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Which side should you comb your hair on? Parting for square and rectangular face shapes. How to choose the type of parting to suit your face shape

Fashion does not stand still. All over the world, new trends emerge monthly, if not daily. Many men, like women, strive to fit in modern concepts style. To diversify fashion solutions looked even better, you need to take care of your hair. Hair neat and stylish, classic suit made from ordinary guy an adult, presentable man. But people’s opinions about which side to comb a man’s hair differ markedly.

Choosing a hairstyle

A person can choose an image for himself only after he has analyzed his appearance. Using this process, it is created individual style. In addition, this will help decide which side a man should comb his hair on and why. When choosing a haircut and styling, you need to consider:

  • hair structure;
  • sensitivity;
  • length;
  • thickness;
  • direction of growth;
  • face shape;
  • structure of the skull.

And, of course, you should not forget about your preferences. Usually the hairstyle reflects internal state person, chaotic “torn” - a person loves extreme sports, he does not have time to constantly look after himself. Side-swept bangs - a man most likely works in an office or in a management position. He constantly monitors order and discipline. A crew cut means a person loves freedom and lightness, an important criterion for him is that nothing gets in the way.

What to do with styling

It is not enough to decide in which direction it is better to comb a man’s hair, because without some styling products it simply will not hold. Especially if it’s windy outside or you have to wear a hat.

Not every person is suitable for this or that styling. Therefore, it is worth trying several options to decide which one is most suitable.

Required resources for installation

If a boy decides to change his style and goes to a hairdresser to make his dream come true, the masters there will do everything to the highest standard. They will certainly tell you which side to comb a man’s hair. But as soon as the next day you need to create the styling yourself, difficulties may arise. Hairdressers always have both tools and skill at hand. But what should someone who encounters this problem for the first time do?

In order to do your hair at home, you will need:

  • styling comb;
  • comb;
  • hair straightening iron (if you have curly hair);
  • styling products.

It is easiest to style long hair with hairspray, and short hair with conditioner. But don't go overboard with the amount of products you use, otherwise your hair will look dirty.

Hairstyle defines a man

The theory that the way you style your hair affects everything later life, has not yet been confirmed. But due to the fact that there have been recorded cases where this actually worked, it is worth thinking about the veracity of the assumption made.

One American engineer, when he was still in school, was not popular among women. But the guy decided to change his image and parted it on the left (that is, he began to comb his hair to the right), and not on the right. The girls began to look at him differently. The boy even had fans.

Later the engineer noticed that almost all American presidents They wore their hair parted on the left.

Which side is better

You can’t be guided only by an unconfirmed theory of how best to comb your hair. Lots of guys have certain features hair growth, which directly determines how the styling will look. Each case is individual.

If your face has flaws, you should choose a hairstyle that will cover them and highlight your advantages.

This article will present photos of which side a man should comb his hair on. There are several options:

When you decide to change your look or just tidy up your head, you don’t have to worry, as hairdressers in salons will be able to tell you what will look best with your skull structure and face shape. They will tell you how to do the styling and what products you will need.

Note to reviewer

Girls have always understood fashion and beauty much more than the fairer sex. If you have a chosen one, then you definitely don’t have to worry. Every woman will tell you which side to comb her man’s hair. It is easier for them to notice the advantages and disadvantages of their beloved’s appearance.

Just ask your partner to help you choose your look, and then you can definitely protect yourself from making mistakes.

A lot of men Even in their youth, they choose their hairstyle and do not change its shape throughout their life. A well-chosen image can truly become “destiny” for a man. After all, it’s no secret to anyone that any change in appearance and hairstyle affects a person’s mood and behavior, and sometimes can even change his fate. An inappropriate hairstyle will force a man to live someone else’s life and solve completely unnecessary problems.

According to what man's hairstyle, you can tell a lot about him inner world. If a man claims that he likes his hairstyle and does not want to change his style, then he will not lack confidence and determination. On the contrary, men who constantly change their hairstyle, parting and hair length are not very confident in themselves; they are in a constant state of discomfort. And if, following fashion, a man decides to dye his hair or do coloring, then this is a sign that he suffers from misunderstanding and discord with others. Creative and avant-garde hairstyles are preferred by unpredictable and extraordinary men.

Men who wear long hair, are considered romantic and masculine, and women like them because they remind them of the heroes of their favorite fairy tales. In fact, men with long hair They do not at all correspond to the image of the prince that girls dream of in childhood. They are capricious, childish and unsure of themselves. With the help of long hair, men want to protect themselves from the outside world and the problems that arise. Men who wear a beard, mustache and long sideburns have the same character traits.

Men with short hair haircut“boxing”, “half-boxing”, “platform”, “hedgehog” and others are determined, courageous and hardy in nature. They are real leaders in life who know how to show themselves gallantly and politely with women. Men who cut their hair short have a strong sense of competition and can therefore be very jealous. If a man, instead of a short haircut, prefers to shave his hair completely, then this indicates his tendency to take risks and experiment.

The radical man's decisions There is always a good reason to part with your hair. It could be a small bald spot on the top of the head or a desire to start life with clean slate. A shaved male skull is a silent signal to the woman next to her that he is not prone to cheating. But this does not mean that men without a single hair on their heads are indifferent to sex, they are ready for sex everywhere and always, but only with the woman they love. According to the current point of view, natural hair loss and a bald head are the result of an excess of the male sex hormone testosterone. Therefore, men with a shaved head, on a subconscious level, want to give the impression of increased sexuality and masculinity.

Men's haircut with bangs laid to one side creates the image of a “good boy”, but this is exactly the kind of man that many women prefer. Men with middle length They have a soft and calm character. They are romantic and capable of loving sincerely. If a man has a cap hairstyle, then straight bangs indicate his secrecy and desire to protect himself from difficulties. But bangs, neatly laid on the side or up, speaks of a balanced and open character of a man. These are respectable and business people, whose heart most of the weak half of humanity dreams of winning.

Parting on men's hairstyle also testifies to the peculiarities of his character. So, if:
- parting on the right side, then in front of you is a man who really loves order and comfort in the house. The majority of these men are already employed and have a family.
- parting in the center of the head indicates that the man is very independent and is able to overcome all life’s difficulties. Stubbornness and hard work are the main traits of his character.
- parting on the left side is a sign of modesty and restraint. Such a man moves towards his intended goal slowly but confidently.

By color and structure hair can also determine the character of a man. Blonde men are distinguished by purposefulness and honesty; they are not prone to changes in mood and attachments. Men with dark hair, on the contrary, often change their social circle and easily part with the past. But dark-haired men are more skilled conversationalists; they are open and cheerful.

Red-haired men are the most temperamental, they are very emotional and amorous. However, red hair on men’s heads speaks of their inconstancy, conflict and disregard for other people’s opinions. The softer and thinner hair a man, especially since his soul is vulnerable. Men with coarse hair are able to survive more easily stressful situations, they are calmer in character. Holders curly hair They adapt very easily to any situation, but they are very emotional and irritable.

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Fashion does not stand still. The style, types of coloring, styling techniques, and curling are changing. It's time for a man to know how to style his hair stylishly and neatly to create a business or reckless style.

To choose a styling style, you need to analyze your appearance. When deciding on a haircut, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the strands, the length, thickness of the hair, the direction of hair growth, the shape of the face and the structure of the skull.

Attention! A hairstyle reflects a person's inner state. Messy – extreme, strong-willed, bangs combed to one side – office representative, management staff, crew cut – freedom and lightness, etc.

Elongated strands on the upper part of the head allow you to create different images combing your hair in any direction. A hairstyle with a neat parting is suitable for those with elongated shape face, and its peculiarity comes from professional styling.

Modern fashion dictates the appearance of shaved temples and high styling. An undercut haircut is a transition from short to long, it goes well with a parting to one side, and the bangs are slightly combed back.

If a man has prominent cheekbones, then stylists recommend combing his bangs back. And with a hump on the nose, it is preferable to create voluminous bangs with a slight comb to the side.

The crest looks attractive when the hair is styled with styling products. In this case you need to have short haircut. But boxing does not require styling, but it looks stylish and impressive.

Once you have decided which way to lay your hair, you need to style your hair. For root volume, it is enough to use mousse or foam, and to separate each hair on the hair, use wax.

To get the effect wet hair There are special balms, and to fix the finished hairstyle or a wild mess on your head, use a medium-hold hairspray so as not to weigh down the strands.

Attention! To create a hairstyle at home, you need to prepare a comb, an iron for straightening curls or unevenness, and styling. For those with medium length hair, a brush will help when styling.

Types of styling for any age:

  • Closed forehead and disheveled bangs - hair is styled using an iron and wax;
  • Hair is combed back and fixed varnish - suitable both for the office and parties;
  • For men with long hair - smooth or disheveled ponytail with released or smoothed front strands;
  • Creative styling is suitable for creative, romantic individuals, with an original and unconventional outlook on life.

A short haircut is relevant at all times, gives masculinity and sexuality, is more suitable for men with pronounced facial features, emphasizing cheekbones, eyes and lips.

It is worth noting that even the mood and fate of the user depends on the choice of side for laying the strands. One man for a long time put his hair on the right side, but was not popular among women. And when I changed the side of my hair, I immediately found my other half and got married. Is there some secret to this or is it just a coincidence?

Attention! It is impossible to say for sure which side of hair styling is better. Each man has certain characteristics of the growth of his strands, which directly determine how the styling will look.

A haircut with a parting is suitable for a young businessman or scientist. Self-confident individuals often comb their locks to the left side, even despite the peculiarities of their growth. Stylists advise seeking advice from a woman; it is easier for her to notice the advantages and disadvantages in her lover’s appearance.

Scientists conducted a study:

  • Men with a right parting are distinguished by a penchant for creativity, writing, classical music, and have pure thoughts;
  • With the left - aggressive, strong-willed, prefer heavy music, prone to rudeness and boasting.

IN modern world fashionable hairstyles combing is popular both on the left and on right side. But the height of fashion is styling your hair back, with shaved temples and a tuft on your head.

Whether it is worth relying on the conclusions of experts is up to you to decide. In any case, the hairstyle decorates a man, makes him bright, original and stylish. Comb the strands in any direction you wish and enjoy the result!

Individuality. Male models with laying on the side are always relevant. The question of whether a man should comb his hair on the left or right side is actually far-fetched. Lengthening the hair on the upper sections of the hairstyle allows you to create models that demonstrate greater possibilities for combing in various shapes and sides.

Men often comb their hair to create an original hairstyle.


The style orientation in the manner of dressing and hairstyle is inseparable.

When creating a new image, consider a number of important factors:

  1. hair thickness;
  2. the direction of their growth;
  3. structure;
  4. structural features of the skull;
  5. face shape;
  6. growth line;
  7. the lifestyle you prefer.

But scientists from the University of Pennsylvania do not think so. They conducted a series of experiments to find out how others perceive men with thinning hair, thick hair and a shaved head. During the first study, participants were shown a series of photographs. similar friends on a friend of men (by age, clothing, etc.) - the only and main difference was the presence of hair on their heads - and were asked to rate each of them in terms of how strong, influential and authoritative they looked. As the results showed, the men who shaved their heads turned out to be the best.

In the second experiment, participants were shown two photographs of each of four men—one with hair, the other completely bald. It turned out that in the latter case, the men in the photo look more masculine, and also “almost three centimeters taller and thirteen percent stronger.”

In the latest experiment, the researchers provided participants with verbal and written descriptions of the appearance of several men. Again, among them, the most courageous, strong, dominant and with leadership potential were recognized as men who, according to the description, hairline on the head was completely absent.

Moreover, scientists simply recommend that those with thin, thinning hair shave their heads in order to “improve them.” interpersonal relationships" Studies have shown that men with shaved heads look older and less attractive than those who have thick hair. However, the most unsightly and repulsive are men who have only three hairs on their heads.

2. Hide your atheistic views, even from atheists

In the modern world, atheism is becoming increasingly popular and widespread. According to surveys, faith in the Almighty is on the decline, and the number of ungodly people has increased by half a billion people across the planet. And while atheism is becoming the norm in regions such as Scandinavia, where religion has always been at a low level cultural development, if you happen to be an atheist in America for example, we have potentially bad news: The chances that people, including other atheists, will not like you are very high.

Overall, polls have shown that less than half of Americans would even consider voting for a presidential candidate who espouses atheistic views. Moreover, many parents oppose the marriage of their children with “pagans.” A group of researchers led by Will Gervais from the University of British Columbia became interested in the reason for this attitude of people towards atheists and found out that it all comes down to simple mistrust.

Gervais and his colleagues presented the subjects with a situation where a person accidentally crashed into a car parked on the street and, without waiting for the owner of the car and without leaving him any information, left the scene of the accident. Participants were asked to identify who could conceivably do this: a Muslim, a Christian, an atheist, or a rapist. Most of them said that the culprit was either a rapist or an atheist.

Subsequent studies showed that participants would not hire an atheist for a job that required high degree trust, and that they lock the doors at night only so that the atheists do not sneak into their house and eat their sleeping children.

It can be assumed that such a biased attitude of others towards those who do not believe in the Almighty is a common manifestation of religious discrimination. But the most interesting thing is that even those people who called themselves atheists were inclined to trust believers more, because they considered them more ethical.

1. Don't smile (if you're a guy)

Surely, since childhood, your mother tried to impose on you the idea that a smile is our everything. Is it photography day at school? Smile! Grandma gave you for Christmas... knitted socks???!!! Smile! Broke your leg and ended up in the hospital? Smile! Smile! Smile because your future spouse may be looking at you at this very moment!

Well, the next time your mom calls you, you can safely say “thank you” to her for the fact that the whole world now hates you. Because, contrary to all her words that a smile can attract people, scientists from the University of British Columbia have proven the opposite - by at least, If we're talking about about representatives of the stronger sex. The researchers asked the participants in the experiment to look at photographs of the same man depicted in various poses, expressing happiness, pride, modesty and normal state. Women recognized the man as the most unattractive in the photo where he smiled and showed joy. They liked him most in those pictures where he took on a serious or thoughtful look.

But, as we mentioned earlier, this only applies to the stronger sex. As for fair half humanity, here my mother’s advice, on the contrary, was useful, because, according to the results of the same study, men are more attracted to happy rather than sad women.

So, dear readers, draw your conclusions...

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Translation of an article from
Translation by ROSEMARINA

And if you are a man and want to look good, an ironing press from the Clean Wednesday company will help if you are not ready to always apologize or shave your head bald...

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

Fashionistas know one old trick: if you have time new hairstyle no, but you want to change at least something - you can just try moving the parting to the other side. This simple manipulation capable of changing your entire appearance instantly.

But they suspect something else. There is a theory that if you have a side parting, you are left- or right-centered (similar to left-handers and right-handers). That is, the personality is more active and creative than amateurs straight parting- who are considered balanced and calm. (However, it is not yet known whether the character can be changed by changing the location of the parting).

Today we will talk about something else: how, with the help of simple manipulations with the parting, you can quickly change your appearance - hide possible flaws and highlight your advantages. You might actually feel like a different person!

A straight parting makes your face look longer. Oblique - gives softness to the oval.

A straight parting usually makes it uninteresting. Oblique - opens up the face and adds zest to the appearance.

Alternates straight and side parting. Depending on what you want to emphasize - eyes or lips.

From "Game of Thrones" the side parting reveals beautiful line cheekbones and focuses attention on the eyes.

I never liked her cheekbones and chin, which made her face look heavy. The actress came to the decision to use a straight parting, which would soften the oval of her face.

A straight parting lengthens the already long face Sarah Jessica Parker. While asymmetrical highlights her eyes and eyebrows.

Rihanna Both options are available. But this is only possible with perfect oval and a symmetrical face.

A side parting allows you to admire your cute dimples Miranda Kerr. Whereas the straight one hides square shape faces.

Photos in text - RexFeatures.

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