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Ideas about the ideal woman. A woman's toolkit in winning male attention and desire

This article is for your gentleman. How to bring the following to his attention, you know better. Let him know that the best gift is not him at all, but what he gives you, and mind you, we are not talking about jewelry at all. And then you will adore him. So, only men read below.

Dear men, historically it so happened that you are the stronger sex, you are the pioneers, leading, courageous, guiding, giving, so the initiative in relationships should come from you. Forget all that nonsense about emancipation and equality of the sexes, about which so much is written on the forums - a woman was, remains and will be led, in spite of any regalia and achievements, only because the Lord God ordered it so. And if you want to be successful and fulfilled in this life, all that is required of you is to make your woman happy. If you think that this is trite, unoriginal, or “started your song again, the man owes nothing to anyone!” Feel free to close this page. We are also for equality, we will understand.

1. Be the “engine”

Such a cute girlish expression means that we expect a man to always be ahead of us on all fronts. We like it when a man understands Forex strategies, the principles of the jet engine, and also knows eight languages ​​​​against our three. What is important for us is a beacon, a pointer, a level that a man sets us and to which we need to grow and develop. This does not mean that we will eagerly begin to study the dynamics of currency fluctuations on the stock exchange, but the realization that our man has a high intellect pushes us to self-development in our field. Remember, men, you should always and in everything be one step ahead of a woman! It should be behind your shoulder, behind the shoulder of a man, behind your husband. And only this will make her happy - the understanding that you will always show the way and on this path you will close her with yourself, protect her.

2. Be careful

Women are very contradictory - on the one hand, they want tenderness, understanding and romance, on the other hand, they dream of a strong man with severely compressed lips and steel jaws. I understand how your mind is doubled when you hear this. I'll try to explain. What we call romance and tenderness actually means that we expect attention from you.

Not just attention, but mindfulness. This means remembering what flowers we love, what kind of tea or coffee we prefer, that we love Barry Calebaut dark chocolate with ginger, and not the first one that came across from the shelf in the store, that the name of our dog Max and that we are discussed the day before, extremely important. There is no need to flap our wings over us and every minute to inquire whether we are cold during a walk in the park in winter. Better breathe in our palms, put your big gloves on our hands and take us to the coffee shop to warm up with tea.

3. Know that we value actions, not words.

This is important for every man to know! Love is not words, it's actions! No verbal trills and outpourings will say more about love than a specific act. If you want to be close to this woman, you do not need to like her photo on Facebook or text “I miss you” and so on. Women don't believe in words, they believe in deeds. An invitation to a restaurant or a bouquet of flowers is also not an action, it is just a sign of attention. But replenishing her card for 200 hryvnias, buying food for her dog or a trip to Lviv, where she dreamed of visiting, is already a man's thing. Yes, women are materialistic - just do not confuse this with commercialism, we are not talking about the relationship “he pays - she dances”, we are talking about male care for the woman he loves.

4. Don't Waste Your Energy on Other Women

In the literal sense - there is nothing to wander around other people's aunts! The most shameful thing a man can do is to run between two women, carefully hiding the presence of a mistress from his wife and fluffing the tail of a free peacock in front of his mistress, whose head the sword does not cut. Men, you have no idea how you harm yourself and your male energy by giving seed to two women at the same time! And it doesn’t justify you even that you love both and cannot choose between them (this is a weakness), or love one, and on the other “only for the sake of children”. If there has been a collapse in your family life for a long time, have the courage to admit it to yourself and start looking for a new woman only when everything is already completed with the old one.

5. Never talk about other women.

Remember: never, not a word, not a sound about the former and your past with them. God forbid talking about where you vacationed, how you had sex, how she lost weight and that she hated jazz. We don't want to know anything about your exes, it's none of our business! But the truth is, it happens that some ladies who are not particularly confident in themselves pull the veins out of men with a request to tell about their ex-lover.

In this case, it is worth making it clear that the past is the past, you are grateful to the former woman for the fact that today you are in a new relationship.

If it so happens that you have a child from a past relationship, of course, he will automatically attract conversations with the mention of an ex-woman into your new life. You may have a hard time between two fires, but you will win in the eyes of both women if you strike a balance and do not discuss either of them in the presence of the other.

6. Look after yourself

You don't need to become a metrosexual, but if you want to please a woman, watch yourself. First of all, it concerns smells. There are men for whom even a strong antiperspirant does not help, but we are very good at distinguishing men by smell and can easily figure out when you took a shower last time. Let's open a secret: some women really like it when a man smells natural. Emphasis on “natural” and not on “smells”! Many men do not pay attention to their clothes - and this is very discouraging. No one requires you to maniacally follow the precepts of fashion. Speaking of clothes, we primarily mean your individual style and neatness. It’s not comme il faut for an uncle under 40 to embroider in tight jeans and an “alcoholic” T-shirt, but we’ll forgive that if you mow like a kid in your 40s, but we won’t forgive the last week’s washing of these jeans, complete with the smell of sweat, fumes, tobacco and garlic.

7. Forget mind games

Some men understand Pushkin’s famous postulate “the less we love a woman, the more she likes us” in a literal sense, and, in order to stir up interest in themselves, they start playing games in feigned indifference, “fallouts” and verbal picks. Forget about all these pick-up devices, honestly, it’s funny and stupid to practice them when you are over 18. Recently, one friend told me with confusion: she met a guy, both adults, 30 years old, both single, both interested in each other. And so, instead of inviting her on a normal date, the young man scribbles text messages to her at night with text like “I will call you when you mature”, thinking that this will add interest to him in the eyes of the girl. And she just shrugs her shoulders and does not understand why, at their age, portray schoolchildren. It happens when you men, in response to some kind of interpersonal grater, proudly say: “I give you time.” And take a break. You might think! Remember, such a maneuver is a purely female prerogative, and then - up to a certain age and at a certain stage of the relationship. An adult, intelligent, accomplished woman cannot be held back by such stuffing of “pride”.

8. No pickup

Since we are talking about pick-up techniques, let's expand this topic a little. Let's not talk about the true apologists for the pikaper movement, in this case there is no question of a serious relationship, all these things are exclusively our own complexes, and here the help of a psychologist is required. Unfortunately, many men, having heard enough advice from friends like "no sex - no chairs", build a conversation with a woman on the principle of "I'll buy you candy if you do it nice, baby." Men, remember! Nothing kills your masculine energy like that when you are on first dates, at the stage of recognition, lapping, looking at, bargaining, trying to pay in a restaurant 50:50, passing flower stalls with glassy eyes or giving her an online postcard on March 8! Believe me, there are not so many girls who want to empty your wallet to the maximum and demand Canaries and diamonds from the first dates! Yes, and such ladies hunt so obviously that it is impossible to confuse the style.

9. “Water” and “fertilize” a woman

An ancient man brought a mammoth to his woman. Today, other artifacts play the role of a mammoth: depending on the state of the account and the capacity of the man’s wallet, this is a teddy bear or even the latest Audi model. It doesn't matter how much money you have in your pocket today: 100 hryvnias or 10,000 dollars, invest it in the woman of your choice! Give her gifts, make surprises for her, pay her utility bills and “Wishlist”, indulge her whims.

Recently I had a conversation with a young man of 25 years old, he asked: “Why should I buy branded bags for her and take her to expensive restaurants?” If such a question arose, it means only one thing and nothing else: this woman is not yours! Because with a beloved and necessary woman, such questions do not arise at all. There is a nuance: what if a woman is desirable, and it is not the question itself that causes embarrassment, but only the discrepancy between her “I want” and your capabilities? Unfortunately, I will say almost the same thing, only with a different shade: it means that she is not YET yours. And in the latter case, as they say, everything is in our hands!

10. Have the business of your life

An internally mature woman does not need a man who lives only by love for her. Such love is called addiction, and its consequences are quite sad. In the life of a man, his main attachments should be distributed as follows: 40:30:25:5 - business, woman, children, the rest. I emphasize that this is not about work where you spend time earning money, but about business, about what leads him through life, what gives him an impetus for development and movement, which keeps him constantly active in the area of ​​​​responsibility (if business and work is the same thing, so you are lucky). A woman inspires a man to work.

11. Let a woman balance mission and hobby

In the formula 40:30:25:5, women have a completely different arithmetic. 40 is a man, 30 are children, 25 are hobbies and 5 are the rest. Speaking about the mission, of course, first of all, we are talking about the family, about the realization of a woman, as nature intended, but stones will definitely be thrown at me if I do not say the following: unlike men, the formula of a woman is quite flexible and can change. Modern women are sensitive to their role in society and often categorically reject the postulate "the place of a woman in the family." This is precisely the task of a man - to make sure that a woman, without prejudice to herself, her man and her children, can do what she loves without plowing from 9.00 to 18.00, and invest her income in the family budget exclusively in the line “My and children's "Wishlist". No, but what do you want? Born a man - get behind the wheel!

12. Take charge

It's complicated. And you may be indignant, but what about her part of the responsibility? That's right, both are responsible for the relationship. But a woman in a couple has the role of a guardian, and the initiator is you and only you. What does this mean in practice? Perhaps now you will hear something that most men do not like to hear at all, let alone do. To take responsibility means to make your beloved an honest woman: to marry her, and not in a civil marriage, but to officially stamp your passport. What do you think? Just please, don’t hang noodles on the ears of the memorized “stamp is an unnecessary mark, everything is decided only by love.” Yes, that's right. But, if there is love and the absence of a stamp is not a hindrance to it, then how can a stamp harm? Remember: there is no woman who would not want to get married. If she says so, then she hasn't met her man. As we remember, we are talking here about those men and women who begin with a capital letter.

Of course, you, as smart men, will accept this article with an understanding of our wishes and will not consider us too directive. We are just Women who want to be loved and love their Men! And if you have something to say, we will be infinitely glad to hear your opinion.

In this article, I will share with you my secrets and give you some tips on how to win and keep a man. After all, every woman wants to be irresistible in the eyes of men and easily get their attention. Well, go ahead!

I would like to remove the first misconception. It is possible and necessary to conquer not only pretty strangers, but also long-explored, “own” partners. It is important to remember that other lonely ladies are always rummaging on the battlefield, who are also reading this article and putting their knowledge into practice.

In a couple, the process of conquest is more difficult, but has a greater chance of success. Warming up existing relationships, you run the risk of extending them, making them happy, and making your man fall in love with you even more!

In an unstarted relationship, the attraction process is easier, but the desired outcome is not guaranteed. But the methods of women's tricks themselves are identical in all cases.

So, you are already on the battlefield, full of desire and determination ...

First steps on the path of conquest

And here it is worth remembering the first, very important rule:

Men do not like shy, self-contained, closed women. It is for them, men, that they can be closed, impenetrable, frowning and even shy. And we women are forbidden to be like that.

If a woman is constrained, ashamed of herself and relationships, then a man will not approach her. Because she herself (subconsciously, of course) does not let anyone near her. But do not confuse the concepts! The opposite of this is not easy accessibility and vulgarity!

To figure out how to win a man, you need to know what attracts these men. Remember the image of a girl that men "stick" to? A kind of cute laughter - light, bright, sensual, open.

They are attracted by a sensual woman who is not ashamed of herself, loves sex (just radiates sexuality), free, liberated, open, warm, alluring, smiling.

How to become like that?

If there is excessive shyness, isolation, fears, lack of desire, then it is necessary to deal with this. You can go to a psychologist, he will help remove everything superfluous from the mind, but he is unlikely to tell you how to use your new state to win and keep men.

If for some reason a psychologist is not available or there is no desire to contact him, you can try a special exercise:

Remember (imagine) a situation in which you behave easily, liberated, attractive (and men like you) with men. Or observe similar behavior among experienced conquerors of men's hearts. Absorb this state of a woman - a lure. Find it in yourself, open it. And remember.

Make the feeling of looseness, openness become an inner part of you. Be sure to switch to this state when you are in the company of men. Of course, at first it will be difficult and awkward. But... if you want to be attractive and irresistible in winning and keeping male attention, practice.

A woman can be arbitrarily light and relaxed (in the good sense of the word) in communication, but if she does not have the special qualities of femininity, then she can claim sympathy at most in the role of Nadezhda Krupskaya, a friend, assistant and ally.

Femininity, if you have it, is capable of attracting the male sex in itself. This is a very strong energy, the main one, which comes first along with sexuality. Therefore, if you feel that you lack softness and femininity, go ahead, build up!

What exactly does this femininity mean, which is so effective in winning men's hearts and how to get it?

Femininity is a special state of being filled with feminine energy. It is in each of us, it is inherent in nature. But, perhaps, you did not give your female nature an outlet. And since without it there is little chance of achieving male attention, and even more so of winning the heart of a man and keeping it, you will have to master and learn how to use it.

Try the following exercise: feel in yourself a stream of endless peace, tranquility, tenderness. When you are in this state, it seems that you are enveloped in soft, cozy blankets and pillows, and you melt in them, relax, and you yourself are like a pillow ... Or maybe it's a light warm breeze and a cozy summer day.

Each has its own ideas and sensations, and one thing in common: it is extremely pleasant to be in them. This is what femininity is.

A man instinctively looks for this in a woman. He needs female energy. And he can't get it on his own. It's like a missing puzzle piece in his penetrating nature. Therefore, the question of how to win and keep a man has a fairly simple answer: let him understand that he will receive this very feminine energy from you.

Feminine energies and their role in attracting men

As we have already understood, we simply need female energy, but where can we get it and what to do with it, how will it help to win and keep men?

Feminine energy can be filled. Now there are many exercises for this on the Internet and in special women's trainings. The main thing is not to stop, find what suits you and practice, practice, practice.

If we talk about women's fullness of energy, we can draw such a simplified scheme: in the head - empty, in the heart - joyfully, in the stomach - hot. A woman lives, creates and inspires with feelings. Develop your feelings, transform them from destructive to creative, and then your world will become more beautiful, kinder.

Sexual energy plays a huge role in attraction. Here we must pay tribute to our nature: not a single male will care for you if you do not attract him at the body level (except for those cases that are not of interest to us).

It is we, women, who are able to build relationships, because “I feel sorry for him” or because of our own invented duty, or because of children, and for many other secondary reasons.

He, if he is still capable of something, will always look for that object of desire to which he wants to apply all his abilities. Therefore, if you do not burst with energy, thirsting for another body, then your chances again begin to approach the role of Nadezhda Krupskaya.

Here again I want to note that sexuality does not mean looking like a girl from a brothel and the same behavior. From my point of view, the highest sexuality is felt through a shapeless sheepskin coat. Sexuality is the desire for sex, the ability to enjoy it and bring joy to yourself and your partner.

So, how to conquer men with the help of sexual energy: here, for example, your sensuality matters. Do you want this man? So tell him about it, but by no means with words, but with your eyes! And not vulgar hints, for God's sake, do not need these associative hand strokes of the glass and other vulgar gestures!

Give him the energy of desire with the depth of your gaze. Do you want it? Then release into the atmosphere the power of your own desire. So that every molecule in the air is filled with you. Make him feel you. To invisibly catch your strongest urge to him.

Imagine that you already have a telepathic connection. Send the impulse of your desire to him.

Experiment! There is no limit to perfection!

A woman's toolkit in winning male attention and desire

So, you've done your best. I have already begun to feel like a beauty, I have ceased to be ashamed of relationships and myself, you are feminine and attractive ... maybe it's time to fight? But here it is necessary to remember one more feature of men.

Men are conquerors by nature! You may have noticed: when a woman takes the initiative in her own hands (invites a man on a date, tells him about her sympathy), then nothing good comes of this. Well… if there is no desire to always steer in a relationship and pull the strap of a relationship alone, then this method is definitely not for you!

To effectively attract a real man, a woman needs to provoke a man to take the first steps. How to do it? First, fill yourself with all those states that we practiced (love for your body, female state, looseness, attractiveness).

Feel how feminine vibes spread around, and you yourself enjoy yourself in this state of yours. You are now so soft, warm, alluring, mysterious. Feel how your voice, movements, gait change. And direct it all to the object of desire.

And in no case do not hide your feelings towards this man! He likes you! Look at him and imagine, feel how he hugs you, and how goosebumps run through your body from pleasure and be sure to give this look to him (oooh, how men catch and react to this look!).

Here you can also apply all the female “tricks”: shooting eyes, “oh, I accidentally fell, please help me” (men really like to be strong and help women ... well ... during courtship). In general, remember all the films about women's "lure" and boldly apply well-known techniques.

Just remember, all this should be natural, yours, and not simulated. If you're not sure if it's for you, don't do it. For example, I can't shoot with my eyes at all. And I “took” the men I needed with the manifestation of my own sympathy and sensuality. Each must have a main tool in attracting. It is important to find it and practice it in yourself.

And finally, the most important advice. Works one hundred percent. Stop wanting to win a man! Why do you need it? Love yourself, enjoy life. Everything you want (well, almost everything), you can give yourself. So be yourself, get the most out of loneliness and freedom.

And let the men themselves figure out how to win you over!

In establishing contacts with women, men are much more timid than it seems at first glance. Of course, with rare exceptions. When a man likes a woman, he reacts to her mainly three ways.

First- this is a flatterer who, with a touching look, in an insinuating soft voice, will exalt her virtues. Second th type - rude. His speech is aggressive and offensive, he seeks not only to impress, but also to suppress the woman, to put her in such a position that it would be more convenient to control her. Such men usually try to appear drunker than they really are, and use rude words. Men third type can turn into a stone statue, completely ignoring the environment. He hopes that his silence and picturesque poses will intrigue the woman, and she will be interested in him.

Now that you know how to "roll up" men, it is much easier to choose a course of action in each individual case ...

When the flatterer, this Casanova, starts his panegyric, praising your beauty, do not try to stupidly smile, blush or giggle. It must be remembered that he does not so much admire you as he wants to confuse you and gain an advantage in the conversation. Apply his game rules, thank him, and then praise him back. Try to make your compliment double-bottomed and you need to think about it. For a few moments, the man will be confused, digesting what you said, and at that moment the advantage will be on your side. Go on the offensive, ask him questions about his career and leisure. Try to find out more about him, is he the person you need? And give as little information about yourself as possible.

If a man begins to be rude, do not pay attention to his rude words, do not show that you are offended or shocked. His rudeness is just a way to get a moral advantage over you, somehow suppress you. He will try to draw you into an argument - by no means go for it. Regardless of the subject of the dispute - art, politics, nature - he is only interested in you, and he knows no other way to get to you. Here, too, the best defense is to start asking questions.

A man forced to answer them will stop his ranting and be somewhat knocked down from his positions. It's time to start the attack. Bombard him with questions and you'll be amazed at how quickly he cools off and returns to a civilized form of conversation. This is where it will become clear whether a pleasant personality is hidden behind rude speeches or not. Most often, the answer will be positive, and feigned rudeness and recklessness is just a shell behind which an ordinary person hides.

The easiest way to deal with the "stone statue". At first glance, this is the most impregnable man, but it is worth asking him, as if in passing, a random question that requires a detailed answer, and he will turn into a defensive side, come out of his gloomy, Mephistopheles state. And then the usual series of questions of a personal nature should follow: where does he live, what does he earn, etc. You play along with him, since all he wanted was for you to come up first and take responsibility for everything that happens. But you will always have an advantage in the conversation, and only you will determine how far it will go.

Don't let men get the better of you in conversation until you're sure you've tamed them. Men are attracted to bold, self-confident, headstrong women - they challenge them, they're worth conquering. Do not think that men are afraid of modern, self-confident, outspoken women. They are not afraid of them at all - they love them. If you met a man who really attracts you, then try to make it clear to him: show that you enjoy talking with him, show interest in his life, hobbies. Then, with small requests (bring a glass, place a chair), reinforce his sense of ownership of you.

And since he felt like your owner, you almost succeeded: your new acquaintance will begin to protect you from the claims of other men, and his mood will noticeably improve when you make it clear that you are with him. There is nothing more self-respecting for a man and his erotic interest in you than a fight for you (provided that he always comes out victorious). If a man wants others to admire his dexterity, strength, courage, the money he earns, then a woman it is necessary to appreciate its beauty. A man who is not too lazy to repeat to his wife every day: “Lord, how beautiful you are!” - can feel completely safe: he will not be forced to wash the dishes, put his entire salary on the table, once again run to the store. And on the contrary, a woman who is bypassed even by formal attention to her appearance on the part of a man will very quickly turn into a vixen: she will grumble, complain about her many sores, whine and, in the end, drink her husband to death.

The attitude of a man to a woman is largely determined by the desire to "bring to a state of shock", to surprise, to cause dumb delight, astonishment with unfictional stories. A woman in this sense stands firmly on the ground, it would never occur to her to shock men with something that has never happened in her life. She will gladly allow herself to be surprised. She has enough strength, attention, and endurance for this. Women love pleasant surprises more than anything. If a man wants to rid himself of a quarrelsome wife, let him buy her some nice little thing every day. If a woman becomes burdened by the discontent of a man, let her not buy anything for herself, let alone him, but leave him alone for at least an hour when he returns home from work, and give him the opportunity to do what he wants.

Men need silence like a hot bath they love to soak in. In the same way, emotional women need a little scene that will cheer them up, like a cool shower. Men do not feel the need to talk for a long time on the phone, for a woman this is one of the greatest pleasures. They need at least an hour a day to talk properly. Men need this hour to be silent.

Once Pythagoras said: “Noble wife! If you want your husband to spend his free time near you, then make sure that he does not find so many amenities, pleasure, modesty and tenderness in any other place. To keep a man and strengthen the family, a woman must remember and observe 7 rules needed in family life.

Never "saw" your husband. A useful and correct remark will reach the clever one immediately, but no matter how much you say it, it will not reach the stupid one.

Do not try to re-educate a man. In relationships between people, the main thing is not to prevent a person from remaining himself, do not force him to change his established habits that give him pleasure, unless, of course, they are to the detriment of others.

Give your husband signs of attention and demand the same from him. Signs of attention are the style of good marital relations. It is only important that it is not too intrusive and cloying.

Do not criticize your husband in the presence of strangers, acquaintances, relatives, children. Criticisms, even if they are fair, should be made in private. In addition, constant criticism of one spouse by another leads to discomfort in the family, conflicts, emotional breakdowns, and destroys marital contact.

Remember only the good. The ability to remember the good is the ability to forget the bad.

Be polite. For some reason, some well-mannered and polite people at work in the family become rude people who constantly dictate, teach, and accuse.

Take care of your health and loved ones. An ancient Chinese wisdom says: "Health is the first wealth, and the second is a happy marriage." Monitor the health of your husband, make him go to the doctor on time, be examined, undergo a preventive examination. A person who does not take care of his health is a decent egoist, since his illnesses place a heavy burden on the shoulders of relatives and friends.

It is noticed that the husband and wife, who have lived for a long time in marriage, begin to resemble each other. Indeed, if spouses live in peace and harmony, they adopt each other's manners, react in the same way to certain events, they develop the same tastes and habits. They do not just live side by side, they live together for each other, and therefore each of them has the right to say: "Your life is my life."

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The richest man in Babylon

The author of this book is sure that in order to fulfill all your plans and desires, you must first of all succeed in money matters, using the principles of personal finance management outlined in its pages.

For a wide range of readers.

249 rub

I want and I will. Accept yourself, love life and become happy

“When a person who doesn’t like his life realizes or at least begins to suspect that it’s not about the cruelty of the world or a combination of circumstances - that it’s about himself, and decides to change, then he has every chance! The chances of becoming happy. And in any age, marital status, wealth, etc.
Not only do I believe, I know from the experience of a psychologist that being happy is a decision. And if you think that you have no problems that prevent you from enjoying life, you like everything - this book is not for you. This is a book for those who want and are ready to change."
Mikhail Labkovsky

Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky is absolutely sure that a person can and has the right to be happy and do only what he wants. His book is about how to understand yourself, find harmony and learn to enjoy life. The author explores the reasons that prevent a mentally healthy lifestyle: where do we get conscious and unconscious anxieties, fears, inability to listen to ourselves and build relationships with other people?
A distinctive feature of Labkovsky's approach is in specifics. He always gives the most intelligible answer to any most difficult question. His statements and advice are so radical that many are initially surprised, if not shocked. In the recommendations, the author does not hide behind streamlined formulations, but clearly names the causes of the problems. And most importantly, he knows how to solve this problem - without digging into childhood psychotrauma and a close analysis of your past. If a person has the knowledge and desire, then it is quite possible to change yourself and your life for the better.
The goal of any work of a psychologist is the personal happiness and well-being of his patient. The purpose of publishing this book is the personal happiness of everyone who reads it.


You will be able to understand why your life is not going the way you want it to; you will understand at what point something went wrong, and you will be able to solve your problems with the help of the advice of Mikhail Labkovsky, one of the most famous and respected psychologists in Russia.
In this book you will find recognizable situations and even words that are typical for every Russian family of the "school of life", examples of the manifestation of the "native" mentality and understand what are the dirty tricks of such a familiar psychology of behavior. You will find out where aggression, self-doubt come from in us, what are the roots of the psychology of the victim and the inability to stand up for yourself.
After studying this book, you will learn how to secure relationships with yourself, find happiness in your personal life and raise happy children.
This book is one of those that do not become obsolete with the years; of those in which important places are marked with a pencil; one of those that are given to friends and relatives, and their copy is carefully stored in the home library to pass on to children. And, of course, of those that are parsed for quotes.

Who is this book for?
For a wide range of readers.

Mikhail Labkovsky is a practicing psychologist with 35 years of experience, a radio and TV presenter. The author of the famous "Six Rules", as well as his own method of developing healthy reactions and life skills in a person with psychological problems. He worked as a teacher and became one of the first school psychologists in the country. For a long time he was the host of the program "Adults about Adults" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". Lived, studied and worked in Israel. In the Jerusalem City Hall, he was a psychologist for the service for working with difficult teenagers. And he always conducted receptions as a private psychologist. Now Mikhail Labkovsky gives public lectures and consultations around the world, and also hosts his own show on the Silver Rain radio station.

Book design
Format 70x90/16, cover with flaps, matte finish, white offset paper 100 g.

Psychology, Labkovsky, I want and I will, relationships, neuroses, complexes, happiness.

There are not many people who can benefit from this book. Only 99%.
Alexander Malenkov, editor-in-chief of MAXIM magazine

Popular psychology is a useful field of study, especially when dealing with the complexities of relationships. In love, partners are very dependent on each other, and in order to avoid melodrama, one must learn to love and keep a distance. It is not simple. "I want and I will" by Mikhail Labkovsky - a selection of consultations by a professional psychologist, which will be at hand at the right time, without regular visits to the specialist's office and payment for sessions.
I wish this necessary book a happy fate.
Irina Khakamada

We all care about how to find a partner, how to keep love, how to raise children, how to stop worrying and start living happily! Everyone around teaches to adapt and fit in, they talk about compromises, concessions and patience. And only Labkovsky, the most popular psychologist in Russia today, teaches you to boldly, uncompromisingly and with the utmost honesty go towards your happiness. Yes, it’s not easy, but it’s worth at least trying to start living without fear. It is especially pleasing that the book contains many specific examples in which you recognize yourself - and immediately get an answer to an exciting question.
Aurora, TV presenter

Mikhail Labkovsky for me is the only professional who writes passionately and captivatingly about important issues, about stereotypes and traps of consciousness. And his lyrics, I think, are the only ones in the genre that really help people and encourage them to look at their lives from a different perspective.
Arina Kholina,

My first interview with Mikhail Labkovsky for Elle magazine was like a bombshell. Rarely is glossy journalism so polemical. The interview was instantly parsed into quotes, and even now, months later, our conversation remains one of the most requested on the network. Directly "live" he called me a neurotic, and I ... I agreed. And she didn’t throw out even the toughest word from the interview. This meeting marked the beginning of our friendship and a complete rethinking of my life attitudes. I still don’t agree with Mikhail on everything when he talks about relationships, but fate brought us together at the very moment when it was precisely the “six rules of Labkovsky” that helped me make the only right choice. I am sure that his book will be useful to many people.
Elena Sotnikova, editor-in-chief of Elle from 1996 to 2016

When you cannot solve your problem yourself, there is only one way - to someone who will help you with this. What should this someone be like? It's simple: he should be calmer than you, more far-sighted than you and be able to think wider than you. Everyone has to find his guru. My choice is Labkovsky.
Alexey Begak, artist, designer, TV presenter

459 rub

The subtle art of indifference. A paradoxical way to live happily

“This book will not reduce your troubles and problems. I won’t even try. As you can see, I’m honest with you. And it won’t lead to greatness, and it can’t lead, because greatness is an illusion of the mind, a completely far-fetched goal and our personal psychological Atlantis But I'll teach you how to turn your pain into a tool, your trauma into strength, and your problems ... into slightly more pleasant problems. Why not progress?"

Mark Manson

What is this book about
Modern society promotes the cult of success: be smarter, richer, more productive - be the best. Social networks abound with stories about how some kid came up with an application and made a lot of money, articles like "A Thousand and One Ways to Be Happy", and photos in a friend feed give the impression that others live better and more interesting than us. However, our obsession with positivity and success only reminds us of what we have not achieved, of dreams that have not come true. How to become truly happy? Popular blogger Mark Manson offers his own, original approach to this issue. His life philosophy is simple - you need to learn the art of indifference. Having determined what you really care about, you need to be able to give a damn about everything secondary, score on difficulties, send someone else's opinion to hell and be ready to look failures in the face and show them the middle finger.

Why the book is worth reading
- In his witty bestseller (#1 on Amazon), through stories of life's troubles, failures and messes (both his own and famous people), the author tells how to master the subtle art of not giving a fuck, why you need to be less confident in yourself and that the principle "Do anything" is a great motivator.
- It will help you live easily in spite of all difficulties, worry less and enjoy life

Who is this book for?
For those who are fed up with advice on how to become better and more successful, who really want to stop dwelling on their mistakes and start living to the fullest.

Unusual, controversial, original, interesting to read.
Mikhail Labkovsky, psychologist, author of the book "I want and I will"

Mark Manson is a brave guy. He encroaches on the main acquisition of the entire Western world - positive at any cost. Revolutionary for the generation of Facebook and books about personal growth, Manson claims that the history of failure is much more useful to study than the history of Steve Jobs and Sergey Brin. Maybe at least this author will teach you to set life priorities, which almost never coincide with the priorities of glossy, fictional characters.
Igor Maltsev, journalist

About "pofigizma" - this is cunning. In fact, Mark Manson dreams that we will become conscious and not turn the 21st century into another "ego century." Buddha, Jesus and Bukowski are the heroes of this protest against self-tolerance. Reading is fraught with a rejection of self-importance, the collapse of generally accepted values ​​and the disappearance of the fear of death.
Nastya Travkina, editor of samizdat "My friend, you are a transformer"

449 rub

Think and get rich!

Perhaps the most significant and authoritative book in the world - a guide to gaining success, wealth, vitality of overcoming and purposefulness. For 70 years "Think and Grow Rich!" considered a classic textbook on wealth creation. In each chapter, Napoleon Hill reveals the secrets of making money, using which thousands of people have acquired, increased and continue to increase their fortunes, while developing and enriching their personal potential.
Before you is a new classic edition of the grandiose work of Napoleon Hill, supplemented and revised to reflect modern realities.

For the widest range of readers.

230 rub

Restart. How to live many lives

This book is dedicated to a single purpose: to help people advance in understanding the integrity of the individual and finally gain a sense of the infinity of themselves in time and space.

Irina Khakamada

What to do if everything around has lost its meaning, is annoying or just tired? How to start over when there is no strength, inspiration and it seems that everything went wrong? Irina Khakamada offers her knowledge and experience, which will allow, having mastered the tools of intuition, restart and reboot, emotional regulation and control of one's "I", to create private models of behavior in a changing situation. She talks about losses and gains, about motivation and energy, about how to turn on the "reset" button and not be afraid to start from scratch.
The purpose of this book is to help clear the mind of the past, negative experience, turn on intuition to the maximum and tune in to steep, cardinal, bold changes. After all, each of us can live many exciting lives, you just need to decide.

The publication is aimed at a wide audience.

Why the book is worth reading

  • You will learn how important an intuitive approach is in solving life problems. Not only will you be able to develop your intuition, but also learn how to manage it.
  • In this book you will find a clear methodology for resetting your mind. The author tells you step by step how to free your mind from negative experiences that prevent you from moving forward. You will understand how to manage the huge flow of information that falls on you every day and does not allow you to think and act effectively.
  • After studying this book, you will learn how classical music, fiction and the work of great artists contribute to the correct filling of your consciousness and trigger the reset mechanism.
  • You will learn to deal with your own fears, which for many years did not allow you to move forward. Learn how to resist pressure from society and allow only the "right" positive people into your circle who will help you change for the better.

    Who is this book for?
    For a wide range of readers.

    Irina Khakamada is an international business coach, one of the top ten business speakers in Russia, and is engaged in personal coaching. In the past - a well-known politician with extensive experience in government, public figure, writer, publicist. Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 2004, she put forward her candidacy for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. According to Time magazine, she is included in the list of the 100 most famous women in the world and politicians of the 21st century. In 2005 she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
    Author of the books Sex in Big Politics, Love. Out of the Game: The Story of a Political Suicide, Success in the Big City, Tao of Life: A Master Class from a Convinced Individualist, Anticipating Yourself: From Image to Style . She reads author's master classes, sharing her experience of success in business and personal life, remaining true to the values ​​of a free person.

    Psychology, Khakamada, restart, reboot, intuition, life, fears, harmony, crisis, creativity.

    Quotes from the book
    A complex person is not afraid of change, he himself is changeable and ready for everything new, rather feeling than calculating fresh trends. A complex person is happy in constant development, and not in a paranoid desire to strengthen stability around him.
    Intuition manifests itself in the case when a person wants to preserve the integrity of his perception of the world, including consciousness, and subconsciousness, and experience, and logic, and imagination. Man desires to become infinitely sentient, like nature, and infinitely aware, like the higher mind. Is it possible to learn this? Undoubtedly.

  • 411 rub

    Risking my own skin. The hidden asymmetry of everyday life

    In his new, sharply provocative and at the same time extremely pragmatic book, the inimitable Nicholas Nassim Taleb tells how important it is to identify and filter nonsense, to distinguish theory from practice, superficial competence from real. You will learn what rationality is in complex systems and the real world, symmetry and asymmetry, and what is the logic of taking risks. Giving new meaning to familiar concepts such as "a just society", "professional success", "personal responsibility", and not being afraid to hurt the egos of recognized idols, Taleb debunks the hypocritical ideas and actions of apologists for military intervention, stock market investors and religious preachers. Using the examples of Hammurabi and Jesus Christ, Roman and Byzantine emperors, Seneca and Donald Trump, Taleb shows that the most important quality that unites famous heroes, selfless saints and brilliant businessmen is not to transfer risk to others.
    The author presents the role of the father as a key one in the emergence and development of culture and shows how this role has changed throughout the history of Western civilization. A brilliant analysis of the images of Hector, Odysseus and Aeneas helps us to clearly see the deep sources that feed our ideas about fatherhood and discover the paradoxical expectations that children have in relation to their fathers. He analyzes the current crisis of the institution of paternity. The audience of the evo_lutio blog - hundreds of thousands of people - is growing daily, the blog is translated into other languages, the method is of great interest due to its effectiveness. The system claims to be a full-scale discovery in the field of scientific psychology, but is described in the book in an accessible, lively language.
    Kamasutra for the speaker. Ten Chapters on How to Get and Enjoy Your Public Speaking

    Public speaking is like a nightmare for many. Nevertheless, most of us regularly have to give speeches to one audience or another. We seek the goodwill of the audience, try to please, encourage us to do what we need: agree with our opinion, make the right decision ... A successful performance can change the fate of an individual project or the course of history, but besides this, it should please both the audience and ourselves speaker.
    Radislav Gandapas, an eminent Russian business coach, shares the secrets of seducing the public. The reader will learn to control the attention of the listeners, suppress their own excitement, correctly structure the speech and maintain eye contact.

    The book is highly recommended for those who realize themselves in areas associated with frequent performances, and, of course, will be useful to anyone who would like to stop being afraid to speak in public and start enjoying this process.

    657 rub

    Whatever “noodles” a new acquaintance hangs on your graceful ears, know that at first he has only one desire. If you experience a reciprocal desire - good luck. Tired of the whims of others, a man will appreciate your sincerity. But empty coquetry will only bring harm.

    If a man sees a wimp and a pretender, he will experience growing irritation. Therefore, do not waste time yourself and do not give false hope to the boyfriend. The longer you play the comedy, the more relieved the man will get rid of you after you finally give yourself to him.

    2. If you want hold a man Don't show your feelings for him. There is no need to tell him about your love. It’s even more stupid to demand confirmation: “Do you love me? Well, tell me, tell me!” Usually such a question is answered with a lie; the word "love" from frequent use depreciates and loses its meaning. Do not devote all your free time to a man: part of your personal life should be inaccessible to him. Evenings with girlfriends, playing sports, a computer, books will turn into a bastion, which is much stronger than a false “don’t give” attitude.

    3. It is almost impossible to recognize a professional. He picks up the key to your soul and behaves adequately - exactly as in your view a real man should behave. The pro will unwittingly give himself away when he immediately switches from you to your girlfriend, or vice versa. But even here it will not be easy to resist. The woman explains the inconstancy of such a man by the fact that she turned out to be better than her girlfriend in his eyes. Or by the fact that, on the contrary, the cunning rival repulsed man. Both of these are delusions.

    4. Often couples are formed within the framework of a team - educational, labor, vacationing. But what if the team is purely female or there is no suitable man in it, and you want to flirt? You are welcome to take a walk! The company of a friend will most likely interfere with you. Sitting alone on a bench in a crowded place, in a few minutes you will be busy talking with a man. Didn't like it? Excuse me and go to the next square. The best place to get acquainted is the street, including shops and public transport.

    5. Don't expect to find a life partner at a resort or restaurant. Therefore, there is no need to cherish the acquaintances made in these places. If you do not want to feel abandoned, seize the initiative: leave man before he does it to you.

    6. Do not endlessly extort expensive gifts and sumptuous feasts. A man will quickly notice that you are trying to "unwind" him, will treat you like a prostitute and will be right. If a man appreciates a woman, he will independently express this in material form.

    7. Do not scold your former men. Firstly, this is mean, because you yourself made the previous choice, perhaps even loved. Secondly, you betray your own inability to find a worthy companion. Thirdly, a new acquaintance will think: “Time will pass, and she will just pour mud on me myself; I need to get rid of her as soon as possible."

    8. Resentment, this kind of pettiness, does not adorn anyone. Don't make a fuss about everything. If you pout every now and then, refusing to talk in response to a man’s faults (real or imaginary), then you will only achieve self-loathing. Your husband's behavior will provoke thoughts of divorce. But if you are dealing with an “adult child”, then such cuts in his brain will really benefit.

    9. Once the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. Today, a man will find excellent semi-finished products in the store and easily cook himself. The way to a man's heart is through his mind. With a large intellectual gap, a man will become bored with you. Usually such a gap is formed when a woman is content with the fate of a housewife. The easiest way to keep the brain in good shape is reading.

    10. Watch your speech. Shouldn't be overloaded man purely "feminine" stories about their children, relatives, work and cooking. The person should be interested in listening to you. But if a man swears that he is resting under your speeches, comes to his senses after a busy day - murmur to your health!

    Aries men are very passionate and ardent natures. Perhaps that is why a huge number of women are increasingly wondering how to win. How to attract his attention and not scare him away at the very beginning of an acquaintance? But before you are born under this sign, you need to get to know its strengths and weaknesses better.

    Aries men - what are they really? When you first meet such a guy, sometimes it seems that he is cold as ice. Sometimes their behavior is too phlegmatic. But in fact inside the ram is on fire

    Aries are very passionate and emotional natures, although they often do not know how to demonstrate their feelings. As a rule, they grow up late and remain naive beyond their age. Nevertheless, such a person clearly knows what he wants and confidently goes towards his goal, despite criticism and reproaches. Such men are very stubborn, irritable, and sometimes even capricious. But on the other hand, they are brave and never run away from their problems, most of which, by the way, they themselves create. A man born under this sign is, first of all, a creative and energetic person who has been in search of something important and better all his life. In bed, they are passionate and at the same time tender lovers.

    Knowing the main character traits of your companion, you can understand how to curl an Aries man. Remember that Aries are sometimes so self-absorbed that they may not notice you. So learn how to seduce your boyfriend.

    What kind of girls do rams like? The first thing an Aries will notice is appearance. He loves elegant and stylish women. The attention of such a guy will be attracted by a strong and self-confident woman. If you are thinking about how to win over an Aries man, then remember that, first of all, you must be a cheerful and energetic optimist. Aries companion should be a smart and bright personality with an original outlook on life. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to conquer an Aries man, then first of all turn into the woman of his dreams.

    ram? Aries love beautiful women, but beauty in the understanding of this man may not at all meet social standards. If you want to seduce this guy, dress nicely. A plunging neckline, a few undone buttons on a blouse, a tight mini-skirt, tight jeans - all this will attract the attention of this sign to you. But here it is important not to overdo it, because everything vulgar and too frank does not make any impression on the rams.

    Remember that Aries are by nature conquerors - they are attracted by the inaccessible. Therefore, you do not need to take the initiative - just wait for his decision. Flirt with him, hint at the possibility of a closer relationship, and then put on a mask of impregnability - this will intrigue your companion.

    During a conversation, try to listen carefully to your interlocutor. Praise him for the right decisions and perseverance. But keep in mind that you can’t flatter him, as he will feel it and be offended. You should really admire him and in order to express this feeling you do not need to prepare a speech - just one fiery look is enough. Aries are attracted to strong and mysterious women.

    ram? If you want a long-term relationship with your lover born under the sign of Aries, then there are a few things you need to learn. It is important for such guys to feel close to you. In life, you must be independent and confident, but next to him you can afford to be a vulnerable and weak woman.

    Never deny an Aries intimacy and do not hint at his male failure, as such things are perceived too painfully.

    Do not patronize him too much and deprive him of his freedom. On the other hand, do not show him your indifference - such a man wants to be loved and needed. You should not behave brutally and abruptly with him - you must be feminine and gentle. Aries value sincerity in relationships very much.

    You should not flirt with other men - this can push the Aries to look for another woman. But they are not windy and will never risk family happiness for the sake of intrigue and thrills.

    Appreciate your man, love him with all the advantages and disadvantages, and he will surround you with attention, tenderness and care.

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