Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Abstract of the lesson in the middle part of the day. Integrated classes in the middle group. Parts of the day. Formation of temporary representations in preschool children

Talk to your child about days.

Do you know what makes up a day?

From night and day. No wonder they say: "Day and night - a day away." There are 24 hours in a day. During this time, the planet Earth makes one complete revolution around its axis.

Do you know what a globe is and what it looks like?

This is a model of the globe. The globe can rotate around an axis passing through its center, just as the Earth rotates around its invisible axis.

On that part of our planet that is not illuminated by the sun's rays, night reigns, and on the illuminated part of the Earth, a bright day shines. The earth rotates continuously, so day and night follow each other.

A few centuries ago, the life of people proceeded at a more measured and slow pace. After all, there were no cars, no planes, no electric trains, no telephone, no radio, no television. People traveled from city to city on horseback for several days, weeks or months, depending on the distance.

People did not need special accuracy in determining the time in everyday life. Therefore, the time of day was determined approximately - morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Peasants learned the time by the ringing of church bells or by the position of the sun.

Important things usually started in the morning. No wonder the proverb says: "The morning is wiser than the evening."

Listen to the poem "What is a day?"

Remember son, remember daughter
A day is day and night.

The day is light and the sun is shining,
Children play in the yard
They take off on a swing,
They circle around on carousels.

The sky turned pink
The sun is going down
The dusk of the garden lay on the shoulders -
So the evening is coming.

Following the first star
A young month will come out.
The sun has set behind the river
The night came, it was dark all around.

And in bed until the morning
The kid falls asleep.

Remember son, remember daughter
A day is day and night.

Is it possible to divide the day into four parts?

Of course you can! Let's talk about the four parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening and night.

In the morning the sun rises, the sky becomes bright, the clouds turn pink, the birds wake up and chirp, the corollas of flowers open.
To figuratively represent this picture, listen to the poem "Morning Rays",

The first beam fell on a bird,
On a little titmouse.
She woke up: "Shadow-shadow-shadow,
Oh what a wonderful day!"

The second beam fell on the bunny,
Startled in an instant oblique,
He jumped onto the lawn
Behind the dewy grass.

The third ray of dawn, playing,
Woke up the chickens and geese.
He penetrated through the gap of the barn -
Immediately it became brighter in it!

On the perch, upstairs
The rooster woke up.
He sang: "Ku-ka-re-ku",
Picked up a scarlet scallop.

The fourth beam raised the bees.
He said to them: "The flower has blossomed!"

The fifth ray penetrated me,
Light up my bed
Ran up the wall
And whispered: "It's time to get up."

Let's remember what we do in the morning?

We wake up, wash and brush our teeth, do exercises, have breakfast.
After breakfast, adults rush to work, older children go to school, and kids go to kindergarten or play at home, and then go for a walk.
The sun rises higher, shines brighter, the day begins
The day is filled with study and work. In the middle of the day everyone sits down for dinner. After lunch, the kids rest, and then walk again, play or study.
Gradually, the sun sinks lower and lower, and everything around is softly enveloped in a silvery-gray twilight. Evening comes. The moon appears in the sky and the stars light up.

What do we do in the evenings?

We gather with the whole family for dinner and evening tea, share the news, talk about what happened during the day. Someone is reading a book or watching TV. In a word, in the evening everyone rests after a hard day, and then they go to bed.
Evening is replaced by night - the time of day intended for sleep.

Listen to a lullaby.

The stars became clearer
Go to sleep, son, hurry up.

Maybe you will dream
Bright firebird feather
Or a scarlet flower.
Sleep soon, son!
In the dark sky the moon shines
Like a seven-flower.
The star choir sings: "Bye-bye!"
Sleep, son, sleep!

In winter, the nights are long and the days are short. In summer, on the contrary, there are fewer dark night hours than bright daylight hours. And only on the days of the equinox - September 23 and March 21 - days and nights are equal.

Listen to the poem "So much light, how much darkness!"

The red girl is coming
Carries in buckets not water.

Smiling herself:
In her buckets of light and darkness.

We looked into the buckets:
So much light, how much darkness!

The older preschooler should understand the question: "What time of day?". You can associate the time of day with the daily routine: we wake up in the morning, play during the day, watch TV in the evening, and sleep at night. Ask the child to make four sentences with the words: morning, afternoon, evening, night. Invite him to list the names of the times of the day in reverse order: night, evening, day, morning.

Questions and tasks:

  1. How many hours in a day?
  2. What two parts can a day be divided into?
  3. What four parts can a day be divided into?
  4. What time of day is the brightest?
  5. What time of day is the darkest?
  6. Talk about morning, afternoon, evening, night.
  7. What time of day comes after night? And what follows in the morning?
  8. What time of day do we have breakfast, lunch, dinner?
  9. What do you drink in the morning: tea, milk, cocoa? When does your mom or dad come home from work?
  10. What time of the day do you think passes very quickly, and what seems long: morning, afternoon, evening or night?
  11. Say the opposite: morning-..; day - ..;
  12. What is an equinox?



Teacher: Markina E.S.

"Parts of the day"

"Morning, afternoon, evening, night - a day away"


    to systematize the children's ideas about the parts of the day, their characteristic features and sequence;

    to learn to determine the parts of the day according to the signs of human activity, the position of the sun;

    to consolidate the ability to perform the application using a glue stick.


    educational: introduce the concepts of "day", "parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night", their signs, sequence, meaning for life;

    corrective: develop memory, attention; to form the ability to operate with the concepts of "day", "part of the day" in everyday life.

    educational: educate interest in the subject, social adaptation.

Planned results:

Subject: has elementary ideas about the parts of the day; distinguishes parts of the day depending on the position of the sun in the sky and on the types of human activities; groups activities in relation to parts of the day;

Metasubject (criteria for the formation/evaluation of the components of universal educational activities - UUD)

Regulatory: determines and formulates the goal of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher, pronounces the sequence of actions together with the teacher, works according to the proposed plan, distinguishes a correctly completed task from an incorrect one, organizes his workplace and puts it in order at the end of work; adequately perceives the assessment of the teacher and the statements of classmates with feedback on the work performed.

Cognitive: orients in his system of knowledge: distinguishes the new from the already known with the help of a teacher, searches for and highlights the necessary information; applies information retrieval methods.

Communicative: able to work in a group; listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion.

Personal: is aware of the diversity and beauty of nature, shows interest in artistic activities (applications), actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers.

Materials and equipment: emoticons, the picture “The artist made a mistake”, individual multi-colored cards with the names of parts of the day, multi-colored strips (for sticking in notebooks), illustrations “People’s activities at different times of the day”, card “DAY”, segments with the names of parts of the day, individual cards “Design in numbers, the sequence of parts of the day, starting in the morning”, a circular diagram of the parts of the day, pictures for application, prepared backgrounds for application, presentation, music.

During the classes.

Stage of work

Stage content

1 organizational moment.

Purpose: preparing students for work in the lesson, setting the mood for work, organizing attention.

    call to find your place;

    mutual greeting;

    the mood of students to work, the organization of attention;

    checking readiness for the lesson (jobs, working posture, appearance).

Students choose an emoticon that matches the mood of the students.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Purpose: to organize the cognitive activity of students, to check the level of knowledge on a given topic, to show the practical significance of studying new material, to attract attention and arouse interest in learning a new topic.

Introductory word of the teacher (immersion in the problem)

Guys, when I went to work today, a crow told me such an unusual story! Do you want to listen? (Children: Yes) - Yesterday in the forest, one hare woke up, washed, brushed his teeth and came to school. The stars and the moon shone in the sky, an owl flew and hooted, but the door to the school was closed, and there was no light in the windows. Why do you think? (Children: it was night outside). Indeed, the hare mixed up morning and night. What do you need to prevent something like this from happening to you? Of course, you need to learn to distinguish morning, afternoon, evening and night from each other. Do you want to learn to distinguish between parts of the day? Then we will go to the magical land of Time. So, let's go.


introductory conversation;

Partial search;

Practice-oriented tasks "Be careful";

3. Systematization of the existing ideas of children about the parts of the day

The sun rises bright

Cockerel sings in the garden

Our kids are waking up

They are going to school.

When does it happen?

Children: in the morning.

Let's take a look at the screen. (Slide 2-4)

So what does the sun do in the morning? (Children: gets up, wakes up, rises). - Yes, it is not yet high in the sky, but is just beginning to rise. (Slide 5 picture 1)

What do we do in the morning? (Children: wake up, have breakfast, do exercises, wash) - Indeed, we wake up (Slide 5 picture 2), wash and brush our teeth (Slide 5 picture 3), do exercises (Slide 5 picture 4), have breakfast (Slide 5 picture 5) and go to school.

Day comes after morning. (Slide 6-8)

Guys, what does the sun do during the day? (Children: shines in the sky) - That's right, it is high in the sky, it shines brightly, so it's light outside during the day. (Slide 9 picture 1)

The day is full of worries, troubles,

Time passes quickly.

You just have to want

You can do a lot.

What can we do during the day? (Children: play, take a walk, read, sleep, learn lessons, go to circles, etc.)

Indeed, during the day we can draw (Slide 9 picture 2), read (Slide 9 picture 3), walk (Slide 9 picture 4), play (Slide 9 picture 5), have lunch (Slide 9 picture 6).

Do you want to play? Okay, I'll tell you something. If this happens in the morning, you raise your hands up, if in the afternoon, clap your hands. Let `s start:

The sun is high in the sky.

The girl is exercising.

The boy goes for a walk.

The children are washing.

The sun wakes up, rises.

The children are having lunch.

When the evening comes

the sun is setting

fall asleep herbs,

the birds are silent.

After the day comes the evening (Slide 10-12)

What does the sun do in the evening? (Children: it sits down, falls)

Of course, the sun is setting, it no longer shines as brightly as during the day, so it gets darker. And the lower the sun goes down, the darker it is outside. (Slide 13 picture 1)

What are you doing in the evening? (Children: play, watch TV, eat, draw, read)

Yes, in the evening you can watch a little TV at home (Slide 13 picture 2), draw (Slide 13 picture 3) or play quiet games (Slide 13 picture 4), have dinner (Slide 13 picture 5), read with mom or dad (Slide 13 picture 6) or take a bath (Slide 13 picture 7).

The stars are burning in the sky

Birds sleep and fish sleep

Sleeping flowers in the garden in the beds,

Well, we are in our beds.

When does it happen? (Children: at night)

That's right, after the evening comes the night. (Slide 14-16)

What does the sun do at night? (Children: he is not there, he is sleeping, he has settled down)

That's right, it's a village, you can't see it. What can we see in the sky at night? (Children: moon and stars) - Yes (Slide 17 picture 1)

And what do people, animals and birds do at night? (Children: sleeping) - That's right, sleeping (Slide 17 picture 2)



problem situation;

Frontal survey;

Practice-oriented tasks "Remember and name"

4. Communication of new material.

Purpose: presentation of the topic of the lesson, setting a practical task.

Students are presented with an illustration that has errors in the image.

Students are invited to help the artist and find errors in the image of parts of the day.

Students name the parts of the day shown in the picture, using personal experience, build a sequence of parts of the day using multi-colored cards and pictures with people's activities at each time of the day (on the board + everyone sticks strips in a notebook) -






The teacher draws students' attention to the position of the sun or its absence at each time of the day.

The teacher combines these time periods and formulates a new time concept of "day".



problem situation;

Frontal survey;

Practice-oriented task "Sequence of parts of the day"

5. Physical Minute

The game "Take your place" (after doing the exercises, light running, walking, children stand with signs: morning, afternoon, evening, night in a certain sequence, then check themselves)

6. Consolidation of educational material.

Purpose: to consolidate temporal ideas about parts of the day.

Practically oriented task “Design with numbers the sequence of parts of the day, starting in the morning” (in a notebook).

There is a sheet of paper on the table, divided into two parts, one half of it is blue, and the other is black. What do you think this means? The envelopes contain pictures of people and animals, they all do something: play, sleep, etc. What do you think we will do with you? Yes, guys, you need to glue the pictures correctly, what can be done during the day - on the light half, and what at night - on the dark one. All clear? Then get started. Do not forget that we glue the pictures on the oilcloth, and not at work.

Let's see what we got. Is everything right here? And here?

The game "Determine the time of day" (riddles).

Students show a colored card symbolizing morning, afternoon, evening, night, name the time of day.

The cock greets the dawn

Mother of children washes

Hoarfrost on the grass, like powder.

What time of day? (Morning)

The sun is high in the sky

And the night is far away

Short shade trees.

What time of day? (Day)

The day has passed. The sun is setting.

The darkness creeps in slowly.

Light lamps, candles -

Dark is coming... (evening)

The sun has set. The light turned off.

It's time for everyone to sleep. Late hour.

The evening has flown away

And he is sneaking after him ... (night)

Students are shown on the board a circular diagram of the parts of the day. Students take turns showing a given part of the day.


A game;


Work with visibility;

Work in a notebook (performance of a practically oriented task, individually differentiated approach)

7. Summing up.

The goal is to draw a conclusion and summarize how the class worked in the lesson, note the work of students, find out what new students learned in the lesson.

Guys, let's remember what we learned today, and these pictures will help us. Parts of the day always come in a certain order, they cannot change places. ..., it will suit the board .., let's think with you which picture you need to hang first. The girl woke up. Why? Yes, because it's morning. What else can you do in the morning? Sit down, smart guy. Suitable for the board... What picture will be next? The girl is playing. When does it happen? Happy. What else can you do during the day? Great. Now come, please, ... .. to the board. What will happen next? The girl is reading. What time of day is this? Evening. Right, what else can you do in the evening? Sit down, well done. Well, that's the last picture. Suitable for the board ... .. Let's hang this picture with you. What is shown on it?

The girl goes to bed. We hung all the pictures.

In the course of a generalizing conversation, conclusions are drawn on the topic studied, the work is summed up with the evaluation of the activities of each student.


When performing the task, an individually differentiated approach is applied.


summarizing conversation;

Evaluation of students' activities.

Choose an emoticon that matches the mood of the students.

Lesson summary

Age of students: 3 years

Amount of children: 12 people

Lesson duration - 15 minutes

Lesson topic: Parts of the day

Target: To teach children to distinguish between parts of the day (morning, evening, day, night), fix the name.

Tasks :

educational : to acquaint children with objects of inanimate nature: the sky, the sun, the month, the stars. Name the time periods: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Developing: develop the speech of children with movement; continue to expand your active vocabulary; develop the ability to talk about what they did.

Educational : to cultivate friendly relations, a culture of behavior.

Lesson type: transfer of new material, combined.

Lesson form: group.

Teaching methods: monologic, dialogical, heuristic, visual perception.

Lesson equipment: multimedia projector, computer.

Didactic material: slide presentation "Parts of the day", cards with tasks.

Lesson structure:

I . Organizational part : greeting, motivational attitude of children to the lesson, message of the topic, target setting. (2 minutes).

II . Introduction to educational material (7 min):

III . Systematization of knowledge (4 min);

1. Joint work with students to identify the distinctive features of the parts of the day;

2. Work in groups on a creative task;

IV . Final stage (2 minutes):

1. Reflection;

2. Summing up the results of the lesson by the teacher.

Lesson progress


Stage name

Lesson outline


Organizational part

Hello! Guys, when I went to our school early this morning, I found this (showing the star to the children). What is this?

(children's answers)

When, at what time of day do we see stars in the sky? (children's answers)

What parts of the day do you still know?

Let's travel together with the star today to a country called Day. As real travelers in each city you will receive commemorative magnets.

We will travel with the help of the train of time. And so we fastened our seat belts, we set off on a journey.

Introduction to educational material

There are four cities in this country. Cities are called parts of the day. Do you know who rules the parts of the day? Let's solve the riddle:

I wake up early in the morning

I'll look and laugh
After all, in my window
Shines bright...

And here we are in the possession of the Sun. We are approaching a city called Morning.

Good morning, the birds sang.
Good people, get out of bed.
Hiding all the darkness in the corners
The sun is up and going!
How do we know when it's morning? (children's answers)

Guys, what do we do in the morning? (children's answers)

Morning is a very important time of the day. Here is your first magnet.

The sun rises higher and our train goes to the next city called Day. All the inhabitants of this city are busy with business. What do we do during the day? (children's answers)

We've worked hard and now we can rest.


In a second minute

The days went by fast

To live in peace with nature,

We must be friends with time

Well, time is like a river

Floats through the ages.

Here is your second magnet.

Children, while we were playing, the sun began to sink towards the earth, and it's time for us to go to the next city - Evening.

What color is the sky in this city?(children's answers) What are the residents of this city doing?(children's answers)

Well done, you have received your third magnet.

Look, it's getting really dark. This means that the train brought us to the last station of our journey in a city called Night.

At night in the sky - the moon,She is very strict.Is watching everythingHave you settled down in bed?Close your eyesLet you dream of fairy tales.

Guys, let's see what the inhabitants of this city are doing?(children's answers)

The star has prepared another magnet with her image in memory of our meeting. What should I say to the star for the gift?(Thank you) Now let's say goodbye to her, the star will stay here. Why do you think she wants to stay in this particular city?(children's answers)

Final stage

Today we traveled a lot. Let's remember what country we were in? What are the names of the cities in this country?(children's answers)

And now we are going from the country of the Day to our class. Let's say thank you to the train for such an exciting journey.

Program content:

To form in children an idea of ​​the parts of the day, their characteristic features, sequence (morning-afternoon-evening-night). Seek answers to the questions: “What are you doing in the morning?”, “What are you doing in the afternoon?”, “What are you doing in the evening?”, “What are you doing at night?”. Fix the names of the parts of the day in the children's active dictionary. Learn to navigate in time. Raise interest and desire to engage, replenish and activate the vocabulary of children.

Development environment:

A circle divided into 4 parts, on each part of the circle there is a picture depicting the time of day: morning, afternoon, evening, night; pictures depicting different actions of people at different times of the day.

Relationship with other occupations and activities.

Reading poems about the time of day, finger games, board game "All about time". Observation during the day of the change of time of day, looking at pictures depicting various actions of people at different times of the day.

methodical tricks:

Observations, looking at pictures, cards, finger games, didactic game, conversation, reading a work of art.

Lesson progress

1. The teacher shows the children a circle and asks:

When does the sun rise? (In the morning).

When do the birds sing? (In the morning).

What can you do in the morning? (do exercises, wash your face, have breakfast. go to school, kindergarten, work).

When is the sun high in the sky? (Shows another picture).

(This happens during the day).

What can you do during the day? (Walk, play, go to the store, have lunch).

When it gets dark, does it get dark? When does the sun go down? (In the evening).

What can you do in the evening? (Watch TV, read, play, do homework, have dinner).

When does the moon appear in the sky? When does the moon appear? When do stars appear? (At night). What can you do at night? (Sleep).

Then the teacher shows the children pictures depicting various actions of people at different times of the day. Children guess: when it happens, at what time of the day.

2. Finger game training "Morning".

Morning has come, the sun has risen.

Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors!

Get up, big man, get up, pointer,

Get up, middle, get up, orphan!

Get up, little Mitroshka!

Hello palm! Everyone stretched and woke up.

The teacher, together with the children, recalls the name of the fingers, explains why they are called that.

Thumb - the largest in the hand. Pointing - points to everything . Average - located in the middle. Nameless - He doesn't have a name. Little finger - smallest, smallest.

What can be miserable? (ant, snowflakes, droplet, insect, button) (children offer their own options).

3.Educator . Guys let's play a game "Finish the sentence." (didactic game )

We have breakfast in the morning, and dinner ... (In the evening).

We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (In the morning).

In the afternoon we have lunch and breakfast ... (In the morning).

The sun shines during the day, and the moon ... (Night).

We have dinner in the evening, and have lunch ... (In the afternoon).

The teacher praises the most active children in the game.

Educator. Now, guys, I will read a poem to you, and you must answer what time of day it is.

I invite the children to listen to the poem.

Good morning, the birds sang.

Good people, get out of bed.

Hiding all the darkness in the corners

The sun is up and going!

(A. Kondratiev).

What part of the day is this poem about? (Morning).

What parts of the day are there? (Day, evening, night).

Educator. The guys of the day go one after another, in order, which are never violated.

Invite the children to arrange the pictures in the order of the part of the day.

4. Summarize the lesson.

Educator. Children, what did we do in class today?

We talked to the children, talked about the time of day, played a game, looked at pictures about the times of the day.

Educator. Today, you guys are just great! They did a good job and answered the questions correctly. Our lesson has come to an end.

Ask the children themselves if they liked today's lesson.

Synopsis of a correctional and developmental lesson with 2nd grade students with dysgraphia

Conducted by: teacher-defectologist

2nd qualification category

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8 of Zhodino"

Rudnik Valentina Mikhailovna

Topic: Temporary representations. Days of the week. Parts of the day.

Purpose: Clarification, consolidation of temporary ideas.


Clarify and consolidate the ability to determine the sequence of days of the week, make time series.

Strengthen the ability to navigate in temporary relationships (yesterday, today, tomorrow)

Develop the ability to build a chronological series of life events (based on the daily routine).

Clarify and expand vocabulary (based on the topic “Days of the week. Parts of the day”)

Develop the ability to recognize familiar words (based on the missing details of images)

Develop the ability to differentiate visual images of letters

Develop the ability to express general judgments


To cultivate independence, self-control according to the result of activity, the ability to exercise reflection.

Dictionary: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, day of the week, morning, afternoon, evening, night, part of the day, daily routine.

Lesson progress:


Organizing time

Good morning smiling faces!

Good morning, animals and birds!

And everyone becomes kind, trusting -

Let the good morning last until the evening!

Lesson topic message

Listen to the riddle.

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them!

Around every week

Brothers walk one after another.

Say goodbye to the last -

Appears front.(Days of the week)

How did you guess that the riddle is about the days of the week? (There are seven, always in order.)

Do you have a favorite day of the week? Why?

There is a day. It is divided into parts. The day ends and then the night comes. The whole day and night is called a day. Tell me what parts the day is divided into. (Morning afternoon Evening Night).

What do you think we are going to talk about today? (About the days of the week, parts of the day.) Look at the screen. Is the topic written correctly? (Sleep. Bni the sky.) Correct the mistakes. Right. Instead of the letter "d" in the word "slumber" you need to write the letter "c", instead of the letters "b" you need to write "d".

Can you tell me what day of the week it is today? What will tomorrow be like? What was yesterday? What is today's date? What date will be tomorrow, what will be yesterday?

    Main part

Open notebooks. Skip two lines. On the third write down today's date.

A moment of cleansing.

The days of the week are written in front of you. I carried the words to school and got caught in the rain. One half of the word was lost from the rain. Read their names. List the days of the week in order.

Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Monday.

Whiteboard work

Game "Be Careful"

Look, the names of the days of the week are written on the board. Insert the missing letters where necessary. What day of the week is missing? (Friday Saturday)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday.

Fizminutka for the eyes (autumn leaf)

On the screen is a maple leaf. He will move, and you carefully follow him with your eyes. Do not turn around, only the eyes move behind the leaf.

Game "Count"

Look at the screen. There are suggestions. Read the sentences. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

Cinderella sewed a dress from Monday to Wednesday. So she worked ... days.

Bear and Masha painted a picture from Thursday to Sunday. So they were drawing ... days.

Dunno went on a campaign and walked for four days. He left on Tuesday, and ended his trip in ....

Piglet dug a garden bed for three days. He started work on Wednesday and finished on ….

Game "Cryphers"

Imagine that you are scouts. You have received an encrypted telegram. Decipher it. Each letter is represented by a figure. Write the desired letter instead of the shapes. And vice versa. Encrypt words with figures.

׀ ↔∩○▲▬ * –

■○●♦⌂ –

□◄↔▲▬ ⌂ –

+●↔ ׀ ○ ᴑ –

□ ∩ ▲ ● ♦ ● ◊ ▄ ▲▬ * –

▲ ● ♦ ● ◊◄ –

׀ ∩ ■ * ○ ● ■ ●▲ ▄ ● –

Fizminutka (mobile)

Whiteboard work

We told you that the day is divided into separate pieces. Remember them again. (Morning, afternoon, evening, night) now we will think about what we do in the morning, afternoon, evening and night.

Sleep study at school

We do exercises DAY we play

Dine NIGHT wash

We walk on the street EVENING have breakfast

Doing homework MORNING brushing teeth

Watching TV getting ready for bed

Dunno made his schedule for the day. But he mixed everything up and wrote everything wrong. Help the Unknown. Put the events in order.


Lessons at school



Games at home

Let's tell you what you do in the morning, afternoon, evening on weekends. Each of you will make one proposal. We will begin the sentence with the words “In the morning I .... During the day I ... . In the evening I … .". We will write the proposals in a notebook. You and I should get a short story, which we will write in a notebook.

For example: "I wash my face in the morning." (The teacher pronounces the spelling of words in a sentence according to their spelling)

    Final part


Our lesson for today has come to an end. Remember what we did in class, what tasks did you like the most? Which ones were difficult?


Now I will give you clothespins on which owls sit. If you liked the lesson, it was easy for you to do all the tasks, put your owl on a green field. If it was a little difficult for you to do tasks, you didn’t succeed, put them on the blue field. And if you did not cope at all, it was very difficult for you - on the orange field.

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Of course, household appliances greatly facilitate the life of a woman, but so that the machine does not ...
Presentation on the topic:
Tatyana Boyarkina Organization of summer recreational activities in a preschool...
How to quickly forget your ex-husband after a divorce If you can't forget your ex-husband
Divorce is always stress, emotions, tears. The very word "former" is given in the soul with pain, ...