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Happy sweet life day. The very best birthday wishes

The very best birthday wishes

Happy Birthday!
Sweet as winter jam.
Let it be an awakening
Let it be an illumination

Sunday mood
Also, a poem
performance, impatience,
From communication pleasure.

In general, it will be the sweetest,
The kindest, brightest, brightest,
Sweet as chocolates
And pleasant as gifts.

One two three four five -
I will congratulate my daughter!
"You grow big, big,
With a kind, joyful soul.
Let bad weather side
Will bypass me with you!
More, baby, do not be sad -
Wipe your tears quickly
And run quickly to play -
One two three four five!

There is no holiday more pleasant in the world,
After all, birthdays are loved, both adults and children are waiting.
Your turn has come to accept gifts,
Bathe in congratulations - that's so grace.
I wish you success everywhere,
So that the house was a fortress, children's laughter rang in it,
So that love does not fade away all your life,
Good luck to never cheat on you.

What to give you for your birthday?
car? Dacha? A whole load of money? ..
I will give you warmth and mood
And this is a bouquet of red roses.
And I want to wish you Love and Happiness,
So that every day yours is filled with Good,
Captivate men with the charm of their passion
And laughter with sonorous, gentle silver!

You needlessly look embarrassed
In this bright and joyful hour!
I feel flattered -
I was entrusted to congratulate you!
I am happy to direct
The current powers are:
Happy birthday to you
And I wish you well and love!

May your birthday bring you joy
Just like in childhood your laughter will ring.
I wish you vivacity, health,
And may success accompany everything!
May there be a lot of light in your life
And there will be love and kindness in it.
And let happiness settle in your house
And it will stay in it for a long time, forever!

I wish you a beautiful smile on your birthday,
Take a little break and get away,
To give everyone a drink with a joke and a joke to feed,
And also get a gift at the ATM!
Tumbling together under a warm blanket
Screaming furiously, wash your face with champagne,
Break the jackpot of love with an unshakable hand,
And happily dive face-first into the vanilla cake!

Why is everything wrong? Why is everything different?
The sun shines brighter, the birds sing louder.
And the earth no longer hides its beauty,
Heaven send their grace!
Yes, everything is simple! Today you appeared to the world!
Dear, beloved, my happiness!
For you I will take a golden-stringed lyre,
I'll tell you how I want to be with you together!

Matchmaker, my dear, I congratulate you! Happy birthday dear, I wish you well. Let your days be bright, Let them fill everyone with gifts, We wish the sea happiness, And do not know more grief! My dear kind matchmaker, I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday. May you be happy yourself, Dear, charming.

Victories on all fronts - let you be lucky in everything, money is found and life brings pleasure and joy! Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, may your health be such that you don’t even remember about it! May your love always be by your side.

Copy Today is the 23rd holiday, I congratulate you with all my heart, You are the best father-in-law in the world, Like dad, kind and dear. I wish you a lot of happiness, Love, health, kindness, Let it be bright life and long, May all dreams come true! +3 Copy Dear father-in-law, I wish you on a man's day, Good health, joy.

Do It a pleasant surprise! pictures of congratulations on your wedding day are cool When you enter a new job or in educational institution(gymnasium, college, university), any person experiences the same emotions - excitement about how he will be accepted by an unfamiliar team and what he can achieve in a new field. Usually.

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Congratulations for your beloved girl happy birthday Watch fun! Weekends in January 2017 as a rest Relentless winter has long come into its own, and now with its snow and frost, it reminds more and more of the approaching new year holidays. Original gift beloved man Almost every woman on the eve of various holidays is faced with a problem.

At the same time, by royal command, the temple received the degree of a cathedral. With its size and number of thrones, it even surpassed the earlier cathedrals of St. Petersburg, of which there were three by that time - Peter and Paul, St. Isaac's and Trinity-Petrovsky. The Fourth St. Petersburg Cathedral, recalling with its dedication the Great Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, emphasized the capital's status of the "young city" as a successor.

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The inexorable winter has long come into its own, and now, with its snow and frost, it reminds more and more of the approaching New Year holidays. Almost every woman on the eve of various holidays is faced with the problem of choosing a gift for her beloved man. You need to make a wish and shake the ball. The ball will solve all your problems. We enter a question.

Collection name: Wish sweet life on your birthday. Our dear boss, happy birthday! For us, you are a real star: beautiful, bright, alluring. Also, a guide. After all, it is you who leads the business of our company along the path of success and prosperity. Health to you and stellar success in everything!

I would like to add my own to all the suggestions already made. Friend! May your life never end and all troubles and sorrows bypass you. I wish you great happiness and, most importantly, loyal and reliable friends, good health and sunny days.

Our wonderful boss happy Birthday! We wish you achievements, unique opportunities, financial prosperity, healthy and active life. May she get better every day! Good luck, true friends, peace in the soul and family!

Let new sympathies, feelings and romantic adventures appear! We wish harmony and beauty around, a favorable combination of circumstances!

Eastern people say: when a star falls, it is fortunate. I wish you that your life was a complete starfall!

All gifts, fireworks and bouquets are for you today. Let it be crowded in the house from the guests, let the table be rich, and the glasses full. Let it be hot from wine and dancing. Happy birthday!

On your birthday, if I could give you a million, it would be a million opportunities! If I could give you a kingdom, it would be a kingdom of beauty. But I gave you life. Take all the possibilities from her and make this world a little more beautiful and kinder!

What is more eloquent than all words? Actions. They are the ones who talk about true feelings and thoughts, they stronger than words and serve as a criterion of truth.

May every day please you with wonderful events! And may all your dreams come true!

My dear, gentle, sweet, beloved! Tonight I'll cook candlelight dinner, put down a bottle of red wine, and wait for you to come! When you come, I will turn on a beautiful gentle melody and we will dance all night! Happy birthday!

My beloved friend, happy birthday! I want to wish you an ocean of happiness, a sea of ​​flowers, a warm radiant sun, a peaceful blue sky. Be always such a beautiful, bright, charming woman. Let all dreams come true, and life abounds with positive, vivid emotions.

Expensive! On your birthday, I wish that all the dreams that are characteristic of men come true. To do this, you must study a lot, I wish that the profession you have received will bring moral and material satisfaction, so that in your personal life you will find the one that will be hope and support for life!

On your birthday from pure heart Wish nice words And good advice, strong love and happy sunrises.

Dear mommy! Everything in this world today is for you! The sun is shining in the window, birds are singing and flowers are blooming in your honor, on your wonderful birthday! Be happy, my dear, and may joy and harmony always reign in your soul. A low bow to you for the kindness and affection that you always give me.

Congratulating such big man, you are lost what to wish for. But, as you know, there are no limits to perfection, so I wish your home to become more comfortable, your career more successful, your personal life happier. Respect to you, health and success.

Happy birthday, my radiant star, beloved sister! I wish that your path of fate was never thorny, and each new step opened the way to unknown beautiful horizons! May your Guardian Angel always protect you from sorrows, hardships and life failures.

Grandma, happy birthday! I wish you interesting bright days life, joyful events, unrest - only pleasant and useful. I wish you never to think about doctors and hospitals, and talk with your friends only about fashion, men and new recipes! Family warmth, grateful children and grandchildren, long life!

On this festive day, we are ready to give you the aroma of all flowers and the blush of dawn, the tenderness of morning roses, sunlight, friendly warmth, human kindness, a lot of kind words And unearthly love! May health and happiness always accompany you. All that is bright and holy on earth, let it be in your destiny!

Today, music sounds especially joyful, the sun shines more friendly, loved ones smile warmer and happiness is felt more acutely!

Dear birthday boy, be cheerful and courageous! You have many devoted friends, good neighbors and good bosses!

On a birthday, a person does not become one year older: it is another year replenished with such wonderful person, How are you! Congratulations to you and this happy year!

Throw open the doors to the world with your shoulders, conquer it with your smile, and may your life be full of joy, fun and drive! Good luck in realizing your ideas and may any of your dreams come true!

Dear brother! Happy birthday! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there for listening, supporting and helping. May your soul never know sadness, only continue to believe in the best! Let true happiness fill your world with vital light and positive. Love and be loved!

May your every day be more beautiful and joyful than yesterday. Accept our kisses and believe that we are together with you!

Congratulations! Let holiday will pass successfully, and every moment of it will give the most vivid impressions. Let the emotional colors of this day pour into beautiful picture memories. Happiness and joy!

Expensive! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful day- Happy birthday to you! We have been together for so many years, but we still love each other! For me, there is no person on earth closer and dearer than you! With all my heart I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes and expectations, happiness and love!

Dear birthday boy! Today in life you cross the threshold beyond which begins mature age, age young man. In this regard, I want to express my parting words to you in verse: If it happened - show diligence in business, no matter what happens, do not deviate from the goal. After all, only that will get you what you gain in zeal and struggle.

Happy Birthday. Let life flow under the sign of happiness and love. And it will be warmed by kindness, tenderness, well-being, and there will be relatives and friends nearby.

You are strong and beautiful like Apollo, your courageous heart is always ready to rush into battle. And we know that you are doing an excellent job with this courageous role, you are even proud of it. But remember that your loving heart must never turn to stone!

You can be the most skeptical and rational person, but the birthday party is not to be missed! Today we crowd around you with congratulations and wish you happiness, love and good luck, fulfillment of desires, many pleasant joys like a creamy ice cream cone on a hot summer afternoon and just all the best!

Dad, accept on your birthday the most best regards happiness, kindness and life inspiration, optimism and prosperity! May your work go well, and peace of mind reign in your heart. May the doors to your house always be open for true, reliable friends! Blossoming mood, vigor and strength to you!

I'll bring you a bouquet of flowers! No, not roses and not orchids! I'll bring you a bouquet of field daisies! Those from your distant childhood! Let them rejuvenate your soul and heart! Enjoy their scent! And be happy! May health never leave you! Happy birthday, Grandma!

Happy birthday! One can envy your cheerfulness, your activity too, so I really want to wish you good health and continue to please us. Surprise with an extremely original outlook on life and with your wisdom. Live long and also live brightly! Congratulations!

As they say - happy years, health, joys, victories! I wish you that everything comes true, may life, like a bright mosaic, be made up of joys and unforgettable events, and may everyone new day gives a great mood!

I wish you immense happiness, boundless goodness and boundless joy in life! May your successes, both in raising children and in your personal life, multiply and prosper!

May the unfading always live in your soul, ardent love that will never go unanswered! I wish you to remain as soft and sensitive, affectionate, cheerful and cheerful! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish the years of youth to be fruitful in terms of study, self-knowledge, self-realization, so that the profession that you have chosen brings satisfaction, material well-being and benefit to society life path was not thorny and on it you met only good people!

Beautiful and sweet, happy birthday! Let it be bright every day, let it light the way warm sun during the day and a clear moon at night. I wish you strong love, great happiness and constant good luck.

Happy birthday! I wish you great happiness, good health, universal patience, reliable and true friends.

Sunshine, happy birthday! We wish you health, joy, smiles, good and true friends, sun, warmth, many, many gifts. Grow, learn well, achieve your goals. May all your wishes come true on this festive day!

Mom, happy birthday! Always remain the same kind, generous with love and warmth, luxurious woman, not knowing diseases and sorrows. Happiness to you and joy, prosperity, family warmth, appetizing smell of pies in the house and welcome guests on the doorstep! - Wishes for a sweet life on your birthday

Mom, you are the most affectionate and tender, like a ray of sunshine in the morning. You are like a sorceress, you always know how to please and surprise with something, cook deliciously and faithfully protect family hearth. On your birthday, may the most cherished dreams come true, and the world around gives only happiness, positive and inspiration!

Accept our very warm congratulations Happy birthday!

Let all plans and dreams come true: a career will develop, children will delight with success, loved ones will touch you with sensitivity and care, true friends will share everyday life and holidays with you.

Happy Birthday to You! We wish you new beginnings and victories! Circle of true and good friends! So that no adversity touches you! Happy Coming of Age!

My dear hubby! Today is your birthday. Don't get too drunk there, otherwise I'll be very angry! I'll be waiting for you at home no later than eleven. Come on, turn me around! Today I will be your gift with a red bow! Everything, went to wind up! Kiss, Beloved!

Mommy, you are my dearest little man in this life! Your birthday is the most for me main holiday Because without you, there would be no me in this world. I wish you good health, vigor and mental strength! May every day give you inspiration and wonderful moments of happiness in the circle of grandchildren and children!

My kitten, my gentle little man! You are the most beautiful and kind! The most charming and attractive! You are my beloved one! On your birthday, I want to wish you success in everything! And I'll be there, if anything! Smile more! Your bunny!

How pleasant and easy it is to wish for you what you would wish for yourself. So that if you cry - then only from joy, tenderness or happiness. If wrinkles appear on your face, then only from smiles or laughter. If worries are only pleasant, if chores, then only you will be happy. Health to you, my good. Know you have me. Happy birthday!

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