you should take care of fasteners, such as eyelets.

Children's development board with sockets
Children's development board with the name of the child

Features of a business board for boys

Of course, the list of details can be exactly the same and not depend on the gender of the baby. However, most often boys and girls have different interests, so the development board should match them. Boys will be more interested in various technical details - buttons, locks, various mechanisms, etc. The shape of the board can be made in the form of a pirate ship, space station or car. A business board for a boy is often finished in more saturated colors, you can use shades of blue and blue, red, white, gray, green tones, etc.

Children's development board with latches
Children's development board with a clock and a calculator

Developing board for girls

The set of elements on the business board is almost indistinguishable from the "boy's", however, you can pay more attention to various dials, phone buttons, lace-up details, soft elements, pieces of fabric with buttons, etc. Images of castles, unicorns, fairies, flowers can be used as decor. , princesses, etc. The main palette is most often “soft” - it is pink, lilac, turquoise, light green. However, if the girl is more interested in superheroes and loves other colors, you should not impose princess games on her, take into account the wishes of the child.

Children's development board with a big car

Toy for the little ones

The training panel for babies under 1 year old should be made of soft elements. In fact, it is somewhat reminiscent of a developmental rug, but more voluminous. You can take a soft pillow as a basis or simply cover a wooden frame with a soft cloth. For greater softness, you can additionally use a synthetic winterizer or foam rubber.

Children's development board with a call

All elements are sewn from fabric or cut from felt. These can be images of animals, leaves of different tree species, fruits, vegetables, geometric shapes, lacing rings, ribbons, buttons with loops, etc. Doors and windows with locks are also made of natural fabric or hard felt. The most interesting gizmos can be hidden behind the doors, which must first be opened.

Children's development board with switches
Children's development board with a clock and latches

The development board is a useful toy for children of both sexes from the age of 8 months. up to 3-4 years. It allows you to develop attention, hand motor skills and contributes to the harmonious development of the child. Whether purchased from a store or made by yourself, the toy must meet quality and safety standards.

Video: An interesting do-it-yourself educational children's board (business board)

50 photo ideas for creating a development board for a child (business board):

When the baby grows up, he becomes more and more interested in the adult world - he is interested in switches and sockets, all kinds of buttons and telephones, latches and locks. However, within the apartment, all these things often pose a danger - it turns out that over and over again we will forbid the baby to recognize the world, limiting his space to the territory of the playpen.

But the child's thirst for knowledge is so great that he will again and again try to break your prohibitions. And it is useless to fight this - it is better to legalize what cannot be banned.

What are the features of development boards

It is in order to “legitimize” that developing boards, busy boards, are created. They help develop fine motor skills, logic, will stimulate the development of new tactile sensations and the thought process.

Interesting. The developmental board with locks was first proposed Maria Montessori- not only as a way to keep the baby busy, but also as a guide to the development of important everyday skills, imagination and intelligence. The Montessori method, which states that the child develops best during the game, is still popular.

Shop development board for a child.
At the end of the article, see where you can order such toys.

You can add latches and keys, locks and latches, pictures and fabrics to the board, decorate it with photos and inscriptions, create "replacement kits" on one base so that your baby does not get tired of the toy for a long time.

It is believed that the development board is optimal for classes with a baby aged 10 months to two years, and the most complex designs can be used up to 5 years - it all depends on what will be on them.

As a basis - ordinary plywood

By the way, exercises with a development board are both finger gymnastics and the mental development of a baby. It usually includes:

  • switches;
  • locks with keys;
  • latches and latches;
  • flashlights and handsets, disks;
  • hooks;
  • abacus;
  • door chains;
  • beads;
  • fabric shreds;
  • pictures with numbers or animals.

Advice. To create a development board, you can use anything - something that will rotate, click, move and glow. You will bring everything that is of interest in the apartment to one compact surface, and this will interest you and protect the baby from the unpleasant consequences of “free exploration”.

How to make a traditional rigid structure

For a development board, you will need a piece of plywood or wood, but plastic, hardboard, cardboard are also suitable. As for the dimensions, they are chosen depending on the availability of free space.

Board board can be made independently

Information. The most compact development boards are small modules of 50x50 cm format, and for grandiose ideas, you can use a base up to 1.7 meters wide.

You can involve the whole family in creating a developmental board for a baby - dad will think over safe and practical fasteners, mom will take care of the design, older children can offer “filling”. By the way, to create a development board, you don’t even have to go to the store - for sure, all the necessary elements can be found in the pantries and on the mezzanines.

If you don’t have suitable “treasures” at home, then you can turn to grandparents, because they usually keep old things that can be used properly.

Attached to a homemade development board:

  • bolts, bolts, latches, latches, hooks and padlocks (by the way, locks from mailboxes are easiest to open with children's fingers);
  • switches and buttons - they can just click, or they can turn on something - for example, small light bulbs from an old flashlight;
  • door chains, eyelets, hooks;
  • all kinds of toggle switches;
  • socket and plug (naturally, not connected to electricity);
  • a battery-powered doorbell (choose the signal “for yourself”, because you will have to listen to it very often);
  • panels with buttons - for example, from an old remote control;
  • coils and laces - with their help you can create interesting laces;
  • zippers and buttons;
  • clock faces;
  • rotary switches.

Before you make a development board, you need to find a suitable basis - the more various elements there are on the board, the more interesting the toy will be for the baby.

However, do not forget to take into account the availability of free space, because the toy will need to be attached somewhere, and it can be inconvenient to do this with a bulky design.

Think over the arrangement of the elements, make pockets and doors, and then proceed to the design stage. To decorate the development board, multi-colored fabrics, different to the touch, as well as colored cardboard, are suitable. You can use pictures with animals, numbers and letters.

You can hide cute pictures with cute animals, flowers, numbers behind Velcro windows - and not only open / close, search and twist, but also learn along the way the count, animal names, their habitats, primary colors and so on.

It is important that the child will not lose interest in a thoughtful development board for a very long time, and even if this happens, you can always come up with a different design.

Using a developing board will help you keep your baby busy for a long time - he will play with pleasure, each time doing the necessary exercises for his fingers, and learn about the objective world.

And parents will be able to participate in the game or leave the baby alone with their new “field of activity”.

We make a development board on our own

I will describe my experience in creating a development board. After browsing the Internet for photos of board layout options, I went to a construction hypermarket to select and purchase elements. I didn’t have a plan - which elements I will mount.

As a base, I chose a wooden furniture board measuring 80 by 60 cm. It is easier to process than plywood. And a small board 6.5 cm wide. Because I wanted to make not just a “flat board”, but a three-dimensional one, so that something could be folded inside the opening niches. The remnants of the laminate fit perfectly as doors and back panels.

Bought the following from the store:

  • Small loops (4 cm) - 4 pcs.
  • Different handles for doors - 4 pcs.
  • Standard and small latches - only 2 pcs.
  • Constipation in the form of a hook.
  • Constipation in the form of a chain.
  • Small bright lock with keys.
  • Corner eyes for a lock and for attaching the entire structure to something - 4 pcs.
  • Chain for attaching keys to the board - 1 m.
  • Pad on the keyhole (I had the key to the old door).
  • Locking revolver for an interroom door.
  • Small magnets for fixing doors - 4 pcs.
  • Block of switches with socket.
  • A small lamp with a diameter of about 6 cm on batteries (price 100 rubles).
  • Doorbell with a button on batteries (price 100 rubles)
  • Steel corners for fastening the frame
  • Self-tapping screws.

I asked my friends for an old phone. I decided not to use the handset, only the disk for dialing.

From tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • cordless screwdriver;
  • nippers to shorten the screws.

Stages of work:

  1. I cut a board for the sidewalls and for the "shelves" inside. I processed them and the furniture board with sandpaper.
  2. Outlined the placement of elements. I drew where the doors and openings of the telephone disk, switches, and keys would be.
  3. Drilled holes with a drill. For doors, two diagonally are enough.
  4. With an electric jigsaw, I sawed out “windows for doors” and holes for inserting a telephone disk and switches. Sanded the edges
  5. I attached the boards to the shield with corners on self-tapping screws.
  6. The hinges had to be attached to the laminate strips so that they were in the same plane with the doors.
  7. I screwed magnets on the side of the “windows”, and metal plates to the doors to fix them in the closed state.
  8. We fasten bolts and latches on self-tapping screws.
  9. Call elements can be hidden inside the box, and only a button can be displayed on the front panel.
  10. The lamp is glued on.
  11. The back side was covered with laminate panels, fastened with self-tapping screws.
  12. I made a carrying handle on top and corners with eyelets on the sides for attaching the entire structure to the chest of drawers.

It took 2 days to create such a toy (Saturday and Sunday). The kid is 1.5 years old - he is very happy. He likes to put things in there and then take them out 😉

I also want to stick different bright pictures with cars, animals, etc.

Soft fabric options

If you are creating a game panel for a very small child, then it is better to make it soft. It will be similar to a developing mat, only in a slightly different format.

Use an old pillow or thick fabric stretched over the frame as a base.

The game elements in this case include: ribbons, buttons - very different in shape, colors and method of fixing, loops and hooks, Velcro, pockets, applications and patterns, curtain rings and laces, small toys, rattles.

Everything that you see fit should be securely sewn to the base. The brightest elements can be hidden behind fabric doors, and toys tied with braid can be settled in pockets. You can make lacing, abacus from rings - everything is limited only by your imagination.

Safety rules for using the toy

Even if the baby will always play under supervision, the toy must be completely safe. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  1. The board must be fixed rigidly - to the wall, to the floor, to the furniture, so that the child cannot move and drop it. Follow this rule - and you will have some time for yourself while your baby plays enthusiastically.
  2. You can use any material as a base - from plywood to an old cabinet door, but be sure to check for splinters around the perimeter and on the front.
  3. If there are sharp corners or “problem”, traumatic places on the surface, it is better to beat them with something soft to prevent bumps.
  4. Do not forget that small fingers are very tenacious, and they can easily unscrew some small detail and put it in your mouth. Check the reliability of the fasteners carefully and several times.
  5. All removable elements - keys, locks - are best fixed on laces or chains.
  6. If your development board will have luminous or other electrical elements, then power them from batteries, not from the mains.

Where to buy a development board

  • Internet studio of unique things "Brenderia" - prices from 1000 rubles. for Busyboard mini up to 10,000 for huge boards with many elements.
  • Online store "Razvivayka" - prices from 1000 rubles. for a rag game with “Dress” fasteners up to 3000 rubles. for a dollhouse for children from 2 years old.
  • We “make to order” boards according to the method of Maria Montessori - prices from 2900 for a board measuring 50 × 60 cm and a development board “Dress it up” for 3500 rubles.
  • "Tales of the forest" - the price for the game-tablet LATCHES 42x30 cm. 2000 rubles. Watch the video review of this board below.

When the baby learns to crawl and walk, he begins to actively study household items - inspect them, feel them and even try on the tooth.

To ensure the safety of the child at the stage of learning about the world around him, it is worth buying a business board - an educational toy with a large number of various small elements that are firmly attached to the base. Buttons, locks, bells and laces allow you to take a little fidget for a long time and profitably.

Developing boards are made in accordance with the method of education of Maria Montessori and are recommended for children from 8-9 months to 3-4 years and older.

5 reasons to buy a business board

Parents choose bizidoski because:

  1. This is one of the most convenient bodyboard formats - the board can be attached to a wall or bed. At the same time, it takes up minimal space in the children's room.
  2. You can adjust the height of the board from the floor so that it is convenient for the baby to play both at 10 months and at 3 years.
  3. Mobility and lightness allows you to take this game on a trip or visit.
  4. Due to the variety of elements attached to the base, the business dosk replaces 10-12 ordinary toys and does not bother the baby for a long time.
  5. When examining details, logic and fine motor skills develop.

Signs of a quality bizidoski

To purchase a safe, durable and interesting business board, pay attention to the following points:

  • the model must be made from natural materials, the use of non-toxic water-based paints is acceptable as a coating;
  • each element must fulfill its real function, otherwise they will develop only sensory, and not logic and understanding of cause-and-effect relationships;
  • the design of the game should be thought out in such a way that the details are evenly distributed on the base - without crowding and white spots.

Why do kids and parents love this toy?

A good business board for children has been relevant for several years:

  • kids just touch the details and test them for strength, developing fine motor skills and sensory skills;
  • older children open and close zippers, unzip and fasten zippers, tie shoelaces - that is, they acquire new skills and become more diligent.

And most importantly, the development board gives parents minutes and even hours of free time, because for a long time it captivates the baby with research on numerous elements.

Among the various methods for the safe knowledge of the world by children, developing boards give adults a wide scope for imagination. Their examples can be factory options or do-it-yourself analogues presented on the network in the photo, taking into account the age and gender of the kids.

What is a busy board

Literally translated from English, “busy board” (business board) means “a board to take”. This device is a small surface on which various small objects are collected, which were previously avoided to allow children.

The idea of ​​introducing kids to understanding the essence of things through tactile sensations belongs to the Italian teacher Maria Montessori.

She suggested placing improvised household items on the stand and allowing children to explore the principle of operation of the once forbidden things. This allows you to achieve 2 goals at once: to distract the child from useless activities and stimulate his intelligence, logic using the game method.

Do-it-yourself educational boards for children show that it is quite possible to make them at home from improvised materials.

At the same time, it is possible to take into account the interest of a boy or girl in certain household items at different stages of development. There is the freedom to choose a design that appeals to the preferences of a particular child. As it grows, the dynamics of interest will quite realistically change the stand's exposure.

And the efficiency of a hand-made business board for the comprehensive development of a child will significantly exceed the time and material costs.

The benefits of a development board for a child

The attractiveness of knowing the world through ordinary things according to the Montessori method lies in the flexibility of approaches based on the age and needs of the child. Under optimal conditions, he acquires knowledge in the process of satisfying natural curiosity. In addition, the business board excludes injuries, breakage of things and provides an opportunity to independently explore the world around it.

Along with a safe introduction to everyday objects, the busy board allows you to develop essential skills in a natural way, such as:

  • fine motor skills as a result of the complete freedom of obtaining tactile sensations from the movement of chains, zippers, latches, etc. After all, even the most unpretentious board allows you to feel different objects with not quite skillful hands and fingers;
  • coordination of movements due to "work" with different laces, latches, door chains, etc .;
  • the development of spatial-figurative thinking, since the novelty of sensations stimulates brain activity;
  • concentration of attention, the formation of perseverance, patience while keeping attention on individual objects with repeated performance of various movements;
  • development of the logic of changing certain features of objects during the implementation of various actions. Even the simplest devices (locks, hecks, etc.) allow you to independently understand the principles of their operation;
  • knowledge of the world around in color, digital, alphabetic aspects, as well as the ability to independently move the parts placed on the sensory stand;
  • the positive impact of the impressions received on the intellectual development of the child;

It is important to note that this fascinating lesson of learning the essence of ordinary things keeps the child's attention for a long time.

Above all, this happens without the pressure of adults, accompanied by boring explanations about the purpose of this or that subject. This is a kind of self-learning the rules for using elementary things, expanding your understanding of the world around you.

What are development boards

To make a do-it-yourself developing board for children, the so-called. game board, you can use any solid base. As shown in the photo, objects that move, close, open, spin, and glow are fixed on it.

The business board allows you to collect even forbidden items in one place, the functionality of which the baby can study without risking his health. Arbitrary additions in the form of stickers, pictures, etc. are allowed here.

Depending on the base material, there are 2 types of busy board:

  1. fabric(soft) business board is a kind of rug or pillow formed from a frame covered with dense textiles, felt. With the help of Velcro, various elements of fabric, environmentally friendly plastic, rubber are attached. Colored patches of fabric of different textures are also glued or sewn here. This "range" allows kids to develop sensory abilities, learn and remember shapes / colors, compare sizes. This type of business board is relevant for six-month-old children.
  2. Hard the business board is made of wood, plywood, thick cardboard (size from 50x50 cm and more). Taking into account the age of the child, the stand can be filled with more "adult" items. They can be latches, latches, tumblers, working door locks, watch dials, flashlights, telephone disks, etc. Such a “development” will be interesting for kids from 8 months to 1.5 years. And with interchangeable, multi-level filling, it will not lose relevance even for a 5-year-old child.

Developing boards for children of both types can have various shapes and sizes. In most cases, standard rectangles are made. And as you can see from the photo, the stands made by oneself, thanks to the imagination of the parents, take the form of houses, trains, cubes, hexagons, circles, etc.

When determining the size, one should take into account the need to create conditions of comfort, the child's accessibility to things throughout the playing field. An equally important aspect is the safety of these gaming touch stands.

To this end, when preparing for their creation, attention should be paid to the features of all components, namely:

  • the material for the base is selected based on the age of the child. For babies under 1 year old, soft tissues are used; older children prefer wooden structures without sharp corners;
  • filling with objects should eliminate the risk of injury, the presence of threads, take into account age-related needs;
  • the strength of the materials of all parts, the environmental reliability of their color, the reliability of fastening.

Tools and materials for a homemade business board

Before you start making your own business board, you need to ensure that you have the necessary tools, materials for the base, parts for filling it.

Tools for work:

Base materials:

  • board, plywood, chipboard, plastic (at least 1 cm thick);
  • electric saw / drill, jigsaw;
  • nails, screws, self-tapping screws;
  • joiner's glue;
  • markers, pens, pencils;
  • clear varnish, paint (environmentally friendly).

Sewing accessories:

  • dense fabric, oilcloth, foil of different colors and textures (separate pieces);
  • laces, ribbons, ropes (so that you can tie bows, knots out of them);
  • buttons, large beads, wooden abacus for sorting them with fingers;
  • thread spools;
  • tractor-type zippers that can complement the pattern, for example, with crocodile teeth, etc.

Furniture and construction fittings:

  • locks (padlocks, postal);
  • objects that can be opened / closed, latched, pushed in (bolts, latches, latches, latches, latches);
  • hooks, door chains with fasteners and other devices that can cling to something;
  • wheels, gears, balls demonstrating movement;
  • massage, building rollers.

Plywood blanks:

Along with the use of plywood for the manufacture of the base board, you can find a place for it when decorating the stand itself. Various figures, designation of road signs, etc. can be made from it. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the roughness of the material along the edges of the products.

Bells, lights, switches:

What toys and items can be included in a business board

Developing boards for children when making do-it-yourself photos can be filled with other improvised items, toys. They can be equipped with spare parts for furniture, equipment and other little things that are waiting in the wings on the mezzanine. It is enough to organically combine them with other elements that have a special purpose for different age categories.

Among them may be:

  • sorters- toys that have a base with holes and a set of insert parts of different sizes, colors, shapes. Familiar to all pyramids, nesting dolls have been enriched with different shapes: circles, squares, cubes, balls, crosses, triangles, etc. Thanks to this variety, you can find a suitable option for use in a development board by children of different ages;
  • TV remotes, placed on the stand, allow you to distract the child's attention from the originals and understand the essence of their action in the process of the main application;
  • wooden abacus, strung on a piece of an old cornice / strong rope, metal / plastic rings, beads. In the process of moving these objects from side to side, the baby will learn to count in a playful way;
  • calculators complement the idea of ​​different variants of arithmetic solutions. In this, as in the previous case, it is important to teach the baby to understand the purpose of these items;
  • bright pictures with the image of letters, numbers, animals, fruits will be not only a great addition, but also a functional decoration of the stand.

This list can be supplemented with other items. After all, he, as well as the design of the business board, depends on the age interests, needs of the baby; rampage of imagination of the creators of the stand.

We make a development board with our own hands

Regardless of the choice of a hard or soft base for a business board, the start of work involves the following general processes:

  1. Making a sketch based on the selected shape, size of the structure.
  2. Selection of material and details for decoration
  3. Approximate arrangement of elements on the sketch with tracing their contours

Fabric board step by step instructions


  1. Making a frame for the selected shape when making a product sketch: a rug, a ball, a house, a cube, a pillow, a house with birds and much more. An old pillow can be used here, or a plank shape suitable for the plan, plywood, environmentally friendly plastic. In the latter cases, the workpiece is filled with padding polyester and covered with a dense fabric (cotton, denim, harmless synthetics).
  2. Preparing details. These can be various rattles / bells in pockets, bows, ribbons, colorful applications, colored buttons of different sizes and shapes, non-rigid zippers, eyelets, hooks. Fabric bags filled with peas, buckwheat, flour, sand, etc. are also suitable.
  3. Fixation of developing parts-toys in accordance with the plot of the business board. It is carried out with the help of a needle, strong threads, glue, Velcro and caring hands of adults.

Wooden board step by step instructions


Stand designs for girls and boys are made from the same materials.

Their difference lies in the selection of parts for their filling. Babies up to 3 years old can make educational boards of a universal nature, which will suit any gender. But decorating a business board for older children requires taking into account the emerging interests, needs of boys and girls.

Features of a business board for boys

Do-it-yourself educational boards for children, as in the photo, are suitable for boys of different ages.

One of the nuances of business boards for boys is a set of elements in the form of nuts, screws, wheels, dials, car steering wheels. Children are especially fascinated by models with buttons that make different sounds. A busy board in the form of a car, ship, steam locomotive, rocket, etc. is suitable here.

You can choose images of your favorite astronauts, soldiers, super-heroes from cartoons and feature films that are consonant with the interests of the kids. A cooler color palette (silver, blue) is suitable for decoration.

Features of a business board for girls

Homemade business board for girls can be abundantly decorated with images of their favorite animals, cartoon characters (fairies, sorceresses, elves). Multi-colored elements of clothing (zippers, buttons, laces, ribbons, etc.) will also be appropriate here. When decorating, it is advisable to use their favorite stickers and colorful details.

In design, preference is given to light, warm, saturated tones.

It can be pink, cream, gold, orange, red colors and their shades. At the same time, fans of gender freedom have the right to use various colors of its base and decor for the busy board.

Ideas for decoration

Along with the designated forms and their content, you can use other ideas that were born not only by manufacturers, but also by numerous parents. The smallest explorers of the world will be captivated by body boards in the form of the sun, glued / painted trees and flowers.

And it can also be a dollhouse with multi-colored windows / secret doors, behind which a family of animals is located (mom, dad, kids, etc.). One of the entertaining options for a child under 3 years old will be a board equipped with magnets depicting letters, numbers, different figures of people, birds, animals. It can be placed both on the floor and on the wall, table.

Older guys respond more actively to thematic boards.

Ordinary colored plastic covers in the form of traffic lights, painted symbols for street crossings, etc. will help to comprehend the rules of safe traffic. For them, you can turn an ordinary board into a pirate ship, a mysterious starry sky or water depths with unprecedented inhabitants.

And it can also become a spaceship with a "control panel" in the form of various toggle switches placed on the panel. Boys and girls react touchingly to the opening of niches/boxes with family photographs placed there.

Do-it-yourself photo ideas for making various educational boards for children of different ages, presented on the net, can suggest other original solutions. To implement them, you only need the desire of adults to show imagination and spend a little time.

The hand-made creation of a business board is also an opportunity to combine the efforts of the whole family. After all, here the efforts of the father are made when performing carpentry work, the creativity of the mother who knows the needs of the baby, brothers and sisters in the selection of toys. The result of joint creation will be the direction of children's energy in a constructive direction.

Video how to make do-it-yourself educational boards for children, photo

How to assemble a business board with your own hands, find out in the video clip:

We make a development board for a child:

When your baby grows, becomes more inquisitive, then you more and more often stop his attempts to play with switches, keys, all kinds of chains and locks, or what is much worse - sockets, wires, gas stove handles. It was in order to protect him from danger and at the same time allow him to press, turn on, close and open what he wants, and development boards for children were developed, which you can easily do with your own hands after reading our article and the photos presented in it the most successful crafts.

Such devices are also called Busyboards, which translates as "boards for classes." They were invented and used for the first time in 1907 by the Italian teacher Maria. She was convinced that adults should not teach the child, but provide him with everything he needs for independent study of the world around him. And in order for such knowledge to be safe, a special developmental module was developed for her. In her opinion, such a “smart” board allows the baby to quickly learn how to handle all kinds of objects in the house and understand the principle of their work. And the sooner the child masters such knowledge, the less dangers will lie in wait for him on the path of life.

The benefits of developing boards for children

The name of such devices for kids speaks for itself. But not all adults are aware of what such “development” is. It turns out that, in addition to the child has access to objects, which interested him so much, but were previously banned, his own study of such “smart” toys allows:

  • Develop fine motor skills. A lot of small items are attached to the Busyboard, the principle of operation of which is based on the painstaking work of the baby's fingers. Despite the fact that at first it will be difficult for him to repeat exactly all the actions that are so easily obtained by adults, through trial and error, he will certainly sooner or later master them on his own;
  • Instill perseverance in your child. With a developing panel, on which everything that was previously forbidden to be touched by the baby will be fixed, he will be happy to play much longer than with his favorite toys;
  • Teach your child to distinguish colors. To do this, it is necessary to make the development board colorful, diluting the discreet colors of household items with attached colored ribbons, bright lightning, shiny beads;
  • Help the child to understand the essence of cause and effect relationships. The kid in the process of playing with the Busyboard will definitely note that you must first press the door handle and then turn it or, for example, to move the door latch, you must first lift it;
  • Develop your child's imagination and fantasy. When the baby learns the principle of operation of all the items attached to the development panel, he will begin to look for new uses for them. For example, tie other objects to the laces or choose holes suitable for the key.

In addition, Busyboard improve baby's coordination and also teach him to find a way out of any situation. In addition, unlike toys, he does not take up much space.

What items are better to use to fill the Bodyboard

The developing module should be as interesting as possible for the child, therefore, the more various items on it, the better. Yes, on it can be placed:

  • Toy abacus;
  • Suckers on strings;
  • Lightning from clothes;
  • Bell;
  • door handle;
  • Calculator;
  • Faucet valve;
  • Socket with plug;
  • telephone disk;
  • Light switch;
  • Buttons;
  • Door chains, latches, hecks;
  • Clock hands;
  • Lock and matching key;
  • measuring tape;
  • Battery doorbell;
  • Small computer keyboard;
  • Compass;
  • Bicycle bell;
  • Faucet valve;
  • Whistle;
  • Wheel from furniture;
  • Small shoe with laces;
  • Doll clothes with rivets, Velcro, buttons;
  • Numbers;
  • Plastic mirror;
  • pimply film;
  • housekeeper;
  • Wallet;
  • Beads;
  • Scraps of different fabrics;
  • colored ribbons;
  • Hanger hooks;
  • Rotating tumblers.

As you have already noticed, finding suitable items for the development board is easy. After all, in almost every house there are things that are broken or left after repair, the details of which can finally come in handy.

The process of making a development board

Knowing what items should be present on the Busyboard, making it yourself is quite easy. First of all, you need to choose the right foundation. Best to use plywood, but if not, then any other available material, such as plastic, hardboard or thick cardboard. The size of the developing module can be any. You need to proceed from where you plan to place it.

Important! If you use a wooden base for the developmental module, its surface must be well sanded so that the child does not get hurt.

When items suitable for placement on the Bizboard are collected, they are placed on it in any order. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is convenient to play with fixed objects, and they do not interfere with the functioning of each other. light details on the developing module can be fixed with glue, heavy- fasten with screws or nail.

At the stage of attaching the selected items, they should decorate beautifully so that the baby understands what to relate to and can draw a logical parallel between them. For example, when placing a telephone disk, draw or cut out the device itself from colored paper, the dial - complement it with colorful clocks and so on with all objects.

Where to place the finished Busyboard? Based on its size. If it turned out to be large and massive - fix it on the wall, compact and lightweight, you can put it on the floor, place it on a high chair or on a specially made convenient stand.

Now you know how to make colorful educational boards for children with your own hands, and our tips and photos will help you arrange them correctly so that they are useful and interesting.

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