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How to become a great wife and mother. The best wife and mother is not a standard stereotype. Trust and roles

From this article you can learn how to become a good housewife and wife at the same time. How not to lose your individuality and attractiveness. Advice is given on how to become beautiful wife for husband.

Every woman dreams of her loved one saying that she good hostess. But how can you manage everything at the modern pace of life, when you need to earn money, take care of your family, and look beautiful at the same time?

The word “good housewife” can be heard very often, but each person understands it in his own way. Some voice it in order to brag to others about their spouse or praise another woman. Even in childhood, mothers tell their daughters that the main thing in life is to become a good housewife.

But how can she become? Where do they train to become housewives? Very good option for everyone there would be a book that describes in detail how to become a good wife and a good housewife. This would greatly help everyone, but, unfortunately, there are many such books and their price is accordingly. But there is an Internet where you can find a huge amount of advice.

Each woman is individual, some can constantly prepare various dishes, others, on the contrary, do not like to cook, but will spend their days doing handicrafts. Every woman has her own idea of ​​what a good housewife should be, but not everyone understands how to become a good housewife.

There are books that contain certain norms and morals of behavior in a given situation. It also explains in detail what is “good” and what is “bad”. But family relationships cannot be built by reading a book. And sometimes it happens that it suits some, but not others.

There are many different forums and websites where women share their problems or consult with each other, but not every woman is ready to talk about her family and its problems. This is more suitable for young mothers who have a lot of time to communicate on the Internet.

The concept of a good housewife has its own standards, just as there are standards for the concept “ Ideal husband" Such a husband is someone who does not drink alcohol, does not smoke, and brings home a lot of money.

Ideal children are those who do not play around, do not throw their toys away, help their mother around the house, and are not rude to their parents. But the ideal wife is the one in whose house there is always perfect order, she cooks well and is raising her children. But, of course, in reality this does not happen in all families.

And when a man is looking for his one and only, the woman promises that she will be an ideal wife, but then it turns out that each spouse understands the concept of “a good housewife” in his own way.

Today, not every modern working woman is able to keep up with keeping her home and her family clean. And there can be a lot of explanations for this, but the most main reason is workload.

Every woman must decide what she wants career is more important or household chores. She has to choose, either she will cook a wonderful dinner at home, or prepare for the upcoming meeting with her superiors.

And it very often happens that a woman chooses a career. But this is absolutely no reason to call such a housewife bad, and that she chose the wrong option. When young girls get married, they learn how to become a beautiful wife for their husband, and they believe that thriftiness comes with experience.

Of course, some women immediately after marriage become mothers who are ready day and night to please their husband in absolutely everything. This is very big mistake women. Not every man can for a long time this is all to endure. And there are two options left.

The first option: the man simply resigns himself and gradually gets used to such care, takes it for granted. And if one day a woman wants to take a break and does not do some of the things she did before, the husband may begin to show his dissatisfaction. Gradually, the man gets used to such care and takes it for granted.

The second option is that the man will simply immediately reject such care. And this situation will be very close to a scandal. A woman does not understand why a man perceives her care this way, because she tries to please him in everything and be good, caring wife.

The man thereby thinks why his wife infringes on his interests and tries to limit his freedom. Especially if the man is self-sufficient. From all this, misunderstandings may arise, and a huge number of accusations and reproaches will be poured in one direction and another. Of course you can solve it this situation and in another way.

But there are also women who prefer to stay at home, keep order and take care of the children. Such women are called ideal housewives. Every woman can become an ideal housewife if she wants to.

In order to become an ideal housewife, you need to learn to manage your time. This is necessary to keep up with everything you have planned. It also determines how well you can combine work and household chores. If you learn how to manage time, you will be able to understand how to make sure that you get everything done both at home and at work. And then you will be less tormented by troubles and efforts.

Such a woman must learn to use the ability to correctly prioritize. And then she will be able to ensure that her beloved man calls her an ideal mistress. On the Internet you can find communities called “fly ladies”, they tell you how to manage everything, look after the children, clean, and cook delicious dinner and still remain a woman.

Before you start doing things, you need to allocate how much time it will take for this or that task, and then decide what exactly you will do around the house. At first it may be difficult to do everything minute by minute, but over time, addiction comes, and the woman begins to accept this system, and after a month she will understand how she has not been doing this all this time. It's so simple and easy.

In order to become an ideal housewife, women constantly improve and achieve new knowledge and skills. And the more the housewife uses various innovations to her arsenal, the more quickly she will learn everything. And every time you will discover something new, interesting and unexpected. Thus, please your loved ones. Today, everything you need can be found on the Internet.

If a woman does not know how to cook, then there are a lot of sites on the Internet with step by step photos cooking this or that dish. This also applies to other areas - knitting, sewing, home care tips. And a woman already understands all the information on how to become a good housewife and wife. Everything is already clear, you just need to start doing it and improve.

Some may believe that the ideal housewife is only the woman who gives preference only to her home and does not pursue a career. But this is considered outdated information today. It can only be applied to those who have never worked and do not work anywhere else except their home.

Real modern woman She’s not like that at all, she’s trying to develop and grow in everything. She works on her beauty and also strives to ensure that everything is in order both at home and at work.

She should be in the center of all events and know everything about her family. But besides this, she must be aware of what is happening at work. Also, a woman can perfectly welcome guests and treat them to delicious dishes. And any woman can do all this - she just needs to want and start improving.

A woman’s desire can encourage her to become a good housewife, a loving and caring wife and mother. A man only needs to want her for his woman to have such a desire.

Hi all! I recently went to a bachelorette party, had a lot of fun, and at the same time discussed it with the girls interesting topic. The twenty-year-old bride was very worried about how to become an ideal housewife and wife. Well, a few “experienced” married friends(myself included) shared their experiences. Allow me to duplicate the results of our conversation here.

Choosing roles

“The whole world is a theater. There are women, men - all actors. They have exits and exits. And everyone plays more than one role.”

William Shakespeare was damn right! We are all someone's children, friends, enemies, employees, husbands, wives, lovers, parents... The list is almost endless.

That is why in no case should you set yourself the goal of limiting yourself to just two roles - wife and housewife. No matter how good a wife you become, it will still be just a flat projection, a cardboard doll. Remember, in childhood these people were cut out and dressed up in the same flat paper dresses? Are you sure you want to be like this?

Well, if not, then take it for granted - the ideal wife is the one who is always developing, revealing new sides. There must be a mystery in a woman. But this does not mean that you need to hide something. No, this means that you need to endlessly grow above yourself.

Being new every day is not the same as having every day new manicure or hairstyle. First of all, you need to develop your brain, and also improve the quality of your body, pump up all kinds of skills.

Waiting vs. reality

Probably, most girls who grew up on cartoons and films glorifying family values, there is a certain picture of an ideal family in my head.

This collective archetypal idea is a cozy bright kitchen, a man who has returned from work is sitting at the table, there are a lot of fragrant delicious dishes, and flutters around, flashing a white-toothed smile and perfect styling, a fairy in a starched apron.

Introduced? Now forget it! Back in the early and mid-20th century, such a distribution of roles was quite traditional. But times are changing. And if in large family or if there is a large personal plot Indeed, a woman has to devote most of her time to the house, then in a standard city apartment such an amount of effort is not required.

By the way, I really feel it. No, I don't mean you. Caring for a baby under 2 years old is a round-the-clock job that requires all our attention and takes a lot of energy and nerves. In particular difficult periods the majority, by the way, give up altogether household and spends almost no time with her husband. But that's another question.

Let us return to the role of the “ideal wife and housewife.” Understand that in today's situation it is accessible household appliances and inexpensive housekeepers, a wife is not needed free application to the stove and mop. And if you position yourself this way, then even the most loving man will soon change his attitude towards you. Well, because it’s impossible to nourish sincere and deep feelings to the vacuum cleaner and washing machine, Truth?

Home comfort

How then to create a cozy family nest, you ask. Well, I have some advice.

Lovely wife

Well, it seems like the housekeeping has been sorted out. Let us now discuss in more detail what it means to be an ideal wife.

Perfect wife:

These are, perhaps, all the main points, the rest is too individual. But in general, you just have to be such that your husband is proud of you and grows with you. Then you have good chance live together for a long time, and most importantly – happily!

I wish you all love, warmth and home comfort! Share useful articles with your friends and subscribe to updates!

When getting married, every girl is full of romance and does not think about how to become an exemplary wife. It seems that the relationship will develop by itself, because the main thing is love. But for the husband to rush home from work and living together brought joy and happiness, a woman should take care of this.

An exemplary wife in a man's mind

To become a caring housewife and wife, you need to listen to a man in order to understand what he strives for in family relationships, because a good wife is not the evaluative opinion of colleagues at work, grandmothers on the bench or even mother-in-law, but above all - balance own needs, desires and expectations of the partner.

Of course, if you ask a man directly, he will answer that the main thing is the ability to cook, create comfort, support and satisfy sexually. Many men will say that appearance is not important, but it will change after marriage due to certain circumstances. There is only some truth in this statement. In addition, if a woman takes on the functions of exclusively caring, then the relationship ceases to be completely marital.

A real mistress of the house

Today, in the age of emancipation, this phrase is painted in a slightly different color, and the woman no longer performs the function of a true real housewife, but takes upon herself the tasks of the owner, i.e. male role, which depresses a man. The roles change, and as a result, either the man begins to displease his wife, or there is a struggle for the dominant role, and quarrels on this basis lead to the accumulation of grievances and the destruction of love.

Another situation also happens when, becoming a “real housewife,” a woman takes on the role of a mother, not a wife, which does not benefit the relationship. A grown man is not a little boy, And excessive care or ruins it masculinity, or again leads to confrontation, from which the “child” tries to escape and hide, rather than antagonize.

Therefore, when looking for solutions, it is important to understand the correct meaning of the word “hostess” and not take on other people’s roles. In essence, an exemplary housewife is only about comfort (order, arrangement of life, cooking) and no other functions.

Create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home

It’s nice to come back to a clean and cozy home. And the fact that bachelors do not maintain order in the house is 70% a myth and does not mean at all that a man will be ready to endure the same in marriage. Therefore, in order to become an exemplary wife, the task of creating comfort should come first. Coziness is achieved due to the functionality of everyday life that is comfortable for both: things are in their places, tasks are completed on time and do not cause major difficulties. But the leather upholstery of the sofa and the inlay of the cabinet door with python skin indirectly relate to the concept of comfort.

Know how to cook deliciously

In response to the question “how to become a good wife and housewife,” the phrase “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” comes to mind. Of course, the ability to cook - important quality for your wife, but even if you only know how to cook scrambled eggs, it’s easy to learn this art; you should look at our website and look at the recipes. There are no women who are unable to cook, there is only an unwillingness to learn and fear of failure. As psychologists say, it's in the head. Remove complexes and installations and everything will work out. Also think about the fact that a wife eventually becomes a mother and strives to feed her child healthy food, because this is a matter of health, and therefore a successful future.

Take care of yourself

Even if a man says that his partner’s appearance is not important to him, this is not entirely true. Let us remember another truth - “a man loves with his eyes.” She will help in solving the problem of “how to become an exemplary wife.” Let's look at why you need to look good:

  • Be attractive and take care of yourself not only when going out, but also at home, since at work your companion is surrounded by well-groomed, lovely women and, in order to maintain love and desire, “keep the bar.”
  • You want to win an attractive woman, but it’s easier to lose her. It’s harder to convince her that she’s worthless.
    Men are also not without romance. Imagine that the heroine of your favorite novel or melodrama at that very moment would not be in an elegant outfit, but in a stretched oversized T-shirt with stains, would this whole novel happen to her?

Take care of yourself and this will help avoid misunderstandings with your partner. Remember that most girls who consider themselves unsexy and unattractive are desired by men. And the phrase “I’m ugly,” said to a man, can be equated to “you have bad taste” or “you don’t deserve better.” But you shouldn’t show your beauty so much that a man is unworthy of you.

Develop yourself

Remember that a woman should remain a mystery. Developing woman arouses admiration, it is more difficult to convince her that she is worthy only of what she has. Therefore, as you develop, you work for yourself. But you shouldn’t oppress a man with this: there’s nothing to worry about if he doesn’t quote “Anna Karenina,” because, for sure, you also won’t say what a pressure regulator is and where it is located. Everyone has their own development path, the main thing is just not to stand still.

Respect and value your spouse

To save a family, it is important not to criticize your partner (there is plenty of criticism at work and outside the family), but to treat him with respect and support. Even if your spouse made a mistake, remember that everyone makes mistakes.

Do not start quarrels in public: for a man, reproaches in public are an insult. Discuss problems in calm tone Houses. It would also be unpleasant for you if your husband talked about the fact that you don’t know how to cook, for example.

Every person needs respect and support, especially from a partner. In everyday life, we forget about why we chose this particular person: for his kindness, responsiveness, positivity, or for something else. Remember more often the pleasant moments, the first steps together and appreciate it.

Plan your family budget

Woman better than men knows the needs of the family, so it is easier for her to manage the budget. It is important to use money rationally, even if it is in sufficient quantity. And when small incomes a good housewife will always find a way out.

Pay attention to your sex life

Perhaps the only statement that is not true is that sex is not the main thing. Sex is a need, an instinct for procreation, a psychological release in the relationship of partners. If instincts and needs are not fulfilled at home, the search will begin for a place where a man can compensate for them. No matter how sad and offensive it may be for a woman, this is nature. Of course, sex does not serve as a reward or punishment, you are not a teacher or a trainer, you are a spouse and lover rolled into one.

If something is missing in intimate life, talk about this with your husband without hesitation. There is no closer interlocutor for such conversations than a husband. Remember that in sex life Both partners should feel comfortable.

Find common ground with his family

Often third parties become the cause of quarrels between spouses and, of course, we believe that the husband’s relatives are big provocateurs in this regard. If you really think so, this means that you and your husband still do not live alone strong family. This is the tactic of children in a sandbox or warring corporations, but not of families.

A family is a single organism and everyone is right or wrong in an equal share. Our great-grandmothers had from 5 to 9 children, and they coped with everything because they knew how to get along with relatives and knew how to help each other.

Think about how difficult it is for your husband to be torn between his relatives and you. Relatives are often not a gift, but if you love your husband, try to make sure that your disagreements do not hurt him.

Caring mother for children

A man determined to create and preserve a family chooses not only his mistress and housewife, but also the mother of his children as his wife. Therefore, being a caring mother and wife are equivalent tasks. However, the appearance of a child in a family brings not only joy, but also certain difficulties into relationships. The main thing here is not to forget that with the advent of a child you do not cease to be a spouse. Now, to all the tasks, finding a balance between the relationship between the child and the father is added.

You shouldn’t often say “it’s difficult for me,” “I can’t cope.” With this behavior, you will firmly instill in your husband the idea that you do not meet his ideal and are not capable of coping with his wife’s task. Use other words, for example, “I would like you to help”, “I would be happier if...”.
It’s difficult to live up to the ideal, but you have to strive for it. Don't set yourself impossible tasks. Do simple household chores with dignity. Go towards your goals gradually and at the same time do not forget to enjoy life.

Hello dear reader!

As they say, good wives are not born, they are made. But not every girl about to get married knows simple rules that will help you learn how to become a good wife for your husband. Let's look at the subtleties and secrets that will answer all the questions.

In fact, there are no secrets, but there are tips from experts on how to become a truly good wife for your husband, and how to be happy in marriage.

A good wife - who is she? If you want to become a full-fledged custodian hearth and home, then the search for answers to this question could not be more relevant for you. There is no ideal relationship without conflict.

But a woman, being the “neck”, while the husband is the “head”, can influence not only the situation as a whole, but also the behavior of her man. Let's look at the 10 commandments married woman, compliance with which will lead to family happiness and harmony.

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Do you love your children and husband? are you ready to do anything in the world for them? Are they your happiness and the meaning of your life? If you answered yes to all these questions, then you have already good mom and wife. Although it happens that in the everyday bustle something wrong happens, and the children do not obey, and the husband is annoying, and you are no longer yourself... What is wrong and why is everything not the way you want? “How to be a good mother and wife” is the topic of our discussion today.

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Life routine

When you are burdened with daily worries, when your head is filled with how to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner, do laundry, clean the house, run to the store, pick up your child from kindergarten or school, and on top of everything, meet your beloved family members with a cheerful, cheerful smile, it's hard to imagine being satisfied and happy mom and wife. The routine of life and everyday life leave their negative imprint on the relationships between family members, giving rise to quarrels and conflicts. On the other hand, ideally sharpened relationships between spouses, as well as between mother and children, remove some of the daily worries from gentle women’s shoulders. Be ideal woman and as a mother - first of all, to be yourself, but also not to forget that you are a fragile woman - kind, gentle, affectionate. Everyday life, everyday worries should under no circumstances be destroyers of the happiness and tranquility of a quiet family nest.

Elena, 26 years old (young mother of a one-year-old baby):

I turned into a “cooker-washing-ironing” machine, I’m terribly tired, I walk like a zombie from lack of sleep. My whole day is devoted to trying to redo everything homework while the baby is resting, and when he is awake, I spend time with him.

Elena’s situation is typical for many young mothers. Everyday life and daily worries should not upset you, because the birth of a new life is already a great joy. Being a good mother means enjoying your children and being grateful for having them. Within six months after the birth of your baby, you will notice that it becomes much easier, in a year you will completely fit into the new rhythm of life, and after two years, you may want to replenish the family. If it’s very difficult, ask your husband to help with household chores. With a skillful approach, I doubt that he will be able to refuse you.

Golden mean

Golden mean, ideal family relations lies, first of all, in mutual understanding. Ideal relationship- this is not a relationship without quarrels, it is a relationship in which there is mutual understanding, respect, and, as a result, a common positive solution.

To prevent relationships from being shaken due to daily minor misunderstandings, it is very important to be able to distribute family responsibilities both between husband and wife and between children. Each family member should be assigned his own special share of family concerns and responsibilities. But building this kind of relationship largely depends on a woman’s ability to organize and establish a “family mechanism.” This is most likely not talent, but a desire to live in love and harmony. But, of course, you need to work hard for this. Hot temper, aggression and scandal are destroyers of family relationships and not the other way around.

To be weak and strong

It is true what they say that a woman should be an actress in life. Imagine, let’s say that you are not in the mood, your husband comes home from work, and you look at him with an angry, dissatisfied look or, on the contrary, do not react at all. What can you expect in return? Men love attention too, and like everyone else normal men, your husband will answer like for like. Do you need such an attitude, think for yourself. A smile and a happy look, even perhaps a little feigned, can lift your mood. For this reason, sometimes it’s worth being an actress.

On the other hand, your husband and children should know about your weaknesses, must understand that you are tired, sick, or simply devoted an hour or two to your beloved. Having built such relationships with your loved ones, you will never be offended for the fact that you give, but do not receive anything in return.

Alina, 23 years old:

I remember how our mother, during her periods, critical days“I was recovering” in bed, and we understandingly did all the housework and walked almost on tiptoe, so as not to disturb the peace and quiet of our beloved mother.

Do you need to be perfect?

When thinking about the question of how to be a good mother and wife, never try to be perfect. Above all, be yourself. good mother- this is not necessarily a good housewife, but a mother who loves her children and cares about their well-being. A good wife is a loving and beloved wife, a faithful and reliable life partner. There is something to talk about with her, you can always get from her wise advice. Bed? A loving and beloved wife will never have problems with intimate relationships. Favorite man - always desirable man, there are no flaws in him - he is perfect, even if he is tired, not shaved and has not had time to take a shower.

A good mother is a reliable friend

Don’t try to build relationships with children using the “carrot and stick” method. Raising in fear will never lead to sincere relationships. Your child should be sure that no matter what happens, he can always come to you and talk frankly about everything in the world, that you will not reproach or punish him, but will try to help him. difficult situation. Friends should not be the first to know the secrets and problems of your child, but you - a kind, loving, understanding and responsible mother. From the moment your children are born, build trusting relationship between them and you, never deceive, then you can expect and demand the same in return.

The ideal has been achieved - what to strive for?

Even if you think that you are actually a good mother and wife, this does not mean that this will always be the case. Children grow, we change, so each time we need to adapt to new conditions. new situation. You need to be able to worry family crises, teenage years their children, ups and downs. And you, for sure, will be able to overcome all this, without any problems you will be able to be a good mother of your children and a wonderful wife, and therefore be a winner in the arena of life!..

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