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Paper soccer ball scheme. How to make a paper soccer ball

Olga Denisova

I love watching it.

Really like "get sick".

And scream all together: "Goal!".

Best game (Football)

Saransk is the capital of the Republic of Mordovia and its largest city. In it, as well as in other ten cities of Russia in June 2018, matches of the World Championship in football. It is not by chance that Saransk was included in the list of cities where the matches of the 2018 World Cup will take place. football. This city has a very rich sports history.

Many Olympic champions in a wide variety of sports come from here, including artistic gymnastics, race walking and so on.

Volume ball from paper will be a great decoration for the room of the young soccer player or soccer player. He looks so much like the real one soccer ball. The admiration of friends is guaranteed.

To make our ball, you need a little patience, dense white paper(6 sheets) and 3 orange sheets, you can take another color, PVA glue, pencil, ruler, template cardboard.

Cut out templates from cardboard.

transfer to paper, leaving 1 cm on each side for bending.

For our football ball needs 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. (the number of parts can be reduced, then the templates should be smaller in size)

When all the details are made, we proceed to assemble our ball. You will need some patience and time.

Our ball turned out like a real one, even the same size.

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Paper is a versatile craft material. From it you can create not only flat applications, but also voluminous objects. It will be useful for those interested to learn how to make a soccer ball out of paper with their own hands.


To create a three-dimensional copy of a soccer ball, you will need:

  • paper squares (15x15) in black and white;
  • scissors.

The elements of the soccer ball will be multi-colored pentagons and hexagons.

Forming blanks

White hexagons will need 20 pieces. To form one workpiece, it is necessary to perform several sequential manipulations. Then you should cut five sheets into two parts along to get 10 rectangles. Each of them needs to be bent in half in length and smoothed well. A clearly visible fold line should form. The rectangle needs to be unfolded and put with the front side away from you. The upper left corner of the paper must be folded to the center fold line. The rest on the right side should be bent onto the front of the resulting triangle.

The next step is to unfold what you have and cut out two triangles. The three vertices of each triangle must be bent to the central part. Everything - the white hexagon is ready. Similarly, you need to do with all the other rectangles.

Black pentagons will need 12 pieces. Rectangles will become the basic element for their manufacture. Black squares of paper must be cut into two rectangles. Each of them must be divided into three parts.

Next, each rectangle should be bent in half and dotted. Along this line, you need to bend the parts so that a pocket is formed in the center. It is required to direct the upper part of the base figure into it. The final step is to bend all the corners in turn and fold them in half.

Assembling the ball structure

The design is assembled according to this principle: five white ones are attached to one black element. The latter must be interconnected. The only exceptions are the first and fifth modules, the edges of which remain free. They are used to fix with the next black module. It must always be in the center. Following a clear sequence, you can collect the ball. To stabilize the structure, the elements must be attached to each other with glue.

An alternative option to make the ball more reliable and stable is to use adhesive tape. It must be fixed from the wrong side of the structure. This must be done with extreme caution so that clear dividing lines between the white and black modules are preserved.

We all want to sometimes please our children or beloved pets with a new soft toy, but such cute trifles are expensive, and the quality of the material and workmanship sometimes leaves much to be desired. Therefore, we propose to make a soft ball for children on our own, especially since it is not at all difficult. Anyone who at least once held a needle and thread or knitting needles in their hands will cope with this.

Why a soft ball? This is a toy loved by many since childhood. The ball game is always relevant. She never gets bored. As you grow older, you can play with the ball in different ways! For example, you can hang balls over the cradle and the baby will look at them (develop color perception), feel (develop fine motor skills of fingers). When the child starts walking, you can kick, throw, push, catch the ball (learn to coordinate movements, develop muscles). When the baby starts talking - play words ("edible - inedible") and many other cognitive games. Even pets will enjoy playing ball. With such a toy, you can not be afraid to break windows while playing in the apartment. Plus, it can be easily washed in the machine. How to make a ball? Yes, very simple.
In order to sew a soft ball, you need very simple materials and tools.


  • Threads
  • Pieces of cloth
  • Paper.


  • Needle
  • Pencil
  • Ruler.
To sew a ball for children, similar to a football, you need to draw an equilateral hexagon and a pentagon on paper - these will be patterns. The parameters of the squares will depend on the size of the ball. If the side of the figure is 2 cm, a ball with a diameter of about 10 cm comes out.

Now, according to these patterns, we draw (taking into account a 1 cm seam allowance if you sew the parts on the machine) the details of our ball - 20 hexagons on a fabric of one color and 12 pentagons on a fabric of a different color (it is better to take contrasting colors). You can sew a completely multi-colored or plain ball, but then it will not look like a football!

Then we sew a hexagon to the same pentagon on each side.

It will turn out one hemisphere of our ball.

When both halves are ready, we sew them together, leaving a small hole to turn inside out and fill the ball.
When everything is ready, you need to fill the ball with some kind of filler (cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, scraps of rags, threads). If the toy is intended for an infant or pet, you can stuff it with rustling plastic bags. You can also make a ball with a rattle. To do this, you need to take a container from a chocolate egg or a package from shoe covers, put a few beads or peas there, close it tightly and place it inside the ball.

Make the last seam and that's it - the ball is ready! You can play!

soft pentagon ball

How to make a ball that does not look like a football? It is sewn in the same way as the previous one, only in paragraph 2 you need to draw 12 pentagons. With a side of the figure of 5 cm, a ball with a diameter of about 15 cm comes out.

Here it is desirable to use four or more colors, alternating them with each other.


In the same way, you can sew not only balls. For example, you can make a square pattern and sew "crumbs", which are very expensive in the store!
But if you don’t know how at all or just don’t like to sew, you can knit the ball.

Crochet a ball

Accordingly, it is possible to connect both a football-like ball and a ball consisting of pentagons. The process will be practically no different from that described above. Only in paragraph 2 will you need to tie the details of the ball.
Further on the description of the ball, similar to a football.
You can crochet the ball with one cloth. To do this, you need to dial a chain of 3 air loops, connect them in a circle, then knit in a spiral.
1st row - knit 2 single crochets in each loop of the previous row.
2nd row - knit 1 single crochet into the single crochet of the previous row, knit 2 single crochets into the next column of the previous row *. Then repeat from * to *. Knit like this until the middle of the ball.
Middle row - do not add, knit as many loops as there are.
Next comes the reduction. First * knit 1 single crochet into the single crochet of the previous row, following through one column of the previous row *, then repeat from * to -.
Remember to leave a small hole to fill the ball and continue knitting.
If you knit only 3 rows of addition and 3 decreases in this way, you will get a small crochet ball or beads. Tie a few balls, string them on a string - and the original decoration is ready. Such beads can decorate any fashionista, and a baby can play with them while feeding!

soft ball on knitting needles

For work you will need:

  • Any yarn
  • Knitting needles (recommended needle size is usually indicated on the yarn packaging)
  • Needle.
In order to tie the ball, you need to dial 25 loops. If you decide to take yarn of several colors, alternate the threads in random order.

Knitting pattern:

1st row: 25 facial loops.
2nd row: from the first loop, knit 2 purl, then knit with purl loops to the end of the row, knit the last two loops together. It will turn out like this:

3rd-60th row: repeat 1st-2nd row.
Sew top and bottom. Then collect one end on the thread and pull it off. Hit the ball. Collect the remaining edge on the thread and pull it off.
This ball will have a ribbed surface. If you fill it with peas, you will get an excellent simulator for the development of fine motor skills of a child's fingers or an anti-stress ball for adults. However, you should not wash such a ball, especially in hot water!
This article does not describe all the ways to create a ball, as there are a lot of them. Try, experiment, and you will find an option that is right for you!

A voluminous paper ball will be an excellent decoration for a young football player's room. After all, it looks so much like a real soccer ball. The admiration of friends is guaranteed. And if this ball is also made independently, then all the more, authority is provided. How to make this interesting, wonderful craft? In our article, we will offer you several ways to make a paper ball. Of course, we will not be able to describe in detail all the manufacturing methods, and therefore we will focus on one, but the most, in our opinion, optimal. A ball made using this method is more durable than other options for making a paper ball. You can familiarize yourself with other, no less interesting types of making a paper ball in the video supplements to our article, and, based on this, choose the best way for yourself.

Making a paper ball

To make a soccer ball out of paper with your own hands, you will need five square sheets of thick white paper and two square sheets of colored paper, adhesive tape, a ruler, and a pencil. Sheets of paper should be the same size and density.

Segment modules white

First, we make white modules.

We take white sheets of paper, and, folding them in half, cut along the fold line. We get ten rectangles.

We take one rectangle.

Fold this rectangle in half lengthwise.

Bend one corner of the rectangle so that its top touches the fold line.

We bend the left side of the rectangle, forming a corner at the bottom, combine the lower part of the rectangle with the fold line.

We turn the workpiece over to the other side and bend the left side of the craft to the right along the edge of the triangle (in the place indicated by the pointer), which turned out on the workpiece.

It turns out like this.

We cut them out. Throw away the cut edges of the rectangle, and put the triangles aside. In a similar way, you need to cut triangles from the remaining squares. We will have twenty triangles.

We take a paper triangle.

We bend the top of the triangle to its base so that it touches it.

Then fold again, in the opposite direction, so that one of the sides leading to the top is parallel to the fold line.

Then, from the corner of the new descending top, draw a dotted line, as shown in the photo.

Bend the corner along the dotted line.

Fold the outer part of the corner in half, aligning the borders with the side of the fold.

We draw a dotted line and bend the remaining free part in half, focusing on the borders and folds of the previous parts of the triangle.

Then we bend it with the side leading to the top, parallel to the fold line.


In the middle of the workpiece, a "pocket" turned out.

We fill the "tail" of the triangle inward. We get such a figure.

We bend the corners of this figure to the center. The hexagonal segment of the paper soccer ball is ready.

Billet segments

We prepare the required number of white segments of a paper soccer ball in the manner described above.

Color modules-segments

Square sheet of colored paper

We take a square sheet of colored paper.

Fold in half, smoothing the fold line with your fingers.

With the help of a ruler and a pencil, we divide the sheet folded in half into three equal parts with lines.

We cut the blanks along the drawn lines and folds. Repeat the action for another sheet of colored paper. We get twelve identical rectangles.

Take one rectangle and fold it in half.

On the fragment folded in half, we draw a diagonal dotted line with a pencil and a ruler.

We bend the upper part of the workpiece along the dotted line.

We bend the protruding part of the rectangle, as in the photo above, combining with the fold line.

Bend the craft on the right side along the dotted line down. This way you will equalize both folds.

We lower the upper single triangle down and observe the protruding part of the workpiece on the left.

We bend it down, leveling the edges.

We turn the workpiece over so that at the top there are two leaves that are not connected to each other.

We bend the top sheet down, aligning the corners.

We turn the craft 180 degrees and fold the upper part in half, with the top to the fold line.

We unfold and fold again, but on the other side.

Hiding in the "pocket"

Expand the folded leaflet and hide its edge in the "pocket".

We get a kind of rhombus. We make marks along the fold lines.

We combine the right corner of the rhombus with the left label. We iron the fold line with our fingers until a stable fold border is formed.

We do the same from left to right.

It turns out here is such a figure.

We remove the bottom corner inside the "pocket". We get such a triangle. We outline the fold lines, combining the two lower vertices with the marks.

We combine the right corner with the label. Left lower down to the fold. The pentagonal segment-module is ready.

According to the method described above, we produce the required number of segment modules.

Assembling a ball from segment modules


We take multi-colored segments and begin to collect them like a mosaic, sticking into each other. You should start by sticking a white module into a color one. The color module should be in the center, surrounded by white modules.

Around one color module there should be five white modules fastened together. Only the first and fifth white modules will be loose. They must be fastened together using the next color module.

Bonding happens like this.

When assembling the modules, lay the craft so that the tops of the pentagons are at the top, and their wings "look" in different directions. This is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the assembly of the modules may fail, and you will not be able to assemble the ball. During the assembly process, follow the original principle. Fasten the white segments around the colored one, and fasten the first and fifth white segments in turn with the colored ones.

To prevent the modules from falling out of each other, it is necessary to glue the craft from the inside with adhesive tape. The most difficult thing in this situation is to finish the craft. Attach the modules carefully. The last modules can be fixed with adhesive tape on the outside (in small pieces) to give the craft strength. The ball is ready. How wonderful it turned out, you can see in the photo at the beginning of the article.

How to make a paper ball / video /

How to make a paper ball

DIY craft

Modular origami - ball

Volume ball made of paper

paper ball


Despite the apparent complexity of manufacturing, with the acquisition of the necessary skills, the manufacture of such a pretty ball will take no more than 15-20 minutes. The material for manufacturing, as you can see, is the most budgetary, and the result and emotions are priceless. Your child will definitely like such a ball, and the minutes when you collected it together will surely become vivid episodes of nostalgic memories when your child grows up.

There are a lot of kindergarten teachers and heads of art circles among my readers, in this regard, I occasionally publish posts with crafts with and for children.

By the way, I would like to recommend to all parents a very good children's studio "Teremok", which has been operating for two years and has established itself as one of the best studios in educational work with children. The children's studio "Teremok" will help your child find a common language in communicating with peers, develop respect for elders, entertain by arranging holidays and competitions, and much, much more. It is very necessary for children, from a very early age, to instill a love of creativity. This develops curiosity in them, broadens their horizons, instills a love of work. The studio has a very good art circle for different types and genres of fine arts. You can learn more about the studio on the website -

And now, p I suggest you take the children and make polyhedrons of colored paper with them. This will not only captivate them, they will receive the first knowledge in mathematics. Below, under the cut, are five templates for some polygons that need to be printed and enlarged. Everything is very easy and simple, cut, bend and glue. Very beautiful garland, bright, cheerful and sunny)

You can make a mockup of a soccer ball. To do this, it is desirable to take paper - thicker.

In the attachment, a life-size ball template consists of eight pages.

The attachment:





Cut out templates and fold along dotted lines

VOILA. You can collect them on a string and make a mathematical garland)

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