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Registration of marriage between a Muslim and a Christian - is such a union possible? Marry a Muslim: juicy details of your future marriage If the husband is Muslim and the wife is Russian

It is not uncommon for young ladies to write on the forums that they want to be the wife of a Muslim, that faith does not allow them to drink alcohol, and the family for Muslims always comes first. Whether this opinion is erroneous can be found in this article.

Is it possible to remain a Christian if the husband is a Muslim?

Most of the girls are wondering if they can not change their faith in order to be the wife of a Muslim. Islamic laws allow not to renounce the faith, but the child will not be able to profess the Christian faith, he will profess Islam just like his father. Do not forget about the parents of the future husband, if they wish their son's wife to be a Muslim, then you will either have to accept the husband's faith, or he will break off relations with you, since it is customary for her to argue with her parents.

Features of life with a Muslim husband

Most often, women do not think about how they will live with their husband after marriage, since all their thoughts are occupied only by the search for a Muslim husband. Finding such a husband will not be difficult, this can be done both via the Internet and in universities that accept foreign students. But before doing this, think carefully again whether you can live by observing all the rules adopted in Muslim families. Not every woman will be able to adhere to the following rules.

  1. If you think that your boyfriend is a "modern" Muslim, then you are wrong. Since most of these men, leaving their father's house, forget their traditions a little, but returning to their homeland, they again begin to adhere to their usual traditions, which may seem alien to you. Therefore, before taking such a serious step, get to know the family of your chosen one better.
  2. Among righteous Muslims, the wife always obeys her husband, she has no right to argue with him. Although the husband listens to what the wife has to say, the final decision remains with him.
  3. The main duties of a Muslim wife are housekeeping, as well as meeting the needs of her husband.
  4. A wife should only please the eyes of her husband, therefore, becoming a Muslim wife, you will have to hide your body and jewelry with clothes, if you meet another man, then you need to lower your eyes. This rule applies to Muslim wives, but a Christian wife may also be required to comply with this rule.
  5. It is also not supposed to refuse your husband intimacy, unless of course these are the days of menstruation or you are sick with something.
  6. If your husband has not given his consent, then you cannot leave the house and visit someone else's house. You also need to learn how to walk silently.
  7. If a husband can provide and will treat all wives equally, then he is allowed to have 4 wives.
  8. If the wife stubbornly shows disobedience, then the husband has the right to physically punish her. With this punishment, no traces should remain on the body of the wife, if they remain, then she can demand a divorce from her husband.

Most likely, for a non-Muslim woman, such laws seem a little complicated. But on the other hand, you will get a faithful, honest, sympathetic husband who will love and respect both your family and his own.

The content of the article:

Marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is a voluntary union of a woman and a man who profess different faiths and belong to different cultures, when a passionate feeling makes you abandon traditional Christian virtues and accept Muslim values, namely, complete submission to your husband, restriction of rights and freedoms in public life .

Are marriages between representatives of different faiths possible?

It is allowed to register love relationships between representatives of different religious denominations in any country. Restrictions apply only to the age at which you can officially marry.

Russia is a multinational state, more than 190 different peoples live in the country. There are over 11 million inhabitants in Moscow, and the Slavic brothers - Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians - are a minority here. There are only 4.620.000 of them. The rest are representatives of other nationalities. For example, there are significantly more Tatars in the Russian capital than in Kazan.

Currently, there are more than 20 million Muslims in the Russian Federation, and this number is constantly growing. For 15 years, their number in the country has increased by 40%. If the growth continues to be so rapid, in forty years every fourth inhabitant of Russia will be a Muslim.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation (Article 156 “Marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation”) does not mention any restriction on the basis of nationality when entering into marital relations. So marriage between a Muslim and a Christian is quite officially possible. It is not a novelty and is quite relevant today.

Many Russian women marry Muslims. This is a matter of personal relationships, the state is not regulated. But Christian dogma imposes certain restrictions on such marriages. The apostle Paul also said not to bow under another's yoke with the unbelievers... (Second Corinthians 6:14).

But it was said a long time ago. Now times are very different. Orthodox and Muslims live side by side in the same country. They work, study and often live in the same hostel. There is no time for dogmas of faith. Yes, and the question is very intimate, but you can’t command the heart ...

All this is so. Only a girl who marries a Muslim can hardly be considered a true Christian. Did she wear a cross and even go to church on big holidays? So what? Now it is fashionable and does not mean at all that she was a believer, knew the tenets of Christian morality well and understood the differences between Christianity (Orthodoxy) and Islam.

And they are big, especially in the part that relate to the behavior of women in the Muslim community. Marriage between a Christian woman and a Muslim is possible these days, but often the epiphany comes "after". And then those who left for their faithful in a Muslim country rush home to mom and dad, and it’s good if they return without serious consequences for their health, physically and mentally not exhausted.

And yet, despite this, some girls without looking back "bride" with the faithful, leave their country and leave with their husbands to the promised land - to their homeland.

It is important to know! In Islam, women are inferior to men. One of the hadiths (a retelling of the words of the Prophet) says that “A woman is created from a rib and will never straighten up in front of you, and if you want to benefit from her, then let the curvature remain with her. And if you try to straighten it, you will only break it.”

Why do Christian women marry Muslims?

There are many reasons for marrying a Muslim. Home, which is given to justify such an act, that a great feeling makes you get married. And with a sweetheart, as you know, paradise in a hut. It is useless to point out to a stupid heart, but a reasonable one should listen to the arguments of the elders, or at least ask what awaits a woman of a different faith in the house of a Mohammedan.

Among the reasons why a marriage between a Muslim and a Christian is possible, the following should be mentioned:

  • Love. In youth, all maximalists. And if the flashed feeling for a handsome brunette with a burning irresistible gaze is first love? She makes her mindless. Follow him to the end of the world! The girl agrees to become his slave and wash his feet, if only she doesn’t leave him. There are such simpletons in terms of character, they easily convert to another faith and, without unnecessary emotions, adapt to Muslim customs that are unacceptable to most Orthodox women.
  • unexpected pregnancy. Let's say they are students, they often meet in addition to studying in companies. A fun student revel ended in a casual relationship. She became pregnant and wants to solve all her problems by marriage. And these may be the complaints of parents, the “crooked” smiles of friends and acquaintances. He is quite attractive, and he has money, because he came to study in another country. So marrying him is not the worst option. And that he is a Muslim and how life will turn out in the future, the girl does not really think about it. Such a marriage is short-lived, in the future it can cause her great trouble.
  • Desire to move to another country. He is from another world. And everything is fabulous there, besides, he is rich, does not skimp on expensive gifts. And here is such a prose of life, parents give very little money to study. And I want to not only eat well, but also look beautiful. It makes no difference that he is a Muslim, their customs are strict, but fair. And loves me so. I'll go with him and I'll have a great life!
  • Loneliness. The woman was already married. My husband, for example, drank a lot and even beat. A hopeless, boring vegetative existence. I had to get divorced. And here is an oriental handsome man with money. And how he cares, gives such gifts ... He promises to take with him, for example, to Turkey. Life is one, but you want to live beautifully.
  • Business. He comes from, say, Turkey. He has a profitable business here. She works for his firm. A warm relationship developed into love. They began to live together, over time, the woman converted to Islam and left for her husband's country.
  • The attraction of Islam. Now there are many divorced Islamist preachers, it is easy to find them on the Internet. They speak persuasively about the benefits of their religion. They stigmatize the vices of Christian society. For example, same-sex marriages, which are prohibited in Muslim countries on pain of death. Many girls (guys) succumb to this propaganda and accept a new faith. What this can lead to, a vivid example of this is the sad fate of the Moscow student Varvara Karaulova. She traveled to Turkey and tried to illegally cross the Turkish-Syrian border to join IS, the Islamic State terrorist organization banned in Russia.

It is important to know! There will always be women seeking to marry a Muslim. In the end, it's a personal choice. And it's not always fatal. However, the decision must be conscious, so that later it would not be “excruciatingly painful” for the mistake made, if it does happen.

Features of Muslim marriage

The marriage of a Muslim and a Christian should be viewed through the prism of the norms of Muslim law, enshrined in adat and Sharia. Adat are ancient customs that the faithful must strictly follow in their lives. And Sharia is the “correct way” given to people by the prophet Muhammad.

Islam states that a woman should be an outstanding person. For example, Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, was engaged in trade and herself invited him to marry her. Aisha, his second wife, left a lot of Hasidim about the Prophet - information about his personal life. Muhammad respected his many wives, telling his followers that "You have rights over your women and your women have rights over you."

But the Prophet also said that "Most of those who fall into the fires of hell will be women." Such a controversial opinion of Muhammad about the female gender resulted in a severe restriction of the rights of Muslim women.

For example, in Saudi Arabia, women are actually forbidden to ride public transport, all parts of the body must be covered. For disobedience, they can be imprisoned. And if you already got behind bars, then no early release, unlike men.

Therefore, a Slavic girl should think seven times before deciding to marry a Muslim. Will she be able to endure all the restrictions that the life of a Muslim woman will impose on her if she has to leave for her husband's homeland? After all, there you will have to change your faith.

Great love is not an excuse for a rash decision. Your feelings should be verified by reason. Passion can go away, but a broken destiny is extremely difficult to rewrite.

Life in a Muslim family has its own nuances that a girl who wants to join her fate with a Muslim simply needs to know. She must understand that the traditions of Islam regarding family relations are holy and unshakable. For example, without the permission of her husband, she should not spend money, she cannot leave home without a male escort for a period of more than 3 days. Otherwise, it will be considered invalid. This is already punishable.

The main features of Muslim marriage:

  1. Husband is the head of the family. It is impossible to disobey, his word is strictly to be fulfilled. He can listen to the opinion of his wife, but the decision is his. Your man should be pleasing in everything and always, even in sex. Refusal of it without a serious reason (it could be, for example, the period of menstruation) is considered a serious fault.
  2. Household. The wife is obliged to conduct all economic affairs around the house under the supervision of her mother-in-law. And strictly follow all her orders. She is the eldest among the women of the family. He has no right to talk to her of his own free will, only when she herself speaks to her.
  3. Work Permit. You need to ask your husband for it, he can give it, but this does not free you from household chores. Muslim women can only work as doctors, nurses, teachers, other professions are prohibited to them.
  4. A woman has no right to talk to strangers. For disobedience - severe punishment, they can be accused of prostitution.
  5. Wearing a hijab. This is dark clothing that hides the body from prying eyes. What colorful dresses are here, so beloved by young people. Even decorations cannot be seen by strangers. Everything is just for the husband.
  6. Can't leave the house. Only with the consent of your faithful, without his accompaniment or a relative, you can not visit, say, acquaintances.
  7. Maybe more than one wife. I came to his home, and it turns out that he has three more wives at home. Muslim law allows polygamy. There is nowhere to go, you have to put up with it.
  8. Punishment. The husband can punish if the wife stubbornly refuses to obey him. But hitting is not allowed. If she can prove cases of physical abuse against her, she can achieve a divorce. However, in this case, it is very unlikely that a Christian wife will take the children with her. The law is on the father's side.
  9. Restriction on attending sporting events. Due to the fact that there will be involuntary communication with strangers, and this is strictly not allowed.
  10. Can't drive a car. Accordingly, a ban on obtaining a driver's license. In Saudi Arabia, a female motorist is a big sin.
  11. Internet restriction. Aspiring to marry a Muslim should know that in Muslim countries he is under strict control. Suppose there is a ban on social networks, dating sites, and others. The greatest restrictions exist in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iran. Anyone who violates Islamic values ​​on the Internet can end up in jail.

It is important to know! The Islamic theologian al Ghazali owns the saying: "Out of 1000 virtues, only one applies to women, the remaining 999 - to men." Before a Christian woman marries a Muslim, all the pros and cons of such a union should be carefully weighed. So that later you do not repent bitterly and do not bite your elbows.

Consequences of a Christian-Muslim Marriage

Actually, all the features of the marriage of an Orthodox and a Muslim can become consequences. Happy or sad if the decision to marry was made hastily.

It is highly likely that he will be prosperous when the husband remains in his wife's homeland and even converted to her faith. And if they are both unbelievers, it is possible that they will simply live happily without burdening themselves with the religious dogmas of Christianity (Orthodoxy or Catholicism) and Mohammedanism.

In the homeland of her husband, if she decided to leave with him, the family can also be happy. And here a lot depends on the country where she left, and the personality of the faithful. Will he be able to provide his wife with the usual living conditions in a completely unfamiliar state for her. An important role is how the new family will accept the stranger.

The warehouse of her character also determines her future fate. How will she react to a new unusual life for herself, will she come to terms with it or will she resist a tough life situation.

A true Christian woman is unlikely to decide to marry a Muslim, even great love is not a reason to abandon the faith of her ancestors. And if this nevertheless happened, such an apostate departs from Christian morality, loses herself in God. He turns away from her, the realization of this will torment her soul for the rest of her life.

It is not easy for a person who is accustomed to live freely, without wild taboos in the 21st century, to break himself. And there are many such in Islam for men, and even more for women. For example, the Islamic preacher Abu Isa at-Tirmidhi, who lived in the 9th century, said: "If a woman is disobedient or immodest, her husband has the right to beat her, but not break her bones." He believed that if a husband wants intimacy with his wife, she must obey unquestioningly, "even if she bakes bread by the oven," since she "has no power over her body, even her milk belongs to her husband."

Sharia speaks about the inequality of women. For example, in court, the testimony of two women is equal to the testimony of one man. A Muslim can cheat on his wife, and interestingly, he can enter into short-term marriages from one hour to a year. In fact, this is the resolution of prostitution.

And God forbid the wife look at someone else's man or she will be convicted of adultery. This can end very sadly, for example, they can be stoned. Such punishment is not practiced in all Muslim countries, but in Somalia in 2008 there was a case when a teenage girl was beaten only on the grounds that she was allegedly raped by three men. The Islamist authorities interpreted this as inciting them to violence.

The Orthodox must certainly be aware of such and many other consequences of marriage to a Muslim before deciding to marry a Mohammedan. So that later all the severe restrictions on the rights and freedoms of women that reign in Muslim society would not be a heavy duty for her. If this does not stop - love is above all, then happiness.

But more often than not, women have a very vague idea of ​​the consequences of marriage to a Muslim. In the Soviet Union, there were cases when a girl married a guy from Central Asia. Suppose he served where she lived. The soldier seemed like a nice and reliable person, and upon arrival with his young wife to his home, he suddenly turned out to be a despot. His relatives also did not want to recognize her. And this for a woman became a great tragedy.

Today, a Muslim often takes his girlfriend to his country. All roots with relatives break off. And what can happen to her in a foreign land, if life does not work out, it’s hard to say. Many ordeals fall on the lot of the unfortunate, and it’s good if you manage to return to your homeland. And someone comes to terms with their share. But such a fate can hardly be called happy.

In our turbulent times, it is especially dangerous that preachers have appeared among young Muslims who describe the charms of Islam to the Slavs and even marry them. But in fact, women are recruited into the ranks of various terrorist groups banned in Russia. And this is the most terrible side of marriage alliances with Muslims. It happens that such women become suicide bombers.

Watch a video about the marriage of a Christian and a Muslim:

Marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is a very serious step. There are many "whirlpools" invisible to the inexperienced eye, in which you can turn around and get confused. First of all, this applies to women who have decided to link their fate with a native of a Muslim country. Feelings are good. But a sensible decision is better! If a girl does not value her personal freedom and is ready for self-sacrifice in the name of love, then the flag is in her hands! But unfortunately, sad stories often happen in life, when a rash act can pretty much spoil life. And not only to spoil, sometimes it can be lost.

Marriage, where spouses belong to different faiths, has two aspects, domestic and spiritual. And if from the point of view of everyday life everything may look good, then from the point of view of religion, many questions arise. Muslim and Christian - the opinions of Orthodox priests.

Like in Turkish TV series

A popular query on the Internet is: Muslim husband sad stories. Alas, the marriage of an Orthodox Christian and a Muslim is the most unfortunate example of interfaith cohabitation. Especially if the husband is a foreigner. Read women's forums. Events develop according to a typical scenario, approximately as in this story:

Katya met Fatih on vacation in Turkey. She was captivated at first sight by this swarthy, slender guy with a white-toothed smile. Prior to that, she twice reviewed the series "Magnificent Century" and was fascinated by Turkish culture. The heroine of the series, a Slav who fell into the Sultan's harem and became the mistress of the world, seemed to Katya like herself. She even dyed her hair golden-red, fell in love with catchy jewelry and bright dresses, bought oriental sweets for coffee, she also wanted to say the mysterious words “Inshallah” and “Mashallah” and, of course, love the powerful and noble man of other faith.

Each of us has his own fairy tale, his own temptation, seductive through monotonous everyday life.

From the first minutes of her stay in Istanbul, Katya was waiting for a miracle - not just meeting a man, but insane passion, like in a movie. And Fatih appeared. His profession was prosaic - a hotel employee. But what beautiful roses he gave and complimented in good Russian - Katya believed that work helped him master Russian. She also liked that he wasn't a beach bum. Katya herself was finishing her studies as a pharmacist and dreamed of her own pharmacy in her native city near Moscow, and later on of a whole pharmacy chain. The father, a wealthy man, had not lived with his family for a long time, but supported his daughter financially, promised to help with the business.

Russian and Ukrainian neighbors in the hotel also met with the Turks. Many took this lightly - a holiday romance. Katya was warned that the Turks did not take white women seriously, but she did not believe, and indeed, before leaving, Fatih proposed to her and gave her a ring. Now she had someone to say “ashkym” - beloved, as in the series.

“I will open a pharmacy in Turkey,” Katya dreamed. At home, she threw a large silk scarf over her head and turned in front of the mirror, assessing whether the hijab would suit her face?

The girl was baptized, but Islam attracted her as the religion of her beloved man.

Russians are religiously illiterate, although 70% consider themselves Orthodox.

I have met educated older people who only know about Christianity because of a children's Bible bought for their grandson. A weak understanding of one's religion is not conducive to piety. And Katya ran into the church when she was in the mood - because it was beautiful there. She did not understand the meaning of the prayers, it did not occur to her to study Church Slavonic. But because of Fatih, she began to visit Muslim sites. Some articles caused her rejection, but she humbled herself in order to feel and think like an invaluable "ashkim".

Her parents were suspicious of her fiancé, but Katya fought back, persistently asked her father for the promised money, and when he transferred the amount to the card, she went to Turkey to build a family life.

Young people got married and even performed nikah - a marriage according to the Muslim rite. There were problems with the purchase of a pharmacy - a lot of documents were required, besides, Katya did not yet have Turkish citizenship. Fatih said that with this money he could open a cafe in his native village. The couple left the Turkish capital.

The house in the mountain village was two-story, but poorly furnished and dilapidated. The young people were given a room on the second floor above the goat pen, and Katya woke up to the bleating of cattle, and not to the song of a nightingale in love with a rose.

The mother-in-law and the wives of the two Fatih brothers met Katya unfriendly, and gradually shifted all household chores onto her shoulders. What was she waiting for? This is the share of the youngest daughter-in-law in a Turkish family, if the young ones live with older relatives.

Gradually, she learned that Fatih met with a dozen visiting girls, looking for a more profitable party.

Local Turkish women did not covet him - because of poverty. And something didn’t stick with the visitors - either the girl was not eager to get married, or she seemed not rich. Unless he studied Russian. Katya's willingness to dissolve in Turkish culture, to convert to Islam, plus money for a pharmacy, played a role.

Fatih's cafe, which he gave to his father, attracted visitors. The family made a profit, but Katya did not see a penny. But Fatih's mother began to say that the son should take a second wife - from the locals, because according to Islam he had the right to do so. Apparently, this is how the mother-in-law hoped to get rid of her Russian daughter-in-law. In the kitchen, teaching Katya, she could roughly push her, and the poor thing heard barbs every day.

Fatih quickly lost interest in his wife and often went to Istanbul. As Katya suspected, to have fun with anxious tourists. Sometimes she found time to go on the Internet, where she complained to her friends about her fate, gaining the determination to get a divorce. I tried to pray, but someone else's faith did not give consolation, and Katya, in fact, did not know her own, Orthodox.

From the luxury of the Turkish series, she got only the exclamations “Mashallah” and “Inshallah” and a scarf, which, as usual, covers golden-red curls. Favorite series now caused irritation, like a bait that lured me to a foreign country.

But maybe Katya misunderstood him? After all, the “Magnificent Age” showed both the endless squabbles of the harem, and the oblivion of the heroine of faith, and the rejection of the Orthodox name, and her blind love for the sultan, who devastated Christian lands ...

In fairness, it should be noted that not all "Turkish wives" from Russia have a sad fate. The closer the husband is to European civilization, the less problems complicate the life of the visiting wife.

One Turk, lo and behold, was even baptized for the sake of his wife, but in other cases, wives converted to Islam.

In Arab countries, the life of a European is more dangerous - there, traditions entangle women like heavy chains. There are also successful marriages and even Arab wives who were baptized in rows, which have to be hidden from relatives - for example, in Saudi Arabia. But where is the guarantee that your chosen one will be like that?

Russian women have been suing for children with Eastern men for years - in Islamic culture it is customary to leave heirs with the father during a divorce.

Of course, opponents can say: the character of a husband does not depend on nationality, how many Russian women are tyrannized by men of the same kind-tribe with them. I personally suffered so much with the “true Aryans” that I would rather be interested in an oriental man. But their perception of women is complicated by centuries-old traditions, the requirements of relatives and the orders of their historical homeland - if we talk about a foreigner.

What is interesting about an oriental man for a European woman? Because he thinks and acts differently. Determined, courageous, ardent. But in this difference, along with attractiveness, danger lurks. It is easy to admire an authoritarian movie character, but it is difficult to share a home with such a gentleman and raise children. Especially in his home country. There he is the boss, the laws are on his side, and even the police will look through their fingers at the aggression against the visiting wife.

The problem is that we, Slavs, are ready to dissolve in the culture of a loved one, accept it and betray our own, which seems of little interest. This is the negative side of our sacrifice.

But most men do not appreciate it. They are self-confident and believe: it should be so. Giving birth to children, an apostate gives them to a foreign people, another religion. Thinks least of all about the soul. But it is not a fact that having lost herself as a person for the sake of physiology, the lady will receive respect in return.

Infidels and non-Orthodox

The Orthodox Church divides representatives of other religions into heterodox and non-Orthodox.

Non-believers include Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and sectarians. To the non-Orthodox - Catholics, Lutherans, Protestants, Armenian-Gregorians and some others - they also glorify Christ, but in a different way.

Before Peter the Great, marriages between Orthodox and non-Orthodox were prohibited. But the tsar headed for Europe and invited scientists and craftsmen from there to Rus'. Of course, families of Russians with foreigners began to be created.

And the church, for political reasons, was forced to allow marriages with heterodox, but not with non-believers. However, the children of the spouses had to grow up in the Orthodox faith.

The issue of children is fundamental for all faiths. No religion wants to yield the younger generation to another religion. Here is the Imam's view of interfaith marriage: Marriage of a Muslim man to a chaste and virtuous woman of Christian culture is permitted, but must be taken into account:

  • maintaining the husband's status in the family according to the canons of Islam;
  • the desirability of the spouse adopting the Islamic faith;
  • - the obligatory nature of raising children in the spirit of morality and religiosity, commanded by the Holy Quran.

Occasionally, democratically minded parents leave the choice of faith at the discretion of the child - he will grow up, decide for himself. Does this seem reasonable? But the clergy do not approve of this approach, believing that religious education should begin from the first years of a baby's life. From birth, a person needs the protection and help of the Almighty. It turns out that the parents themselves cry out to God for support, and the child is left to the mercy of fate. Isn't that cruel?

The marriage of an Orthodox and a Catholic also has its own characteristics. Of course, the difference between mentalities and religions is not as strong as in the case of Islam. But still, someone must sacrifice their faith, or everyone alone performs their rituals, but then the family loses cohesion and spiritual closeness.

From the point of view of Orthodoxy, the family is a small church. There are many similarities:

  • the family, like the church, consists of believers, but in addition to the common faith, it is united by ties of kinship;
  • as in the church, in the family they perform common prayers and celebrate religious holidays;
  • see the main goal of the transformation of the soul, deliverance from sins, unity with God.

The Orthodox rite of weddings reflects such an approach in prayers, where the Creator is asked for "the unanimity of souls and bodies", their union "in unanimity" and preservation "in peace and unanimity".

But one can only dream of a family idyll where dad goes to church, mom goes to church, grandmother goes to the synagogue, grandfather goes to the mosque, and the children have not yet made their choice, and adults are trying to change them to their side.

In Russia, there are such families where a lamb is slaughtered on Eid al-Adha, and Easter cake shines on Easter, it seems that the friendship of peoples is an echo of Soviet internationalism, but it’s hard for me to imagine what is going on in the minds of such people, what kind of porridge is there, sorry.

And even after death, such families are divided. An Orthodox spouse does not have the right to bury a non-Orthodox according to his own rite, serve a memorial service for him, or commemorate him at the liturgy. Orthodox cemeteries, as well as Muslim ones, should not be buried in Catholic cemeteries, and vice versa.

The problem of the posthumous fate of the soul arises, since most of the holy fathers affirm that its salvation is only in Orthodoxy.

But this is a separate complex topic.

Opinions of Orthodox clergy

I asked the Orthodox priests:

– What advice would you give to a girl, your parishioner, who fell in love with a Catholic or a Muslim and marries him? Our readers will be interested in your opinion, because in Russia marriages with non-Christians are made all the time.

Archpriest Mikhail Nikitin, St. Nicholas Church (Aleksin).

Archpriest Mikhail Antipov, Church of St. George the Victorious (village Khryashchevka).

“There is only one advice: do not seduce respected men of a different faith and ruin their lives. The fact is that a man, like a male, sooner or later will persuade his family to live according to the rules of his faith. And what could be next? Please refer to the statistics of such marriages. Personally, I am against such unions, since in the future great patience will be required and even experienced love will have to be forgotten, And family life without love is already some kind of public organization.

Now, quite often, girls on the forums write “I’m looking for a Muslim husband”, considering Muslim guys a more profitable party - religion forbids them to drink alcohol, and family is a sacred concept for them. But is it really so good in Muslim families? Surely there are some peculiarities here.

Muslim husband, Christian wife

Many ladies are interested in whether it is possible for a Christian woman to marry a Muslim, will the wife be obliged to accept another faith? According to the laws of Islam, a Christian woman may not renounce her faith, but she will not be able to raise a child in Christianity - he will have to become a Muslim. You also need to remember that parents in Muslim society are very respected, and therefore their word is often equated with the law. And if the parents are categorically against the Christian bride, then the man is more likely to break off the relationship than to argue with his parents.

Marrying a Muslim - features of a Muslim family

Often women think about how to marry a Muslim, and not about how they will live with him. In order to get to know a Muslim, there are no special problems - if domestic ones do not suit you, then you can look for them on vacation or in universities that accept foreign students, as well as on the Internet. But before turning away from men of your religion, think about whether you can follow all the rules of a Muslim family. There are the following features and not for every woman they will be acceptable. Of course, it all depends on people, but it’s worth being prepared for such moments:

Perhaps these rules seem complicated and incomprehensible to a non-Muslim woman. But on the other hand, in the person of a Muslim husband who honors his religion, you will get a faithful, devoted, honest, sympathetic family man with excellent moral qualities and without addiction to alcohol, who will love you and children, honor your relatives and will not interfere with you in observing your religion.

Xenia, Ulyanovsk

What if the husband is a Muslim, and I am Orthodox?

Hello. Our situation is not easy. Our family is mixed: my husband is Muslim, I am Orthodox. On this basis, misunderstandings and quarrels occur. When the child was born, under the pressure of my husband's parents, we performed a Muslim rite of naming. In turn, we baptized the child in secret from her husband. My conscience troubled me for a long time about this. But I don’t know how to lie, so I told my husband everything, and there was a big scandal. Since then I have been between two fires. My mother says bad things about her husband and his faith, and the husband, therefore, teaches the child Tatar prayers and tells him not to listen to his granny, and tells her not to take him to church. They say it all to me, I get upset and don't know what to do. It is very difficult to keep neutrality, you do not want to offend anyone. What to do in such a situation?

Good! I agree with you - the situation is complex and ambiguous. And the ambiguity, most likely, is in you. The husband said and we had a muslim ceremony". Grandma said and we baptized the child". Where are you yourself? With whom? The husband is a Muslim and, naturally, would like his child to adhere to the roots of Islam. Your mother belongs to Orthodoxy and wants it to be according to her, but at the same time she gave her daughter in marriage to a Muslim, which, according to life practice, usually leads to " children's» question. Was this discussed before the wedding?

The book "The Pilot", which contains the rules of the Ecumenical and Local Councils of the Orthodox Church, which determine the attitude of the church community to a particular religious or life problem, warns Christians against marriages with non-believers and adherents of sects. Protecting your children and their children from the misfortune of falling away from Christ. You got caught...

Now the spiritual fate of the child is in your hands. The situation will not resolve itself. The choice you avoided before marriage is catching up with you.

The Gospel says:

I did not come to bring peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34).

A Christian, accepting Holy Baptism, enters the army of the Heavenly King. Whether he will fight for his Lord or change his oath - the choice is his.

Maybe you, for the sake of family peace, decide to give up and let Islamization» of his family. Including yourself. But I hope you will feel the heartfelt need to find the sincere faith in Christ yourself. But not formal: I am Orthodox because I was baptized as a child”, but conscious, having accepted Christ, as exactly YOUR savior and God. Praying, studying the Holy Scriptures, reading the holy fathers of the Church and observing and knowing the depths of God's mercy to man in general and to us in particular, you will be able to illuminate both the child and the spouse with the light of your faith. In Islam, Christ is revered as a prophet, and knowing the Orthodox teaching, you will be able to show the true dignity of the Son of God. You choose.

A request to you: try with prayer to find a spiritual father who will help you move through life, prompting and warning you from dangers, harshness and relaxation. Give, Lord, spiritual wisdom to all of us!

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