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NLP methods in love. Love hypnosis: NLP at the service of the senses. love hypnosis technique

Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is an actively developing field of applied psychology that offers simple and accessible techniques for influencing subconscious processes. NLP has been successfully applied in the field of love and relationships. NLP techniques help to find love, build harmonious relationships or revive fading feelings. Love is a game, and every game has its own rules. If you know them - you will be a winner, no - get ready for a loss and all the ensuing consequences. Being a loser in love is very painful, so it’s better to immediately learn the main rules and learn simple techniques that will help you avoid unforgivable mistakes and become happy in love.

Don't hesitate to adapt. The key to sympathy between people is similarity. It must be detected to establish the location of the interlocutor during communication. You will have to become a mirror reflecting the behavior of your partner, down to the rhythms of breathing. Your gestures, posture, facial expressions, pace of speech should match as much as possible. The main condition for mirroring is the utmost naturalness, otherwise a person will think that you are monkeying.

Be the leader in communication. It is also necessary to adjust in emotions, gradually taking the interlocutor into those feelings and sensations that will positively affect his mood. If your partner is tight and emotionally closed, smile, speak softly and without pressure. Sooner or later, he will also want to mirror you and radiate the mood that you set. No less effective is “adjustment” to values. If you like a person, then most likely you have a common belief system. Show it.

Become a positive association. In NLP, one of the most effective ways to bind a person to you is "anchoring". Its essence is to find or catch a moment of human happiness and connect it with oneself. Music, tastes, smells, touches that the interlocutor feels with you should evoke positive emotions in him. In the future, he will associate these feelings with you and strive to experience them again.

Encourage. NLP specialists call “positive reinforcement” one of the effective methods of forming the required behavior. This is a kind of signal to a person that he is acting correctly and his behavior is pleasant and meets expectations. A smile, a kiss, a compliment, attention, affection, etc. can be used as a reward. By encouraging your partner with positive reinforcement, you form the reactions and skills you need in him.

Use the transfer method. This is a wonderful gift of human memory. It contains sets of memories of people who influenced us and left a mark on us. The perception of new people conforms to these memories. For example, the name of a person who is good and meaningful to us will automatically endow positive qualities to all other people on our path with the same name. Take advantage of the transference phenomenon and provoke your partner into those positive memories that he will unconsciously transfer to you.

Three Simple NLP Techniques for Love

The author of the original NLP methods, Victoria Isaeva (Eva Berger), in her book NLP for Happy Love: 11 Techniques to Help You Fall in Love, Seduce, Marry Anyone, offers several effective techniques that will help you start a new relationship or improve those that have already developed .

The Perfect First Date Technique

Before the first exciting meeting, try to reincarnate as a screenwriter, director and actor of your own film called "My Perfect Date". You will have a virtual journey into a future date, the author of which is you. As you decide, so it will pass. To do this, remember your most successful date or just a situation in which you were happy. Relive those emotions by recreating the sounds, smells, sights, and sensations in your mind. Make them as bright as possible, try to feel everything literally physically.

Collect these emotions and mentally transport yourself with them to the upcoming date. Imagine how the feeling of joy and pleasure intensifies when you meet your partner, see him, hear him and feel his sincere interest in you. Imagine in detail the meeting place, how and where you are sitting, what sounds you hear in the background, smells, see the environment and the interior. What are you talking about? What do you eat or drink? As you develop the script, nurture pleasure in your body. Let joy pass through it like a warm wave, the soul will sing, and butterflies flutter in the stomach. Take "them", and confidently go to your happy date.

Technique "Principle of three YES"

Socrates is called the author of the technique. It is effectively used for psychological manipulation in order to obtain the consent of a person. The principle of the technique is based on getting positive answers to three questions about obvious things (for example: the sky is blue, the grass is green, the water is wet). With a high degree of probability, a person will say “yes” to the fourth, but already a fundamental question (for example: do you love me?). Victoria Isaeva suggests using this ancient and successful technique in order to get consent from a man in matters related to the development of relationships: a date, cohabitation, wedding, travel, shopping, etc. The question to which you want to hear “yes” one should not so much ask as affirm in a calm tone and confident voice.

Technique "Disarmament"

Disarming is a pre-emptive action or words with which you cunningly cut off the path to retreat (refusal, categorical decision). In NLP love, this technique can help, for example, to avoid a quarrel or even a breakup. If your partner is tired of enduring your antics, you are very guilty and sincerely repent, but you feel that an angry speech or words of farewell are being prepared for you, say: “I know how strong my guilt is. There is no forgiveness to me, and it is difficult to disagree with this. I understand if you get angry with me (hate me, leave me), but let me correct my mistakes and prove that I am better than my act! Acting ahead of the "sentence" disarms and in most cases gives a chance to get an indulgence.

A huge number of techniques in psychology allows you to choose your own way of influencing the world around you in order to make it more pleasant. One such technique is NLP for Women. Very useful information, if you, of course, read it in full, and not the first twenty pages. You must understand that practice without a good basic theory makes the tactics and techniques used simply useless and sometimes harmful.

NLP for women

This theory was singled out in a specific direction. They called it conditionally like this: "NLP for women." I confess, I have read such literature. There is a lot of useful information, but as long as you separate theory from practice, cross out useless information with the author’s thoughts. So what did I find interesting in these books? They give certain tips on how to communicate a woman with a man in order to charm or interest him. Convince in the end. In fact, this NLP for women is nothing more than learning the art of communication and more. This theory is based on adjusting oneself to the environment.

Some excerpts

For example, when walking with a person, try to adapt to his step, pace and rhythm of walking. On a subconscious level, this will endear him to you, since by such behavior you signal that the person dominates you, and you agree to this. If you talk with the object of your attention, you can calmly interest him, let him talk on any topic, accurately showing your competence in this matter or interest. It has been proven by practice that most of all men love the sounds of their voices, and if you also let them teach you, consider that you are the winner. NLP for women teaches how to adapt to a man in such a way as to dominate him imperceptibly. Do not let a man get fed up with topics, jump from one issue to another. Give out information in doses, not to the last drop. This creates a stealth effect.

An example from history

In the feminist world, such tactics are considered humiliating, but remember our great-grandmothers, and just facts from history. The happiest and most successful women have learned to submit to men in such a way as to ultimately defeat them. Remember at least the story of Roksolana. Everyone knows about the attitude of Muslims towards women. And if she had shown her character and assertiveness under the Sultan, she would have instantly fallen off the pedestal. But she found a balance in which she could both express her opinion and maintain the affection of her beloved Suleiman. So this very NLP for women existed long before the very term "programming" appeared.

In my plebeian mind

After reading more than one book, I came to the conclusion that a couple of articles on the topic of intuition, charisma and the art of communication will give much more results than many days of reading about NLP techniques. It’s just that there are books that are too diluted with some kind of verbal garbage, and there are even like Chinese letters: I see and recognize the letters, but I can hardly read the whole terms, let alone understand them. The main thing is to remember the thesis of the entire theory that NLP psychology consists of: "You and the object are a single whole that breathes, reacts and lives in the same rhythm!"

Falling in love is not love. But it all starts with her. Suppose you have a man in mind with whom you would like to build a relationship, or you already know each other, but the relationship does not develop. What you need to know in order to make a man fall in love with you, to become for him that very one and only? Inna Paustovskaya, a family psychologist, a sexologist, an international certified trainer of NLP and personal development programs, a full member of the OPPL, the head of the training center, shared her little female tricks with Cleo.

Do you have something in common?

Let's see how love arises. Exists three whales on which the whole technique of falling in love is based. The first is your interest in each other when communication between a man and a woman is just beginning to develop. And here it is important to know: the more you have in common, the more likely your partner will think that your acquaintance is not accidental. That is why it is important to emphasize coincidences at the very beginning of communication, and if you see them, do not hesitate to talk about this man, focusing on even the smallest things. Act according to the principle: the more the better. In addition to simple matches from the category “me too” (“I love it too”, “I also have”), matches in values ​​are more important when you find common views and interests. And here you need not only to talk about them, but also to support them with your actions.

For example, friends can be a value for a man, then a girl should never scold her friends or ignore their attention. A man might say, "You don't need friends so much that you don't want to answer the phone?" or "Do you find it hard to help when they need it?"

Also, for many men, work is a priority. Then you do not need to reproach him for the fact that he often disappears at work and pays little attention to you. Better support him and show that you have the same views with him. When there is a lot in common between people, when there is a partner who understands us nearby, we don’t want to let such a person go. This also includes everything that unites you: an interesting pastime, joint activities, hobbies.

Proper investment of resources

The second extremely important component is the investment of resources. The golden rule of relationships: whoever tries harder, needs more. Therefore, if we want a man to be in love, it is important that he tries. The three main resources he should invest in a relationship are time, money, and emotions. The first thing it all starts with is emotions, they also pull up all other types of resources. For example, when a man remembers how good it was, when he dreams of a future meeting, plans, fantasizes, etc. This also includes emotions with a minus sign when he is worried, for example, why the girl does not answer the phone.

Emotions entail a temporary resource: a man thinks about her, he wants to meet a girl more often, talk on the phone. Any help, any joint action is an investment of time, which is why it is important to provoke a man to give the girl more personal attention: do not call a taxi, but take him yourself. And the third element is money, when a man spends on a girl. The more funds involved in a relationship, the greater their value for a man. When he remembers how much effort, time and money he spent on a girl, he no longer wants to give her up. The girl needs to quickly assess which resource is the most scarce for the chosen man in order to provoke him to invest the missing one. It is only important to do it delicately. For example, a student may have a lot of emotions, time, but little money. He is ready to communicate with a girl for days, but even a bouquet of flowers can be quite a waste for him, especially if it is a big expensive bouquet. An accomplished man who is engaged in business may be fine with money, but he is sorely lacking time. It is easier for him to instruct someone to help the girl than to try himself. In this situation, you need to provoke him to invest his free time to the maximum.

No sex anywhere

And the third important component, without which the relationship will be more friendly, partner, rather than close, personal, is sex. Some men say: “Why do these techniques of falling in love even exist? Let the girl first feed the man, then satisfy him, and he will not go anywhere else. Of course, this is a joke, but it proves once again that sex is a really important component. There are relationships that are only based on sex, because the partners are so good with each other that they cannot feel anything like that with someone else. But such relationships will not last long, because sex cannot always be equally good: what used to cause a storm of emotions, then becomes the norm. And here it is important that there be an effect of novelty, as well as the ability to receive and give pleasure. For example, there are girls who are focused only on the pleasure of a partner, but for many men, the fact of how satisfied a woman was is important. This is an important point for their self-esteem.

It is important that there is a novelty effect, as well as the ability to receive and give pleasure.

In any case, all three components are necessary to create and develop beautiful and vibrant relationships. As soon as one of them falls out, it seems that something is missing. There is, for example, an investment of money, common interests, but there is no good sexual component, in this case the partners will be ideal friends. If there is interest and good sex, but no investments, these will be meetings without obligations. If there are no common interests, then these will be short-term "barter" relations. The girl needs to ensure that there are no gaps in any of the three elements. Then the man's interest in her will not weaken, the relationship will be long and the man himself will want to develop them and be always close to such a girl!

A popular section in modern applied psychology is neurolinguistic programming. His techniques affect the mind, which allows you to change your way of thinking, tune in to the positive, get rid of destructive attitudes and achieve success in any area of ​​life. With the help of NLP, you can not only reach heights in business, realize your creative potential, but also easily win the heart of a man or woman you like, build a happy love relationship.

Definition of value

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a teaching that combines the best practices of family therapy, hypnosis and gestalt therapy. Its main secret lies in the fact that by changing the habitual way of thinking laid down in childhood, getting rid of imposed social norms and moral principles, forgetting the accumulated bad experience, a woman can achieve success in life, restore her health, climb the career ladder, improve relationships. with people around.

The NLP technique radically changes people's lives: lonely hearts find love and build strong relationships, and couples on the verge of breaking up revive old feelings. The fair sex, having studied NLP methods for influencing a man, gain knowledge on how to properly build communication with the stronger sex.

The most popular book on this topic is NLP for Happy Love, an American psychologist and trainer Eva Berger, which describes 11 techniques to help women attract male attention.

NLP in love is an effective way to help you make new acquaintances, make a man fall in love with you, learn flirting and seduction, and develop communication skills with the opposite sex without complexes.

Rules for attracting love

To master NLP in a relationship with a man, you need to remember the basic rule: the main thing is the inner mood and positive perception of the world. Each person unconsciously sends information about himself to the Universe. If your messages are negative, filled with resentment, anger and indignation, then the result will be the same, so first you need to get rid of evil and destructive thoughts. When sending a request to the other half, formulate it, focusing on your own emotions and wishes. For example: “I love and love! Next to me is the best person in the world!”.

It is also necessary to visualize your relationship with your loved one. It is not enough to imagine in the smallest detail what you are doing and where you are, to feel and reproduce those positive emotions that a person in love experiences - happiness, joy, delight, inspiration.

Keep in mind that NLP techniques will only help you at the initial stage of relationship development.

Using Neuro Linguistic Programming, you can:

  • attract the attention of the man you like,
  • arouse interest,
  • build a communication strategy.

For the union to succeed, you must feel the desire to be close to this person.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is not a panacea. This is a sign that guides a woman. And whether she will be able to achieve what she wants and take advantage of the chance that has fallen depends only on herself. Sympathy, trust, respect, tenderness, support are feelings without which it is impossible to build a truly strong relationship with the second half.

NLP helps a woman to find mutual understanding with the man she is interested in, suggests how to win sympathy from the opposite sex, but if the lady does not show sincere feelings and interest, the effect will be short-lived. Often, neurolinguistic programming techniques are used in a pickup truck as a means of manipulation, so this teaching has many opponents who speak negatively about interfering in the mind of another person.

Another rule concerns the internal energy that a woman radiates. Charisma, sense of humor and charm give a special charm to girls. No highly intellectual abilities or an unsurpassed sense of taste can be compared with him. In an effort to make a man fall in love with you, you need to use your inner radar, otherwise NLP will be useless.

NLP techniques

Learning to communicate with the stronger sex, meet your love and build a happy relationship will help effective NLP techniques in communicating with a man.

It is one of the most sought after and easy NLP techniques to help you make a connection and make a first impression. It consists in completely adopting the manner of a man's behavior (gestures, facial expressions, manner of communication, timbre of voice). Your behavior should be as natural as possible.

Use the received influence. How your counterpart behaves depends on the tone of communication that you set. Smiling and joking, you set it in a positive way. If you are serious, then he will adhere to this manner of behavior. Try to find out what interests you, what your subject of dreams loves. If you share his interests with him, it will help to arouse reciprocal sympathy.

Sometimes this technique is complemented by positive reinforcement. This is a manipulative way of neurolinguistic programming, which consists in encouraging a certain behavior of a partner. To achieve the desired reaction from the second half, you can use a smile, praise or approval. Once again in a similar situation, according to your behavior, a man will understand how to behave.

This technique in NLP for happy love is very effective. Its meaning is to hook a partner with the help of happy emotions, experiences and feelings that he once experienced. These can be memories from a distant childhood or joyful moments taken from past relationships. By recreating these experiences and making the object of your sympathy again experience pleasant feelings, you will achieve a special closeness between you.

NLP without complexes suggests that women take everything into their own hands and make anchoring themselves.

  1. Wait until your man relaxes and ask about the brightest positive events in his past. These can be memories associated with various holidays, childhood experiences, travel. Specify how he felt, who was next to him at this happy moment.
  2. Touch your partner gently when the conversation reaches its climax. This action will strengthen and consolidate the positive emotions that he is re-experiencing thanks to you.
  3. Finish the anchoring process, change the subject of your communication.

It is not difficult to check whether the technique works on a partner. Accidentally repeat the code movement and touch your loved one again. If you did everything without mistakes, then his mood will instantly change in a positive direction, the man will start smiling and joking.

Attaching and mirroring

The art of seduction in NLP is to fully conform to the behavior of the object of desire. Each person has their own methods of understanding the world around them. Some perceive information with the help of visual images, others with sounds, and there are those who perceive reality with the help of feelings.

Visuals differ in that they prefer to conduct a dialogue, communicating face-to-face with a person. Their catchphrases are: “I see”, “In my opinion”, “Look at the situation”. Audials are very sociable, they love to chat and are good listeners. When retelling any events, they copy the behavior and voice of other people. Their most common expressions are: "Let's talk", "Are you listening to me?", "I told you so!". Kinesthetics are extremely emotional. They strive for constant contact, trying to hug, kiss, shake hands. Key words for such people: “I feel”, “Hot communication!”, “I feel it with my skin!”.

To hold attention and seduce, determine what type the object of your desires is, and then begin to use key phrases for it in the course of communication.

Psychologists advise girls who want to meet the man of their dreams and build a strong relationship with him to use special NLP methods for a man.

  1. The perfect first date. An important role for women of any age is played by acquaintance with a man. Preparing in advance for a date, the girl is very worried and does not know how to find an approach to the man who is interested in her. Due to internal excitement and tension, communication does not always work out as we would like, and the impression of the meeting deteriorates. This can be avoided with the help of special NLP techniques. Before you go to a meeting, visualize what your ideal date would look like. To the smallest detail, imagine how the communication goes, not excluding the awkward moments that may arise during the conversation.
  2. Three yes. This method is used to change the status of a relationship by moving it to a new stage. Psychologists have deduced the following regularity: having answered in the affirmative three times in a row, a person, by inertia, will answer the same way for the fourth time. The main thing is to pronounce the phrase that determines further relations in the affirmative, in a loud and confident voice.
  3. Disarmament. The reception is based on pre-empting a specific action of the partner. For example, your couple is going through a relationship crisis. Intuition suggests that the beloved has decided to talk and is going to stop communicating. You need to get ahead of him and talk to your loved one first. The appeal to him should contain a recognition that your relationship is going through hard times, as well as a phrase that you would like to take another chance and improve the current situation, taking into account your mistakes. You will say what your loved one wanted to say. A man will not have the desire and sense to say the same thing, your relationship will get a second chance.
  4. Recognition of shortcomings. As often as possible, admit that you are not perfect by highlighting your mistakes. This will make your loved one disagree and prove that you are the best.

These techniques of neuro-linguistic programming, aimed at a man, will help you get to know him and find an approach, strengthen the relationship that has begun.

To fall in love with a girl, to manipulate a woman, to attract her attention and strengthen the connection is easy for guys who have mastered the techniques of neurolinguistic programming. The fair sex, who want to easily conquer men's hearts, needs to be able to recognize them, because these techniques often play into the hands of men.

  • Illusion of choice. This programming method is very easy to use. Invite the girl you're interested in to choose what you'll do tonight. Please note that this should be a closed question that already contains your preferred answer from the start. For example: “Where would you like to go today, to the theater or a restaurant?”, “It's so hot outside. What are we going to do next, sit in a stuffy cafe or take a walk in the park by the river?” The woman will have no choice but to choose one of the options proposed and thought out in advance by you.
  • Plus or minus. Rock the emotions of your chosen one. Amplify the positive with a little bit of the negative. Alternatively, you can compliment another woman. This will become your "minus". As a “plus”, pleasant words addressed to your girlfriend will work. Thus, you will correct your oversight and attract even more attention to yourself.
  • One consent. Reception works by analogy with the female three "yes". The secret of the method is simple: say an exciting and important statement for you, and then ask about something. Answering in the affirmative, the girl will subconsciously agree with your first statement. For example: "Let's go to the cinema. Do you like fantasy?"
  • Choice without choice. In this case, you give the woman the opportunity to choose the only proposed option for the development of the situation. When making an appointment, say: “When will I see you, today or tomorrow?”. With this wording, you do not discuss the likelihood of a meeting, but only specify when it will take place.
  • There are many techniques that NLP for men suggests using for happy love. When choosing a technique, take a personal approach, taking into account what a woman likes.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming will help women build loving relationships. NLP for a man is quite easy to master. With the help of influence techniques, you can learn how to attract the attention of the stronger sex, learn how to communicate with guys, and improve shaky relationships. By applying NLP techniques in practice, you will find a soul mate, become happy and let love into your life.

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