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The cat has stopped eating. Strange cat behavior. The most likely causes of a lack of appetite in a cat

At the slightest change in the behavior of fluffy pets, the owners begin to sound the alarm. For example, a cat spends a lot of time sleeping. Often this is her natural state, because cats are nocturnal hunters and prefer to gain strength during the day.

But what if the cat does not eat, only drinks water and sleeps? This option definitely requires close attention.

Consider the possible causes of not entirely healthy feline behavior.

This condition is sometimes caused by small particles of food or objects that get stuck in the throat or esophagus. If the particles have sharp edges, then there is a high probability of injury to the mucous membranes, which causes pain and severe discomfort. Naturally, in this state, the cat is unlikely to dream of food.

In addition, a foreign body in the stomach or intestines causes difficulty in moving food. Food stagnates and is not digested, begins to rot. Putrefactive bacteria can lead to acute poisoning, so the pet should be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Trying to remove the stuck pieces yourself will exacerbate the pain and most likely will not bring results. It is possible to alleviate the condition before the arrival of the doctor only with a plentiful non-cold drink.


Catastrophic weight loss of the body can be caused by problems with digestion or the presence of worms in the body. This is especially common in kittens.

The baby's body is still being formed, so it is quite natural that some food is not fully absorbed, creating discomfort in the intestines. For this reason, the baby may refuse food.

What to do? Give neutral food, boiled or well-heated, regenerating broths and always fresh water.

If worms have settled in the esophagus, then they poison the kitten's blood with the products of their vital activity. This causes general malaise and weakness, and as a result, the disappearance of appetite and lethargy.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract in cats are determined by the following signs:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • secretions containing mucus;
  • bloating;
  • hard and tense abdomen;
  • strong odor from the mouth.

Among the most common problems is gastritis or the accumulation of hair in the stomach.

It is not difficult to deal with a hairball: drinking plenty of water and special preparations that help remove wool from the stomach will solve this problem (for example, Phytomins).

But with gastritis is somewhat more complicated, its treatment takes time and effort. At the initial stage, it is necessary to feed the cat with boiled water and rice water. Then, activated charcoal diluted in water and drugs prescribed by a doctor are used (most often these are gastric drops, Almagel). Food should be low-fat and exclusively unsalted.

Treatment is carried out only after the doctor has established an accurate diagnosis. This is done by ultrasound of the digestive system or by determining the level of acidity of gastric juice.

Liver disease

Liver problems are difficult to diagnose visually. This is indicated by indirect signs:

  • frequent diarrhea;
  • change in color of mucous membranes to all shades of yellow;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • brownish urine and gray stool;
  • conjunctivitis.

The first sign of liver malfunction is jaundice. It is clearly visible to the naked eye - move the hairs on the cat's body and evaluate the color of the skin. In its normal state, it is in the range from white to light pink. If yellowing or pronounced yellow spots are noticeable, then hurry to the veterinarian.

The diagnosis is established after a study of blood and urine. The doctor will prescribe treatment and determine the diet for each specific case.

Dangerous tick bite

If you notice that your pet categorically refuses food for several days, this may mean that the tick drinks juices and is the cause of its weakness.

The removed tick should preferably be analyzed for health hazards. After that, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Diseases of the circulatory system

Blood disorders are more common in older cats. The diagnosis can only be established on the basis of laboratory blood tests. To do this, study the composition of red blood cells, the level of hemoglobin. The cause of the disease may be disorders in the work of the hematopoietic organs.

In the course of treatment, general strengthening and supportive drugs (Radostin, Sanal Senior Lecithin), as well as products with a high iron content are prescribed. It is necessary to provide care and note changes in the condition of the sick cat.


Cats, like humans, have high blood sugar levels. This does not happen too often, but such a disease requires increased attention and timely treatment.

Causes: monotonous, poor nutrition and lack of movement. Diabetes is more likely to affect animals whose activity is limited by the walls of a city apartment. Castrated cats should be especially carefully monitored - their pancreas work is often disrupted due to excess weight.

Treatment of diabetes is a very complex and painstaking process, so not all owners are ready for this. Some prefer not to torture the animal, but to euthanize it.

If the diagnosis is confirmed by a specialist, then a long treatment begins. It includes insulin injections and a special diet. It is constantly required to measure the level of sugar (about once every 2-3 hours). So the doctor prescribes an individual dosage and course of therapy.

If the measures prescribed by the doctor are followed, the cat can fully recover and live a long, fulfilling life.

Food poisoning

If the cat is lethargic, stopped eating, constantly vomits, the reason is obvious - severe food poisoning.

What can poison an animal:

  1. Stale food - be sure to monitor the nutrition of pets. After each meal, the rest is recommended to be thrown away and the bowl should be left clean. In a warm environment, destructive microorganisms quickly develop - the causes of frequent poisoning.
  2. Household chemicals - for example, the remnants of dishwashing liquid. Rinse the bowl thoroughly under running water after each wash.
  3. Medicines - in the instructions for use of each drug, the dosage is clearly calculated in accordance with the weight and age of the animal. Exceeding the allowable limit is very dangerous.
  4. Vapors of paints and other chemicals - during repairs or work with strong-smelling substances, the animal should be kept away. So you protect it from poisoning and save the scent.

What to do in case of poisoning? Give plenty of fluids and liquid food - weak broths, weak cereals, slightly diluted sour-milk products.

It is quite possible that the cat will not want to eat. Try to feed her at least very small portions - so toxic substances will be removed faster while going to the toilet.

The oral cavity is injured

A cat can get injured during a fight, eating in this case causes severe pain and does not benefit.

Also, the causes can be toothaches, stomatitis, various kinds of sores and cuts.

Treatment of the oral cavity at home should be carried out only with the appointment of a veterinarian. Cauterization of damaged areas with iodine, brilliant green, alcohol is not allowed. It is also not worth smearing the lesions with any creams - this way you can bring the infection into the blood.

Consult a doctor and provide all possible assistance to your beloved cat.

Other situations

Problems with the reproductive system

Animals with great difficulty endure the rehabilitation period after castration or sterilization. Most often, they just hide in a dark corner and lick their wounds there. There is no need to disturb them in this state.

All that is required is to put a toilet tray closer and provide fresh drinking water.

The same rules can be attributed to the period of the first estrus in a young cat.


In the life of our tailed friends, there are also difficult days, and even prolonged depression.

It can be provoked by:

  • moving;
  • parting with a beloved owner;
  • weaning kittens from their mother (in this case, it will be hard for both kittens and the cat itself).

If you notice that the cat is sad all the time, does not show energy and mostly sleeps, then you need to let her recover. For a day or two, she may well arrange a fasting day for herself.

If the meal does not start on the third or fourth day, it is worth taking care of the condition of the animal and start feeding it at least through force.

Refusal of food and water with a dry nose

Normally, a cat's nose should be cool and slightly damp. But even if he warmed up a little, this is not a cause for concern. If the cat just woke up, actively played or came from cold air, a warm nose is a completely natural phenomenon.

But a dry nose, combined with apathy, a complete refusal of food, is an alarm signal. The cat may have a cold or injury, inflammation or frostbite of the ears with such symptoms also occur.

It is necessary to conduct an emergency examination at home. What to pay attention to first of all:

  1. The integrity of the skin - paws, hair, mouth, eyes. Injuries received in contact with street brethren can bring a dangerous infection into the blood.
  2. Ears and nose without extraneous mucus - these organs are prone to frostbite and colds. If the cat shows aggression when examining the ears, growls and breaks out sharply, then the ears have a cold or the soft tips are damaged.
  3. Respiratory rate and quality - the presence of wheezing or rapid breathing - a signal for an early visit to the veterinarian.

If alarm calls are detected, do not be lazy to take care of your pet and call a doctor or pay him a visit yourself.

Vomiting in a cat - poisoning and not only

In addition to the first version that comes to mind that the cat was poisoned, there are a number of reasons for the malaise.

The most important thing to note is severe overeating. If the animal was hungry for a long time, and then ate a lot, the stomach does not have time to cope with the load. Excess food is excreted naturally.

Animals can independently regulate vomiting processes, relieving themselves of the feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen.

If the food was eaten too quickly, it is possible that the walls of the esophagus were strongly irritated by something, which also led to vomiting.

Be sure to watch your pet's diet. Feeding foods that are hard and long to digest create additional problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If you are feeding your cat dry food, it may be worth switching to a different one.

  1. Analyze what the animal has eaten recently. Perhaps the condition was affected by a new product or food that had not been introduced into the food before.
  2. With constipation in combination with vomiting, put an enema. Toxins accumulated in the body will be eliminated faster.
  3. Cats with long, thick coats need daily thorough brushing. It is very likely that the cause is wool stuck in the stomach.

How to help if the cat does not eat or drink anything, but only sleeps?

In a situation where the animal does not eat anything, but at least drinks, it is easier to figure it out. So the caudates themselves regulate their well-being, and the appetite returns over time.

And what to do if you also refuse water? What to do if the cat sleeps all the time and does not respond to the presence of the owner? This is a very dangerous condition, especially if the cat is very young or, conversely, old.

A small kitten does not yet have enough strength to cope with all ailments, and in the body of an old cat, protective resources are already depleted.

Therefore, with complete apathy and refusal to eat and drink, contact your veterinarian immediately. If after two days the cat does not even begin to drink, feel free to consult a doctor. Qualified assistance can save lives and keep your pet healthy!

What should the owner do if his cat does not eat, only drinks water and sleeps? First, be glad that the animal is at least drinking. After all, cats are 70% water. If you reduce this rate, say, by 10%, a lethal outcome is guaranteed. And secondly, if the cat does not eat anything, only sleeps, this is also good. Sleep is sometimes the best medicine.

But be that as it may, when a pet does not eat for several days, at this pace it can last up to a maximum of 5 days.

Lethargy due to illness

Sometimes the problem of lethargy and the fact that the cat has stopped eating only drinks water can be a disease. The cat will not tell the owner how he feels. But, by his condition, you can determine when you need to immediately go to the veterinarian. Diseases due to which a cat may lose the desire to eat:

A number of other reasons

There are several other factors why a cat does not eat anything but drinks water.:

  1. wrong diet. Perhaps the cat simply does not like the food that the owner offers him. Change dishes and look at the reaction of the cat;
  2. stressful situations. When changing residence or owner, the cat may become confused and miss the old way of life. Usually such nostalgia lasts a day or two. Then everything passes, and the cat is drawn into a new life;
  3. insufficient hygiene of cat dishes or food. People wash dishes after every meal. It will also be unpleasant for the animal to eat missing food, covered with mold and ants, or from a dirty bowl that has not been washed for a long time. Wash the saucer and evaluate the result;
  4. changing the location of the bowl. Put the saucer in its original place and check if this is the problem;
  5. manifestation of character. Sometimes cats are just spoiled and mischievous for any reason. Be patient for a day or two. The cat will get tired of this, he will get hungry and stop showing off. The main thing is not to force the animal to eat. The pet must drink water at this time;
  6. seasonal fluctuations. In summer, the cat refuses to eat, as the food produces warmth from the inside of the pet, which at that time of the year will be very superfluous. For three days, a cat can eat almost nothing, guided by its well-being and instincts. The only salvation for the animal during this period is to drink water;
  7. fasting day. When the animal has overeaten, for the next few days, it may not eat, resting from meals;
  8. hair accumulated in the intestines. This can result in vomiting and constipation. Buy anti-hair products for your cat at the pharmacy.
  9. beginning of sexual activity. The cat does not eat anything, but only drinks water, since she has only suitors in her mind, and cats have only one continuous search for their beloved. This period of active life lasts for several days. Then everything passes;

Important! Pay attention to the age of the cat. If a young animal does not eat, but only drinks, it will last a maximum of a week, depending on the state of the cat's body.

If this is a kitten, do not allow him to eat nothing for more than a day. But during these days he must drink water.

The old cat will lie more, eat nothing, drink water - this way he will last a maximum of three days.

Prevention measures

100 g of prevention is better than 1 kg of treatment! It is better to monitor the health of the cat along the way than to frantically fuss in search of treatment, causing pain to both yourself and the animal.

Start with the following steps:

  • determine the diet. Feed your cat a little at a time;
  • regularly examine the oral cavity and mucous membrane of the cat;
  • if possible, comb the cat's hair daily so that he does not swallow it in his mouth;
  • monitor the regularity of going to the toilet. For constipation, give the cat laxatives;
  • never force feed, even if the cat does not eat on its own;
  • the cat should drink water regularly - about 250 ml per day;
  • regularly get rid of worms and fleas;
  • Don't punish your cat with brute force. This is not a punching bag to work out techniques on it. This is a small defenseless animal that can die from the stress experienced;
  • replenish the cat's body with vitamins and healthy food supplements;
  • give only fresh products;
  • in case of revealing unusual signs in the behavior of the animal (he does not eat, does not drink, is lethargic and constantly lies) - contact the hospital. Doctors will take tests, conduct examinations, measure the temperature, and suggest what treatment should be started.

Don't neglect your pet's health. Then he will purr to you in gratitude!

If your cat suddenly refuses to eat, the reasons for this may be different, but do not think that this is normal. Animals are not people who do a lot of things on a whim! Refusal of food in animals means one thing: the normal life cycle is disrupted and urgent intervention is needed. The cat refuses to eat - so you need to visit the veterinarian ASAP!

There are only two reasons why cats refuse to eat: gastrointestinal upset and an infectious disease. It's just that a cat's reluctance to eat their favorite meat, fish or food can last for an hour after eating, a maximum of two. Then she is always ready to eat more!
Any of the two named causes is extremely serious and, without prompt and proper treatment, is fatal! You can not put off even a minute if you want your pet to continue to please you further.
So, your cat refused to eat for a day and didn’t eat anything else, what should I do?
What to do if a cat (cat) refuses to eat

Take your cat's temperature. For this, a regular thermometer placed in the anus is suitable. The operation is unpleasant, but you will have to be patient: both your pet and you, keeping him from fleeing. Normal cat temperature is 38 degrees. An increased one indicates the presence of some kind of infection, a lower one indicates a loss of vitality from a lack of water and food. A normal temperature does not mean that the cat is healthy, just that the likelihood of infection is drastically reduced.
- in case of suspected infection, an urgent need to do a blood test and inject the necessary antibiotics in the right dose. With this, definitely in the clinic and the more serious the clinic, the better.
If a gastrointestinal disorder is suspected, then:
Feel the cat's belly. Attentively and deeply, fingering all the internal organs. If the cat starts screaming and fighting sharply, then you have stumbled upon a sore spot and at least you know where the cat has a problem. If he doesn’t scream at all or screams constantly, it’s also not good: it may be a volvulus of the intestines or a solid impassable body that has entered the intestines, clogging all the ways.
- try to force feed a cat, pour water, milk or anything else into the mouth, as well as give a laxative, chemical or natural, DO NOT! This can lead to intestinal rupture and the animal will die from internal hemorrhages.
- an attempt to induce vomiting by mechanical or chemical action is relevant only in the first hours of the disease, and since it is almost impossible to detect it quickly, it often does not make sense
- massaging your cat's belly can help or only hurt, so do it carefully and stop as soon as the cat starts to show signs of displeasure
- consult a doctor, a large veterinary clinic - the sooner the better! Let them conduct an examination, take an x-ray, take tests. Insist on the early determination of the causes of the disease and their active treatment, you have little time!
- if the x-ray does not show anything and you are offered to take a second x-ray with a radiopaque substance, do not hesitate a second! Give the animal barium chloride (the clinic should have it) immediately, because after taking the marker, at least 8 hours must pass for a high-quality x-ray.
- if the results of the second x-ray revealed a clear intestinal obstruction (it can be created by swallowed objects, threads and even the animal's own hair), then most likely you will be offered an operation. The operation is the last method that must be avoided by all means: the percentage of survivors after such operations is less than 50%, but if it comes to this, then you can’t hesitate - without an operation, the cat has even less chance of surviving.
- if there is no clear obstruction, but the animal still does not eat anything, its lot for the next day is intravenous droppers and a lot of intramuscular injections. This will allow you to support the body artificially until the digestive functions are normalized or until the operation becomes a vital necessity. - if on the third day of refusing food with the help of doctors, injections, massages and other things, the cat goes to the toilet, gets rid of foreign bodies in a natural way and after that her appetite and stool normalize, you can thank God, Allah, Buddha, Cthulhu and everyone else for her happy fate. If this does not happen, then prepare for the worst: you have less than a day left. The later the operation is done, the less likely the animal will survive. The cat may not survive the anesthesia or simply not live to see the start of the operation, her condition and appearance will worsen every hour and the drugs will no longer work. It hurts.

In any case, if a cat refuses to eat, one should not hope that these are the little things of life and everything will pass tomorrow! React to this event like she's bleeding! Essentially, for cats, it's about the same thing!

A normal appetite is one of the best indicators of a pet's health. With most ailments, the first sign is a decrease in interest in food. If the cat does not eat for several days, her health is almost certainly not in order. And only in some cases, the lack of appetite can be caused by less disturbing reasons.

What to do if the cat does not eat for several days and is lethargic?

Refusal to feed, especially in combination with lethargy and depression are signs that require a visit to the veterinarian. You are unlikely to be able to figure out this problem yourself, and there is nothing to observe, as they often advise, - the cat's condition will only worsen, and it is impossible to establish a diagnosis without a specialist and appropriate diagnostic procedures.

The problem is in the mouth

Often cats do not eat for several days due to problems with the oral cavity. With stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, a change of teeth, the animal refuses food, as it is in pain. At the same time, the cat may feel quite normal otherwise, and only every approach to the bowl and attempt to eat, especially dry food, causes her anxiety.

It is not difficult to notice such characteristic behavior, after which you should examine the pet's oral cavity and consult a doctor for prescribing medications for oral diseases. It may be necessary to remove the affected teeth.

When a cat does not eat for several days and vomits

Such symptoms can be caused by acute poisoning, which is especially true for cats with access to the street. Although these animals are not inclined to pick up any rotten food, they can easily eat a mouse that has previously eaten poison in the neighbors' house.

In the apartments of a pet, there may also be a danger from household chemicals, which were either used without any measure, or stored in a place accessible to the animal. It should be remembered that cats are attracted to the smell of chlorine, as it is similar - for a cat's nose, of course - to the smell of marks of mature cats or cats.

Bowel obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is another common reason why a cat does not eat for several days and vomits, while the animal does not even go to the toilet. The cause of obstruction can be both a foreign body that has entered the intestines, and, for example, a large number of bones eaten by a cat either on its own or due to the thoughtlessness of the owners.


In addition, a big problem for cats is swallowed wool, which forms lumps in the stomach - bezoars. Over time, these lumps accumulate and, in severe cases, can cause intestinal blockage. Therefore, do not forget to regularly give your pet a special paste for removing wool. Very often, cats swallow New Year's rain and threads, which also pose a danger to the cat.

In addition, obstruction can also be caused by running helminthic invasion. When there are already so many worms that they have clogged the intestines, then it is impossible to give anthelmintics on your own. It is necessary to consult a veterinarian who can correctly assess the level of infection of the animal and calculate the safe and effective dose of the drug.

Vomiting is dangerous in itself, as it leads to dehydration. If you do not take action, irreversible changes in the body of the animal begin, a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, before a visit to the clinic, it is necessary to drink the cat from a syringe if it refuses to drink on its own. It is impossible to offer food, give medicines without a doctor's prescription.

Other causes of loss of appetite

Lack of appetite can also be caused by completely natural, non-pathological reasons, among which the main ones are stress and heat. Cats are known for their conservatism, so any changes can be stressful for these animals - for example, repairs in the house, the appearance of another pet, and so on.

Often the reason for refusal of food is the introduction of a new food. That is why it is necessary to transfer the cat to another food gradually, gradually mixing the new food with the usual one.

It is normal if the cat does not eat after surgery. Drugs for anesthesia inhibit all body functions, including digestive. The animal at this time is lethargic, it has no appetite. This state can last up to two days. After the complete elimination of drugs from the body, the cat will start eating again.

The reproductive instinct is another reason why a pet refuses to eat. In some cats, a decrease in interest in food is noted shortly before the onset of estrus, because at this time the body of the female is experiencing a real hormonal storm. After a decrease in the level of sex hormones in the blood, appetite is fully restored.

However, we advise you to closely monitor your pet's well-being and contact your veterinarian for any signs of illness, including loss of appetite. The owner of the animal is not always able to correctly understand the symptoms and miss the development of an acute condition that requires immediate treatment.

What canned food is best for cats?

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A good appetite and a healthy appearance, interest in life in a cat are signs that the animal is in excellent condition. But it happens that a cat refuses to eat and then the owner has to puzzle over what is the reason for refusing to eat and whether this is a symptom of any disease. Consider the possible factors that affect the cat's appetite.

Reasons why a cat does not eat well

In fact, it is not always necessary to panic when the cat does not eat anything for a couple of days. Especially in cases where the animal does not look exhausted, it does not have a fever, there are no other malfunctions in the body. The most common reasons why a cat does not eat anything:
  1. A sharp transition to a new or unusual food. Cats have their own taste preferences, just like humans, so even high-quality food suddenly introduced into the diet can cause food refusal. The owner should always carefully study the composition of the feed, the manufacturer's recommendations for feeding and remember that a new product is introduced gradually, only mixed in small quantities with the old and familiar to the animal.

    This situation can also happen when a cat accustomed to industrial feed is transferred to natural food. It is unlikely that a cat that has eaten will happily eat, for example, vegetables with meat or cottage cheese. But if it's just a matter of changing your usual diet, then you shouldn't worry, the cat just hasn't got used to the innovations in its menu yet. The animal itself does not look sick, it does not have diarrhea, vomiting, copious discharge from the eyes, nose.

  2. stressful situations.- animals are sensitive, they, like people, can be sad, worried, afraid of something. In a stressful situation, it may be quite normal to refuse food for a couple of days, depression, apathy. In this case, it would be nice for the owner to first try to find out what is the reason for the suffering of the animal, eliminating it if possible. If the situation cannot be corrected (the death of someone who is dear to the animal, the appearance of a new pet in the house, etc.), then the owner will need time and participation in the life of the cat. You may need to consult a veterinarian, as well as the purchase of sedatives for the purr.
  3. Weather. When the temperature outside the window exceeds 30 (or even all 40) degrees, even the most voracious animal can look for a patch of shade on the street or lie exhausted on the floor, forgetting about food. In such cases, you should not forcefully feed the cat and lament why it refuses to eat. On the hottest days, it is better not to overload the animal's body, however, clean drinking water at such moments is more relevant than ever.
  4. The owner does not monitor the cleanliness of the bowls of the animal. Cats are one of the cleanest animals, so the owner should wash all cat utensils after each feeding or at least once a day. Dirty plates, bowls with dried food residues, ants crowding around, smell of sour food can make a cat refuse to eat. In addition, neglect of cleanliness can lead to various diseases.
  5. Hormonal surge. When the body of the animal is rebuilt during puberty, during estrus and pregnancy in cats, the owner may observe the refusal of food in the pet. During the period of cat sprees, animals may not eat for up to a week, especially female individuals. The owner should not worry, because the cat's appetite will return to normal as soon as the animal calms down, and the problem of hormonal changes will be solved by itself. It may not be superfluous to purchase vitamins, depending on the doctor's recommendations.
  6. A lot of tufts of fur have accumulated in the cat's stomach. In cases where the animal actively licks itself, a large amount of wool accumulates in its stomach. This problem is especially acute in the case when the owner does not comb out the pet's fur. Veterinary pharmacies sell special products that prevent the formation of hairballs, which can be purchased by the owner of the cat. For such a problem, in addition to refusing to eat, stool disorders and vomiting are also characteristic.
  7. Infection of a cat with a viral or bacterial infection. Even a cat that lives permanently in an apartment, without leaving home, has a risk of catching an infection. The owner should be alerted by the lethargy of the pet, vomiting and diarrhea (sometimes with mucus and blood streaks), fever. Appetite during infectious infection in the animal is absent. By passing tests, you can achieve the identification of the pathogen and determine the treatment.
  8. Anorexia. Anorexia in cats is considered to be a refusal to eat due to the loss of olfactory or tactile functions of the body. The cat loses weight, is not interested in absolutely any food, becomes lethargic, sometimes saliva can flow profusely. In the most difficult cases, the veterinarian may decide to feed the animal through a tube. The causes of anorexia can be nasal congestion, chemotherapy or antibiotic treatment, poisoning, and much more. Self-treatment without medical intervention can lead to the death of the animal.
  9. Diseases of the internal organs. You can endlessly enumerate all kinds of diseases in which a cat may lack appetite: diabetes, malignant tumors, diseases of the liver, kidneys, problems of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and many, many others. If the cat, in addition to 1-2 days of fasting, has various alarming symptoms, the owner should immediately rush to a specialist's consultation.

    As a rule, in case of any terrible diseases, the very appearance of a cat or a cat “screams” about the disease and the following symptoms appear: disruption of the intestines (constipation, diarrhea), vomiting, a sharp decrease in weight, (sometimes purulent), nose, dehydration, sometimes pain in contact with the diseased area, plaintive meowing or complete apathy to what is happening around. All these signs always indicate a serious condition, which must be diagnosed by taking tests, taking scrapings, biopsies, and examination by a veterinarian. Pain will always cause the cat to refuse food or eat very little.

What should the owner do if the cat does not eat well

If the cat feels cheerful and cheerful, she has a normal stool, and the hunger strike lasts no more than 2 days, then the owner can be calm. It is useful to try to gradually introduce any new foods into the diet, depending on what the cat's diet is. If the animal eats natural food, then it makes sense to offer it some new, but healthy products. If there were industrial feeds on the animal’s menu, you can purchase a new look - for cats that are picky eaters. But you should introduce any products gradually and do not force-feed the animal.

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