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Development calendar of a 7 month old baby. A sharp jump in the development of a child: what a baby should be able to do at seven months

During the seventh month, the child gains an average of 600 grams of weight and grows by 2 cm. Thus, the weight of a seven-month-old child is about 7600 - 8100 g, and the height is 68-72 cm.

It's okay if the child gains weight faster or slower, but beware if there is a sharp change in the weight or height centile corridor (for more details, see the centile tables for boys or girls). The norms of physical development are described in more detail in centile tables: for boys, for girls.

What can a child at 7 months

  • understands the meaning of many words;
  • emotionally very strongly attached to the mother, clings to her;
  • begins to experience fear when parting with her mother;
  • knows how to put small objects into large ones;
  • stands firmly at the support, steps over at the support;
  • learning to sit up on his own;
  • learning to crawl
  • rolls over from stomach to back and back;
  • can eat from a spoon and drink from a cup;
  • remembers actions to maintain neatness and “reminds” them to mom;
  • plays "Ladushki" and similar gesture games.

Seven-month-old baby development tests

1. By seven months, the child can sit up straight with support; roll over from back to side if you rattle a rattle from the side, which he can get when turning.

2. You hold the baby on your lap while sitting at the table. The child grabs the edge of the table and holds it firmly. Can imitatively clap his hands on the table, shift objects on the table, throw them on the floor.

3. You stand by the baby's crib and don't show any attention, avoiding meeting his eyes. The child tries to establish contact: babbles, looks for you with a look, etc.

4. Carefully examines an adult before making contact with him. The reaction of fear is replaced by cognitive interest.

5. Take the child in your arms and turn with him around the bright toy. The child follows his gaze, turns after the toy.

6. Child in the prone position. You cover his head with a diaper. The child, remaining in this position, is released from the diaper with his hands.

7. Ask the child where an object is (the object must be constantly in a certain place, and you have repeatedly called it). In response to your question, the child will look for and find this object with his eyes.

8. The child can, at your request, show the nose, eyes, etc. another man. Sound combinations like “give-give-give”, “ta-ta-ta” appear in babble.

9. Crawls well (a lot and quickly, in different directions). Gets on his knees, gets up with the support of his hands.

10. Persistently reaches for the subject that interests him, and when he gets to it, he rejoices.

How much does a 7 month old baby eat

5 feedings in 4 hours. In addition to evening feeding - cottage cheese, mashed with milk or fruit puree, starting from one to 3-4 teaspoons. From the middle of the month, you can add hard-boiled yolk to vegetable puree, starting with crumbs up to 1/4.

How much does a baby sleep at 7 months

Babies 6 to 9 months old need about 14-15 hours of sleep per night, and they can sleep for about 7 hours straight. If your baby sleeps longer than seven hours, he probably wakes up briefly, but manages to go back to sleep on his own - a great sign. This means that you have an excellent dormouse growing.

The mode and daily routine of a child at 7 months

The daily routine depends on the number of feedings and biorhythms of the child (someone gets up earlier in the morning, some later, some sleep more during the day) and often differs for all children of the same age. Adjust to the child, but try to feed and put the child to bed at the same time every day, so he will have less problems with digestion and sleep. Sample baby routine.

This mode is far from a guide to the life of mom and baby by the clock, but only an example by which you can imagine how long the phases of sleep and wakefulness, breaks between meals can be.

Baby health at 7 months

The first teeth continue to erupt. If it hasn't happened yet, don't worry, they may start to erupt a little later. About teeth

Educational activities and games for a 7 month old baby

At this stage, any gesture games with jokes and jokes are suitable, but do not expect the child to repeat the gestures exactly after you, his hands are not yet sufficiently developed for this, but already in a year with regular classes he will be able to do this.

We play "Ladushki", we collect pyramids, we do not forget about educational musical games. Well, kids at this age react to role-playing scenes played out with toys (we put them to bed, feed the toys). When playing, clearly name the name of the toy, its characteristics (warm, hard, round .. color of the toy).

When dressing a child, say: we put on the left leg, we put on the right leg, and so on, the baby from infancy will learn to distinguish between right and left and there will be no confusion in the future.

At 7-8 months old, your child may develop the habit of throwing toys out of the crib or playpen - this is an indicator of the normal development of the baby.

The first six months of your baby's life are left behind. I hope that with the help of our collections of developing activities you regularly and variedly work with your treasure and celebrate his first successes with joy.

Today's selection of games is dedicated to.

Every month the games become more interesting, but once again I urge you not to forget about the activities that you started to conduct in previous months.

You have probably noticed that the child is in many ways a real conservative. He may refuse to eat from a new plate, get upset because you suddenly decided to put him to bed to a new lullaby, or hung a toy on the stroller from the wrong side from which he was used to seeing it. Therefore, the regular repetition of familiar games and activities and the songs and nursery rhymes that the baby loves are the key to his good mood and favorable attitude to the new activities that you offer him this month.

Such different kids

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the difference in the pace of development of seven-month-old babies. Some babies at 7 months already sit confidently and even try to get up, holding on to a support. Others do not even attempt to sit. Do not worry, because in many respects this is determined not by the speed of development and not even by the level of physical “training” of the baby, but rather by his temperament. Mobile, active, inquisitive babies earlier than their more calm and self-sufficient peers begin to roll over from their back to their stomach and back, crawl, sit down, get up and walk.

So if your seven-month-old baby is not yet sitting, despite your regular gymnastics and massage, just be patient and continue with your classes. I am sure that by 8 months the child will definitely sit down on his own. If you are very worried, consult a neurologist on this issue.

Especially do not rush the process of getting up on your own baby. It is much more useful for those who are still too weak to support an upright spine and back muscles will be stimulated to crawl - as much as possible and for as long as possible. Even for a one year old who has already taken his first steps, crawling on all fours is an extremely useful exercise aimed at strengthening almost all muscle groups.

After this little digression, let's get back to the topic, how to nurture a 7 month old baby. I want to remind you that in your baby who is starting to crawl, he began to try to overcome obstacles in his path in the form of your legs and small sofa cushions. This month, this exercise can be complicated and diversified.


Get down on the floor with your seven-month-old baby and have a crawling race. Crawl in the direction of the toy at the other end of the room, crawl towards each other, encourage the child to crawl after you, or crawl behind him to gently tickle his heels. There are a lot of options, but the goal, in general, is the same - how to have fun and make crawling, useful in all respects, also interesting for the child.

Climbing up the hill

Started last month, the obstacle course exercise in the seventh month can be supplemented by crawling up an incline. For this purpose, any wide shelf wrapped with a blanket or an ironing board is ideal. Install it on a slight elevation (such as a sofa cushion) so that the angle of inclination is about 30 degrees.

On top of your makeshift mountain, put a cube or other toy that can interest the child. Be there to back up your little climber. Crawling down an incline is still difficult for a seven month old so be prepared to pick him up at the top so he can continue on his way through the obstacle course.

You can pick up other active games for the crumbs in the article "".

We crawl and ... massage the handles

Now, when your baby spends more and more time moving around the floor, a massage track will become a useful item in your home. You can buy it in specialized orthopedic stores or sew it yourself. You can read more about how to sew a massage track. In short, this is a textile path on which materials of various textures are sewn - bags with cereals, wooden sticks and rings, elastic, soft and rough sponges, buttons of various sizes, plastic lattices, cords, etc.

When the baby learns to walk, this path will be useful for the prevention of flat feet, but for now he will crawl along it, grab and touch various elements of the path and develop tactile perception and fine motor skills.

Where is the fruit?

Has your little one tried their first food yet? It's time to play this funny game. It will be most convenient to do this right after eating, while the baby is sitting in his highchair. Take a slice of a banana, peach, or other soft fruit that is safe for your baby (you can also use a slice of boiled squash, cauliflower, or broccoli) and cover it with a plastic cup in front of your child. Then place 2 more plastic cups upside down on the table and move them around.

Have your child find a fruit or vegetable. Express surprise when there is no prey under the glass and rejoice with the baby when his search is finally crowned with success. By the same principle, you can play by hiding a small toy under the glass. This game stimulates attention and logic.

Find music!

Hide a musical toy or a phone with a pleasant melody turned on in the room in the child's field of vision. Make sure the child can hear the music. Ask him: "Where is the music?". Crawl around the room together in search of the source of the sound. The game stimulates crawling, promotes the development of auditory concentration, visual-auditory coordination and crumbs.

Recently became a mother of a baby?

Shall we drum?

At the age of 7 months, babies love to bang different objects against each other. Is it time for you to cook dinner? Great. Spread a blanket on the floor and seat the child. Give him 5-6 different bowls or pots and a large wooden spoon to act as a drumstick. Let the baby rattle for pleasure.

The game contributes to the development of a sense of rhythm, differentiation of auditory perception, logic (I knock - I hear a sound), the formation of ideas about the properties of various materials (the child hears a different sound of metal, wooden, plastic "drums").


I don't know if you use a glove puppet ("bibabo") in your games? If not, it's time to get one - buy, knit or sew. There are a lot of options for using bibabo dolls in classes with a child. The doll can help feed the baby, calm him down, give him a light stroking massage before going to bed, tell a story, play and even become a puppet theater hero.

Cube with a secret

And here is another useful and easy-to-make toy that helps develop hand coordination. You will need a cube or a small box with a rib length of about 8-10 cm. On one of the faces, stick or draw a bright picture, such as a duck.

Let the child look at the picture, and then turn the cube to the other side (without the picture). You will be surprised: “Where is the duck?”. Show your child how to look for the picture by turning the cube in their hands. If this action is still too difficult for the baby, invite him to look for a picture by placing the cube in front of him and turning it side to side. Experiment by sticking a picture on a cylindrical box (for example, on a yogurt bottle).


If you have a light box or other container with a hinged lid at home, you can play like this. In advance, put some interesting object (spoon, keys, small toy) in the box and rattle it in front of the baby. Ask him: "What is that rattling inside?". Give the baby some time to find a way to open the box on his own.

You can also put various items in the box and put it out of it. For a seven-month-old baby, this is still an interesting activity. And if you take care to give him different tactile and difficult-to-grab objects to fold, then this activity will also become educational.

Here are some ideas:

  • thread pom-poms;
  • cotton balls;
  • plastic bottle caps;
  • champagne corks;
  • coins (washed with soap and boiled);
  • raisin;
  • seeds;
  • canned corn or peas;
  • screws and nuts;
  • beads;
  • sliced ​​;
  • curly pasta (raw or boiled).

Don't forget about safety and stay close to the baby while playing with small objects!

We have collected a lot for you in a separate article.

Speech development

At the end of our conversation about how to develop a child at 7 months, I want to say that despite the fact that the baby will not soon say his meaningful first word, even now his voice apparatus and brain are in the process of active preparation for mastering speech. Therefore, it is very important to talk a lot with the child, give him the opportunity to see (and even feel) your mouth in the process of pronouncing words, speak with the child in clear, short phrases, name everything that falls into his field of vision and attracts his attention.

Already at this age, you can begin to use various onomatopoeia in speech, which will later become the first words of your crumbs. For example, when you play with a toy duck, dog, or kitty, or look at pictures of them in books, don't forget to repeat over and over again as these animals say: "The duck quacks," Quack, "quack." The dog barks: “Wow-wow”, etc.”.

Use onomatopoeia not only for animals, but also for other objects surrounding the child. For example, the phone rings “ding-ding”, the clock ticks “tick-tock”, the pipe blows “doo-doo”, the bear goes “top-top”, the cube fell “boom”, etc. The more and more often the child hears such onomatopoeia, the sooner he will please you with the first words.

And now I suggest you watch this two-minute video about the development of a child at 7 months.

This is the answer to the question, how to nurture a 7 month old baby. I’m sure you can’t wait to play new games with your baby, because next time you will find another portion of developing activities - already for. See you!

Read other articles about the development of the child by month:

Those parents who closely monitor their baby are interested in knowing what a child should be able to do at 7 months. There are norms for the development of infants, on the basis of which they judge the health of the child, correct his behavior. Up to a year, a baby must master a lot of skills, so it is important not to miss anything and be ready at the right time to help him get comfortable in the world around him.

At seven months, the weight gain is approximately 600 grams, and the baby grows by 2 centimeters. The proportions of the body are changing more and more, and the girth of the chest should be larger than the girth of the head. Normally, children at this age weigh 7.6-8.3 kilograms, and their height is 67.3-69.2 centimeters. Boys are usually larger than girls. Head circumference - 43-44 centimeters, and chest - 44.5-45.5 centimeters.


The minimum and maximum weight for a healthy girl at 7 months is 6.0 and 9.8 kilograms. Height varies from 62.7 to 71.9 centimeters.


The boy's weight limits are 6.7 and 10.3 kilograms, and they grow from 64.8 to 73.5 centimeters.

What skills develop at 7 months

An important component of the development of a 7-month-old child is the ability to independently move in the surrounding space, improve fine motor skills and the emergence of more complex emotions and fears.

neuropsychic development

The child is well aware of the speech of the parents. He learned not only his name, but also the word "No". The baby in the seventh month understands the meaning of prohibitions, and they are very upsetting to him. He can point his finger at certain objects. He understands that the hidden toy did not disappear without a trace. By facial expressions, gestures and voice, he distinguishes what emotions others experience.

There is a more intensive development of the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the left half of the body. If the child began to use his left hand more often, this is a temporary phenomenon.

Knowledge of the world around

He learned to hold small objects in his hands with two fingers, he is good with both hands. He is interested in all "sounding" toys, and the child consciously makes noise with them. The kid rattles rattles, knocks on the buttons of musical toys. He is interested in opening and closing boxes. He continues to try everything and discover new properties of objects.

He likes to listen to nursery rhymes, poetry, looks at picture books, can turn pages if they are thick and not torn.

Improving motor skills

The main skill of this age is confident sitting. But all babies develop in their own way, so by 7 months they can:

  • roll over from back to stomach and back;
  • sit up on their own, but still cannot sit down themselves;
  • crawl, sometimes backwards, on all fours or on the stomach;
  • stand at the support and try to take the first steps, holding on to the fence;
  • try to stand up on your own, grabbing onto supports and hanging things.

Attention! Do not leave tablecloths hanging down, throwing hot and sharp objects on the table and close to the edge. The baby can overturn everything on itself.


He is very attached to his mother, and her absence causes crying. He can hide on his shoulder, embarrassed by some people, or, conversely, considers those who are interested in him. He expresses his emotions by turning away or clinging to a person. Can make friends with other babies.

Speech develops

The babble becomes much more difficult. At the seventh month, children confidently use syllables where language is involved: ma-ma, ba-ba, la-la, ta-ta and others. He can line them up. He continues to experiment with the volume and tonality of sounds, sometimes sings along to the music. It is very important to speak in his presence only in a friendly tone.

Vision and hearing of the baby

At this stage of an infant's life, vision and hearing are fully developed. The child reacts even to quiet sounds, can turn around when they are addressed to him. During daytime sleep, leave the sound background (TV, radio) so that later he does not wake up from the slightest rustle. He perfectly sees even fast moving objects, distinguishes shades of colors.

Developing the ability to make decisions in a child

Let the child pick up a toy. We offer him a third. At 7 months, the baby will think and drop one of the toys to get a new one.

During turns, he learns to decide where to turn if there is a solid object or obstacle nearby.

What can you give a baby from food

Many have already cut teeth, they confidently eat from a spoon and can drink from a bottle on their own. They can be started to drink from a cup, holding. By this time, the baby’s diet already includes vegetables and cereals. One-component cereals, gluten-free: corn, buckwheat, rice. From fruits they give to try pear, plum, peaches, apples and prunes. New vegetables are added: carrots, spinach, pumpkin and potatoes.

If complementary foods were started at 4 months, then they are introduced to meat (veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey) and egg yolk. Already 1-2 feedings are completely replaced by regular food.

By what signs to determine that the child develops correctly?

Every baby develops at its own pace. But there are several signs that should alert parents at this age:

  • makes no attempt to roll over or sit down;
  • does not play, does not knock cubes on the table, does not repeat actions after her mother (perhaps this is caused by simple fatigue);
  • there is no emotional connection with parents, does not react in any way to hugs, their movement, absence;
  • does not react to sounds, does not try to attract attention;
  • does not try to talk, does not babble;
  • does not feel objects and does not try to try them on the tooth;
  • in a vertical position does not rely on the legs;
  • does not follow moving objects with his eyes, tries to catch them.

Baby Development Test

Understanding what skills a child has already acquired is very simple:

  1. Lay the child on the back. He turns on his side for a toy, on his stomach in both directions.
  2. Sit with your child at the table. He can shift things on it, knock with his hands, grab the edge.
  3. Ignore the child, this should make him demand attention: whimpering, trying to catch your eye.
  4. Fear of strangers recedes, the baby is interested in new people.
  5. Cover the face of a lying child with a diaper, he will free himself from it.

Necessary examinations of a seven-month-old baby

This month, the child needs to undergo a routine examination by a pediatrician, no other doctors are visited. According to the vaccination schedule, there is no vaccination unless there is a schedule shift.

Problems that may arise

At this stage of child development, parents may be concerned about:

  • problems with sleep and falling asleep due to intense physical activity during the daytime;
  • fear of strangers - the child distinguishes his own from strangers well;
  • refusal of complementary foods - the baby gets so used to the breast that it does not want to try an unfamiliar product;
  • pain during teething.

Enough to surround the child with love and care to help overcome fears, relieve pain.

What to do in case of deviations

If a child lags behind his peers in his development, this should alert parents. It is advisable to keep a diary where all the achievements of the baby are recorded. This will help to identify the pathology at an early stage.

Which doctor should be contacted

All questions related to development at 7 months are asked by an experienced pediatrician. He can analyze the performance of the child. If necessary, a consultation with a neurologist is prescribed, a therapeutic massage is prescribed.

Games and activities for the child

Every day, kids learn to do something new, acquire new skills. It is very important for parents to encourage curiosity, continue to exercise, teach how to play with new toys. At this age, they are interested in pyramids, tumblers, tops, books.


This is a game version of morning exercises, which helps to strengthen the emotional connection with parents. Along with reading the verse, you need to repeat the actions.

"Pulls, sips,
Pulled away from the pillow.
Legs pulled up
They chatted.
Hands raised,
Mom was hugged.
Smiled, twisted
And they fell back!”

Learning parts of the body

Offer the baby a large rag doll. Let him touch various parts of it himself, move his arms and legs. Accompany all his actions with comments - what he does and what part of the body he touches.

Finger warm-up

Stimulate the development of fine motor skills of playing with fingers:

  • on the open palm we draw snails;
  • we pass the ribbon between the fingers;
  • we bend and unbend our fingers, playing as a family (fingers turn into grandparents, mom and dad, and the little finger - the baby itself);
  • "dress" fingers in curlers.

hide and seek

We play with toys. There are two game options. In the first case, the mother hides the toy under the covers or behind the chair in front of the child. The kid must reveal her location. The second option is when the toy is partially removed, so that part of it remains outside, but the child does not see the “hide and seek” moment. Then he is asked to find her. If these game options have already been mastered, you can move on to real hide and seek.

ball games

The handles are well developed enough to handle small rubber balls. Teach your child to roll them in front of him and throw them on the floor or in a box. A larger rubber ball can be tied and hung over the child. Show him how he swings when hit, let him repeat himself.

Bath games

While swimming, floating rubber or any other objects can be lowered into the water. Let the baby catch them with their hands. Accompany his actions with invented stories about toys.

Teach him to swim on his back by taking 5-10 centimeters of water and leaving him to lie down. Watch your child move their arms and legs.

Before bedtime

To help the child fall asleep, you can start evening rituals. A seven-month-old child can read a book with his parents before going to bed. It should have large bright pictures. Let the child, sitting on the lap of mom or dad, turn the pages himself, and the pictures should be accompanied by stories. Turning off the light should be accompanied by the appropriate phrase. Very soon the child will understand its meaning.

It can not only sit on its own, but also crawl. Every day he discovers something new for himself in an unknown world. The intelligence of the baby develops very rapidly. The child has already learned to solve the simplest everyday tasks, if something does not work out, he is already looking for help from his parents. Classes with the baby are becoming more and more interesting.

Height and weight of the child at 7 months

For the 7th month of his life, the baby grows on average by 2 cm and gains up to 600 grams of weight. The average weight of a baby at seven months is 7.6 - 8.1 kg, and the height is 68-72 cm. There is nothing in the fact that your child is gaining weight faster or vice versa more slowly, but you should be wary if it deviates.

First meat meal

During this period, another very important event takes place, namely in baby menu at 7 months mashed meat included. Why is meat useful? Meat is a source of animal proteins that contain amino acids. It also contains vitamin B, which is very important for a baby at this age. For example, iron contained in vegetables and fruits is absorbed by 10%, and in meat by 30%.
Beef meat must be cooked well, then passed through a meat grinder several times and rubbed with a spoon. Next, add the broth to it and that's it, the puree for the baby is ready! IN 7 month old baby diet You can also include store-bought baby puree. The first portion is naturally very small - no more than a quarter of a teaspoon. Then the rate must be increased daily so that after a week it is one teaspoon. You should already know the habits of your baby, if he treats everything new with distrust, then mix meat with vegetable puree. IN baby food 7 months old cottage cheese should have already been introduced, at this age it can be given not only in the form of curd mass, but also baked in the oven with vegetable or fruit puree. Then, cheese, fish puree, crackers, bread, cookies are gradually introduced into the child's diet at 7 months.
Despite the fact that the child himself does not take anything in his hands while eating, do not forget to wash them, as this will contribute to the formation of a habit. The baby should also get used to the fact that the mouth must be washed after eating. The bowl, spoon, cup should always be the same, and preferably bright and beautiful.

The mode and daily routine of a child at 7 months

Daily routine of a 7 month old baby depends on his feeding and biorhythms (someone gets up early, some later, some sleep a lot during the day, etc.), i.e. it will depend on how much he sleeps baby 7 months, and differs in children of the same age. It is necessary to adapt to the child, but you need to feed and put to bed at about the same time. This will help avoid problems with digestion and sleep.
Baby 7 months falls asleep a couple of times for several two-hour naps, once in the afternoon and once in the morning. It is imperative that you follow the sleep schedule. Normal is 10-11 hours of sleep at night and three times for 1.5-2 hours during the day.

What a 7 month old baby can do:

Understands the meaning of words;
- feels fear when parting with his mother;
- emotionally strongly attached to the mother;
- stands firmly at the support;
- puts small objects into large ones;
- learns to crawl;
- learns to sit down independently;
can already drink from a cup and eat from a spoon;
- plays gesture games;
- remembers the necessary actions to maintain neatness.
At this time, usually children continue to cut. If your baby does not have a single tooth by seven months, do not worry, for many they begin to erupt later.

Educational activities and educational games for 7 months old baby

Almost any gesture games and jokes are suitable for the baby, but do not think that he will copy your actions exactly, his hands are not yet sufficiently developed to perform such manipulations. In three months, he will be much more confident to repeat after you, everything has its time.
Now you need to play patty, collect pyramids, do not forget about educational toys. Kids at this age perceive role-playing scenes with toys well. During the game, it is necessary to clearly pronounce the name of the toys, their characteristics.
When dressing the baby, you also need to pronounce your actions in words: put on the right hand, put on the left leg, etc., in a similar way, the baby will distinguish between left and right from an early age and there will be no confusion in the future.
At this age, the crumbs often begin to throw toys out of the crib, this is normal.
already has its own specific preferences, clearly highlights favorite toys and activities. Of particular interest are such toys for children 7 months, like toy phones, baby learning centers with buttons, music remotes with colored buttons (simple melodies start playing when pressed). This period of a child's life is especially musical and he will even sway to the beat of his favorite songs with pleasure. It also has a positive effect on children. But take care of the real remote from your TV - it is quite possible that he will want to "extract his favorite sounds" from it too. Books for children of this age should be made of safe and durable materials: fabric or thick cardboard. Try to have little readers learn to turn the pages of their favorite books themselves. Make sure that the images on them are understandable and simple objects of the surrounding world, animals, people.

Now you need to communicate with the baby as much as possible, engage in both educational games and physical exercises. The physical can be stimulated by making them crawl and stand up as much as possible with the help of various tricks. At the age of seven months, the baby needs and can be loaded, and even more so he does it with pleasure, and this, in turn, will contribute to accelerated physical development. If a child of 7 months has already mastered new movements, then it should be repeated regularly until it is finally fixed. At this stage of life, cognitive is of great importance. Of course, you need to deal with the baby when he is in a good mood and does not want to sleep or eat. A certain curiosity is characteristic of a child of this age and this can be used as an incentive for certain activities.

Psychological development of a child 7 months

Now your little man has already become more intelligent and independent. A couple of weeks ago, he was only interested in what you showed him, but now, thanks to the fact that he learned to crawl, he himself is mastering objects unknown to him. For full development, the child needs complete freedom of movement. It is necessary to allocate a place in the apartment where nothing will disturb or threaten him. Now the baby already has his favorite toys and games. He is interested in everything he sees, everything he can touch. With pleasure, with the help of hands and mouth, he explores his body. Already knows himself in the mirror. His gaze is meaningful, expresses emotions and feelings. He studies the things around him with great attention, legs, arms, teeth are used. At this time, communication with parents is very important for the crumbs. He is afraid of strangers, laughs if he says something funny. If the mother smiles when the stranger arrives, the baby may also smile. By the tone of the mother's voice, a child of 7 months already understands what is possible and what is not. The presence of his parents makes him animated and chattering. He expressively pronounces clear syllables “pa”, “ma”, “ba”, etc. A child with interests will repeat one-syllable words after you: bang, ay, give, etc. It is also not necessary to bring down a lot of words on the baby. Words need not just be pronounced, but clearly pronounced, associated with a specific subject. First of all, the baby learns the names of adults, toys, the name of the objects surrounding him, then the parts of the body and face.

Emotional development of the child 7 months

The seventh month can be safely called the time of the first "military actions" of the baby against the parents. They consist in the persistent desire of the crumbs to ensure that all his desires are fulfilled unconditionally. He screams and does not cry at all, demanding to be picked up or does not want to be left alone in the room. There are even angry notes in the baby's voice. In this case, you can not indulge a little capricious. And it is at this time that it is easiest to bring up the concept of “no”. Of course, he may not understand the meaning of the word, but the firmness of intonation will catch instantly. So don't waste your time. But at the same time, the voice should be even and calm, you should not shout loudly at the baby, and even more so swear and gesticulate strongly. This can frighten him, cause anxiety and anxiety. A 7-month-old child forms a negative or positive image of himself on the basis of his mother's emotional attitude towards him, which is expressed with the help of gentle touches, affectionate words. Everything is very simple: if you want your baby to love himself, you, children and others - do not skimp on love and warm emotions for him!

Mental development of a child 7 months

The baby shows interest in details, concentrates attention. And he also already understands that the object does not disappear at all if he does not see it. The kid really likes to imitate various sounds, especially when he succeeds. At this age, the child learns his name and can accept a picture of a child as a loved one. He knows that there is a mother and that his mother is the only one. Features of the development of children of this age lies in the fact that they already put meaning into their actions. After all, they knock on the walls, the floor, an object on the table in order to extract a certain sound and remember the sequence of their actions.

Everyone knows that the baby is the most grateful spectator and listener, he almost literally absorbs all knowledge and information. And so in 7 months baby its development will depend on how and how much mother deals with it. The more they do with the baby, the sooner it develops.

Loving and sweet parents, today we are raising a new generation. Of course, our children will be different from us in many ways, but it depends on us what they will be like in the future. Your baby 7 months its development is just beginning, but it is already laying the foundations for understanding the world around it. Therefore, help express your feelings to your little one, whether it is joy or anger, because children at this age play a big role in the development of a full-fledged independent personality. Try to calmly respond to children's emotional outbursts and be sure to calm the child if he is upset about something.

One of the most important and special periods in the life of parents and a baby is the first year of a child's life. This time period is characterized by a huge number of events that will never happen again - the first smile, the first laugh, the first tooth...

Every month the child not only gets older, but also acquires new skills and abilities. Parents not only observe the most interesting process from the outside, but also strive to help the baby in its development. One of the most important stages in the development of an infant is the age of 7 months. During this period, the baby learns to communicate with other people, tries to play the first word games with mom and dad.

That is why many new parents are interested in which soft toys up to a year are best for exercising with a baby. What should be done and what should not? How to develop a child at 7 months? More on this later.

What can a child at 7 months

We will answer each of the above questions in turn. First of all, you need to know what a child can do at 7 months. At this age, the baby already has quite a lot of different skills and abilities. It is worth listing the main ones:

  • can crawl fast enough in all directions;
  • learns or already knows how to sit down independently;
  • able to get up, holding on to a support;
  • can easily and effortlessly change the position of the body from a sitting position (for example, from a sitting position, the baby can lie on its back or tummy);
  • learns or knows how to take a side step.

At 7 months, the cognitive and speech development of the child also undergoes major changes. The kid is already reacting to the actions of adults and their mood. In addition, the baby carefully observes the phenomena happening around him and tries to react to them in his own way. At this age, a small child begins to be actively interested in other people, to contact them, using gestures and babbling. It is at 7 months that the baby begins to play various games with adults: "Ku-ku", "Okay", "Crow-Belobok", etc. In addition, the baby begins to realize his attachment to loved ones, tries to get attention through whims or tears, responds well to praise. A small child by this age knows a few words: "mom", "dad", "woman", etc., reacts to the word "no". Every day the baby becomes more interesting, pleases parents with new skills.

How to develop a baby at 7 months?

Parents can help their child explore the world around them. During this period, various outdoor exercises, finger games and activities for the development of speech activity will be useful for the baby. "Smart" toys will help in the development of the baby: a baby piano, a xylophone for babies, a drum, hammers, etc. Common household items are ideal for playing with a small child: spoons, pots, food containers.

What toys are suitable for a 7 month old baby?

Rubber toys are ideal items for activities with a 7-month-old baby. Teethers will also come in handy. After all, in most children, the first teeth begin to appear in the period from six to eight months.

Musical soft toys will also help parents diversify their baby's leisure time. The baby can crush toys, conduct tactile research. Thus, he will develop an understanding of the concepts of "soft-hard". For the development of fine motor skills, soft rattles with dried fruit seeds are ideal.

When the child is 7 months old, parents can think about buying a tumbler and a pyramid. It is best to give preference to pyramids from cups. They will be useful not only when assembling the toy, but will also be needed for further games in the sandbox. In addition, the use of such pyramids minimizes the risk of injury and bruising.

You can try to show the baby the simplest tricks. As a rule, such fun leads babies to utter delight. You can use wind-up toys that will contribute to the development of such a quality in a child as observation.

Musical toys

Musical-type toys will also have a beneficial effect on the development of a small child up to a year old. For games with crumbs suitable:

  • Piano and other multifunctional music centers with many different sounds and bright buttons.
  • Hammer with pegs in a stand, made of plastic or wood.
  • Musical soft toys.
  • Rattles, rattles, etc.

At this age, you can give the baby a drum for testing. Even the most ordinary pan, spoon or ladle is suitable for playing with crumbs. Audiobooks will not be superfluous. Although many experts in the field of child development assure that it will be better if it is the parents who read to the child.

Educational games for children 7 months

Let's answer one of the most popular questions. What are the best games for a 7-month-old baby to use in practice? Classes that develop the ability to navigate in space will not be superfluous. Suitable for these purposes:

  • household and household items;
  • rope toys;
  • rolling toys, clockwork toys.

The game "Ku-ku" is very interesting for kids. As a rule, the baby smiles or even laughs out loud during this fun. "Ku-ku" helps to improve the ability of the crumbs to communicate with people around them. Games for a 7-month-old baby with pictures that depict objects familiar to the baby will be useful.

Specialists in the field of child development at this stage of the development of the baby recommend using various objects to develop the child's tactile sensations, as well as fine motor skills. For these purposes, balls, cubes, cones, balls on a string are suitable.

You can play with a small child up to a year in simple games.

  1. "Where is mom?" - a game that will help the baby to distinguish between relatives and close people outwardly. In addition, repeated repetition of names will contribute to the development of the baby's speech skills.
  2. "Where is lala?" - an exercise with which a baby learns to navigate in space, and also gains the skill to find an object that an adult periodically rearranges to a new place. It is best if all the actions of an adult are accompanied by words and explanations.
  3. "Where's the spark?" - a game for a child of 7 months, which causes a real storm of emotions in most babies. The essence of the game is that the kid needs to find a light-light when turning on and off various light devices. All actions must also be accompanied by verbal comments.

A lot of games will help develop a small child up to a year and establish a strong emotional connection with him.

finger games

Finger games for 7 month old babies are one of the best things to do. They are very useful for the development of fine motor skills, intelligence and speech. The big advantage of such games and exercises is that there is no need to use additional tools.

For seven-month-old babies, games can overlap with massage movements. This brings additional benefits to the baby's body. Many parents are interested in what games to take a child for 7 months. It is very important that these games are interesting and entice the child. Adults need to pronounce words as clearly and melodiously as possible. With a crumb, you can play the game "Woodpecker", during which the right hand depicts a woodpecker, and the left appears in the form of a tree. Mom or dad (or another adult) says these words:

A woodpecker hammers a tree: "Knock! Knock! Knock!"

The whole day in the forest stands: "Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Parents need to understand that finger games should be systematic.

What physical exercises are useful at this age?

Physical development is of great importance for the normal and fulfilling life of an infant of seven months. For a child at this age, squats will be very useful. They favorably affect the development of the abdominal muscles of the baby. Crawling games will be very useful. You can play catch-up with the baby or captivate a small child with an interesting and bright toy.

We develop active speech of the baby

The role of games and exercises on the development of the baby's speech is also important. Parents of a child up to a year old are strongly advised by experts in the field of child development to call their baby by name as often as possible, while experimenting with intonations. Newly made mothers and fathers need to try to clearly and correctly pronounce individual sounds and words. This will help the baby learn to link together words and objects.

To focus on the development of the baby's speech, you need to follow a few tips. Starting from six months, parents need to use as many words and sounds as possible in communicating with the child. It is better if these words are not very long. They need to be repeated repeatedly in order to evoke a feedback from the infant to the speech of the adult, and as a result, to achieve the effect of imitation.

You need to talk with a small child as often as possible. It is recommended during a kind of dialogue with the baby to allow him to periodically touch his mouth while pronouncing words and sounds. During walks, you can comment on all the phenomena and objects you see.

It is very useful when communicating with a seven-month-old baby to use onomatopoeic words and sounds. It is they who will later become the first to be spoken by the child. It should be borne in mind that onomatopoeia can be used not only for voicing animals and birds, but also for all surrounding objects and phenomena.

Newly made mothers and fathers need to be aware that all children develop in different ways, according to their individual “schedule”. Not always everything depends on physical or mental development. Very often, everything explains the temperament of a small child, especially his character.

The task of parents is not to teach the baby a new skill or ability (everything will happen in a timely manner), but to provide support and assistance in mastering the world around them.

Moms and dads need to safely send the baby to explore a room, apartment or house. Do not panic and worry about the fact that the general cleaning has not been done in the house, there is dust. The development of natural immunity is an important condition for normal development and a fulfilling life.

It is necessary to stimulate the crumbs to active crawling, and even better walking, holding on to a support. For these purposes, bright objects and toys, various rattles and rattles are suitable. The distance at which the toy can be moved away from the child should not be more than the outstretched hand of the baby. The tips of children's fingers should touch the object.


The first year of a newborn baby's life is a very important period not only for the child, but also for his parents. This period of time is filled with many emotions, events and new phenomena. The first six months fly by like a flash. The most interesting begins from the seventh month of a child's life, because by this time the baby has already mastered many skills and abilities, he is gradually becoming independent. He distinguishes between adults, reacts to ongoing events and phenomena in a peculiar way, seeks to know the world around him.

That is why almost all parents are wondering how to develop a child at 7 months old, how to help the baby develop basic skills and how to make the process of learning about the world around us as accessible, interesting and meaningful as possible. There are other interesting questions as well. For example, what educational games for children 7 months to use.

Regular games and activities with the baby will not only contribute to the speedy intellectual and emotional development of a small child, but will help establish a very strong emotional connection between the parent and the baby.

For a seven-month-old baby, various physical exercises, finger games and activities to develop speech abilities will be useful. Most experts argue that the abundance of toys does not guarantee the best learning skills. Most often, babies show extraordinary ingenuity and imagination and use common household items for games: pots, spoons, as well as various objects that make a sonorous and loud sound. By the way, the attention of a seven-month-old baby can be captured by any objects that can rattle and make noise, and for a rather long period of time. Some babies get excited by the sound of a moving stool or chair.

Even ordinary daily walks will benefit the baby. The main task of parents is to communicate with a small child as often as possible, explaining in simple phrases the essence of ongoing events and phenomena. Particular attention should be paid to bright objects: flowers, grass, trees, etc. Animals and birds can attract the attention of the crumbs. At this age, you can go for a walk to the playground. Of course, the child is still too young to play with other children, but it will be very interesting for him to watch older children.

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