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The best gift for a girl on her birthday. Gift for a girl on her birthday. Electronic scales and diary

Young ladies are greedy for gifts, but the choice of things that can amaze the pretentious female soul is overshadowed by the lack of extra time and confidence in what exactly the chosen one will like. We thought about it and tried to come up with a list of gifts that would appeal to a young lady.

1. remain the most popular gift girl. Bouquets tend to dry out and fall off after a few days, but these plants will last up to five years without even thinking about deteriorating. Why is this happening? In distant Thailand, roses and orchids are grown on a flower farm. At the peak of flowering, farmers cut the flowers and immediately treat the petals and stems with a glycerin-based preservative solution. They are then placed in a glass flask. Magic happens: in a vacuum, flowers require no watering or fertilizer. They keep their appearance for several years, and all these years they decorate the interior of the boudoir.

2. will be of interest to the intellectual thing you are dealing with. Everyone knows what to do with the puzzle: first you need to confuse the colors so that all possible shades are present on each face of the cube, and then put everything in the original order. In our modest shop there are exclusively models from Rubik's, famous for producing products licensed from the inventor of the toy.

3. Good as a gift for a girl's birthday. The high-quality carved and painted wooden case has a metal insert on top, on which “feminine” designs are engraved: buttercups, butterflies, hearts. Inside the box itself there is space for earrings and rings (oh, how she will hint!) and a compartment for larger jewelry. The whole thing is upholstered in velvet, and generally looks good. It is clear - made in Italy.

4. Nice young ladies have a bad habit of swearing and taking out outbursts of feelings on others - including their chosen ones. It is unlikely that they will help with a hundred percent probability, but there is hope. Under elastic fabric there are thousands of tiny balls that are pleasant to touch with your hands. The fabric is easy to wash, does not absorb odors or moisture, and has a cool print on the surface. Just what you need to watch your favorite melodrama!

5. As budget gift choose the girl you love. A seemingly ordinary cup has a non-obvious property: when you pour boiling water, a certain pattern appears on the body. The black heart turns red, the light bulb “lights up” yellow. When the hot drink is drunk, the picture returns to its original state.

Vivid memories are much more valuable than any, even the most expensive thing. So think about what kind of experience you could give.

The range of ideas begins with a ticket to a theater or concert and ends with a joint trip to a distant country. Flight to hot-air balloon, hang gliding or in a wind tunnel, parachute jumping, going to an amusement park or walking on the rooftops - some of this will definitely please most birthday girls.

Another insubstantial, but very valuable present. Almost any modern girl She will be glad to gain new knowledge in an area of ​​interest to her.

The gift, depending on your preferences, could be a paid photography course, online lectures on art at a top university, or makeup courses. Even just good book on a topic important to the birthday girl, it would be much better to give as a gift than another teddy bear.

A good gadget is universal gift for representatives of any gender. The main thing is to decide what may be required to a specific person. New smartphone, tablet, eBook? Or a camera or projector? Or maybe it's an external battery or headphones? If you do right choice, then you will continue to hear gratitude addressed to you for a long time.

We are talking about the hobbies that the girl already has. For example, an artist will definitely be happy to receive a set of high-quality pencils or pastels, and a sports fan will definitely be happy to receive a themed set or equipment.

What you clearly shouldn’t do is give things that, in your mind, are associated with typical women’s hobbies.

A scrapbooking kit, knitting needles and thread, as well as adorable cupcake tins can fly into the wall if it turns out that a girl is interested in, for example, blacksmithing.

Just like a gift-impression, a thing made with your own hands can please you much more than something bought in a store. The main thing is that it should be noticeable that you decided to do it not out of a desire to save money, but because you wanted to show attention and care.

Therefore, involve your talents in creating a gift. If you are interested in music, compose a song. If you draw well, paint a portrait. You're good at filming and editing - make a film about the birthday girl. If you know how to work with your hands, create a joint album of photographs or something more practical. A cool lamp or chair made according to your unique design project will outshine any cute purchase from IKEA.

This is another way to show a girl how much you care about her. But in this case, you will have to use not only your imagination, but also your organizational skills: you will need to come to an agreement with the birthday girl’s friends to make the holiday a success.

Ideas for him can be very different. For example, you can arrange a quest for a girl to visit memorable places in the city or take her to a water park or forest, where a secret party will be prepared.

In most cases this is a 100% hit. It's rare to meet a girl who doesn't like jewelry at all. But when choosing, you need to consider several factors:

  1. Actually, does the girl wear jewelry, and if so, what kind. It will be very awkward if you give earrings to someone who does not have pierced ears.
  2. What style of jewelry does the girl prefer? Some people like massive ethnic jewelry, while others are neat and minimalistic. Believe me, if you want to give a good gift, understanding this is very important. If you are not sure about own strength, ask the birthday girl’s friends or relatives to help.
  3. What materials is the decoration made of? It is possible that the girl may be allergic to some alloys. So it is better to give preference to surgical steel and natural materials like wood and stone. In addition, any inexpensive silver earrings will always look better than cheap plastic jewelry.

Another type of gift that almost anyone would love to receive. But there are even more pitfalls here than in the previous paragraph. What scents does a girl like? What does she wear? Do you wear makeup at all? What skin care cosmetics are right for her? And, importantly, aren’t these products already on her bathroom shelf?

If you are sure that you know the answers, feel free to buy a gift. No? It’s better to purchase a certificate for a cosmetics store, spa, or choose something completely different.

Of course, this is an option only for the girl you are paired with. And of course, you will also receive a certain profit from this gift. But before you buy, make sure you know your crush’s underwear size and her preferences. The latter also applies to toys. And get to know possible options possible in .

This, in principle, can include all of the points listed above. With just one amendment: you know for sure that the girl has been dreaming about this thing or this event for a long time.

Dreams can be very different. From “those awesome slippers in the shape of sheep” to a course in business journalism.

How to find out about a dream? Listen to the girl and remember her wishes. Or ask her friends and relatives. In the end, she herself. Even if you give something that the birthday girl has been dreaming of for a long time without a surprise, she will still be happy.

What not to give

The exception is if a girl openly asks for this particular frying pan or slow cooker. Otherwise, you risk being branded as someone who points the birthday girl to her “true” purpose. And in general, there are much more beautiful things in the world than cooking and cleaning. So choose one of them.

No matter how good and bright your intentions are, a gym membership or epilator will most likely be taken as a hint. And not the most pleasant and tactful. The exception (again) is the birthday girl’s explicit request for just such a gift.

Mugs, keychains, figurines purchased on the go are more likely to show your indifference than to be a nice surprise. If you have absolutely no time or ideas, give your girl beautiful bouquet. It's really better.

Frankly speaking, money is strange gift for anyone's birthday. So you not only demonstrate that your imagination was only enough for a trip to the ATM, but you also implicitly hint that the birthday person is below the poverty line.

Don't know what to give? Just ask. Perhaps the answer will be just a couple of thousand rubles. Or maybe you will learn about something more interesting.

More more ideas for gifts you can find in these articles.

It is very difficult to give a necessary and good gift to a woman. However, this procedure is much easier than choosing a gift for a man. Nowadays, when store shelves are filled with simply a huge number of different goods, it is possible to buy a present for absolutely every taste and budget. But many guys are simply lost and don’t know what to give a girl for her birthday. For this reason, young people spend an endless amount of time in stores, trying to find something original. Let's try to figure it out together.

Gifts for practical girls

Conventionally, all gifts should be divided as follows:

  • practical;
  • romantic;
  • simple;
  • cheerful;
  • unusual.

For her birthday if she doesn't accept useless things?

It’s quite difficult with girls who prefer very practical gifts. If you don't know what she needs now, then you should try to update her old things. In such situation a good gift For your beloved girl's birthday, she will receive an umbrella or a bag, perfume, or new phone. If you want to present something unusual, then you should use your imagination. Let there be some zest in such a practical, but very simple thing. For example, on a simple umbrella you can capture your a photo together or names.

So what to give a girl for her birthday? In order not to find yourself in a difficult situation, you should act according to the circumstances:

  1. The choice of gift should be based on the preferences of the birthday girl. If you haven’t studied them very well yet, then you should turn to friends, acquaintances or relatives for help.
  2. Purchase practical gifts in most cases it’s worth it if you missed the moment and didn’t find out about your girlfriend’s hobbies, tastes and lifestyle.

In any situation, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • When purchasing a gift, always look at the expiration dates. Not every woman and girl dreams of receiving expired sweets or perfume that has stagnated on the counter as a gift.
  • The first impression is formed when looking at the packaging, so you should not spare money on the presentation. After all, this will make him look more attractive.
  • Always choose quality items. Instead of a set of cheap eyeshadows in 40 shades, it is better to give an expensive but high-quality lipstick.
  • Originality is good. But the main thing here is not to go too far.
  • When purchasing a gold ring for a girl, always leave a receipt for yourself. There is a possibility of making a mistake with the size. Then you'll have to go back to the store.

  • Underwear It is given only when you have a very close relationship and you understand that such a gift will be received well.
  • An ordinary and familiar bouquet is not a full-fledged gift. It is just an addition to the gift. When going to the birthday girl for her birthday, remember that she will always be happy with the bouquet, but will be surprised by the lack of a present.

Original gift

However, as original gift You can give a bouquet to a girl on her birthday. But for this you will have to be creative to make it original.

An example is a bouquet of balloons. Compositions made from thin balls, which will be made by professionals, look very nice. However, you can try to do it and with my own hands, using the simplest round balls.

A good option An original gift will be glasses with engraving. It is possible to write the name of the recipient on them and Nice words addressed to her.

We give pleasant emotions

You can also give extreme adventures as an original birthday gift for a girl. But keep in mind that these gifts are only suitable for persons in good health. physical fitness and completely healthy. You can, for example, organize a parachute jump or from a bridge, a hang glider flight, or simply a trip through underground communications.

Portrait and master class

Also an unusual gift For the girl's birthday, a portrait of her will be presented, which can be painted from a photograph. You will choose the size of such a painting yourself, depending on your financial condition. But keep in mind that, for example, a cartoon would not be the best gift and should not be given. Even if your friend has wonderful feeling humor, such a gift can become offensive.

A completely unusual birthday gift for a girl can be some kind of lessons or master classes. It is possible to choose any direction, depending on her interests.

Gifts for a friend: what interesting things can you pick up?

If the girl is your friend, you can please her with a sweet gift, for example, it could be a cake in the shape of a bouquet of flowers. Perfect for beautiful case for mobile and also stylish pen and a notepad for notes. If you want to please your friend, then give her a fashionable watch or interesting jewelry.

When deciding what to give a girl for her birthday, you can opt for expensive chocolate or quality wine. Gift Baskets foreign-made sweets can also be an excellent gift for a friend.

High-quality headphones (wired or wireless) are a worthy gift for a girl. You just need to take into account her preferences in color and, of course, the manufacturer.

A gift for twenty years: how to please the birthday girl?

When your beloved turns twenty years old, it is worth giving something interesting. Such unusual ideas we'll look at it next. So, as a gift for a girl’s 20th birthday, a bouquet with twenty-one red roses would be a good option. Agree that such a declaration of love will look very impressive.

The delivery of such a bouquet to your place of study, work, or home to your chosen one will also be absolutely unforgettable. You can also tell the entire public how much you love by posting your own confession on billboards.

If it is practical, then it is worth choosing something significant. For example, in this case, chains, earrings, and bracelets are suitable as a birthday gift for your beloved girl. When you are planning a quick wedding, you can present a ring with a marriage proposal.

Great gift There may also be a photo shoot. And without fail, together with the photographer, there must be stylists in the studio who will help make the most unusual images. Such a gift will be remembered for long time.

Travel and walk

The best gift for a girl's 20th birthday would be traveling together. If financial position does not allow you to go to some resort, then you can simply organize a joint walk around hometown. Such a gift will be pleasant and inexpensive.

Another good option would be to go to a show, performance or concert. Then you can go to a restaurant or cafe.

Inexpensive gifts

A tight budget will limit your options for choosing a particular gift. However, such a factor should not be considered big problem. Having hands and a certain amount of money, you can always:

  1. Buy some cosmetics. It's better to ask the seller for advice. He will tell you which lipstick or eye shadow will suit the skin tone and eye color of your chosen one.
  2. Buy a radio for the shower. Many people like to sing while taking treatments in the bathroom. And with radio it will be quite fun to do this.
  3. Soap that you make yourself is also perfect as an inexpensive gift for a girl’s birthday.

Gifts for a girl friend

A birthday gift for a girlfriend should not symbolize relationship anniversaries. For this reason, you should avoid excessive romance in gifts. Cosmetics will again be a good option, soft toy, T-shirt with an unusual print and more.

A gift can be very practical, and not particularly necessary in the household. However, do not choose anything expensive, otherwise you will simply oblige her to do something similar in return.

Don't go too far with the jokes. Girls have a less sharp sense of humor. It may simply happen that you offend her completely by accident. To prevent this from happening, you should know her temperament and interests. In such a situation, there will be no problems with the choice. No need to give money. A large number of Ladies don't accept this.

In the case when your girlfriend is also your friend's girlfriend, you should be very careful. If you choose the wrong gift, he can easily think that you want to beat her off. There is no need to buy anything expensive. Your friend may think that you are trying to get ahead of him in some way. Therefore, it is better to make a simple present that does not oblige you to anything.

When you are in love with your friend's lady, it is better not to attend her birthday party at all in order to avoid problems. Otherwise, you can cause the destruction of both your relationship with your friend and his with his girlfriend.

If you want to hint to a girl friend that you have serious intentions, then it is precisely such a holiday as a birthday that will become the most excellent occasion. She will be quite cheerful and will most likely be able to let you get closer.

You can present tickets to a concert, theater or movie. You can go to such an event with her together in a friendly manner and try to take your relationship to a new stage.

You can choose any option romantic gift. Let her understand that you are a wonderful romantic and see you as more than just a friend.

A coupon for a discount to the store would also be a great gift. jewelry or cosmetics. To try to get out of the friend zone, you should start changing yourself entirely. In the opposite situation, you will forever remain the most ordinary friend for her.

A little conclusion

In any situation, it is worth noting that the gift must, first of all, correspond to the temperament, character, and interests of your chosen one. If you do not take these factors into account, you may make a mistake in your choice. Also, give preference to practical gifts rather than ordinary trinkets.

Gifts for a beloved girl are something that she, as a rule, remembers for the rest of her life. Your expenses and creativity mean much more to girls than the gift itself. This is just the perfect time to show love in him. Regardless of what gift you choose, the main thing is to tell the girl about your feelings: verbally or in a written card. If we can’t express our feelings for you, we can help with the question of what you can give a girl for her birthday. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the best gifts, compiled in the opinion of the girls themselves.

Not sure where to start? Try to carefully find out about a gift for your girlfriend from her herself, without directly asking her:

  1. Interview your girlfriend's friends.
  2. Think about her hobbies. Find something that will make her hobby more fun, exciting, or easier.
  3. Looking for a certificate for something she'll love, like skydiving, a hot air balloon ride, or a romantic night at a hotel.
  4. Buy her a luxurious gift - for example, a day or weekend trip to another city, a certificate for all services in the spa, and finally let her pamper herself.
  5. Find something unique. For example, if she loves owls, buy her mugs with an owl on them or a cute figurine.

Top best gifts for a girl's birthday

Some guys discovered perfect gift for girls who like to go to different exhibitions and concerts. It turned out to be unusual box or a box where a girl could put her tickets, so to speak, collect memories not only in her head. This box can be filled not only with tickets, but also with flowers from the first date, bottle caps and anything that reminds her of better days in her life.

Ring with fine stones

Giving a girl a ring does not always mean marriage. You can give the girl a kind of “promise ring”. For example, give her a ring in honor of your first kiss or instead of a reward for best cook. An ideal ring with multi-colored stones will match any outfit or stand out among any look.

Try to immerse yourself in ordinary weekdays women. No matter how hectic your girl's life is, if taking care of her nails makes her feel 10 times better, a manicure set will be the best gift.

Aesthetics are the trend of 2019. If your girlfriend constantly asks you to take her photo and spends the rest of her car rides editing photos and adding Instagram filters, a live camera will immediately become her new hobby.

If your area is constantly cold and damp, the virus is always in the air, and your ambitious girl who is always at work doesn't have time to worry about fighting off the cold, a soft cashmere scarf will help her. With him she will always be healthy and fashionable.

Bed linen with individual patterns

It doesn’t matter whether you wake up together or separately, knowing that the girl wakes up with thoughts about you is a gift bed sheets with a custom print is always a good idea. If your girlfriend is particularly sentimental, choose a photo that celebrates important step in your relationship.

Pandora bracelets are the gift that keeps on giving long after your birthday. Save yourself the stress every time there is a holiday or anniversary. As a rule, such a gift has special meaning and charm for every girl.

Many girls say their favorite gift is a gold necklace with their name or initials engraved on it. This can be either her name or the letters with which the couple’s names begin. Many girls like such thoughtful gifts.

Top best DIY gifts for a girl's birthday

When a girl receives a gift made by a guy with his own hands, she knows exactly what he thought about her. That he spent an hour or hours "thinking about you" in creating this, especially for them. It does for some girls handmade gift much more valuable than a gift bought in a store.

  • Smooth small stones;
  • Copper wire;
  • Pliers;
  • Gouache;
  • Glue;

Step-by-step instructions for production

  1. Paint the stones with gouache in a solid color. You may need to do several layers.
  2. Use a small brush to add some designs.
  3. When the paint is dry, add a layer of glue to prevent the paint from rubbing off.
  4. Wrap copper wire around a pen or marker several times to create photo loops.
  5. Wrap the rest of the wire around the stone.
  6. Attach the photo between the loops so that it stands upright.

To make a gift you need:

  • 3 sheets of A4 cardboard;
  • Colored tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Stapler;
  1. Cut 9 strips of paper about 3 cm wide and 18 cm long. Each strip of paper will become one heart in your wreath. If you add more than 9 hearts to your wreath, it will start to droop a little.
  2. Fold each strip of paper in half.
  3. Fold the ends of the paper inward to make a heart shape and pin the two ends together, holding them together.
  4. If you plan to hang your wreath, you will need to attach a ribbon. It will look most beautiful if you fasten the ribbon right in the middle of the two hearts.

To make a gift you need:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Black gouache;
  • Decorative eyes;
  • White fluff (like a sponge);
  • Pink fabric;
  • Glue;
  • Black foam sheets;

Step-by-step instructions for production:

  1. Cut out an empty plastic bottle.
  2. Paint the bottle with gouache in several layers.
  3. Next, glue on some monster eyes with hot glue.
  4. Cut something out of white pile to create a mustache and glue it on.
  5. Cut a small triangle out of pink felt and glue it on for the nose.
  6. Now cut out some triangles from black foam and glue them to the top of the pot, creating the appearance of ears.
  7. Fill the bottle with soil and plant an ornamental or living plant there. Alternatively, the pot can simply be filled with candy.

To make a gift you need:

  • Cupcake pans;
  • Branches from trees;
  • Hot glue gun;

For this article, I did a little research and asked various girls I knew and not only what they would like to receive for their birthday. Well, so that their imagination does not go far beyond the limits of adequacy, I suggested that they limit themselves to the amount of $50. Of course, I did not demand that they strictly adhere to this condition, but it was enough for the girls’ options to remain within the limits common sense. And so that there weren’t dozens of options from one girl, I suggested that each one choose exactly best gift for them within this framework.

Thus, now I will provide you with the girls’ answers, thereby you will receive an answer to the question “What to give a girl for her birthday” from the girls themselves. Otherwise, all the advice is from guys and from guys. I, in turn, will try to take all the water out of their answers for you and give you the most constructive options. Go.

Marina, 24 years old:

“I would like to jump with a parachute. I'm very afraid to do this. I wouldn’t spend the money on this myself, but I would jump with pleasure with someone.”

Olya, 25 years old:

“I would like beautiful underwear, a set, white. Because I have everything else, but romance is missing.”

Elizaveta, 22 years old:

"For me? Jewelry, maybe something small. The first thing that came to mind. Or a spa, yes, a spa is what you need.”

Yulia, 29 years old:

“Horse riding lessons are beautiful!”

Natasha, 25 years old:

"I don't know! Money! And then I’ll buy something there myself. Well, right now, yes, I would choose money. Because I can’t think of a gift right now.”

Natalya, 22 years old:

“For my birthday I would like to receive something original, for example, a set of mugs with photographs of people dear to me. Firstly: it’s nice, I can drink tea/coffee and see faces dear to me. Secondly: it’s original (certainly no one will have these). Thirdly: a useful gift will still be useful in any case.”

Marina, 26 years old:

“A laptop bag. Just because it’s necessary, mine is outdated.”

Yulia, 21 years old:

"I love useful gifts. For example, an encyclopedia about hippology, or something made of silver, or I just saved this money for myself.”

Veronica, 19 years old:

“I would choose a massage spa, I want it most, but I have everything else.”

Olya, 25 years old:

“I would like beautiful underwear. It will never be superfluous.”

Alisa, 23 years old:

“An iron, well, I just want an iron and that’s all. To have your own iron.”

Lena, 20 years old:

"I would like romantic dinner by candlelight in a restaurant or on the roof of a house, or without candles, but it should be beautiful and there will be stars.”

Christina, 16 years old:

“The aquarium is small or for a kitten. I love watching them, and fish calm the nervous system.”

Rita, 19 years old:

“Skydiving, but since my birthday is in the fall, and it’s cold in the fall. But I want it to be warm, so it won’t work, depending on who the gift is from. I would also like a soft and large toy.”

Diana, 21 years old:

“I would like new perfumes, it’s expensive to buy a lot of perfumes myself, but such a gift is always nice.”

Elena, 23 years old:

“A certificate for a drifting race, a parachute jump, or something “personalized” (made especially for me).”

Lena, 25 years old:

“A charger and a laptop battery, because the bastards are dead.”

Olya, 24 years old:

“I would like an eyeshadow palette of 120 tones, which I have wanted for a long time, and the reason is I want variety in makeup. Or you can jump with a parachute. Want Want want".

Olya, 23 years old:

“Karting is something new, adrenaline! Feeling of freedom."

Anya, 21 years old:

“Something techy, like huge headphones or a nice little MP3 for jogging. Because other people can choose this for me. In fact, I really love perfume. But you can’t ask for them for your birthday, because no one will guess what exactly I want.”

As you may have noticed, not a single girl here meant classic gifts, like sweets or flowers and cards, which may already be information for you to think about. But overall you already have a set different options, which you can try on the girl you are preparing a gift for if you don’t know what to give. Here are the answers to the question “What to give a girl for her birthday” from the lips of the girls themselves. Enjoy it for your health.

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