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The main signs that a guy likes you. How to understand that a man or a guy likes you. How to understand that a guy likes you: key signs of sympathy

Do you want to know if a man likes you? Read the answer from his face. has prepared a master class in physiognomy for you.

Falling in love with a man, we girls usually lose our mind, intuition, common sense and the ability to reason logically.

“Does he like me?”, “Does he perceive me as a woman or just as a friend?”, “How does he feel about me?”, “What does he really need from me: just sex or a relationship?”. These questions torment, probably, all girls in love.

Fortunately, an interesting science comes to the rescue - physiognomy! With its help, as you know, you can learn to read the face.

psychologist-personologist, expert physiognomist Alisa Anisimova

Alisa Anisimova, an expert physiognomist, tells how to do this.

So: read the face, if he likes you.

The look of a man, as a rule, in the first moments of acquaintance, subconsciously focuses on those areas of a woman that are a priority for him.

During the first contact, his eyes still “jump” to the same places for moments.

What does physiognomy tell us about this?

It is important that we can use this analysis only when in contact with a man, since women use different criteria for assessing the interlocutor, and therefore look at other fix points.

Pay attention to his stand. How does he present himself?

According to physiognomy, if he stoops, it means that he will often “burden” you with his problems. In you, he wants to find a “listener”, “vest”, “tolerant interlocutor”.

If he sticks out his ass a little, this indicates that he is prone to boasting, which means that he will try to assert himself at your expense.

If your interlocutor is tense in the torso and tries to control himself (poses, words), then he is unsure of himself. Keep in mind: the way he communicates with you now is one thing, but later he can express himself completely differently (when he gets to know you better and relaxes).

If he jokes a lot and laughs at his jokes, it means that he considers himself smart and definitely witty. This indicates a somewhat inflated self-esteem and his tendency to show it.

Gesticulation is a kind of safety net for words. Most likely, such a person is very emotional.

If the interlocutor is silent, this is an indicator that he is hiding something. And the sullenness of a man should make you think that he is capable of force.

If a man very often bows his head, he is tormented by guilt for something.

Clubfooted men are distinguished by unscrupulousness, and sometimes even arrogance.

Hands on hips is often a favorite stand of ambitious and conflicted people.

And fidgetiness speaks of irascibility and impatience.

Physiognomy pays attention not only to the external signs of a person, but also to his voice. Therefore, learn to listen to the interlocutor!

Smooth speech in most cases is a sign of adequacy.

Fast speech speaks of the high dynamics of nervous processes, he is always in a hurry.

Accelerated speech is inherent in those who are afraid to seem "worse than they really are."

Slow speech indicates a desire to impress you with your intellect.

Affectionate speech is characteristic of people who want to seduce.

Cheerful speech is a demonstration of the ease of communication.

A person who is worried and unable to control himself speaks intermittently, as well as about the pathology of speech and the psyche.

Speech with obscenities speaks of the cultural level of a person, his social self-perception.

It's no secret that men and women have different perceptions. This is precisely the reason why it is sometimes so difficult for representatives of two different sexes to understand each other. Because of this, many troubles happen, for example, it may happen that a man has long loved a woman, but she simply does not see it. Or vice versa, a woman can take sociability and simple flirting as love.

All this leads to the need to begin to understand men. And today in this article we will talk about this important topic, and answer an important question: how to understand that a guy likes you?

We study the signs

To answer such a simple question: do you like me? Unfortunately, it is very difficult for men. And the girl herself, who respects herself, will not ask such a stupid question. In fact, a man does not always answer this question aloud. That is why a woman needs to learn to recognize a guy’s attitude by signs. Below are ten signs that indicate that the guy is not indifferent to you.

1. Timidity - in cases where a guy really likes a girl, a brave and determined guy becomes very timid. He behaves extremely restrained, ponders his words. During meetings, a guy in love can look away, “afraid” to meet his gaze with his beloved.

2. Concentration - a guy in love is completely absorbed in you and he will never use an opportunity to talk on the phone, communicate with another person, and the like. Indeed, for a person in love, you are important and he will do everything to find an extra couple of minutes to communicate with you.

3. The desire to hook - I think it's no secret to anyone that when a guy scoffs in moderation, this is a sure sign of sympathy. It's like at school, when the boys touched the girls' pigtails. If a girl and a guy know each other well and the guy has feelings for the girl, then he can “moderately” mock her, say barbs so that the girl has emotions. Look at his jokes about you. If a guy jokes only on you, and not on all your surroundings, friends, then this is a sign that the man liked you and he just expresses his sympathy.

A variation of this sign is that a guy may specifically show signs of attention to your girlfriend in order to make you feel jealous. Here, of course, the sense of proportion is again important, if this harmless flirting begins to go beyond the norm, then this is already a sign of the inadequacy of the guy or that he switched to your girlfriend.

4. Personal life - if a guy likes a girl, then he is interested in learning about her former relationship. All these questions about previous relationships are a sure sign that he is not indifferent to you.
But when a guy asks a girl how to behave with other girls in order to please them, this means one thing: he wants to use you as an instructor.

5. Evaluative look - a man who likes a girl does not hesitate to study her from head to toe. So if you catch a guy assessing you, then do not rush to get angry. Could this be a reason to rejoice?

6. Household issues - a guy in love with you will not leave you alone with a broken plumbing or a non-working gas stove. When a guy willingly agrees to help, makes purchases with you and tries to help you solve all domestic issues together, then this is a big hint of the seriousness of his intentions.

7. Dating parents - well, comments are useless here, since only those who actually love and want to build a serious relationship can take such a step.

8. Joint plans - when a guy loves a girl, he talks about a joint future. It can be both small plans: for example, go somewhere together on the weekend, or big plans about children, family, and the like. If a guy has such conversations with you, then be sure that you will have a long relationship.

9. Special gifts - if a guy gives a girl a valuable gift, such as a family heirloom, then this already says a lot about how he feels about the girl. After all, such gifts do not make the first comer.

10. Constant communication - dear girls, do not believe the excuses, as if there was no time, there was no opportunity, and the like. If a guy is really in love with a girl, then he will find time to write or call you.

These are the main signs that indicate a guy's love.

And if you just started chatting and can’t figure out if the guy likes you, then this can be easily understood by studying the correspondence. First of all, know that if a guy is really interested in you, then he will write to you a lot, he will be the first to enter into a dialogue, he will want to chat with you for hours. Meanwhile, the topics for communication will be very different: from jokes and simple jokes to compliments addressed to you.

How does an indifferent guy behave?

In order to understand whether a guy likes you, you need to analyze his behavior. First of all, you need to take into account the fact that if a guy is really not indifferent to a girl, then he tends to spend as much time with her as possible.

If this is an office romance, then the guy will be there all the time to help his chosen one in any way he can. He will do everything to talk with you at least for a few minutes, but you can be silent about the views. Since at work you will constantly catch his loving look at yourself.

If the boss is not indifferent to the girl, then he can sometimes ask the girl to stay after work on a variety of work pretexts. After that, the boss can give bonuses, days off, and then openly proceed to confessions.

And if you do not work together, but, say, you have mutual acquaintances, then his timidity can betray the guy's sympathy. Especially if the guy is shy by nature, then when he sees a girl he is not indifferent to, he starts to get nervous, many girls, not knowing about this subtlety, begin to think that something is wrong with the guy, in fact, everything is much simpler.

Another important point that can show a guy's feelings is his desire to touch you all the time. For example, his hand may "accidentally" touch your hand and he will not rush to withdraw his hand. Or the guy can hug you at any convenient occasion. In these cases, before coming to any conclusions, you need to take a closer look, all of a sudden these touches or hugs are the norm for a guy. If he does not behave this way with everyone, then this may be a sign that the guy is not indifferent to you.

Body language and feelings of a man

Anyone can deceive with words, but body language cannot be deceived, well, almost impossible. That is why, if the above signs are not enough for you and you still cannot understand whether the guy really likes you or not, then I suggest you take a closer look at the body language of your hero.

In fact, if you look closely at the guy's gestures, then everything becomes clear. So, gestures are conditionally divided into:

Open poses - if you like each other, then they do not hide in a conversation. So, let's look at how to recognize a guy in love by gestures. A guy in love will tilt his head towards his beloved, he will often straighten his tie, one leg will be in front, he can unbutton the top button of his shirt. If a guy likes you, he will look you straight in the eyes and his palms will be open.

Also pay attention to the toe of the guy's shoes. In the event that the sock is directed in your direction, then this also indicates that the guy is interested in you.

And if, while communicating with you, a guy shows a mirror image, repeating your own gestures, then this also indicates his sympathy for you.

Closed poses that indicate a guy's indifference to you include all poses that involve crossing your arms and diverting attention to other things or people. For example, when meeting, if you see that the guy crosses his arms in the castle, then this is a sure sign that he does not want to open up to you. If you see a man with intertwined fingers, then this means one thing: he does not want to talk with you. If he props his head up with his hand, then he is bored with you. If he plays with the strap on his watch, then he is in a hurry. This can also include a pose when the guy sits half-turned towards the exit.

As you can see, it is easy to understand by gestures whether a guy likes you or whether he is interested in you. However, even if at the first meeting he shows closed gestures, then all is not lost. After all, the attitude towards a person can change over time. And it may be that the young man simply does not trust strangers. So you have to try again, of course, if you want it and if you like the guy.

How to recognize love by speech

After studying the speech and communication of millions of lovers, the researchers came to the conclusion that even their speech exposes lovers. Which, in fact, is very different from ordinary speech. So, below we consider those features in speech that connect all lovers.

1. A man in love never raises his tone during a conversation.

2. They won't outbid their loved ones.

3. No guy in love will make fun of his girlfriend in the presence of others.

4. Compliments also betray a guy in love who wants to praise his beloved all the time. And he will do it both alone and in company. A guy in love can say such banal, but always pleasant words like: "You decorate the whole company", "Your smile illuminates everything around", etc.

In addition, if a man likes you, then when you are talking to him, then feel a slight anxiety in his speech. Moreover, the guy will always try to change the topic of conversation to himself. This is just a way to appear in your eyes the best, because every guy wants to be a hero in front of his beloved.

So the feelings of a guy can give out even his speech. The only thing that is required of you is to be more attentive to the words and intonation of the guy, and then everything will become clear and understandable to you.

Thoughts out loud or is it important for all girls to know

No wonder they say that love is blind. And it often happens that a guy is in love with a girl, and his entourage will find out about this early. That is why, if his friend comes up to you and asks you about a particular guy, you can be sure that the one they are asking about is not indifferent to you.

But it is also important to be sure that you really want and are ready to let this person into your life. After all, often carried away by someone, the girl loses her vigilance and cannot assess the situation and even the guy himself correctly. It is here that the advice of relatives and friends is invaluable. Find out how they feel about this guy, how he makes them feel. Since it is more visible from the outside and many of his friends can see such nuances in his behavior that you would not have guessed.

Of course, mistakes are inevitable. And every girl has to go through deceit, tears and disappointments.

But we think this article was useful and you will already be able to recognize among your fans the one who is really in love with you and can make you happy.


And what is important, remember, when a man has real feelings for you, it is impossible not to notice. Since men are not so good actors and they are given out by their words, manner of speech, actions and even look.

However, at the same time, it must be remembered that, despite all the signs given above, and even in cases where the guy’s feelings and attitude towards you give out his gestures, speech and behavior, still relying only on this, to assert that a guy likes you 100% and that your relationship leads to a happy marriage will be naive. Each man is unique and the psychology of men is complex. Therefore, each individual case must be considered separately.

Everyone in the world wants to love and be loved, wants to find a soul mate, someone with whom they will feel one. Unfortunately, it's not always that easy. But at the same time, it is possible. The main thing is to take a good look around and learn to recognize the signs that representatives of the opposite sex give.

How to understand that a man likes you? Mutual love is wonderful, but how do you know that the sympathy is really mutual, and the guy likes the girl just like she likes him? Several sure signs testify to mutual feelings, and from them you can easily understand whether a guy likes you.

One of the easiest ways to find out a man's attitude is to watch his actions in the presence of the object of sympathy. In order not to get into a mess, you need to call on psychology for help, otherwise you can inadvertently reject a worthy man, or, on the contrary, fall into the bait of a womanizer.

Of course, with proper knowledge of psychology, interest can be played, but not all men bother to search for and study such information.

Signs of interest are manifested mainly in the position of the body relative to the girl you like. A man always tries to be turned in her direction and his postures will be as open as possible:

  • flat back;
  • demonstration of the wrists;
  • relaxation in movement.

Moreover, a man will not turn his back on a lady of interest. When talking, he will slightly tilt his head towards the girl.

If a young man tries to move away and does not want to communicate with a girl, then he:

  • keeps arms and legs crossed;
  • his body is turned to the other side.

Evidence of a man's interest is a subconscious desire to copy the gestures of a girl sitting upright. It's not hard to check.

For example, if you accidentally touch your earlobe, lean back in a chair, or change the position of your hands, and then watch the interlocutor, a lot will become clear.

It’s not a fact that the guy will completely copy the movements, but he won’t be able to sit still calmly either. He may fidget, touch his hair, or reach for a tissue or lighter.

If a man is passionate about a girl, then the toes of his shoes will always be turned in her direction. This fact speaks eloquently of sympathy, and such a manifestation of it is almost impossible to control, even if the guy tries to hide his feelings.

It's no secret that we always want to touch the person we like. Therefore, one of the options for finding out that a guy likes you is to analyze his desire to get closer.

If in a large company he tries to choose a place nearby and, most likely, on the left, but in a spacious room he still keeps a close distance, then this is a good sign.

By the way, psychologists say that the zone of personal space in communication between Europeans of different sexes is approximately 50 cm. If a man easily breaks this barrier, then he is interested in a closer acquaintance.

The same applies to the personal belongings of a woman. If it is not possible to touch her, then the man will not miss the chance to twist her thing in his hands, for example, a phone, a hairpin or a keychain.

Internet activity

Showing sympathy through social media should not be underestimated these days. In the virtual world, even the most shy man is many times bolder and more determined than in person. Therefore, it is worth carefully analyzing its activity.

Interest can be manifested in attracting her attention. Even if the young man has not yet plucked up the courage to send a personal message, then with a few comments or likes under the photo he will definitely be noted.

Behavioral features

The way a man shows sympathy greatly affects his behavior. Usually, in the presence of an interesting girl, it changes to the diametrically opposite from the usual.

In other words, a quiet, calm young man will try to take the place of the ringleader by doing the following things:

  • actively gestures;
  • laughs out loud;
  • passionately tells stories from life.

At the same time, the merry fellow, with the arrival of the girl, will calm down and embarrassingly give way to another applicant.

When a man wants a woman, signs of this appear in his gaze. No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, the young man will not take his eyes off the object of his interest, and it is not difficult to determine from the look how far his thoughts and desires have gone.

If a guy looks into his eyes and turns away sharply when a girl notices this look, then his sympathy is just beginning to emerge. But in the event that he frankly looks at the girl, stares at the neckline and the curves of her figure, then he definitely experiences serious interest.

To find out for sure, the guy is looking at the girl or they just accidentally met their eyes, you should turn to the help of your friends. If, for example, a classmate looks at the person he likes more often than at the blackboard or fellow students, then the conclusion is obvious.

Desire to help

Falling in love includes in every man the desire to be a knight. And it's not just about helping with heavy bags and opening the car door.

To check which of the company is not indifferent to the girl, you can tell aloud about some problem, the solution of which is usually a male prerogative. For example, complain about a computer or car malfunction, difficulties in choosing fishing rods as a gift for your father, or something like that. A man will never miss such a chance, and will definitely want to help.

Also, the guy will gallantly lend his jacket on a cool evening, give way to a more comfortable place, offer a ride home after the party is over.

manner of speaking

When talking with an object of sympathy, a person automatically changes the timbre of his voice and manner of speech. A certain tenderness and softness appear in it, usually there are fewer rude words. A good sign that a man is interested is when he changes his voice significantly when talking to a girl he is interested in.

The questions he asks speak volumes. A guy who is indifferent to a girl will not be interested in her personal life, affairs at work, mood.

A young man in love talks a lot about himself, trying to put himself in the best light. He will not do this if there is no sympathy. How to determine if a man likes you? He will brag a lot about his successes and achievements.

Even the most modest representative of the stronger sex, if he likes a girl, will try to make a compliment. This is not about banal compliments, but rather about unobtrusive ones that emphasize the features of this particular girl. Sometimes they may sound in the form of approval of her actions or support for her position in a general dispute.

Looking closely, you can see through even the most timid man. Another thing is if he is not free.

How to understand that a married man likes you? In his behavior there will be the same signs and signals as in the free one, only they will be expressed much less.

After all, even if a man feels sympathy for another girl, this does not mean that he is ready to commit adultery. And even if he carefully hides it, he will still betray himself with something. So, by analyzing his behavior, you can easily find out about everything.

As a rule, all these manifestations are obvious to others, but not to the girl herself. Therefore, understanding and benevolence in relation will help the guy overcome fear and confess his sympathy directly.

Ask an expert in the comments

Sympathy is a delicate matter, it can be given out with one gesture, look and even a word. And at this moment you need to be ready to understand and interpret them correctly. How to do this, we will tell in this article. You can determine whether a man likes you by speech, behavior and gestures. You will also find out why a guy blushes when talking to a girl.

Here are some things to judge by:

  • Timidity. If a guy is carried away by you, then he will behave with restraint, not defiantly, considering his every word. You can watch him awkwardly look away and linger, asking questions. Of course, this is not always the case, for example, if a man is arrogant by nature, then this will not happen.
  • Concentration. He will not take advantage of any convenient pause to talk to someone - a waiter, a stranger passing by, on the phone, etc. This proves that the man is passionate about talking with you.
  • Desire to hook. Sneering in moderation is an obvious sign of sympathy. If the guy is a good friend, then he may try to say some kind of barbs and mock you a little, trying to evoke emotions.
  • Questions about personal life. Be prepared to be asked about your ex-boyfriend, marriage prospects, falling in love and sympathy. But if he bombards with questions about how to behave with other girls and how to please them, this is a bad sign. It means he wants to use you.
  • evaluating glance. Rest assured, he will study his candidate inside and out, from head to toe.
  • Solving household issues together. Does a young man do shopping with you, help with repairing the plumbing? This is definitely a sign of a serious relationship.
  • Getting to know the parents. Only those who really like are waiting for this moment.
  • Talk about the future. Are you making joint vacation plans, are you happy to talk about children and family? Get ready for a long term relationship!
  • Serious gifts. This is not about girls who are supported by young people. If you received something valuable, for example, some kind of family heirloom, this says a lot.
  • Permanent connection. A guy who likes a girl tries to always find time to call or text.

How to understand by correspondence that you are attractive to a man

If a guy, especially an adult, is not indifferent to you, everything is very easy - he will constantly write, be the first to enter into a dialogue, try to keep the attention of the interlocutor and show his interest. A manifestation of sympathy can be various jokes, anecdotes, compliments addressed to you and a desire to communicate for hours on end. We wrote about this in more detail in another article. It will help determine. You can understand this by what he writes and how it is done.

Analyzing behavior - how to test it for sympathy

If a guy is interested in a girl, then, naturally, he tries to constantly be near her. If we are talking about colleagues, then he will not miss a single opportunity to help his chosen one, exchange a few words with her and exchange views. And this is not a friendly gesture at all!

As for the sympathy of the boss, against her background, he can from time to time ask the girl to linger, help sort out the papers and resolve various issues at work. Perhaps bonuses and off-schedule weekends will follow, and then harassment.

To confirm your suspicions, pay attention to whether he helps other girls in the office, whether he spends his time on them. Also, a man can give himself away if he is nervous. This is especially true if he is shy.

How to learn about feelings through body language and gestures

Even if a young man hides his intentions, his “body language” will definitely give him away. In order to check his attitude towards you, it is enough to look closely at his gestures.

Conventionally, gestures can be divided into open and closed. If a young man uses the first ones, then you don’t have to worry, he has his eye on you.

Closed gestures indicate an aggressive attitude against you or the isolation of the interlocutor.

After dating an indifferent man who failed to fall in love with himself, unconditional surrender will follow without a showdown.

open positions

People who like each other don't hide in conversation. Here's how it should be. You will find out where he will look and for how long, in what condition the pupils will be, etc. And here are examples of poses that give hope for continued acquaintance, with their help you will not be able to hide your true feelings:

  • head tilt towards the interlocutor;
  • one foot in front;
  • fixing a tie
  • unbuttoning a shirt (top button);
  • direct eye contact;
  • palm opening.

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Closed postures - how to recognize indifference

Closed postures include everything that requires crossing your arms and distracting attention from the interlocutor. It can be:

  • crossing hands in the castle (does not want to open);
  • interlacing of fingers (he does not want to continue the conversation);
  • propping up his head with his hand (he is bored);
  • twitching of the strap on the watch (indicates that the person is in a hurry);
  • sitting half-turned, especially towards the exit.

Of course, after you manage to recognize by the poses whether he likes you or not, you should not immediately turn around and leave. It may well be that you just got a distrustful person. Then you need to know how to understand what. Here are a few basic signs that will help you not to make a mistake. You will learn how lovers behave.

We judge whether he could like you by speech

People who are not indifferent to each other will never raise their tone, so as not to seem boorish and impolite. Also, in no case will they interrupt the interlocutor and make fun of him in public. An equally important point is the distribution of compliments.

The guy should praise his passion in every possible way, albeit not directly, but indirectly. He can say “You will adorn any company with yourself”, “You know how to surprise”, “A smile suits you” and other pleasant, albeit banal, words.

In no case will he hide his relationship. If your feelings have grown into something more than just sympathy, this is what it can be. What actions will he perform, what to say, how to get closer? There is a separate article about this on the site.

Why does a man blush when talking to the opposite sex?

This does not always happen, for example, a man may blush when a woman looks at him with an evaluating look: she tries to study his habits and demeanor, clothing style and other points. It is also worth considering that it is at the moment of blushing that the guy imagines how you are having fun with him at his house. At the same time, a modest person will not hint at intimacy on the same evening.

If you understand that you liked it, the time has come. Read here how to do it right.

Here is a guy giving out all their secrets of male behavior when communicating with a girl he likes:

Gestures, speech and behavior - of course, will help to know if he likes you or not, but you should not rely on them alone! Each case requires an individual approach, and male psychology is a very complex thing.

A girl who has started dating a young man is probably asking herself: “How does he feel about me? I don't understand - do you like it or not? It is sometimes very difficult to understand whether a guy likes you, because men by nature are secretive persons.

Is there really no way to understand that a guy likes you? It is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, but nevertheless, with the help of some signs, you can completely determine whether a man likes you or not.

What is the behavior of a guy in love?

Psychologists say that a man in love is easy to figure out by his gestures. Yes, something suggests that your chosen one has a period of falling in love, but who exactly does he sympathize with? You or your girlfriend?

I would like to hope that the guy is in love with you, but we don’t know for sure. How to understand that a man likes you? Look closely at him, but do it in such a way that he does not suspect anything. If you are afraid that you will not cope, then it is better to ask a reliable person who will look at your communication from the outside.

How to understand that a guy likes you? We look at:

  • Facial expressions and views of a young man. If, when communicating with you, he blushes a little, pulls his clothes on himself, constantly looks at you, then this may indicate that you have sunk into his soul.
  • His desire to be closer. If a young man has warm feelings for you, then he will certainly distinguish you from the crowd. Pay attention to his behavior when you are in the company of friends. A young man will definitely try to communicate only with you all the time.
  • initiative on his part. A self-confident young man without unnecessary ceremonies will offer to meet.

If a guy is too modest, he will also let you know that he wants to be friends with you. It can be all kinds of compliments and cautious hints - the main thing is that you notice them in time.

How to understand that you like a man who is ready for a serious relationship?

How to determine that the representative of the stronger sex has far-reaching plans for you?

Everything is very serious if a man:

  • He tries to find out about your interests - he tries to ask in detail about plans for his future life and about all existing hobbies.
  • Offers to help you in some way. If a guy likes a girl, then he will offer his help in almost everything. For example, repairing a bag, explaining some difficult topic in an academic discipline, or bringing groceries from the store.
  • Calls constantly. Frequent calls to the cell indicate that he is very bored.
  • Gives presents. If you are really interesting to a young man, then he will certainly give sweets, chocolates, soft toys, jewelry and other cute little things. However, here one should take into account the material possibilities of the chosen one.
  • Does not insist on very close relationships in the first weeks of dating.

If a new acquaintance expresses dissatisfaction with your refusal to meet somewhere alone, then this indicates that he only needs you for entertainment. If a man sincerely treats you, then he will not offer you sex on the very first day of meeting you.

We draw the right conclusions from the behavior of the guy

You have learned a lot of tips on how to understand that a guy likes you, but, alas, you have drawn the wrong conclusion. Why is that? Many young ladies are in a hurry and take ordinary politeness as a sign of falling in love.

Consider male behavior with specific examples:

  1. If a representative of the stronger sex simply greeted you and found out how things are going for you in the service or in an educational institution, then this usually only indicates that he is well-mannered and nothing more.
  2. It seems to you that the young man is very modest, but maybe it's just indifference? If a young man, constantly communicating with a beautiful half in a circle of peers, does not give her any hints, then this just indicates that he has no plans for her.
  3. The representative of the stronger sex constantly compliments you, but you are already dreaming of a future wedding with him absolutely in vain. Common compliments do not indicate that he somehow particularly likes you. Many guys tell women and girls when they meet that they look great.

From the foregoing, we conclude that it is still possible to understand whether a guy likes you. It is a pity that girls blinded by love turn off their minds and do not notice the obvious, preferring only to fantasize and dream.

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