Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Interesting leisure activities with children at home with their own hands. Beauty games. Science experiment with balloons

When going on a trip with your child, you should definitely take care of what you will do and entertain him on the road. Of course, some kids love to spend time cutely looking at the surrounding landscapes outside the window. But this, as a rule, happens no longer than 10-15 minutes and not with all children. So that your child remains cheerful and carefree until the end of the trip, and does not suffer from boredom and limited space, think about what entertainment could interest him.

Let the baby get used to the new place in the first hours of the trip. He will certainly be interested in looking at the compartment of the train or passengers in the cabin. Even if your trip will be by car, the child does not need to be entertained from the first seconds. Only when he gets bored looking at the views outside the window, offer him a choice of several activities.

It is best to take medium-sized and multifunctional toys. Of course, all of them will depend on the age of the child. Small children are more difficult to interest, but there are many interesting options. For example, small toys or books with bright pictures and interesting liners - windows. And the kids school age they will be happy to play various riddles and oral games that develop logic.

We have prepared for you several ways to entertain children on the road, depending on the age.

10 Proven Ways to Keep Your Baby Interested on the Road

  1. Children's books with bright pictures, lacing and inserts. With windows and manipulations. Children love to sort through small pages with their hands, open windows and look for hidden animals or favorite cartoon characters there. It is especially good if the book is with many pages so that the child looks at it for as long as possible. So she won't bore him for a long time.
  2. Finger theater. Various sets with the heroes of Russian folk tales are now on sale. For example, card dolls with cutouts for fingers or rag dolls, which are also easy to put on your fingers and play your favorite fairy tales. They will interest even a small child, talking to him on behalf of a fairy-tale hero.
  3. Stickers, Velcro, magnets- everything that is easy to rearrange and re-glue many times is very convenient. Transport, animals of the world, folk tales, cartoon characters, dolls with clothes - what kind of stories are not in educational games. Reusable stickers are especially convenient, which the child will re-stick from place to place an infinite number of times! Believe it is very an exciting activity because the stories are diverse and interesting for the child. Starting from cars and vehicles with different roads, ending with doll houses with various interior items and rooms, it can also be a kitchen with different cutlery and household appliances.
  4. Entertaining little things. Every mother must have at hand such a " magic pouch with interesting details. Put it in your makeup bag small toys from kinders, animal figurines, cars, any entertaining little things. The child will be happy to sort through, arrange them and collect them again. If the baby is already able to speak well, ask him to pull out the toys one at a time and try to guess what he is holding in his hands without looking at her. This game develops fine motor skills and imagination.
  5. Drawing board. IN children's store get a small tablet for drawing: a plastic board where a picture is drawn with a felt-tip pen, and then everything is easy to erase with one movement. There are other options where on the felt-tip pen itself with reverse side There is a brush that erases the pattern. Such tablets are very convenient for traveling, because it is convenient to draw right on your knees, in the absence of a table.
  6. Mass for modeling. It does not stick to hands and surrounding objects, does not stain, keeps its shape perfectly, smells good and is very pleasant to the touch. A plastic modeling board will take up little space, but will make it easier to work with plasticine. With mass for modeling it is easy to invent a lot of different games.
  7. During your trip, come up with or learn some funny and short rhyme with your baby. It should be easy to remember and funny. Then the child will repeat it all the way, and thereby train the memory.
  8. Listen to music or favorite fairy tales. Download various interesting audio fairy tales and funny children's songs to your tablet or phone in advance. It is especially good to pick up songs about the road and travel. Listening to them on the road, the baby will quickly memorize the words and lines from the songs, and on the way back he will sing along with the words he has learned by heart.
  9. Surprise toy. Be sure to please the baby with a few new toys. Take them out at the moment when the child is already bored with everything, he begins to act up and does not know what to do with himself. It can be soap bubbles, a kinder surprise, a doll for a girl or a new car for a boy, in a word, everything that will please your child.
  10. Attention Games. Grab whatever small items you have on hand. For example, a spoon, a pen, a comb and a toy. Arrange them in a certain order, let the child examine the objects well and remember their location. Then ask him to turn away or close his eyes for a second. Swap or remove an item. Let the baby say what is missing or what is out of place. This game develops concentration and memory. And mom doesn't have to invent challenging games and activities for the child.

Of course, very little ones, at the age of about a year, it is sometimes difficult to interest even the most interesting toys. Then improvised means come to the rescue. Many children, for example, like to take wipes out of the pack, especially if it is a large package with a lid. Or happy to unfold the rustling foil. Wrap some small toy in several layers of paper or foil and your child will be happy to unfold the rustling “cabbage” for several minutes. True, then you will have to collect all the torn and scattered pieces of paper, but these are already trifles compared to the minutes of silence and calmness of the child.

Games on the road for older children

Game "Guess the object". The child has already eaten, and slept, and painted, but is there still a long way to go? Don't be bored! Think of some object that you may meet along the way. For example, a car of a certain color, a river, a tree, a gas station or a bridge. Whoever notices it first wins.

Guess the drawing. If you are traveling by train, then “drawing” on your back will be a great game. Just slide your finger along the back of the child, and let him try to guess what you "drew". Start with the most simple figures- circle, square, etc. If the child has already mastered and guesses the drawn object well, come up with something more complicated - a house, letters or numbers.

Board games . Now on sale there is a huge number of compact games that are convenient to take with you on the road. Walkers, walkers, children's lotto and domino take up a minimum of space. Also take a closer look at various cards for training memory and attention - memory or "chameleon", which capture not only children, but also adults.

Thimbles. This game does not require special props, usually everyone takes disposable cups with them on the road, which are great for this game. On a flat surface, place several cups upside down and hide a piece of candy or a coin in one of them. Ask your child to carefully observe the cups and guess where the surprise turned out to be. Change and move the cups, but so that the child has time for your manipulations.

Oral games - great option For younger preschoolers and schoolchildren.

First letter . Whoever names the most items starting with a given letter wins. Let the child look at the views outside the window and name various items or lists everything that is around it.

Guess the word. You make up a word, and the child must guess it by asking questions about the property of the hidden object. It will be more interesting to play if the answers are only “yes” or “no”. If the answer is ambiguous, then small clarifications are allowed. For example, the word is aircraft and the participant asks: “Is this object made of metal?”, The answer is “Yes, but not completely from it.” Then change, the child guesses the word, and the rest guess.

Opposite words. very interesting and simple game, the child is only required to choose a word that is completely opposite in meaning. For example, cold - hot, soft - hard, summer - winter.

That's how the beast is. This entertainment is based on the formation of one compound word from two simple ones. In Russian, they even have their own connection rule. For example, we all know well such words as: autopilot, vacuum cleaner, microwave, milk truck. Offer the child any two words to connect, it is better if they are not related in meaning. So it will be even funnier for them to form new words. Such an activity will greatly amuse your fidget. Because In a similar way it turns out not only strange creatures, such as, for example, hedgehogs, fish legs, elephant horns, spoon dogs, auto cats, but also many other incomprehensible alien creatures.

A change of scenery is very important on the road, regardless of age. You should use any break in the trip to give the child some fresh air and stretch. And if you travel by train, then you have the opportunity to walk to the restaurant car or get to the very end car and watch the rails run away. When stopping, try to go outside so that the child can breathe air and move, it is even advisable to do a little exercise. This is wonderfully uplifting, and adds strength to continue the journey.

Of course, when toys do not help, it is easiest to turn on the tablet to watch cartoons or movies. But still, it is more useful to pass the hours of the trip for exciting joint games, communication and the development of observation. We hope that our tips and recommendations will help your family to spend time on the road in a fun and useful way!

After the daily hustle and bustle and a long stay in a stuffy and noisy metropolis, it's so nice to get out into nature with friends or family. The fuss during the gathering, preparing snacks and, thinking through the menu and fun road- all this gives a feeling of approaching the holiday.

And finally, a fire is kindled, an impromptu table is laid out in the clearing and the breathtaking aroma of meat fried on coals begins to spread.

But often after tasting snacks and treats, the company begins to feel sad. And boredom is the first enemy of positive emotions and have a nice rest. Therefore, we turn on the fantasy and come up with entertainment for a picnic. And this will help calm and outdoor games adapted to the conditions of the fresh air.

This game is great for playing outside. You will need bottles of different heights.

You can take both plastic and tin containers.

A variety of bottled drinks are taken to the picnic. So use them for outdoor fun.

You will have to take rings with you, which will pounce on impromptu skittles.

If there are small children in the family, there will be no problems with such props at all. But you can make rings yourself from wood or hard wire.

If the idea to organize a game came already at a picnic, then such rings can be easily made from ordinary willow twigs.

Arrange all the bottles in the clearing or place them in one box. Let them be of different heights, so it will even be more interesting to compete.

Determine from how many steps you will throw the rings, and even better, make a restrictive line. Throw the rings one by one and don't forget to count the points.

You can complicate the task by placing the bottles at different heights and assigning them a different number of points.

Outdoor Activities: Park Bowling

If a picnic takes place in a park and there are paved paths nearby, you can organize a real bowling alley. To do this, take plastic bottles of the same volume and half fill with water.

These will be the skittles, which we set at one end of the track.

Knocking down impromptu skittles will be ordinary soccer ball, which is always found in a cheerful company.

Of course, you will have to lift the pins yourself, but this will add a special flavor to the game.

Or you can just put an attendant near the pins, who will play the role of a “lift”.

Children's calm games: twister on the grass

Favorite outdoor fun Twister is easy to play in the fresh air. If it seems like you have to tinker with the preparation, then consider that the reward will be fun entertainment.

Moreover, children play this game with pleasure even without the participation of adults. But parents do not refuse to take part in it.

So, to make a Twister field on the grass, you will need spray paints in cans, as well as a cardboard sheet with a circle cut out in it with a diameter of 20-25 cm.

We paint drawings in the form of multi-colored circles directly on the grass.

Recall that in classic version four rows of 6 circles. Red, yellow, blue and green colors, that is, each row is drawn in one color.

But you can complicate or diversify the task for the players by drawing a whole field of multi-colored circles. And let the colors be not in the same row, but in a scatter.

For the leader, you will need a roulette wheel, which determines the actions of the players. There is a shop version of Twister at home, take a tape measure with you.

But its manufacture is not particularly difficult.

On a square white sheet, draw a circle, which we divide into four sectors. Each sector corresponds to the participant's leg or arm.

Now we divide each sector into four more parts, and decorate it with a certain color or simply sign it.

It remains to fix the arrow in the center, which can be cut out of cardboard or built from wire.

All the props are ready - you can start playing. At the command of the leader, who turns the hand of the improvised dial, the participants move their legs and arms to a circle of the desired color.

It is forbidden to occupy the cells on which the opponent is standing. The one who could not keep his balance is out of the game.

The result is the most intricate poses and, of course, a lot of positive.

Calm games for kids: tic-tac-toe on the grass

The game, familiar to everyone since childhood, takes on a completely new shape in the fresh air. No, we will not draw leaves and draw familiar figures. Let's create a real "theatre of stones".

You need to find 9 stones of medium size, they will play the role of cells. We lay them out on the grass in standard three rows. But instead of "crosses" and "toes" you can use any natural material.

It can be cones, acorns, sticks, and even flower buds.

IN last resort, take the stones smaller, but you have to figure out how to put distinctive images on them.

The preparatory phase has been completed. We invite friends and children to play an old game that helps develop memory and thinking.

Calm games for children 5 years old

When the kids run up, you can invite them to play funny calm games.

Preparing for such competitions so captivates the kids that they forget about pampering and completely surrender to the process.

Building a monster

Invite the kids to build a real monster. Definitely, for such a construction you will need improvised material.

But in the field, let the monster be unusual. Therefore, any sticks, twigs, newspapers, buckets, toys, stones, flowers can be used as building materials.

You can build one large monster or individual monsters.

To make the kids not so bored, turn on the perky music. By the way, it is with the help of music that you can limit the construction time.

And at the end of the competition, let each creator present their work, giving a name to their monster, and telling how unusual abilities it possesses.

Where, if not at a picnic, you can make plenty of noise. Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing a noise orchestra will appeal to children. Moreover, the orchestra will not be simple, but from improvised materials.

You can, of course, take musical toys from home such as a drum, tambourine, whistle, musical hammer.

But it will be much more interesting if creative ideas are used.

pots with lids, glass bottles, filled with different volumes of water, whistles from blades of grass, sticks and branches - everything can sound.

It remains to choose a conductor, put on butterflies for the plausibility of the orchestra, and you can turn on your favorite song that the children should play on their instruments.

Watermelon Constructor

Did you have watermelon as a treat at the picnic? Collect all peels. They can be used to conduct an interesting competition.

We give the children watermelon crusts - these will be the details of the designer. We use ordinary toothpicks as connecting elements.

Each kid receives a task that he must build.

It can be any animal, machine or monster. It is not forbidden to use improvised materials in creating the composition.

When all the crafts are ready, be sure to organize an exhibition. And give sweet prizes to inventive builders.

Calm games for girls and boys of school age

It is problematic to captivate schoolchildren by building monsters or singing songs.

They like noisy competitions in the air. But here, too, there is a way out. It is easy to entertain students with the help of various quests. It's so interesting to look for treasures or solve intricate riddles.

Can arrange common game or team competitions if there are many children in the company.

Parents will have to thoroughly prepare for such entertainment, but it's worth it. Both boys and girls love to search for treasures. Even adults and teenagers are happy to join the children.

We draw the road to the treasured treasure on a map - a regular A3 sheet.

At each point indicated on the graphic, participants must wait little surprise- they must complete a certain task, there will also be instructions on the further direction of movement.

Hints should make children complete the next task. For example, find a boulder in a clearing and take 15 steps to the southeast from it.

What is a boulder? Where is the southeast of this? This is where adult tips and props may be needed.

If you already indicate the cardinal points, then provide the children with a compass.

Choose the difficulty of the task depending on the age and interests of the children. And at the end of the path, a treasure awaits them. It can be buried or hidden under a bush in a box.

For a picnic, a prize in the form of hiking souvenirs or sweets intended for all guests will be appropriate.

The game will appeal to everyone without exception. After all, children are waiting for awards. But to get the coveted prize, you have to become a real tracker for a while.

You need to look not for the gifts themselves, but for the numbers, according to which the drawing of prizes will take place. The numbers of the prizes to be drawn can be written on boxes from under kinder surprises, balls, chestnuts.

The main thing is to hide them in different places: under the bushes, in the grass, in the hollow.

Make preparations with a margin so that there are enough prizes for all children.

Keep in mind that someone can find five numbers, and someone can find none. To do this, prepare consolation prizes.

Children at the beginning of the competition receive pre-prepared lists, which indicate what they must find. Such lists must be prepared in advance.

And you can specify anything in them:

to the letter M;

You can complicate the task by writing riddles or drawing puzzles instead of specific objects. Children will first need to figure out what to find, and only then go in search.

Moreover, the place to search for suitable items is not limited.

Take some time to prepare fun entertainment and your guests will be incredibly grateful.

After all, a picnic is not only barbecue and snacks, but, above all, communication and fun.

Video: fun games in nature

Which parent does not dream that at least some of the time children play stand-alone games without involving you in this activity. Of course, with age, both children will already spend a lot of time with each other, reluctantly distracted by their parents, but while the children are small, they almost do not know how to play games on their own. But the need for something to distract the kids remains, especially for those parents who work at home.

Most often at those moments when parents urgently need free time, those things and activities that are prohibited in Everyday life. When you think about what you can do with the kids, the unimaginable things that come to mind are mommy’s bag, or makeup bag, drawers of underwear or buttons - something that will give you 20 minutes of the time you need, but you are well aware that things will either be scattered or ruined. Moreover, two children can simply quarrel because of the desire to possess some of the gizmos, and instead of the desired freedom, you will get both a scandal and a mess. Yes, and from a pedagogical point of view, such behavior is not correct: if it is already impossible, then it really is impossible, but then how will the child guess later - is it possible or not?

However, this method works, and it is also not entirely correct to refuse it. However, there are other ways to entertain children. Of course, for starters, it’s worth dragging both of them into the game, and when the gameplay goes on regardless of your presence in it, you can mysteriously disappear and go about your business. Now we will try to offer you old and new ideas on how to organize creativity and games for two children. Perhaps you forgot about something. And they didn't know anything!

40 independent activities and games for two children

Children, starting from a year and a half, willingly play outdoor games, draw and sculpt, and kids over two years old are fond of role-playing games, especially if they have an older friend. However, these games do not require the participation of parents, and children can indulge in them completely independently.

Method number 1: Puzzles

If you're looking for a quiet way to keep the kids entertained that doesn't involve crazy destruction of the entire living space, then that's jigsaw puzzles. Each of the children can be given a set corresponding to his age, while the elder can help the baby, and he, in turn, scatter, gnaw or lick the puzzles of the elder.

Method number 2: Soap bubbles

The most fun solo games aren't always the hardest. Sometimes it is enough to give children soap bubbles. If age allows, then each of the children can blow translucent miracles, competing to see who blows the most and who blows the largest bubble. And if the younger one has not grown up yet, he can catch up and burst the bubbles of the older one.

Method number 3: Kits for creativity

The manufacturer of all countries spends hours thinking about the same thing as you - what you can do with children. That is why on the shelves of children's stores you will find many kits for creativity. If you and your children have already done something similar, then the kids will be happy to try to repeat it on their own.

These sets, as a rule, are not very expensive, but you can prepare something similar yourself. Spending a couple of evenings cutting appliqués, plaster or salt dough-baked figurines for coloring, and cutting felt will save you both time and money. And then you can give out sets by the piece and not every day.

Method number 4: Magic felt-tip pens

Toddlers will be delighted with felt-tip pens with which you can both draw and erase them - if you have a marker board - this is it. What do you need!

And there are toys and cards on which you can draw with these felt-tip pens, and then erase directly with your hands.

Method #5: Constructors

The longest games come out with those toys that have a lot of details. That is why "Lego", mosaics, cubes and designers are always out of competition. Feel free to leave the kids with these magical toys and go about your business.

Method number 6: House for toys

Even the boys will be happy to play in the house for toys and animals. Well, girls have been told to play in dollhouses all the centuries of gender separation of toys. Make a home for your favorite toys - great idea something to keep the kids busy for a long time.

A wonderful option for boys or two children of different sexes would be to play not with dolls - young ladies, but with animals, figures of both sexes or with the participation of the male version of the doll. Ideal in this regard are the house sets from LEGO and Sylvanian Families.

However, the houses are very pricey, which means that you can make a real palace out of a cardboard box with your children and paste over it with real wallpaper. And then the children will play this toy, made by their own and parental hands, for a long time.

Method number 7: Coloring

A great way to keep both kids entertained for a long time is with coloring books. They almost do not require imagination from children, in contrast to drawing (“Mom, draw me ...”) and are able to keep kids busy from 10 minutes to half an hour. Moreover, children easily master such activities and games on their own.

Someone buys ready-made coloring pages according to age, someone prints them on a printer, someone cuts out figures from paper and gives them to children to color in - all methods are good!

Method number 8: Colorful world

If pencils and felt-tip pens are given to children regularly, then paints are a special product, water, accuracy and mother's supervision are required. However, you can sometimes leave children alone with paints, laying a sufficient number of oilcloths both on and under the table.

Method number 9: Interactive books

Modern books give children a lot of tasks for attention, dexterity, logic. The same books tell children stories, sing songs and play cheerful music.

Method number 10: Blankets and sheets

Oddly enough, but in order for the children to play on their own, it is enough to give them ... just two blankets! This unique game, the rules of which only children know.

The main thing is that both kids have a lot of fun, and you are free!

Method number 11: Children's developing sports centers

Play centers are quite popular with many children. Some of them like kids more, some less, some even include a home slide, and some - ropes, ropes and ladders. But children are very fun and useful to spend time like this.

Method number 12: Flash games in reality

It is possible to embody any games with overcoming obstacles in real life, laying out various objects, mugs, things, coins, ribbons, ropes on the floor. Then you can give the children a command to overcome all the laid out obstacles by crawling, jumping, running, or on all fours. You can even "turn on" them to the start with a special remote control - and they will be toys.

Once having shown and taking the time to learn this game, you can then safely leave the kids behind this lesson - they can handle it! In addition, such independent games contribute to the development of many useful qualities both children.

Method number 13: Musical instruments in four hands

Quite often, kids play on a children's synthesizer, but its sound is too quiet, so it gets boring pretty quickly. But a real synthesizer, taken from the stocks of parents or bought not very expensive, will be able to captivate them for a long time. As well as drums, tambourines, pipes and harmonicas.

Method number 14: We run the children in the bath ... without water!

The bathroom can be not only a place for hygiene, but also a creative space. You can put the kids in a dry bath with finger paints, tile markers, or even just watercolors. This will captivate the kids for a long time, and then you can easily wash everything - both the bath and the children.

Method number 15: We run the children in the bath ... with water!

But the advice to leave the children alone in the typed bath - feel free to ignore it, it's too dangerous. But you can give them a bowl of water, putting it right in the bath, and give them a task - to wash toys, wash clothes for dolls, or wash children's dishes. As well as launching fish, ships of pirates and mermaids into the water.

Method number 16: Playing mother-daughter dolls

This entertainment is more suitable for girls, but some boys are able to support such a game. Dolls can be fed, watered, put on a potty, changed clothes, walked with them, rolled in a stroller, arrange holidays for them (see point 3).

Method number 17: Creator and destroyer

If your youngest has not yet grown up to adult games with a constructor and cubes, you can arrange a game in which one child is a creator who builds a city or even the whole world, and the second is a destroyer that destroys what has already been built.

Method number 18: Long live TV!

Not the healthiest, but the most effective method to keep both children busy is to turn on cartoons for them. You should not abuse it, but as an effective distraction maneuver it will come down from time to time.

Method number 19: Tablet to be torn apart

Many games adapted for kids can be downloaded to the tablet. Children, even the tiniest ones, already confidently open the desired icons on the touch screen and play with pleasure. For older children there are educational programs in Russian, English and just the alphabet.

The most difficult thing is to get the children to follow the order without taking away the tablet from each other. But as an option, the eldest of the children can be offered an alternative phone or laptop.

Method number 20: New - well-forgotten old

There is nothing more exciting new toy. Or - a well-forgotten old one. Almost all teachers argue that it is impossible to throw out all the available toys in front of the children - one third is enough, but it is better to remove the other two thirds. After the first toys are already tired, you can change the "exposure". Having missed such toys, children willingly spend their time with them.

Method number 21: Cut and shred

An effective way to entertain your children is to play with the older one simply cutting out pictures from magazines and newspapers with safety scissors, while the younger one either glues the cut out onto a sheet of paper or rapturously tears the newspaper to shreds. The downside is the need for subsequent cleaning. There are more pluses: you have free time, fine motor skills develop in children.

Method number 22: The pile is small

If distracting children is more important than sacrificing cleanliness and order, you can give the kids how many types of food, for example, pasta, beans, peas, dried fruits. Shuffle - have the children lay out and sort this pile. However, throwing it all away is much more interesting, especially if there are two kids. One child is more diligent and determined to engage in a calm game than two. And even more carefully, make sure that the children do not put themselves small items in the nose or ears.

Method number 23: Body painting

Is there any greater happiness for children than decorating the body of their brother or sister with art own production? Face painting is an excellent invention that can captivate kids with body painting for a long time.

When it comes to girls, they may well be allowed to use the nursery. decorative cosmetics- She has been allowed since two years. Well, or to acquaint young ladies with the elite cosmetics of the world's leading cosmetic corporations - giving your cosmetic bag to be torn to pieces.

Method number 24: Making a house

The house is a special play space that can develop children's imagination and be the main training ground for many role playing. You can make it from blankets and sofa cushions, under ironing board, under the table - it would be a fantasy!

Method number 25: Miracle cube

No shopping center can boast such success with children as a homemade cube, which contains everything that is in ordinary life- "it is forbidden". And doorbells, and horns, and locks with keys, and a door chain, and a switch with a light bulb - you can place many interesting objects there from the point of view of children. If dad has golden hands, it can still work, giving light from a light bulb and sound from pressing.

Method number 26: Guess the melody

This game is for kids from 3 years old. If there are several musical instruments in the arsenal of toys, then you can play this game: one kid turns away, the second makes a sound on one of the children's musical instruments. The first - guesses on which one. And if the drum is easily distinguished from the xylophone, then the three pipes can easily be confused.

Method number 27: Color and shape

Two toddlers can sort objects and toys based on color and shape. This can be arranged: as a lesson - when the elder calls, and the younger shows, as a competition - who is faster, and as a quest - to collect everything blue toys, find all items square shape in the room.

And the kids have beautiful, bright and diverse socks, unlike men's. That is why you can mix the socks of both children and invite them to sort this motley disgrace, finding a pair for each of the socks. This is not only interesting, but also trains the memory and attention of both children.

Method number 28: Cooking for dummies

If the kids are already schoolchildren, they can be trusted to cook their own food by giving a simple recipe. And if the children are still small, they will like to collect sandwiches themselves from the parts you cut, it's almost like a designer, but you can also eat it. In addition, even ingredients such as chopped peppers, turnips or other vegetables are eaten under this bench. And they played and ate. And the kids can help the elders: beat meat with a hammer, cut out cookies, roll meatballs, beat eggs with a whisk, and much more!

Method number 29: Beauty salon - do your own hair!

Do you think it's girls' privilege? And you think right! If you have two girls, doing your sister's hair on your own is a tremendous pleasure. Take all the hairpins, all the elastic bands, give the little ones a mirror and combs - and forget about the children for 20-30 minutes.

But children of different sexes, and even two boys can play hairdresser - with great pleasure making his brother a mohawk, horns, or styling his hair with hair gel.

Method number 30: Board games

There are a huge number of board games for sale for all ages, from the latest to the classics. We will talk about many of them in much more detail, devoting separate articles to this. But be that as it may, it is really capable of captivating both children for a very long time.

Method number 31: Bowling!

You can buy a toy bowling alley, and in stores there are both cheap and very high-quality expensive variations of the game, or build a game from improvised means. Skittles can be replaced with plastic bottles, and the ball with a rubber ball. For weighting, you can pour water into the bottles.

Method number 32: Tennis court in your home

Have you already imagined a broken window, and a split sideboard? Relax, tennis can be played and less traumatic for the apartment. Enough for disposable paper plates attach handles and inflate a balloon. And then create a game that combines both tennis and badminton. By the way in badminton with children's lung Shuttlecock can also be played in an apartment.

Method number 33: Roads, roads ...

You can buy a carpet with road markings, or you can make roads directly on the floor with electrical tape. Run cars on the freeway, arrange characters from kinder surprises or small toys - let them catch a taxi, cross the road, work as traffic cops. At the same time, the kids will learn the rules of the road.

Method number 34: Electrical tape instead of chalk

Children may well “draw” on the floor with electrical tape. For example, they can make homemade hopscotch or any other game that requires markup.

Method number 35: Darts without sharp objects

An impromptu darts tournament can be held without special equipment- a couple of crayons and ordinary foam sponges. Draw a target on the wall or floor and let the children compete in who will accurately throw sponges right at the bullseye.

Method number 36: Balloons

It seems that balloons are clean decorative element designed to uplift the mood. However, if you use your imagination, then the games with them will be very different and very fun!

They can be inflated and, without tying, let fly around the room, and the older one inflates, developing his lungs, and the younger one catches the "fugitive" and brings it back. You can play a game - do not drop the ball, throwing it over your head - and prevent your brother or sister from holding the ball. You can throw balloons like a ball, you can paint them with markers, you can teach children how to make figures from oblong balloons, and come up with many other interesting fun with balloons.

Method number 37: Clothing store

Arrange a fitting of things under the guise of playing in the store. Children will be happy to try on and disassemble how own clothes, and the things of the parents. At the same time, throwing a glance at the kids playing, you can pay attention to what things are already not enough, and what to sew up or wash.

And if you provide children with a cash desk, the equivalent of money and the right idea, then the usual fitting of clothes will turn into a game in the store.

Method number 38: Pillow fight

There is no explanation for this game. special meaning, she is familiar to everyone since childhood. But to become her instigator, and then go about your business - a nice thing. Children will recklessly pick up the game, being carried away by pillow fights for a long time. You can complicate it by allocating for the battle a limited rectangle of a blanket laid on the floor - who went abroad - lost.

Method number 39: Puppet theater

Changing places, children can take turns being both spectators and actors, giving a performance based on famous fairy tales or inventing your own stories.

Many ready-made variations are sold in stores, but it is quite easy to build such a theater on your own. But children need to be accustomed to such a game, shown and explained several times, then they will easily play theater on their own.

Method number 40: Let there be dancing!

Turn on upbeat music and invite the kids to rage to it and dance. Show them some simple moves! And they will gladly learn to own their own body.

It's boring to dance alone - but together it's very fun. Tired of dancing? Turn on karaoke!

Independent play is an important stage of growing up

If the phrase that he is bored sounds often enough from the only child in the family, then it is much easier to figure out how to keep the children busy together. Having a partner to play with, kids are more willing to let their parents do their adult chores. It is possible and necessary to teach children to play games on their own, but over time, children will come to this on their own, as the only possible option.

In the meantime, most of the non-parental forms of entertainment are quite destructive to your home, and for starters, you can invite both offspring to find something to do in the toy boxes. What if they themselves play, calmly releasing you for a while from themselves?

However, from the moment when the kids begin to master independent games, you will have to think less and less about how to entertain the children - an amazing children's fantasy will give them a whole world, and your task is to throw an idea and a couple of thematic items. Dare!

The most important thing a child needs is love and understanding. IN modern age high technology people really lack living measured communication. Therefore, it is very important to communicate with children, such interaction is effective at the time of the game. Let's imagine that the weather has made its own adjustments to the daily schedule, and you are left alone with the baby. Game ideas can come in handy if you organize children's holiday or evening.

Joint activities with children - better pastime

Ideas joint activities it is necessary to fix, for some reason, at the most necessary moment, all ideas do not come to mind, and children are not used to waiting and preparing for a game for a long time.

Games for the little ones

Fun for older kids

The version of role-playing games is very interesting for children, where you can entertain each other by exchanging roles with children, play school, hospital, veterinary clinic, studio, shop. Inventory can always be found in household. For such entertainment games are easy, at ease, for a long time.

joint crafts

If you have the skills to make crafts, you can make a real one together with the children. puppet show or a doll with hinges, for making you will need the simplest materials at hand, such a toy is easy to transform and develop. If the next day the weather has not changed, you know how to entertain the baby.

Crafts from pasta and cereals - make a competition, who will come up with the best

If you have a lot cardboard boxes, then you can do the design of the house. It will be interesting for both girls and boys. Creative thought has no boundaries, you can build your own multi-storey building, develop a layout of rooms and an interior. If you still have building materials after repair, then it would be nice to find a use for them, especially since you won’t need a lot of them to equip a toy house.

This activity is very interesting, you can paste wallpaper on the walls, draw pictures, sew curtains, make small dolls.

Water activities

If you do not have lighting, then you can try to make an original candle based on cardboard and a flashlight. Make a cylinder out of cardboard, apply a pattern on the side surface with a hole punch or needle. On the walls of the apartment can shine different pictures. In such an environment, you can try to organize a shadow theater, children are always very mesmerized.

A homemade bottle feeder will be a source of pride

If the child loves animals and birds, then you can try to make a bird feeder with him. It is desirable that dad participate in this. Such a house can be hung in the yard or park, every time you walk you can pour seeds, grains of bread crumbs into the feeder. In this way, you will develop a sense of compassion in your child.

If you are in the kitchen, you can make paintings and crafts from cereals and pasta. For creativity, you will need a board with a layer of plasticine, on it you can depict the plot of a fairy tale or a story you have invented. From pasta, you can make a set of beads and a bracelet. If food coloring or paints are at hand, then color the crafts in different colors. The kid will be delighted, so the whole exhibition is organized.

If you have a balcony, then you can arrange a launch soap bubbles. This activity captivates not only children, but also adults. Just try to keep the wind away from the neighboring balconies. No one wants to wash soap stains from glass.

Ice crafts are very easy to make.

An interesting direction of creativity is work based on ice. Mono collect flowering and green plants on the street, form a composition, pour water, for rich color add some food coloring. Of course, the lifetime of such a work is limited, but you can take a picture of the craft as a keepsake.

The refrigerator can freeze water in balloons with the addition of food coloring. When the mixture is frozen, just cut the balls. As a result, you get multi-colored ice balls.

Make snowflakes for the Christmas tree with your child

Approaching new year holidays you can decorate the apartment, make snowflakes and lanterns. Often winter weather does not always make us happy, so it's time to start creating comfort on the eve of the New Year holidays. You can find many instructions for making crafts. The child is very pleased to see the fruits of his creativity at home.

Give your child a magnifying glass - he will find something for himself

If you are fond of yoga, then you can conduct classes with your child at home, such exercises will not cause inconvenience to the neighbors, but you will be busy physical activity. On the Internet and through children's channels, you can find a whole course of classes for children. You will be a great example for your child.

If you know how to play musical instrument, then it's time to teach the child this. Perhaps the first sounds of the house will not be melodious, but an example of a beautiful game will arouse interest in the child. The kid will ask to enroll him in a music school.

Board games - great way spend time

Children can be entertained at home board games, intellectual development always respected. Using your game as an example, you will teach your child tricks; while playing with peers, this will increase the chance of success.

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When your baby is a year old, he is active and mobile, very inquisitive and will happily explore this world. During this period of life, the mother should pay enough attention to the emu and find various interesting activities.

As the proverb says: "Motherhood is very hard work, without days off and the possibility of vacations." But you must admit, it is impossible to devote all 24 hours a day, because there are still household chores in the form of cooking, cleaning and personal time. A logical question arises, what to do with a child at 1 year old for at least a little? More on this later.

In fact, there are many ways to captivate a child. interesting activities, thereby getting a little time to do important things. Consider some of the most popular options that you can offer your baby.

  1. New colorful toy.Surely all children will be happy with such a gift. Of course, this does not mean that you need to purchase one toy every day, but sometimes this option is not bad at all. It may be something small, but the main thing is safe.

You should not buy toys with small parts so that they do not pose a threat. It’s good if it has moving elements - they will definitely interest the baby, and he will play with a new find for a longer time.

Another rescue option is the “miracle box”, which contains old toys that he did not play with. long time. This option has been tested by many mothers who really need rest or time to do household chores.

  1. Busyboard. Not everyone has heard this strange word, but they definitely know its meaning in practice. Various buttons, locks, pens, laces, ropes, buttons and other similar things will help to come up with activities for a child a year. small parts, which are combined together on a special board, and it is called a "business board". You can buy a creation in a store or make it yourself. Basically, the toy is aimed not only at distracting the attention of the child, but also at developing his fine motor skills.

You can attach anything there, starting from an old unnecessary calculator or mobile phone, ending with a chain from the door or block. The main thing is that all the details are safe.

  1. Help in business. An interesting approach will not be to distract the attention of the baby, but on the contrary - to involve him in his work process. Not everyone will agree to such an experiment, because some mothers are deeply convinced that the child will only interfere. But for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready, on the contrary, to teach a child with early age help parents, will soon be pleasantly surprised.

For example, show your child how to do laundry properly. Put a small basin or bath in a convenient place, after laying oilcloth there, pour warm water and give some small thing to wash. You will be pleasantly surprised with what pleasure the child will begin to wash it. In the meantime, while he is passionate about the process, you can get down to your own business. Now the child is in sight, and you are in business.

  1. Loose items. Entertain one year old baby bulk items in the form of pasta, cereals, peas, beans, etc. will help. (we wrote about how to color rice in) To do this, you can select small box or a bowl in which to put a cup, spoon or other object into which you can collect what is in the bowl (we wrote about drawing with semolina in).
  2. Sort out the closet. And why not, because it is so exciting and interesting. Let your little one poke around in one of the dresser drawers or a regular bag of clothes. Sometimes it looks so funny that you yourself will tear yourself away from your business. What you can’t give up to laugh heartily when the baby tries on a bra or puts on things at random. And if you also grab a camera, you can get great shots for a family album.
  3. Toilet paper or an old magazine collection. This is another trick to keep your 1 year old busy. Feel free to pull as many old magazines out of the closet as you can. While the baby will enthusiastically look at them, scatter or tear, you can get a little distracted. True, be careful and do not give him newspapers, as there is a chance to injure your hand or cut yourself on them.
  4. Cartoons. How is that Lifebuoy for many mothers, because it is colorful cartoons that can completely captivate a child for long period time. Try to select good quality animations, because, unfortunately, at the present time there are many products that do not correspond to the gentle child's psyche.

By the way, now there are many developmental programs that are aimed at teaching and explaining the elementary properties of objects, for example, understanding the meanings of high and low, fat and thin, talk about what day and night, spring and autumn, etc. So in addition to distraction, the child can develop in parallel and learn new things.

  1. Talking toy. This is a funny hamster or any other animal that will repeat all the words that your baby says. It is very funny and fun to watch a child play with such a toy.
  2. Dancing. Almost all children in young age love to dance. Try turning on a music channel or radio for your child. If he is in the mood, he will certainly begin to dance and jump to the music.
  3. plastic bottle games. Offer the baby a large five-liter plastic bottle with which he can play to his heart's content. Complete with it, give him small toys that fit there. At least for a short, but still time, the baby will certainly be interested in such an activity.
  4. order. Ask the little one to do some very simple task, for example, bring a thing or put the doll to bed. In the process of execution, the child will be distracted for 10-15 minutes, during which you can manage to complete simple tasks.

6 ways to keep a child busy without toys: video

Adult supervised play options

In addition to the basic ideas about what to do with a child at 1 year old, there are options that can also be used, but with minimal participation from mom or dad. Here are a few of them.

  1. Paints. Art has a positive effect on the development of the baby. Of course, in a year it will be difficult for a child to use a brush for drawing, but he can do it well with his fingers or palms. Take a huge sheet of paper or let him frolic a little on the tile, which can then be washed without any problems. Finger paints for children are not dangerous (on how to make Finger paint read for yourself in), and the game process will be very vivid and full of emotions. The main thing is to keep an eye on the baby so that he does not begin to transfer his creativity to furniture and walls.
  2. Bubble. One of the most favorite entertainment of all children. During this lesson, they come to a real delight, starting to laugh contagiously and try to catch bubbles with their hands.
  3. We roll the ball. It is difficult to keep a one-year-old baby in one place, because he wants to constantly run and jump. If you buy a small rubber ball, you can teach your child to roll it on the floor, kick and run after it.

There is an option to build a small bowling alley, where instead of pins there will be plastic bottles or balloons. Such entertainment will captivate not only the baby, but also your whole family.

  1. Music books. This, of course, will not distract the attention of the crumbs for a long time, but it will still occupy it for a while. It is good if the book is large and cardboard, with bright pictures of characters, the details of which can be moved.
  2. Wheelchair. Another salvation for mom when she needs a little time. This is an excellent device that is suitable even for those children who still do not feel quite confident on their feet. Moreover, this mode of transport will become useful for several years to come. You can drive the car at home, or take it with you for a walk.
  3. Swedish wall. This is a wonderful modern simulator for the whole family, the models of which have additional functions designed for very young children. Often there is a rope, a rope ladder, a slide or a swing included. Of course, for this type of entertainment, you need to look after the child, but he may well slide down the hill on his own, where you put soft pillows or a bedspread. If you have such a wall available, it means that a child from the most early years will lead active image life, and this will positively affect his development and health.
  4. Tent or house. Surely everyone in childhood built small shelters from pillows, blankets and other items that can be easily found at home. Imagine how great it would be to build such a structure for your baby.

It's not a secret for anyone that in the year children love to play hide and seek and crawl in closed areas (for example, in the tunnels on the playground). If you do not have the desire to spend time on this, it is possible to purchase such a house made of fabric and polyethylene in the store.

What to do with the baby on the street?

We considered options for taking a child at 1 year old at home. But what about the street, because sometimes you also want to exchange a word with other mothers.

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