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How to seduce a man in bed: 11 ways to seduce that Cleopatra herself would envy + 5 TABOOs in seduction.

There is an opinion that all men want from women is to get them into bed. It happens, to be honest. But here it would be appropriate to give the example of my friend Lyudochka, who seduces men and then never answers their persistent calls.

But it really happens that a man sings praises, showers you with gifts, promises to get German insoles for flat feet for your mother and repay part of your sister’s loan. And after he managed to seduce you in bed - that’s it, there was no trace of him. And mom is left without insoles, with broken expectations, and you eat up this grief with another portion of ice cream.

And this also happens, as happened with my friend Sofia.

HE: tall, fit brunette, 189 cm, 90 kg. He is educated and works in a consulting firm. Not married. Loves tennis and strong coffee.
SHE: pretty brown-haired with long hair, 165 cm, 50 kg. Works as a fitness instructor. He is interested in cooking. Loves to sing in the shower.
THEY: in 4 months of dating and kissing, we never ended up in bed together.

If during the first month Sophie melted from his unobtrusiveness and modesty, in the second month she tremblingly awaited her cherished goal: “Shall we have a cup of coffee at my place?”. By the third month of dating, my friend was already asking for coffee/tea/whatever herself. In the fourth month, Sofia sounded the alarm.

A consultation was assembled in the person of me and three other friends...

Topic of the evening: “How to seduce a man in bed?” I have collected, combed and solemnly presented our entire bundle of thoughts that we generated this evening (the martini helped, really!).

Relevant? Catch the result of our brainstorm below!

11 ways to seduce a man in bed

Method 1. Use intelligence.

The first question we asked Sofia was: “What do you talk about when you’re together?” After all, it has been proven that the most important erogenous zone, both in women and men, is the brain.

Smart women turn a man on in bed much more than plain women. A smart woman always has the opportunity to seduce a man in bed by challenging him to ironic intellectual debates.

Analyze how intellectually developed your man finds you? What do you discuss during your meetings? What do you speak out aggressively about, what irritates you, and where can you not stop laughing? Bright flashes of emotions always show your “pain points”.

If you want to seduce a man in bed, you need to start with the basics.

TABOO TOPICS in a conversation with a man you want to seduce:

    Negative gender stereotypes.

    “A man should provide for me because he is a man.”

    “By the age of 30, a man should have a car, an apartment and a career.” Especially if the man you want to seduce doesn’t have it.

    “A woman should be beautiful, gentle, caring. And she doesn’t owe anyone anything else.”

    "A woman shouldn't work."

    I think you understand me?..

    Harsh and negative statements about someone/something.

    At a minimum, this is simply unworthy in human terms. And this will definitely turn off the man you want to seduce in bed.

    At most, it could be like this:

    “I hate visitors. I think that they should stay in their Muhosranskis. Let's come in large numbers."
    "Yes? My family and I just moved from Magadan when I was 10 years old.”

    “I don’t like Africans. I think they are uneducated and smell bad.”
    “My best friend Namib might disagree with you.”

    Or like this:

    “What fools are those who buy iPhones! It’s pure stupidity to overpay for a brand!”
    *The man carefully puts the latest Apple model into his pocket.

    Do you know what I mean?

    Don't focus on your shortcomings.

    "I do not like to read. I think it’s a boring and stupid activity.”
    "The check, please".

    “I lived my whole life without planning and time management! No, all this nonsense is not for me!
    “I wanted to tell you about my conference, but now I probably won’t.”

Instead, use your positive knowledge and communication skills, and this will definitely help you seduce a man in bed:

    Keep the conversation on topic.

    “You talk about this book so interestingly. I’ve never read this professor’s work, but I’ll definitely pick it up in my spare time.”

    Don't be afraid to express your position if it has a positive aspect.

    “I understand your point of view. However, I still believe that discrimination based on gender is unacceptable.”

    To seduce a man in bed using your intellect, use “magic words” more often.

    “Thank you, please, I apologize” - all these little things endear a man and are deposited in his subconscious.

And, of course, don’t forget to work on yourself. A woman who has excellent control over her thoughts, is witty and well-mannered will be able to seduce any man in bed.

Method 2. Energy.

Seduce a man in bed, being in a constant aura of complaints and problems? Not a good idea.

A woman is defined, first of all, by her energy. You probably know women who can seduce any man? And these women are not always beauties. But what sets them apart from others is their charisma.


    Sincere, honest, sometimes modest or surprised. But smile, emphasizing your every emotion.

    Looking eye to eye.

    Sometimes you can modestly lower your eyelashes (the man you want to seduce in bed will probably like this move).

    Flat back, open shoulders.

    You cannot seduce a man by slouching and tying yourself in a knot.

    Loud laughter.

    Men admit that a woman who makes you laugh openly risks getting a marriage proposal.

    Do not complain.

    Who likes people who constantly whine and whine?

    Seduce a man while lamenting his low salary? Seriously?

After meetings with you, a man should leave filled with positive emotions and lightness. It is for the sake of such women that men are ready to conquer mountains, slay dragons and come home early.

Method 3. Catch up?

There is also this option: to seduce a man, you need to stop trying to get him into bed. Yes, the well-known legend of the male hunter and the female prey comes into play. Now let's check in practice, does this work?

Try not calling the man you want to seduce for a while. Don’t run to meetings with him, attend to urgent matters and miss a couple of dates.

Don't overdo it! You should not refuse to meet the man you are going to seduce in bed too often. Otherwise, the gentleman risks thinking that interest in him has been completely lost. We don't need this.

You can also “play with a kite.” It sounds strange, but in the context of our conversation with you it is permissible. Seduce a man with your glances, touches, biting your lips and hot breath. Let me get close. And then turn it into a joke.

The man you want to seduce in bed will soon realize: “She’s playing with me.” And any “male” will have a reflex - to catch up and conquer. And this is what we need!

Method 4. Give signs.

If the silent and cunning way to seduce a man does not delight you, then here is an alternative. You can seduce a man in bed with the help of signs!

Give signs that indicate that you are ready to go beyond friendship and kisses at the door:

  • Casually mention that today is Slutty Friday.
  • Say that your coffee at home tastes much better than in a cafe.

    And then hint that the last thing he will want that evening is coffee.

  • Wear more revealing outfits to meetings. Don't confuse it with a vulgar look!

    If you used to go on dates in jeans and T-shirts, try wearing a tight dress. Not mini, not extreme cleavage!

    Hinting to a man that you want to seduce him and waving your half-naked breasts in front of him are two different things.

  • Ask how he feels about women who try to seduce him.
  • Text him. Fantasy is your strong point! To seduce a man in bed, you can write him a hot message shortly before the meeting.

And, of course, a classic of the genre:

  • Stroke your neck with your fingertips while talking.
  • Wrap a strand of hair around your finger.
  • Throw your head back and exhale hotly: “Oh, what delicious coffee!”
  • Slide your fingers along the stem of the glass, slowly and savorily touch the cup of coffee with your lips.
  • Arch your back when sitting in front of or next to a man.

And dozens, hundreds of our “feminine things” with the help of which we try to seduce the chosen man in bed. You yourself know very well about them, right?

Method 5. Beauty is a powerful weapon.

Naturally, when it comes to seducing a man in bed, one cannot miss the point about appearance. I do not renounce my words that “charisma comes first.” However, appearance is certainly important. Especially when it comes to bed.

I'll start with the main thing. Namely: in bed not for a man, but for you.

Why are you surprised? Haven't you noticed that you have the power to seduce anyone when, say, you left a beauty salon on a spring day? Your hair falls into a lush head, makeup makes your facial features even more charming, the trail of perfume drives you crazy. You go, “hair back.” And all the songs from the shawarma stalls only complement your gait. Most likely, you feel like the heroine of a music video.

Therefore, always be on top. To seduce a man in bed, be prepared to seduce yourself first.

Must have for a seductress:

  • depilation;
  • pedicure and manicure;
  • clean and well-groomed hair;
  • clean skin (no rashes, take care of your health);
  • snow-white teeth;
  • lack of granny panties even on days when you go to training;
  • always clean and stylish clothes;
  • a bottle of perfume in your bag, fresh make-up and clean shoes.

Of course, we can talk about this for a long time and a lot. And I’m sure you’ve already discussed everything with your friends more than a dozen times. So I’ll add one last thing: don’t forget about sports and a toned butt.

Method 6. Flirt.

You keep hinting and hinting, but you don’t really succeed in seducing a man in bed?
Well, you'll have to openly flirt.

Why not? After all, you must admit, the time has passed when we were embarrassed to show the boy that we liked him. Now we can easily talk about our feelings, enjoy flirting, do things and seduce!

Touch your gentleman with your hand and more, laugh, praise him and give him compliments. Make eye contact, you can even start an argument (harmless) or be a little impudent. How about flirting a little with his friend if you're in the same group?

IMPORTANT! Never overdo it! Your goal is not to seduce your man's friend. Smile at him, glance at the guy with an interested glance a couple of times. Enter into a dialogue or a small comic argument with him. Your man, whom you want to seduce, will certainly notice this. If you don’t overdo it, you’ll only warm up the gentleman’s interest in you.

Method 7. Open battle.

Seducing a man by uttering the most incredible desires is as easy as shelling pears!

  • . Yes, it's straight forward. Yes, good girls don't do that.

    Good girls do nothing at all and wait until the man himself seduces them, and then see how things go. Perhaps she will get married...

    And maybe mom won’t even get German insoles.

  • Conversations on intimate topics will help you seduce a man in bed.

    Over a glass of wine in a restaurant, suddenly ask him: “Do you like it when a girl...?” Fantasize, let go of your thoughts. You're a grown girl and you know what you want.

  • Talk about your own desires and fantasies. No man can resist a woman whose lips speak his and her innermost thoughts.

    And seducing a chosen young man in bed will not be difficult.

Method 8. Touch.

Incredibly effective way! What about explicit touches? Tactile contact will really help to seduce your gentleman in bed.

In general, touch and its impact on the quality of communication, the level of involvement in the conversation and the quality of assimilated information is a very interesting topic.

For example, touching a person during an important conversation involuntarily focuses his attention on significant aspects of the conversation. And touching the elbow of the interlocutor at the moment of pronouncing the most important phrase is guaranteed to make the person remember this piece of information.

Why not use the power of touch to seduce a man in bed?

Here are some simple examples of touches that will seduce your gentleman all evening, making him think about bed:

  • Take his hand yourself.
  • Place his hand on your thigh or waist.
  • Place his hand on your knee between your thighs.
  • Whisper any information in your ear. It's not what that matters, but how. The ears are one of the main erogenous zones for both women and men.
  • Returning from the restroom, lean towards your gentleman and kiss him tenderly. At this moment, your chest touches his shoulder.
  • Helps you put on your coat and lightly hugs your shoulders. Keep his hands on your shoulders and press your hips against his.

    I think you don’t need to explain what exactly this movement will help you seduce a man in bed.

Method 9. There is nowhere to run.

If you have clearly defined your desire to seduce a man in bed, then you are probably ready to move beyond talking and touching. What if the victim is left without a chance of salvation? I'm kidding, of course. But you understood the specifics of the situation.

Waiting for you in the car at the entrance? To seduce a man, ask him to come to you for “emergency assistance.” A gentleman, if he is gallant and courteous, will not refuse a woman. After all, who knows what the situation is there? Perhaps the lock on your front door has broken or a pipe has burst...

And now the situation: a man comes up to your house, where an open door is waiting for him, and behind it you are in luxurious lingerie and heels. "I can't button my dress"“,” you bat your eyelashes guiltily, pointing to the not fully buttoned dress wrapping around your hips.

There is a 100% guarantee that in such a situation, if your gentleman is healthy, seducing him in bed will be a piece of cake.

Or invite him to a place from which he physically cannot escape. For example, out of town for the weekend: “I have a wonderful house by the lake outside the city. We could barbecue and go skinny dipping in the evening. What do you say?"

Method 10. Praise, dithyrambs.

Of course, to seduce any man in bed, he needs to sing his praises. Who said that only women love with their ears?

In general, you should try to praise all the men in your life. The plumber who famously made the faucet in the bathroom. The concierge, who is wearing an ironed T-shirt today. And notice how men’s eyes shine after even the most trifling compliments. "You're so strong, Mister Plumber". And immediately a smile at 32 and an even greater desire to help.

To seduce a man in bed, use the magical power of your voice. Talk to him about strong muscles, a perfectly chosen tie, praise his wonderful communication skills, focus on his excellent taste in choosing films. Anything, as long as it’s sincere!

What not to say:

    About his financial situation.

    Even if your boyfriend is very rich, don't say it out loud. You risk being misunderstood (due to the short duration of your acquaintance).

    In this case, if you succeed in seducing your man in bed, it will be much later. Do you need it?

    Avoid backhanded compliments.

    “You look great for your age.” or “You’re not as fat in real life as in the photo!”

    NO outright flattery.

    No man can be seduced if he understands that this woman flatters him. This will only alert the gentleman, and a thought will be born in his head: “What does she want from me?”.

    Therefore, do not praise the “toned figure” of your pot-bellied companion.

Method 11. Make it unforgettable.

Let's say you managed to seduce your man in bed. What's next? The main thing is that this time is not the only one. You need to impress a man, rise with him to the pinnacle of passion and plunge into the abyss... well, what abyss you can plunge into.

Become for him in bed the most incredible woman of all who came before you.

  1. Naturally, the first rule is looseness. Not vulgarity, not vulgarity. Namely, healthy looseness.

    When a woman loves and understands her body, knows and loves all the body’s flaws, and emphasizes her strengths. Such a woman knows that bed is a pleasure not only for a man, but, above all, for herself.

    It is relaxation and openness in bed, a love of experimentation and the ability to have fun that will make a man be tempted more than once.

  2. The second rule on how to seduce a gentleman in bed is the correct emotional background. Your first intimacy should not be like a “rough draft” of intimacy.

    Keep the lights on when making love in pitch darkness. Don't close your eyes permanently.

    On the contrary, when seducing a man in bed, be hot: look into his eyes as often as you can. You know it's exciting. Create the right mood.

  3. The third most important point is entourage. Be on top. Light the candles, put on the most incredible lingerie in your arsenal.

    Don’t forget about beautiful bedding, take care of lubricant in the bedside table.

    If your level of emotional contact allows, you can experiment a little. A blindfold or a silk ribbon for the arms will suffice.

    But don't overdo it! Professional BDSM devices (if you are into them) can seriously frighten your man in bed.

5 taboos in seducing a man in bed...

TABOO 1. Vulgarity.

Seduce your chosen man in bed with a miniskirt, a fishnet blouse and no panties? Pffft, what vulgarity! A man, of course, can spend one night with you. But the key here is ONE. And a self-respecting gentleman will be completely concerned about his health.

Never use these tricks, otherwise you risk being branded as a frivolous woman:

    Sheer/excessively short clothing.

    It’s great if nature has blessed you with slender legs and a toned body. But, for God's sake, don't show it all off.

    Too long nails are killer colors.

    It’s vulgar, not fashionable, and carrying an infection under your nails is not a good idea.

    Lack of linen.

    Especially if it is noticeable (for example, a transparent blouse and no bra). Even if you have beautiful or too small breasts - no, no, no.

    "Fish tail".

    Seduce a man in bed by flashing a strip of thong over his jeans?

    Honey, are we back in the 90s again?

    Chew gum with your mouth open.

    This could seduce some charming man only in TV series. Now this is bad taste and lack of education.

TABOO 2. Tactlessness.

Of course, an intelligent woman understands that all the methods described above are only suitable for couples in which the level of emotional intimacy allows them to cross the line.

But under no circumstances try to seduce a man in bed if your communication is more than cool. Did you go out for coffee several times, 3 of which were you the initiator? Perhaps you should give up the idea of ​​seducing this man.

Any young man will be put off from the possibility of being in bed with you by tactlessness and bad manners:

    "Hang on your neck."

    Touching, dirty jokes, asking for compliments...

    All this is absolutely inappropriate if a relationship with a man has not even begun, and you have progressed no further in emotional contact than with Kolya Petrov in the 5th grade.


    Demanding to pay for you in a cafe, demanding to take you home, demanding financial assistance or gifts - all this will not only not help seduce a man in bed, but will also turn him directly in the opposite direction.

    Put in an awkward position.

    “Mom, just so you know, Seryozha is spending the night with me today!”

TABOO 3. Talk about past relationships.

If you decide to seduce the man who attracted you, never, hear me, never mention your exes!

For any man, the topic of a woman’s past is very sensitive. Some try not to talk about it, ignoring their beloved’s past (which, in general, is correct for both parties). Others may be persistently interested, and having received answers to their questions, they begin to humiliate and insult their lady.

And there are also situations when a woman herself tells a man about her past life and shares intimate details. For what? And the devil knows!

Therefore, if you want to seduce your handsome man in bed, forget about everything that happened BEFORE. And be heroically silent when it comes to your exes.

“Who did you date before me?”
“Oooh, his name was Gena. He's such an asshole! But he was excellent in bed! We made love for days. Well, in those periods when they didn’t kill each other!”

TABOO 4. Get into the soul.

Some ladies believe that seducing a man in bed is similar to “becoming a psychologist for him.” Oddly enough, this actually happens quite often. So: you shouldn’t delve into his soul, delve into his problems, extract “confessions” from him or insist on emotional conversations!

Perhaps you think that in this way you will become closer to him, and then seducing a gentleman in bed will not be difficult. But you're wrong. Most likely, the man will think: “how unpleasant!” And then no bed, no insoles for mom.

TOP 10 desires of a man in bed.

How to drive a man crazy? How to please men
and become desired?

TABOO 5. Appearance is not the main thing.

It would seem like a banality, but it’s worth remembering. After all, it’s not that uncommon to hear from representatives of the fair sex something like the phrase: “Yes, with my energy, what difference does it make whether I shaved my legs or not!”.

Of course, the fifth taboo is appearance. Namely, a disregard for one’s body. After all, do you remember about harmony, balance between internal and external? You can seduce a gentleman in bed only by combining all the advantages: beautiful appearance, open mind, charisma and sense of humor. Therefore, do not rely on one aspect (even a very strong one) of your character. !

This is where my friends and I came to the end of our generation of ideas for a martini. Drunk, but very pleased with ourselves, we went home. Someone was going to see her husband, like our Marina. Someone to a beloved guy, like Sveta. I was going home to my beloved dog, which made me incredibly happy.

But in the taxi, each of us thought: how to seduce a man in bed?

Will Sofia be able to seduce her beloved Mr. HE? I think that with a list of such effective tips as we have compiled, the matter is in her pocket! bed.

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In order to please a man not only for the first time, having little experience, but in general, it is necessary to consider the behavior of a woman (girl). Therefore, we will consider what you need to do before intimate relationships, how to behave during sex and after it.

How to please a man in bed for the first time

Before sex.

Before the meeting, you need to calm down and not be nervous. Go to the store, buy beautiful underwear. Try it on. You look great! Remember this well.

Many ladies are too picky about their appearance, so they experience not only anxiety, but also insecurity about their beauty. But in vain. After all, if a man wants to spend the night with you, it means he doesn’t care about the shortcomings of your figure.

Flirting before first intimacy– a mandatory attribute of relationships. At this moment, both partners dream of uniting into a single whole. At this stage, various are good. Plus, if this is some kind of cat and mouse game, the outcome of which is clear to both the guy and the girl.

You can tease and provoke your significant other through correspondence or in conversation. But do not overdo it, otherwise the man may become too worried (and this happens).

How can you surprise a man in bed?

Once you find yourself in bed with a man, you need to adhere to 5 rules, if, of course, you want to continue the relationship.

What a man likes in a woman in moments of intimacy:

  • . You must radiate it. Nobody likes people with complexes. Don't be shy about your nakedness. For a man now you are irresistible.
  • Interest. Nobody wants to end up in bed with the “snow queen.” Show that you enjoy the process through stroking, kissing and caressing.
  • Temperament. She is capable of turning on any guy like crazy. Men love (almost all) when the initiative in bed comes from a girl. Throw him on the pillows, kiss him passionately, rip his shirt. Although no, it’s better not to do the last point. You never know. This might be his favorite shirt. Or the only one.
  • Caring. No, you don’t need to drag a pot of borscht to bed for your lover. But you must strive to please your partner. Inexperienced girls can simply ask questions during sex. Of course, there is no need to step over yourself and do things that contradict your principles. But it is necessary to try to please a man.
  • Emotionality.

Men love to talk during sex. No, not about your new blouse or shoes.

But such thrown phrases as:

  • “I want you so much” (during foreplay)
  • or “so good”

have a stimulating effect.

Light moaning and screaming will also work. It's just not worth replaying. So, the sounds made indicate that you like everything. Silent partners confuse a man. Does she enjoy the process? Unclear. So feel free to talk about your feelings to your partner. Just don’t overdo it again, too much chatter will get in the way.

What to do in bed to make a man like it

Many people try so hard to please their man in bed that they start doing things they have never done before. For example, everyone knows that men love oral sex. However, if you have no experience, caressing with your hands will be enough. With inept movements you are more likely to scare him away. He will think that this is how you always act, and you can forget about the next date.

I'm not saying that without experience, oral sex should not be practiced at all. But it’s better not to experiment with sex with a new partner.

As one wise lady I know said, first you need to skate the mandatory program. And only then start improvising.

Fussiness and sex are incompatible. Don't try to immediately put on your clothes and hide in the bathroom. After intimacy, a man wants to enjoy the moment, lie in the arms of his beloved woman.

Affection is the most important thing in intimacy. Even with no experience, you will cope with the task. A man likes it when his partner strokes his hair and goes down to his back and buttocks. Since guys are very sensitive to their dignity, you need to pay attention to it too. Many are crazy about light biting and licking of the earlobes, or kissing behind the ear.

Change positions during sex(take the initiative in this too) . There are many more options besides missionary! Almost all men love it when a girl is on top. They also don’t mind lying down and having fun. However, don’t you like to be in control of the situation?

Scratches on the back are considered a sign of a woman's satisfaction. Mostly the fair half of humanity thinks so. Some men think about how to get rid of the marks and complain about pain. Of course, a couple of scratches in a fit of passion is understandable. But I don’t understand the backs torn by nails.

Do you want to encourage or torment a man? If you feel good, you can hug tighter, scream louder or whisper something pleasant. It's another matter when your man likes to experience pain. True, I think he will talk about this not during the first intimacy, but when your relationship becomes more stable.

Guys love just as much as women. After intimacy, it’s time to praise your partner. But be careful, your praise should not sound false or implausible.
For example, instead of the phrase “You are simply God!” (well, obviously too much), it’s better to say something like “I just can’t get over it, it was great.”

Also, don't talk about your ex-boyfriends after sex. A man does not need to know about the quantity and quality of your previous partners. Even if he is magnificent and incomparable in comparison with them, this knowledge is of no use to him.

There is also no need to ask a man about his former relationship:

  • Firstly, he is unlikely to tell you the whole truth.
  • Secondly, why do you need this? Set yourself the goal of becoming the same gymnast as his previous passion? Or will you torture yourself with diets in order to become like that Zina (Valya, Olya, Anya)? The man is with you now.

He likes you. Therefore, you do not need any drastic changes.

In the end, to please a man in bed, everything is simple - relax and have fun. And it doesn’t matter whether you have experience or little. Especially for the first time, as a rule, the man is more worried about making the woman feel good. He needs to show what a cool “macho” he is.

Sincere love to everyone!

Stable, trusting relationships are wonderful. But the line between stability and predictability, or even boredom, is too thin. And where boredom has settled, there is no room for love. The secrets of femme fatales boil down to one thing: they know how to surprise a man in bed and don’t let their lover get bored.

From a biological point of view, the male's task is to fertilize as many females as possible. This is necessary to preserve the life of the entire biological species. Of course, there are exceptions, but in general both animals and people are usually polygamous.

Men are aroused by novelty; it is unreasonable to deny this. And if you take care to introduce an element of novelty into your sex life and prevent sex from turning into a routine, this will only benefit the relationship.

Smart women know that their lovers need novelty, and they try to satisfy this need of their loved ones so that they do not seek its satisfaction in other people's beds. Even if a man does not want to cheat on his wife, small surprises will be pleasant for him.

How to surprise a man in bed: only pleasant surprises

When looking for ways to surprise your lover, an individual approach is especially important. When preparing a surprise for your loved one, you should take into account all his wishes expressed directly or indirectly, his tastes, preferences and weaknesses. Otherwise, the effect may be unexpected.

For example, many recommend making a man jealous to arouse his passion. When communicating with someone, this technique is indeed very effective. But a jealous person, a tyrant, or simply a person who is not confident enough in himself will by no means be inflamed with passion for his wife, who desperately flirts left and right. As a result, instead of a night of love, a scandal awaits the couple, and it’s good if the matter ends with just a showdown. There are worse options, for example, a man will want to repay his frivolous lover in the same way and will begin to flirt with other women, or even cheat.

There is a time and place for everything. If a man returns home after working twelve hours in hazardous work, he is unlikely to be in a playful mood - most likely, he will be more happy with a plate of borscht than to sexually harass your spouse. But when a man is well-fed, has slept well and feels great, you can and should surprise him.

Therefore, before applying certain techniques, you should think carefully about whether they are suitable in this particular case or not. Otherwise, fighting boredom in bed will cost the family too much.

Step One: Finding Inspiration

Without what is a surprise impossible? Without the appropriate mood. To become a femme fatale who surprises your loved one, first of all, you need to awaken your own sensuality. This can be done using proven methods - erotic novels and films, sensual music, silk underwear, and stimulating aromas will come to the rescue.

Many women are tuned into the right wave by self-care procedures. Manicures and pedicures, wraps and masks, aromatic baths and delicate lotions increase confidence in your own attractiveness and your feminine charms. Activities related to the work of the body are also effective - from sports to a relaxing massage.

Step two: breaking stereotypes

How does sexual contact usually proceed? Perhaps foreplay to sex has become somewhat monotonous? Or maybe the same positions are always chosen for intimacy? It's time to break stereotypes and try something new.

Changes can be global. For example, yesterday’s “Snow Queen” will turn into a bad girl without complexes, and a respectable mother of a family will become a cabaret dancer for one evening. At the same time, a sexually active woman can, on the contrary, play hard to get, thereby inflaming her lover. The greater the contrast with normal behavior, the riskier the experiment will be. And at the same time, the greater the effect will be - such transformations will not only surprise, they will amaze to the core.

If the idea of ​​changing so dramatically is scary, you can try starting with small things. Small changes may not drive a man crazy, but they will definitely refresh the relationship. Moreover, literally everything can be changed. For example, if sex usually happens at night, then perhaps you should try to seduce your lover in the morning or even during lunch break. Changing positions is also a great solution. There is no need to try all the positions from the Kama Sutra, but perhaps both will enjoy sex in a new way.

Those who previously preferred measured, sensual sex with long foreplay may want to try fast, passionate, “animalistic” intercourse. And those who neglected foreplay should, on the contrary, prolong it as much as possible.

Changing place is a technique that is very often mentioned in novels, but is rarely implemented in reality.

Of course, it is difficult to find a more comfortable place than a fresh bed. However, in order to surprise your loved one, you can try to indulge in love in other places. A kitchen table, the back seat of a car, an empty beach or a haystack - there are many options.

You can experiment with lighting or sound, with time and place, with rhythm and a set of caresses. Even simple dress-up games are sure to make a lasting impression on a man. A submissive slave from a harem or an obstinate nurse, a playful maid or a strict woman in military uniform - the fantasies of men are quite varied, but, in general, they have long been known to manufacturers of special costumes that are sold in sex shops. In adult stores you can find other interesting things that will help diversify your sex life.

Maria Bykova


How to please a man in bed without much experience?

February 18, 2016

It happens that a man did not like a woman in bed. How to be? What should you do to make your partner feel good in bed with you? Intimate relationships are part of human life. They play an important role in the lives of women and men. And experience in this matter is not the main thing. The most important thing is to trust your partner and be in a close spiritual relationship with him.

Everyone initially worries about how to please a man in bed. It `s naturally. Your future relationship with him depends on your first sex with a man. If something goes wrong, there is a high probability that the first time will be the last. Excessive excitement can greatly ruin the whole process.

No need to brag!

Many people make the mistake of starting to boast in words about their, so to speak, capabilities, but in the end, in reality, everything is completely wrong. But men are more prone to this. They believe that by talking about their skills in the intimate sphere they can attract the attention of girls.

Don't experiment

Having no experience in sex, women often wonder what to do in bed to make a man like it. The most important thing is to prepare thoroughly. No matter how scary it is, you need to calm down, otherwise nothing will work out. Much depends on whether it will be a one-night stand or the beginning of a serious relationship. In both cases, a woman should not experiment. For example, if she has never touched a man’s penis with her lips, then she should not do this during the first intimate relationship. It will be awkward and not fun for anyone.

There is a risk of not only not impressing a man, but also disappointing him. Moreover, it is not a fact that a man will appreciate such efforts. Perhaps he will accept such behavior as normal for a girl, it will push him away, and then he won’t even call. Therefore, to begin with, foreplay and caressing the penis with your hands will be enough.

Video on the topic

Important Understanding

Women who have no experience in sex should understand that theoretically you can learn a lot, but in practice everything may turn out to be completely different from what you dreamed. In intimacy, it is important to feel each other and understand without unnecessary words. A woman should know how to caress and excite a man, when and where it is appropriate. To please a man in bed, it is important to get to know him as a person, understand his habits and tastes. And this takes time.

Proper foreplay

What to do to please a man in bed? Before sex, you should, of course, devote time to foreplay. Many practical manuals advise dancing an erotic dance or giving an exciting massage. There is no need for assertiveness, otherwise he will run away... What if he also has no experience and is afraid of a sophisticated partner?

Another very important point is underwear. It should be beautiful and sexy, from one set.

If the meeting is planned in advance, then there is an opportunity to think about the atmosphere: place candles in the bedroom, turn on pleasant music. This will help everyone who doesn’t know how to please a man in bed.

Listen to your partner

Many girls, without sexual experience, do not fully realize that spiritual intimacy and sexual caresses are interconnected things. A partner will be gentle and patient with a girl if he likes her, if he cares about how she feels in an intimate moment. Therefore, it’s worth learning, getting used to and trying everything with the man who will take care of the woman’s physical health and her moral state. If you experiment with an outsider, then unpleasant surprises are possible during the process. What is very sad is that an unscrupulous partner can take the details of sexual intercourse outside the bedroom, for example, tell everything to friends.

If a woman and a man have established close emotional contact, then it is best to ask him how he likes to spend time in bed.

But a woman should also not forget about her pleasure. Don’t be embarrassed to ask a man for caresses, and also tell him how best to do it in order to achieve orgasm. If a woman does not get release during sex for a long time with a certain man, then they are unlikely to have a relationship in the future. When thinking about how to please a man in bed, you shouldn’t forget about yourself. There must be healthy egoism in this matter.

A beautiful figure is half the success

Most men like slender girls, with a flat, beautiful tummy, toned and firm buttocks. A woman should regularly monitor her figure. How to please a man in bed? Of course, you need to take care of your figure. Regular sports and training in fitness centers will be an excellent option.

Body care

No less important is the care of nails and hair (and not just on the head). You definitely need to get rid of hair in the bikini area. Do not forget that you need to get rid of hair not only in the bikini area, but also on the labia. To avoid an irritable reaction, it is better to do this with a laser. Those who don’t know how to please an Aquarius man in bed can take into account that more mature representatives of this sign like a woman’s pubic area that is not completely shaved. You can leave either two stripes in the middle, or one solid one.

You should also ensure that your legs and armpits are carefully shaved.

Kisses are important!

Girls who are worried about how to please a man in bed, without having much experience in the intimate sphere, should not forget about kissing. We also need to improve in this matter. You can practice on your palm, knee, or the good old way - on tomatoes. No matter how funny it may sound, such training helps. Kissing is an integral part of sex. They are the beginning of passion and excite a man.

Many girls, thinking about how to please a man in bed, are afraid of oral sex. But men remain delighted with him. If you trust an experienced partner, then you don’t have to be afraid of such caresses.

Vagina training

If a girl doesn’t know how a man will like him in bed, she should train her vagina. This will help you squeeze the head of your penis more tightly during sex, which will give your partner more pleasure. The training is very simple: you need to inflate your stomach, hold it in this position for 2-3 seconds, and release it. You can also alternately tense and relax the perineum. These daily exercises will help you control your vagina during sex.

What's most important?

You can tidy up your figure and body, wear beautiful lingerie, create a romantic atmosphere, you can study a sea of ​​literature on the topic of sex, but the most important thing that cannot be learned is to feel your partner. This is the only way to achieve mutual pleasure. This takes time. Take a closer look at each other, learn to listen and understand.

The very last piece of advice is don't watch porn films! This is cinema, not life, the fantasies (not always healthy) of the screenwriter and director. You can’t learn from them how to have sex and try to please a man. Be natural and honest with your partner. Then you will have a strong relationship, and you will learn all the wisdom of ancient art together with pleasure and joy.

What is attraction to a woman on the part of a man? What is mutual attraction? This is difficult to explain. This is a phenomenon. But, a phenomenon that obeys certain rules. After analyzing the ideal woman, you can draw conclusions about what to do to become a fatal seductress.

To answer the question: " How to please the man you love in bed?”, you need to understand what exactly men love and value in their partner.

  • A man likes to realize and feel that you enjoy sex with him. Be natural. He will recognize false notes sooner or later, men are not stupid, and besides, they are inherent in sensuality. If love becomes a source of pleasure for you, then your partner will receive no less satisfaction.
  • What should a girl do to make a man like him in bed? He loves it when a woman expresses her feelings in bed. Don't hold back your emotions. Away with embarrassment! And along with it, everything that is instilled in you, alien to you, everything that prevents you from liberating yourself, loving openly, and being happy. A temperamental lover in bed is the dream of every normal man. In bed with a man you should feel like a queen.
  • Men will enjoy action in bed and don't like chatter. Instead of chatting in bed, do something more enjoyable and useful. The flow of words infuriates men, and especially women’s revelations about previous partners. About how skilled these guys are in love. Nightmare! Hearing such comments not about oneself is humiliating for anyone. So don't make stupid mistakes.
  • A man likes it when a girl happily caresses and explores his body.
Keep in mind that men are no less sensual creatures than women. In addition to the main male dignity, they have a huge number of “hot” spots, the touch of which is incredibly exciting.
  • Men will enjoy watching the process itself in bed. Bring joy to your loved one, do not turn off the light during love pleasures.
  • Men are turned on by erotic lingerie. Don't neglect this impractical, but so amazing lingerie! Don't forget about the classic - stockings with garters.
  • Men usually enjoy it in bed when a woman knows what she wants. Guide your partner, tell him what and how to do to give you maximum pleasure. And he will do it, no doubt!

What should a woman do to please a man in bed, you can intuitively find an approach to it, or you can trust the specialists to seminars, and apply their advice in your intimate life.

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