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Osteochondrosis of the lumbar during pregnancy treatment. Osteochondrosis during pregnancy, symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis accompanies pregnancy in 30-50% of women. And if you do not take care of your physical form before its onset, there is a high probability of falling into this percentage. And this means that during the period of bearing a child, there is a high risk of pain in the back or neck. There are three main factors that provoke the development or exacerbation of osteochondrosis:

  • Weight set. 12.5-15 "extra" kilograms for the spine is a big load. Weak back muscles are bad helpers for him.
  • Shifting the center of gravity forward. To maintain stability, the woman leans back. The spine in the lumbar region bends, muscles that were not previously involved tense.
  • Hormonal reorganization. In pregnant women, the body produces the hormone relaxin. It is important for preparing the pelvis for childbirth, as it helps to relax the femoral-sacral joints and ensures the mobility of the pelvic bones. But at the same time, all ligaments, including intervertebral discs, are softened. The result is pain. Progesterone is also strongly secreted. This hormone regulates blood circulation, without it a normal pregnancy is generally impossible. But, while improving the blood supply to the vessels, it simultaneously causes a slight swelling in the area of ​​the nerve roots in the spinal cord. When they are squeezed, pain receptors are irritated and pain occurs.

Lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy

The main symptoms of this type of osteochondrosis during pregnancy:

  • Pain in the lower back (aching, pulling, like "lumbago") and groin. The uterus presses on the nerve endings of the spine, the result is short-term, but severe pain in the lumbosacral region. Acute pain in the leg or buttock speaks of radicular syndrome.
  • Stiffness in movements when changing the position of the body, limitation of mobility.
  • Muscle spasms. Working muscles are in hypertonicity.
  • Cramps in the legs and feet, tingling, "goosebumps" in the legs with some loss of sensation.

Lumbar osteochondrosis is diagnosed on the basis of complaints of a pregnant patient or according to the results of a visual examination. The doctor examines the physiological curves of the spine, checks the reflexes. During the examination, he can detect a distortion of the shape of the pelvis (determine the Michaelis rhombus, the position and outline of the iliac crests, the level of the trochanter), the asymmetry of the buttocks, and the displacement of the vertebrae from the sacrum. Instability of the vertebrae can cause dysfunction of internal organs, in particular, the genitourinary system. The proper development of the fetus is under threat. Traditional treatment of osteochondrosis is not prescribed for pregnant women. Only under special indications and under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist is it allowed to use Diclofenac in the minimum effective doses for a period of 4-6 weeks. But, of course, no one will offer a pregnant woman to endure pain and discomfort. There are many ways to relieve pain and muscle tension.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region significantly affects well-being during pregnancy. The pain in the neck is not so dangerous (it may not be as intense) as the vascular manifestations of the disease. Symptoms are formed under the influence of a large number of nerve endings and fibers concentrated in the neck, as well as the adjacent vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the brain and many vessels. If we consider that small cervical vertebrae are characterized by great mobility, then with osteochondrosis, nerves and blood vessels are often compressed. As a result, with cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women, you can expect:

  • dizziness and headaches spreading to the shoulders, occipital muscles, tinnitus with prolonged stay in one position, visual disturbances (blurring, dots, poor focus);
  • nausea and belching when tilting the head, turning, feeling short of breath, difficulty swallowing (as if there is a foreign body in the throat);
  • sudden loss of consciousness due to a short-term spasm of the arteries;
  • numbness or slight loss of skin sensation in the upper body;
  • pain from the region of the heart or between the shoulder blades, similar to cardiological;
  • BP instability.

Part of the manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women (loss of consciousness, jumps in blood pressure) pose a direct threat to the development of the fetus. Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical osteochondrosis, given all of the above? Of course, most of the symptoms are characteristic of a complicated course of osteochondrosis. But the period of pregnancy is usually full of health surprises. And in order to minimize them, without adding "surprises" from the existing osteochondrosis, the disease must be cured before it occurs.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region does not manifest itself as clearly and so unambiguously as the lumbar or cervical. This segment is protected by a muscular corset and is relatively immobile. Symptoms are often disguised as violations of the activity of other organs:

  • Pain: in the abdomen (epigastrium), right hypochondrium, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades at night, when raising hands, coughing, prolonged static positions, sudden movements in the thoracic spine.
  • Squeezing and soreness of the ribs - intercostal neuralgia.

If the existing pathology progresses during pregnancy, there is a risk of impaired nerve conduction and metabolic processes. And this leads to intoxication of the body - an extremely undesirable complication when carrying a child.

Treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Standard treatment of both newly emerging and aggravated osteochondrosis during pregnancy is contraindicated. There is a slight relief only for the middle trimester and under the control of the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. But there is always a way out. The following activities can alleviate painful manifestations, and at the same time strengthen some muscles and relax others:

  • Chiropractic. Very popular in the USA, includes soft manual correction, light relaxing massage, physiotherapy exercises. A woman gets rid of excruciating back pain, her nervous system functions normalize.
  • Acupuncture (acupuncture) in the later stages. It is harmless to both mother and fetus.
  • Warm bath or shower.
  • Wearing a bandage. The support belt will take some of the load off the lower back.
  • Orthopedic devices (pillows for pregnant women, mattresses, shoes).
  • Watch your posture, do not arch back. Sitting on a chair, put a pillow under the curve of the spine.
  • Don't stand on your feet for a long time. Tension in the back can be relieved by alternately placing one or the other leg on an elevation (step, threshold, curb).
  • Sleep on your side, if you want to lie on your back, you need to put a pillow under your lower back.
  • Swimming (if there are no contraindications).

You can cope with osteochondrosis in pregnant women if you remember that pregnancy is not rest, it is work. Its purpose is to prepare for childbirth.

The arsenal of means of combating osteochondrosis today is extensive: today there are plenty of them alone in various combinations and methods of administration:

  • in one complex with vitamins
  • in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels

In addition to drugs, osteochondrosis is also being treated by manual therapy, acupuncture, traction, and physical exercises. A lot of advice on this subject can be found in traditional medicine. But treating osteochondrosis during pregnancy turned out to be a very difficult task, and doctors had to think about options for such treatment.

Why is it difficult to choose a method of treatment

Alas, the choice of treatment methods during pregnancy is quite small:

  • Eliminating pain with conventional NSAIDs is fraught with side effects that are dangerous for the course of pregnancy, future childbirth and the health of the baby.:
    • the use of these drugs blocks the production of important hormones necessary for labor
    • taking non-steroidal drugs affects the work of the most important organs (stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, heart) not only of the expectant mother, but also of her baby
  • Use or manual therapy as an alternative may lead to miscarriage or premature birth. And it does not matter at the same time that osteochondrosis, for example, in the cervical region, and not in the lumbar
  • The use of many methods (electromyostimulation, EHF therapy, UVT therapy, etc.) is prohibited when a woman is in position
  • Stretching of the spine in order to stabilize it and reduce the manifestations of osteochondrosis is also not practiced during this period, since, on the contrary, it can destabilize and injure even more:
    • The natural curves of the spine during pregnancy undergo significant changes due to an increase in lumbosacral lordosis and the deviation of the shoulders and thoracic spine relative to the vertical axis. The reason for this is the shift in the center of gravity of the pregnant woman.
    • Joints and ligaments before childbirth soften and become fragile

When treatment is vital

But nevertheless, it is possible to treat diseases of the spine during pregnancy, and sometimes it is simply vital, because such events occur when the threat to the life and health of a woman exceeds the risk of fetal loss.

Unfortunately, there are situations like this:

  • or herniated disc with neuroradicular or myelopathic symptoms leading to sensory loss, paralysis, and organ failure
  • Syndrome of the vertebral artery in cervical osteochondrosis
  • Craniovertebral syndrome with cerebral phenomena

Treatment of pain during pregnancy

It is unnecessary to explain how great the pain is in such phenomena. How to treat pain symptoms during pregnancy?

  • The most harmless remedy in the first two trimesters is recognized
  • The most preferred methods of administration are in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels.:
    • With the rectal method, the drug is absorbed quickly and is excreted just as quickly, without having time to harm
    • External agents are absorbed only partially

However, we must not forget that ointments can also be harmful if used for a long time. Therefore, in the case of pregnancy, you can apply one or two rubbing and stop there.

The intake of any drugs, except for no-shpy and herbal decoctions, for a woman in position should be carried out according to the principle - it is better to take less than to overdo it

The use of vasodilators, often prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis, during pregnancy, alas, is also prohibited.

The safest remedies

What else can treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy?

Definitely safe, but facilitating the condition of a woman means:

  • dog or sheep wool
  • for pregnant
  • Orthopedic mattresses and
  • Light rubbing with ointments prepared in folk ways

And of course, the best treatment for osteochondrosis during pregnancy is special gymnastics, the tasks of which are:

  • strengthen back muscles
  • increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments
  • prepare the musculoskeletal apparatus of the lumbosacral region for future childbirth

But the best way out is to take care of yourself in advance and try to cure osteochondrosis even before the onset of pregnancy in order to preserve your health and your child.

Plan such an important step in your life in advance, dear women.

Health to you and your future baby!

During pregnancy, women very often complain about. Some moms-to-be choose to endure this period without reporting their symptoms to the doctor, but this behavior can backfire.

Pain in the back can occur not only due to increased pressure on the spinal column, but also as a result of the occurrence or exacerbation of serious diseases of the spine: hernias, protrusions and other disorders.


The main factors that have a negative impact on the condition of the spine are:

  • incorrect posture when walking, as well as in a sitting or standing position;
  • flat feet;
  • wearing shoes on;
  • incorrect, especially insufficient consumption of products that positively affect the condition of bone tissue (dairy products, fish, eggs);
  • hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders;
  • excessive physical activity, weight lifting;
  • increased load on the spine associated with a pregnant woman;
  • shift in the center of gravity of the body during pregnancy.

information With osteochondrosis, there is a deformation of the vertebral discs, a change in their shape and height. As a result of pinched nerve roots, pain occurs, there is a violation of the blood supply to various organs.

Types of osteochondrosis

There are the following types of osteochondrosis of the spine:

  • Cervical- violations occur in the discs and roots of the cervical region, consisting of 7 vertebrae. Characterized by pain in the neck, shoulders and arms, headaches.
  • thoracic- violations occur in the thoracic spine, consisting of 12 vertebrae. Pain is localized in the chest, heart.
  • Lumbar(lumbosacral) - most common during pregnancy. Pain can be felt in the back, legs, abdominal organs.

In some cases, the appearance or exacerbation of several types of osteochondrosis (for example, lumbar and cervical) is possible.


Depending on the type of osteochondrosis and the severity of the development of the disease, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • , "flies" before the eyes, tinnitus (with cervical osteochondrosis);
  • pain in the neck, shoulder girdle or lower back;
  • tingling in the fingers or toes, numbness in the fingers;
  • crunching in the neck when turning or tilting the head;
  • pain in the heart in the absence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (with thoracic osteochondrosis);
  • pain in the ribs or between the shoulder blades.


The main method of examination during pregnancy is a clinical examination of the patient. The doctor pays special attention to the totality of symptoms and the degree of their manifestation, violations of the physiological curves of the spine.

dangerous Other diagnostic methods (magnetic resonance or computed tomography) during pregnancy are categorically not recommended due to the negative effect of radioactive radiation or a magnetic field on the body of a developing fetus.


The process of treating osteochondrosis during pregnancy has its own characteristics. Expectant mothers are forbidden to take many used to eliminate the symptoms of this disease, so it is necessary to use other methods to improve the patient's condition.

  • the use of certain medicines (for example,) in or, preferably in the form of ointments and only after consulting a doctor;
  • performing special exercises for pregnant women aimed at reducing the load on the spine and relaxing the muscles (it is recommended to pay attention to the complex or);
  • wearing a special one that supports the stomach;
  • usage ;
  • applying herbal compresses to the neck area.

important The use of manual therapy methods during pregnancy is undesirable, as this increases the likelihood.


From the first days of pregnancy, it is desirable to perform a number of activities aimed at improving the condition of the spine and reducing the effects of additional stress on the spinal column. The following actions are most effective:

  • regular exercise, swimming and other types of moderate physical activity;
  • the use of a sufficient amount, trace elements, protein foods;
  • the use of special devices for pregnant women (corset);
  • control over the correct posture;
  • regular breaks during prolonged sedentary work or a long stay on your feet;
  • refusal to wear high-heeled shoes.


Despite the limited methods for diagnosing and treating osteochondrosis that are approved for use during pregnancy, the expectant mother should definitely take measures to reduce the severity of pain symptoms and improve the condition of the body. The main task during this period is to achieve stabilization of the condition and reduce pain in the affected area.

It must be remembered that after the birth of a baby, the spine cannot “recover” by itself, therefore, after a few months from the moment of birth, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body in order to develop a further treatment strategy.

The female body is well adapted for carrying and giving birth to children - nature itself took care of this.

However, pregnancy for a woman is always a big stress. From the moment of conception and the beginning of the growth of the fetus, tremendous changes take place in the body at the hormonal and physiological levels.

The metabolism is rebuilt, the placental circle of blood circulation appears. The internal organs are displaced with the gradual growth of the uterus, which contains the amniotic fluid and the developing fetus. All this leads to certain inconveniences, as well as exacerbation of latent and chronic diseases.

Why does osteochondrosis occur during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative process in which the nerve roots of the intervertebral discs are damaged.

The disease often proceeds hidden, developing under the influence of various negative factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heavy physical exertion;
  • excess weight;
  • injuries and infections;
  • lack of minerals;
  • changes in the hormonal background.

Most often, the disease begins at a young age of 20-35 years. As a rule, two or three negative factors are superimposed. First of all, this is a sedentary lifestyle - working in the office at the computer, public transport instead of walking, an elevator instead of stairs.

Physical inactivity in combination with excess weight leads to an increase in the load on the spinal column. The first symptoms are discomfort, pain, a feeling of numbness or goosebumps on the skin of the hands or feet.

Why back pain occurs during pregnancy is a question of interest to many expectant mothers. But the question is incorrect. Bearing a child is not the cause of osteochondrosis, it only provokes an exacerbation of an already existing disease.

In other words, problems with the spine of a woman already occurred before conception, but they were hidden or left unattended.

Many people take back pain lightly, they say, they pulled somewhere, caught a cold, got up unsuccessfully. But you should not treat your back lightly: diseases of the spine in a neglected state mean a decrease in the quality of life, limited mobility, and a forced change in lifestyle to a less active one.

Therefore, it is important at the first signs of osteochondrosis to contact a specialized specialist - a therapist, surgeon or orthopedic traumatologist.

During pregnancy, the problem worsens in the form of back pain and other unpleasant sensations in the body.

Doctors explain it like this:

  1. Pregnant women usually experience significant weight gain due to hormonal changes.
  2. The growing uterus leads to a shift in the center of gravity.
  3. The developing fetus takes a lot of nutrients from the mother, including calcium and phosphorus - building materials for the musculoskeletal system.

As a result, the spinal column is subjected to enormous loads and the disease, which had previously been mild, becomes more severe.

How dangerous is this condition?

Osteochondrosis in the mother is not dangerous for the unborn child, but creates serious problems for the woman. Of particular risk is the defeat of the lumbosacral region.

If we turn to the physiology of childbirth, we can recall that the nerve centers located in the lower parts of the spine are associated with labor activity. They control the opening of the cervix and the contraction of its muscles.

During childbirth, the situation with advanced lumbar osteochondrosis can go according to two scenarios: either due to damage to the nerve roots, labor activity will be weak, or in the process of contractions and attempts, the nerve root will be pinched, fraught with paralysis of the lower body.

Do not panic! Osteochondrosis for a woman is not considered a contraindication to pregnancy and childbirth. But you need to see a doctor. The specialist should assess the severity of the disease and, if necessary, prescribe a caesarean section.

In most cases, the specialist prescribes the patient a course of therapeutic exercises and breathing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals. In this case, natural childbirth will be successful.

But even a mild form of osteochondrosis during childbearing can cause a lot of inconvenience to the expectant mother.

The fact is that most drugs for the treatment of back diseases are contraindicated for pregnant women. And non-hormonal, and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and novocaine blockades are prohibited for pregnant women. Therefore, when a pain syndrome associated with osteochondrosis appears, more gentle methods of treatment will have to be used.

What are the types of diseases

There are several types of osteochondrosis:

  • cervical - affects the vertebrae of the upper spine;
  • thoracic - localized in the thoracic region;
  • lumbosacral - a degenerative process occurs in the lumbar region.

Depending on the location, the disease manifests itself in different ways. Cervical osteochondrosis manifests itself in the form of pain in the neck and shoulders, limited mobility and numbness of the hands.

Since the cervical region is important for the blood supply to the brain, its damage leads to headaches, decreased visual acuity, dizziness, increased fatigue, and lower blood pressure.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is characterized by pain between the shoulder blades, discomfort in the ribs, numbness, goosebumps and tingling in the hands. The defeat of the lumbosacral region is manifested in the form of pain in the lower back, goosebumps and numbness in one or both legs. The skin on the lower extremities becomes less sensitive, the hair on the legs may grow more slowly.

Basic diagnostic methods

The doctor diagnoses osteochondrosis on the basis of a survey, examination and hardware examination methods.

These methods give the most complete picture of the condition of the spine:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • computed tomography (CT);

Radiography is not used due to the danger to the fetus. In the first trimester, when the child's vital organs are laid, it is advisable to do an ultrasound instead of an MRI, although tomography is considered a safe diagnostic method for pregnant women. In the second and third trimester, magnetic resonance and computed tomography can be performed, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

How to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should not self-medicate and take any medications, including ointments based on herbal extracts. Treatment of any disease, even a common cold, should begin with a doctor's consultation.

The fact is that many medicines, even herbs that are effective and harmless to a person in the normal state, can harm an unborn child or mother during pregnancy.

Medical treatment

Osteochondrosis in the first trimester is practically not treated with medicines. Standard schemes are allowed using external agents - gels and ointments based on diclofenac. Potent painkillers based on nimesulide (Nise, Nimesil) and other analgesics are contraindicated, because. medicine has not fully studied their effect on the fetus.

If the symptoms of osteochondrosis in a pregnant woman are tolerable, do not violate the usual way of life, it is advisable not to use medications, but to give preference to physiological methods of treatment.


Physical activity during gestation should be moderate. Ideally, this is a group or individual exercise therapy in a family planning center under the guidance of a specialist. Exercises and at home are performed with the permission of a doctor.

Neck exercises

To warm up the muscles of the neck and improve the blood supply to the intervertebral discs, use standard warm-up exercises, known since school physical education lessons. These are neck turns left / right, up / down, head rotation. Perform them slowly and smoothly, without making sudden movements. It is advisable to take hold of a stable support with your hands so as not to fall in case of dizziness.

Chest Exercises

Simple exercises will help to warm up the stagnant muscles of the thoracic region and relieve pain:

  1. Circular movements of the shoulders in the forward and reverse direction.
  2. Reduction and breeding of arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest.
  3. Rotation of straight arms around the axis of the shoulder girdle.

You need to do these exercises carefully, without haste, 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Lower back exercises

With a lower back, a woman needs to be extremely careful, because. Excessive load on the muscles of this department often increases the pain syndrome.

The main group of exercises is aimed at relieving the load from the muscles of the back of the lumbar:

  • walking on all fours;
  • tilting the body forward and keeping the body in this position (suitable in the early stages);
  • lifting the pelvis with emphasis on the feet in the supine position.

Walking on all fours is a very simple but effective exercise that allows you to relieve stress from the lumbar region. This technique is suitable not only for pregnant women, but also for ordinary people, both women and men.

If you feel pain in your knees while doing it, you can use special knee pads or homemade pads made of soft material.

This video shows exercises for lower back pain during pregnancy

Universal exercises

If the state of health and well-being allows, swimming in the pool is considered the best way to maintain good physical shape and alleviate the symptoms of osteochondrosis in a pregnant woman. This is perhaps the only type of activity that allows you to evenly strengthen all muscle groups without loading the spine.

Unwanted treatments during pregnancy

All pregnant women are contraindicated in potent anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids. Most of them have a negative impact on the intrauterine development of the fetus, leading to various defects and pathologies.

Many of the traditional remedies used to treat back diseases in common practice are not used during pregnancy due to insufficient knowledge of their effect on the fetus.

Massage and manual therapy also require caution. Usually, doctors prescribe a light massage in the area of ​​pain. In this case, it is extremely important that the massage is done by a qualified chiropractor who knows physiology well. The fact is that exposure to certain points on the body of a pregnant woman can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage.

Safe and acceptable methods of treating spinal diseases in women during pregnancy are:

  • physical therapy under the guidance of a specialist;
  • wearing elastic bandages that reduce the load on the muscles and spine;
  • gentle massage in the area of ​​pain;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes (after consultation with a therapist);
  • dominating mode of rest.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus approaches the maximum, it is necessary to reduce physical activity. Women are advised to rest more, taking a comfortable position on their back or on their side using soft pillows.

How to plan pregnancy with osteochondrosis

The practice of conscious parenthood is generally accepted in Europe and America, when a woman undergoes a complete medical examination before conception.

In our country, most women become mothers spontaneously and often find themselves physically unprepared for pregnancy and childbirth. Excess weight, chronic diseases, hormonal disruptions and other health problems can cause a lot of problems.

The doctor must conduct an examination and refer the patient to an MRI or ultrasound of all parts of the spine. If a problem is identified - osteochondrosis, protrusion of the intervertebral disc or hernia - appropriate measures must be taken.

Depending on the nature of the problem, a woman is prescribed physiotherapy exercises, taking chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs, weight correction, correction of postural disorders and flat feet by an orthopedist. When the problem is fixed, start planning a pregnancy.


Back problems in women should not be underestimated: spinal diseases can become an aggravating factor and even an obstacle to physiological childbirth.

Osteochondrosis is not considered a contraindication for pregnancy and childbirth, but in a neglected state it can cause a lot of problems for a woman. Therefore, it is in her interests to cure her back before conception.

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what pain in the lower back is. And it is especially unpleasant when painful sensations overshadow the period of bearing a child.

What is osteochondrosis and what are its types?

The concept of osteochondrosis is extensive and includes a number of degenerative and dystrophic changes in the spinal column in the form of herniated intervertebral discs, deformities of the vertebrae themselves, arthrosis of small intervertebral joints, scoliosis, ligament thickening and congenital deformities. These changes have a direct effect on the surrounding tissues, nerve formations and cause pain of varying intensity.

Causes of osteochondrosis

In fact, osteochondrosis is a normal age-related process. Changes clearly begin to appear after 30 years. Such an early aging of the musculoskeletal system is explained by the ability of a person to walk upright. Thanks to this gift, the load on our spine increases significantly.

Additional factors aggravating this condition can be considered:

  • congenital inferiority of the connective tissue that forms the bones, joints and ligaments;
  • excess weight - it is trivially difficult for the spine to carry excess mass on itself, the discs experience excessive stress, deform and hernial protrusions form faster;
  • professional sports, especially from childhood - a young athlete experiences loads that are inadequate for age, which increases the wear and tear of bone and joint structures.

How does osteochondrosis affect pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a special state of the body, accompanied by hormonal changes and a violation of the mechanics of the functioning of the spinal column. Biologically active substances synthesized during pregnancy help to relax the ligamentous apparatus and increase the mobility of bone joints, provoking instability of the spinal column.

The increase in body weight and the growth of the uterus lead to an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system. The body of the future mother does not have time to adapt to constantly changing loads and body weight and begins to experience pain. Constant pain psychologically aggravates a long-awaited pregnancy.

An attack of osteochondrosis during pregnancy: what to do?

During pregnancy, pain can occur in any department and not necessarily in the later stages. It should be remembered that the arsenal of medications is limited and many drugs that are usually prescribed for exacerbation of the appearance of osteochondrosis can not be taken by pregnant women.

How to relieve pain from osteochondrosis in a pregnant woman?

To relieve pain, the following measures can be applied:

  • wearing a bandage that supports the pregnant uterus - at the same time it will act as a fixator for the spine.
  • motor peace - no need to try to redo all household chores, it is better to rest.
  • for the purpose of pain relief, you can use some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: paracetamol and diclofenac. Diclofenac is contraindicated in the third trimester.

try relieve acute pain can be done by the following method. Lie down on a flat, moderate hard surface, lie horizontally on your back for several minutes. Breathe deeply. So you relax your muscles as much as possible. Release their tension and the pain will gradually go away.

If it hurts thoracic spine A light massage or warm compress will help. On the lower back, such effects are contraindicated. Manual therapy is strictly prohibited at any time. Perhaps the use of acupuncture.

Treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Treatment approaches may differ depending on which part of the spine is involved.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Despite the remoteness of the department from the lower back, manual effects are also contraindicated. Due to possible reflex influences, there is a risk of pregnancy complications. If you are worried about headaches, a light massage of the neck and collar area and wearing a cotton-gauze collar will help.

You can make a cotton-gauze collar yourself. Take a piece of ordinary school cardboard with a length equal to the circumference of the neck, make a cotton shell and cover with gauze or a wide bandage on top. Build ties. The main criterion for the right product is that you should be comfortable. The collar should not be worn all the time, otherwise the neck muscles will relax and the condition will worsen.

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

For lumbar osteochondrosis, use the drugs and tips recommended above. In addition, follow these guidelines:

  • try to sleep on a flat surface, but not hard;
  • between the frame of the bed and your back, the layer should be at least 15 cm;
  • wear a prenatal bandage;
  • to prevent exacerbation, do the usual set of exercises for pregnant women.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

For pain in the thoracic region, it makes sense to use a light massage or self-massage. In the first or second trimester, acupuncture can be used. A prerequisite for the use of acupuncture is that the procedure must be carried out by a qualified medical specialist certified in reflexology.

For pain in the thoracic region, you can use soft orthoses, which can be purchased at pharmacies. They act as a fixator and support the back in a physiological position.

Oksana Kolenko, neurologist, PhD, specially for the site website

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