Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Childhood memories many years later. I recently asked my mom for the first time what exactly she remembers about that day at Disneyland. She said that it was in the summer and that the last time they saw me was near the boats traveling through the “jungle”, and not at all near

- What is the strength in, brother?

- Strength is in childhood!

  • How valuable are childhood memories?
  • How to remember your childhood?
  • What does a child's memory hide?

We all come from childhood, it is then that we begin to explore the world, learn to take the first steps, to distinguish good from evil. This is the time when we don’t need to think about problems, we devote ourselves entirely to ourselves, spending hours carefree, playing with friends or simply doing our own things. important matters.

Unfortunately, not everyone’s childhood was a time of happiness and joy; not everyone was surrounded by unconditional love and care. There are people who refuse to remember the time when they were kids because it is painful for them and they do not want to traumatize themselves again.

The Institute of Reincarnation places special emphasis on the importance of childhood memories. There are a number of reasons for this, which explain the need to remember your childhood.

Why exactly childhood?

Having learned to use your memory perfectly, you can easily return to any moment of childhood, even not the most pleasant one, and use the tools of reincarnation to explore this situation and learn the necessary lessons for yourself.

It is from childhood that we begin to comprehend the world as it is around us, acquire the necessary skills, create our own experience, take our first steps, and form character.

It is in childhood that we create for ourselves the picture of the world that we see now, and it doesn’t matter whether we like it or not, this picture already exists.

And if it doesn’t completely suit us, and we try in every possible way to change something, we can’t do without a trip to childhood, we won’t be able to find those subtle threads that lead to the source of our problems.

What if childhood memories hurt?

Childhood memories contain not only happy and carefree moments, but also unpleasant and sometimes tragic ones. And quite naturally the question arises: “ Is it really necessary to return to these unpleasant memories that are still filled with negative emotions?

All the troubles from childhood left their mark on our perception of ourselves and those around us, they caused phobias and complexes, and the most unpleasant thing is that they still harm our lives.

Have you ever noticed that some moments in life have a habit of repeating themselves? It would seem that the lesson has been completed, everything is understood, everything has been decided, a step forward has been taken. But a year later, the same situation is repeated with extraordinary accuracy, only with other people and other circumstances, but the essence is the same.

To solve this problem once and for all, you need to go back to childhood and analyze all the events that happened there from the height of your life experience. Believe me, everything will look completely different.

“I remembered really positive things from my childhood. I mainly remembered only the negative. But today during class I started to remember, it turns out it wasn’t all that bad.” — Maral Ustenova, first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation.

But what if there are no childhood memories at all, then there is nothing to remember?

The absence of memories can also signal that it is necessary to work with it. What happened in childhood that the brain chose to hide all this in the most distant memory archive?

The surprising thing is that our subconscious does not forget anything and takes the entire experience as a template for developed actions. To change this template, which does not fit ours at all real life, you need to remember what was laid down earlier and change this program.

For those who cannot easily recall childhood moments, the Institute of Reincarnation provides excellent techniques and tools to not only raise the layer of childhood memories, but also work them in the right direction.

“The lesson turned out to be very interesting for me. Quite unexpectedly, memories surfaced that I didn’t expect. I always said that I don’t remember my childhood well. It turned out that I remember something!!!” — Natalya Demirova, first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation.

“I am absolutely not a sporty person, I love passive recreation, imagine my surprise when I remembered that throughout my childhood, right up to the 9th grade, I was engaged in tourism! I didn't remember anything! The memories were fuzzy, at the level of awareness, without pictures, in short-term flashes.

There was also volleyball, sports shooting, skiing! I wasn't an athlete, but I did it all! Why was everything erased from memory?” — Elena Kulachkova, first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation.

Source of unconditional love

Fortunately, not everyone associates childhood with resentment and pain. For most people, childhood is a source of unconditional love that is always a pleasure to return to.

It is very important to find resource moments in your childhood memories and take from them the necessary feelings and sensations. This will help you cope with all the tasks and challenges that life puts before you.

What does this mean - the “resources” of our childhood? For most parents, a child is a gift given to them from above, so they try to protect their child from all worldly problems, surrounding them with their love and care.

It's enough to remember the touch mother's hands or feel its aroma, which the baby easily remembers. Such sensations remain in the memory for a long time, and if you wish, you can restore them, feel them, return to childhood and feel like the most beloved creature in the world.

Perhaps you like to remember your favorite bedtime story and your mother's kiss before bed? Or maybe your resource lies in children's games, friendships, relationships with parents, grandparents? Where there are no restrictions and conventions of adult life, where you are loved and understood simply because you exist.

When you are sad and have a feeling of loneliness, lack of love, you can always return to these memories and recharge yourself with this wonderful feeling. It doesn’t require dedication from you, because that’s what it’s for. unconditional love. We can find such vital resources exclusively in our childhood.

“I remembered my grandmother, the memories were from the body and visual, there were fewer emotions, I didn’t prepare anything, because... I was completely involved in what was happening, and some wave of kindness and love from childhood washed over me.

Thanks to the answerer, it was good example for beginners - openness and willingness to interact... the atmosphere was friendly and inviting.” — Irina Kemelman, first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation.

“Now I understand what it means to be “immersed”—to be completely in that moment, in that memory. I “grabbed” from childhood a good resource of self-confidence, being in the flow, excitement, the feeling of “I can,” confidence that everything will work out for me. I changed mine internal state, and reality is transformed. ” — Olga Titova, first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation.

Bring back the explorer feeling

A bonus to life experience is always the habit of analyzing every step before taking it. On the one hand, this is correct, because we protect ourselves from unnecessary actions, thereby trying to avoid mistakes. But if you look at all this from the opposite side, you can see that sometimes you need to decide on rash actions that at first may seem wrong to you.

Here we can give an example with electronic mailboxes. Often necessary letters are sent to spam, and perhaps among them there is a letter with unique knowledge, but you will never know this, because you never read it. This is how we analyze our steps, and often do not dare to do something that our brain sends to the spam folder.

Remember yourself as a child , because you were not such “masters of analysis,” I’m sure that you also did something as a child that you definitely wouldn’t dare to do now. You learned about the world, sometimes made mistakes, while discovering something new for yourself.

So, maybe we shouldn’t try to analyze and think through absolutely everything? Channel the fearless explorer within you and let your life experience will be for you reliable assistant, and not a source of obstacles.

“I remember, kindergarten, winter, I’m approaching six years old. The desire to lick the iron, to experience for yourself how it happens. I tried it, my tongue stuck, the nanny runs with a jug warm water. Now I know for sure that you can’t do that. My tongue hurts, but that’s normal, this is research for me.” — Natalya Myasnikova, first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation.

Feel like a winner

How often do you feel like a winner? Often, sometimes or never? Then you should definitely return to childhood. It will definitely remind you of those “sweet” moments of victory that you accomplished almost every day and have already forgotten.

After all, childhood is filled with moments of victory, and first of all, over oneself. This is the first word spoken, the first step, correctly tying your shoelaces, riding a bicycle for the first time on your own, learning to float without the help of adults - this also happens for the first time.

Then follows kindergarten, a school where the spirit of competition is always present. In every lesson, with every solved example, a feeling of victory always comes.

If not study, then definitely sports, who didn’t like it in childhood? exciting games, relay races!? Perhaps someone went to competitions and became a winner.

When you feel like you can’t do anything, you can always remember your childhood victories, let them become motivation and faith for you that everything will work out for you. If we were in early age Were we afraid to take the first step, to say the first word, who would we be now?

“...I remembered how I myself learned to swim in the river, I remembered how I gave myself the task of staying on the water, swimming 1, 3, 5 meters... And I remembered the feeling of satisfaction and pride in the result obtained - I learned to swim!” — Natalya Dzhumailo, first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation.

Reincarnation to help

The Institute of Reincarnation helps each person restore their memory, find an important resource state and solve the request or task with which you came to this space.

The most important feature of Reincarnationism is, of course, not past lives, but the space between lives”, - Māris Dreshmanis.

This is the very space that determines the tasks of our current reality. It is from there that you can get valuable answers to all your questions. There you can find out your true self and choose your path for this.

But the first steps in Reincarnationism begin precisely with childhood memories. This is the very springboard from which it all begins. Without this stage, complete a journey through your soul's memory it will be difficult.

With the help of Reincarnation, you can solve your problems, get answers to questions, learn to trust yourself and independently, without outside help, extract the most valuable information from your subconscious.

And the first place your journey into the World of Memories begins is childhood.

Since I learned to remember moments already at the age of 3.5 or so, my first memory was and will always be how my parents and I went to a corn field, being out of town. Huge long sprouts of corn, little me, picking it all myself, super. That moment when you feel like you're in a movie. The second valuable memory was already around five or six years ago, maybe later. I finally got what I wanted bratz doll, and I, as a girl interested in fashion and everything beautiful, dreamed of doing hair (yes, I dreamed, until I was 10 years old I thought that I would become a hairdresser). And the dream came true when my grandmother came to the rescue and taught me how to braid a braid. Everything turned out to be clear. I remember how surprised I was, saying that my peers don’t know how to braid hair and make buns, etc., how can this be, it’s a given, ahah. By the way, I still braid my friends’ hair, I do different hairstyles and I feel, I even hope that I will best mom, because the child will always have his hair neatly collected)

The following memory is of seven-year-old me. They taught my sister and me to ride a bicycle in the country, along the road. We succeeded more or less, because I clearly remember how my sister, incomprehensibly and at an incomprehensible speed, was able to fly into a ditch, which was more than a meter deep, overgrown with nettles and gooseberries. It’s both funny and sad, but then she walked around with nettle burns for a long time... In addition, my sister and I constantly played games a la we are knights, or something like that. They rushed around the site, played with swords, ran, and jumped. They came up with this thing: the first floor of the house was very low, and having opened the window, you had to jump out through this window like

hero with a sword and go conquer uncharted imaginary territories. The window was open, my sister jumped out, ran on as if nothing had happened, it was my turn to jump onto a flowerbed of bricks, fall on my hand, breaking it. When I started to lose consciousness, I saw rainbow ponies, it was fun. As for me and other falls, let’s move on, already at the age of 8-9, walking along the same road at the dacha, having decided to experiment, I came up with the idea of ​​closing my eyes when I walk. Like, we need to learn to walk with eyes closed, you never know (but in fact NOTHING CAN BE). After walking three steps, I fell into the same ditch, but, as if nothing had happened, I got up and moved on, as if it was planned that way, of course.

In addition to all these stories, I have repeatedly liked to cut my own hair and bangs. The first experiment was at the age of five with super cool bangs, then at the age of eight I decided to be a fashionista again. Each time I realized that bangs are not five hairs and tried to live up to the ideals, with normal thick bangs. The peak of my hairdressing career occurred in the summer of sixth grade, when I first decided to cut my hair shorter than my shoulders, and I must say, it suited me, and then, guess what, I gave myself BANGS! This time I was a true Egyptian Cleopatra, because when I came to the salon and trimmed everything, I realized that my bangs were thicker than another mass of hair, blocking my eyes, and the length of all my hair literally ended at my chin.

The moral of this story is this: watch your children and don’t do anything stupid (children) when you are already of a conscious age.

My father was a local police officer (he quickly changed his profession, his pathological honesty let him down), so as a child I often had “nowhere to go,” and I spent the evenings with my dad at work (I was no more than five years old).
One of the most wonderful impressions was meeting “the aunt from my father’s work,” who talked with me on all topics - from everyday to high-minded ones - and in general was very charismatic. In general, I found myself a girlfriend! Only I was very surprised that dad didn’t speak to her very politely and tried to take me away faster.
In the evening I ran around the apartment for a long time and asked my mother who these prostitutes were and why I was a cop’s daughter...) my dad didn’t take me to work anymore.

I consider this memory to be my first and one of the most interesting. I was lying in my purple stroller, and my dad was pushing it, he was wearing a black shirt. I had a great time.

I also remember buying my first Barbie. Naturally, I wanted the one I saw on TV, I don’t remember which one. When my mother and I came to the store, she told me to choose the most beautiful one, regardless of the price. Of course, that doll was not there, but we chose the prettiest one. She had a shock ash hair, green denim dress, pink ballet shoes and bright purple lips with a snow-white smile. There was no limit to my joy, I adored her.

I remember how my mother and I sewed a swimsuit for this doll, a mermaid tail, and bought a small kitten, the kind that is made from plaster and covered with hairs or wool, I don’t know at all what such figures are called.

I still remember well how my parents bought their first computer. And since there was no Internet at that time, friends of my parents brought me all sorts of games, music, I got acquainted with hardware, and in general the computer itself. It was great to learn about this seemingly complex machine, but by the 9th grade I could disassemble and assemble the system unit and install Windows.

How do childhood memories affect our adult life? Why do we constantly look back into the past, trying to remember the smallest details? Why are memories of loved ones so dear to us, who left a noticeable mark on our lives and who are no longer around? These and other questions arise in my mind after reading I.N. Kryukova’s text.

In his text, the author raises the problem of childhood memories. Irina Nikolaevna talks about her childhood spent in big and friendly family. She remembers the characteristics of her family. “...In the evening we sat down at the big table in the dining room... I loved these gatherings around the table.” “I would also like to note a remarkable feature of our family - careful attitude to each other". She recalls that “ mother and aunts were completely deprived of what was now so overwhelming to everyone: materialism.”

They were distinguished by their tolerance to the changed life, they perceived everything calmly, without nerves. At the end of the text, the author asks the question: “... Why in my dreams do I so often see those courtyards overgrown with grass and dandelions, and the miserable wooden houses of my childhood?” And after reading the text, I would add one more question: “Why are childhood memories so dear to us?”

The author's position is not visible, but is understandable. Childhood memories are very important to a person. Childhood is our haven to which we constantly return. There is an expression: “We all come from childhood.” And this is true, because it is in childhood that our character, our worldview and habits are formed. The author was lucky; she grew up in an interesting, friendly and big family, where they treated each other with care. With this wealth she goes through life. Such childhood memories give us strength and confidence, illuminating our adult life with a bright light.

I completely share the author's position. It is easier for a person to go through life with childhood memories if in childhood he was surrounded by care and love, if there were people nearby loving people who understood and supported, taught to have a positive attitude towards life. But, unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. Sometimes bad childhood memories haunt you throughout your life and leave a negative mark. Therefore, it is so important that the family where the child grows up is loving, caring, and that the parents teach their children only good things.

IN fiction we find many examples of good and bad upbringing, whose influence extends throughout life, I will try to prove it.

In the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” an example real family The Rostov family serves. Big, friendly, hospitable. Sonya and Boris Drubetskoy live here, who ended up in difficult situation. Here they love each other for real, and not in words. Here they treat each other with care. Let us remember the episode when Nikolai Rostov loses a fortune to Dolokhov. He tells his father about this. The family’s financial affairs leave much to be desired, but the father takes the family to the village, since they can no longer afford a Moscow house, and saves his son. Let us remember the episode when Natasha Rostova, due to her inexperience and naivety, almost runs away with Kuragin, disgracing the honor of the family. But no one blames her. And when she gets sick, they spend their last money to save her. In this family, parents and children share everything together: both sorrow and joy. They truly love each other. And they will transfer this most valuable life experience to their families. Childhood memories, such as those of the Rostovs, are real wealth.

In the same epic novel we meet another Kuragin family, where hypocrisy and prudence reign. Children were taught different values: to take everything from life, regardless of the interests of other people. The father is a hypocrite, and the mother is jealous of her daughter, her youth, beauty, and success with men. So what's the result? Anatole is used to only taking everything from life, without giving anything in return. Let us remember how insignificant he behaves when visiting the Bolkonskys, where his father brings him to get married. How, on the advice of her sister, Helen seduces Natasha Rostova, being married. And Helen? Poor, poor Helen. As a child, no one explained to her that life is not all about base pleasures, it is duty and responsibility. She doesn't know what honor is. Therefore, betrayal, the desire to take rather than give. As a result, she dies from a “strange” disease, Anatole dies in the war, and Prince Kuragin goes crazy with grief. The Kuragin family no longer exists. Such childhood memories and lessons can destroy a life if they are not confronted.

From all of the above, I would like to conclude: take care of your childhood memories, if they are good. They will keep you warm in Hard time, will give strength. And it’s better to part with the bad ones and build your own right life. Let our future families be like the families of the Rostovs and Kirsanovs, built on love, care, and trust.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2017-12-14

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Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2) _______ people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks, then they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed man to make fire himself when he needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics production, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) When people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, they made a great discovery.

2) The ability to make fire was one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind, which ensured the further development of new technologies in many fields of activity.

3) For thousands of years, people tried to master fire and, having learned to make it, began to use it when they needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food.

4) The ability to use fire allowed people to cook and store food, process metals, make glass and ceramics, and tan leather.

5) Having learned to make fire, people made one of the most important discoveries, which subsequently ensured the development of new technologies in many areas of activity.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).


Vice versa,

In the end


3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -s, f.

1) Places outside cities, countryside (fields, forests, mountains). Enjoy nature.

2) The whole inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. Relationships between man and nature.

3) Everything that exists in the Universe, organic and inorganic world. Study nature.

4) Transfer, what. Basic property, essence (book). The nature of social relations.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write out this word.




5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

The cool summer rain filled the flowers and foliage of the trees, tired of the heat, with life-giving moisture.

Winner of the Olympics foreign language was awarded a ticket to the international LANGUAGE camp.

In the estate, which before the revolution belonged first to Ivan Turgenev, and then to the OLD Botkin family, a meeting of the descendants of the former owners of the house took place.

Every person needs to REPLACE the lack of vitamins in their body in a timely manner.

When museum visitors find themselves in front of a painting in which the artist has depicted the streets of their hometown, from invariably a strong feeling embraces.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

WITH FOUR HUNDRED schoolchildren


At THEIR request


RARE copy

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first group, select the corresponding position from the second group.


A) Immediately upon arrival in the village of Konstantinovo - the poet’s homeland - the schoolchildren went to the museum.

B) On October 12, 1492, Columbus's fleet, which consisted of three light ships for long-distance sailing, spotted a small island on the horizon.

C) Usually, when creating your own work, it expresses the author’s attitude towards life and people.

D) According to K.I. Chukovsky, the main objective children's writers is that “we, at any cost, educate humanity in the child.”

D) The human body, in which complex biochemical mechanisms operate, requires a daily supply of essential nutrients.


1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

3) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application

4) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


calm down



9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

flow, flow

Tear it off, write it down

And_bend, burn_

To_build, to_beat

Press, press, submit

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.






11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

Dozed off





12. Find a sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

In the lush greenery of the bush, a still (not) fully blossomed bud was brightly pink.

Alexey suddenly felt that he (didn’t) want to share his new experiences even with his closest friends.

(Do not) fear a smart enemy, but fear a foolish friend.

We need to cherish (un)forgettable moments of communication with beauty.

13. Find a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(OVER) THROUGHOUT everything school year friends were actively involved in sports, (THEREFORE) they readily supported the coach in his desire to create a basketball team.

(C) LEVA the painting depicts girls, boys, watching the capture of the fortress, married women, THERE (SAME) are the kids crowding around.

(NOT) LOOKING at the increasing rain, the children still selflessly continued to play catch-up.

TO achieve success in life, you need to be good organized person and, (B) PLACE of fruitless observations of the activities of other people, actively act yourself.

(C) OVER millennia, countless treasures of human thought and spirit accumulate and live forever in the word, (BY) THIS, one must treat one’s native language with respect and care.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

A character in a painting created by(1) an artist based on a famous fairy tale plot, dressed in a brocade caftan and a red cap with a lapel, right hand he holds a gilded (4) scabbard decorated with precious (3) stones with a magic sword.

15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Every blade of grass and moss glittered and smiled with drop eyes.

2) The bravest and luckiest horseman breaks through the ranks of the fortress’s defenders, breaks the snow wall and rushes into the town on horseback.

3) Language is the path of civilization and culture.

4) Everyone is interested in this fun and lively interesting and exciting game!

5) During the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War the soulful songs of Mikhail Isakovsky helped fight the enemy and strengthened faith in victory.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Just as different streets (1) passing into one another (2) form an entire city, so a series of sentences (3) related in meaning and grammatically (4) constitute a text.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences.

Birches and aspens (1) seem to (2) run down the gently sloping bank to the river carrying its waters into the distance. This (3) seemingly (4) unremarkable landscape under Levitan’s brush turns into an amazing poetic image.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Along the shady alley (1) in the depths (2) of which (3) a small gazebo (4) darkened, couples in love strolled in the evenings.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

At first the dog all the time (1) ran ahead of the hunter (2) but (3) as soon as she sensed the game (4) her steps slowed down and became creeping.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) My childhood was wonderful. (2) As a child, there was no money, there was no interesting work, but all this was a matter of gain. (3) But in childhood there was a father and mother.

(4) In our family, the father always reigned with his unquestioned authority. (5) There was no place for the mother in boys' games. (6) Of course, I could not live without her breakfasts, lunches and dinners, but it was so ordinary that it was unnoticeable... (7) Tenderness was not accepted in our family. (8) We didn’t kiss mom before bed and didn’t say in a fit of emotion:

I love you…

(9) Did I tell her this at least once? (10) Life was so filled with important things that there was no room left for the ordinary: I ran home for a minute, had a snack - and again to where friends, games and passions are. (11) Ninety percent of me consisted of my mother’s worries, but I didn’t notice them, just as we don’t feel and don’t see the air we breathe at all.

(12) My mother and I lived nearby, but it was as if different worlds. (13) These worlds came into contact only once, when a story happened that turned out to be more interesting than all the adventures and undertakings: playing football, shooting from a self-propelled gun and launching rockets.

(14) Mom usually spent time at the stove, in the bathroom or on the sofa - reading books, I remember, crying over Dostoevsky’s “Poor People”. (15) But sometimes she suddenly jumped up from the sofa, full of energy and ready for exploits. (16) She was attracted by business activity; her mother was full of the most daring business plans. (17) She loved to say: “We lived poorly - that’s enough!” (18) But her business was usually limited to dreams and laughter. (19) She shared her plans with her loved ones, and they laughed at her. (20) And in vain, because the main thing for the author of the project is self-confidence, and criticism from loved ones can destroy the sprouts of the most brilliant undertakings.

(21) And yet one day my mother was able to captivate me with her plan. (22) It was about flying on an airplane! (23) I was assigned the role of an assistant: in the morning she bought three buckets of cherries at our market, we boarded a plane and half an hour later found ourselves in the regional center, where these same cherries could be sold for considerable profit! (24) The prospect of flying on an airplane seemed so tempting to me that I decided to support my mother in spite of all my doubts.

(25) At six o’clock in the morning, we, helping each other, shifting buckets of purchased cherries from hand to hand, dragged ourselves to the airfield. (26) On a bare field there was a trailer and a couple of green “corn farmers” were spending the night. (27) We climbed into the belly of the airplane, placed buckets under our feet, and after a short run, we soared into the air with a terrible rumble. (28) We didn’t rise above the clouds, but even the height of a couple of hundred meters at which the flight took place was breathtaking. (29) The green earth hung below us, rounded at the edges and swaying from side to side, like a huge Christmas tree decoration- a ball on a string. (30) Fields and meadows ran below us until we saw pipes and houses below big city. (31) With a whistle in our ears, holding buckets of cherries in our shaking hands, we stepped onto the concrete field of the airfield.

(32) The end of our business project was inglorious: it turned out that here at the central market cherries go for the same price as at our bazaar. (33) Now it seems to me that this was my mother’s most successful enterprise, the most good start: The money invested in this project turned into feelings. (34) My mother and I were connected by a business in which the worlds of adults and children came into contact and thanks to which I can now feel her character in mine: I also love to read and dream about great things, and then I also jump up and go to storm the sky in search of the best share in the market today. (35) Unless I sell cherries...

Three months later from the start, I’m finally publishing the first post (by the way, the rules do not prohibit catching up on the topics of previous months right now, keep in mind). AND main reason This delay means stupor on the topic of childhood memories. I read avidly, wrote down my 100 things that I loved as a child - and I stopped seriously and for a long time. Echoes of my last year’s article about childhood and shooting acute pain, then they pressed unbearably or attacked from around the corner for a long time after publication. This time I hoped that everything had already gotten over, and now I would joyfully plunge into childhood and bring myself back from there. But it was not there!

And now a little background...

I started the project “Closer to myself” while I was back in prolonged depression . Of course, no one knows about this except my family. This doesn’t interfere with my work, I happily communicate with girls and even seem to inspire someone to do something good. One day I literally started living again. But this swamp returns from time to time. And he grabs his dirty paws into his nets, he can’t get away. So I can talk for quite a long time and a lot on this topic.

Salvation came unexpectedly- as usual, a new idea for a blog, or rather, for blogging and writing co-creation. The goal of the project is to dive into yourself, find yourself and pull you out of the abyss of hopeless sadness, protect you from the terrible and bright gray clouds of fear hanging over your head and finally change your life and yourself along with it. Where should you start? That's right, from the very beginning.

Why diving into childhood is useful

  • because it was good there- remember the good, feel something and then convince yourself that you are still the same living person who knows how to feel and rejoice, but has just forgotten about it a little;
  • because everything is bright and interesting there— curiosity, knowledge of the world from the very beginning and an endless sea of ​​hobbies;
  • because there were no worries and heartache — perhaps it was, but it didn’t feel so disgusting, not so gray, not so corrosive;
  • because it was bad and hard there, but all these burdens can be poured onto paper, cry, suffer and ultimately let go.

And I dived. Not very deep to begin with. Still feeling the sun warming me over the water and realizing that at any moment I could get out of this stream and take a breath of fresh air.

It all started with a notebook and a pen, which I carried with me all day and wrote down associations of childhood amenities that popped up one after another. I dialed a whole hundred and stopped at beautiful number. Children of the 90s, connect to the memories. I think a lot of things will be close to you. I didn't change the order. Marvel with me at the strange series of associations.

100 things I loved as a child

1. Spring birds chirping outside the window.
2. Spring aroma of air.
3. Taste fruits, vegetables and other food outdoors.
4. Ice cream “Frozen juice” in a plastic bag. Who remembers this? It cost 30 kopecks. Pink, yellow, orange and green. I loved orange - with apricot flavor.
5. Every summer is a little life, full of wonders and interesting things. It seemed to last forever. And of all the moments of childhood, we remember summer.
6. Unripe apricots.
7. Our ball games: "ABC", "Teacher" and "Knockout".
8. Badminton.
9. Our grandiose street concerts for the entire district. And I dreamed, oddly enough, that when we grew up, we would be able to dance more serious dances and then we would definitely conquer everyone around us on our entrance stage.
10. Sitting on a bench at the entrance in the evening with your favorite friends. It wasn't so interesting to sit with those you didn't love.
11. Go to visit.
12. Cousin Galya and any moments when we were together.
13. When parents returned from work.
14. Get sick. Blissful time. 🙂
15. My cat Fluffy.
16. Neighbor's cats and dogs.
17. Teach soft toys.
18. Build home “halabudas”.
19. Diving into a mysterious bag of toys. Oh yeah, I had one that held all the cool stuff I inherited from my brother.
20. Read.
21. Lay down next to dad and listen to him read me fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm.
22. Solve mathematical examples and problems.
23. Keep a personal diary.
24. Write poems and fairy tales.
25. Play cards and board games with dad.

26. Arrange Barbie’s life. But don't play. I don’t remember that I actually played for a long time. But the process of arranging a home for dolls could last several hours. And it was amazing!
27. Sewing outfits for dolls and organizing a fashion show for mom.
28. Organize home concerts for parents.
29. Rare cartoons on TV and Russian fairy tales. When you only have three channels, one of which is without color, grab some cartoon from the newspaper program, wait for several days for it, get up early, early, so as not to miss it and finally see what kind of nonsense there is (it happened, I came across Mind-blowing cartoons, not at all for the child’s psyche) - enormous happiness!
30. Visit unfamiliar places in the city.
31. Play “life” with friends. This is when you imagine yourself being crazy cool, with a bunch of dough from leaves growing at every step. And what are the love affairs and conflicts worth, oooh! No modern series can compare.
32. When you managed to call your beloved friends. Did you also scream throughout the entire yard under the balcony, waiting for your beloved friend to look out?
33. Make peace with a friend if you were in a quarrel. Oh, how easy it was. Although it's not always pleasant.

34. Desire something passionately. The dreams where you get all this are incredibly sweet. Although it’s too far to go - I still dream about supermarkets, where I put an unlimited amount of sweets into a basket.
35. Play the console. I had "Dandy". There is nothing better than "Dandy". And this 3D graphics and realism of yours pales in comparison to eight-bit.
36. Never plan your day.
37. Dandelions.
38. Easter.
39. Birthday.
40. New Year.
41. Gifts.
42. Make mom “amazing” homemade gifts and surprises.
43. Draw and paint (fortunately, then I didn’t get hung up on the fact that I’m not very good at it).
44. When relatives came/came to visit. Wild delight!
45. Open Kinders and collect toys. I still have a huge box of all this stuff. I will not give it to anyone! 🙂
46. ​​Weave baubles from beads.
47. Wake up early.
48. Run in the rain in the summer.
49. Water each other with sprinklers.
50. Forbidden “Mivina” (in other parts the analogue is “Rolton” or “Doshirak”). It was so unhealthy, but so delicious!

51. Ice skating on hard snow. It's easier and more enjoyable than walking on ice. And safer.
52. Sledding with dad.
53. Watch the Winter Olympics or some figure skating championships with dad.
54. Walk home from school. Especially if you were released unexpectedly early.
55. Visit mom and dad at work.
56. When mom or dad came to pick me up from kindergarten or school. Some are ashamed of their parents in front of their peers. I remember that I was always happy. And in the eleventh grade, and even at the university, when my mother happened to come to Lugansk on business.
57. Being at home alone. I always found a lot of interesting things to do.
58. Listen to records with fairy tales. Fathers, how I loved our music player, this light crack of a needle touching the records.
59. Walk in our yard and in the neighboring school yard on the sports ground.
60. Have picnics.
61. Build huts under the balconies of the house.
62. Light fires.
63. Berries, fruits, vegetables.
64. Mom’s homemade baked goods.
65. Family holidays.
66. Visit Aunt Lyuda.
67. Sitting on a hot windowsill in winter and looking out the window.
68. Be on the 4th-5th floors as guests and look at the city from above (we lived on the first).
69. Jump in rubber bands.
70. Select melodies on the piano.
71. When your brother comes over for lunch/dinner during your work break.
72. Ride a bicycle with your brother to another city to visit him.
73. Play some movie or TV series in the yard.
74. Ride a 3-wheel bike.
75. Fill out other people’s forms and get your own completed.

76. Understand that boys you like pay attention to you.
77. Get it New Year's toys and decorate the Christmas tree.
78. The smell of pine.
79. New Year's magical atmosphere.
80. Walk with dad to fetch water from the well.
81. Draw with crayons on the asphalt.
82. Dream of growing up and becoming a businesswoman.
83. Dream about universal love and wedding.
84. Five-story buildings and post-Soviet courtyards.
85. Tetris and Tamagotchi.
86. Surprise chests (there was usually chewing gum, some kind of interesting thing and perhaps something else).
87. Go buy gum and save stickers.
88. Keep a notebook with clippings and stickers.
89. Snow shimmering in the sun.
90. Grow indoor plants.
91. Household turmoil.
92. Vacuuming.
93. Clean up while your parents are not home.
94. Watch cartoons in the cinema (this only happened on June 1 at a children's camp).
95. Master the computer in computer science lessons.
96. School holidays. But only in primary school. Then our class changed, and everything quietly began to slide to the bottom.
97. Fiddling around in your shelves and boxes with all sorts of interesting things.
98. Looking at mom’s lipsticks and perfumes.
99. Take pictures.
100. Being with mom and dad.

Why diving into childhood is harmful

At first, after a deep immersion in memories, I felt warm, light and joyful. It was as if she had found something she had lost long ago. Or she hid it from herself. I remembered how many cool, interesting and still enjoyable activities there are to give yourself a little joy.

And then I started to get sucked in further and further. Every day new memories from childhood surfaced, felt more vividly and more clearly. At some point, I began to realize that I live only by them, that straight from childhood I stepped into reality, into today, while missing the layer of events in between.

The last straw was a trip to my childhood yard. Yes, at first it gave me new strength. And then it only got worse, more painful, harder. Something in my head and in reality clearly didn’t add up. And the realization that all these moments are still in the past, and in the present I won’t even be able to touch them and go back, just finished me off. It was painful. It hurts even more if you allow yourself to feel it crucial moment, when childhood ended, when the family broke up, when we moved and one of the most difficult periods teenage life. For a whole week I was covered with a temperature of 38 and above.

So why is returning to childhood still harmful?

  • because there is a high chance of losing your sense of reality and getting stuck there;
  • because it will still hurt a lot;
  • because the experiences that have fallen on you can knock you off your feet;
  • because there’s no going back anyway.

The rescue

Right here and at this moment, I want to say goodbye to my childhood, taking away all the good things that fill me, and move on.

My favorite childhood! Thank you for the brightest, warmest and kindest moments! For the wonderful and unforgettable world that you gave me! I take with me only the kindest and brightest. All this is already part of me and follows me on my heels, no matter where I live or what I think about. I am who I am. And in many ways for what I am now, I am grateful to you.

But I'm letting you go! I give all the places dear to my heart to other children, so that new children's worlds and happy memories can be created there. I close the door, my huge beloved world, and leave you behind. To move forward without looking back and without pain. To find new happiness and a new, adult, but no less interesting and bright world. But you are always in my heart. Thank you for everything!

Friends, thanks a lot that they went through all these difficult stages with me. It was much easier for me to walk with the feeling that I was not alone, that many understood me and felt something similar. Let's thank our childhood together and step forward into a bright future!

I hug you and wish you happiness and peace of mind. Your Masha!<3

P.S. ATTENTION to everyone who dreams of delving into the topic of creating blogs and creating/improving their own project. Enrollment for the winter stream of the “Big Blogging Course” is open! We start on January 28. Don’t miss the opportunity to give yourself a nice gift for your soul! ;)

P. P. S. Friends, thank you for reading! I invite you to get a little closer and subscribe:

– TO MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL– daily thoughts, findings and conclusions live there;

– ON MY INSTAGRAM- there is life;

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