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See what is consciousness and subconsciousness of a person. Conscious and subconscious. Great power of suggestion

In psychology, consciousness is defined as mental activity or the ability to understand and comprehend. Consciousness can be manifested and unmanifested. The manifested consciousness is our ordinary consciousness, and not manifested is the subconscious.

In different sources, consciousness and subconsciousness are considered as an iceberg, in which the surface part is the consciousness, and the underwater part is the subconscious. It is possible to consider them separately only conditionally, they are connected with each other by information-exchange processes. Consciousness and subconsciousness can be called in one word - mind.

Consciousness is the part of the mind that is available to us. All logical thinking occurs at the level of consciousness. Consciousness governs all processes of relationships in society, as well as all practical human activities.

Consciousness has its own structure, it is formed by thoughts that have a certain frequency response. What are our thoughts, such is our consciousness. And in this way we perceive the world around us, and not as we want, but as we can. For example, two people go into the forest, one looking at a birch admires its beauty, the other sees in this birch a stalk for a shovel.

The work of consciousness can be represented according to the following scheme: perception - analysis - integration. Perception is the acceptance of information. At the next stage, the received information is analyzed, the newly received information is compared with the information already available. And the final stage involves using the information received for specific purposes.

The principles of the subconscious mind

The subconscious is a kind of database where all the information about us is stored, starting from birth. Everything that happens to a person in life is recorded here. It is these data that help us objectively evaluate certain situations. Every moment our subconscious mind records everything that happens to us. Everything we see, hear, feel, touch, feel. All this is stored in our subconscious in the form of images and pictures that can be.

The main purpose of the subconscious is to manage the biochemical processes of our body, as well as the storage and processing of information. We do not think about our own, about the work of the heart and other systems and organs - they work under the control of the subconscious.

If we take an analogy with a computer, then consciousness is RAM, and the subconscious is the entire operating system and hard drive. Consciousness controls the subconscious. Just like in a computer, until you move the mouse, the operating system will not do anything.

The subconscious has access to the "Internet", that is, a connection to the higher mind of the Universe. And consciousness can receive this information from the subconscious in the form of intuition.

In the subconscious, you can find some storehouses of memory that do not reveal their treasures in the normal state. This can be successfully done at. A person is able to remember his whole life, to call up from the depths of the subconscious such pictures that, it would seem, have never nested in active memory. The active consciousness has no idea about these dramas and psychic traumas, but the unconscious keeps any notch.

The Trinity Model of Consciousness

Human consciousness has a tripartite pattern that is reflected in the structure of the brain, which includes the reticular (reptilian) brain, the emotional (limbic) brain, and the visual brain (cerebral cortex, neocortex).

reptilian brain(R-complex) - the brain of reptiles. It has a fundamental influence on our behavior. Responsible for the safety of the view and controls the basic behavior. This is a kinesthetic (sensory) perception of reality, protection of one's territory, aggression, the desire to possess and control everything, following patterns, imitation, deceit, struggle for power, striving for hierarchical structures, ritual behavior, control of the minority. It is characterized by cold-blooded behavior, lack of empathy, indifference to the consequences of our actions in relation to other people. Speaking in modern language, “the winner takes all”, “whoever has the power is right”, “winners are not judged”.

Its functions are quite simple: "run - fight - freeze." It is very useful for immediate reactions. First - reaction, then comprehension. In this sense, this is our “autopilot”, which we cannot consciously control. His main task is to protect the body, he is set on defense, he is always “on guard” and looks out for danger to the body. Consequently, he always perceives the world around him negatively, as full of threats and tricks. Traces of our primitive "reptilian" fears live in it, which children show, it would seem without any reason, as soon as they learn to talk. It cannot be bypassed or ignored, but evolution has taken care to slow down the excessive activity of the reptilian brain by creating inhibitory centers in the temporal lobes.

During the day, the activity of the R-complex is suppressed by the neocortex, but in the state of sleep it can be activated again, and then we experience primitive fears - we are afraid to fall or fall, run away from persecution, experience. instill in you a constant fear of “not surviving”, stuffing you with information about crises, rising prices, wars, disasters, accidents, violence, carrying out painful reforms and much more than “modern society” scares us from the cradle to the very grave.

limbic system- "emotional brain", the brain of a mammal. He is responsible for the survival of the individual, self-preservation and self-defense; governs social behavior, maternal care and upbringing. It is involved in the regulation of the functions of internal organs, smell, instinctive behavior, experiences, memory, sleep, wakefulness, etc. This brain is 98% identical to the brain of "our smaller brothers." The emotional brain is considered the main generator of emotions, it connects emotional and physical activity. Here fear, fun, change of moods are born. Disturbances in the limbic system can cause inexplicable bouts of rage, fear, or sensitivity.

The emotional brain gives us the "life of emotions." It is important to know that this is a “monotonous brain”, he loves comfort and routine, strives for security and constancy. For the emotional brain, safety is doing today what you did yesterday, and tomorrow what you did today. Cooperating with the reptilian brain, he transfers the lessons of the past to the "now" moment and does not think about the future. In other words, it links all memories as if the events happened in the present time, and then you experience feelings and emotions from.

The “gravity” of the emotional brain, in its desire to keep what we already have, manifests itself in resistance to change, it holds and pulls us back into the so-called “ comfort zone» - status quo, as part of homeostasis. Any of our attempts to get out of it is stressful for the emotional brain. Remember this concept - "comfort zone", it is extremely important for understanding our behavior when we decide to change.

We can say that this is our "caring parent" and "protective parent." He likes things that are familiar to you: "mother's food", everything that has pleased you since childhood, the familiar environment, behavior and atmosphere. Every decision you are about to make goes through his filter: “Is this good for me? Is it safe for? Isn't that a threat?" And if something threatens, you reject this choice. In other words, when the emotional brain makes decisions, it is based on what is close and familiar to you. When you feel resistance to change, it means that the emotional brain is in control.

His features:
lives in the present;
auditory (communication using sounds and tones);
orientation to life in a group, his priority is the survival of the group, family, clan;
does not know options, only “yes” and “no”, “good-bad”, “this or that”;
associativity with certain moments of life - when we think about something, we enter the image and experience feelings.

The emotional brain does not distinguish between a threat to our body and a threat to our ego. Therefore, we begin to defend ourselves without even understanding the essence of the situation. When someone hurts our feelings, it releases adrenaline, stimulates blood flow to large muscles, instantly concentrates our thoughts to protect against a threat.

The reptilian and emotional systems of the brain interact closely and can often take control of the mind and body. For the reptilian brain, the threat can be physical; for the emotional brain, it can be emotional. For example, loss of love, fear of the unknown, or changes taking place in a person's life. Your emotional brain may reject all your efforts, for example, when you are losing weight. Instead of eating right, you catch yourself unconsciously reaching for food. The emotional brain deserves this - it is focused on the moment "" and sensitively follows your desires at the moment, and immediately implements all your habits. Anyone who has lost weight knows that it is worth losing control, and then the extra calories are in your mouth.

visual brain(cerebral cortex, neocortex, frontal lobes).

This is the rational mind of man. It is what we call reason: reflections, conclusions, the ability to analyze, cognitive processes take place in it, etc. It has spatial thinking, visualization pictures appear here, focus on the future, its research and analysis. Thought generation also takes place here (approximately 60,000 thoughts a day!).

This brain can:
determine what action you need to take
set goals and plan
discuss your goals and dreams,
inspire you and cause action for a short period of time,

Today, neuroscience has proven that the conscious brain is only 10% responsible for long-term goals. The remaining 90% is the responsibility of our subconscious.

The human brain, according to McLean, "is equivalent to three interconnected biological computers," each of which has "its own consciousness, its own sense of time and space, its own memory, motor and other functions."

Thus, the real release of fears and the development of deep biological survival programs occurs under the condition of inhibition of the cerebral cortex and activation of the experiences of the reptilian brain and the brain of a mammal, which is characterized as

As long as you do not lead the subconscious ship, fate carries over. But one has only to change some of the settings and the subconscious, like a faithful servant, accepts them and begins processing. As a result, after a while, life begins to change.

The difficulty lies in how we can get in touch with our subconscious. There are various methods of psychology for this. The most effective and environmentally friendly are those that give the best result with the participation and under the guidance

Before talking about the conscious and the subconscious, we will tell you how they differ from each other and what function they perform.

Let's turn to physiology. Our brain is made up of the cerebrum and its cortex. The large brain, or subcortex, occupies most of the volume of the brain, while the cortex is only 1/5 of the volume. The brain is white matter, while the cortex is gray matter. The subcortex was formed much earlier than the cerebral cortex, its age is several million years.

How do the cortex and subcortex depend on each other? According to L. Vygotsky, a person's subconscious determines his behavior. In other words, the subcortex controls the cerebral cortex, and the subconscious mind forms both habits and dominants of a person. That is, the subconscious is aimed primarily at ensuring the survival of a person in the environment. Consciousness, on the other hand, is evolutionarily younger, receives signals from the subconscious, but does not always accurately understand them. The subconscious controls the instincts while the conscious tries to justify them. Whatever a person does, he does it for self-preservation, and his behavior is instinctive. Why, in a moment of danger, does a person unconsciously act in such a way as to save himself first of all? It is pointless to accuse him of selfishness, because when consciousness is turned off (for example, during severe stress), the subconscious mind controls the entire work of the body. After all, his main task is to ensure the viability of the body, and not to save other people.

In car accidents, the driver most often survives, while the passengers die. Even if members of his family are traveling with the driver, at the moment of a threat to life, he unconsciously assumes a position that ensures survival for him. And only when nothing threatens his life, he tries to save his loved ones.

Under the influence of fear or other strong emotions, common sense recedes. All human actions are subordinated at this time to the subconscious, or subcortex. However, the subconscious mind cannot control behavior indefinitely, and the conscious mind takes over. Let us give an example: in a state of love at the beginning, as in animals, a person's feelings are based on instincts. But later, consciousness begins to idealize the object of love, endowing it with even those qualities that are not inherent in a particular person.

Thus, without the participation of consciousness, the feeling would have died out long ago, while consciousness allows you to create a certain ideal, thanks to which falling in love can last indefinitely, taking on a variety of forms.

So the conscious mind is controlled by the subconscious. However, there is another problem: the cortex does not always correctly understand what the subcortex says. If the consciousness operates with words, then the subconscious mind operates with emotions. The word for feeling does not always accurately reflect its true meaning, so many diseases arise.

Another example: a wedding. It would seem that this is a joyful event, but a nervous breakdown can easily occur in a person. After all, marriage means a change in the usual way of life. Consciousness rejoices at the upcoming event, while the subconscious, on the contrary, is horrified and reacts with a nervous breakdown.

In addition, it should be noted that different people react differently to the same events. For example, some people associate smoking with pleasant sensations, improved mental abilities, and sometimes even with happiness. Naturally, in order to continue to be happy, a person smokes cigarette after cigarette, becomes addicted, and as a result acquires a harmful and dangerous habit.

However, if the word "smoking" is given a different meaning - "an unnecessary activity that causes diseases such as tuberculosis, lung cancer, and poisoning of the body" - we will no longer strive to repeat the process of smoking again, but on the contrary, we will try to avoid it. In other words, whatever word you call this or that action, so it will be. So how does consciousness react? Often we go against our own subconscious, not understanding what it is trying to convey to us. And this is the cause of many diseases and problems.

Now a few words about the functions of consciousness and subconsciousness. If the subcortex is responsible for preserving human life, then the cerebral cortex solves the problems of survival in society, that is, society. We see that we have not only a biological instinct for self-preservation, but also a social one. The biological keeps us alive, but the social sometimes has a goal opposite to the first. For example, consciousness is responsible for the desire to achieve fame, success, financial well-being. One's own life is sometimes valued much lower than social status and reputation. Sometimes a person even sacrifices his life for social well-being (commits suicide in order to save his good name).

Thus, we can conclude that our emotions and desires live in the subcortex and enter consciousness in the form of vague sensations that are not always clear to consciousness. From here arise psychological problems of a person, diseases, nervous breakdowns. A person does not understand himself, cannot find a common language with his own subconscious. In this book, we will try to tell what our subconscious mind wants from us, how to manage our emotions and feelings, how to learn to feel the meaning of various messages that our subconscious mind sends in the form of vague dreams, premonitions and hallucinations. In addition, we will talk about such phenomena as telepathy, hypnosis, clairvoyance and many other mysterious phenomena. Practical recommendations will help you learn to control your psyche and avoid many diseases.

Conscious and Subconscious

The human mind can be divided into two parts - the Conscious mind (consciousness) and the Subconscious mind (subconscious). The division is completely arbitrary. Figuratively speaking, the Consciousness is the captain of the ship (or the headquarters of the army), and the Subconscious is the rest of the ship's crew (or the main army forces).

Our brain is made up of two parts: the cerebrum and the cerebral cortex. The large brain occupies 4/5 of the total volume of the brain, consists of two hemispheres and is built mainly of white matter. From above, this large brain is covered with a thin layer (2–5 mm) of gray matter, which is called the cerebral cortex, and the large brain is called the subcortex. Consciousness is connected with the cerebral cortex, and the Subconscious with the subcortex. The Consciousness commands, and the Subconscious mind obeys the commands received from the Consciousness.

Consciousness and Subconsciousness of a person are tightly interconnected, while the Subconsciousness can do without Consciousness (sleep, coma), and Consciousness cannot do without it, because even when we are awake, the Subconsciousness scans all the space around us and writes to its hard drive, sending this information in their repositories.

Consciousness is responsible for the decision-making process, the Subconscious mind is looking for ways to implement them. In other words, one part of our brain says, what the task needs to be solved, and the other thinks How fulfill it. The first part is the will, the second is colossal resources.

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The problem of consciousness is one of the most difficult and mysterious. The world appears before the eyes of a person, a panorama of countless objects, their properties, events and processes unfolds; people are trying to unravel the secrets of the universe, explain the reasons for their experiences caused by encounters with beauty or, conversely, with ugliness, understand the meaning of their existence, find the origins of their thoughts, etc. And everything that the world gives us, all experiences, feelings and thoughts go through something called consciousness.

Consciousness is that indestructible, eternal, omnipresent that accompanies human exploration of the world, it is an obligatory “additive” to everything that we perceive as a given.

People have long paid attention to the fact that many manifestations of the vital activity of their body, many varieties of brain activity pass without the intervention of consciousness. We are not aware of the processes that take place every minute in our internal organs, we do not notice weak or obscure, "disguised" effects on vision and hearing, although they are perceived by the brain, this is evidenced by the bioelectric reactions recorded by the device. Moreover, we often cannot explain to ourselves and others how we came up with an interesting scientific idea, an ingenious solution to a technical problem that we have been wrestling with for many days. People take answers to many questions from their subconscious, the power of which is simply amazing.

Many argue that there is a mind that could better serve the interests of the body if it were allowed to freely act at its own discretion. This is an exceptionally correct opinion - the immediate problem arises, however, from the fact that consciousness, which processes sense perceptions, constantly turns on as a hindrance and causes a terrible tangle of incorrect opinions, unfounded fears and false attitudes. And as soon as negative patterns of thinking and ideas of this type are imprinted in the subconscious through a psychological and emotional reflex, the latter has no choice but to reliably and to the smallest detail fulfill the requirements that the subconscious makes of it.

What is consciousness? What is the subconscious? I tried to answer these questions in my essay.


The subconscious is a term for mental processes that occur without displaying them in consciousness and in addition to conscious control. The term was introduced into science in 1889 by Pierre Janet in a philosophical dissertation. He later developed it in his medical dissertation "The mental world of hysterics"

The term "subconscious" was used in Freud's early work on the creation of psychoanalysis, but over time it was replaced by him with the term "unconscious", intended by him mainly to denote the area of ​​​​repressed content (mainly - socially disapproved). The followers of Freud, for example, Jacques Lacan, completely abandoned the opposition "over-/under-" in the description of mental life.

It stood out as a separate concept of “unconscious”, denoting usually automatic (including reflex) actions (I.P. Pavlov, D.N. Uznadze), not controlled by consciousness, as well as “preconscious” - something that can be perceived when focusing attention, but not currently realized.

Carl Gustav Jung again turned to the term subconscious to describe the archaic essence of the human psyche (archetypes).

The term "subconscious mind" is also used in cognitive psychology to refer to the area of ​​fast memory where the brain records automatic thoughts, that is, thoughts that are often repeated or a person attaches special importance to them. In this case, the brain does not spend a lot of time re-thinking this thought slowly, but makes a decision instantly, based on the previous algorithm recorded in the "fast" memory. Such "automation" of thoughts can be useful when you need to make a quick decision (for example, quickly pull your hand away from a hot frying pan), but it can be harmful when an incorrect or illogical thought is automated, so one of the tasks of cognitive psychotherapy is to recognize such automatic thoughts, return them from the area of ​​fast memory again to the area of ​​slow rethinking, in order to remove incorrect judgments from the subconscious and rewrite them with correct counterarguments.

Your subconscious mind is a huge databank. Its power is practically unlimited. It stores everything that constantly happens to you. By the time you reach the age of twenty-one, you will have accumulated more than a hundred times more information than the complete Encyclopædia Britannica.

Older people under hypnosis can often recall events fifty years ago with perfect clarity. Your subconscious memory is perfect. What is questionable is your ability to consciously remember.

Our subconscious is subjective. It does not think and does not draw conclusions, but simply obeys the commands that it receives from consciousness. If you imagine consciousness as a gardener sowing seeds, then the subconscious mind will be a garden or fertile soil for seeds.

The subconscious knows literally everything about every cell of your body, about every hair and fingernail tip, it has information about the state and activity of each organ and forms integral information about the health and performance of each of them. The subconscious receives information about the position and degree of contraction of each muscle of your body, about the position of your body in space, about the conditions of the external environment (warm, cold, damp, etc.), on a subtle plane, the subconscious is connected with the entire universe and we can say that , in a certain sense, the subconscious mind knows everything about everything. The properties of a person are largely determined by the properties of his subconscious. If a musician has absolute pitch, then he owes this, first of all, to the good work of his subconscious - the presence of a high-quality sound processing program in it, and a talented artist should first of all thank his subconscious for his talent. Of course, the optical properties of the eyes also matter, but they determine only photographic abilities, and the spiritual component of talent is determined solely by the subconscious. In fact, the subconscious is the person himself. And at the same time, this is the world in which a person lives. What the human subconscious does not know simply does not exist for this person! The subconscious processes the information it receives according to the laws (programs) that are embedded in it. Some of these programs are present in a person from birth (birth programs), while others are formed during life as a result of experience gained or under the influence of society, and it is very important to understand that subconscious information processing programs can change during a person’s life, including and by himself, and in this case, even under all the previous external conditions, a person, as it were, moves into another world, since he feels his life differently. These changes can be both in one direction and in the other, they can relate to both well-being (for example, the feeling of pain may disappear or vice versa, a completely healthy organ “gets sick”) and the emotional state (the appearance of a feeling of joy - “seeing life through rose-colored glasses", or vice versa, the appearance of a feeling of melancholy, sadness). The subconscious is inherently very similar to a computer that fulfills all orders conscientiously, but absolutely formally. The subconscious does not understand jokes or irony, therefore, if for any reason a program of human self-destruction arises in the subconscious, then this program will be executed by the subconscious as diligently as all others. The influence of the subconscious on a person is unlimited.

The information available in the subconscious is transmitted by them to the conscious part of the human mind, however, not all information is transmitted, but only that, the transmission of which the subconscious itself considers appropriate, and the expediency criteria are set by the corresponding subconscious programs and can also be changed. So, for example, information remains in the subconscious about the activity of each specific organ and about the details of the processes occurring in the human body, about the degree of contraction of specific muscles, etc., but the conscious mind receives information about the spatial position of a person and about what he feels , sees and hears, on the basis of which human emotions are born on a conscious level, it is here that the feeling “the breeze caresses the skin” or “the sun bakes mercilessly” arises, and here insults, envy and so on are born. Information entering the conscious level is deliberately distorted by the subconscious in the process of its processing, since it passed through an individual filter inherent in this particular person that determines his personality, which is why sometimes witnesses of the same event describe it differently - their eyes in the optical sense they saw the same thing, but their subconscious interpreted what they saw in different ways.

Information processed by a person on a conscious (intellectual) level returns to the subconscious in the form of specific commands-orders that are executed by the subconscious in accordance with other previously received instructions and with its own programs. For example, the command "run!" activates many muscles, but if the general instruction was previously received by the subconscious that it is harmful to run fast, then the run will be calm, not intense. Such general instructions also include emotions developed by the consciousness in response to the information received, which are sent to the subconscious "for eternal storage" and taken into account by it in the subsequent processing of incoming information, therefore, once a feeling of resentment has arisen, to one degree or another will affect a person's behavior in throughout his life.

consciousness subconscious psychological

Laws of the subconscious

A. The Law of Subconscious Activity The Law of Subconscious Activity states that any idea or thought that your conscious mind accepts as true will be accepted without question by your subconscious mind, which will immediately set to work to translate it into reality. As soon as you begin to believe in the possibility of performing some kind of action, your subconscious mind begins to work as a transmitter of mental energy, as a result of which you attract people and circumstances that harmoniously correspond to your new dominant thoughts.

Your subconscious mind controls information of all types coming from the environment - everything that you see, hear, know. It makes you sensitive to any information about the importance of which you are aware in advance. And the more emotional your attitude towards something specific, the sooner your subconscious mind will tell you everything that you can do to translate what you want into reality.

For example, you decide that you want to buy a red sports car. And immediately after that, you start seeing red cars at every turn. When you plan a trip abroad, you start to come across articles, information and posters about international travel everywhere. Your subconscious works in such a way as to draw your attention to the right things to fulfill your desires.

Thinking about a new goal is perceived by your subconscious as a command. It begins to correct your words and actions in such a way that they work towards achieving the goal. You begin to speak and act correctly, to do all this on time, moving towards the result.

B. The Law of Concentration The Law of Concentration says that whatever you think about increases in size. The more you think about something, the deeper it goes into your life.

The law explains a lot about success and failure. This is a paraphrase of the law of cause and effect, sowing and reaping. He argues that it is impossible to think about one thing and end up with another. You can't plant oats and get barley. Success and happiness are given to those people who develop the ability to focus entirely on one thing and not leave it unattended until the process is completed. They have enough discipline to think and talk only about what they want, and not be distracted by what they do not want.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "A man becomes what he constantly thinks about." High performers guard the gates of their minds with particular diligence. They only focus on what really matters to them. They contemplate the future of their desires and refuse to indulge in their own fears and doubts. As a result, they manage to accomplish extraordinary things in the same amount of time that the average person spends on the ordinary things of life.

The power of our subconscious mind is enormous. It inspires us, guides us, and reveals to us names, facts, and episodes from the pantry of memory. The subconscious has turned on your heartbeat, it controls blood circulation, regulates digestion, absorption of nutrients and the functioning of the excretory organs. When you eat a piece of bread, your subconscious transforms it into tissue, muscle, bone and blood. This process cannot be comprehended by any of the sages of the earth. The subconscious controls all life processes and functions of your body, knows the answers to all questions and can solve all problems.

Our subconscious mind never sleeps or rests. It is always at work. We can discover the miraculous power of our subconscious mind by telling it before going to bed about our desire to carry out a certain plan, and it will release our inner forces leading to the achievement of the desired result. Hence, there is a source of strength and wisdom in it, leading us into contact with some omnipotence or power that moves our world, directs the planets in their orbits and makes the sun shine.

Whatever thoughts, beliefs, opinions, theories or dogmas you inspire your subconscious mind, you experience and perceive them in the form of objective circumstances, conditions and events. What you write down inside yourself (in the subconscious), then it will appear before you outside, in your real life. There are two sides in life: objective and subjective, visible and invisible, thought and its manifestations.

Thought is perceived by the brain - the organ of the conscious and thinking mind. When your conscious or objective mind fully agrees with a thought, it is sent to the solar plexus, called the brain of your consciousness, where it finds its embodiment. This thought becomes the reality of your life.

The subconscious cannot enter into an argument, it only acts on the basis of what you write into it. The subconscious unconditionally accepts your verdict or the conclusion of your consciousness. That's why you always write in your book of life - your thoughts are translated into real events. "A man is what he thinks about all day long."

Consciousness is one of the forms in which objective reality is reflected in the human psyche. According to the cultural-historical approach, a characteristic feature of consciousness is that the elements of socio-historical practice are an intermediate link between objective reality and consciousness, allowing to build objective (generally accepted) pictures of the world.

Consciousness is one of the basic concepts of philosophy, sociology and psychology, denoting the ability to ideally reproduce reality, as well as the specific mechanisms and forms of such reproduction at its different levels. Consciousness appears in two forms: individual (personal) and public. Due to the complexity of the phenomenon of consciousness, each of the complex of sciences that study it introduces a certain specificity into the very approach to the definition of consciousness. In philosophy, with a materialistic solution of its main issue, consciousness. is considered as a property of highly organized matter, consisting in a mental reflection of reality, as a conscious being, a subjective image of the objective world, as a subjective reality as opposed to the objective, as the Ideal as opposed to the material and in unity with it; in a narrower sense, by consciousness they mean the highest form of mental reflection, characteristic of a socially developed person, the ideal side of goal-setting labor activity. In the sociological approach, consciousness is considered primarily as the spiritual life of society in the aggregate of all its forms.

In psychology, consciousness is interpreted as a mental activity that provides: a generalized and purposeful reflection of the external world; selection by a person of himself from the environment and opposing himself to it as a subject to an object; goal-setting activity, i.e. preliminary mental construction of actions and foreseeing their consequences; control and management of the behavior of the individual, her ability to be aware of what is happening both in the surrounding world and in her own spiritual world. Since the object of consciousness is not only the external world, but also the subject itself - the carrier of consciousness, then one of the essential moments of consciousness is Self-Consciousness.

The human mind can be divided into two parts - the conscious mind (consciousness) and the subconscious mind (subconscious). The division is completely conditional, one might even say administrative. The interaction of a person with the outside world occurs exclusively through the subconscious, the functions of which are very diverse. It is the subconscious mind that turns the vibration of the ear membrane into words and fills them with meaning, it is the subconscious mind that forms an image from the signals of the cones of the eyeball, it is the subconscious mind that turns the chemical reactions occurring in the organs of smell into smells and classifies them.

Our consciousness commands, and the subconscious mind obeys. The subconscious mind is an unquestioning servant that works day and night to ensure that your behavior conforms to a pattern that matches your emotionally charged thoughts, hopes, and aspirations. Your subconscious mind grows flowers or weeds in the garden of your life, which you plant in your mental images. Your subconscious mind has a so-called homeostatic impulse. It keeps your body temperature at 37°C, as well as your regular breathing and a certain heart rate. With the help of the autonomic nervous system, it maintains a balance between the millions of chemicals in your billions of cells, so that your entire physiological mechanism works in perfect harmony most of the time.

Your subconscious also practices homeostasis in the mental realm, keeping your thoughts and actions consistent with what you have said and done in the past. All information about your thinking habits and behavior is stored in the subconscious. It remembers your comfort zones and seeks to keep you in them. The subconscious causes a feeling of emotional and physical discomfort with each of your attempts to do something in a new way, in a different way, to change the established patterns of behavior.

The subconscious mind functions as a gyroscope or balancer, keeping you in a state according to previously programmed instructions.

You can feel your subconscious pulling you back into your comfort zone every time you try something new. Even the thought of a new business puts you in a tense, restless state. When you try to find a new job, pass your driving test, make contact with new clients, take on a responsible task, or communicate with a person of the opposite sex and feel awkward and nervous, you feel like you have left your comfort zone.

The main difference between leaders and followers is that leaders always push themselves out of their comfort zone. They know how quickly a comfort zone in any field becomes a trap. They know that serenity is the greatest enemy of creativity and future possibilities. To ensure one's own growth, to move beyond one's comfort zone requires a willingness to feel awkward and uncomfortable for a certain initial period of time. If it's worth it, then some inconvenience can be tolerated until confidence is built and a new comfort zone is built that matches the higher level of achievement.

Consciousness (conscious) - a form of reflection of objective reality in the human psyche - the highest level of reflection of the mental and self-regulation; is usually considered to be inherent only in man as a socio-historical being. It is characteristic that elements of socio-historical practice act as a mediating, intermediate factor, allowing to build objective (generally accepted) pictures of the world.

Empirically, it appears as a continuously changing set of sensory and mental images that directly appear before the subject in his "internal experience" and anticipate his practical activity - a mosaic of states that plays a more or less significant role both in the external and in the internal balance of the individual.

Psychology studies the origin, structure and functioning of the consciousness of the individual. Consciousness is characterized by:

1) activity;

2) intentionality, i.e. focus on the subject: consciousness is always consciousness of something;

3) the ability for reflection, self-observation - awareness of consciousness itself;

4) motivational and value character;

5) different degree (levels) of clarity.

The consciousness of any individual is unique, but not arbitrary - it is conditioned by external factors in relation to consciousness, first of all - by the structures of the social system where the individual exists, and always has a socio-historical character.

The study of consciousness faces two main difficulties.

The first difficulty is that all psychological phenomena appear before the individual insofar as they are realized - including the unconscious, which is realized either as a result of a special procedure of "bringing to consciousness", or indirectly - in the form of distortions of consciousness. According to self-observation, consciousness is devoid of its own psychological specificity - its only sign is that thanks to it, various phenomena that make up the content of specific psychological functions appear before the individual, with a certain degree of clarity. Therefore, consciousness was considered:

1) either as a general "non-qualitative" condition for the existence of the psyche and was designated metaphorically - "light of consciousness", "field of consciousness" and so on; in this case, a concrete or experimental study of consciousness was out of the question;

2) either identified with some mental function, most often with attention or thinking; in this case, the study of consciousness was replaced by the study of the corresponding function. All this gave rise to the opinion that consciousness for scientific psychology is a fiction.

The second difficulty follows from the first; consciousness, like individual mental functions, is not localized in external space; but, unlike mental functions, consciousness - because of its "lack of quality" - cannot be "dismembered" in time. Researchers have not been able to find characteristics of consciousness by which it could be studied by known methods.

Important for a constructive analysis of consciousness is the idea that goes back to Kant about the presence of stable, invariant structures, schemes of consciousness, superimposed on a continuously changing flow of sensory information and organizing it in a certain way.

Domestic psychology has developed a general idea of ​​the ontogenetic formation of consciousness. The structures of the individual's consciousness are formed in early ontogenesis due to the child's appropriation and internalization of the structures of such activity as communication with an adult. The fundamental possibility of such appropriation is formed on the basis of the development of the phylogenetic (historical) one. The subject activity and its attribute - communication have the following main properties reflected in its structure:

1) social origin and structure - this is expressed in its social regulation, as well as in the mediation of tools and signs;

2) separation between two subjects;

The structure of joint activity generates the structure of consciousness, determining, respectively, the following main properties of it:

1) social character, including mediation by sign (including verbal) and symbolic structures;

2) the ability to reflect and internal dialogism;

3) objectivity.

Of considerable interest are the views on consciousness expressed by A. N. Leontiev. Each person in the course of individual development through the acquisition of language is attached to consciousness - "joint knowledge", and only thanks to this is his individual consciousness formed. So, the main constituents of consciousness are meanings and linguistic meanings.

The first thing that is revealed when looking at the "field of consciousness" is the extraordinary diversity of its contents.

The field of consciousness is also heterogeneous in the sense that a central area is clearly distinguished in it, especially clear and distinct - the "field of attention", or "focus of consciousness"; outside it is an area whose contents are indistinct, vague, undifferentiated, the "periphery of consciousness."

The contents of consciousness in both areas are in continuous motion. There are two types of states of consciousness: stable and changeable, quickly transient. When thinking, periods of stable states are punctuated by transitions - changeable states, often elusive. Transitional moments are very difficult to catch by self-observation: when you try to stop them, the movement itself disappears, and if you try to remember them after they end, then a vivid sensual image that accompanies stable states overshadows the moments of movement. The movement of consciousness and its continuous change is reflected in the concept of the stream of consciousness.

Consciousness harbors many curious features and unknown depths, where one can sometimes look "from the edge of the abyss." So, in critical situations, a person exists, as it were, on two mutually exclusive levels:

1) on the one hand, he must be part of the objective world, where his Self is forced to adapt to external reality; this is the level of consciousness of the extraverted, perceptual and decision-making functions;

2) on the other hand, he plunges into the subjective world of states of altered consciousness, from which the connection with external reality and time is excluded and where the deep Self takes root, where, according to some, the state of "oceanic union with the Universe" is realized.

According to Z. Freud, consciousness is one of the three systems of the psyche, which includes only what is realized at any given moment in time. The main role of consciousness is the role of the sense organ for the perception of mental qualities, mainly for the perception of external stimuli, as well as feelings of pleasure and displeasure, which can only arise from within the psyche.

In the psychoanalytic understanding, consciousness is only a quality that may or may not be attached to a separate mental act and which never changes anything in it if it does not occur. Most conscious processes are conscious only for a short time, and the process of excitation does not leave in consciousness, as in all other mental systems, a long-term change in its elements. Psychoanalysis does not consider consciousness to be the essence of the psychic and treats it primarily as a purely descriptive term.

Consciousness involves the selection by the subject of himself as the bearer of a certain active position in relation to the world. This isolation of oneself, attitude towards oneself, assessment of one's capabilities, which are a necessary component of any consciousness, form different forms of that specific characteristic of a person, which is called self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is a dynamic, historically developing formation, acting at different levels and in different forms. Its first form, which is sometimes called well-being, is an elementary awareness of one's body and its incorporation into the world of surrounding things and people. It turns out that the simple perception of objects as existing outside the given person and independently of his consciousness already presupposes certain forms of self-reference, i.e., some kind of self-consciousness.

In order to see this or that object as something that exists objectively, a certain mechanism must be built into the very process of perception, as it were, taking into account the place of the human body among other bodies - both natural and social, and the changes that occur with the human body. , as opposed to what is happening in the outside world. Otherwise, there would be confusion, mixing of those changes in the image of an object that are caused by processes occurring in reality itself, and those that are entirely due to the subject (for example, the approach or removal of a person from an object, the turn of his head, etc.). Psychologists say that awareness of reality at the level of perception presupposes a certain “world scheme” included in this process. But the latter, in turn, presupposes a certain "body scheme" as its necessary component.

The next, higher level of self-consciousness is associated with the awareness of oneself as belonging to a particular human community, a particular culture and social group. Finally, the highest level of development of this process is the emergence of the consciousness of the “I” as a completely special formation, similar to the “I” of other people and at the same time in some way unique and unrepeatable, able to perform free actions and bear responsibility for them, which with Necessity implies the possibility of control over their actions and their evaluation.

However, self-consciousness is not only various forms and levels of self-knowledge. It is also always self-esteem and self-control. Self-consciousness involves comparing oneself with a certain ideal “I” accepted by a given person, making some self-assessment and, as a result, the emergence of a feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with oneself. Self-consciousness is such an obvious property of every person that the fact of its existence cannot cause any doubts. Moreover, a significant and highly influential branch of idealist philosophy has argued since Descartes that self-consciousness is just the only thing that cannot be doubted. After all, if I see some object, then it may turn out to be my illusion or hallucination. However, I can in no way doubt that I exist and that there is a process of my perception of something (even if it is a hallucination).

And at the same time, the slightest reflection on the fact of self-consciousness reveals its profound paradox. After all, in order to be aware of yourself, you need to see yourself as if from the outside. But from the outside, only the other person can see me, not me. I can only partly see my own body as another sees it. The eye can see everything but itself. In order for a person to see himself, to be aware of himself, he needs to have a mirror. Having seen his image in the mirror and remembering it, a person gets the opportunity without a mirror, in his mind, to see himself as if “from the outside”, as “another”, that is, in the mind itself to go beyond its limits. But in order for a person to see himself in the mirror, he must realize that it is he who is reflected in the mirror, and not some other being.

The perception of a mirror image as one's own likeness seems absolutely obvious. Meanwhile, in reality, this is not the case at all. No wonder animals do not recognize themselves in the mirror. It turns out that in order for a person to see himself in a mirror, he must already have certain forms of self-consciousness. These forms were not originally given. Man assimilates and constructs them. He assimilates these forms with the help of another mirror, no longer real, but metaphorical. This “mirror” in which a person sees himself and with the help of which he begins to treat himself as a person, that is, develops forms of self-consciousness, is a society of other people. K. Marx said very well about this complex process: “In some respects, a person resembles a commodity. Since he is born without a mirror in his hands and not a Fichtean philosopher: “I am a family,” then a person first looks, as in a mirror, into another person. Only by treating the man Paul as his own kind does the man Peter begin to treat himself as a man. At the same time, Paul as such, in all his Pavlovian corporeality, becomes for him a form of manifestation of the kind of “man”1. Man's relation to himself is necessarily mediated by his relation to another person. Self-consciousness is born not as a result of the internal needs of an isolated consciousness, but in the process of collective practical activity and interpersonal relationships. When comprehending the words of Marx, it is important to note that a person not only perceives himself by analogy with another, but also the other - by analogy with himself. As modern research shows, in the process of developing self-consciousness, awareness of oneself and awareness of another person as similar to me and at the same time different from me arise simultaneously and presuppose each other.


The subconscious has limitless power. It inspires us, guides us, resurrects in our minds all the names, facts and scenes that are stored in the depths of your memory. It governs the beating of the heart, the circulation of the blood, and the whole process of digestion and excretion of secretions. The subconscious mind controls all life processes and functions of our body and knows the solution to all problems.

It is in the subconscious that the source of all power and wisdom is located, providing you with access to precisely that power and omnipotence that moves the world, that determines the orbits of the planets and makes the sun shine.

If we want to change our lives, we should look for the cause - how we use our consciousness: our way of thinking and visualizing. We cannot think positively and negatively at the same time. At some point, one type of thinking always prevails. The way of thinking develops into a habit, so we must ensure that positive thoughts and emotions always prevail over negative ones.

To change external circumstances, you must first change the internal. Most people try to change the external circumstances. If you do not change your thoughts and beliefs, such attempts lead to nothing or give only a short-term effect.

It is necessary to realize this, and a crystal clear path to a better life will open before us. We must think about success, happiness, health, well-being and expel anxiety and fear from our thoughts. Let our consciousness be busy waiting for the best, while our habitual thoughts will be occupied with what we want to receive from life.

The subconscious is the source of all your ideals, aspirations and selfless goals.

If we comprehend this truth, the treasures of the universe will open to us. The powerful subconscious awaits our instructions.

Despite the enormous efforts expended by philosophy and other sciences, the problems of human consciousness (individual and social), memory and self-consciousness are far from being solved. Much obscurity is concealed in the mechanisms, functions, states, structure and properties of these elements, their relationship with the activity and personality of the individual, the ways of their formation and development, their connection with being. The question of their relationship with being is not reduced to the question of primary and secondary, although it proceeds from this.

The study of the relationship of consciousness, memory, self-consciousness and being includes the study of all its diverse and historically changing types and forms, i.e., in a way, this is an “eternal question”. “Eternal” not in the sense of the impossibility of its evident solution, but in the sense that the development of forms of human life, the progress of culture and science constantly complicate and change the specific forms of their relationship with being, and pose many problems for philosophical thought.

Consciousness, memory and self-consciousness manifest themselves not only in relation to reality. They are also a relationship in reality, i.e., a real thing. Between these two leading types of relations to the world there are not only significant differences, but also real contradictions, the overcoming of which is by no means simple, just as it is not just overcoming the contradictions between consciousness, memory, self-consciousness and activity, thought and word, word and deed.

These elements and the personality of the individual are a highly contradictory, evolving and not very easily differentiated unity. In this whole, either consciousness, or activity, or self-consciousness, or personality, or memory can act as the leading factor at different stages of development. But at the same time, these; elements act as a link, an indirect link between activity and personality.

The study and formation of these elements is a challenge from the side of culture to modern science and education. In search of such elements, philosophy and science must turn to culture, to myth, to religion, to politics and to their own history, in which ideas arose about the noosphere, about the power of Reason, about new thinking, and, of course, consciousness, memory and self-consciousness. .

It is consciousness that has the keys to the values ​​of the subconscious, and only consciousness is able to determine the meaning of the information transmitted by the subconscious and its significance for a person here and now, in the present. Only by interacting with consciousness, the subconscious can confirm its value and show the right path. Your consciousness is, so to speak, the guard at the gate, the main task of which is to protect the subconscious from harmful impressions. The subconscious mind is susceptible to suggestion. The subconscious does not make comparisons and distinctions; it is not capable of independent and consistent reflection on the circumstances of the case. This is the task of consciousness. The subconscious mind simply reacts to the impressions given to it by the conscious mind and does not draw any logical conclusions.

List of used literature

1. Sandor Ferenczi. Body and subconscious. Collection of articles "Nota Bene, 2003

2. Joseph Murphy "POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUSNESS" "PHOENIX" Rostov-on-Don. 2000

3. John Kehoe - "The subconscious can do anything!"

4. Raikov VL General theory of consciousness. -- M., 2000.

5. Big psychological dictionary. Comp. Meshcheryakov B., Zinchenko V. Olma-press. 2004


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