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Postcards congratulations on the new year of the rooster. Selection of greeting cards for the New Year

This material, as well as the link, contains excellent greeting cards Happy New Year 2017. These are beautiful and bright, thematic pictures, as well as good wishes. Moreover, postcards for the New Year 2017 do not have to be serious, some cool options for congratulations are also welcome and make you smile, stir up every person’s sense of humor in this festive turmoil.

Remember that congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster in postcards in the modern world can be sent not only by mail. For example, selected options for postcards, which can be downloaded for free in any quantity directly from this material, can be safely sent both by e-mail and in various social networks. In general, it is important here to want to please another person, and already a way to do this in the world of modern and actively developing technologies will always work out. Excellent.

Postcards with humor

If you want to cheer up a person, and in the pre-New Year's turmoil, which takes a lot of time and effort, this is always true, then you should choose postcards with humor. From the link given at the beginning of this material, and even from this article, such postcards can be downloaded in a wide variety. For example, the following version of congratulations is very interesting and relevant for each year: “All your best wishes on the eve of 2016 did not materialize, so this year I accept fruits, cognac and sweets instead.”

Of course, it’s worth understanding the boundaries here and not sending humorous postcards to a manager or partner with whom you have an exclusively business relationship. However, each situation is individual and it is extremely possible that your manager or part-time partner is also a good friend, then postcards with humor are very welcome.

In the East, a rooster is a bird of the family and home. Therefore, in the coming year, you can tighten up your relationships with loved ones and relatives. Various handmade products are welcome as an additional gift. And also remember that on the New Year's table on a festive night, in no case should there be dishes from poultry or chicken eggs. Because, then, despite the best wishes, the favors of the cockerel will not have to wait in 2017.

These are the postcards for the New Year 2017 of the rooster, you definitely need to download yourself in order to have in stock the possibility of congratulations of various variations. Remember that today postcards do not have to be printed out to be sent. This can be done via email, social media, or even through various computer messaging programs. We hope that in the new 2017 you will have everything in your life that you sincerely wished for other people. We would like to wish the New Year to bring fulfillment of desires, happiness and good luck, so that harmony and love reign in life, so that only good people meet on the path of life.

Sometimes it can be difficult to decide which happy new year 2020 greeting cards to choose and what to write on them. The wish, of course, must come from a pure heart, but even a person with good intentions does not always understand how to put their positive feelings and incredible emotions into words. Our postcards and tips will help you make a beautiful wish.

Before you write something in the selected postcard, although many of them already have their own version of the text, which greatly simplifies the task, you must definitely read carefully what is coming in a year, what are the special characteristics of this oriental symbol and what this symbol carries with yourself. What to cook for the holiday.

So, you download postcards from this article or from the link, no additional registration or anything else is required, because, for the convenience of readers of our site, the administration tries every day. We also offer, along with postcards, to get acquainted with what the year of the Rat will be like and what to expect in 2020.

Eastern Changes 2020

In the year of the Golden Rat, as astrologers emphasize, many people are waiting for change. Because the stars suggest changes in the life of society as a whole. Conflicts that started earlier will be ended. Because the Rat, like a family and domestic bird, is against all sorts of conflicts and tries by all possible means to help avoid troubles and cope with problems. The element of the symbol of this year will be fire. This means that the main color of the symbol is red and all shades that are close to it. Do not forget about gold, orange and yellow, which are also considered the color of fire.

In the East, they believe that the rat is the main family. He may have a large family, but the bird understands that all responsibility in keeping order lies with her. So, next year, you need to try not to fall out of the rhythm and manage to do everything for your family. Such an approach, astrologers assure, will ensure the constant presence of good luck on the side of a particular person.

Fateful Decisions

Like no other year, the period of 2020 will bring many changes in life. Moreover, this year will become fateful, that is, the start of changes will begin precisely in the year of the Rat, and then they can continue. For each person, their own sphere is chosen by the stars, but there is no doubt that it will be possible to feel the influence of the patron.

Based on all that has been said, you can already determine for yourself what congratulations on the New Year of the Rat will be. As you can see, this bird is kind and domestic, but with an obstinate character. To grab her by the tail and attract good luck, you definitely have to try. Including, try to choose and download the best, most beautiful, stylish and original postcards Happy New Year 2020 of the Rat.

Everyone, young and old, is waiting for the new year, in 2017 humanity is waiting for the year of the Red Fire Rooster. This new year according to the Chinese calendar begins on January 28, 2017 and lasts until February 15, 2018, and so it turns out to be more than the standard calendar year, by a whole month and a half. The Year of the Red Fire Rooster has emotional outbursts, a storm of passions and, accordingly, congratulations for the New Year should correspond to such a symbol.

New Year's greetings with a snowman

Fir branches, balls and Happy New Year

Voice greetings

Congratulations in the form of a postcard can be performed not only in the classic version, but you can please your loved ones and colleagues with original voice cards. Such congratulations will surely remain in the memory for a long time and will certainly add mood to the addressee. After all, it is a good mood for the New Year that is the best gift from which all the most secret desires, dreams and vivid emotions begin.

Also, animated greeting cards are considered very creative, which will surely appeal to both adults and children.

Greeting cards for 2017

The symbol of 2017 is the Rooster, a well-known poultry. Greeting cards can be easily and simply sent by e-mail now, which will depict the symbol of the New Year - the Rooster, surrounded by other animals, symbols from the Chinese calendar, which will surely bring good luck, success, financial well-being and stability to its owner. You can create greeting cards with your own hands, taking an interest in the proposed examples, for inspiration, or find one you like and print it, send it by mail.

Bells and New Year's poem

Lantern, blue spruce and New Year's greetings

Greeting cards for loved ones

It is not so difficult to congratulate a loved one, a loved one, it is important to make a gift from the heart and give a beautiful greeting card. An important role in the congratulations is played by the words spoken, written, embedded in the congratulatory leaflet.

Lovely and sincere wishes to a close, dear person can be placed on the back of the postcard:

31th of December
We can't sleep tonight
I congratulate you heartily
And I kiss you gently on the cheek.

Let the new year bring
Health and prosperity for the future,
Let there be a jump in your career
Children to us with you, my dear!

There is a reason to say congratulations today
Forget all grievances, worries, trouble,
More health, success, good luck
I wish you a Happy New Year.

Let a new symbol into the house,
With hope, happiness and love,
After all, he will bring gifts,
Only joy and health!

Today we celebrate friends
After all, it can not be otherwise,
I wish you joy, goodness,
Fate you bright and good!

Lilac balls on spruce paws and congratulations on the New Year

Decorated luminous Christmas tree and New Year's poem

Beautiful postcards for the new year

It is also important how the greeting leaflet looks like, it can be comic, original and incredibly beautiful, with various sparkles, rhinestones and other decor. But the most important thing is the filling of congratulations, because only warm sincere words deserve attention.

Postcards with wishes in the year of the Rooster will bring a lot of joy and good mood:

May this year be happier
To joyfully he passed,
Let your loved ones be near
And those with whom we always feel good!

We hasten to congratulate you all from the bottom of our hearts,
Happy New Year - Year of the Rooster!
We wish you good luck, success, love!
And the rest of life is nonsense!

We congratulate you on the New Year!
Happy winter holiday
We wish you all good luck and joy,
And not only on holidays!

Happy New Year of the Rooster!
I send frosty and snowy greetings to you!
I wish you happiness, health, success,
In this bright and fiery new year!

The time comes and the number twelve,
It already shines in silver
We don't have to fear anything
With the Rooster there will be doubly happiness!

Our time does not stand still
Constantly moving and flying
This confirms the new symbol
who will serve us.

Everyone knows that the Rooster is a bully,
And do not hold it back, the coolest ardor,
And yet this bird is sweet,
Our cock, he is so loved by everyone!

Snowmen, spruce, Santa Claus and Happy New Year

Snowman and New Year's rhyme

Selection of greeting cards for the New Year

A postcard for the new year 2017 must be chosen in the correct colors that will be acceptable for the new symbol.

If the greeting card is handmade, drawn on paper or corrected in graphic editors, it is recommended to choose orange, red and yellow shades for this. In this case, the sincerity and awe attached to the process will certainly not go unnoticed by the new symbol of the year.

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An excellent choice would be golden sparkles, which, as it were, lure the luck and success that a cockerel can give. The main thing is to design a card in a bright and original way, to come up with something different from standard templates and stereotypes, so to speak, to go beyond the ordinary. It is precisely such wayward and unusual that the Red Fiery symbol of the year is.

New Year is the most wonderful and magical holiday that both adults and small children are waiting for. Before the New Year, we begin to actively prepare - choose gifts for relatives and friends, prepare toasts and congratulations, cook delicious dishes in the kitchen.

New Year 2017 is the year of the Red Fire Rooster. The symbol of the year is very cheerful and quick-tempered in its temperament. He simply will not tolerate boredom at the New Year's table. Therefore, it is necessary to meet this year as memorable and bright as possible.

Before the New Year, it is customary for us to send each other congratulatory messages. The most original way to send a greeting is with a postcard. On this page you will find greeting cards for the New Year 2017. Choose the one that suits you and send it to your friends, colleagues or just loved ones.

Postcards for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster to colleagues.

Happy New Year


Cool greeting cards in the year of the Fire Rooster 2017.

Cool greeting cards for the New Year 2017 can be sent to close friends or acquaintances who love and appreciate a sense of humor.


Cool postcard

Postcard Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2017 - Rooster

Animated cards for the New Year 2017.

Animated cards for the New Year 2017 look more original.

The Year of the Rooster is knocking at your house -
Beautiful, bright, important bird.
May the whole year be fabulously lucky
And the Rooster pecks all the troubles.

Let happiness crow
Love, health at once.
And with a light wave of bright wings
Fill life with goodness and peace.

Although he does not fly high,
But let it still inspire you.
We will meet him with all the people
And let's say together: "Happy New Year!"

Here is the Rooster, the owner of the year
Already entered into their rights.
I wish the feeder
The whole year was full.

Let your money be stable
Chickens just don't peck
And successes and victories
They don't let you relax.

Let the elegant and beautiful Fire Rooster bring you energy to achieve the highest goals, paint your life with bright colors and warm your heart with the fire of love! May your family and friends be healthy and happy, and you will drown in the sea of ​​wealth and pleasure! I wish peace and joy of the soul, strength of the body and clarity of mind! Beauty and adoration to you, warmth and understanding, happiness for the whole year and for life!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Cockerel so as not to peck,
And accompanied in business,
He brought joy to your house,
Fenced off from adversity,
Filled my pockets with happiness
Would drive away all bad weather,
Gave love, wealth, passion!

I wish in the year of the Rooster
To make your life easy
So that he brings a bag of money,
To break the wallet!
Let the wagon be healthy
A million bright moments
Have a great day, good luck
Tender hugs, hot feelings,
Lots of smiles, laughter, jokes,
Good at any time of the day
Sea of ​​love and strong friendship -
Let him give you everything you need!

The beautiful Rooster is the symbol of this year,
Prosperity, luck to you and income!
Let there be golden grain in the house,
And happiness with kindness will come to you in addition!
May the year of the Rooster be the year of joy,
Leave problems in the outgoing year!
Let the rooster bring good news
At any moment will support, save!
May joy always warm your heart,
And the coming year fulfills dreams!

The rooster comes from the east is not simple,
A fiery, successful and beautiful.
So let the year turn out like this -
Cheerful, and successful, and happy!

Successful everyday life, wisdom and strength
Let the Rooster give not lazy,
And for those who put a lot on themselves,
Able to be always hardworking!

Let bright colors splash on love,
Color everything around, and the heart too,
And life, like a new holiday, will blossom
And it will be such a good year!

I wish that the Cockerel
Filled your wallet
Warmed your home
For things to go up
Difficulties not to meet
The whole year they lived - feasted,
Didn't get sick, didn't get old
And they were successful in everything!

Hello hello
New Year!
It's the rooster's turn.
Let your "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
He will disperse sadness, longing.
Give wings to fly
Golden eggs without counting.
Combat will lift the spirit
Let us have a Fire Rooster.

Hello Fire Rooster,
You are now our best friend
May your year be happy
Let luck love us
Laughter let it pour millet,
Joy enters our home.

The rooster is already jumping in a hurry!
He, taking the Monkey under his arm,
Health, happiness brings everyone.
He will give us some money, he will save us from troubles.
Joy and peace, success, luck,
Excitement, victories, mood,
Gives fun and patience!
He will sing a song about love to us,
Everyone will find luck with him.

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