Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Riddles on the theme of the days of environmental protection. "environmental puzzles for kids"

Game scenario - quizzes on environmental education older children preschool age on the theme "Hello, forest, hello, mother nature."

Botyakova Tatyana Alexandrovna, educator of MBDOU Krasnoborsk kindergarten "Spikelet" p. Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region

Material Description: material will be useful for preschool teachers educational institutions during the environmental projects, promotions, entertainment. This activity is recommended for older children.

Target: the formation of environmental knowledge, morally - value attitude to nature.

Educational: expand understanding of the forest and its inhabitants.
Developing: develop cognitive interest, curiosity, enrich lexicon children.
Educational: to cultivate love for nature, understanding the need to preserve its integrity, the ability to behave in the forest.

Preliminary work:
excursion to the forest, viewing illustrations depicting various kinds trees, viewing the albums "Wild Animals", "Birds", "Insects", a competition of drawings about nature, reading works of Russian writers and poets about nature.

Equipment: circles of green and red color, pictures depicting animals, insects, birds, mushrooms, flowers, "caps" of berries, flowers cut out of cardboard according to the number of children, leaves of trees (maple, oak, birch, aspen), cards depicting animal traces, tokens, a basket with natural material.

Members: presenter, children, Lesovichok, fox.

Quiz progress.

Leading: Hello guys! A warm summer breeze brought in kindergarten maple leaf. An invitation from the old man Lesovichka is written on it. He invites us to the forest for riddles.

Round dance: "We went for a walk in the forest" ("The forest sings" by O. Feltsman)
Leading: Here we come to flower meadow. Is it really beautiful here? The trees are green, there are flowers in the meadow ... Oh, how good it is to breathe!

hello forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about?
Dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn?
All in dew, as in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness:
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, do not hide:
You know, we are ours! (S. Pogorelovskiy)

(Lesovichok appears)

Lesovichok: Good afternoon guys! You recognized me? I am Lesovichok, the owner of the forest. I'm glad you came to forest clearing. do you know that the forest is your big and a true friend? The forest is alive. And like all living things, it needs the sun, which gives warmth and light, water and soil for the growth of plants and animal life, fresh air but still peace and quiet. People often do not think about how easily they can harm the forest and its inhabitants. And how do you behave in the forest. Before heading through the forest to look for riddles, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

Didactic game: "Ecological traffic light"
(Lesovichok lists what can and cannot be done in the forest. Children, in accordance with this, raise a green or red circle)
- It is possible (not possible) to break branches;
- leave trash behind
- destroy nests and anthills;
- somersault in the grass;
- picking berries;
- destroy poisonous mushrooms;
- kindle fires;
- rest on a stump, etc.
Lesovichok: Right. And remember a few more rules:

Going for a walk in the forest
Please don't forget
forest rules,
Unpretentious, simple.

Trees, branches do not break,
Don't leave trash in the forest
Don't kindle fires in vain,
Don't scream too loud.
Don't catch butterflies
That's not what they are for.

You are only a guest in the forest,
The main ones are oak and elk.
Take care of the green forest
And he will reveal many secrets and wonders!

Lesovichok: So, my first riddle will be about our feathered friends. Who do we call feathered?
Children: Birds.
(On the easel, children choose the corresponding picture from several)
- What birds do you know? (Answers of children).
- What birds winter in our area? (Crow, sparrow, magpie, woodpecker, etc.)
- Which bird throws its chicks into other people's nests? (Cuckoo)
- Which bird knocks on wood all day? (Woodpecker)

- What bird settles on the roofs of houses and, according to legend, brings happiness to the house? (Stork)
What bird has a very long neck and legs? (Crane)
What bird hunts at night? (Owl)

mobile game"Owl"
Denoted "owl's nest". A leading owl is placed in the nest. The rest of the children depict birds, butterflies, beetles - they fly across the clearing.
To the teacher’s words: “The night is coming, everything is falling asleep” - the children freeze in those poses in which the night caught them. At this time, the owl quietly flies out to hunt - it walks, slowly waving its arms, and picks up moths and bugs that have moved. He takes them to his nest. The owl catches until the teacher says: "Day." Then she returns to the nest, and the moths and bugs begin to fly again. The owl goes hunting two or three times. Then a new leader is chosen, and the game starts all over again.

Lesovichok: So, the next puzzle.
Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt
Who will not pass
Everyone bows down. (Berry)
(Children choose a picture of berries)

It's easy to pick a berry -
After all, it grows low.
Look under the leaves
Ripe there... (strawberry)

Berry taste is good
But tear it off go - ka:
Bush in thorns like a hedgehog -
That's what it's called.... (blackberry)

I am red, I am sour
I grew up on a bolt
And I'll ripen under the snow
Well, who knows me?

Under a leaf on every branch
Little children are sitting
The one who will collect the children,
The hands will be smeared and the mouth.

Red beads hang
They look at you from the bushes.
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears.

Round dance: "Let's go to the garden for raspberries."

Lesovichok: You have to find the next riddle yourself. To do this, you need to turn to the right, take three steps forward and find an oak leaf. Riddles will be written on it.
(Children complete the task, among the leaves of different trees they find an oak leaf on which riddles about insects are written).

1. Flutters from flower to flower,
and sit down, rest. (Butterfly)

2. On the chamomile at the gate
Helicopter descended
Golden eyes.
Who is this?... (Dragonfly)

3. I work in an artel
At the roots of a shaggy spruce,
I drag a log along the mounds -
More carpenter it is. (Ant)

4. It flies by colors,
Collects honey. (Bee)

5. Spring jumps -
Green back -
From grass to blade of grass
From the branch to the path. (Grasshopper)

6. Flies, squeaks,
Legs long drags,
Don't miss the chance
Sit down and bite. (Mosquito)

Low mobility game: "Catch a mosquito".
Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. The driver has a stick in his hand with a rope tied to it. At the end of the rope is a mosquito cut out of paper. The driver twists the rope with a mosquito over the heads of the children. Those, in turn, try to catch the mosquito with their hands.

Lesovichok: Listen carefully and look for the next riddle.

From an elegant bright cup
Insects are eating.

Flower riddles
1. White polka dots
On a green leg. (Lily of the valley)

2. Ears rye in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy
Just a shame it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)

3. Sisters stand in the meadows -
Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Daisies)

4. Oh, bells, Blue colour,
With a tongue, but no ringing. (bells)

5.I am a fluffy ball
I whiten in a clean field,
And the wind blew
The stalk remains. (Dandelion)

Dance competition.
Cardboard flowers are placed on the children's heads and, at the signal of the facilitator, they begin to dance to the music without touching the flowers with their hands. The winner is the one who dances the longest without dropping the flower.

Lesovichok: The next riddle is from the old Lesovichka. (Shows pictures of animal tracks) What do you think it is?
Children: Animal tracks.

Game: "Whose footprints?"
Children take turns from Magic bag»Pull out cards with footprints and answer who they belong to. Tokens are awarded for correct answers. (Children's answers: elk, wild boar, fox, hare, etc.)

Riddles about animals
1. I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel)

2. When I'm hungry, don't meet me
I will click my teeth, I will eat by chance. (Wolf)

3. In the summer he walks through the forest,
Resting in the den in winter. (Bear)

4. Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away. (Hedgehog)

5. Red cheat,
Cunning and dexterous
Got into the shed
Kurt counted. (Fox)

Lesovichok: And here is a resident of the forest - Lisonka. (A child in a fox costume comes out)
Lisonka, don't be angry
Play with us.

Mobile game: "Cunning Fox"
The players stand in a circle. To the side, outside the circle, the fox's house is indicated. At the signal of the teacher, the children close their eyes, and the teacher walks around them with outside circle and touches one of the players, who becomes the leader - a cunning fox. Then the children open their eyes, in chorus they ask three times: "Cunning fox, where are you?" After the third question, the cunning fox runs out to the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and says "I'm here!" All the players run away, and the fox catches them.

In the forest under the Christmas tree, baby
Hat and leg. (Mushroom).
(Children choose the appropriate picture)
Lesovichok: Well done guys, you are looking for riddles well. Listen to mushroom riddles.

Some mushrooms are edible and some are... (Inedible).
- Mushrooms with a special reddish color. (Ryzhiki).
- Birch neighbors. (Boletus).
- Most often they grow under aspens, but are found under birches and oaks. (Aspen mushrooms).
- Deadly poisonous mushrooms, "relatives" of fly agaric. (Pale grebes).
- Quickly save from hunger in the forest. (Russula).
- Edible mushrooms that are grown all year round. (Champignon).
- The most beautiful poisonous mushrooms. (fly agaric).

Ecological quiz for schoolchildren in grades 3-4 and 5-7. (Riddles about plants and animals)

Ecological quiz for schoolchildren

The quiz contains riddles and questions about plants and animals. Can be used by educators during extracurricular activities for schoolchildren from 3rd to 7th grades, as well as biology teachers.
The purpose of the quiz: expanding the horizons of children, comparative analysis knowledge about plants and animals different schoolchildren.
1. What useful plants You know? (potato, sunflower, sugarcane, cotton, corn, apple, pear, plum, etc.)
2. What plants are used to make oil? (sunflower, flax, corn, olive, etc.)
3. What is the most bitter herb? (wormwood)
4. On the leaf of which aquatic plant can you swim like on a raft? (Victoria Regia)
5. The largest flowering plant. (Rafflesia)
6. What tree gives the best wood for making musical instruments? (spruce)
7. Which tree in Russia blooms the latest? (linden)
8. What fur fur animal in Russia the most valuable? (sable)
9. Which bird has wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (Penguin)
10. What animals sleep with their eyes open? (fish, snakes)
11. What fish is called the name of a person? (carp)
12. What is the largest monkey? (gorilla)
13. Which mammal has the thickest skin? (Rhinoceros)
14. The animal that is called the ship of the desert? (camel)
15. The largest of modern birds, runs fast, but does not fly. (Ostrich)
16. Who has ears on their feet? (grasshopper)
17. How many legs does a spider have?(8)
18. Village alarm clock. (rooster)
19. Where do hedgehogs live and what do they eat? (in leu, they build nests, mice, insects, mushrooms, apples ....)
20. Why is an ant called a strong man? (Lifts a load 11 times its own weight)
21. What sweets does the forest give us? (strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, currants ...)
22. What plants stop the blood? (plantain ...)
23. What wild plants - vegetable substitutes do you know? (Potatoes, dandelions, nettles, sorrel, clover heads, burdock roots, common sorrel ...)
24. What fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins? (lemon, orange, apples, cabbage, markings...)
25. The name of which Italian city, if read backwards, turns into a fish? (Milan)
26. How can you improve your health? (harden, exercise, eat right, drink water ....)
27. What kind of wood are matches made of? (aspen)
28. Like pines, like Christmas trees, but does it hibernate without needles? (larch)
29. What is a fish without scales? (som)
30. What is the tallest grass on earth? (bamboo)
31. Which legs of a giraffe are longer front or rear? (the same)
32. What animals are called clubfoot, elk, gray? (bear, elk, wolf)
33. What is half a day? (12 hours)
34. Natural satellite of the Earth. (Moon)
35. Which one marine life smartest? (dolphin)
36. Ungulate, but not a horse; long-eared, but not a hare; gray, but not a wolf. (donkey)

Riddles about plants.

1. Russian beauty
We all really like
She is white, slim
Clothes are green (birch)

2. They rush straight into the sky, up
You take a close look
Not birch, not aspen
There are no leaves, there are needles (spruces, pines)

3. Here is a barrel with a hat
Fell from the tree.
A year has passed - and a tree
He became small. (acorn, oak)

4. Quiet autumn will come
The tree will become marvelous
Leaves - bright stars
Golden, hot. (maple)

5. Blooms in hot summer -
Immediately calls the bees to him
Light flowers delicious nectar
Who knows this tree? (Linden)

6. Not birch, not pine
She stands in silence
But only the wind will run
All the foliage on it trembles. (aspen)

7. What kind of tree is
Treats snowmen?
Snow lies, frosts crack
Well, the berries are delicious. (Rowan)

8. What kind of tree grows?
Snow in June brings us
This snow does not melt
It flies in the air. (poplar)

9. The tree is wonderful,
The leaves are interesting
Fans, fans
White candle flowers. (chestnut)

10. These cute flowers are friends with the blue of the sky
Small, tender, right by the water
You will see them, you will not forget
Well, do you know them? (forget-me-nots)

11. I saw such a flower
Golden bezel
For a long time he sat in the grass
He became gray and flew away. (dandelion)

12. We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
Sweet, fragrant flower
From a snow-white brush (lily of the valley)

13. There is a cockerel in the garden
purple scallop
Flower lilac color
There is also a candy (taffy)

14. And dear mother
And the stepmother is evil
Live side by side
Through the wall. (coltsfoot)

15. Good grass-
red head
And give a honey
And make a tea. (Blooming Sally)

16. Grass that grows on the slopes
The smell is strong and fragrant
And her flower and leaf are for tea with you
Guess what weed. (oregano)

Riddles about nature arose very first.

Already in ancient times, a person followed the movements of the Moon and the Sun, watched how fog appears, a thunderstorm forms.

In ancient times, people began to worship the Sun, tried to somehow communicate and even talk with the wind and other natural phenomena.

They believed that in nature there is something alive, capable of communication.

The riddles of that time personified both living and inanimate nature. In them natural phenomena compared and analyzed.

Each natural phenomenon was given some special meaning and character.

I tried to collect the most interesting riddles about nature. The answer is written next to each riddle.

Some riddles about nature are easy. They are suitable for the smallest children. Other riddles will require the baby to think a little. Older preschoolers will cope with them.

Parents help kids.

I divided riddles about nature into three blocks: manifestations in nature, riddles about animate and inanimate nature, I also divided them into different blocks.

Enjoy your pastime for solving riddles with your kids.

Natural phenomena

  1. Leaves fly in autumn
    Coming ... (leaf fall)
  2. If the Sun's Moon blocks the light,
    Then darkness sets in on Earth.
    And this is the phenomenon.
    We all call ... (eclipse)
  3. Dwarfs walk one after another:
    On one is a green caftan,
    Another is dressed in a white cloak,
    The third leaves took in a bouquet,
    And the fourth is friends with the sun,
    He walks through the puddles with an umbrella.
    Drive the weather
    Each gnome is ... (season)
  4. A soft stem has grown,
    He is not tall,
    It barely reaches the feet
    It is called ... (grass)
  5. towering giant
    As if he fell into a trap
    He doesn't go anywhere
    It grows on one leg.
    Like huge hands
    Branches rustle in the wind. (Tree)
  6. He trees younger brother,
    Just small in stature
    And full of trunks
    That young man. (Bush)
  7. I thought it was lollipop
    I licked her
    Then with temperature
    Stayed for a week.
    These icicles in the spring
    They grow on rooftops.
    Rather answer me
    What are they all called? (Icicles)
  8. Red, black eyes are visible,
    So, they've already arrived.
    We hid in the grass, quieted down and waited,
    When they are all collected for jam. (Berries)
  9. twelve guys
    They change each other
    For thirty days
    The earth is controlled. (months)
  10. Spring has come, we are waiting for the rooks,
    And flowed along the yard ... (stream)
  11. Snow sheepskin coat on it, felt boots, frost,
    He is ice cold, but he himself does not get cold.
    It starts the year, the calendar.
    Can you tell me what month it is? (January)
  12. A blizzard rushes along the roads,
    The winds will blow anyone off their feet.
    The blizzard rushed with a blizzard into the distance,
    Already windy has come ... (February)
  13. The snow does not melt, but it turns black,
    It got a little warmer.
    Spring glorious start is given.
    What month is this? (March)
  14. Streams run, icicles melt,
    Spring is coming into its own.
    And the birds chirping
    We are informed: here ... (April)
  15. The sun does not leave the sky
    This month is coming to us.
    Take off your jackets,
    The month is coming ... (May)
  16. Well, summer has arrived.
    Everything turned green, sang.
    White blow on a dandelion ...
    Now it is blooming. After all ... (June)
  17. Heat on the thermometer
    Green grass everywhere.
    Sunbathing on the sand
    You can see the boat in the distance.
    The sky is like blue tulle.
    Well, that month is ... (July)
  18. Summer is coming to an end
    There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest
    The branches crunch underfoot.
    What month? This is… (August)
  19. Berries sing in the forests
    Ripe apples in the orchards.
    Summer is somewhere behind
    You don't have to wait for warmth.
    The sky is raining down
    We call the month ... (September)
  20. Cloudy, gray, dreary,
    The low sky is sad
    Birds fly south
    A leaf flies from a tree,
    Puddles in our yard...
    In the month everything is in ... (October)
  21. The last month before winter
    He is very familiar with you.
    And the first snow, and the cold,
    There is a crust of ice on the puddles.
    I still love the month.
    Thank you for the snow ... (November)
  22. This month is coming to us
    Walks with him New Year,
    And the holidays are coming.
    Who can guess the month?
    It's the last one on the calendar.
    I'm talking about… (December)
  23. Cotton flakes float across the sky
    This is the tower, and then there is the camel.
    Jump into cotton wool, it is high.
    Above us are floating in the sky ... (clouds)
  24. A stream of water pours from the sky,
    Wet people and gardens,
    Wet all the houses and the yard,
    Wet dog chain Watch.
    What's happened? What's happened?
    The sky, maybe angry?
    Wait to draw a conclusion
    Just the third day ... (rain)
  25. It's a dark cloud
    Winter can be summer.
    When it appears in the sky
    Something does happen.
    It may suddenly snow, hail.
    From what? Who is to blame?
    The weather without clouds is better
    After all, a dark cloud is ... (cloud)
  26. Rumbles in the blue sky
    Rolling June ... (thunder)
  27. It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing...
    And in the spring the rain pours ...
    We found the city on the grass
    In the coming September.
    And then in your notebook
    We write: “We went again ... (precipitation”)
  28. We breathe it, gases in it.
    What shall we call it? (Air)
  29. Sweeping leaves on the street
    And throws garbage into the air.
    Again in our yard
    Nobody walks today.
    Everyone says bad weather
    That mother nature is raging again.
    It will blow you off your feet, you won't even walk a meter.
    What kind of strength is this? Strength ... (wind)
  30. Each color stood in front of each other
    And one of them was painted.
    The rain has just stopped
    We recognized beauty in the sky.
    She is a multi-colored arc.
    The arc is called that ... (rainbow)
  31. White groats strewn the entire yard.
    Maybe collect it all in a bucket?
    No, that will not work - just take it,
    Disappears so fast you can't find it.
    I was very happy with that magical cereal.
    Told the guys what it is ... (grad)
  32. A paper boat is sailing, circling in place.
    I made it myself and run it in ... (puddle)
  33. It's been raining all morning,
    Only a verse, I hurried
    Hurry up for a walk
    To see all your friends.
    Nothing down the road
    I immediately got my feet wet.
    In the yard with friends together
    Together we measured ... (puddles)
  34. There was a heat
    And it needed rain.
    Here he passed
    Remaining ... (puddles)
  35. The rain was drizzling
    The night has come, and now -
    The puddles are frozen
    Everywhere ... (icy)
  36. I catch them with a mitten
    And I look at them, I look ...
    Like patterned ice
    Falling from the sky ... (snowflakes)
  37. They build their own nests
    And they sing loudly.
    They can quickly soar into the sky.
    Who is this? This is ... (birds)
  38. Objects of nature that breathe
    Grow, multiply, run, hear,
    They can walk and turn their heads
    These are objects of nature ... (live)
  39. The river falls from the slopes of the mountains,
    The sound of water is heard from afar.
    Let's ask the guys
    What is it called? (waterfall)
  40. A river runs across the plain
    She is beautiful and deep.
    Where is this noisy stream coming from?
    The beginning of the river is called ... (source)
  41. Where the sea lets in the river,
    They call, children, ... (mouth)
  42. It rained for a long time in summer
    Ice and snow in the mountains came down,
    The river came out of the banks
    Vegetable gardens and orchards.
    Not to be found - around the water.
    People are in trouble.
    All in the water and no doubt
    It has come ... (flood)
  43. In front of you is a wonderful fountain,
    After all, he hot water.
    Boiling water spouts from underground.
    Name these fountains. (Geysers)
  44. hot ball of gas
    In the sky, he is immediately noticeable,
    Gives us warmth and light
    Without it, there is no life. (Sun)
  45. I'll tell you for sure
    What clouds do I know?
    If similar to lace
    Yes, they look like feathers
    Floating high in the sky
    What are the guys' names? (Spindrift clouds)
  46. And these clouds, like mountains of snow,
    I would lie in them and jump.
    Clouds are like that
    They are called ... (cumulus)
  47. If the sky is gloomy, above our heads
    Gloomy clouds hung over the earth.
    Gray and low, Clouds… (layered)
  48. What is it, I don't understand?
    Is it in a dream or in reality?
    The house is not visible, the oak is in the river,
    Everything is like milk.
    Is it a fairy tale? Dream? Deception?
    This is the morning ... (fog)
  49. From the water it will become wider
    And it won't stop growing.
    The pit has grown big
    As if the magician tried.
    He interferes with fields, gardens,
    And his name is ... (ravine)
  50. My girlfriend told me
    That there are many plains everywhere.
    There is nothing more
    Only grass, full of bushes.
    These conversations are nonsense
    There are many landscapes ... (mountains)
  51. The mountains go in a row
    It turns out a mountain range.
    You know, you probably
    What are these rows - ... (ridges)
  52. There is a dangerous mountain
    Maybe she suddenly comes to life.
    Breathe smoke, fire,
    Magma can spew.
    people in the world different countries
    They know that she is ... (volcano)
  53. Remember kids:
    Patience and work
    Help create
    Artificial ... (pond)
  54. Here the kikimora lives
    Who comes - will disappear.
    There is no sushi here, only tina,
    Feet get stuck in the quagmire.
    In books - a house for a hippopotamus.
    Guessed? That ... (swamp)
  55. Spring has come, they don’t heat the stoves,
    And runs along the fields, murmuring, ... (stream)
  56. I walk barefoot all summer
    I walk in the rain, wind.
    And I always walk
    I won't go to the doctors.
    I do a lot of sports.
    I, guys, ... (hardened)
  57. Most upper layer land.
    It grows grass, trees,
    It has fertility
    What is everyone calling her? (The soil)
  58. It rains in autumn
    Don't expect warmth in autumn.
    Terrible heat in summer
    The shower will barely save you.
    In December it snows
    And in the spring it rains.
    Any time of the year
    Characteristic ... (weather)
  59. He is fluffy, white-white.
    It's not a beast, it's not a person.
    He is in the winter every now and then
    Falls to the ground. (Snow)
  60. I got my feet wet in the morning -
    The grass was wet.
    It didn't rain, but it was damp everywhere.
    What's happened? And where?
    This water droplet
    It is called ... (dew)
  61. Water evaporates from the pond
    Then it falls to the ground as rain.
    She falls into the seas and lakes
    And again evaporates on a sunny day.
    This phenomenon - the movement of water -
    In nature it is called ... (cycle)
  62. Five kingdoms in which there are many organisms,
    We call mother-… (nature)
  63. Birds sleep in it and live,
    They lay their eggs here.
    Housing made from branches
    And it is called ... (nest)
  64. Water large expanse,
    No coast to be found.
    It's not a river or a sea
    It contains hundreds of times more water. (Ocean)
  65. It is not known where he lives
    It will fly - the trees are oppressed,
    Whistling - trembling along the river,
    Mischievous, but you won’t get away. (Wind)
  66. Milk floated over the river
    Nothing was visible.
    The milk has dissolved
    It became visible far away. (Fog)
  67. A painted yoke hung across the river.
  68. An ox roared over a hundred mountains, over a thousand cities. (Thunder)
  69. A bird is flying - an eagle,
    Carries fire in his teeth
    Shoots fire arrows, No one will catch her.
  70. An eagle flies across the blue sky
    Wings spread out
    The sun has dimmed. (Cloud)
  71. I look like a pea
    Where I will pass - a commotion. (grad)
  72. I am water, and I swim on water. (Ice)
  73. The blanket is white, the whole field is covered. (Snow)
  74. The blue carpet covered the whole Earth. (Sky)
  75. Large, fractionally frequented and watered the whole earth. (Rain)
  76. Now he is a wedge, then he is a pancake,
    Alone in the sky at night. (Month)
  77. The red girl walks in the sky during the day. (Sun)
  78. The field is not measured
    Sheep are not counted
    The shepherd is horned. (Sky, stars, month)
  79. The old man is a joker
    On the street does not order to stand,
    Pulls home by the nose. (Freezing)
  80. The snow is melting
    The meadow came to life
    The day is coming
    When does it happen? (Spring)
  81. Streams rang, rooks flew in.
    To your house, beehive, bee
    Brought the first honey.
    Who's to say, who knows when it happens? (Spring)
  82. Walking in the field, but not a horse,
    Flies in the wild, but not a bird.
    Snow inflates, sweeps everything. (Snowstorm)
  83. Passes through the nose to the chest
    And the reverse is on its way.
    He is invisible and yet
    We cannot live without it. (Air)
  84. There is a commotion in the yard:
    Peas are falling from the sky.
    Nina ate six peas,
    She now has angina. (grad)
  85. Here a horse rushes across the sky -
    Fire is flying from under your feet.
    The horse beats mighty with its hoof
    And breaks the clouds.
    So he runs hard
    That the earth is trembling below. (Thunder)
  86. Who hits the roof all night and taps
    And mutters and sings, lulls?
    He is asked, he is expected,
    And when he comes, they go to hide. (Rain)
  87. Powdered the paths, decorated the windows,
    Gave joy to children
    And she rode on a sled. (Winter)
  88. Millet is sprinkled on a black scarf.
    The cockerel came, and pecking is not easy. (Stars)
  89. Behind the countless flock
    A tired shepherd walked at night,
    And when the rooster crowed
    The sheep and the shepherd fled. (Stars and moon)
  90. And not snow, and not ice,
    And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)
  91. A red-hot arrow knocked down an oak near the village. (Lightning)
  92. What master did this on the windows
    And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses? (Freezing)
  93. What has one eye during the day and many at night? (At the sky)
  94. What's the ceiling?
    He's low, he's high.
    Now he is gray, then whitish,
    It's a little blue.
    And sometimes so beautiful -
    Lace and blue - blue. (firmament)
  95. They fly without wings
    Running without legs
    Sailing without a sail. (Clouds)
  96. Over the meadows, over the water
    The pouring rain poured down,
    And then a yoke hung in the sky. (Rainbow)
  97. In the morning the beads sparkled
    All the grass was tucked in.
    And let's go look for them during the day -
    Searching, searching, not finding. (Dew)
  98. Among the field of blue -
    The bright light of a great fire,
    Slowly the fire that walks
    Bypasses Mother Earth.
    Shines cheerfully in the window,
    What is this? (Sun)
    The white blanket is not made by hand.
    Not woven and not cut,
  99. Well, which one of you will answer:
    Not fire, but it burns painfully,
    Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
    And not a baker, but bakes. (Sun)
  100. Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere,
    The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (Cloud)
  101. Above you, above me
    A bag of water flew by.
    Jumped into a distant forest -
    Lost weight and disappeared. (Cloud)
  102. An eagle flies across the blue sky
    Wings spread out
    The sun has dimmed. (Cloud)
  103. Agukalo, agakalo,
    Aukalo and crying
    And burst into laughter.
    What is this? (Echo)
  104. I am always friendly with the world
    If the sun is in the window - I'm from a mirror, from a puddle
    I run up the wall. (Sunny Bunny)
  105. Above the houses by the path
    Hanging piece of cake. (Moon)
  106. Lives without a body, speaks without a language.
    No one sees it, but everyone hears it. (Echo)

Live nature

  1. Water masters build a house with an axe,
    House of brushwood and mud
    And a reliable dam. (Beavers)
  2. working animals
    Building a house in the middle of the river
    If someone comes to visit
    Know that the entrance is from the river! (Beavers)
  3. There are white pillars
    They have green hats
    fluffy in summer,
    Knotty in winter.
  4. He has a brown hat on.
    The cap is on the side.
    Whoever happens to be in the forest knows it. (Borovik, porcini mushroom)
  5. He is hidden deep in the earth,
    One, two, three and out
    And he is in plain sight.
    White, I'll find you! (Borovik)
  6. They have green hats
    fluffy in summer,
    Knotty in winter.
    Where they stand, there they make noise. (Birches)
  7. He was a tight fist
    Blossomed - became a flower. (Bud)
  8. Not caring about the weather
    He walks in a white sundress,
    And in one of warm days
    May gives her earrings. (Birch)
  9. Rye is earing in the field ...
    There in the rye, you will find a flower.
    Bright blue and fluffy
    Just a shame it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)
  10. I am an animal with two humps
    And I walk on the sands. (Camel)
  11. Longleg boasts:
    Am I not a beauty?
    And just a bone.
    Yes, red shirt! (Cherry)
  12. He looks like a sheepdog.
    Whatever the tooth sharp knife!
    He runs, baring his mouth,
    Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)
  13. Who is cold in winter
    Walking angry, hungry? (Wolf)
  14. Long neck,
    red paws,
    Pinching on the heels
    Run without looking back. (Goose)
  15. hairy, green,
    She hides in the leaves.
    Even though there are many legs
    Still can't run. (Caterpillar)
  16. Stand up without a command
    They go to the pond.
    Who walks in a long chain
    Who loves discipline so much? (Goose with goslings)
  17. Under the pine along the path
    Who is standing among the grass?
    There is a leg, but no boots,
    There is a hat - no head. (Mushroom)
  18. What a fruit! Secret box!
    Seeds - glassy in appearance,
    All transparent, all Pink colour.
    You shake it - how strange - it does not ring. (Pomegranate)
  19. Its spring and summer
    We saw dressed
    And in the fall from the poor thing
    They ripped off all the shirts. (Tree)
  20. I crawled out of crumbs - barrels,
    Roots started up and grew,
    I became tall and powerful
    I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
    I feed pigs and squirrels
    Nothing that the fruit of my chalk. (Oak)
  21. The grass that grows on the slopes
    And on green mounds.
    The smell is strong and fragrant
    And her green leaf
    We're going for tea.
    What kind of weed, guess. (Origanum)
  22. Who is in a bright red beret,
    In a black satin jacket?
    He doesn't look at me
    Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (Woodpecker)
  23. On claws on a pine trunk.
    The red-headed fitter came in.
    He worked, tired,
    Chief doctor, saved the forest. (Woodpecker)
  24. Here are the needles and pins
    They crawl out from under the bench.
    They look at me
    They want milk. (Hedgehog)
  25. A ball is rolling in the forest,
    He has a prickly side
    He hunts at night
    For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog)
  26. Touchy, covered in needles,
    I live in a hole, under a tree.
    Though the doors are wide open,
    But the animals don't come to me. (Hedgehog)
  27. Prickly, but not a hedgehog. (Ruff)
  28. IN blue sky little voice
    It's like a tiny call. (Lark)
  29. An oak tree hid in a golden ball. (Acorn)
  30. He builds his nest in the field.
    Where plants grow.
    His songs and flight
    Went into poetry. (Lark)
  31. He is tall and spotty
    WITH long long neck,
    And he eats leaves
    Tree leaves. (Giraffe)
  32. Black, but not a raven,
    Horned, but not a bull,
    Six legs, no hooves
    With wings, not a bird. (Bug)
  33. Leaves fall from aspens
    A sharp wedge rushes in the sky. (Cranes)
  34. Long-legged, long-necked,
    Long-billed, gray body,
    And the back of the head is bare, red.
    Wandering through the dirty marshes,
    Catches different frogs in them. (Crane)
  35. The brothers got up on stilts,
    Looking for food on the way.
    On the run, on the go
    They can't get off their stilts. (Cranes)
  36. Long ear, ball of fluff,
    Jumps smartly, loves carrots. (Hare)
  37. He jumps across the field - he hides his ears,
    Stand up as a pillar - ears upright. (Hare)
  38. Rustling, rustling grass,
    The whip is crawling alive.
    He got up and hissed:
    Come, who is very brave. (Snake)
  39. The rope lies, the cheat hisses.
    It is dangerous to take it - it will bite! Clear? (Snake)
  40. Curls released into the river
    And she was sad about something.
    What is she sad about?
    Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)
  41. It might break
    It can also weld
    If you want, into a bird
    Can turn. (Egg)
  42. Sheets of broad latitude grow.
    Keeps on strong stems
    One hundred rough, tenacious fruits:
    If you don't get past them...
    You can find them all for yourself. (burr)
  43. The child is wrapped in a hundred diapers. (Cabbage)
  44. On a straw house, a hundred children in it. (Spikelet)
    Not a beast, not a bird
    Sock like a knitting needle
    Flying - ringing
    Sitting down - silent. (Mosquito)
  45. Itself motley, eats green, gives white. (Cow)
  46. There is a shock, in the middle of the yard,
    In front - a pitchfork, behind - a broom. (Cow)
  47. Eyes, mustache, tail,
    And it washes cleaner. (Cat)
  48. Oh don't touch me
    I'll burn without fire. (Nettle)
  49. Made a hole, dug a hole,
    The sun is shining and he doesn't know. (Mole)
  50. Low, but prickly
    Sweet, but smelly
    Pick the berries -
    You will rip off all your hands, (Gooseberry)
  51. A violinist lives in the meadow,
    He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop. (Grasshopper)
  52. Like pines, like fir trees,
    And in winter without needles. (Larch)
  53. Golden coins fall from a branch. (Leaves)
  54. The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats.
    Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)
  55. He slept all winter
    He sucked his brown paw,
    And when he woke up, he began to cry.
    This is a forest animal ... (Bear)
  56. Hanging red beads
    They are looking at us from the bushes.
    Love these beads
    Children, birds and bears. (Raspberries)
  57. The owner of the forest, sprinkled in the spring,
    And in winter under a blizzard howl
    Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)
  58. Red nose stuck to the ground
    A green tail outside.
    We don't need a green tail. (Carrot)
  59. In the forest near the stump there is running around, fuss,
    The people are working, busy all day,
    He builds a house for himself. (Ants)
  60. small stature, a long tail
    Gray coat, sharp teeth. (Mouse)
  61. He flies all day, everyone gets bored;
    The night will come, then it will stop. (Fly)
  62. Between two lights
    One in the middle. (Nose)
  63. People always have it
    There are always ships. (Nose)
  64. Over the mountains, over the valleys
    There is a fur coat, yes a caftan. (Sheep)
  65. No windows, no doors
    Full of people. (Cucumber)
  66. On a green fragile leg
    The ball has grown by the track.
    The breeze rustled
    And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)
  67. The predator is afraid of my branches
    Birds do not build nests in them.
    In the branches - my beauty and power.
  68. round, mature, tanned,
    Got it on the tooth
    It couldn't be broken.
    And got under the hammer
    It crunched once - and the side cracked. (Nut)
  69. Ser, but not a wolf,
    Long-eared, not a hare,
    With hooves, not a horse. (Donkey)
  70. Not motors, but noise,
    Not pilots, but fly,
    Not snakes, but sting. (Wasps)
  71. Touching the grass with hooves,
    A handsome man walks through the forest
    Walks boldly and easily
    Horns spread high. (Deer)
  72. The predator is afraid of my branches
    Birds do not build nests in them.
    In the branches - my beauty and power.
    Tell me quickly, who am I? (Elk)
  73. Moved by the flower
    All four petals
    I wanted to rip it off
    He fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)
    Who deftly jumps on the trees
    And flies up to the oaks?
    Who hides nuts in a hollow,
    Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)
  74. Agile little animal
    Lives in a hollow hut
    All day jump-jump,
    Found a fungus
    Stringed on a knot
    Prepared for the future. (Squirrel)
  75. It will hit, it will hit.
    Sit down and wait for prey. (Spider)
  76. Tail with patterns
    Boots with spurs.
    sings songs,
    Time counts. (Rooster)
  77. I wake everyone up on time
    I don't wind up the clock though. (Rooster)
  78. golden sieve,
    There are a lot of black houses. (Sunflower)
  79. A friend came out from under the snow
    And suddenly it smelled like spring. (Snowdrop)
  80. I was born on a rainy day
    Under the young aspen.
    Round smooth and beautiful
    With a thin and straight leg. (Boletus)
  81. housewife
    Flies over the lawn.
    Pat over a flower
    He will share the mead. (Bee)
  82. To us for a matinee alone
    Waddle walked from the ice floes. (Penguin)
  83. Dreaming of a spider at night
    Miracle - Yudo on a bitch.
    long beak and two wings.
    Arrives - things are bad. (Bird)
  84. People live under water
    Walks backwards. (Raki)
  85. Red cheeks, white nose
    I sit in the dark all day
    And the shirt is green
    She is all in the sun. (Radish)
  86. Round, but not a ball,
    Yellow, but not oil,
    Sweet but not sugar
    With a tail, but not a mouse. (Turnip)
  87. Who does not touch -
    It clings to it. (burr)
  88. Bitter in the hayfield
    And sweet in the cold.
    What is a berry? (Rowan)
  89. patch in front,
    Behind - a hook.
    middle back,
    And it has bristles on it. (Pig)
  90. I won't let a stranger into the house,
    I'm sad without a host. (Dog)
  91. Grumbled a living castle,
    Lie across the door.
    Two medals on the chest
    Better come to the house. (Dog)
  92. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark.
    A mustachioed log lies. (catfish)
  93. Cracked since the morning:
    It's time! It's time! And what is the time?
    Such a mess with her.
    Well, who's cracking? (Magpie)
  94. blue airplane
    Sat on yellow dandelion. (Dragonfly)
  95. The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin)
  96. The horns came out on the path.
    You won't butt?
    I touched them a little
    Horns hid again. (Snail)
  97. Two antennas on top
    And she sits in a hut,
    Carries her on herself
    Creeps very slowly. (Snail)
  98. Amazing child!
    Just got out of diapers
    Can swim and dive
    Like him own mother. (Duckling)
  99. motley cracker
    Catches frogs,
    He walks around, stumbling. (Duck)
  100. Along the river, along the water
    A string of boats floats.
    The ship is ahead
    He leads everyone. (Duck with ducklings)
  101. Sleeps during the day, flies at night
    Passers-by are scared. (Owl)
  102. Lightweight, not fluffy
    Soft, not fur
    White, not snow
    But dress everyone. (Cotton)
  103. White, skinny root crop,
    It grows underground.
    And although he is very bitter,
    In food, it is suitable for us:
    Everyone from adults to children
    They eat it with jelly. (Horseradish)
  104. Hiding in the plants
    He is small in stature, but a dragon,
    He changes his color.
    The name of? (Chameleon)
  105. Standing on one leg
    He gazes into the water.
    Pokes beak at random -
    Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)
  106. Dressed up little sisters
    Guests are greeted all day
    The bees are fed with honey. (Flowers)
  107. Was White House,
    wonderful house,
    And something thumped in him.
    And he crashed and from there
    A living miracle ran out. (Chick)
  108. My tail is indistinguishable from my head,
    You will always find me in the earth. (Worm)
  109. If we grow on spruces,
    We are in place, we are in business
    And children grow up near the cedar
    What is this? (bumps)
  110. In the pit sleeps in the long winter,
    But as soon as the sun begins to warm,
    On the road for honey and raspberries,
    He loves to roar in the forest. (Bear)
  111. round, ruddy,
    I grow on a branch
    adults love me
    And little kids. (Apple)
  112. Round house, white house
    The house was at first whole,
    And how it finally cracked
    And so the tenant jumped out! (Egg and chick)
  113. Runs among the stones
    Don't run after her.
    Grabbed by the tail, but - Ah!
    She ran away, and the tail is in her hands. (Lizard)

Inanimate nature

  1. Without hands
    Without an axe,
    Hut built. (Nest)
  2. Everyone bypasses this place:
    Here the earth is like dough;
    There are sedges, hummocks, mosses…
    No leg support. (Swamp)
  3. Two brothers look into the water
    Century will not converge. (Shores)
  4. I run to my mother - the river and I can not be silent.
    I am her own son, and was born in the spring. (Creek)
  5. Runs in summer, sleeps in winter.
    Spring has come - it ran again. (River)
  6. If the rain knocks on the window
    But at the same time the sun is shining
    That will decorate the sky
    Seven color beauty.
  7. Bright, bright light
    Someone in the sky lit us up.
    May it always burn
    This distant ... (star)
  8. Next to the star is a neighbor,
    There is a round candy in the sky,
    At night she shines for everyone -
    Yellow - white ... (moon)
  9. Branches and wheat bend,
    Why don't they cost?
    Because the whole evening
    Noisy strong blowing ... (wind)
  10. If the first snow fell
    The man put on a coat
    So, she came to us -
    Snow-white ... (winter)
  11. Round pieces of ice are flying from the sky,
    They hit and break. This is ... (deg)
  12. In the dark sky it thunders
    Everything around me trembles.
    My house is shaking
    Because in the sky ... (thunder)
  13. Rain dripped on the porch
    Made it rain a lake
    When you open the door outside,
    Then you step right into ... (puddle)
  14. He flies from the sky in winter,
    Don't go barefoot now
    Every person knows
    What is always cold ... (snow)
  15. The air turned cold
    The color green has become out of fashion,
    Ours turned yellow old garden,
    So soon ... (leaf fall)
  16. Cotton wool flew across the sky,
    All curly, bunched,
    White as fluff is light,
    Maybe it is ... (clouds)?
  17. We burned it in the campaign,
    Baked potatoes in it
    So as not to burn the forest carpet,
    We put out ... (bonfire)
  18. Falling from the sky, flying
    Showered hats, backs,
    They creak under my feet,
    Melting in the hands ... (snowflakes)
  19. One fire warms the whole world. (Sun)
  20. Well, which one of you will answer:
    Not fire, but it burns painfully,
    Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
    And not a baker, but bakes. (Sun)
  21. Decorated the night blue
    Silver orange.
    And it's only been a week...
    There was a piece left of him. (Moon)
  22. golden apple
    Rolling across the sky:
    And smiles are rays
    Very hot. (Sun)
  23. The sun ordered: “Stop!
    The Seven Colored Bridge is cool!”
    The clouds hid the light of the sun -
    The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow)
  24. Fluffy cotton
    Float somewhere.
    The cotton is lower
    The closer the rain is. (Cloud)
  25. Blanket white
    Not made by hand.
    Not woven and not cut,
    It fell from heaven to earth. (Snow)
  26. Bel, but not sugar,
    There are no legs, yes it goes. (Snow)
  27. Over the river, over the valley
    A white canvas hung. (Fog)
  28. He is fluffy, silver,
    But don't touch it with your hand.
    Become a little clean
    How to catch in the palm of your hand. (Snow)
  29. Without boards and axes
    The bridge over the river is ready.
    The bridge is like blue glass:
    Slippery, fun, light. (Ice)
  30. winter glass
    Spring flowed. (Ice)
  31. And not snow, and not ice,
    And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)
  32. In the morning the beads sparkled,
    All the grass was tangled up,
    And let's go look for them in the afternoon,
    We are looking for - we are looking for - we will not find. (Dew)
  33. Hanging outside the window is a bag of ice,
    It is full of drops and smells like spring. (Icicle)
    I always fall in the morning
    Not rain, not a star.
    And I sparkle in burdocks,
    On the edges and meadows. (Dew)
  34. silver fringe
    Hanging on the branches in winter.
    And in the spring on weight -
    Turns into dew. (Frost)
  35. He's long, he's big
    He is from cloud to earth ...
    Let him go more, more
    So that the mushrooms grow faster. (Rain)
  36. Who is this gardener?
    Poured cherries and gooseberries,
    I watered the plum and flowers,
    Washed herbs and bushes.
    And how dusk came
    We were told on the radio
    That tomorrow he will come
    And water our garden. (Rain)
  37. The snow is melting, the meadow came to life,
    The day is coming. When does it happen? (Spring)
  38. Friend after friend
    Brother and sister walk peacefully.
    Brother wakes up all the people
    On the other hand, my sister
    Calls to sleep immediately. (Day and night)
  39. Molten Arrow
    Spruce fell down near the village. (Lightning)
  40. Though she herself is both snow and ice,
    And she leaves, sheds tears. (Winter)
  41. Roaring across the field
    Sings and whistles
    breaks trees,
    Presses to the ground. (Wind)
  42. Walking in the field, but not a horse,
    Flies in the wild, but not a bird. (Snowstorm)
  43. I am cloud and fog
    And the stream and the ocean
    I fly and run
    And I can be glass. (Water)
  44. Around the water
    And drinking is a problem. (Sea)
  45. In a blue shirt
    Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Creek)
  46. Not water and not land:
    you can't sail on a boat
    and you can't walk with your feet. (Swamp)
  47. Slightly shaking in the breeze
    tape in the open, narrow tip - in the spring,
    and wide - in the sea. (River)
  48. Transparent as glass
    Don't put it in the window. (Ice)
  49. From the sky - a star,
    On the palm of your hand - water. (Snow)
  50. The old man at the gate warmly dragged away.
    He does not run and does not order to stand. (Freezing)
  51. That, barely touching,
    Turns wood into smoke? (Fire)
  52. What is four times a year
    Changing clothes? (Earth)
  53. Painted rocker
    It hung over the river. (Rainbow)
  54. In the morning the beads sparkled,
    All the grass was tangled up,
    And let's go look for them during the day,
    We are looking for, we are looking for - we will not find. (Dew)
  55. Fluffy cotton
    Floating somewhere.
    The cotton is lower
    The closer the rain is. (Clouds)
  56. The gray-haired grandfather at the gate
    All our eyes are covered. (Fog)
  57. Molten Arrow
    The oak fell down near the village. (Lightning)
  58. The white cat climbs into the window. (Dawn)
  59. The blue bag is full of white buttons. (sky, stars)
  60. Behind the house near the path hangs half a flatbread. (Month)
  61. A sieve is hanging, not twisted by hand. (Web)
  62. On the branches - dense lumps.
    They have sticky leaves. (Kidneys)
  63. In the middle of the field lies a mirror:
    The glass is blue and the frame is green. (Pond)
  64. Everyone bypasses this place:
    Here the earth is like dough,
    Here sedge, hummocks, mosses -
    no leg support. (Swamp)
  65. Falling from a great height,
    Terribly he roars
    And, breaking on the stones,
    The foam gets up. (Waterfall)

Extracurricular activities for grades 5-6.

Ecological game "Mysteries of nature".

Target: generalize, consolidate and deepen the environmental knowledge of students. Tasks:

teaching and educational: to motivate schoolchildren to self-education, to promote the formation of knowledge about nature, its patterns;

educational: continue to develop in students a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment; develop the emotional-sensual sphere of the personality of schoolchildren, promote rallying cool team;

educational and developing: to promote the development of thinking, attention, observation, the ability to solve problems designed for quick wit.

Equipment: environmental posters; cards with the image of footprints of animals and medicinal plants.

“You open to me, nature, hugs,

So that I merge with your beauty. I. Bunin

Conduct form: ecological game-competition.

Event progress.

I. Greetings.

II. Leading. Hello dear students! Today we have gathered for the ecological game. 1 -th h t e c.

I listened to the forest path sing,

And he kept wondering: who is she talking about? About what?

Which century runs without overgrowing,

As if she doesn't care about centuries.


The steps of people who once passed.

I look at the path, standing by the birch,

And the heart beats more clearly and tenderly.


And I believe it did not become decay, dust

The past is still alive here.

All the people who walked along the path

They walk along it, the invisible ones walk.


And we will pass, and in years - grandchildren,

And each heart at the forest path

Hear the same song sounds

One for us sole destiny.

Leading. Dear connoisseurs of nature! Let's think about the meaning of this poem.

Nature for us is a source of life, natural resources, a source of beauty, inspiration and creative activity. To preserve the amazing and diverse world of nature, you need to know it and love it with all your heart.

After all:

nature has surrounded us with its wondrous beauty,

nature gave us steppe and forest air,

steep bank with a fast river,

clear sky above.

Our task is to preserve nature, not to kill, not to torture anyone. People choose how they live. Our actions can be creative, or they can become destructive, you can learn to build, or you can learn to break.

Everyone and everything on Earth has a place. Nature is our home. How to live in such a populous world all together? How not to interfere with each other and not harm nature? We only need to preserve and increase the beauty of nature. Our task is to preserve life.

Ecology, this word comes from two Greek words “oikos” - house and “logos” - teaching. Ecology is the science of habitat, of the environment.

Only "house" is understood here in a broader sense of the word. How to behave in our big house - nature, so as not to harm either the flower or the spring, so that the Earth always remains beautiful?

Guys, you already know that nature needs our protection, our help. Scientists, engineers, the entire population of our country and the planet are thinking about this now. Why has the problem of nature conservation become so important and necessary? If we do not immediately help nature, it will die. What will happen on earth then? Do you think nature conservation is only a matter for adults, or can schoolchildren also make their own contribution? What can and do students do? Yes, students can do a lot. Their activities in nature are varied. For example, protection of the natural environment: feeding and rescuing animals in trouble; garbage control; production of feeders and houses for birds; feeding animals and birds; installation of plates in places of distribution of protected plants; helping diseased trees.

We will plant lindens and maples,
The city will be elegant, green.
We will plant poplars in rows,
Our squares will become gardens.
We will surround the school with trees -
Let the cheerful hubbub ring over her.
Happy children love greenery.
They love to see the trees in full bloom.
Let it bloom every year more beautiful
Our young planet.

Let's start our game with a warm-up. The class is divided into three teams.

I.Warm-up. Solve riddles. Each team in turn is asked to solve the riddle. A token is given for each correct answer.

White as snow
Puffed up like fur
Walks on shovels.
Even though I'm not a hammer -
I knock on wood:
It has every corner
I want to explore.
I walk in a red hat And a beautiful acrobat.

The beast is afraid of my branches,
Birds will not build nests in them.
In the branches is my beauty and power,
Tell me quickly, who am I?
In a cramped hut
Weaving an old woman's canvas.
Who is in the forest without axes
Building a hut without corners?
Flying - howling
He sits down and digs the earth.

Who can go out into the open field,
Without leaving your home?
Crying in the swamp
But it does not come from the swamp.
Not a tree, but a peg.
Not a cat, but a mouse is afraid.
walks in summer
And rests in winter.
A huge cat will flash behind the trunks,
Eyes of gold and ears with tassels,
But it's not a cat, watch out
Goes hunting insidious ...
And we are in the forest, and in the swamp,
You can always find us everywhere:
In the meadow, on the edge,
We are green...
I dig a hole day and night,
I don't know the sun
Who will find my long move
It will tell you straight away...
There are a lot of them in the summer
And in the winter everyone dies
Jumping, buzzing over the ear.
What are they called?

Under the bark of pine and spruce
Sharpens complex tunnels.
Only to the woodpecker for lunch
(bark beetle)

III. Competitive program.
Stage 1. Forest path.

Representatives from each team go to the leader's table and take out cards one by one with the image of traces of forest animals, plant seeds. For each correct answer, the team is awarded a token.

1). In the forest, the forester encountered traces of a dog, a wolf, an elk, a lynx, a squirrel, a hare, a wild boar and a bear. Find out whose footprints they are.

2). We found seeds of plants: oak, maple, birch, spruce, cedar pine, alder and chestnut. Find out whose seeds they are.

3). Pick up a bowl. Each team is given a set of fake mushrooms. You need to select edible mushrooms and name them.

Stage 2. Competition of captains.

    Which bird has edible nests? (swallow salangan)

    Why do crocodiles cry? (removal of excess salts from the body)

    What color is a polar bear's skin? (dark)

    Why do pine lower branches die off, but spruce does not? (pine light-loving plant)

    What poisonous mushrooms grow in our forests? (fly agaric, pale grebe, gall fungus, false mushrooms, satanic mushroom)

    Is coral a plant or an animal? (animal)

    How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

    The manta ray is called differently ... (sea devil)

    Which bird that nests in our waters is considered a symbol of fidelity? (swan)


1. In the forest, do you see an unextinguished fire, scattered cans, bottles, garbage?

2. You were walking through the forest and suddenly saw a nest with small birds in the grass?

3. In winter, small birds gather under your windows. They are cold and hungry, but your home is warm and cozy. Will you help the birds, and in what way?

Stage3. Reservoirs.

    What commercial fish are considered domesticated? (Sturgeon, silver carp, pike perch, mirror carp, crucian carp.)

    Define shellfish. (Collections: toothless, barley, pond, reel, pearl, etc..)

    Name as many fish in our waters as you can. (Silver carp, pike perch, carp, tench, rudd, catfish, carp, ruff, crucian carp, beluga, sturgeon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, etc.)

    What arthropod travels underwater in an air bell? (Silver spider.)

    Which fish is the champion spawner? (cod - up to 300 million eggs)

    What kind of fish can be used to make files? (shark - files are made from its skin, which can be used to polish wood and marble)

    What is the use of a frog? (a frog eats an average of 6 harmful invertebrates per day)

    Why does a frog close its eyes when swallowing food? (she has no teeth, so she swallows food whole, pushing it with her eyeballs)

Stage4. Ecological. “Rare and endangered animals” Many plants and animals are listed in the Red Book. There are few of them left.

- What plants listed in the Red Book do you know?

– Now we still recognize rare plants and animals.

There are sheets of paper on your table. Cross out the same letters and read the words that you got.

I'm in k i s u l a s n v ts ts

P j f e h y r p a n f h

F m y m rx u zh o rl

G s v e v o p b c a s r o d

M b e c d o v e d b c c v

K f p o y b z r a y f p z

W e m g e l o v r j j d

C s e i u f t c i o er a f

Answers: kulan, goitered gazelle, muskrat, cheetah, honey badger, cobra, walrus, sutora.


Predict the weather from the behavior of animals and plants.

The fish does not bite - it is full;

the bees sit in the hive and buzz loudly;

swallows and swifts fly high;

birds /SPARROWS/ bathe in the dust;

fragrant flowers of lilac, jasmine, acacia;

Ladybug, taken on hand quickly flies;

open water lily flowers;

dandelion folds its fluffy umbrella;

late in the evening the grasshoppers chirp loudly;

the mole rakes high mounds;

the spider strenuously weaves a web;

the doves chirped. ANSWER: A) 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12; B) 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10.

Stage 6. Green pharmacy.

One participant from each team comes to the leader's table. They take turns taking out cards with the image of medicinal plants. Students name the plant and its uses in medicine. For each correct answer, the team is given a token.

Stage 7."From the Guinness Book of Records"

1. The largest animal on Earth (Blue whale: length = 33 m)

2. The most terrible fish, or the most ancient fish on earth. (Sharks)

3. The fastest animal (Cheetah - speed = 120 km / h)

8. The best jumper (Kangaroo).

IV. Summing up the game. The jury calculates the results of the game. Encouragement and rewarding of participants.


Today we talked a lot about the need to protect nature, protect our Earth. Take care of every tree, every bush! Do not tear flowers, do not break trees, do not open nests!

Let each of you plant a tree, flowers and care for them with love.

After all, the future of our planet depends on each of us, the future native earth!

Let's be

Protect the planet!

All over the universe

There is no similar

In all the universe

All alone,

What will do

Is she without us?

You man! Loving nature, at least sometimes feel sorry for her!
In humiliating campaigns do not trample its fields.
In the station bustle of the century, you hurry to appreciate it.
She is your good old healer, she is the ally of the soul.
Do not burn it recklessly and do not exhaust it to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth: there are many of us, but she is one!

Ecological quiz "Save the Earth, take care!"

Author: Zatulnaya Zoya Ivanovna, teacher primary school MBOU "Annovskaya secondary school named after Hero Soviet Union A.N. Gaidash" village of Annovka, Korochansky district
Description: I offer the author's development of an entertainment script for children elementary school. The material can be useful for primary school teachers, teachers of additional education. During the event, children consolidate knowledge about nature, learn to protect nature.
Goals: Expand and deepen ecological culture children; create conditions that encourage children to treat nature and all living things with attention and care; engagement in conservation work.
Equipment: posters, drawings, soundtrack of music, presentation, fairy tale "Turnip", globe, costumes for the scene "Turnip", waste (tin cans, bottles, etc.)

1. Organizational moment
The class is divided into 2 teams. Each team has a name, an emblem.
The teacher holds a globe in his hands.

2. The main part.
Like an apple on a saucer
We have only one Earth.
Take your time people
To exhaust everything to the bottom.
It's not hard to get
to hidden secrets.
Loot all riches
For future ages.
We common life grains,
One fate relatives.
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand it people
Like your own command.
Otherwise the Earth will not be
And each of us.
Students read poetry.
1. I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,
And suddenly he sighed as if alive;
And the continents whisper to me:
"You save us, save us!"
2. In the anxiety of groves and forests,
Dew on the grass, like a tear!
And the springs quietly ask:
"You save us, save us!"
3. The deep river is sad,
losing their shores
And I hear the voice of the river:
"You save us, save us!"
4. The deer stopped his run,
Be a man, man!
We believe in you - do not lie:
"You save us, save us!"
5. I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,
So beautiful and dear!
And lips whisper in the wind:
"I will save you, I will save you!"
Show presentation
Teacher:- Look around: what a beautiful, wonderful world we are surrounded by forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature. Our life is inseparable from it. Nature feeds, waters, clothes us. She is generous and selfless. The writer Paustovsky K.G. there are such words: “And if I sometimes want to live up to a hundred and twenty years, it is only because one life is not enough to experience to the end all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature. Love to native nature- one of surest signs love for one's country."
Man has long admired the creations that mother nature created: amazing plants and animals. You and I know that the life of all people is inextricably linked with nature: from environment people receive oxygen, food, raw materials for industry, medicine and much more. But, unfortunately, a person does not always think about caring attitude to nature.

1. On our globe on earth,
Where we were born and live
Where is the summer dew in the grass
And blue skies
Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -
Full of mysterious wonders.
- A gray wolf roams the forest,
And the thin lily of the valley blooms,
In the steppe feather grass, like delicate silk,
The wind blows.
A waterfall thunders on the rocks,
And rainbow splashes fly.
And in the blue sea, a blue whale -
Big as a house, sleeping on the waves.
2. Do not destroy this world,
Girls and boys
Otherwise these miracles
Remain only in the book.
- To be in the sources of Narzan,
From the clearing - strawberries,
Be careful like Tarzan
Make friends with wild nature!
- You are also part of her miracles,
And the forest darkens for you
And the bright river flows
And everything will bloom in spring.
And you have to try
We can't part with this!
So, our game begins!

Now we will hold a quiz "Take care of the earth, take care of it." We will compete in teams, the winning team will receive the medal "Connoisseurs of the surrounding world."
There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling birds of passage,
They bloom only on it,
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!

1st competition. Quiz "Forest riddles".
Teams take turns answering questions.
1. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with feathers? (Birds).
2. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with scales? (Fish).
3. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with wool? (Beasts).
4. Chicks, what bird does not know its mother? (Cuckoos).
5. Who travels through the air on a string? (Spider).
6. Who has a pantry on a bitch? (At the squirrel).
7. What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web).
8. What bird is called "white-sided"? (Magpie).
9. There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown coats
From trees, branches, clay
Build strong dams. (Beavers).
10. Little animal jumps:
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
Both a mosquito and a fly. (Frog).
11. He is in flight over the river,
This amazing plane.
He floats smooth over the water,
On the flower of his planting. (Dragonfly).
12. I carry a house on my back,
But I will not invite guests:
In my bone house
Place for only one. (Turtle).
13. There is a rope,
hissing cheat,
Taking it is dangerous -
Will bite. Clear? (Snake).
14. Waves carry to the shore
Parachute is not a parachute
He does not swim, he does not dive,
Just touch it - it burns. (Jellyfish).
2nd competition. The game "The Fourth Extra".
Delete the extra ones. Explain why?
1 team
1. Maple, mountain ash, spruce, tulip. Because …
2. Birch, oak, wild rose, poplar. Because …
3. Apple tree, currant, raspberry, mountain ash. Because …
4. Aspen, linden, oak, spruce. Because …
2 team
5. Pine, poplar, mountain ash, willow. Because …
6. Linden, aspen, maple, apple tree. Because …
7. Pear, plum, poplar, cherry. Because …
8. Strawberry, rose, lily of the valley, violet. Because …

3rd competition. The game "Collect the bumps."
(Cones are scattered on the field. One member from the team comes out).
- Who will collect the most cones. (Repeat several times).

Students read poetry.
1. Everything - from the old pine tree near the fence
To the big dark forest
And from the lake to the pond -
And also a bear, and an elk,
And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?
Even a fly - wow! -
I love silence on the lake
And in the pond reflections of the roofs,
I love picking blueberries in the forest,
I love the badger and the fox...
I love you forever,

2. There is so much beauty in nature -
Take a look and you'll understand
Why dew bushes
Envelops shivers.
Where, murmuring, the stream runs,
More transparent than glass
What about in the evening, in a field of rye,
Quail sing...
Let it become your heart
Bird speech is understandable -
And you will learn
How to keep it all.

4th competition. "Collect the word."
The letters are mixed up in the words, swap them so that you get words.
5th competition. "Collect a proverb."
Team members receive envelopes with the text of the proverb cut into words. At the signal of the leader, they must open the envelope and glue the proverb.
(“There would be a forest, the nightingales would fly in.”).
The text of the proverb is presented to the jury, which evaluates the correctness and speed of the task.
In the meantime, the teams are working, we offer fans to solve riddles and bring an extra point to their team.
1. Russian beauty,
We all really like it.
She is white, slim
Clothes are green. (Birch).
2. They rush straight into the sky, up;
Take a close look:
Not birches, not aspens,
There are no leaves, there are needles. (Firs).
3. Here is a barrel with a hat,
Fell from the tree.
A year has passed - and a tree
He became small. (Acorn).
4. Bent the branches over the river,
The river looks sad. (Willow).
5. Quiet autumn will come,
It will become a marvelous tree:
Leaves are bright stars
Golden, hot. (Maple).
6. In the sultry summer it will bloom -
Calls the bees right away.
round leaves,
Light flowers.
Delicious, sweet is their nectar...
Does anyone recognize the tree? (Linden).
7. What kind of tree is
Treats snowmen?
Snow is standing, frosts are cracking,
Well, the berries are delicious. (Rowan).
6th competition. "Funny Animals"
If you watch animals, you can see a lot of interesting and funny things. And now I invite the teams to portray the animals, so that everyone can guess - WHO IS IT?
1. Crane and heron.
2. Lion and dog.
3. Crow and fox.
4. Three bears.
Teacher: Guys, now, before we hold the next competition, let's see scene "Turnip"
Host: Grandfather planted a turnip. When is she planted? (Children answer: in the spring)
Grandfather: How much time has passed, but it does not grow. Grandma, come help!
Grandmother: Yes, our nurse is small! I'll go and bring some water from the river, water it. (brings red water)
Grandfather: Something strange water. Where did you get it?
Grandmother: In our river. Probably, it is necessary to call the granddaughter, to consult. Granddaughter, come here. Look how beautiful the water is.
Granddaughter: Grandmother, where did you get this water?
Grandmother: In our river.
Granddaughter: What, you! What you! This water cannot be used. The turnip will die immediately. This plant pours out used water. I'm going to fetch water from the spring. (Brings water from a spring, waters, everyone sits near the turnip and waits)
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter sigh: Not growing!
Granddaughter: Bug, come help!
Bug: We need to loosen the earth! (The bug loosens the ground with its paws, throws out cans, bottles)
Bug: Probably, the tourists were resting near our garden. Cat, go home, help! (The bug and the cat loosen the ground and throw out various garbage)
Cat: Wow, tired! Well, tourists. We rested and littered everything around. (The bug and the cat sit down next to the grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter)
All: Grow, turnip, big, big. Now the water is clean and the earth is loose. (The turnip begins to grow)
Mouse: Why don't you call me? Did the turnip grow?
All (in unison): Yes!
Presenter: Grandfather for a turnip, grandmother for grandfather,
Granddaughter for grandmother, Bug for granddaughter,
A cat for a bug, a mouse for a cat,
Pull, pull - and pulled out a turnip.

7th competition. "Sort the trash"
Use the arrows to move the pictures of the objects into the squares with the inscription.
8th competition. "Forest Rules"
You must answer “yes” in chorus and clap your hands.
If you came to the forest for a walk,
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play.
Just don't forget
That you can't make noise in the forest,
Even sing very loudly!
Animals get scared
Run away from the forest edge.
Do not break oak branches, (yes)
And remember more:
Clean up trash from grass! (Yes)
In vain do not tear the flowers! (Yes)
Do not shoot from the slingshot (yeah)
You didn't come to kill!
Let the butterflies fly
Well, who are they bothering?
There is no need to catch everyone here (yeah)
Stomp, clap, beat with a stick. (Yes)
You are just a guest in the forest.
Here the owner is oak and elk.
Save their peace
After all, they are not our enemies.
While the jury is summing up the results, the students perform.
1. Let's be
Be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow
Like the wind with the sea
Grass - with rain,
How the sun is friendly
With all of us!
Let's be
To strive for
To be loved
Both animal and bird.
And they trusted us everywhere
as the most faithful
To my friends!
2. Take care of the earth. take care
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
Sunlight on the paths.
On the stones of a playing crab,
Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,
The hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the river calm,
A swallow flickering in life.
Take care of the earth! Take care!
3. Let's decorate the Earth together,
Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.
Let's respect the Earth together
And treat with tenderness, like a miracle!
We forget that we have only one
Unique, vulnerable, alive.
Beautiful: even summer, even winter ...
We have one, one of a kind!

3. Summing up. Winner's reward ceremony. Medals "Connoisseurs of the surrounding world" are awarded

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