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Is it possible to force yourself to love a man? What are some ways to help nurture these deep feelings? How to make all men love you

If you are communicating with someone for the first time and want to leave a comment about yourself positive impression, then you should not dump the maximum information about your person on your interlocutor’s head. Dr. Diana Tamir and Dr. Jason Mitchell, scientists from Harvard, found in a 2012 study that much best experience produced by a person who listens more than speaks. This effect is greatly enhanced if you allow your counterpart to talk about your loved one. At the same time, scientists note, the same pleasure centers in the human brain are activated as when eating or having sex.

Ask the people whose favor you want to win for advice. All people love to give advice and moralizing, as this emphasizes their status and value. It is important not to lose your sense of proportion and not to cross the invisible line, since if you are too importunate, you will get directly opposite result. Dr. Adam Grant, in his book Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, calls this method one of the best for building trust relationships with the person you need. In addition, you receive an additional bonus in the form useful information and (bingo!) sometimes really valuable advice.

3. Keep the conversation positive

It should be remembered that in any communication the law of intensification and absorption of emotions operates. This law states that equally charged emotions intensify, and opposite ones absorb each other. This rule formed the basis of a technique developed by Nobel Prize winner, psychologist Daniel Kahneman. He suggests starting the conversation with a positive message or question, and only then getting to the point. It looks primitive, but positive attitude the first few minutes will help your interlocutor more easily perceive your request or even negative information.

4. Repeat the last phrase

People want to be heard. Let them know this by simply repeating a few times every now and then. last words sentences with appropriate intonation for this case.

Such a conversation can be maintained for hours, with virtually no effort. At the same time, your friend will be fully confident that you are keenly interested in his story and are the best interlocutor in his life. Leil Lowndes, a communications expert, writes in her work that this technique can make you a brilliant listener in just a few seconds.

5. Don't dwell on the negative

The human psyche is designed in such a way that we are drawn to discuss other people’s misdeeds, disasters or emergencies. However, you should remember that the information you reproduce will subconsciously influence people's attitude towards you. Gradually, you will become associated with those phenomena and events that you most often talk about. As Dr. Richard Wiseman states in his book, every person has a kind of " emotional memory”, in which the image of other people is imprinted. If you are able to leave a positive imprint on her, then any action you take will evoke approval and sympathy.

If you want to be loved, do everything for it, but don’t try to force it. You can't force love. This is from the “you can’t buy love” series.

To make a man love you, try to take some measures, or rather even actions.

Don't make these mistakes:

  • One hundred percent listening to the advice of friends and acquaintances

You should know that not all of your friends want the best for you. In many of them there lives envy, which is not always white, like Wedding Dress. You listen to everything that they tell you, but try to act in such a way that your heart is not anxious.

  • Striving to be better

You will only be the best if you remain yourself. It's easier to be yourself, right? And much more pleasant. But not everyone knows how to do this. You can do it.

  • The desire for the fact that in terms of intimacy, you are the most ideal

This may be true, but don’t try to “scream” about it from the very beginning of your acquaintance. A man himself, when he has the opportunity, will be able to verify this.

How to make a man really fall in love?

Get rid of the following complexes:

Dorian Gray syndrome (complex)

It affects those who are very afraid of old age. People use any means to “kill” even the smallest signs of aging.

Don’t be afraid of old age: at any age, for your loved ones and loved ones, you will remain beautiful.

Barbie doll syndrome (complex)

Those who suffer from this complex are those who cannot live without looking at various fashionable and glamorous magazines, without reading interviews from “stars”. Consequently - terrible depression about the fact that they have a great discrepancy with these standards of beauty.

Tanning complex (tanorexia)

People have an incredible desire to sunbathe. And they don’t care what the temperature is outside, what consequences can be caused if you “overdo it” with the rays of the sun. Their goal is chocolate color skin. The rest is mere trifles.

Michael Jackson syndrome (complex)

Women are busy experiencing all the delights on their bodies plastic surgery to look lovely, or to be like some favorite famous person.

Syndrome (complex) Stone

It differs in that people who “get sick” from it cannot live without training in the form of fitness. People spend everything free time for training. And they don’t think that without measure any Physical Culture– dangerous.

How to make a man fall in love?

  • Don't give yourself completely to work

A man is designed in such a way that he can be jealous of work if you devote absolutely all your time to it. If you exchange a man for a career, the man will leave for another woman. And he will do the right thing. Your man needs to see that you are willing to sacrifice everything for him. If you don’t understand this, the man will decide that you are with him solely for the sake of financial flows. What kind of love can there be?

  • Stop provoking feelings of jealousy!

Jealousy is a very bad way to test his feelings. A man gets annoyed when someone forces him to be jealous. Then the phrase that “says” that he is jealous - loves, loses its inherent meaning. Jealousy can be very painful.

  • Don’t fiddle with your phone and keep trying to dial its number again.

Doesn't answer - busy. Or wants to be alone. Remember yourself. Have you ever wished that no one would touch you? Men are not worse than women. Don't fetter his freedom with endless calls.

  • If a man said nice compliment– respond with gratitude without showing embarrassment or shyness

Men respect confidence in women.

  • Show how excited you are to meet him

He must receive your joy to the fullest. He should feel every “milligram” of your sincere feelings.

  • Do everything to please him

You have already learned his preferences. Try to “adjust” as much as possible. If your tastes don’t agree, find compromises (even small ones).

  • Don't be stingy with praise

Men love to be praised, “emphasizing” their significant personality traits. They enjoy compliments like a child enjoys a new toy.

  • Don't humiliate a man!

If he notices this, he will turn away from you. No man likes to feel weak, even morally.

If you think that a man will definitely love you for your professionalism in cooking, feed him your kitchen delights, but do not force-feed him. “Violence” will certainly not be assessed positively.

  • Don't bother your loved one with trifles

Many women mistakenly believe that cleanliness is an exceptional plus. Wrong! Because it happens that cleanliness leads to the collapse of relationships. Well, look, for example. The husband returns from work. He came, got tired, undressed. The wife, without thinking about it, begins to “bounce” on him for putting his shoes in the wrong place. It’s unpleasant for a man.

  • Don't smoke if he can't stand it

Smoke - smoke secretly. But secretly means very carefully. There should not be even one “evidence” of smoking. For the sake of your loved one, you can endure the absence of cigarettes. And - unnoticed.

What should I do to make my man love me?

  • Make concessions!

Even those that you would never go for. Again, a man is obliged, thanks to you, to feel better than he really is. This aspect helps a man regain lost confidence.

  • Don't ask him about the past if he doesn't like it

Curiosity is your problem, which you can overcome if you really want it. He doesn’t ask you in detail what and how, with whom and when, happened to you. Live in the present and make plans for the future.

Fate presented you with an unexpected gift - a meeting with an intelligent, attractive, and generally worthy man in all respects, who immediately won your heart.

But there is one problem: the adored young man is in no hurry to show his feelings or even demonstrates complete indifference!

What to do and how to make a man love you?

It is quite possible to solve such a problem, the main thing is to attract the attention of someone you like by any means.

But it is worth noting that there must be a sense of proportion in everything, otherwise the result may not be what you expected.

Beauty is the main weapon

Do men love with their eyes? Yes Yes! The way it is!

The interested glances of the stronger sex instantly catch the most attractive, slender and sexy girls in the crowd.

A simple conclusion follows from this: always be irresistible, that is, carefully monitor your own appearance!

Beautiful clothes, hairstyle and stylish makeup- half the success!

Naturalness without falsehood

But, as mentioned earlier, do not forget about a sense of proportion.

If you are counting on serious relationship with a man, and not for a fleeting romance, then you should not choose too revealing outfits and provocative makeup.

This will create a feeling of your inconstancy and frivolity.

  • An equally significant aspect in the question of how to make a man love you is the lack of pretense.

Behave with someone you care about the way you are used to behaving in ordinary life when you're not trying to win someone's favor.

Remember that it is better to develop your own behavior model than to try to clumsily imitate someone else!

Listening skills

Renowned psychologist Dale Carnegie states:

“The secret to influencing people is not how you speak, but how you listen.”

You shouldn’t chatter incessantly on dates or simple meetings with your chosen one! If a man tells something, then pretend that you are listening to him carefully.

This way, on a subconscious level, you will show him all his importance to you, express respect and add confidence in him. own strength. Don't hesitate - your chosen one will appreciate it!

Rich inner world

To interest a man, it is not enough just to look good. Equally important is the internal content.

Modern young people, as a rule, prefer well-rounded, interesting girls.

  • On the first date (and not only on the first) you shouldn’t chat with a man about various “women’s things”: the latest fashion trends in clothing, culinary delights, preferred boutiques for shopping, etc.

Do not forget that you are not thinking about being a man, but quite the opposite!

Show your chosen one your rich inner world- prove that you are “not a dummy” for a fleeting relationship!

Physical contact

Everyone knows that tactile touch- one of the options for conveying emotional love.

  • During a conversation or during a joke, as if by chance, touch the man’s arm near the elbow with your fingertips.

Many will think: “nonsense”! But it is precisely such insignificant, at first glance, details that, as a rule, work flawlessly: a few touches (2-3 times, no more) during the conversation and that’s it - he’s practically yours!

The vast majority of men like to be touched.

Psychological influence: a tricky trick

Don't forget the feeling self-esteem, this is very important for any girl.

  • Try to make the man look for a meeting with you himself, and not vice versa!

It wouldn’t hurt to refuse to date him at all once. This way you will demonstrate to your chosen one that you live not only for him and that you have your own personal affairs.

When a man calls you first, don’t pick up the phone immediately, even if you’ve been waiting for this call for several hours - make him nervous!

Freedom is inviolable

And so you have already succeeded enough and have practically found a solution to the problem: how to make a man fall in love with you, but not everything is so simple...

Many women, confident that they have managed to finally win their chosen one, commit fatal mistake and practically with my own hands They destroy everything they have been working towards for so long.

What are we talking about? It's simple - an encroachment on “men's freedom.”

Yes Yes! For representatives of the stronger sex, this is very important point, but the girls, for the most part, strive to cross the permitted line.

If you want to maintain a relationship with a man, learn to behave differently. You must respect not only the interests of your chosen one, but also his hobbies, and most importantly, his friends (in no case allow yourself to criticize the latter).

Giving your loved one the “right freedom” that you absolutely do not need, but at the same time taking from him what you need is a whole art!


A man must trust you completely.

In turn, you can tell your chosen one something personal from your life - this is guaranteed to strengthen the relationship!

A joke at the right moment and a good mood

Laughter not only prolongs life, but also brings people together!

Make jokes yourself and, of course, laugh at the jokes of your chosen one. Add some lightness and positivity to your relationship.

All these simple tips, give excellent results. The main thing is to confidently move towards achieving own goal, then your success is guaranteed!

If you endure it, you fall in love: reasoning on how to make a man love you

Marinka had been lying face down on the bed for an hour, her nose buried in soft pillow. No, she wasn't sleeping. And she didn't faint. And she didn’t cry. She thought. Her thoughts shamelessly played leapfrog: jumping one over another, another over a third, and a third over a fourth, they eventually moved away without leaving a trace behind. And so on endlessly. This was a little sad. And it was exhausting. And Marinka was thinking about this: can a man fall in love over time? And if not, can he be forced to do so? And if possible, how?

Marinka was not a beauty, men did not run around her in herds, that’s true. But she had a certain charisma, was pleasant to talk to, and even, one might say, interesting. In general, I did not repel the opposite sex. She had many friends among men, and there were connections: accidental, intentional, in a drunken shop - but different. But never serious. And this, in principle, never bothered me. Before he showed up.

And then suddenly everything - rrrrr! – and turned upside down. I wanted to own it completely. Inhale its scent. Feeling the touch of his lips after many hours. It’s sweet to tremble and blush, remembering what happened at night and then in the morning. Meet him in the evening from work, feed him a delicious dinner. Go back to bed. And even have a child from him. Or better yet, several. All this frightened Marinka and caused a pleasant tickling somewhere in the lower abdomen. All that remained was to decide main question: how to make him love her. This can hardly be achieved in a natural way.

This is exactly what Marinka was thinking about now. And thoughts, traitors, kept jumping and jumping. Those who briefly fell out of general system and yet they allowed themselves to be examined; there were some not serious ones, honestly. Well, for example, one whispered: To make a man fall in love with you, you need to give him a love potion. Marinka didn’t even listen to what to brew it from, this potion. It's the 21st century after all! Although, I got hooked on the verb “to give drink.” I modified it a little, and it turned out that I got him drunk. But this is some kind of temporary effect, she thought. You can’t feed him endlessly. And if you give him a drink only once, he will sober up and leave...

Child, child - prompted another thought that accidentally fell out of the conveyor. You can make a man fall in love with you by getting pregnant. Marinka rolled her eyes. Where, oh where does she have such stupid thoughts in her head? A man can never be made to love a woman in this way. Vice versa! You can turn him against yourself in such a way that it doesn’t seem like much. But the main thing here is the child! This is sacred! Would a woman choose between a man and her baby? Marinka definitely isn’t!

Also, as an option, the following flashed through Marinka’s head: to make a man love you, you need to trample on his pride. Something like this: don’t pay any attention to him, just don’t notice him; to be nice to other men in front of him; it is important not to accept his help if he offers, but immediately ask someone else for help; smile at everyone, joke with everyone, be open and kind, but not with him. All this could work if they already had some kind of relationship. Love ones are best, but friendly ones would work too. The thought flashed and disappeared - Marinka remained.

You can pretend to be sick. Pity is also a strong feeling. He will be polite and courteous with you, he will worry about you, maybe he will look after you. Over time it will get attached. And he will no longer be able to leave. She will stay and endlessly reproach you for ruining his whole life. Marinka shook her head: the vile thought fell and scattered to smithereens. So much for you! For ruined lives: his, mine, and our relatives.

Marinka continued to think. You can call him and chat with him about anything, just to interest him at least a little. Football? Can. Hockey? Easily. Boxing? It's more difficult here. But I must also cope. Securities exchange? Easily! Next: bake a signature fish pie and serve it to him. He has never left anyone indifferent. Wow him on the spot by dancing flamenco on occasion. ABOUT! If this could be arranged, then he would definitely fall for her! How she dances flamenco! So fiery and passionate. She puts her whole soul and unspent love energy into the dance. Then, mmm, accidentally invite him over for tea - and not let him out under any pretext!!!

If you are interested in the question " How to make a guy love you", then this article will probably be useful to you. It often happens that you fall in love with a person, but, unfortunately, unrequitedly. In this case, there are only two options: give up trying to win the favor of your object of adoration and suffer in silence until the love passes, or do everything possible to attract his attention. Often this is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can only scare the guy away and make the situation worse. Let's look at the ways that will help you make a guy love you, as well as the reasons why this did not happen.

How to make someone love you?

Sometimes making someone love you seems like an impossible task. But the main thing in this matter is not to despair and not to retreat after the first failure.
To please the object of your affection, you need to take into account his temperament, character, habits and hobbies in order to know exactly which levers to pull. To understand this, let's try to look at the main types of guys.


How to charm


You can recognize this type of guy right away. He is constantly busy, his phone is always ringing with calls, and most often you can find a folder with some papers on him. He also often looks at his watch.

The requirements of such guys for their future beloved are quite high. Convince him that you are an excellent housewife, you know how to cook several varieties of borscht, bake delicious pies, and vacuum the apartment at the same time - and he is at your feet. These guys are looking for reliable girl, which will not hang out in clubs every week. She should pay attention only to him and always find time to meet with him, because he always has very little free time.


Guys in this category almost never sit still. They know everything about everyone, have been to almost every place you can name, and have a pretty decent list of hobbies in their arsenal. It usually does not include quiet gatherings at someone's home. Most often he likes to spend his leisure time on the move.

Charming such a guy is quite difficult, since even catching him will be difficult, because he never sits still. But if the long-awaited meeting does happen, try inviting him for diving, cycling or an ice skating rink. Rest assured, he will appreciate the offer to spend time together leisure. And during this pastime, don’t be shy to mention several times that you really like playing paintball, throwing snowballs, and in general, you often roller skated as a child... He needs an active chosen one who will share his lifestyle with him.


This type of guy is visible from afar. He is unshakable, calm, always knows what he is doing and knows how to achieve what he wants. Perhaps a little pushy. Likes to make plans for for a long time forward and carefully adheres to them.


He most often looks unhappy, something happens to him all the time, and he doesn’t mind complaining to someone about his villainous fate. Quite touchy, not very talkative. In any conversation he will find a place where he will mention himself and his problems.

He needs a psychologist. Try to listen to him and, if possible, help with advice. Show that you really sympathize with him, and he will see in you the one with whom he wants to start a relationship. After all, not every girl will agree to carry the burden of other people’s problems on her shoulders. Show that you are strong and cheerful. He needs a ray of positivity in his dark and hopeless life.

Lover Hero

There are always a lot of girls around him, he loves to bask in the rays of popularity and does not hide it. Most often, he already has a girlfriend. Or two. He always looks good and is very concerned about his appearance.

Don't fall for his charms, show your disinterest in him. But at the same time, take an active interest in his hobbies and try to “accidentally” get involved in what he likes. Thus, he will see you often, and he will not have the opportunity to charm you. Then he will most likely “push” and do everything to make you fall in love with him. And if you let him close to you in time, and then take a step back, then this race can develop into something more than just a sporting interest.

He is always with books, he surfs the Internet only for information, he doesn’t like noisy companies and discos, preferring to them the library or watching some scientific film at home.

Such guys don’t like pushovers and “girls”. He needs ordinary girl, who will understand his hobbies, or at least try. Try inviting him to a museum, an exhibition, or a cinema to watch some intellectual film. Learn from him new information and don’t forget to sometimes admire how he knows so much and how cool it is. He will definitely appreciate it.

Bad guy

The most common type of guy. Around him you can most often see a crowd of his friends. He likes to hurt people and demonstrate his superiority. He is selfish and proud, rarely takes other people's opinions into account, and his ego knocks down satellites in orbit.

If you decide to conquer this ignoramus, then you need to be prepared for the fact that this nut can’t be cracked just like that. If you are a vulnerable and tender person, it is better to immediately abandon these attempts, otherwise your psyche will certainly suffer. But if you are a girl who is confident in herself, show him that he can neither hurt nor offend you, and in general you are amused by his stupid attempts to assert himself. But don’t overdo it, otherwise if you hurt this guy’s pride, he may harbor a grudge and there will be no talk of any relationship. Try to become “his guy” for him. Share his interests, try to instill new habits, suggest a new hobby. Perhaps you will be able to re-educate him and conquer him.

    Men, no matter what you say, love with their eyes first. Therefore, if you want to attract the attention of the guy you like, try to always look good. Face, hair, nails, clothes - everything should be beautiful.

    Don't overdo the first point. The fact that men like beauty does not mean that they need to smear all the cosmetics they have on their faces, wear revealing outfits and behave provocatively. Guys love natural beauty.

    Don't act too pretentious.

    Be interesting conversationalist. Don’t talk only about yourself, know how to listen and interest.

    Use physical contact. For example, during a conversation, accidentally touch any exposed skin of your crush with your fingertips.

    Don't be pushy. Try to make sure that the guy is the initiator of subsequent meetings. Don't be intrusive, don't offer your number first,

    Show me what you have good feeling humor. There is no need for downtrodden or vulgar jokes, it’s enough just to joke carefully at the right time, make him smile, and half the job is done.

Using these simple tips, you will surely be able to charm the guy you like and make him love you. The main thing is to remain yourself. We hope our article helped you solve your problem.

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