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How to make your boyfriend pleasant psychology of men. How to pump up the muscles of the vagina? On the psychology of the “stronger sex”: what they like most about girls

Over time, romance becomes less pronounced, passion disappears, absorbed by everyday life. Is it possible to somehow revive the relationship, give them a new course, no less expressive than at the beginning of a life together? Of course, if a girl knows how to please her beloved guy.

First of all, it is worth remembering that obsession is not the best way out. If you flicker daily in front of your spouse in erotic underwear, soon this image will become a routine for him. It is advisable to resort to such chips not too often, when the intensity of passion clearly begins to wane.

In an effort to please a guy, a girl can unwittingly behave loosely. It can really make an impact. But if such a situation is repeated constantly, the guy will begin to wonder where does his chosen one get the experience and pressure?

You should not directly express dissatisfaction with the lack of sex, its short duration or inefficiency. This topic is extremely painful for a man. He may suspect that the woman he loves considers him impotent. Such thoughts will not inspire a guy to sexual exploits, but, on the contrary, can cause problems with potency. It is better to talk not about the lack of sex, but about how pleasant the night is in the arms of a loved one.

At the same time, you should not charge the development of relationships only on your partner. It is necessary to think for yourself how to please your husband at night, so that he feels a rush of passion and proves himself in bed like a real alpha male.

By the way, it is not necessary to study a mountain of literature for this. It is enough to know a few simple tricks.

Do you want to drive a man crazy? You will have to master the science of temptation:

Using all the above tips, you need to learn that it is impossible to please your husband using an established scheme, since each man is individual. Someone likes to be a leader in sex, someone prefers the position of a follower. One man loves slow caresses, and the second burns at a frantic pace. Only a loving woman knows exactly what her man wants and can give him fabulous pleasure.


Hello dear friends!

It’s hard to part with your loved ones, even if it’s a forced business trip for study or work. What can I say, everyday problems can separate partners not for a few hours, but for years! And what do you want us women to do? After all, it is very important for us to be around as often as possible! Squeeze, instruct, take care ... And follow the "eagle eye" for all potential threats in a skirt that drift past OUR prince!

It is important to understand that a short life "separately" can benefit both. The main thing is not to forget to talk about words of love more often, support the chosen one and remind you that you are his betrothed! How to please a man at a distance and make your beautiful image live in his head 24 hours a day?

Mobile help!

The era of mobile space connects people around the world and successfully competes with the Internet. The phone is always nearby and this is its significant plus. If you are not used to expressing feelings, looking into the eyes of a beloved, then his departure can develop a burning passion in your heart! So let yourself:

  • start the morning with a nice message to your loved one. It is especially important to wish you a good day;
  • record voice messages detailing your rampant, awakened feeling of emotional hunger for him;
  • confess your love and say things that you would not say to your face (we are talking about pleasant moments, and not about the fact that you hate his mother);
  • speak on intimate topics in a languid voice, provoking the missus to teleport to you immediately!

IMPORTANT: keep in mind that the psychology of the individual at the time of parting, significantly concentrates on the object of desire. The phone runs the risk of becoming your obsession, and the desire to share everyday (not important) events can lead to an illogical and absurd situation.

Every minute messages “Darling, I ate/pooped/pussy, I went to the store and bought lipstick” will convince your faithful that parting is the best thing that could happen this year of his life.


Oh, there are no limits for imagination! E-mails are not always multi-letter in nature. Make your man feel good and in addition to the standard greeting phrases, send an encrypted piece of the puzzle. It can be a part of the body, an updated interior of the room, or any picture that makes sense for both of you.

I recommend focusing on body parts, as this method will make him return home in half the time. Skype is your chance to reveal and animal passion that he has never seen before. Use your webcam to:

  • spend romantic evenings. Put on a chic dress, do your hair and makeup, and stock up on candles. Wine, a pleasant conversation with a loved one will brighten up his evening away from you, and give a pleasant feeling of intimacy;
  • arrange private dances. Yes, what else do people do when they are far from each other? That's right, turn on spicy music and tune the chakras to sexy pas. Trust me, your date's jaw will drop;
  • have breakfast together. Who said that a joint breakfast is impossible at a distance? Wake him up with a call and feed him! Naturally, it will be virtual, but the very fact of the care shown will surprise the husband and set him in a positive mood. Waking up, he will see tea and a couple of sandwiches on the table, and then your satisfied smile. But you will be sure that the faithful will not miss the meal, but go to the kitchen to scrape the bottom of the barrel for the company. Nothing to eat on the go shawarma!

Delivery Services

What tips can not only surprise your soulmate, but also? If you know exactly where he stopped and what the address is, massively exploit local delivery services. It's not as expensive as it might seem at first glance!

  • Arrange for flower delivery if an important date has come (Birthday, promotion, anniversary). I'll tell you a big secret, but more than 60% of men blush when they are given flowers, even if they deny it;
  • send a cup, pen or pillow with a romantic (or only you understand) phrase;
  • … Socks! They are always and everywhere needed, especially if your loved one never finds a mate;
  • The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. But if you have already found a path to it, it is important to make sure that it is not overgrown with moss. Deliver your husband to his room or temporary apartment a package of your favorite cookies, cake or ... Canned food. And what is practical and you don’t need to warm up! What methods are right for you?

Proven Tricks

  1. Radio station. If the missus often travels by car, call live, talk about how you miss him and ask him to play his favorite song;
  2. labels with inscriptions. Connect social networks and ask people you know or strangers to take a picture with a sign in their hands, for example: “Sasha, I miss you so much! I can’t open a single jar in the house without you!” This will definitely please him, and the Ego will completely applaud while standing;
  3. unexpected meeting. Girls, poke your memory with a stick and try to remember the movie where She puts on a cloak over chic underwear and comes to visit Him. Weak? He needs to think that you are still at home in pajamas and slippers. In the meantime, buy a weekend ticket and meet your husband fully armed, balloons, musicians and confetti. The main thing is surprise.

Killer Round

  1. Do not scold his work, behavior, lack of time while you are at a distance, it is better to support and praise;
  2. wash the car and do dry cleaning or agree to buy a winter set of tires, which you have been asked for a month;
  3. subscribe it to the sports channel;
  4. buy a fishing rod if he is a fisherman;
  5. create a music playlist for it;
  6. watch a movie or a damn football at the same time, and then discuss the impressions by phone or skype.

On this point!
Subscribe to updates, and in the comments, offer your options, how to please your loved one at a distance?
See you on the blog, bye bye!

Man, it's wonderful. After all, it becomes so joyful from the smile of a lover. Therefore, we will now talk about how to please your loved one, and also consider some interesting surprises for men.

Let's start with the simplest - with a smile. With it, you give not only positive emotions, but also make you smile back. Don't skimp on this nice little thing.

The second is delicious food. As you know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Therefore, always try to cook with love and do not forget to please your loved one with new dishes.

Another way to please your loved one is to wear jewelry given to them. He will be doubly pleased with the fact that you have his gift, which suits you so much.

Be sure to wear the jewelry that your loved one gave, even if it is jewelry, because the man surprised you sincerely and free of charge.

If you did not like his gift, then in no case do not tell him about it, be sure to at least once, but put on a gift.

The third way to please your loved one is to spend time together. Spending time together strengthens the union. It can be a trip to the cinema, to the casino and even to hockey. If you don’t like football, and your man is crazy about him, then be sure to go to the match with your loved one, because he also does with you what he doesn’t really like (for example, shopping).

Be sure to talk to your lover about what he is interested in. To keep the conversation going, read about the topic in advance. Do not forget to say pleasant words to your beloved, because they warm the soul and heart.

The most common gifts:

  • If your boyfriend is a fisherman, then give a fishing rod. He will definitely appreciate your contribution to his hobby.
  • Unusual mug with your joint photo.
  • The book is a great gift. If your man has been dreaming of a book for a long time, then it will certainly please him.
  • A tie is an indispensable element of a male image at a celebration. So a new tie never hurts.
  • A lighter is a great gift for a man who smokes. Although it is also useful for a non-smoker.
  • Nice scarf or warm sweater. With these gifts, you can show your loved one that you care.

You can think of many more ways to please your loved one. Do not be afraid to experiment and surprise a loved one!

For relationships to be strong and bring only pleasure, you must constantly feed them with positive emotions. Every woman should know how to please a man.

And, not only in life, but also in bed. A man needs a personal territory, and in an effort to make it pleasant, you should not cross any lines.

But there are certain ones to deliver exceptionally positive emotions to your soulmate.

Pleasures at the household level

Before you please a man: it is not necessary to watch the video at all. But, if you want to watch something, you should not immediately switch to something erotic.

It is enough to choose a cooking show and learn how to cook a new dish. The good old truth from our grandmothers about the way to the heart of a man in the age of modern busy women is more relevant than ever.

A delicious dinner, by candlelight and in a romantic setting, is the first step towards positive emotions.

But amenities can be done not only in the evening, but also in the morning. While the other half is still basking in bed, you can prepare breakfast and serve it in bed.

This will not only give pleasant emotions, but will charge you with active positive energy for the whole working day.

In addition, you can put small hearts with pleasant confessions in a man's briefcase and pockets.

And in the evening...

In the evening after work, you can change the environment and the way you meet your loved one.There is nothing difficult in how to please a man (after a busy day at work).

It is important to meet him not in ordinary clothes, but in sexy lingerie with a light dinner on the table and champagne. After such a meeting, you should move on to the intimate tips given in the second part of the article.

Pleasures at the level of contact

How to please a man: videos can tell a lot, but first read the simple recommendations that will allow you to diversify relationships in bed. On the body of a man there are erogenous zones, the impact on which is always pleasant:

  • Foot massage. Thanks to the famous film, it is believed that it is made only for women to give them pleasure. But psychologists say that such a massage also has a strong stimulating effect on men. With this type of massage, special attention should be paid to the little finger and the area under it;
  • In general, most men enjoy massage any part of the body. Therefore, the girl's efforts in this direction will always be appreciated positively. The movements should be stroking and slightly pressing. After a massage, a man, as a rule, is excited and filled with passionate impressions;
  • The sensitive erogenous zone is the earlobe. If you touch them with your lips and bite your lobes a little, then the man will be in seventh heaven with happiness;
  • Some are strongly turned on by caresses under the knee, this zone is also considered particularly sensitive. You can influence this part of the body not only with your hands, but also with your lips or tongue;
  • Caressing and stroking the lower abdomen contribute to a rush of blood to this area, which means an increase in excitation;
  • Intriguing area is the inner thighs. Any action in this zone will give tangible excitement: even light stroking;
  • Sexologists also claim that whispering is very exciting for men.. Therefore, in the process of bodily pleasure, not only touches and kisses are important, but also quiet compliments that are whispered in your ear;

To make a man pleased, as is clear from the advice of psychologists and sexologists, you do not need to reinvent the wheel.

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It is important to follow a man's hobbies, actively (but not too much) participate in his life, cook delicious food and treat him not only as a soul mate, but also as a passionate lover. Author: Veronika Veselova

So that tender feelings towards each other do not fade away, but rather burn every day with a new passion, it is necessary to support them. Harsh life and everyday life can play a cruel joke - under their onslaught, even the strongest relationships can collapse. To prevent this from happening, you need to feed your partner with positive emotions. Knowing how to make a man pleasant, you can return the relationship to its former harmony.

In the struggle for her former passion, a woman should listen, first of all, not to emotions, but to reason. Emotions in relationships, of course, play a significant role, or rather, one of the dominant ones, but sometimes irreparable things can be done under their influence.

First of all, a woman must realize that men see the world around them in a completely different way - their preferences and life values ​​can differ significantly from women's. For example, the representatives of the stronger sex appreciate in their beloved ladies the ability to respect their personal territory. For them, this is a very important aspect, without which they cannot imagine a happy and strong relationship. Not every woman can put up with this, but accepting her chosen one as he is will make life together much easier and more enjoyable.

The next way to make a man pleased is to listen to him, and not just pretend, namely
listen to every word they say. It is important for him to express everything that happened at his work, with friends, etc. So your loved one feels needed, and he needs it no less than you.

A deliciously prepared dinner will be a pleasant surprise for the representatives of the stronger sex. Everyone has long known that the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, and full. Please your companion and cook his favorite dishes for him.

Sex is an integral aspect in the relationship between a man and a woman. Much attention should be paid to this side of the issue. It is important to remember that sex should bring mutual pleasure. If for a woman it is tenderness and affection, then for a man it is the emancipation of his chosen one. A loved one, just like you, wants to please you, so any embarrassment must be resolutely rebuffed.

A man always waits for approval from his soulmate, as it adds to his confidence in himself and in his abilities. Women's criticism has the same huge influence on the representatives of the stronger sex, therefore, when expressing her opinion, a woman must carefully select every word.

The last way to make a man pleased is to take into account equality in a relationship. Equality can be achieved by eradicating such a concept as “should do” from relationships. To replace this phrase, the words “wants and can” should come. Respect for rights and needs is the key to family happiness!

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