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What is 45 years of marriage called? Sapphire wedding: how old, what to give? Wedding anniversary (45 years of marriage): what kind of wedding? What to give your husband for his anniversary

Each year of a jointly lived life from the moment of marriage has its own name. Every year, the names of weddings are determined by belonging to some material, and the longer the husband and wife are together, the stronger this material.

half a life together

45 years old and what kind of wedding is it - you ask? When people have lived together for 45 years, it is customary to call the event a precious wedding. A sapphire wedding is distinguished by sophistication and richness, hardness and durability. Spouses who have lived together for a long time have long been able to understand each other without words.

not without reason at 45, the wedding is called sapphire, in honor of the exquisite and noble stone. It is a symbol of purity and renewal of relationships, the strength and value of living together, the wealth and well-being of children and grandchildren.

Having lived together for a large amount of time, there is no longer a place for resentment and misunderstandings that take place in the 45th anniversary. And what wedding takes place without a solemn event and congratulations, where close relatives and old friends are present?

How the anniversary is celebrated

In different countries, it is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding in different ways, but, of course, you need to know what the wedding is called in forty-five years of marriage and what is customary to give the heroes of the occasion on an anniversary.

In European countries, for 45 years of marriage, spouses wake up in the same bed, even if they have been sleeping separately for a long time.

The morning is spent only together for a pleasant breakfast, a useful walk or a traditional trip to the store.

Only after lunch does a real celebration begin, which must be attended by children and grandchildren, as well as witnesses of the distant and happy events of the marriage 45 years ago.

Solemn wedding 45, which wedding is not complete without traditional congratulations and wishes of good and health. So the sapphire anniversary should definitely be celebrated on a grand scale and in style.

Symbolism of the forty-fifth anniversary

At 45, the wedding is called sapphire and for good reason. Sapphire is a gemstone with a beautiful blue or sky color. It symbolizes renewal and purification. The stone means transparency and purity. Therefore, this gem accurately reflects the purity of the attitude of the spouses for so many years. Having lived together for 45 years, there are no long-standing and secret grievances between husband and wife. On this day, it is customary to forget all the hardships and sorrows that have taken place throughout the married life.

Sapphire, as a symbol of purity and transparency, should not leave innuendo in feelings and will help the newlyweds to look at their relationship in a new way. The element of stone is water. Different elements have been present in relationships over the years, but water is a safe haven, to which the heroes of the occasion came, having gone through all the hardships and storms of family life.

There is a lot of time spent together, and what a wedding at 45 years of marriage already depends not only on the spouses, but also on their children and grandchildren, who are simply obliged to attend the celebration and organize a pleasant surprise for their parents. After all, having passed such a path together, they became an ideal example of eternal love and mutual understanding.

What to wear to a party

The sapphire stone is most often blue or blue, so for your 45th wedding anniversary, wear something in tones of these primary colors. It is not necessary to come in a sapphire-colored dress or wear the same suit. Rather small, but remarkable paraphernalia, which will determine the purpose and symbolism of the outfit.

Jewelry made of sapphire or high-quality jewelry under this stone will perfectly complement any outfit. The spouse must be the queen of the celebration, so it would be the height of indecency to outshine her with a precious outfit.


For 45 years, weddings traditionally give jewelry with a blue gemstone. Husband and wife can exchange sapphire rings. Or, if there is not enough money for expensive dyeing, they make symbolic gifts in blue colors.

What to give to parents for a sapphire wedding, the children decide together so that the gifts are useful and relevant. Most often it is:

  • Sapphire cufflinks.
  • Pendants with precious stone.
  • Various jewelry with blue sapphire stones.
  • Dishes or glasses are blue.
  • Tablecloths or bed linen in stone colors.
Sapphire has a water element, so quite often guests give the perpetrators of the anniversary things that are somehow related to water or purification. These are various bath oils, and bathrobes or towels, or even a shower stall and kitchen utensils.

In any case, gifts should symbolize the feelings that the spouses have maintained during 45 years of marriage. A sapphire wedding witnesses the longevity and strength of family relationships, the trust between them and the desire to live until the next golden jubilee.

A sapphire wedding becomes only the next stage, evidence of the strength of relationships and high trust between people. Children and grandchildren should definitely congratulate their parents, who have become an ideal example of the strength of relationships.

From this moment on, the "divine" stone becomes a talisman for the heroes of the day for the rest of their lives. He will accompany loving spouses, maintain peace of mind and peace of mind, like a calm blue lagoon, where harmony and mutual understanding reign. And the gifts brought by close friends will become a reminder for the anniversaries and a sign of their long happy existence.

A sapphire wedding is always a significant event, and on what scale to celebrate it, the “newlyweds” themselves decide. But, in any case, the event must become warm, family, solemn and memorable.

In this article:

Stones occupy a special place in our lives, because they serve as a support for building a house, and a real decoration in precious items, they are used to make talismans to protect the home, relationships and family hearth. That is why so many wedding anniversaries were named after some stones that magically transfer their power and meaning to family relationships.

What kind of wedding is celebrated at the age of 45 and what stone is it dedicated to, because these are relationships sustained over the years, which managed to overcome all misunderstandings and difficulties, managed to protect their feelings, strengthen them and build a real family on the foundation of stones. 45 years of marriage is a sapphire wedding, which is definitely recommended to be celebrated and on this day to remember all the happiest moments from family life. Why and why is the 45th wedding anniversary so magical?

Sapphire wedding - protection of the whole family and clan

At all times and peoples, sapphire has been recognized as a stone-amulet of family, love and a real protector from evil, envy and an unkind eye.

When a family celebrates a sapphire wedding, this is a direct confirmation that children and grandchildren in such a family will be happy, that their parents, through their relationships and by their example, taught them to love and appreciate their loved ones, taught them to create, be kind and forgiving.

It is with these qualities that sapphire is endowed, and the name of the 45th wedding anniversary has already come from it.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

It is advisable to celebrate the wedding anniversary of 45 years with close and dear people, it is imperative to invite friends, and it is also desirable that all children and grandchildren, and, if available, great-grandchildren, come to this celebration and spend it cheerfully and amicably in the family circle.

It would be very appropriate to invite your witnesses from the wedding, who, most likely, by this time had already somehow related to the married couple, for example, they became godfathers or the relationship began in such a way that they can be safely considered full-fledged family members.

The wedding anniversary of 45 years can be arranged in the color of the stone of this wedding. These are bright turquoise, blue and sky blue colors, which are also associated by many with hope and peace above their heads. It is desirable to organize the decoration of the venue of the celebration in this color, especially since there is no doubt in the nobility of blue for a minute. Decorated with white flowers and confectionery decorations, the cake will look simply gorgeous on the wedding table.

The chairs can be covered with white capes and tied with turquoise tulle bows, and the table can be covered with turquoise tablecloths and put napkins of the same color on them. The dishes are also recommended to match the tone, especially since it looks very bohemian and beautiful made in such colors.

On this day, spouses can exchange wedding rings with sapphires, which are a real testament to the purity and fidelity of the relationship of the spouses for many years.
The 45th wedding anniversary will be a real holiday for the newlyweds with experience, and for all their children, relatives and friends. The main thing is to organize everything correctly and remember that at this stage of the relationship, impressions and memory are very important, so you need to remember such moments in life, organize and enjoy them.

Almost everyone, without exception, knows that the 50th anniversary of married life is called the golden wedding, the 25th anniversary is the silver wedding. But few people know what less round dates are called, for example, an equally pleasant anniversary of 45 years of a happy married life. So, 45 years is a Sapphire wedding, this name is due to the fact that such an anniversary is a really precious thing - after all, living together for so many years, having gone through all the difficulties and joys, is worth a lot and the golden jubilee is within easy reach.

Naturally, people who have celebrated this anniversary are of advanced age, and at this age a person is especially prone to stress and worries. And according to many beliefs, sapphire is a stone that helps to eliminate the effects of stress and various negative situations.

In general, sapphire has a high level of positive energy: in the old days, it was believed that this gem could open the doors of any dungeon and free a person from imprisonment, in addition, it brings good luck in all endeavors. Already after the ruby ​​wedding (the 40th anniversary of married life), each joint year lived together becomes more and more valuable.

The guests invited to the celebration of the Sapphire wedding admire the spouses with admiration and kind envy, as they could admire sapphires. As for the guests at this holiday, they are usually the closest and dearest people to the anniversaries: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, best friends, and other people who will happily share this wonderful holiday with happy spouses, wish them to celebrate at least the anniversary of the golden wedding, have good health and set an example of how love and tenderness can be carried through so many years.

The most important feature of the celebration of this anniversary is the decoration of wedding rings with sapphires, when the spouses sit at the festive table holding hands, and rings with a dark blue stone flaunt on their fingers, a symbol that this marriage was made in heaven. Also, another tradition of the holiday is cleansing: before the anniversary, the “newlyweds” can go to the bathhouse or sit on a therapeutic diet.

45 years - Sapphire wedding, a holiday where spouses ask for forgiveness from each other for past grievances and disappointments. Naturally, the main gift for this anniversary will be jewelry with sapphire, which will not only look elegant on the heroes of the day, but will also help ensure their life without stress and problems, because, as mentioned above, sapphire has healing and soothing properties.

Now you know what kind of wedding is celebrated for 45 years of marriage and what you need to give on this anniversary :). Next Anniversary -

The strongest couples celebrate truly unique anniversaries. 45 years of marriage is a significant period of time during which it is sometimes very difficult to maintain warm family relationships. If this has been achieved, then the couple can proudly celebrate a sapphire wedding. This precious and noble stone symbolizes wisdom.

The meaning and features of the 45th anniversary

Even in ancient times, people believed that he was able to help restrain any emotions, objectively look at the current situation and make a balanced and correct decision. Agree that without such qualities it is almost impossible to maintain strong relationships for 45 years.

Sapphire has unique properties to improve health, which is exactly what spouses who are already at a fairly respectable age need. Before the blue wedding, the 40th anniversary is celebrated - the scarlet or ruby ​​anniversary.

As you can see, the color of the anniversary changes from bright and passionate to calm and peaceful. But this does not at all mean that the spouses have lost passion for each other, or even more so love. On the contrary, they moved to a completely new level of relations, now their feelings have become eternal, and no one will separate them.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding on a grand scale. It will be extremely difficult for sapphire newlyweds to organize a magnificent celebration, here children and grandchildren should come to the rescue. Such a holiday cannot be complete without the closest friends. The guest list should include many items.

The splendor of the celebration depends on the financial capabilities of the family, but in no case should such a significant date be left completely unattended.

There is an amazing tradition - the replacement of stones on wedding rings. If for 40 years of marriage the spouses inserted rubies into the rings, now it's time to change them for the most beautiful sapphires.

What gifts are usually given for 45 years of marriage?

What do you give for a sapphire wedding? The first answer to this question lies on the surface. This is jewelry with blue gemstone inclusions. However, it is forbidden to present a ring as a gift, this can lead to discord in the union of spouses.

No matter how surprising it may sound, but on such a date, anniversaries can be presented as a gift with a watch decorated with sapphires or simply blue. Here, the clock does not promise separation, but, on the contrary, will count all the warm and joyful minutes in the life of the spouses. They symbolize all the happy moments that were in this long marriage.

What to give parents? Close relatives, children and grandchildren can present jewelry with sapphires or other sky-blue stones as a gift.

  • You can give: earrings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, cufflinks and much more. But choosing such a gift is required with great care and attention. Stones in jewelry should match the sapphire wedding as much as possible. Otherwise, if the spouses replace the stones in the wedding rings, other jewelry will simply cease to be combined with them.
  • You can give your parents a sapphire wedding with cute gifts that can touch the soul. You can present an album of sky-blue color, which will contain only the brightest photographs of sapphire newlyweds, which capture all the most important events of their life together. In addition to photographs, it will be possible to fix various wishes in the album, which will be written by all those present in the hall, as well as greeting cards and other valuable memories that are stored in paper form.

  • Spouses will be very happy with a ticket to rest in a good sanatorium. If financial possibilities allow, then you can purchase an overseas tour or a week-long trip on a cruise ship.
  • In addition, you can present tickets for the premiere of a long-awaited performance or send your parents to a concert of their favorite artist.

How to choose the right gift for a sapphire wedding

The most important rule when choosing a gift: it should be based on the tastes of both spouses. At the slightest opportunity, you should try to discuss with them what they would like, but this should be unobtrusive so as not to arouse their suspicions. Your gift to the last must remain a mystery and a mystery to them. It is much more pleasant when they give useful gifts and from the bottom of their hearts.

Bouquets and other flower arrangements are an indispensable gift for any wedding anniversary.

But this present can be made much more pleasant and sincere. So, you can give a bouquet of 45 roses, but not red or white, but blue. Agree, few people received such a gift in their life. He will definitely be remembered for years to come.

If the gift that was chosen has little to do with sapphire, then there is a way out. You can just beautifully pack it in sky blue paper. And then the present will not stand out from the general composition of gifts.

The main purpose of the holiday is the joy on the face of the spouses, so it is important not only to choose the right gift, but also to give it beautifully.

Surprise at the sapphire wedding

For people who have lived together for almost half a century, the material value of gifts is no longer so important. Expensive things for them are just a symbol, not an item of value or luxury. The most important thing for sapphire newlyweds is the warmth, care and attention that the donor expresses through his gift.

Therefore, you can not run around the shops, spending large sums of money, but simply make a beautiful gift with your own hands. In such a present, there will definitely be a piece of the soul of the donor, which will remain with the couple for many more years.

It is customary to please spouses with poetic compositions. You can write them yourself or order from a specialist. The main thing is to learn the words, and not read them from a piece of paper. Then it will make an indelible impression not only on the perpetrators of the holiday, but also on the other guests.

  • A good alternative is to advertise in the press. It can contain congratulations in verse from all family members and close friends.
  • If possible, you can rent a big board for a month and place a photo of the spouses and congratulations on it. Now everyone will know about their holiday.
  • And you can arrange a surprise in the style of American movies. Play husband and wife as if everyone forgot about their holiday, and then arrange a chic dinner in the evening. It is these surprises that will be remembered for years to come.

Musical gift for a sapphire wedding anniversary - video

Memories as a gift

  1. Modern technical capabilities give a chance to create a truly unique and touching gift. You can make a slide show with wedding photos of anniversaries and thus return them mentally a few years ago. The atmosphere of touching memories and stories is the perfect option for celebrating a sapphire wedding. For each picture shown, you can come up with humorous comments or touching stories.
  2. Another option would be to create a congratulatory film. This gift will help everyone present to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the first day of the wedding. Feel all those exciting emotions of the first wedding day again.

It is these gifts that elderly people especially like, because for so many years of family life they have already achieved a lot, acquired everything they need for life, and now they want the gift to simply warm their souls.

They can watch a beautiful video over and over again at any time, especially when the spouses feel sad.

Gifts for a symbolic sapphire wedding

The couple was able to spend 45 years of their lives together, have children and grandchildren, and this is direct evidence of the strength of the family. And symbolic gifts can perfectly emphasize this.

  1. You can present original bracelets or pendants for a sapphire wedding, on which the motto of this strong family will be written. And present them not only to the anniversaries, but also to all family members and closest friends present.
  2. You can contact specialists in the field of heraldry and order a family coat of arms. Such a family coat of arms can be presented either in a separate picture, or a whole family tree can be created.

Thus, we can distinguish such ideas for gifts:

  • photo album, sky blue photo frame;
  • home textiles;
  • household appliances;
  • furniture;
  • dishes;
  • tickets to a concert or performance;
  • vouchers to a sanatorium or a cruise ship;
  • family coat of arms or family tree;
  • handmade creative gifts
  • jewelry with sapphires.

Remember, the main thing is to show originality and your knowledge of the anniversaries, then you can pick up a gift that the spouses will like. Give preference to conciseness and comfort, rather than ostentatious luxury.

Choose the right words, make a beautiful speech. Such responsible preparation will not be in vain. Sapphire newlyweds will celebrate your efforts and understand that they are really very dear to you.

So 45 years have passed, what kind of wedding should be celebrated? This anniversary is considered to be a sapphire wedding. The name of this anniversary is largely due to the fact that over the years lived together, the spouses were able to maintain their tenderness and love, which made their relationship so precious. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the name of the sapphire wedding was coined for a reason, but in order to emphasize the value of the years lived together.

So, forty years is a very significant date, 45 years is even more significant, as evidenced by the selected precious material. Relationships become associated with the purity of heaven, which is like a sapphire. Sincere relationships attract the admiring glances of others, just like a flawless gem.

Sapphire wedding traditions

The main wedding tradition that should be observed when celebrating this anniversary is rings that should be decorated with sapphire. As you know, sapphire is considered a stone with which you can get rid of the negative effects of stress. Naturally, such an acquisition would be very appropriate for the elderly. And importantly, star sapphire helps to attract good luck in any endeavor.

In the old days, people believed that sapphire helps to save a prisoner by opening the gates of dungeons. Most likely, this was due to the presence of a huge amount of positive energy in this stone. On this day, spouses must undergo a purification procedure. How this will happen, the anniversaries can figure out for themselves. For example, you can go to the bath, if health permits: Finnish, Turkish or Russian. Until that day, you can cleanse your body by sitting on a diet, curative fasting.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

To celebrate such a significant event, it is best to invite the closest and dearest people and relatives. This is due to the fact that most of all, having lived together for such a long period of time, a married couple manages to acquire children and even grandchildren.

You can invite really real friends who have been able to prove their friendship over the years. In their company, the anniversaries will feel most comfortable and will be able to feel the real atmosphere of the holiday.

If possible, you can invite witnesses who were next to you at the time of marriage. As congratulations, it is necessary to choose words of admiration for such a long union.

Of course, the list of invitees can be expanded. If the anniversaries are especially important people, then very important people will come to congratulate them and the celebration will be very magnificent. In the event that the anniversaries are still working, they can expand the list of invited guests and invite their work colleagues.

What to gift?

As gifts on this significant day, spouses should present each other with sapphires. By all means, the owners of the house should meet their guests in blue clothes.

Guests should also give gifts related to water or gifts in blue hues. As an option, you can give blue jewelry, blue linen, blue dishes and other useful things.

The celebration of this wedding anniversary should leave pleasant memories in your memory. After all, after 45 years, what wedding will take place without a memorable and bright holiday!

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