Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Physical culture activities for children. Carrying out physical culture leisure and entertainment is an effective form of physical development of preschoolers. arm wrestling competition

Are you planning a sports event? Or to add variety to sports entertainment and leisure? In this section you will find a great variety of ready-made solutions for this.

Here - detailed scenarios and abstracts of sports competitions successfully held by your colleagues, "Merry Starts", family physical education competitions, Small Olympic Games, thematic events dedicated to important holidays And anniversaries calendar. We will help you bring freshness and variety to sports activities with children both in summer and in winter.

Do with us, do as we do, do better than us!

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All sections | Scenarios. Sports holidays, sports entertainment, fun starts

Scenario of physical education for older children preschool age "Our boys are soldiers!" Performed: Educator MBDOU No. 27 Likhikh A.A. Target: exercise integrated approach to the patriotic education of children, familiarization senior preschoolers to history and culture...

The script of the sports festival by February 23 in the middle group. "Come on, dads" Target: to cultivate a sense of pride, gratitude and respect for Russian army, love for the motherland; Tasks: -promotion of healthy lifestyles; - Improving the health of children, involving them in ...

Scenarios. Sports holidays, sports entertainment, fun starts - Scenario of the military sports game "Zarnitsa" for groups preparatory to school

Publication "Scenario of the military-sports game "Zarnitsa" for preparatory courses..." March sounds. Children of preparatory groups for school with dads and moms gather on the site and line up around the perimeter. Marines and tankers-ships; pilots and border guards-bells. Moderator: Hello guys and dear parents! Let me welcome our...

MAAM Pictures Library

Scenario of sports entertainment by February 23 for children of senior preschool age Description of the material: This development is designed for children of senior preschool age, it is held in the gym in the form of competitions. The scenario will be useful for instructors in physical ...

(Children enter the hall to the music of the “March of the Cadets” music and lyrics by E. Shmatkov, line up) Presenter: Today we have gathered to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. We all love and appreciate the soldiers of the Russian army. They stand guard over the world. The whole country knows the heroes of the army. And many of...

Traditionally, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated on last month winters - in February, when the cold season begins to recede. This day of grandfathers of fathers of sons of brothers of our potential defenders. The task of our men is to protect their family and their homeland. Defender of the Fatherland Day...

Scenarios. Sports holidays, sports entertainment, fun starts - Scenario of sports entertainment-quest "In the footsteps of Baba Yaga"

Educational area: physical development. Topic: “In the footsteps of Baba Yaga” (quest) Purpose: Maintaining interest in classes physical education and sports. Objectives: Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits of sports and physical education. Improve...

Abstract of sports entertainment together with parents "My dad is the most, the most" Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle. They perform the song "Dad can do anything" Host: Good evening, Good evening to everyone who came today to our holiday dedicated to a wonderful date - February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today we will congratulate our...

"The Adventures of Carlson and His Friends". Sports holiday for children 5–6 years old"Adventures of Carlson and his friends" Sports holiday for children 5-6 years old Tasks: To develop children's motor activity, dexterity, speed, accuracy, attention, memory. Improve communication skills with peers. Leisure activities: Children to the music and doing exercises ...

Synopsis of GCD. Physical education integrated entertainment for young children "On a visit to the snowman" municipal preschool educational institution"Olkhovsky kindergarten" of the Olkhovsky municipal district of the Volgograd region Sports integrated entertainment for children early age group number 1 Topic: “Visiting a snowman” Developed by: educator Galchinskaya ...

This section contains various sports games, sports activities, as well as all kinds of relay races and fun starts for children attending preschool institutions.

Here you can find both individual games and forms of entertainment with children, as well as entire physical education and sports programs. There are scenarios designed exclusively for the children's team, and there are those in which children take part together with their parents. A fun holiday will turn out if sports competitions add a musical component, and how to do it correctly and interestingly, you can also learn from this section.

The material will be useful for both parents and kindergarten teachers. The presented games and programs will not only diversify the pastime with children, but also strengthen them, develop dexterity, reaction and dexterity. The scripts are written clearly and competently. They will allow you to create a fun holiday for kids from scratch. Each of the scenarios is presented by employees of preschool institutions, which means that it has already been tested on kids and received a positive assessment from the side. preschool pupils and their parents.

Physical culture holidays and leisure in kindergarten.

physical activity pleasant in itself. Moderate muscle load always improves well-being and improves mood. Physical activity is the best way to discharge. Physical culture holidays and leisure activities correct selection their constituent elements can become effective tool impact on the personality of the child. They contribute to the development of thinking, imagination, determination, as well as the formation of a sense of responsibility, they teach to restrain their desires, to show determination. Sports holidays and leisure activities allow the teacher, without reducing the general emotional state, to stimulate the activity of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics; a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions; not to disappoint with unnecessary comments and criticism, but to give the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of joy from the movements performed by him and other children; rejoice in the success of others.

When spending leisure time, all children are involved in direct participation in various competitions, competitions, they enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more directly than in physical education, and this looseness allows them to move without much tension. It is more natural to use those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered, to show a kind of artistry, aesthetics in movements. It is good when sports holidays and leisure activities are accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of a sense of beauty in children, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a piece of music, develops an ear for music, memory.

The purpose of these holidays is Active participation Total children's team groups, through which the motor preparedness of children is revealed, the ability to show physical qualities in unusual conditions And game situations. The program includes:

    physical exercise,

    games with elements of sports and outdoor games,

    sport exercises,

    relay games,

    entertaining quizzes and riddles.

Wide use of musical works, game techniques(building script in story form) makes the holiday an emotionally bright, memorable event in the life of a child.

Sports holidays have an effective impact on the formation
child personality. Joint activity, achievement good results team, overcoming difficulties unites the team, causes a sense of responsibility (individual and collective). Children learn to empathize with the successes and failures of their comrades, to be able to rejoice in their achievements, to support good, friendlyrelationships with each other, be helpful and caring to the younger in age. They bring up the desire to achieve not only high individual, but also team success. At the same time, respect for partners in the game, the opposing team is developed. The competitive nature of the games and exercises at the holiday (leisure) contributes to the education of purposefulness, perseverance and resourcefulness, courage, determination and other moral and volitional qualities. Participation in physical culture holidays helps children to realize more deeply the importance of systematic exercises in motor actions, achieving the desired results, arouses interest in regular physical education.

Physical educationholidays in kindergarten are organized in accordance with program instructions. The number of them during the yearmiddle, senior and preparatory for school groups - Twice a year. The frequency of holding, duration (within 40 minutes) is differentiated depending on the age of the children, the conditions for holding, the task and content of the holiday.
At the beginning of the year, sports holidays are planned, their topics are outlined. At the same time, associations of two or three groups of older preschoolers from two or three nearby kindergartens are sometimes allowed.

Active motor activity of all children at a sports festival is an important factor in its upbringing and educational effectiveness. Children tend to have an emotional-motor perception of competitions, relay races, and attractions taking place at the festival. Often they react too violently to the victory and failure of their comrades, shouting very loudly, stamping their feet. Although the desire of children to support the competitors is understandable. It is still important to be able to restrain yourself, to express your feelings more moderately. Adults should not forget about this, strive to maintain a reasonable organization and disciplined behavior of children at the holiday. At the same time, one should be sensitive to the manifestations of children, not drown out their joy with frequent and unjustified remarks. The greatest benefit for the recovery and hardening of children is brought by sports holidays organized in the open air. During the holiday, it is necessary to ensure a sufficiently high physical activity, subject to the rational clothing of children. When holding sports holidays indoors, one should be guided by these rules, not to reduce the time spent by children in the air.

One of the most important requirements for organizing holidays is holding them in different seasons of the year. With this in mind, they can take place in a variety of natural conditions terrain. The theme, structure, specifics, preparatory work and design largely depend on the specific venue of the holiday. When compiling the program of the holiday, determining the theme, selecting the content and designing it, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of climatic, features of the national traditions of the population of the republic, territory, region, district.

Drawing up a program of a sports holiday.

Preparation for a physical holiday begins with the preparation of a program.

It is advisable to single out several sections in the program, where the purpose and objectives of the holiday should be reflected (and on this basis, all the preparatory work should be carried out); the date and time of its holding, the estimated duration, the venue of the physical holiday and individual numbers of the program - parades of participants, mass performances, competitions in various types of games and exercises, contests; determine those responsible for the preparation and holding of the holiday; indicate the number of participants, age groups of children who will take part in it; indicate which of the educators, parents will be involved in the work, determine the procedure for summing up the results of competitions and competitions (individual and collective), encouraging the participants of the holiday.

For example, when drawing up a program for a physical holiday, which is supposed to be held under the motto "We are the future athletes", it is advisable to indicate the following:

1. The purpose of the sports festival is to promote the mass nature of physical culture and sports.
2. Tasks:

    Developing children's interest in physical education, promoting creative expression physical and volitional conditions of the competition.

    Raising a sense of pride in the sporting achievements of the country.

    Promotion of the importance of physical culture among parents.

3. Place and time of the holiday (sports playground of a preschool institution)

4. Leadership in the preparation of the holiday.

The composition of the commission: the staff of the preschool institution, including a doctor or nurse
5. Participants of the holiday. Composition: children, teachers, parents.

6. Encouragement of participants (rewarding) is carried out according to the principle
"The important thing is not to win but to take part". Commemorative badges, souvenirs are given to all children.
7. Preliminary work.

8. Distribution of responsibilities: preparation of attributes for games and exercises; production of emblems for teams, commemorative badges for the awarded; working out the scenario of the holiday, it musical arrangement; children learning gymnastic exercises for performances in physical education classes, selecting and repeating songs, dances, ensuring safety of the venue for the celebration.

9. Preparatory work of the educator with children: regular development of gymnastic exercises during physical education and exercises, gymnastics; daily participation of children in outdoor and sports games, sports exercises provided for by the program; decorating venues for celebrations. Conducting classes on fine arts on the topic "Sport in our life"; Design of albums, stands reflecting the performance of children at the holiday.

10. Organization of joint work with parents: distribution of responsibilities with parents; creating a team of parents participating in the holiday, conducting consultations; preparation of a place for the organization of competitions and attractions, sportswear and costumes for performances, holiday surprises and posters; participation in decoration, approval of the script and implementation of the holiday program; photographing children.

11. Preparation of a sports facility: creation of conditions for children's performances, organization of games, competitions, attractions, work of the referee team; ensuring the safety of equipment.

The above scheme of a sports holiday is approximate, it should be specified for each holiday, taking into account the tasks and conditions in which it is planned to be held.
Scenario development: one of the most important sections of work in preparation for a sports holiday is the development of a script, which is entrusted to a commission from among the employees of a preschool institution: a senior teacher, a teacher of children's groups performing at the holiday, and a music director. In the event that children from several preschool institutions unite at the holiday, educators and musical directors of these kindergartens take part in the work of the commission.
During the preparation of the group, the group of employees responsible for developing the script turns to the help of experienced and creative educators, parents, involves them in the preparation of greetings, roll calls, contests, compositions of poems, consults with them on other numbers of the program.

The scenario of a sports holiday is built on the basis of program and methodological requirements for physical, hygienic, aesthetic, moral education preschool children. When developing a scenario for a holiday, one should take into account its main idea, the motto under which it passes. So, for example, for the holidays held under the motto "The sun, air and water are our best friends", "Health is strength", "We grow up healthy, strong, cheerful", the main tasks are to promote the importance of physical culture, hygiene factors, the natural forces of nature essential funds health promotion, hardening, improvement of body functions, education in children of interest in physical exercises and games.
Games, relay races,
collective performances of children in which they demonstrate how strong, strong, fast they have become. In literary and artistic material - poems, songs, team-to-team appeals, etc. reveals the meaning of morning exercises, fun games in the air. It is appropriate to use poems, game images, plot situations that allow in a joking way to show what it leads to. negative attitude to hygiene, neglect of physical education, fear fresh air, and so on.
The content of a sports festival largely depends on the season of the year and the specific conditions in which it is held. So, at the festival winter time it is possible to use physical exercises and games characteristic of winter conditions- sledding, skiing games and competitions, elements of hockey games, relay race games on ice, on snow, etc. A wide scope for the selection of a variety of exercises and games opens up during sports holidays in the summer in the open air. Under these conditions, it is possible to include mass performances of children in the content of the holiday, requiring a large free space, relay race games with running, jumping from a place and a run, throwing at a target and at a distance, exercises in balance in different conditions, as well as tasks performed on bicycles and scooters, elements of sports games (basketball, badminton, football), fun attractions.
When compiling a scenario for a sports festival, no matter where
and in what conditions it is carried out, one should strive to ensure that it
the content was varied, interesting, created the possibility of active participation of all groups of children, brought joy and pleasure not only to the children participating in the holiday, but also to spectators, children and adults, guests invited to the holiday. When developing a scenario for a sports holiday, it is necessary to adhere to certain material. The following example will help with plan :
1. Opening of the holiday, parade of participants.

2. Demonstration performances of groups, teams, combined gymnastic exercises.
3. The mass part of the holiday with the participation of all children and guests present in games, relay races.
4. The end of the holiday, summing up, rewarding, closing the holiday.
The opening of the holiday usually begins with the official part, the participants enter the hall or on the sports ground, followed by formation, submission of a report, greeting

head of the kindergarten. At the beginning of the holiday, a roll call is held, a common song is performed, in which ideological orientation holiday. The opening ends with the hoisting of the flag and a parade of participants.

After the solemn part - demonstration performances consisting of different compositions of general developmental exercises that are performed by children in different constructions- columns, two circles, squares, in a column or line, diagonally, with various objects: multi-colored flags, flowers, balls, hoops.
The performance of general developmental exercises by a group of children is replaced little
group or individual performances in which children show their skills in different types physical exercises (jumping rope, exercises with long ribbons, colorful balls and other items). Sports numbers alternate with the performance of songs, dance numbers, with the reading of poems. Indicative numbers can also be performed by guests invited to the holiday: former pupils of the kindergarten, students sports schools, adult employees of a preschool institution, parents. Games with elements of competitions, relay races, different games, kinds sports exercises and sports games.
Along with small-group games, the festival also organizes mass games familiar to all children. Whole groups of children, as well as guests, parents take part in them. Particularly interesting for children are games-attractions in which tasks are performed in unusual conditions.
Maintaining interest, creating a good, festive mood contributes to the inclusion in the content of the holiday of a "surprise moment" the unexpected appearance of Winter, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, funny buffoons, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, Dr. Aibolit and other fairy-tale characters. Their communication with children and guests of the holiday, participation in games, dances, awarding the winners of relay races and competitions enliven the holiday, draws attention to what is happening, gives children a lot of fun and joy, and remains in memory for a long time. In conclusion, the results of the holiday are summed up, awards are held, a general round dance, dances, and a parade of participants.
Preparing children.

All preparatory work with children in groups should be carried out gradually.
The educator systematically conducts with the children all the forms of work provided for by the program, and the types of physical education classes: certain types of physical exercises and games included in the content of the holiday are assimilated by children gradually, in physical education classes, repeated in morning exercises, walking, by organizing mobile and sports activities. games. All this is done with the aim physical development children, improving their motor skills, educating physical qualities. You should not learn specific games, exercises, relay races with children that will be included in the program of the holiday. Some of their elements, in the form of tasks, it is advisable to perform in the classroom, walks, but with other benefits and in other conditions. So, in the process of individual work carried out by the teacher, the children practice various actions with the ball - hitting, dribbling, passing the ball, one of these actions will be included in the relay during the holiday.
It is advisable to perform balance exercises in different conditions: on the ground, a log, a cube, a narrow rail. In the relay race, children easily cope with the task of running across the bridge. Preparations for a sports festival should be carried out in such a way that there is no need for repeated mass rehearsals.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of musical works. Expressive, solemn music is selected to open the holiday, and a cheerful march is used for the parade. The musical accompaniment of different performances should correspond to their character: the performance of general developmental exercises is accompanied by rhythmic, smooth music, the games-attractions are cheerful, cheerful. Music directors it is instructed to pick up songs, dances, musical works, learn them if necessary, record individual musical fragments on a medium, and ensure their timely broadcast during the holiday.
Holiday decoration.

The group responsible for the decoration of the venues of the holiday (gym, sports ground, swimming pool, kindergarten territory) should strive to ensure that the whole environment evokes high spirits and joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. Garlands, balls, multi-colored flags, pictures, posters with a sports theme are hung in the kindergarten and on the site in the summer. The territory of the site is put in order in advance - green spaces are watered, paths are saturated with sand, manuals and toys are beautifully arranged on the site.
In winter, the site is decorated snow figures animals, characters of fairy tales well known to children (hare, fox, bear, etc.), paths are cleared of snow, paths for sliding are poured, snow buildings (hills, ramparts and labyrinths) are put in order, a ski track is laid. Places where children perform in winter are decorated with flowers, flags, ice floes, serpentine, and tinsel.

The duties of the responsible for the artwork include preparing an announcement for parents, holiday posters.

Children take an active part in the festive decoration of the premises, territories of the kindergarten, together with educators and parents. In the visual arts classes (drawing, appliqué), older preschoolers can perform various crafts (lanterns, multi-colored flags, decorate emblems, badges) to decorate the sports ground and the gym. Children assist the educator in preparing manuals and physical education equipment, cleaning the site, making costumes for individual characters, and building buildings from snow.

Methodology for conducting a sports holiday.

1. Judging.

Particular attention is paid to the training of judges. The composition of the panel of judges includes: head, senior educator, educators of groups participating in the holiday, parents who are interested in participating in the holiday. At the council of the panel of judges, it is necessary to discuss the requirements for the implementation of various numbers of the holiday, determine the evaluation criteria, taking into account the age characteristics of the participants in the holiday. As practice shows, the most correct is the assessment of children's achievements not by a point system, but by the quality of performing various motor actions included in the program of the holiday, as well as the manifestation of physical qualities of speed, dexterity, good coordination of movements and orientation in space. Members of the judging panel must be attentive, friendly, objective. When summing up, analyzing the results achieved in team competitions, games, relay races, it is necessary to take into account the individual data and capabilities of each, note diligence, honest implementation of the rules by children. It is important to take care of maintaining friendly relations in a team, to prevent cases of disrespect, unfriendly attitude towards a comrade, arrogance.

2. Holding a holiday.

On the day of the celebration, everything should be ready for it. Colorful, corresponding to the theme of the holiday, the design of places for performances, games, competitions should cause joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. The entire staff of the preschool institution takes an active part in this.

The holiday must begin exactly at the appointed time. It is important to create a good, calm environment, to prevent violations of the children's lifestyle.

3. Host of the holiday.

An important role in the celebration belongs to the leader. They can be an experienced educator, a senior educator. The success of the celebration largely depends on the host. He must know well the scenario of the holiday, the sequence of performances of all participants, be able to briefly and clearly explain the tasks for teams and individual speakers, be active, resourceful, quickly resolve Unexpected situations. The leader must know well the characteristics of preschool children, be able to distribute attention, see the reaction of children to victory and defeat in games, relay races, and attractions. It is very important to cheer up an inactive child in time, to connect him to the performance along with everyone. Throughout the holiday, it is necessary to activate each of its participants as much as possible, including not disregarding the children present at the holiday as spectators, I use a moment of humor for this. In the process of managing the course of the holiday, it is obligatory to maintain contacts between the host and the panel of judges, coordinated joint actions with it. It is impossible to allow excessive delay of the holiday. This can lead to overwork of children, their loss of interest in what is happening and, as a result, a violation of discipline. It is important that the actions at the festival change continuously, there should be no pauses between performances, a long reflection on the judges' marks. The holiday should create high spirits, the maintenance of which depends on the leader.

4. Summing up and rewarding.

A good impression of the holiday is created at its organizational completion, summing up, rewarding the participants. It is necessary to think in advance about the form of encouraging children for the good performance of exercises, championship in relay races, resourcefulness and dexterity shown in attractions and fun games. It is important that there are no losers at the holiday, so that every child feels happy from participating in it. It is good if the winners are awarded, taking into account such mottos as “Everyone wins - no one loses”, “The main thing is not victory, but participation”, “Friendship wins”.
Awards, tokens of attention can be different: commemorative medals, pennants, badges, diplomas, emblems, they are used differently.

The awarding of winners and participants can be the most unexpected. So, in honor of the winners, a song or dance is performed, the children of the participants receive sweet prizes (they can also be awarded a variety of medals own production). Children of primary preschool age present flowers to the winners. It is also necessary to note not only children, but also adults who took an active part in the preparation and holding of the holiday.
Children share their impressions of the holiday in conversations with adults, independently repeat individual exercises, games, relay races.

Favorite episodes of the holiday are reflected in drawings, modeling and applications. Adults should be attentive to the emotional experiences of children associated with the holiday, maintain an interested attitude to physical education and sports, and do everything possible to promote the involvement of children in useful outdoor activities.

Physical culture leisure.

Physical culture leisure - one of the most effective forms active rest. Its content consists of physical exercises, which are carried out in the form of fun games, fun, entertainment. Exercises performed with emotional uplift have beneficial effect on the child's body.

At sports leisure activities, motor skills and abilities of children are fixed, develop motor qualities(speed, agility, orientation in space, etc.).
Sports activities contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, friendship, mutual assistance, develop endurance and attention, determination, courage, perseverance, discipline and organization.

Pedagogical requirements for the organization and conduct of sports leisure.

Physical education is carried out in all age groups, starting from the second younger, (you can start from 1 younger group) once a month (at an early age 1 time. In the younger and middle groups for 20-30 minutes, in the older - 30-35 minutes, in preparatory to school - 35-40 minutes.They are organized in the second half of the day.During the holidays, as well as in the summer, physical education can be held in the morning, after breakfast.

When planning leisure activities, it is necessary to take into account such forms of work as “health day”, sports holiday, holidays.Physical activity should not be carried out in days for physical education . It is most convenient to spend leisure time with pupils of the same age group, especially in the younger and middle preschool years. However, it is permissible to combine two same-age and different-age groups.
The effectiveness of this form of work depends on the active participation of each child. Adults should not forget that preschoolers tend to violently express their emotions, especially when conducting games, relay races of a competitive nature. It is impossible to allow children to be overexcited, but at the same time, one must be sensitive to their emotional manifestations, do not drown out the joyful mood with frequent and unjustified remarks. For example, the teacher, feeling that the children are starting to get excited, raises his hand or blows a whistle, pauses, the children also calm down. Then the teacher in a quiet voice offers to continue the game.
When conducting sports activities in the open air in different seasons of the year, rational clothing for children should be provided.

Physical education can be organized on a sports ground, a kindergarten site, in vivo natural environment as well as indoors. When determining the topics and content of leisure, one should also take into account the climatic conditions and national traditions of the local population. As already noted, physical culture leisure does not require much organizational and preparatory work, however, one must be creative in determining its subject matter and selecting content. When conducting physical education activities in different age groups, the educator faces certain tasks:

    at younger preschool age, it is necessary to involve children in all possible participation in collective and individual motor actions, to enrich their vivid impressions.

    in the middle preschool age to accustom to independent participation in competitive exercises, games, entertainment. At the same time, encourage each child to show their abilities.

    at senior preschool age, to develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, to teach them to take the initiative in various activities.
    The structure of sports leisure depends on the subject, tasks and conditions.
    Sample schemes construction of physical culture leisure.

Jr preschool age.
1. Inviting children to the sports ground.
2. Game tasks for the whole group (pass along the bridge, run a snake between trees and bushes).
3. Outdoor game.
4. Surprise moment.
5. Performing general developmental exercises.
6. General group exercises in various basic movements (walking and running on all fours, climbing a fallen tree).
7. Outdoor game.
8. Game of low mobility.
Second option:
1. Surprise moment (the appearance of a literary hero).
2. Performing general developmental exercises with large objects (inflatable balls).
3. Game tasks for the whole group (jump to the bell, climb into the hoop.
4. Outdoor game.
5. General group game exercises (knock down the pin).
6. Rewarding with souvenirs.
Third option:
1. Riddle, surprise moment.
2. General group exercise in basic movements (walking on a log, on
inclined board).
3. Performing general developmental exercises with small objects (rattles).
4. General group exercises in various movements (jumping over a stream, jumping on one "leg along a narrow path).
5 Mobile game.
6. Soothing moment (walking on toes) or sedentary game"Who is quieter."
Middle preschool age .
Games with elements of competition should be gradually introduced into the leisure content - “Who will reach the horse faster”, “Who will fill the bucket with bumps faster”, “Whose team will build up faster”, “Whose car will arrive in the garage faster”, etc. When compiling the content, one should remember the active participation of each child in games and exercises.
First option:
1. Surprise moment (telegram, meeting with literary heroes).
2. game task for the whole group

3. Game exercise for the whole group

4. Round dance game.
5. Competition between two teams (exercises in balance and throwing at a horizontal target, sledding, etc.).
6. Awarding of winners and all participants of physical culture leisure.
Second option:
1. Invitation to the sports ground..
2. Performing general developmental exercises.
3. Outdoor game.
4. Competition between two teams.
5. Individual competitions.
6. Awards for all participants.
Third option:
1. Surprise moment, an invitation to the hall.
2. Outdoor game.
3. Attractions: individual and group.
4. Outdoor game.
5. Sedentary game.
Fourth option:
1. Entrance to the hall with music.
2. free movements to light rhythmic music.
3. Performing general developmental exercises.
4. Surprise moment (the appearance of a fairy-tale character).
5. Attractions: subgroups of 4-5 people participate.
6. Competitions of two teams.
7. Rewarding all children.
8. Free dances to music.

senior preschool age .
At the older preschool age, unlike the younger one, physical culture leisure activities are based on competitive games, relay races, where children are divided into teams and captains are chosen. Such games require dexterity, skill, coordination of movements. They encourage children to creative use their motor experience, to the search for an independent solution to the problem.
Games and exercises should be alternated in such a way that in some participants there are teams in full force, and in others - representatives from teams. It is advisable to alternate physical exercises with objects and games of a competitive nature. Relay races with round dances and general group outdoor games. When selecting tasks, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics each child, his abilities, motor readiness. It is important that all children participate in games and exercises.
Approximate scheme for building physical culture leisure.
First option:
1. Greeting teams.
2. Team competition (games with elements of a competition or games of an exercise of a competitive nature).
3. Captains competition
4. Demonstration performances of teams (general developmental exercises with small objects).
5. Summing up.
Second option:
1. Surprise moment (letter with an invitation to a sports ground, site, hall)
2. Demonstration performances (exercises with flowers, snowflakes, leaves).
3. General group outdoor game.
4. Relay.
5. Sedentary game.
Third option:
1. Dance exercises, round dance.
2. General group outdoor game.
3. Attractions.
4. Relay.
5. Surprise moment.

To create a joyful mood in children. When conducting sports activities, it is desirable to arrange a sports ground or a room. This does not take much time. Festiveness is created by lanterns or flags placed around the site.
Sports leisure ends with a surprise moment, if possible: treats or rewarding with badges. To support children's interest in physical education, you can talk with them about the past holiday, offer to draw what they liked best, play games and attractions that aroused the greatest interest on subsequent walks.


1. Ermak A.A. Organization of physical culture.

2. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children.

3. V.N. ShebekoFeatures of the organization of physical culture and health work in kindergarten

4. info site "Everything for kindergarten".

Target: reinforce the idea of healthy way life. To develop physical qualities, to form interest and an emotionally positive attitude towards physical education classes. Develop imagination, expressiveness of movements.

Equipment: ribbons, flags according to the number of children, one rubber ball with a diameter of 20 cm, two large balls from a set of soft modules from Alma, two landmarks.

The course of physical culture.

The playground of the kindergarten is decorated with colorful balloons, flags, posters. To the sounds of the march “Come on, the sun, splash brighter!” children march around the perimeter of the playground. In their hands they have ribbons, flags. Bypass the site, performing various movements on a signal. At the end of the task, they pass and, along the way, put the inventory in certain place and line up in columns of two people.

Translation words.

1 child:

I'm still young
But I will tell you a secret.
I know how to become stronger
All acquaintances and friends!

2 child:

I will open the window
I will breathe fresh wind
Hey buddy don't be lazy
Get on the charger!

3 child:

So as not to know about diseases,
We need to temper.
We are used to doing
Physical education in the morning!

4 child:

Gotta, gotta get hot
And make a habit.
Wash up, don't be afraid
To grow up healthy.


It's time for everyone to understand
IN good hour

Together: Physical training!

Instructor. Children, summer has come, and with it the summer holidays. Behind another school year. For a whole year you studied, learned a lot of new, interesting things, and of course, you grew up and got stronger. And today we will once again prove how strong, brave and dexterous we are! And who will tell me why we do exercises in the morning? Right!

Charging is good for everyone
Everyone needs a charger.
She saves us from laziness and disease!

Do you know that even animals do exercises? And now we will turn into animals and perform the exercises that they perform. Close your eyes and circle in place. Open your eyes! Well, there were you guys, and now - animals!

Exercises "Charging Animals"

1. Forest dreams are very sweet, like dew drops.
Wake up, eyes, paws, ears, tails, noses.
(Children march in place)

2. Tiv-tiv-tiv! The robin sings. Noise and laughter in the clearing!
This is a rabbit load. Who will jump the highest?
(Jumping on two legs)

3. One, two, three, four, five.
The lion cub lifts a weight to become a mighty lion!
(I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent to the shoulders. Half-squats with raising arms up)

4. Wings together! Wings to the side!
Stork teaches storks!
(I. p. - legs together, arms bent in front of the chest. Leading the arms to the sides with a connection in front of the chest)

5. And the caterpillars in the garden have their own, special type of charging -
Gather like an accordion, spread out like a path!
(I. p. - o. s .. Squat, group, straighten up)

6. Our squirrels love running in place in the wheel!
(Running in place)

7. A calf stomps with all its might. Hoof exercises!
Top, top, top - the earth is trembling!
(stomp in place)

Instructor: what an interesting animal exercise we had! Did you like it? Now, close your eyes again and circle in place. Open your eyes! Well, you were animals, and now - guys!

Now, guess the riddle:

"He is round, he is smooth,
Jumps very smartly. What is this?"

Children: Ball!

The game "My cheerful, sonorous ball" is being played.

At the singing of the song, the children catch the ball, which is thrown by the child standing in the center. On the chorus, he hits the ball on the floor, and all the children clap. At the end, he throws the ball to another child. The game is played to music.

Instructor: well done, catch the ball well! And now we'll see how you can roll big balls!

The relay race "Who will roll the ball faster?"

Children are divided into two teams. A member of each team must roll the ball to the landmark and back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Instructor: well done! Now, I want to see how fast and agile you are.

Now we will play another game called Ribbon Traps.

The game "Traps with ribbons" is being played.

Everyone, except those who drive, is inserted into the shorts with a ribbon. On a signal, the children scatter, and the drivers try to catch up with them and pull out the ribbon. The game lasts 1-1.5 minutes. The trap with the most ribbons wins.

After the game is over, the children line up.

Instructor: Well, guys, we had a training session very cleverly! Get this basket of vitamin apples as a reward. Congratulations! I'm very happy for you! You are real athletes! Is your health okay?

Children: Thank you charger!

To the sounds of the march, the children go around the playground. The holiday is over.


1. Adashkevich E.J. Sports games and exercises in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 2002.
2. Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old. Abstracts non-traditional activities and entertainment in the gym: A guide for educators and instructors in physical education. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2003.

Petrova Olesya Petrovna
Carrying out physical culture leisure and entertainment - effective forms of physical development of preschoolers

Raising children healthy, strong, emotional is the task of everyone preschool.

Indeed, it is impossible to imagine the life of a child in kindergarten without funny leisure and entertainment, noisy holidays and competitions interesting games and exciting rides. Alone develop ingenuity, others - ingenuity, others - imagination and creativity, but they are united by a common thing - educating a child's need for movement and emotional perception of life.

Physical culture leisure- one of the most effective forms of active recreation. It increases interest in classes, provides beneficial effect on the child's body, strengthens motor skills and abilities, develops motor qualities (speed, dexterity, contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism, friendship, develops endurance, attention, courage, perseverance, organization. By moving, the child learns the world, learns to love it and purposefully act in it, improves the experience of organizing games.

One of the main tasks physical education of preschoolers is the use of various forms of work with children, which contribute to the functional improvement of the child's body, increase its performance, make it resistant and hardy, with high protective abilities against adverse factors external environment, i.e., create conditions for all children to grow up healthy. At organization of leisure and entertainment children get the opportunity to show greater activity, independence and initiative in actions.

The family largely determines the attitude of children to physical education, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This contributes emotionally intimate communication children and parents in different situations and naturally occurring Team work. Children are particularly susceptible to beliefs good example father, mother, family lifestyle. Therefore, teachers preschool institutions, it is necessary to improve the methods of pedagogical propaganda, involve parents in an active educational process so that the knowledge they gain is embodied in specific work on physical education of children. If measures to improve the health of the child, held in kindergarten, supplemented by daily exercises and games at home, taking into account the individuality of the child, using a variety of games and exercises, in children develop certain positive inclinations and interests.

Physical education activities in the preschool educational institution all year round.

Clean winter air is good for a child. But you have to be careful not to catch a cold. Intense movements in the air protect the child from hypothermia. The most accessible entertainment in winter there are games with snow, sledding, skiing and skating.

IN winter period physical culture leisure, mostly better spend in the hall. Therefore, it is necessary Special attention give it registration, which should be relevant to the topic entertainment, and the musical escort- match the scenario. It is also necessary check quality of audio recordings, since poor sound quality has a negative impact on hearing development.

The most widely used music is at the end and at the beginning entertainment, when rebuilding, running, jumping in place. Gymnastic exercises general developmental character, outdoor games, some attractions also performed with musical accompaniment. Better to use music sports topics or rhythmic dance tunes.

In spring, all nature awakens. First spring days not only children, but also adults rejoice. The spring sun with its rays warms and caresses the kids. In spring and summer, you need as much time as possible spend in the air. The forest is perfect place For sports entertainment. Children can jump over branches, streams, heaps of leaves, through ditches, throw cones. And if you meet a fallen tree, then it can be used as a gymnastic beam. Sports games make children's stay in the forest interesting and useful. environment can be quickly turned into a fairy tale, which will arouse the interest of the children in event. In this case, you must remember to follow the safety rules.

In summer, children love to play various ball games in the meadow. On soft grass it is good to run barefoot, somersault, jump. When organizing sports entertainment on the meadow, it is imperative to fence off the space where they will take place, as well as think about where the spectators will be located, where they will leave characters what attributes and sports equipment you need to prepare.

It must be remembered that the spring summer period- this is the best time for hardening.

Autumn is the most amazing time of the year. As a rule, the weather at the beginning of autumn is warm and dry, and the sun is still warm, so many sports entertainment and holidays appropriate spend on the street. This will allow children to enjoy the last fine days before the short winter days.

When organizing on the street physical culture leisure we must remember about the safety of children and about creating an atmosphere of joy. These provisions are fundamental at any time of the year. To the place where they gather conduct sporting events, both sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic requirements are imposed. Everything that threatens the health of the child must be removed from the site, and the decoration should be attached children: use their crafts, drawings - in a word, everything that they do in the classroom manual labor and visual activity.

September and October are a great time to organize walks in the forest, park, for holding hiking trips and purposeful walks for natural material. Such walks unite children not only in this moment, but also during the subsequent creative activity, for example, in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials.

Organization Features physical culture activities with preschoolers of different ages.

For physical culture leisure selected exercises mastered by children on physical education classes in which you can compete in dexterity, speed, ingenuity, resourcefulness, quick wits. Children perform tasks: walk along the bench without spilling water in the cup; blindfolded, find a rattle hanging on a ribbon, etc.

IN entertainment outdoor games, attractions, relay races can be included. Interesting for children didactic games With split pictures, which show physical exercise. Children must run to the table, find the second part of the picture, complete the exercise that is drawn on it, and return to their place. Children can also guess riddles, the content of which is related to physical education.

The evening can start with riddles, walking, general developmental exercises. Then held 12 high mobility games, then 23 rides. The evening ends with a quiet game and walking. Dosage physical load increases with age.

Physical culture leisure: increases interest in classes, has a beneficial effect on the child's body, endurance, attention, courage, perseverance, organization, contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism, friendship.


Held in all age groups, starting with the second youngest.

Designed for one or two groups preschool.

Duration: junior and middle groups - 20-30 minutes;

senior group - 35-40 minutes;

preparatory group - 40-50 minutes.

In junior and middle preschool age in content leisure a fairy-tale character may be introduced, or an entertaining plot may be used. Physical culture leisure it is advisable to devote to the seasons, interesting sporting events, public holidays. Used musical escort.

Physical culture leisure should not match physical education activities and holidays.

Physical culture is one of the forms active recreation for children. Introduction to practice preschool institution of physical culture leisure allows you to realize the natural need of the child to move, to fill the deficit motor activity. Content leisure are familiar to children physical exercise, But held in game form , as fun fun, rides that creates a positive emotional background which has a beneficial effect on the child's body. On physical culture leisure motor skills and abilities of children are fixed, physical qualities develop. Leisure contribute to the education in children of a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, purposefulness, courage, discipline, organization.

Physical culture leisure in preschool institution 1-2 times a month, starting from the 2nd junior group. Recommended conduct him in evening time(16-17 hours, on days when there is no physical education classes. During vacation time (January) and during the summer leisure can take place in the first half of the day (9-11 hours).

Physical culture activities are carried out both outdoors, as well as indoors. Duration leisure ranges from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the age of the children. Should not be overtightened leisure, because physical and emotional overwork adversely affect the health of children.

junior preschoolers further complicate simultaneous, joint actions in large team so at this age leisure is carried out only with children of the same group. In senior preschool age, it is possible to combine two parallel age groups.

At the beginning of the academic year, a perspective plan preschool, which includes physical culture leisure. Topics are planned physical culture leisure, dates, place holding, participants, responsible.

Physical exercise included in leisure, should be well mastered by all children. With children who have difficulty performing this or that exercise, one should conduct individual extra classes.

Leisure activities are different from sports all sorts of activities surprise moments(introducing a character, receiving a letter from someone with a task, presenting small gifts, prizes).

junior and middle preschool age. Tasks physical culture leisure in the 2nd junior group consist in attracting the child to the feasible participation in collective and individual action, enriching him with vivid impressions, giving him joy in the sensations of his own movements in games, fun, dances, round dances.

children middle group it is necessary to accustom to independent participation in joint exercises, games, entertainment while encouraging each child to show their potential. Game content and game exercises should be based on experience small child, his ideas and knowledge about the surrounding objects, people, animals. At this age, games are often included where you need to perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

For young and middle children leisure is spent in a plot form with the introduction of literary (fabulous) hero or not. When selecting material for young children, it is necessary to provide for frontal execution, when all children are involved in games and exercises. Average preschool age should gradually introduce games with elements of competition. Children of this age do not yet have a sense of collectivism, they only care about their success. Therefore, the elements of the competition are individual in nature, for example, the game "Who will fill the basket with bumps faster", etc.

Big force emotional impact has music, so it is desirable that it sound on physical culture leisure. For musical escorts Can be used as audio recording or live performance (piano, accordion, etc.) musical instruments) . For children of these ages, it is better to use songs from the children's repertoire, the text of which should correspond to the theme and content. leisure.

Leisure may contain dance compositions, round dance games, songs learned on music lessons, And be carried out with the music director.

At the end leisure introduce a surprise moment that is connected with the plot. These can be origami figurines, crafts from natural materials and plasticine, made by children of the preparatory group, which are presented by a fairy-tale hero, or the children find him themselves (with the help of an adult).

Senior and preparatory preschool age. At leisure activities in senior preschool age needed develop children have the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, to teach them to take the initiative in various activities.

For children of older and preparatory groups, you can also spend leisure time in the plot(thematic) form with the introduction of literary (fabulous) hero or not.

Children of the older and, especially, preparatory groups have quite a wide range knowledge, skills. Therefore, in leisure intellectual tasks are introduced, elements of mathematics are used, speech development, design. Includes tasks for development mental processes.

Physical culture leisure fills the child's life with emotional, fun motor activity. The child individually and collectively (teams) participates in fun games with elements of competition, similar to a small sports day. Content leisure interesting attractions, dances and dances familiar to the child are included.

The main task of the teacher in conducting physical culture is: creating a cheerful, joyful mood, stimulating the activity of each child, taking into account his individual capabilities, a differentiated approach to evaluating the results of his actions, providing an opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of pleasure from the movements performed by him and other children, as well as joy from the success of a friend.

Physical education develops thinking, imagination, determination, culture of feelings (for example, they teach a child to restrain his feelings and desires, to show determination). He develops in children the ability to move to music, musical ear, memory.

Physical culture leisure does not require special training. It builds on familiar material. Entertainment is carried out as with one group as well as with groups of children of similar age. IN leisure the teacher takes the most active participation: he gives commands to the beginning and end of the game or motor task, sums up the results, is the main referee of the competition and his interested attitude creates emotional atmosphere. An important role in maintaining a joyful mood, creating positive emotions is played by paraphernalia: emblems, medals, pennants, scoreboards, etc.

Conclusion. Physical culture leisure designed to satisfy the natural need of children to move, to contribute to the timely mastery of them motor skills and skills form positive self-esteem, an analytical attitude towards oneself and the activities of a friend. They increase interest in classes, have a beneficial effect on the child's body, strengthen motor skills and abilities, develops speed, dexterity, endurance, attention, courage, perseverance, organization, contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism, friendship.

Depending on the age of the children physical education activities last 20-50 minutes. It is organized 1-2 times a month in the afternoon. It includes in its content outdoor games already familiar to children, relay races, various movements. Leisure has a thematic focus.

Jr preschool age. task physical culture is: to involve children in all possible participation in collective and individual motor actions, to enrich them with vivid impressions.

Average preschool age: accustom children to independent participation in joint exercises, games, entertainment while encouraging each child to show their potential.

Senior and preparatory preschool age: develop children have the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, to teach them to take the initiative in various activities.

Kozhokar Olga Petrovna

It is impossible to imagine the life of a child in kindergarten without fun entertainment, interesting games. Some develop ingenuity, others - ingenuity, others - imagination and creativity, but they are united by a common task is education the child needs movement and emotional perception of life. Moving, the child learns the world and himself, learns to navigate and purposefully act in it. When conducting sports holidays, leisure, entertainment, children get the opportunity to be more active, independent and initiative in actions. This opens up another important aspect of upbringing: there is no need to give children temporal and spatial reference points, since children perform tasks calmly and confidently without fuss.

Physical culture is one of the forms of active recreation. At sports leisure time, the child realizes the natural need for movement, makes up for the lack of motor activity. The content of leisure is physical exercises familiar to children, games that are learned in physical education classes, but carried out in a playful way, in the form of fun, which creates a positive emotional background that has a beneficial effect on the child's body. Leisure is a game, and the game is the leading activity of the child and is a strong means of education that affects all aspects of the child's personality. The game has an important health-improving value, especially for the mental development and health of children. The healing role of the game, first of all, is manifested in the formation emotional world child. At sports leisure activities, motor skills and skills of children are fixed, physical qualities develop. When planning leisure, the task is not to teach, but to consolidate and improve. Wellness issues come to the fore. Unlike physical education, a complex technological chain of preparatory and lead-up exercises is not required. However, at the same time, one must try to ensure that the movements included in leisure are aimed at harmonious development physical qualities, and there was an alternation different groups muscles, the load was regulated. Physical exercises included in leisure should be well mastered by all children. Music has a great power of emotional impact, so it is desirable that it be played during sports leisure. The use of music of different nature when performing different tasks helps the child to move more coordinated, rhythmically, which in turn causes a positive emotional tone in children. Leisure activities differ from physical education in all sorts of surprises (the introduction of a character, the presentation of small gifts, prizes). It is useful to spend sports leisure time with parents. Participation in joint leisure activities of parents with children has a complex effect on the formation of the child's personality, improves relationships in the family, increases the interest of children and parents in physical education and sports. Watching their child during sports activities, parents have the opportunity to compare the physical fitness of their child with other children, to see how their child behaves in a team of children, what he succeeds and what he does not. Parents see the joy and benefit that noisy games and competitions bring to children, how, while playing, a child learns to overcome himself. Adults taking part in happy holidays, learn to better understand their children, they awaken an interest in communicating with their children. Without exaggeration, we can assume that parents who want the health of their child should be his partner in games.

Children of the middle group must be taught to independently participate in joint exercises, games, entertainment, while encouraging each child to manifest their abilities. Figuratively game movements develop in children creative fantasy. They reveal images understandable to children, form the ability to creatively convey the character and habits of the depicted animal. In addition, by exercising in the performance of such movements, children develop strength, dexterity, coordination of movements, learn to navigate in space.

In middle age, games with elements of competition should be gradually introduced. The elements of competition are individual.

I chose the theme “Physical leisure” because children really like to play in the form of games.

Thus, I believe that physical culture leisure, holidays, entertainment create conditions for emotional and psychological well-being, as it provides big influence on the development of the mind, education of character, will, morality, creates a certain spiritual mood, arouses interest in self-expression, contributes not only better assimilation knowledge and skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche.

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