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How to distinguish original reebok. How to distinguish original Reebok from a fake? How to distinguish original Nike sneakers

The Reebok brand has been producing the highest quality clothing and footwear for many years. Products of this brand are copied and sold as the original. Unfortunately, all global brands face this problem. If you only wear real branded shoes, then you probably know how to distinguish original Reebok sneakers from a fake.

But, there is a category of people who are deceived by selling them low-quality goods at the price of the original ones. Reebok shoes and clothes are very expensive, because the quality of the products is much higher than that of competitors. Today this brand is a division of Adidas.

Nowadays, they sell a lot of fake sneakers and things from this manufacturer. Sometimes, such bad and low-quality fakes come across that they can be immediately recognized. But, there are products that are even made very well, and you will need to make an effort to understand whether it is a fake or an original. You can buy real Reebok products only in the official store of the brand or in a fashion boutique, which is the official dealer of the brand.

If you like a Reebok Classic sweatshirt or sneakers on the market, you know it's fake. Branded items cannot be sold in such places, this is obvious.

On the market, you can get to several options for fake products of this brand. But, you should know that real Reebok shoes and things are made in Asian countries, as there is cheap production. Therefore, the inscription “Made in China” may appear on the original sneakers.

Also, a mandatory attribute of each brand is branded packaging, not a package or a cardboard box. Now about how to distinguish original Reebok sneakers from a fake, you can still. When buying such a product, pay attention to:

  • the cost of shoes (in the company store the price of original sneakers is quite high),
  • the quality of the materials used (only natural, soft fabrics),
  • the sole of the product (must be elastic and of high quality),
  • tailoring quality (smooth and neat seams, without protruding threads and glue),
  • label drawing (it must be clear, not smeared),
  • the smell of the product (a fake has an unpleasant chemical odor),
  • the presence of a barcode,
  • manufacturer's country.

In addition to all of the above, there is another method for recognizing branded Reebok sneakers from a fake - this is the state of the logo. On real shoes, it is embroidered or embossed, while on fake products they are applied with paint. The insoles in the original shoes are not too thin, they also have the brand's logo on them. And remember, there are no metal circles on the holes for the laces in the original sneakers.

With the approach of warm weather, the purchase of original and comfortable sneakers begins to gain its relevance. In an effort to purchase shoes at a low price, many turn to unofficial suppliers, find online stores where they often offer low-quality fakes. But it is in Russia that 90% of trade is accounted for by counterfeit goods.

It is extremely difficult to distinguish a fake from the original. Sometimes only experienced connoisseurs can handle this. This note will describe how to avoid purchasing a fake of the famous Reebok company.

The most important thing is that the purchase should be made only in official stores. The seller of original things will not offer a huge range of sizes and colors. All products are produced in limited quantities and only 3-4 colors. They sell out quickly, leaving a certain number of sizes and colors.

When buying cheap shoes, you should remember that such savings can affect health and ease of use. A fake does not have a guarantee of quality, will not provide long-term use. If it wears out quickly, you will have to spend even more money on the purchase of new sneakers. You can not be sure that when creating shoes, all standards and technical rules were observed. Even the highest quality fake cannot have all the properties inherent in original Reebok products.

Price is one of the signs by which you can distinguish an original item from a fake one. The most expensive models cannot be sold at a lower price. Models of the middle price category have a number of features that you should pay attention to. There are a number of rules by which you can distinguish the original mid-range sneakers from a fake.

When choosing sneakers, you should carefully consider them. You should check the model for sloppiness, bad smell, uneven writing of the company logo and other inscriptions. Uneven seams, an abundance of glue, poor soles and poor-quality material are signs of a fake. The presence of inaccuracies cannot fully guarantee that the shoes are fake. But this should be a strong argument to examine in more detail and think about its origin.

Before buying, you should study the sneaker model in detail, paying attention to the decor elements and characteristic features. You can find your favorite sneakers on the website of the official store. There are photographs of them, where you can thoroughly examine each part of the shoe. Having examined the sneaker from different angles, you can see colored inserts, a special pattern on the sole. The drawing may be made in a completely different way, with large errors or inaccuracies. The color insert in fakes is inappropriate, made with ordinary paint. The color of the shoes can also make a difference.

Reebok is based in Asia. There are more than 45 enterprises for the production of original shoes. Among them are Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Thailand. Seeing these countries as the country of manufacture, one should not conclude that this product is a fake.

Original sneakers have a specialized sticker with a label on the inside of the insole, which contains a barcode and a dimensional grid. On the inside of the tongue, you can find another sticker that shows the batch number with a "#" sign, the article number and the code of the model shown. The code will be different on the left and right shoe. All data indicated on the stickers can be checked using a special program. On the insole, you can find a neat "Reebok" lettering and the company logo.

Reebok does not use metal in the manufacture of lace holes. Metal rings are excluded from modern models (except for Furylite GT and a few others). Fake manufacturers forget about this feature. On this basis, you can distinguish a fake product from the original. Some sneaker models offer a special lacing system, as in the Aztec OG Varsity. In this case, the sneakers must have special plastic holes into which the laces will be inserted.

It is very important to pay attention to the box in which the shoes are sold. "Reebok" is always presented in an author's box, on which the logo and company name are applied. The inscriptions must be made in a corporate font specially designed for product design. A branded sticker with a label is pasted on the box. It contains information about the size, model number and other important parameters of the shoe. The data must match those stated on the sneakers themselves in the inner part of the tongue.

The most correct choice is to contact the store of the official supplier. This will take away the excitement and be able to give a guarantee on the shoes. Buying in a company store, you can be sure that shoes will not harm the health of your feet. All the best aspects of the original shoes will be felt as much as possible. When buying from unofficial stores, a number of rules and tips given in this article should be applied.

ATTENTION! A correct barcode does not yet give a 100% guarantee of the originality of the product. However, an incorrect barcode is a clear sign of a fake.
To verify the authenticity of the barcode, you can use the form below.

Enter 13 digits of the barcode:Check

Reebok classic were invented in 1983. This is the first genuine leather running shoe in history. The model is suitable for men and women.

The difference between original sneakers and copies

You can distinguish original sneakers from a copy by the following details:

  • Box
  • Numbering
  • paper label
  • Side patch
  • Perforation
  • Logo
  • tongue
  • Sole
  • Sneaker shape
  • Dense insoles on which you can see logo, brand and sticker with a barcode.


Box Original Reebok Classic sneakers are ribbed with the brand's logo on each side.

Information about sneakers placed on the outside of the box, matches the data on the labels in sneakers. vendor code can be checked with a search engine. Search result there will be photos of sneakers identical to the model in the box:

original paper label

IN original couple running shoes paper label attached to left sneaker and contains a list of the company's activities and the constituent components of the product in several languages. At the copy label attached to right sneaker and does not contain only the logo.


Original Reebok products produced in Italy and Germany, but mostly Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China and Korea. The copy and original compared in this article are made in Vietnam.

The external difference that immediately catches the eye is color products. Black color copy more like blue. In a rich assortment of original products, dark blue colors exist separately.

By the way, read this article too: How to distinguish original "Uggs" from a fake


The side of the copy sneaker is visible stripe as two stripes. In some variants original Reebok Classic you can see the patch, but it will start with one strip, and not sewn from halves, as in the copy.


Perforation required element Reebok classic. It can be made on the toe with two lines, or it can completely cover the surface, which is observed on the copy.

On the original sneakers, they are found in a creative version in the shape of a trapezoid. The copy has round eyelets which are not on the original.

Embroidered inscriptions

Reebok lettering on the side and on the tongues of the sneakers of the original and a copy of distinguished by colors and neatness of the stripe. The inscriptions on the sole and lining inside the sneakers are almost identical.

Seam quality

The seams on the fake uneven, sometimes reminiscent of a snake.

Reebok is a company with over a century of history. The first production under this label was released back in 1895. The company's products include sportswear and footwear.

However, due to its popularity with consumers, sneakers from this company have often been counterfeited. That is why a person who appreciates the quality of the original should know by what signs a poor-quality surrogate from real sports sneakers.

What to look for to distinguish original Reebok sneakers from fakes?

A well-known brand usually produces a limited batch of shoes of a certain model, constantly developing new, more comfortable and practical models. In the markets and in stores, the buyer is often trying to sell a fake. And most buyers believe these lies because of the lower cost or ease of purchase.

There are three types of fake Reebok sneakers:

Important! To be sure of authenticity, it is better to choose shoes in specialized stores of the Reebok brand. A surrogate is usually part of the assortment of online stores or clothing markets.

Number, tag

The identification number, which is located on the tongue of the sneaker under the size range, will help to accurately determine the authenticity of the shoes.. At Reebok, the number is different for every shoe, even within the same pair. Manufacturers of fakes, even high-quality ones, differ in that they stamp tags with the same number for the entire batch of sneakers.

Lettering, patch

An incorrectly spelled company or label patch will clearly indicate a gross fake. Often there are such spellings "Rebok" or "Reebuk". If a mistake is noticed in the name, we can safely say that there is an imitation in the hands, poor quality and obscene for constant wear.

box and packaging

Branded sneakers are necessarily neatly packed in a box with a company label. Markets often sell sneakers in a bag. This indicates a crude fake that is not worth buying for yourself.

Stitches, perforations

Quality control at Reebok goes through several stages. That's why shoes come out from under the needle perfect without errors and shortcomings. It fits well and hugs the foot comfortably.

You can identify a fake by the following signs:

Important! Be aware that the company logo and name are usually embroidered on the fabric base of the sneaker or applied by embossing. Cheap and low-quality fakes are usually marked with a paint logo and company name, which peels off pretty quickly.

Material and color

Brand shoes are always very soft and comfortable. The elasticity of the sole must be very high. The colors are vibrant and hold up well. Holes for laces are traditionally not decorated with metal limiters. Wherein laces in original Reeboks are always made in the color of the sneakers themselves.

Eyelets and laces

In the original shoes from Reebok, the eyelets are made in the original form of a trapezoid. On fakes, most often the shape is a circle.. This will help to immediately distinguish a fake from a real branded item.


According to the tread pattern, the original and the fake can be very similar. However, there is also a slight difference:

Besides, original sneakers keep their shape and color much better, are comfortable to use and wear well. The insoles inside are very dense and provide additional comfort.

With the spread of Chinese online stores, the Russian market has been flooded with fakes of well-known brands. Reebok is a well-known company that excels in design and product quality. These shoes are not cheap. Not surprisingly, dishonest people who pass off their products as Reebok want to profit from the brand's fame.

Now on the Internet you can find the following options for fake sneakers:

  • Quality copies. They are produced by a Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese factory after the production of a limited batch of real Reebok. Often they can only be distinguished from genuine ones by the number on the tag. They are expensive, as good materials are used in such production.
  • Common fakes. They are inexpensive, but there are "mistakes": the wrong color of the model, cheaper materials and inelastic soles.
  • Gross forgeries. The brand name may be spelled incorrectly, the sole is painted, the seams are uneven, there may be traces of glue. Often, crude Reebok fakes are sold without a box, just in bags.

Consider how to distinguish original reebok sneakers from a fake.

By color and material

First of all, you need to inspect the shoes. A real pair of Reeboks will have the same lace color as the shoes. For example, blue sneakers will have blue, not blue, purple, ultramarine laces.

The sole of real Reebok is pleasant to the touch, it is soft and bends easily. There should not be a sharp repulsive smell from it, although the smell of rubber or other chemicals may be present if the pair has been stored for a long time in a box that was wrapped in film for safety.

Pay attention to the holes for the laces. If in original models they are without metal limiters, then metal rings are often present in fakes.

By the quality of tailoring, the presence of the box and the price

The Reebok brand is famous for quality control. Therefore, sneakers cannot be:

  • obvious traces of glue,
  • uneven lines,
  • protruding threads.

If the sole is also stitched, the seam should be neat. But usually Chinese manufacturers of Reebok fakes do not bother and do not stitch the sole at all, even if the original model has this stitching.

Sometimes Asian manufacturers sell their fakes without boxes, just in bags. Branded packaging is a mandatory attribute of Reebok sneakers.

Also, buyers should remember that original Reebok sneakers cannot be obscenely cheap. Buying sneakers with the name "Reebok" for $ 20-30 on a popular Chinese site, you will definitely get a fake.

By tag and number

Branded "Reebok" on the label has an individual code for each pair of shoes from the manufacturer. If you have a high-quality expensive fake in front of you, it will not lose to real branded sneakers in appearance, but you can figure it out by the boot number. In order to figure out how to distinguish original Reebok sneakers on a professional level, you need to read the label correctly and be able to search for information on the net.

First you need to find out the item number in the search engine. For example, M40912. We look, the image from the Internet matches the model that you are holding in your hands.

We find out the unique code of the sneaker - this is a long number below the size range. On the right and left sneakers, it should be different! Manufacturers of high-quality fakes are too lazy to make a unique tag for each sneaker and stamp the same ones.

If the computer is not at hand and there is little time, you can use a special smartphone application that scans the barcode of the sneaker. It will indicate whether the branded pair of shoes is in front of us.

Buy real Reebok sneakers!

You can buy originals in our store website. This is a godsend for those who want to save money, but buy really branded items. Our store specializes in discounts, that is, on consignments of goods and warehouse balances that are not sold out by the official supplier. There are plenty to choose from - our online store offers models of different colors of a wide size range.

Positive feedback about the service is important to us, so we offer fast delivery in Moscow and the region, as well as the possibility of paying for the purchase to the courier. That is, you can try on sneakers, think about how comfortable you are in them, and check the quality of things.

We guarantee you that in front of you are original Reebok sneakers:

  • with real tags and shoe numbers,
  • with neat seams
  • without traces of glue,
  • from high-quality and pleasant to the touch and wear materials,
  • in branded box.

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