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Wedding gift for couples. wedding gift

The very fact that the spouses decide to consecrate their marriage in the church characterizes them as people who respect Orthodox traditions, according to which the married remain together even after death. Going to such a ceremony, relatives and relatives of the wedding couple rightfully have a question about a gift that will emphasize the significance of this event and will be remembered for a long time.

Special gifts for a special day

However, when choosing this or that present, you need to remember the specific nature of this celebration. The described ceremony is a sacrament, thanks to which two loving souls are united, and therefore gifts to a married couple, timed to coincide with this most important stage in their lives, should also be special.

A very common practice is when the actual rites of the official marriage and the church one fall on the same day. In this case, it is not forbidden to give the newlyweds gifts that are of practical use, which include household appliances, dishes, bedding, etc. If the ceremony takes place when a certain time has passed after the civil marriage, then the nature of the gifts changes. Here the spiritual component comes to the fore, as people have already lived for some, sometimes quite a long time, in marriage, and now they have come to a joint decision to secure their union with divine bonds. In such circumstances, it would not be entirely correct to give a washing machine or pillows, only if the desire to receive these things as a gift does not belong to the married couple themselves.

Everyone can have their own opinion about what they give for a wedding, based on the financial capabilities of the donors, the security of the recipients or the country of the venue (if initially), their personal wishes and preferences, but there is still a list of gifts that can emphasize the uniqueness of this bright celebrations.

Wedding icons - from the heart and soul

From time immemorial, parents presented icons to their children for weddings, the image of the Savior to the groom, the Virgin Mary to the bride. These icons were inherited and were considered a real family heirloom, protecting from all adversity. Now wedding icons are most often purchased in the church. In general, sacred images are a universal gift for this celebration. Among them are icons of St. Peter and St. Fevronia - the patrons of all loving hearts in Orthodoxy, or the so-called family icon - an image with the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the patron saints of a married couple on it. Wedding icons embroidered with beads or a cross are also in high demand as wedding gifts. However, if you decide to give an icon, it is better to consult other donors in order to avoid the same or the same type of presents.

In addition to the holy images, it is very convenient to give those who are married a beautiful gift copy of the Bible, a shelf or lamp for the iconostasis, an embroidered towel, decorative figurines of angels or doves, silver or gold chains with crosses. An original gift will be a bottle of consecrated Cahors with two elegant crystal glasses or silver cups.

If there is a financial opportunity, they often present as a gift an expensive gold or silver coin depicting especially revered saints - St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, etc. It would be very appropriate to present a ticket to the married couple to make a pilgrimage to holy places - such a gift will not only bring the spouses even closer but will also allow them to reach new heights of spirituality.

However, it is not necessary that the gifts be too expensive. You can limit yourself to a small but heartfelt gift that will protect and warm those who are presented. These can be wooden bracelets with the faces of saints, a charm-icon in the car, candlesticks for church candles, in a word, everything that brings people closer to God and reminds us of the highest protection and love that is always with us.

Presents such as a massive photo album with a place for writing in the margins are often quite suitable so that you can track the history of a married couple, a set of cutlery traditionally made of silver, but a more democratic option is also appropriate.

Why dream of a wedding - interpretation

Before such a significant event as a wedding, whether it will be your own, or planned with relatives or friends, as a rule, there is a spiritual uplift, all thoughts and feelings are aggravated, preparing for this sacred sacrament. Against such an emotional background, even in a dream, a person does not stop worrying and thinking only about the upcoming ceremony. Why dream of a wedding, how to interpret this bright dream, saturated with special colors?

For the most part, in various interpretations, church marriage has a positive meaning. If you dream of your own wedding ceremony, it means that you are destined for a long and happy life with your chosen one, not only physical, but also spiritual intimacy. Seeing a ceremony with unfamiliar young people is an even closer rapprochement with your companion. Being a priest performing a ceremony portends a certain danger threatening your partner, which you will be able to prevent. But it is not worth interfering too much in the affairs of divine providence, everything is the will of God. Knowing why a wedding is dreaming of, promising success in business, unexpected joy and a pleasant acquaintance, you can be sure of a positive outcome of your affairs.

Close people invited you to the wedding ceremony, but you do not know what to give? Your attention to 13 relevant and worthy ideas for a wedding present for a couple.

When choosing a gift for a wedding, you need to know that some things should absolutely not be given to a young family.

These include:

  • Sharp objects (sets of forks and knives, as well as scissors) - it is believed that such a gift can attract quarrels to the family.
  • Forbidden gifts also include watches, symbols of other religions, and even some varieties of flowers - red roses, orchids and chrysanthemums.
  • Comic presentations will also be inappropriate.

What then to give? Let's look at the options.

1. Pair of wedding icons

Traditionally, this gift is presented to young parents. An excellent option would be a wedding pair of icons of the Kazan Mother of God and the Almighty, handmade using beads and natural stones. It is good if the icons are already consecrated according to the full Orthodox rite and have a wax seal with a blessing. Just remember that such a gift must be ordered in advance so that the masters have time to make it.

Friends of the couple can also donate an icon, for example, with the images of Peter and Fevronia - these saints are the patrons of all loving people.

The cost of a pair of such icons is on average from 2,500 to 4,500 rubles and more, depending on the material and exclusivity, the complexity of the work.

Such a gift can be presented by close relatives and friends. Wedding sets usually include a towel (towel) made of natural cotton fabric with lace and two textile candlesticks with ribbons, which are suitable for wedding candles of any thickness. The set looks very nice and will go well with any outfit of the wedding couple.

The cost of the presentation is approximately from 2,500 to 4,000 rubles.

3. Wedding rings

This gift is presented either by the man who is getting married himself, or by the parents of the couple. Rings are the main attribute of the wedding ceremony. A wonderful option would be a pair of gold rings with a diamond face and the engraving "Lord, crown them with glory and honor" - it will become a talisman for the spouses. If those who are getting married prefer silver, then you can pick up rings from this metal.

A pair of gold wedding rings will cost from 12,000 rubles.

If you want to present a truly royal gift, pay attention to the genealogical book: such a present will carry the most important information about the family tree and be passed down from generation to generation. A classic inexpensive gift or an expensive book with bronze overlays for the family coat of arms, stored in a wooden chest - there are a large number of variants of the genealogical book for every taste and financial possibilities. We recommend making a choice in favor of a more presentable option, and if necessary, you can seek help from specialists at the Russian Pedigree Center - young people here will be taught how to fill out the book correctly.

The cost of a genealogical book starts from 2,000 and can reach 30,000 rubles, depending on the material used, design, the presence of a casket and other nuances.

5. Prayer book in a handmade cover

A big book with great knowledge is a wonderful gift for a believer, because it contains prayers for all occasions. Now the wedding couple will have their own family prayer book, which can be passed on to children. Handmade by skilled craftsmen will not leave young people indifferent.

The price will depend on materials and design - on average from 10,000 to 12,000 rubles. And do not forget that it is better to order a handmade gift in advance.

6. Charm in the form of a horseshoe

So that the couple’s house is always a full bowl, you can present a horseshoe amulet as a gift. The rings located inside the horseshoe symbolize eternal love. Such a present is perfect for both wedding and marriage registration in the registry office. The product can be made of precious metal and decorated with a precious stone, or made of leather, decorated with rhinestones - choose what you like and will appeal to young people.

The price of such a gift is from 500 rubles to infinity (if you make a choice in favor of precious metals).

7. Pair of pendants with guardian angels

A personal amulet can also be presented to a couple for a wedding. The guardian angel will not only protect from unpleasant life situations, but also inspire good thoughts for eternal salvation. Choose products made of precious metals, for example, 925 silver with blackening - such a gift looks not only beautiful, but really expensive (in spiritual terms). Important: the amulet pendant should be presented to each of the couple who are getting married, so that the Guardian Angel protects both the married couple in general and each individually.

The cost is on average from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles for two pendants.

8. Pair of silver spoons

For more than one century, it has been customary for a new family to give silver, which is subsequently passed on to the next generations. A pair of teaspoons is a great wedding present. Their peculiarity is that a guardian angel is depicted at the end of each spoon - he will purify food and thoughts, and also protect a new family.

Cost - approximately from 4,000 to 7,000 rublesfor a couple.

9. Beautiful bread box made of birch bark

Want to give a practical gift that the family will use every day? Give young people a colorful handmade bread box - such a gift will fit into any interior and will be a very valuable kitchen accessory, because birch bark allows you to keep the freshness of bakery products for a long time, and besides, it has bactericidal properties.

Birch bark bread box will cost about 2,000 rubles. A p When presenting a gift, be sure to wish the young people that their family always has bread and prosperity.

10. Lamp in the form of the Guardian Angel of the hearth

A great wedding gift idea is a porcelain lamp. It will look good on a bedside table or on a fireplace. The guardian angel is called upon to protect the couple, create and maintain comfort in the house. Such a present will be especially valuable for those who attach great importance to every thing in the house.

Prices - for any wallet, approximately from 4,000 rubles for a small lamp.

11. Porcelain tea set

At all times, porcelain products (especially dishes) were considered an indicator of the family's wealth. So it can be safely presented as a wedding gift. Exquisite snow-white service for 6 people will allow a married couple to have a pleasant time drinking tea, enjoying communication with each other or receiving guests.

The cost of a porcelain service will depend on the number of items - a tea set for 6 people will cost about 9,000 rubles.

12. Cover for the Wedding Certificate

A beautiful cover for the Wedding Certificate can be an addition to the main gift, because everything should be beautiful at the ceremony, and such an important little thing will help complete the decoration of the celebration. The main color of the certificate - silver speaks of purity in relationships and thoughts.

Many couples, after becoming spouses before the law and society, decide to unite their destinies before God. Some people decide to take such a responsible and very important step in their lives only after they have been married for many years. The couple went through many trials together, raised children and really became each other not only husband and wife, but also the best support, like-minded people and people who are able to feel their soul mate even at a distance. A wedding is a great sacrament of the union of souls, so it can be called one of the most important and significant days in a person’s life.

Young couples today after the registry office can immediately go to church, of course, this is very beautiful and symbolic, but nevertheless, one should take such a step, setting oneself mentally and morally. Preparing your inner world and consciousness for such a spiritual connection with another person. When years of married life are behind, then in the eyes, in addition to love and trust, wisdom and understanding of what is combined under the vaults of the temple shine. Young people should think very carefully about whether they are really ready at this moment before the Lord to call a person their husband or wife and take an oath of fidelity and love. You should not do it for the sake of beauty or because most of your friends do it. The sacrament of the wedding should be approached consciously, accepting it.

household gifts.

If guests have an idea to give their friends or relatives a new slow cooker or a very beautiful blender on their wedding day, then this idea should be left right on the store shelf. You should not think about everyday trifles on the day when people open their souls under the vaults of the church. All the little things and everyday problems should be left at least for one day and think about something significant and eternal. This is what a gift should look like. It must have meaning and meaning. It is worth getting hung up on the price of the gift, in this case, money does not play any role. Not the material value is important, but the understanding of what happened.

Friends can take all the organizational moments of this bright and such an important event completely on themselves. For some, this will really be the biggest and most important gift. The spouses will only need to talk with the priest and discuss personal moments of preparation for the sacrament, and all other chores will be done at their request.

Spiritual gifts.

The traditional gift that can and should be presented to your friends on such a solemn day is, of course, an icon. The parents of the bride and groom can present a beautiful icon depicting the Savior and the Virgin Mary. This gift is very symbolic and meaningful. It must necessarily remain in the family and be passed on to children at the time of their wedding. It is believed that such a wedding icon is able to keep love in the family and strengthen it in every generation.

You cannot give such a gift to other guests, it is considered only parental, but you can find an alternative solution, present an icon depicting Peter and Fevronia, these saints in the Orthodox faith are the main patrons of those who love people. They carried their love through life and kept it even when they went to heaven. The power of the love of the saints should become the main amulet and protection for the family. Such a gift must be made only with the purest thoughts and a sincere desire for love for your friends.

You can also pick up small, but very important and significant medallions, which depict guardian angels of the bride and groom. Such gifts can be bought or ordered in the icon shop. If a person has a desire, then everything can be done in gold or silver, or you can make a simple metal frame and a regular chain. Not the value of the gift will be important in this case, but its true value.

Spouses for the holiday can be presented with a Bible in a beautiful design. Such a gift is sure to please, but only if there really is faith and love for the Lord in the hearts. Sometimes this gift can just take its place on the bookshelf. It will be beautiful, but, unfortunately, an insignificant reminder of such an important and happy day. You can give a more modern version of the triptych in the car. It will serve as protection on the road and a real talisman from troubles, both for the driver and passengers.

Very often people go to church to become husband and wife before God because they really believe in it and don't want to live in sin. In this case, you can prepare a special gift. Its meaning will be understood only by those who believe in the power of the Lord and always turn to him not only with their problems and requests, but also with words of gratitude. Young people can be given a small tour for a few days or even a tour of the holy places. When choosing such a gift, it should be understood that its cost is quite high, so you need to purchase it only with full confidence that friends will get real pleasure from this, both aesthetically and spiritually. Otherwise, you just don't need to waste your money. It is not necessary to buy a tour to another country, because among the expanses of your native country you can find many beautiful and worthy places for pilgrimage, which mean a lot to Orthodox people.

Spouses can be presented with beautiful golden crosses. This gift can also be called traditional and classic. It is completely suitable for a wedding, because it personifies the greatness of the Lord and his unfading beauty for the whole world. If the couple has crosses, then you can look at the coins, which depict the faces of saints. Such a gift will not only be very symbolic, it will also become a real talisman for the family, protecting it from a bad look, gossip or gossip, but also black human envy.

For young people, you can pick up a beautiful composition of chocolate in the form of a temple. It looks very original and symbolic, of course, there is no spiritual meaning in such a surprise, but it will still be suitable. The chocolate composition can be beautifully and very appropriately supplemented with a bottle of Cahors previously consecrated in the church.

DIY gift.

People have always believed that things that are created with their own hands are capable of transmitting human energy. For a wedding, you can do something in a similar style. For young people, this will be a really significant and very pleasant surprise, then, that the gift will be made with soul and love. The first thing that comes to mind as a wedding gift is an embroidered icon. Indeed, such a surprise would be symbolic and appropriate. On the Internet today you can find detailed embroidery patterns, which indicate everything that is needed for work. In special shops - workshops, consultants will help you from the professional side to choose everything correctly and calculate the right amount. You need to rely on the fact that such work is very painstaking and long, so it’s better to start embroidering earlier in order to be in time for the celebration.

The icon can be embroidered with threads in various techniques or with beads. Recently, many girls and women are engaged in this type of needlework. The final work is very beautiful. Properly selected sizes and colors of beads just perfectly add up to a whole picture and are able to overflow depending on how the light falls on them. Of course, such work requires appropriate design. A decent frame will be a good final accent. Such a gift will be very valuable for a couple, because a person put his soul and feelings into it. Professional craftswomen say that icons should be embroidered only with the right and right attitude. It is simply forbidden to think about something bad or get angry while working, otherwise the material will absorb all this and then can simply harm the one for whom it was made. Bright thoughts and positive energy will charge the icon and it will become a real family talisman.

Craftsmen who prefer to work with wood can also make something beautiful and original. For a wedding, you can make a beautiful horseshoe or cross as a gift. Skillfully done work should please and will definitely bring something positive and good to the house. You can also make a beautiful photo frame or even a series of similar frames in different sizes. All this in the end should be a beautiful and original composition on the wall. These frames will be intended for photos from the celebration. To find out exactly what gifts will be appropriate at the wedding, you should consult with the workers of the icon shop. They will tell you everything in detail and can give advice on choosing.


It is not customary to give flowers at a wedding, so guests without traditional bouquets will not be a surprise to anyone, but still, such a sign of attention will be very pleasant for the bride. Today you can make a real flower arrangement. Florists will fulfill all the wishes of their client, but you can do it not very traditionally. Sweet bouquets can perfectly replace natural flowers. Masters make simply amazing works, in which you simply cannot see sweets at first glance. Such a gift may be more durable than a regular bouquet, but if the bride has a sweet tooth, she will still get to the delicious filling of beautiful flowers. If, nevertheless, the option of a traditional bouquet is chosen, then care should be taken that it looks very gentle and airy. Bulky bright bouquets with a lot of roses or other flowers are not suitable for a wedding, everything should be very light and almost weightless. Many people know that there is an unofficial wedding ban on giving red roses. For some reason, these flowers are not customary to give, no one can explain why this prejudice exists, but there is no getting away from it. Therefore, beautiful and perhaps the bride's favorite flowers should be left in the store until the next more convenient occasion.

Witness gift.

Witnesses in the wedding ceremony accompany the young everywhere, so they need to carefully approach the choice of a gift with them. A good option could be a traditional wedding photo album, in which, after some time, pictures will appear that capture the happy moments of the wedding. You can also consider a very interesting option and present young people not with classic glasses for newlyweds, but with beautiful silver goblets on a stand with engraved names of the spouses. It is best to give such cups complete with a stand, it can contain the date of marriage.

Witnesses can order a wedding portrait to the artist. Such a gift, most likely, will be ready a few days after the wedding itself, but nevertheless, it is in such work that the real feelings of people, their spiritual state at the moment when they took their vows, can be displayed. Such a gift can be simply priceless, and at the moment when the couple has problems or even a desire to leave, he will always remind you what they were like at the moment of their highest happiness.

A wedding wreath can be presented to the young as a symbolic gift on such a day. This can become a real family heirloom that will keep the love and union of two people from all troubles and difficulties. You can also prepare souvenir options for gifts for young people. A bottle of champagne with a photo of the spouses and a memorable date on the label. This bottle is unlikely to be opened, most likely it will be kept and opened in a few years, for another fun and noisy anniversary.


Many today say that it is absolutely impossible to give money for a wedding, but still sometimes there are hopeless situations. Someone may not have had time to buy a gift or found out about the celebration late. In this case, money can be used as a gift, but only in a white clean envelope, it will be a symbol of the fact that such a gift is presented with pure intentions and without malicious intent. It is worth abandoning fashionable bright envelopes in sparkles and rhinestones. At the wedding, they will be inappropriate.

A wedding is a great sacrament for which not all couples are ready. If the guests were lucky enough to witness such a holiday, then they will definitely pick up the appropriate gift that protects the couple and their love.

Wedding organization

If you received an invitation to a wedding, then you most likely had a question: what to give for a wedding? Are there any restrictions, prohibitions from the church and generally accepted gifts? Both young people on the day of marriage and older couples can get married. Therefore, the gift in the first and second cases may differ. It is worth sorting out everything in order to make an informed decision and please your family and friends on this day.

Rumor has it that you can’t give anything at all for a wedding. However, the church does not give any prohibitions on this matter. Nevertheless, the desire of the couple should be taken into account: in the event that the young are against gifts, then nothing is worth giving. If the newlyweds decided to get married on the same day as the marriage registration in the registry office, then there should not be any particular problem. In this case, you can give your friends some household appliances, a beautiful service or other household items that will undoubtedly come in handy for a young couple.

What is given for a wedding to young people: a traditional gift

Since ancient times, it has been customary to give icons with the faces of saints for weddings. Such a gift has not lost its relevance today. As a gift to children, parents can get an icon depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. In this case, it is not just a gift, it is a valuable thing that will pass from generation to generation. Icons can be encrusted with precious stones and painted to order.

As a gift to parents, you can also present a church icon. In this case, it may be the well-known icon with the faces of Fevronia and Peter, they are the patrons of loving people. Another no less valuable gift for your parents will be a gift or collector's edition of the Bible.

Witnesses at the wedding are, as a rule, close people who can present both young and adult couples with crosses made of precious metal (gold, silver) or medallions with the faces of saints who are the patrons of the people who are getting married.

Guests can also give symbolic gifts. These can be unusual candlesticks, handmade lamps, carved shelves for the iconostasis. In the church you can buy clay products that will be an excellent present on this memorable day.

If a wife wants to make a gift to her husband or vice versa, then these can also be icons depicting Guardian Angels or patron saints of their professional activities.

An elderly couple who already has everything can be presented as a gift with a tour of the holy places, where they can relax and perk up spiritually.

What is given for a wedding to young people: handmade gifts

Without exception, married couples will love handmade items. Remember that handicraft is highly valued and you definitely can't go wrong. Those who know how to embroider can present embroidered icons, napkins or tablecloths to the wedding couple.

Young children very often want to congratulate their parents or grandparents on this significant day. They will be able to make a candle or sew a cute angel, which will undoubtedly please their relatives.

If you know how to carve wood, you can easily make an exclusive photo frame, a shelf or a carved cross.

Scrapbooking, a fashionable hobby today, can also help with making a memorable gift. In this technique, you can create not only an original photo album (which is also a great option), but also a book for the spouses to write memoirs or their family history. It can be originally designed, it is worth highlighting the places for photographs. Moreover, such a gift can be made to order and presented to the wife on her anniversary. In this technique, you can also create stunning cards with congratulations and wishes.

If you can’t decide on a gift option or are afraid that your present may not be in a single copy on this holiday, then you can safely give money. Put them in a beautiful envelope that you can also make yourself.

Flowers to give on your wedding day

Is it necessary to give flowers to young people on this day? This is not at all necessary and remains at your discretion, if the bride does not speak out categorically against such a sign of attention.

If you still decide to present the bride with a bouquet, then what flowers should be in it? It is best to choose white options. It can be either a traditional bouquet or an arrangement of flowers in a beautiful wicker basket. And it is better to give preference to small and neat options. Choose flowers that do not have a strong and annoying scent, because you do not want the bride to have a headache on such an important day for her.

On the anniversary of the wedding, spouses can also give gifts to each other, but this is already left to their discretion. It can be both valuable things, icons, and cute, but significant gizmos for them.

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Yana Volkova 15 August 2018

The wedding ceremony is an insanely responsible and serious step for the faithful bride and groom. It should be understood that this is the bonding of the bonds of marriage in heaven, before the Lord himself. Therefore, when deciding to conduct this sacrament, take seriously both the preparation and the conduct of the event.

The sacrament of the wedding is increasingly carried out on the same day with the painting in the registry office. However, if you do it in another, special day for you, only with the closest relatives, having lived with your soul mate for some time and being convinced of the correctness of your choice, it will be even better. The absence of strangers at such a moment will only add significance and importance to the event. After all, it is not for nothing that the rite is called the “sacrament” of the wedding.

Church attributes for a wedding

To give a wedding gift to young people or not?

Having received an invitation to such a ceremony, the guests immediately ask themselves the question: what can be presented to the couple for the wedding? It is good if the registration of marriage in heaven coincides with the day of registration of marriage in the registry office, and a gift can be prepared for a common, wedding gift. But what if the young people decide to get married in a year or after ten, twenty years of marriage?

There is a certain opinion among the Orthodox that nothing needs to be given for a wedding. There is no official confirmation of this.

Priests do not argue prohibitions. Better take into account the attitude of a young couple to gifts on such an occasion. If they say that you don’t need to give anything, then you shouldn’t bother. Otherwise, you will have to puzzle over what to present for a wedding in a church.

Often young people perform a ceremony just because it is modern and trendy. In this case, a special gift is not really needed. Present a thing necessary for a young family in everyday life. For example, appliances or utensils.

If the couple approaches such a wedding sacrament with all seriousness, with preparation and rules, then pick up a gift of the same religious nature. A responsible approach arises not only in mature people who have experienced the power of marriage over the years. But also among very young people who firmly believe that marriages are made in heaven and require the Lord's blessing.

Icon of Our Lady of Kazan, silver, on wood, Beltrami gioielli(price link)

Wedding gifts for friends. portrait surprise

Perhaps one of the standard gifts will be money (if the couple is not particularly religious). Just take care of a beautiful postcard.

If you not donator of money, then a portrait will be a memorable present. There are so many opportunities in the modern world that it is not even necessary to look for a professional artist. Order photo printing on canvas with photo processing.

What is customary for witnesses to give for a wedding?

Witnesses at the wedding are people who accompany the newlyweds in the temple. It can be said, a kind of "charm" for the family. Those who help to conclude a marriage somewhere higher than the state structure. Accordingly, they select a gift for the bride and groom more scrupulously. As an option, original things for home comfort are suitable. For example, an unusual photo album for family photos.

Another interesting idea would be silver cups engraved with the date of the event - valuable and beautiful

Also, witnesses, consider the assortment of unusual candlesticks, which will then become an integral part of the interior in a new home and a regular participant in romantic evenings.

A set of a pair of beautiful glasses and bottles red church wine in a wonderful basket -

a useful present for young people, which they will use very soon, celebrating their first family event.

A set of glasses, Argenta(price link)

Gift for adult couple

When creating a family, not all couples are ready to immediately receive a church blessing. Sometimes this realization comes with age. In this case, gifts will suit the spiritual and religious direction. They also give the elderly for a wedding:

  • antique items;
  • valuable jewellery;
  • porcelain.

However, one of the exciting gifts will definitely be a trip to the holy places. And optional buy travel tickets. There are enough wonderful places for pilgrimage in Russia. But, if funds and health allow, send a couple to Jerusalem.

Another option to choose from is an icon as a wedding gift. Let it be a handmade icon embroidered with beads, or small nominal images.

Flowers for the wedding

Often, invitees ask a reasonable question: “Do they give flowers for a wedding?”. It is not customary to give bouquets for such ceremonies. Nothing bad will happen if the invitees come without them. But in any case, the bride will be pleased to receive an original bouquet. Order an unusual composition: fruity or candy.

What do they give relatives for a wedding? Gifts from the temple and for the temple

First of all, I would like to write about gifts for children from parents in the church. After all, each of them wishes their children family happiness and prosperity. So, it attaches special importance to the wedding present.

Icons are considered obligatory gifts from parents. Which one depends on what they symbolize. The most common are the wedding couple: the images of the Holy Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. It is possible that these will also be special icons that are transferred from generation to generation.

An equally important gift from the parents will be gold and silver jewelry: pectoral crosses, pendants with the faces of saints, “save and save” rings.

From brothers and sisters, an important and necessary gift to a believing couple will be a beautifully bound Bible

For relatives and guests, it is better to give the bride and groom for a wedding the following things:

  • Icon lamps;
  • Shelves for icons;
  • Sets of cupronickel or porcelain dishes;
  • A set of silver spoons;
  • Candlesticks;
  • Pay for the services of a fashion photographer;
  • Vouchers;
  • Religious sets.

Golden Ring, Cameo(price link)

A family tree book will be a fascinating gift for parents from children.

Often, on the day of the wedding, the husband and wife give gifts to each other. A valuable wedding gift for her husband will be a set of collectible coins, a rosary, a bracelet with the image of saints. For your wife, pick up a piece of jewelry, an amulet, or a chic ring.

Kazan Mother of God, Elizabeth(price link)

Is it possible to make a wedding gift with your own hands?

Recently, people are paying more and more attention to things that are not made in a factory or factory. It is generally accepted that during the manufacture of handmade items, a piece of the master's soul is invested in the product.

So it will be nice to get something made with your own hands for a wedding as a present. Try to make beautiful embroidered with threads or beaded icon. The stores already have ready-made drawings with a selection of the necessary materials by color.

If you know how to work with wood, take on the challenge and make a wooden box or frame for a wedding portrait. Think of something symbolic that will bring positive emotions into the house. For example, a lucky horseshoe or an unusual chic cross made of wood.

Wooden carved cross

Do not neglect simple, but warm and sincere wishes. On the wedding day, they write somewhere up there and will accompany the new family throughout their happy life.

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Among the many precious stones, there is one that has unique properties and...
Garnet stone how to determine natural
Garnet stone has been known to people for a long time. This gem has been attributed...
Children's summer shoes model template
Summer is great with good weather, bright sunshine, outdoor activities,...