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The use of mnemonics in the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Mnemonics and its methods for preschool children Mnemo tables in kindergarten for speech development

Hello our dear readers! With the advent of more and more new methods of child development, parents are faced with new challenges. Today we will discuss one of the newest methods used by educators and speech therapists to develop speech and memory - mnemonics. We will also consider mnemonic tables for preschoolers in pictures and learn how to use them.

Mnemonics is a set of techniques and methods for memorizing information using visual and sound examples.

To date, this memorization technique is widely used in preschool institutions, as well as at the reception of a speech therapist.

Mnemonics helps young children:

  • It is easier to memorize poems, tongue twisters, riddles, stories;
  • Recode information from visual to abstract and vice versa;
  • Build a logical chain of events and play the story in the correct order (beginning - middle - end);
  • Enriches vocabulary;
  • Helps develop thinking;
  • Develops fantasy;
  • Helps to compose long descriptive sentences and coordinate tenses.

This technique uses visual aids - tables. In speech development classes, teachers often use mnemonics and offer children to decipher and memorize images on tables. Tables can have a wide variety of looks and themes.

There are such mnemonic tables:

  • For poems, riddles or fairy tales;
  • To remember the rules;
  • For stories.

Modern children are surrounded by a mass of information, most often they do not have time to assimilate it, and therefore experience a problem with its reproduction. Preschool children often have a rather large vocabulary, but make up only simple sentences that they cannot assemble into a complete logical story. Mnemonic tables teach children to plan a story and play it in a logical order. The use of mnemotables significantly improves the educational process, children learn faster.

2. Compile mimic tables

The mnemonic table can be hand-drawn or made up of pictures, like a collage. At the initial stage of learning, it is better to draw small ribbon tables, placing 3-4 pictures in a row. It is interesting for children to color these pictures, and later to tell you their ideas for drawing.

To create a mnemonic table, you need:

  1. Break the story into parts, identifying important points (every 2-3 words), draw a sheet of paper into squares;
  2. Draw a picture for each such moment (describing nouns or adjectives);
  3. Incomprehensible words (verbs or questions), if possible, somehow portray or simply put the sign "?". This will need to be commented on by the child.

Different riddles or fairy tales are easier and more fun to perceive by young children if they are sorted into situations and depicted in pictures. Then the child is invited to remember what was described and tell it step by step, looking at the pictures.

At the same time, the following processes take place in the child’s head:

  1. Looking at pictures and understanding what they show;
  2. Recoding information from visual to figurative, comparing a picture with a concept;
  3. Drawing up a story from pictures;
  4. memorization of a story or verse.

A child of the older group of the kindergarten can independently draw pictures for the mnemonic table, after the teacher has broken the story into situations and told what to draw. It is simple and interesting to depict a mnemonic table for the seasons. Here is a description of winter:

It is better to start working on mnemonic tables with children from the age of 4, when they already have an initial vocabulary. At this age, you can teach children the rules, focusing on the tables. These can be algorithms for dressing or washing, there are also mnemonic tables for traffic rules so that the child learns the rules of the road faster.

Children will like to study fairy tales or poems according to the tables:

Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanechka, don't cry!
The ball will not sink in the river.

As soon as the baby understood the purpose of the mnemonic tables, you can increase the number of pictures, as well as the complexity of the task:

You can make puzzles, riddles or mnemonic tables in mathematics. In the latter case, it is enough to draw a number, and in another square a picture depicting a given number. In the future, the child is deposited in the memory of the corresponding picture when he sees the number.

If you cannot or do not have time to draw mnemonic tables, they can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded, and then printed out and taught to your child. It is better not to show on the computer, the child will not perceive the screen in the same way as a piece of paper in front of him.

3. Memorization by mnemonic tables

As already mentioned, mnemotables simplify the perception of the text by young children. This is especially important for children who have speech and hearing problems, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the story aloud. It is easy to learn poems and stories using mnemonic tables, and when telling a story, you can peep at the pictures. This technique gives confidence even to shy children, they learn to speak in public.

If you ask a preschooler to tell a story, you will see that he does not get a coherent story. The child quickly gets lost, switches his attention to something, and in general often does not have time to finish the story and runs away somewhere on business. Try to disassemble the story with him and draw it into a mnemonic table. The child will learn to build a story along a storyline, get used to the fact that any story should have a beginning and a logical end.

Many phenomena are easier to parse by mnemonic tables. Seeing the image of what is being discussed, the child will more easily remember the information, because it will be perceived by the brain automatically, recoding it from abstract to figurative thinking:

According to this table, the child will learn a story about birds. Table decoding:

1. What is this bird?
2. Is she wild or domestic?
3. What color?
4. What does it eat?
5. What sounds does it make?
6. What does he do, how does he live?
7. Where does he live?
8. What kind of babies does she have?
9. What benefit (or harm) does it bring to people?

Using the same algorithm, you can come up with a story about anything. The child will first answer all the questions separately, and then you need to ask him to tell about this in a single text, looking at the table.

The story can be about the properties of objects, and about the profession, and about his friends - anything:

It is not necessary to study mnemonic tables in groups, it is quite possible to do it alone with the child, at home. If parents, grandparents have a desire to develop a child's thinking, enrich his speech and teach him to speak correctly at preschool age, he will go to school with a good preparation that will distinguish him from other classmates.

Examples of mnemotables can be viewed in this video:

Natalya Bainova
The use of mnemotables in the development of speech of preschool children

Knowledge of the native language is not only the ability to correctly build sentences, but also the ability to tell, describe an object, event, phenomenon. Such a story should consist of a series of sentences and characterize the essential aspects and properties of the described object, the events should be consistent and logically connected with each other, that is, the child's speech should be coherent.

The goal of the teacher's work speech development of preschool children is the formation of the initial communicative competence of the child. Realization of this goal assumes that by the end preschool age speech becomes a universal means of communication between the child and others people: senior preschooler can communicate with different people age, gender, social status. This assumes fluency in the language at the oral level. speeches, the ability to focus on the characteristics of the interlocutor in the process communication: to select content and speech forms that are adequate to his perception. According to the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education(FGOS DO): "verbal development includes possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; communication development, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speeches; development of speech creativity; development sound and intonation culture speeches, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy”.

Children acquire their native language through speech activity, through perception speech and speaking. That is why it is so important to create conditions for well-coherent speech activity. children, to communicate, to express their thoughts.

What is needed for mnemonics for preschoolers?

Relevance mnemonics for preschoolers is due to the fact that just in this age in children visual-figurative memory predominates. Most often, memorization occurs involuntarily, simply because some object or phenomenon has come into the child's field of vision. If he tries to learn and remember something that is not supported by a visual picture, something abstract, then you should not count on success. Mnemonics for preschoolers just helps to simplify the process of memorization, develop associative thinking and imagination, enhance mindfulness. Moreover, tricks mnemonics as a result of the competent work of the educator, they lead to the enrichment of the vocabulary and the formation of a coherent speeches.

mnemonics translated from Greek - the art of memorization, technology memory development.

Mnemonics and kinesiology(the science of development brain through certain hand movements) were used by Aristotle and Hippocrates.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty of these words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly."

Method mnemotable helps to effectively perceive and reproduce the information received.

As practice has shown, this technique greatly facilitates the search for and memorization of words, sentences and texts for children.

How to apply mnemonics in kindergarten?

Methodology mnemonics- an easy way to speech development, which facilitates memorization and is realized through use of mnemotables and graphic drawings. Mnemotable is a diagram containing certain information. For each word or phrase, a picture is invented and the entire text is sketched schematically. Any story, fairy tale, proverb, poem can be "record", using pictures or symbols. Looking at these diagrams, the child reproduces the information received.

Mastering how to work with mnemonic tables significantly reduces training time and simultaneously solves the following tasks:

1. Speech development and expanding vocabulary.

2. Convert images to symbols.

3. Memory development, attention and figurative thinking.

4. Development of fine motor skills.

5. Development creativity, imagination.


They are didactic material for speech development;

They can use to improve vocabulary and speech development;

use when learning to retell and compose stories, when guessing riddles, when memorizing proverbs, sayings, poems.

Working with such tables is based on the principle "from simple to complex":

1. Examination of tables and analysis of the symbols depicted on it.

2. Transformation of symbols into images.

3. Retelling with symbols.

First, children are offered simple mimic tables, built on the image of the sequence of processes of washing, washing hands, dressing, table setting. It is difficult for a small child to remember the entire algorithm of actions invented by adults, therefore, visual pictures, deciphered in the classroom and independently retold, will allow the child, each time, for example, approaching the locker with things, to easily reproduce the stages of dressing.

Then mimic tables complicate.

It is very convenient to use the method mnemotable when writing descriptive stories. A descriptive story is the most difficult type in a monologue. speeches. Children do not have the knowledge that they acquire throughout life. To describe an object, it must be realized, and awareness is analysis. Which is very difficult for a child. Here it is important to teach the child to first highlight the signs of the subject.

3. Value.

4. What does it consist of (details?

5. What material is the toy made of?

6. How can this toy be played with?

Memorizing poems with mnemotable

Mnemotables especially effective when learning poems. The bottom line is next: for each word or small phrase, a picture is invented (the image, thus, the entire poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using graphic image, reproduces the entire poem. Algorithm:

1. Expressive reading of a poem for adults.

2. Re-reading the poem based on mnemotable with installation that this poem will be learned by heart.

3. Content questions poems:

4. Explanation of the meaning of incomprehensible words in a form accessible to the child.

5. Reading to adults separately each line of the poem and repeating it by the child based on mnemonic table.

6. Telling a poem by a child based on mnemonic table.

Retelling with mnemotable

By using mnemotable you can retell fairy tales and stories. Children see all the actors, and concentrate their attention on the correct construction of sentences, on reproduction in their speeches necessary expressions.


1. Reading text to adults;

2. Consideration mimic tables;

3. Answers to questions on content:

4. Re-reading the story with a mindset for retelling;

5. Retelling the text by the child in his own words according to mimic table.

Solving riddles with mnemotable

Practical task

Make sketches for puzzles:

1. "Under the pines, under the trees, lies a bag of needles."

2. “Without hands, without an axe, a hut was built.”

3. “Grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.

How to form a child's speech and help him feel the rhythm speeches, to fill his speech with beautiful and correct words, to teach how to make phrases and sentences? Use mnemonics.

Schemes and symbol tables are assistants that help to perceive auditory information, process visual information and, without fear of making a mistake, reproduce it.

What gives mnemonics?

Thus, systematic work on development of speech in children using mnemotables gives his results:

Not only vocabulary is expanding, but also knowledge about the world around.

There is a desire to retell - the child understands that it is not at all difficult.

Memorizing poems turns into a game that children really like.

This is one of the most effective ways speech development of preschoolers.

It must be remembered that the level of speech development defined by the child's vocabulary. And just a few steps taken in this direction will help you in speech development of a preschooler.

Therefore, the sooner you learn children tell or retell using the mnemonics method, the better we will prepare them for school, since speech is an important indicator of the mental abilities of the child and his readiness for schooling.

One of the main and fundamental conditions for the comprehensive and full development of children during preschool age is competent, logically built beautiful speech. As a rule, it is during preschool age that the optimal and most favorable conditions for the formation of eloquence and a full-fledged vocabulary are formed.

According to many speech therapists, in order to help kids learn new information and develop at an accelerated pace, learn to express their thoughts logically, talk colorfully and interestingly about themselves and the world around them, specially created techniques and communication techniques are used. And one of these techniques is the use of mnemotables in the development of children's speech.

In most cases, girls and boys of preschool age should already fully operate with synonyms and a variety of images, describe all the events that occur, using bright, but at the same time grammatically correct word forms. But, unfortunately, not all preschoolers can boast of such skills. Most children face various speech problems:

  • The inability to compose long, complex sentences - the child's speech consists exclusively of simple, concise sentences.
  • The child cannot independently formulate a logically correct and complete sentence.
  • Systematic use of non-literary vocabulary.
  • Minimal, poor vocabulary that does not correspond to the age category of the child.
  • A preschooler cannot independently formulate questions and answer the questions posed.
  • Poor diction.
  • A preschooler cannot build correct logical conclusions and statements.

To correct such speech defects, mnemonics is often used, which is widely used among many specialists.

What is mnemonics?

Mnemonics - literally translated from Greek means "the art of memorization." This is a certain system of techniques and methods, the action of which is aimed at the most effective preservation, reproduction and memorization of the material received.

The name of this technique is absolutely not accidental - it comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of memory, logic and prudence named Mnemosyne. Mnemonics is a popular technique, the essence of which is the most accelerated development of coherent speech, based on the visual perception of information with its further reproduction using images.

The main meaning of using a mnemonic table for children is as follows - to determine a specific word or phrase, a specific image (picture) is used, with the help of which the word is schematically sketched. By carefully studying the presented images, the child can memorize and reproduce text material at an accelerated pace, which helps the development of speech for preschoolers.

The main advantages of mnemotables

The use of mnemotables in the development of children's speech has become quite widespread among specialists and teachers. The use of this technology makes it possible to significantly facilitate the process of teaching preschool children and to accelerate the pace of development of children's coherent speech as much as possible.

Due to the fact that colorful visual schemes are used in the learning process, kids learn to build grammatically correct, logically complete, consistent and accurate texts, saturated with a variety of clarifying details.

Below is an example of a mnemonic table on the topic "autumn", where the child learns the main features of this season.

Summing up, we can say that a mnemonic table for the development of coherent speech is a certain scheme that conveys specific information and acts as a very important visual material for normalizing the full formation of coherent speech in preschool children.

What are the main advantages of mnemonics over other speech development techniques?

  • Promotes the accelerated development of visual and auditory memory.
  • It is used to solve common school problems - for example, to memorize poems or solve complex riddles and puzzles.
  • Mnemo tables for children are also widely used to develop the skill of retelling any work of art in a preschooler.
  • In order to improve the conversational skills of a preschooler, as a result of which the child can fully support a conversation on almost any topic.
  • Maximum development of conversational skills.

In addition, the timely use of mnemotables in the development of coherent speech makes it possible to achieve success in the development of associative thinking, visual perception, auditory memory, and imagination.

Making mnemotables

Making training mnemotables for speech development does not require special skills or artistic talent. A word or a short phrase is selected, as well as an image that will clearly illustrate the selected word.

For children of primary preschool age, it is best to use tables with bright, colorful pictures - thanks to the images of a squirrel, a bunny or a flower, the child remembers the material much faster and easier.

After some time, after the children have carefully studied the phrase and the image that characterizes it, you can replace the picture with graphic symbols. For example, depict a Christmas tree with a green triangle, and a hare with a gray or blue circle. The following shows how, using the example of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", you can make mnemonic tables with gradual complication in the form of replacing pictures with graphic symbols:

Mnemotable with pictures only.

Add some graphic symbols.

We replace all pictures with graphic symbols.

Most often, for the development of coherent speech in preschool children, ready-made charts-tables developed by V.K. Vorobieva or T.A. Tkachenko. But it is worth remembering that such model schemes cannot be called universal - they can only become the basis in the learning process of each individual child. The teacher can independently refine, improve and correct ready-made model schemes.

In most cases, educational mnemonic tables are used to teach children the main features of a particular subject. Therefore, the main topics in such tables can be the study of color, shape, size, texture (soft or hard) of a particular object. In addition, the learning mnemonic table can answer the following question:

  • What elements does this object consist of?
  • What is this item used for?
  • What can be done with this item and what can not be done with it?

This is an approximate list of questions that the child should answer after studying cards with images and mnemotables.

Features of using mnemotables for teaching children

Today, mnemonics is one of the easy-to-use, easy, convenient and highly effective methods for developing coherent children's speech, accelerated memorization of material, which are implemented through schematic mnemotables and graphic images.

At the same time, this technique helps to formulate the baby's speech, replenish his vocabulary with beautiful, complex and well-formed phrases and sentences. The essence of all mnemonic techniques is the transformation of textual, verbal information into visual images. Despite the fact that many preschool children perceive the first classes very painfully, believing that they will not succeed, the kids really like the learning process in the future. Not only is it extremely informative, but it's also very entertaining, addictive and fun, just like a game.

Most often, in the case of using mnemotables for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers in preschool institutions, the following scheme is used:

  1. The teacher shows the children cards with bright and colorful pictures denoting a certain phrase or sentence.
  2. The next stage is the study of the so-called mnemonic tracks. This is a series of pictures, consisting of about four images, with which the child can tell a simple story.
  3. The most difficult stage is the use of the mnemonic table directly for teaching coherent speech to preschoolers. Thanks to this method, preschool children learn to reproduce longer and more complex stories and stories.

Varieties of mnemonics for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers:

  • Cards with an algorithm for certain actions - for example, a sequence of morning activities (washing, brushing teeth, breakfast, dressing).
  • Mnemonic tracks with a series of different images that tell a particular story or story. For children of younger preschool age, fairy tales are most often used.
  • Techniques for faster and easier assimilation of information, the study of poetry.

An example in the use of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs".

An example in the use of the poem.

Basic rules for development using mnemotables

When using mnemonics for the development of the speech apparatus in preschool children, it should be remembered that most children without prior training perceive this teaching method extremely difficult. At the very initial stages of the educational process for the development of speech for preschoolers, it is best to use more understandable and easy-to-understand mnemonic squares.

Pictures in black and white are unlikely to arouse interest in young children, and therefore it is necessary to use colorful images in bright colors.

The number of pictures in the mnemonic track should not be excessive, as this complicates the perception of any information for the child. The maximum allowable number of images in a track should not exceed 8-9 images. And, of course, all tables should not duplicate the same topic - they should all be different and refer to completely different areas.

Learning outcomes through mnemotables

In the vast majority of cases, the learning and development of speech through mnemonic tables in preschool children is successful. Children significantly expand their horizons and knowledge about the world around them, their imagination develops noticeably, they begin to actively invent their own stories and entertaining stories.

The children have an increased interest in various rhymes and obtaining new information about the world around them, the vocabulary is expanding, and there is a willingness to speak to the audience.

Mnemonics of connected speech of preschoolers is a popular and widespread technique, the action of which is aimed at improving the procedure for memorizing material, developing associative thinking and beautiful, competent connected speech.

Proper organization of education for children with impaired speech is a very difficult task. It should be remembered that, as for normally developing children, the most effective education is one that is somewhat ahead of the development of the child, but does not exceed its capabilities. Therefore, along with the generally accepted methods and principles, it is quite reasonable to use original, creative methods, the effectiveness of which is obvious. One such technique is mnemonics.

mnemonics is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information. An example is the familiar phrase "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits"

Mnemonics in speech therapy is used in the development of:

Related speech;

Associative thinking;

Visual and auditory memory;

Visual and auditory attention;


Speeding up the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.

Ushinsky K.D. wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.” Since visual material is better absorbed by preschoolers, the use of mnemotables in classes for the development of coherent speech allows children to more effectively perceive and process visual information. The use of mnemonic schemes helps the child to enrich a coherent statement.

The essence of mnemonics is as follows : for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is invented and sketched or displayed; thus, all text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

Mnemonic memorization consists of four stages:

image encoding,

Memorization (combining two images),

Sequence memorization,

Fixation in memory.

We begin to use mnemonics techniques in classes with young children. In order to develop certain skills and abilities in children, mnemonic diagrams, mnemonic squares, mnemonic tables are introduced into the learning process.

With the help of a mnemonic table, it is easy to memorize poems, nursery rhymes, retell texts, Russian folk tales, compose stories (while compiling a mnemonic diagram and supplementing it with new elements in the process of retelling)

The problems that exist in children with speech pathology: poor vocabulary, inability to coordinate words in a sentence, impaired understanding of the text require a special approach. When working with children with speech disorders, it was noticed that they are joyfully included in educational activities. As a rule, such children have poor memory, imperfect logical thinking, reduced attention, mental processes are not so mobile, they do not show interest in search activities and hardly plan any of its types, they are not ready to complete tasks, they are not distinguished by high efficiency.

For these and other reasons, children with speech disorders do not like to learn poetry, retell texts, do not know the techniques and methods of memorization. Memorizing poems causes them great difficulties, rapid fatigue and negative emotions. It is very important to arouse interest in activities in children with such a pathology, to captivate them, liberate them and turn overwork into their favorite and most accessible type of activity - GAME.

It is necessary to teach children to coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly express their thoughts, talk about various events from the surrounding life, automate and differentiate the set sounds. It is especially important to develop visual-figurative thinking.

Preschool age is the age of figurative forms of consciousness, and the main means that a child masters at this age are figurative means: sensory standards, various symbols and signs (first of all, these are various visual models, diagrams, tables, etc.).

Using generalizations allows the child to generalize from their direct experience. As established by the studies of psychologists L. Wenger, A.V. Zaporozhets, J. Piaget and others, the main direction in the development of figurative thinking, imagination, memory is to master the child's ability to substitute and spatial modeling.

At preschool age, visual-figurative memory predominates, and memorization is mostly involuntary. Children's memory has an amazing property - exceptional photographicity. In order for the memorized poem to be remembered for a long time, it is necessary to repeat it three times during the first five days. The visual image preserved in the child after listening, accompanied by viewing the drawings (the action of involuntary attention and involuntary visual memory), allows you to recall the poem much faster.

Mnemosquare - This is a sheet of paper (square) on which some object, action or direction of action, or a sign is schematically depicted. Mnemonic squares in training can be used separately, for example, in various games of inventing riddles, or they consist inmnemonic table .

Here are some examples of games using mnemonic squares:

Game "Piggy bank of words"

Target:vocabulary enrichment, development of long-term memory.

Children "collect" new words in a piggy bank, i.e. draw or designate with symbols, immediately after their formation or interpretation and with a delay (after other exercises, at the end of a lesson, every other day). We periodically return to the words in the piggy bank: the next day, a week later, a month later. Children are invited to remember the words that they "put" in the piggy bank of words and make up a sentence or story with them.

The game "Let's encrypt the words"

Target:vocabulary enrichment, development of logical thinking and long-term memory.

The speech therapist asks the child to draw pictures for each word he named. A visual image corresponding to objects arises easily, so children are invited to “encrypt” words, such as delicious soup, joy, etc.

Game "Wizards"

Target:vocabulary enrichment, development of long-term memory and logical thinking.


Several cards are laid out in front of the child with a schematic representation of individual objects (for example, a Christmas tree, a house, wings, etc.). The child is called a few words and offered to choose pictures that will help him remember these words, i.e. "bewitch" words. Next, the child must reproduce the presented words. To do this, he takes the pictures put aside in turn and with their help recalls the words that were called to him. This exercise will help the child develop logical connections between objects.

Game "Teremok"

Target:vocabulary enrichment, development of classification skills

Children are offered pictures and two, three or more towers, with a schematic representation of a garden (for fruits), a vegetable garden (for vegetables), a Christmas tree (for wild animals), a house (for pets), etc. The children are given the task to “settle” the pictures in the desired tower (the classification criterion is not named) and explain why each picture was placed in one or another tower.

The game "Flower-Semitsvetik"

Target:verb vocabulary enrichment

Children receive a picture (the core of a flower) with a symbol of an action, for example, a fish dives, swims, the sun shines, etc., and then attach petals to the core with the image of objects that can perform this action.

Journey game

Target:consolidation of word-formation skills of prefixed verbs

Children are offered a playing field with the image of the road and obstacles that they have to overcome. Near each obstacle, a diagram of the attachment is drawn. Children make up a story about the journey, for example, Sonya: Sonya walked along the road, came up to the house, entered the house, left the house, went along the road again, approached the river, crossed the bridge, went to the stump, walked around the stump, etc. d.

When learning poetry for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is thought up; thus, the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using a graphic image, reproduces the entire poem. At the initial stage, an adult offers a ready-made plan - a scheme, and as he learns, the child is also actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

For example "Kolobok"

Two arms

In individual speech therapy classes on automation and differentiation of sounds, in work with children, it is noted that for the exact repetition of a poetic text, tongue twisters, a schematic representation of individual parts is sufficient. As practice shows, the use of a mnemonic system allows you to speed up the process of automating and differentiating the set sounds, facilitating the memorization and subsequent reproduction of a holistic image in a rhymed form.

Mnemotables are used for retelling and independent compilation of fairy tales.

Fairy tale plays a special role in the life of a child. Through a fairy tale, children get acquainted with the world around them, learn the correct pronunciation of sounds, perform various game tasks that contribute to intellectual development. The child empathizes with the characters, shares their feelings, lives with them in the world of a fairy tale. At the initial stage, an adult offers a ready-made plan - a scheme, and as he learns, the child is also actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

The work on the mnemonic table consists of five stages:

1. Examining the table and analyzing what is shown on it.

2. Transformation from abstract symbols to images.

3. Retelling a fairy tale based on symbols (images).

4. A graphical sketch of the mimic table is made.

5. The table is reproduced by the child when it is shown to him.

The thematic framework of a fairy tale may include several activities. Classes, in turn, contain several game tasks and research. Classes are complex and aimed at the development of children's speech and mental activity.

Mnemotables are also used to compose descriptive stories. various subjects (description of vegetables, fruits, clothes, tools, seasons, etc.).

For example:


1.Color. (What color is the vegetable?)

2.Shape. (What shape is it?)

3. Two tomatoes. (What size are they?)

4. Carrots, peppers. (What do they taste like?)

5. Bed. (Where did the vegetable grow?)

6. Saucepan, hand. (What can be prepared from this vegetable?)

A sheet of thick paper measuring 45 * 30 centimeters is divided into squares (according to the number of characteristic features).

Color: color spots are drawn. It is important that they do not have a clear form, then attention is better concentrated on color and there is no confusion of the concepts of "color" - "form".

Form: depicting geometric shapes. They are not painted so that the attention of children is concentrated on the form.

Size: two objects of contrasting size are drawn. Children are reminded that when talking about the size of an object, in addition to the concepts of "big - small", one must use the concepts of "high - low", "long - short", "wide - narrow", "thick - thin".

Materials: rectangles of the same size made of metal foil, plastic, wood-like film, or pieces of fabric (wool, silk, chintz ...) are glued.

Item Parts: (toys, clothes, dishes, etc.) parts of the object are at a small distance from each other. Children need to be introduced to the names of the parts in advance.

Item actions: the hand is depicted with extended fingers.

An example story on this mnemonic table:

Carrot is a vegetable. It is orange with green tops. Carrot triangular shape, small size. This vegetable is sweet and juicy. It grows in the garden, in the garden. Carrots are very useful, they have a lot of vitamins. Salata is prepared from it, it is added to borscht and cabbage soup. The hare loves carrots more than all animals.

In addition to standard mnemonic techniques, computer programs using mnemonic diagrams are used to teach children how to write description stories in the work of kindergarten speech therapists. The use of the program material facilitates the perception of visual images, which are a tool for memorizing and reproducing text. The use of a computer program concentrates attention, captivating children, turns the lesson into a game.

According to the results of speech therapy monitoring of groups in our kindergarten, children showed positive dynamics in mastering the correct sound pronunciation, accelerating the timing of automation of sounds. The volume of visual and verbal memory has noticeably increased, the distribution and stability of attention have improved, mental activity has intensified. The methods of mnemonics allow to increase the interest of children in speech therapy classes, and, accordingly, their effectiveness increases.

When teaching coherent speech to preschoolers with OHP, mnemonic techniques make it much easier for children to master their native language, reduce learning time, develop memory, attention, and imaginative thinking.

The formation and active development of the level of coherent speech for preschoolers requires not only increased attention from both parents, but also specialized classes that can be conducted in a playful or theatrical form, which especially attracts kids. In the process of working with children, speech therapists and teachers use many modern techniques, among which mnemonics stands out clearly, aimed at actively developing the level of coherent speech and memory in preschool children.

What is mnemonics

Mnemonics to improve the level of speech development is a set of techniques aimed at improving perception with the memorization of a variety of information using sound samples and visual illustrations.

Under the condition of consistency in conducting classes, mnemonics for the development of speech allows you to:

  • improve the memorization of heard texts in the form of stories, fairy tales, etc .;
  • turn visually acquired data into abstract (and vice versa);
  • create regular chains of events;
  • Expand words knowledge;
  • stimulate the development of imagination and thinking;
  • develop the ability of children to compose complex sentences of a descriptive type, which include many words.

Mnemonics, as one of the most effective ways of memorizing, is actively used not only by speech therapists, but also by teachers in kindergarten and other preschool institutions.

There are no age restrictions for classes, but the age of 4-5 years is recognized as the most optimal by many specialized specialists, when children already have a fairly rich and diverse vocabulary and phrases that they can actively operate with.

The main tool that is used in mnemonics to develop the level of coherent speech in preschool children is mnemonic tables - specific schemes that contain certain information data.

Mnemotechnical schemes for the smallest ones should be painted in bright colors so that the image that the frog is green, the chicken is yellow, etc. is imprinted in their minds.

For older children, it is preferable to use monochrome schemes that do not scatter attention, distracting to additional, and often unnecessary, details.

Areas of use of mnemotables

Mnemotables for the formation and development of coherent speech (developing and teaching) are images of textual information that is previously divided into groups of words in sequential order. There is one illustration for each group of words. Thanks to such a schematic sketch of information, the baby easily perceives it, remembering everything without much effort.

With the help of mnemotables for the development of speech, the following is carried out:

  • Memorization of fairy tales or rhymes. Young children with increased interest take part in didactic games based on fairy tales known to them. At home, you can invite your child to tell a story to their favorite toy using a series of pictures. You can also jointly draw a mnemonic table, depicting the heroes of the events with their own invented symbols, for example, a triangle is a person, a wavy line is a cloud in the sky. Thus, not only the formation of coherent speech takes place, but also the active development of imagination, fantasy with the manifestation of the hidden creative abilities of children.

  • Learning general rules, such as how to properly brush your teeth. The diagrams depict the sequence of all manipulations that are simply perceived and remembered.

  • Making up stories that describe objects, events, pets, etc. Focusing on pictures that answer basic questions: who is it, what color is it, what sounds does it make, what does it like to eat, etc., children can make a consistent description.

  • Work on the retelling. After reading the text, the most difficult words are highlighted, the meaning of which must be explained to the baby. After explanations, a conversation should be held on the entire content of the text with a demonstration of drawings from the mnemonic table. Joint retelling using pictures will allow the child to quickly remember the information and tell the story he heard himself.

  • Solving riddles. With the help of mnemotables, children learn to identify the exact object, focusing on its features. At the first stage, it is necessary to explain to the child everything that is shown in each picture, and only after that offer to independently guess the encrypted object.

Speech therapy classes for the development of coherent speech using a variety of mnemonic schemes involve memorizing and decoding the plot illustrations shown in the table. The type and thematic content of the mnemonic tables can be different, the execution can be printed (Doman cards) or made by hand. Cards for the development of speech in the first lessons should be small with light storylines, it is recommended to place them 3-4 pieces in one row, in this position they are easier to perceive.

How to make mimic tables

Compilation of mnemonic tables involves the following manipulations:

  1. breaking the text into parts (focusing on the most important points);
  2. dividing a sheet of paper into squares (the number of squares depends on the selected parts of the story);
  3. the image of each moment in the picture (both nouns and adjectives can be described);
  4. words that are difficult to sketch (verbs or questions) can be depicted as a "?" (they must be commented on by the child).

To facilitate the perception of fairy tales or riddles by young children, the works are disassembled into separate situations, which are subsequently transferred to pictures for children.

Features of use

When studying in the form of a game with mnemonic tables, children are invited to:

  1. consider speech therapy cards;
  2. remember what has been described;
  3. talk about what you see, focusing on the pictures.

During the use of mnemonics and the fulfillment of tasks by children, the following processes are actively carried out in them:

  • viewing diagrams and understanding what they saw;
  • the transformation of visual data into figurative ones, the identification of what is seen with the concept;
  • compiling a story based on drawings;
  • memorization of fairy tales, stories, etc.

Senior preschoolers can themselves take part in compiling mnemonic tables, focusing on the words of the teacher, who broke the story (fairy tale, riddle) into situations, explaining what needs to be drawn. The simplest and most interesting option is the image of a mnemonic table on the theme of the seasons (summer, winter, etc.) or on fairy tales (best of all, the most beloved).

The development of children's coherent speech in senior preschool age is possible and also necessary at home (at any time convenient for parents and the baby). This can help:

  • joint reading of books with fairy tales, equipped with vivid illustrations, pronouncing the main points and highlighting key characters and events;
  • regular use of fiction as an effective means to increase the level of development of coherent speech;
  • a large book with tasks and exercises aimed at the active development of the baby's coherent speech (can be purchased in the department of children's educational literature of any bookstore);
  • Doman cards;
  • guidelines for the development of coherent speech;
    other methods at the discretion of parents and the advice of teachers and speech therapists.

Mnemotables for children with ONR

The concept of coherent speech and its significance for the development of a child is directly dependent on the logic of thinking and the ability to be aware of the images seen or sounds heard, expressing this in a consistent speech, in which there are logical chains. The general level of development of coherent speech inherent in preschoolers with OHP depends on the ability to think about information and build statements on a variety of topics.

Dialogic speech is displayed in the communication of several people, often accompanied by simple monosyllabic statements, asking specific questions and compiling options for answers to the interlocutor's questions, followed by reproduction of the selected answer. In this process, the formulation and asking of questions, the construction of answers and the reasoned upholding of one's opinion play a special role. Coherent monologue speech in preschoolers is characterized by expansion and concentration of thoughts on the main thing, without delving into the details. In the process of reproducing one's thoughts and choosing language means, internal motives play a decisive role, since it is they that stimulate monologue speech.

Features of the stages of development of connected both monologue and dialogic speech differ, but both types are in close relationship. This nuance must be taken into account when conducting classes aimed at stimulating the development of coherent speech in children with OHP.

The introduction of mnemonics into classes for the development of speech in preschool children should be carried out using mnemonic squares, in which the simplest words (boy, girl, sun) are encrypted. Only after the children understand the concept of "encryption" can they move on to more difficult variants of schemes - mnemonic tracks with mnemonic tables, which can be based on a whole story.

Mnemonic track “Two funny geese”.

The use of this technique during classes with children with ONR allows you to:

  • increase attention and interest in games with logic cards;
  • facilitate the perception and processing of information data that
  • stored in memory and can be played back as needed.

The effectiveness of the application

The introduction and use of mnemotables in the process of developing coherent speech of preschoolers of different ages is of great importance, since in addition to a significant expansion of the vocabulary, children can:

  • to replenish the baggage of knowledge about the environment;
  • memorizing poems is fun and enjoyable, without really thinking about it;
  • get used to retelling the information heard on various topics, both in your own words and those that were heard.

The development of coherent speech in older preschool children with the introduction of mnemonic techniques can show the first results quickly enough if they are interested, and the process itself does not cause a feeling of resistance. Favorite fairy tales and rhymes, taken as a basis for compiling mnemonic squares or mnemonic tracks, will make it clear to the child that retelling what he heard in his own words or compiling new stories is not at all difficult, but rather interesting.

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