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How to remove the top layer of soil. Chip on the laminate. Repair: how to remove it, how to cover it up, how to seal it

Remove unnecessary ones; and generally speaking, Bad mood, and like a writer tearing paper, you can throw failed layers into the trash.

Removal methods

Method 1 Hotkey

Traditionally, there is nothing simpler than just pressing a keyboard key.

Hotkeys for deleting a layer: Backspace or Delete.

Method 2 Icon on the palette

If in the first case you need to use the keyboard, then in the second method you can click on the button with the drawn basket. It's at the bottom of the Layers palette.

A dialog box will appear asking Photoshop to confirm your decision to delete the layer. Click Yes. If you do not want this window to appear in the future, check the box Don't show again(Don't show again).

Method 3 By dragging to cart

A slightly improved second method - instead of clicking, you should move the layer to a button in the form of a basket. To do this, left-click on the layer and, without releasing the pressed key, drag the layer onto the trash can icon. Release the mouse button when the icon appears slightly pressed.

Method 4 Context menu

Right-click on the layer, not on the part where the thumbnail is shown, but to the right of it. A context menu will appear in which you need to select a command Delete layer.

As in the second case, a dialog box will appear confirming the action (unless, of course, you previously checked the box Don't show again).

Method 5 Main menu

You can also delete using the command in the main menu of Photoshop: Layers - Delete - Layers. And here you will have to confirm your choice in the window.

Method 6 Removing hidden layers

Please note that in the main menu in the tab Delete there is still a team Hidden layers(Hidden Layers). Here we're talking about that by clicking this button, all layers that are disabled will be deleted from the palette (the eye icon to the left of the thumbnail).

Cancel deletion

If you made a mistake and want to delete it, you can do this using the hotkey Ctrl+Z. This operation reverts back your last action in Photoshop. But if you deleted a layer and then did a bunch of other actions, then in this case it will help you. By default, it stores information about the last 15 actions in the program.

Unfortunately, if this was not enough, then it will be impossible to return the layer. Therefore, think carefully before deleting.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

In young people, skin cells are renewed quite often, so the stratum corneum peels off on its own. But with age, all processes slow down, so the process of skin regeneration takes much longer. The stratum corneum becomes thick and is one of the signs of aging. However, to look younger, it can be removed regularly through exfoliation.

What is peeling?

This procedure deep cleansing skin treatment is aimed at exfoliating the stratum corneum of the epidermis using special products, which is extremely important for the health and youth of the skin.

It should be noted that daily cleansing skin with the help of washing it allows the skin to look well-groomed, but does not provide renewal of the epidermis. Meanwhile, between the scales of the stratum corneum of the skin, particles of dirt and dust gradually accumulate, which cannot be removed by simple washing. This is where peeling the stratum corneum comes to the rescue, removing upper layer skin along with particles of dirt and exfoliated cells. The procedure helps make the skin smoother and launch regeneration processes, because renewed skin absorbs much better nutrients creams and masks. The frequency of peeling of keratinized skin areas depends on its type, since the stronger it is, the less often the procedure can be performed.

Mechanical peeling

The simplest and affordable way combating the thickening of the stratum corneum is a mechanical type of peeling, which is carried out using scrubs that exfoliate dead cells and smooth out the skin texture. This type Peeling can be done at home weekly (for dry skin - half as often). It should be remembered that any peeling must be done on previously cleansed skin.

The scrub is rubbed into the moist stratum corneum of the skin with soft in a circular motion, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips. Then the product is thoroughly washed off, lightly patted and applied to the treated area. nutritious cream, driving it in with your fingertips. Never use scrubs on inflamed or diseased skin (pimples, ulcers, pustules, etc.), as their use can only aggravate the problem and lead to complications.

They call it a scrub cosmetic product, which contains various abrasive particles. They can be of different origins and size. Crushed nuts and seeds, sea sand and salt, granulated wax, etc. - all this exfoliates dead skin well. The base of the scrub is usually cream, gel or kaolin ( cosmetic clay). The composition may also include moisturizing and softening components.

Chemical peeling

This common method salon peeling The stratum corneum of the skin is a chemical burn of the epidermis. He has different degrees penetration (deep, medium and superficial) and differs in the type of chemical used.

TCA peeling. Used trichloroacetic acid. The procedure includes three sessions with a break of one month. This removal of the stratum corneum of the skin is carried out in a hospital, since after the procedure quite severe swelling which requires specialist supervision.

Peeling with AHA acids (glycolic or fruitOuch). It is considered more gentle. He doesn't require rehabilitation period, and is quite effective. Glycolic peeling keratinized areas of the skin can be carried out to prevent aging, remove wrinkles, and acne. The procedure is carried out in several sessions with breaks of one to two weeks. The swelling and redness that occurs after removing dead skin disappears after about a day.

Hardware peeling

It has the most powerful effect on the stratum corneum and gives a more powerful rejuvenation effect. Such peels can be used only once every six months or less.

MicrodermabrasionI. It involves treating the epidermis with small aluminum oxide crystals sprayed under pressure. The particles “peel off” the upper stratum corneum of the skin, removing scars and wrinkles. You can make your skin smooth only by completing a course of several procedures.

Uultrasonicand vacuumpilling. Gently exfoliate the thickening of the stratum corneum and stimulate the restoration of skin cells.

Brush peeling. It is done with rotating brushes, which improve blood supply to the skin and “loose” the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Laser skin resurfacing. Most effective method which also allows you to get rid of scars, age spots and wrinkles even near the eyes. However, this procedure to get rid of dead skin cells is carried out in a hospital and requires the use of painkillers and a month-long rehabilitation period.

Cryo-peeling. Removes the stratum corneum of the epidermis using ice or liquid nitrogen. The “cold” burn of the skin obtained during the procedure triggers its restoration mechanisms and stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

We have reviewed the most popular methods that allow you to tone your skin. The choice is yours!

Photoshop has a number of tools whose task is to independently determine the boundaries of selected objects. One such tool is the Magic Eraser. It is available in all versions of Photoshop.

This method is suitable if you need to remove the white background of an image. The eraser does not accept other background fills:

  1. In the Tools panel, open the Rubber Tools tab. Then click on the “Magic Eraser” element;

Rice. 1 - select the “Magic Eraser” tool

  1. Now you should double-click the mouse pointer on a white background open image. The eraser will automatically detect all borders of the background and main photo. Press the Delete key to delete the selected area. In some versions of the Photoshop editor, you just need to click the pointer and the selected area will be deleted automatically.

It is worth noting that in earlier versions of the program, the magic eraser may not perfectly determine the boundaries of an object. In this case, after removing the background, you will need to enlarge the image by 200 percent and use a regular eraser to erase all the errors. In some cases, white pixels that are not part of the background may be removed.

Rice. 2 - the result of using the “Magic Eraser”

As you can see, the eraser removed the part of the sword that was painted white and parts of the costume. This effect can be easily removed. Use the following methods:

  • Open the Magic Eraser options panel. Check the “Adjacent Pixels” (or Contiguous) option. It should be ticked. The presence of this item in the magic eraser settings allows the tool to select and delete only those sets of pixels that touch each other. This way, other elements of the picture will remain intact. To use the tool again, cancel previous result removing the background and using the new eraser settings, remove the background;

Rice. 3 - location of the “Adjacent pixels” parameter

  • Adjust the Tolerance option in the eraser settings. The location of this settings item can be seen above in Figure 3. The higher the value of this item, the greater the likelihood that the eraser will remove more detected background shades. Increase the tolerance parameter and gradually the eraser will stop highlighting the elements of the object in the picture. If for some reason you cannot remove the border using this method, try selecting the “Layer” window in the main menu bar. Then click on “Edge Processing” and select “Remove Border”.

Result of background removal using the described parameters:

Rice. 4 - the result of removing the background with the “Magic Eraser”

Magic wand"

Another popular background removal tool is the Magic Wand. This element can be found in most graphic editors, including Photoshop. To remove won, first open the desired image as new project in Photoshop. Wait for all toolbar items to load. Now select the quick selection option. In the dropdown list you see two available tools. Click on " Magic wand", as shown in Figure 5.

Rice. 5 - location of the “Magic Wand” element

Now all the actions will be the same as if we used the “Magic Eraser”: just move the pointer to the background part of the picture and click on it. Once selected, the background area will have clear boundaries. Press the Backspace button to remove the fragments detected by the wand.

Rice. 6 - the result of selecting an area with the “Magic Wand”

Important! Before you start removing the background with the Magic Wand, make sure you have unlocked the background layer. This is necessary to “unpin” it from the main picture. If a layer is not unlocked, the wand will not be able to select it correctly. Deleting may leave white areas or erase non-background parts of the photo.

To unlock the background, go to the Layers panel. Click on the lock icon to set it to the “Open” position. Only then use the Magic Wand tool.

Fig.6 - detaching the back layer in Photoshop

If the “Magic Eraser” is often used to remove the white background from images, then the “Magic Wand” is more appropriate to use to remove colored parts of the background.

Removing the background inside the picture

Often users need to remove the background, which not only intersects with the boundaries of the main part of the picture, but is also located inside it. This method of background removal is useful if you work with black and white images or scans of drawings.

As a result of removing the background, we should get a completely transparent image, with a clearly defined outline of the car. First you need to create a copy of the blue channel of the image. To do this, press the hotkey combination Ctrl-L. The Levels window will appear. Move the sliders until everything is gray colors began to resemble a black shade as much as possible. That is, all those elements of the outline that we want to leave should be painted black, and all parts of the background that will be deleted should become white.

Rice. 8 - changing image levels parameters

Click on the thumbnail of the channel copy that was created at the very beginning. While clicking, hold down the Ctrl button. As a result, a selected image will appear. Do the inversion by pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift-Ctrl-I. Now press the Backspace button on your keyboard to delete the extra layer. You can create a copy of it by pressing Ctrl-J. After removing the background and adding in its place new texture this is the result:

Rice. 9 - the result of removing the background inside the picture and on the outside

Adding another background

Typically, users remove the background to add one picture to another or to change the background color/texture of a photo. Let's look at how you can change the background of a picture whose previous back layer has been removed.

Add a drawing with a texture and a picture with a removed background to one project:

Rice. 10 - adding pictures to the project

Go to the layers panel and place the structure on top. Set the blending option to Eclipse or Multiply. As you can see, the element appeared on top of the texture, however, some white parts of the image also took on the color of the texture:

Figure 11 - the result of the initial image overlay

Add an additional layer mask to the topmost layer:

Rice. 12 - adding a layer mask

After adding the mask, erase the remaining texture colors from the object using the Brush. The resulting result:

Rice. 13 - result of background replacement

At the salon you have to pay money not only to cover your nails with varnish, but also to remove it. Manicure can also be done at home, but it will require some knowledge and a little more time. No need to apply radical measures, trying to scrape off the coating from the nail plate. This will only lead to its destruction and injury. Gel polish can be removed in other ways, more gentle and gentle.


General principles of nail polish removal

In salons and simply manicurists use it to remove stubborn coatings. special means(removers). It's good if you have the opportunity to purchase this. In this case, the gel polish can be easily removed by following the attached instructions. The risk of damaging the nail plate or causing any difficulties is minimal.

How do masters remove varnish in a salon:

  1. Hand cleansing. It is enough to wash them with soap and wipe dry. Paper towels are usually used.
  2. Cutting off the top layer (top).
  3. Application of the product. You can’t just lubricate the plate with remover. All products evaporate quickly, spread, and have a negative effect on the skin. Therefore, first the master wets special sponges, then they are applied to the gel polish.
  4. Removing varnish. Done in 10-15 minutes. The master removes the sponges and the coating one by one, scraping off the residue with a spatula.
  5. Repeated hand cleansing. Required to remove residues of remover, dust, gel.
  6. Polishing the plate. If after the gel the nails are uneven, matte, and look ugly, then they are treated with a soft buff.

Important! Before application aggressive means On the nails, the skin around them should be lubricated with a rich cream. Otherwise, it will dry out, crack, a burn may occur, or other problems may arise, it all depends on the substance applied.

Video: How to remove gel polish at home

Removing gel polish with a special product at home

To remove gel polish at home, you can also use a remover, follow general instructions. It is advisable to treat your hands one at a time, first completely clean one, then the other. Otherwise, the exposure time of the product may increase, which is not very good and even harmful, since many removers contain toxic substances.

General rules:

  1. It is important to maintain hygiene. You need to wash your hands and sanitize your instruments.
  2. Do not remove the coating mechanically. Since the nail takes a long time to grow, after such manipulations it will take several weeks to restore the plate.
  3. It is undesirable to use sharp metal objects, the tips of files and scissors, or tweezers. It is better to give preference to orange sticks and soft spatulas. Professional craftsmen They also use metal in their work, but they have the experience and necessary knowledge.
  4. Be sure to take care of your nail plate. After the procedure, wash your hands again, apply nourishing cream or special oil, and make a hand bath.

By the way! If there are no special sponges, then you can use ordinary ones. cotton pads, cut into pieces the right size. Usually, after application, they are wrapped in foil, film, or special caps are put on.

Using acetone

One of the most common ways to remove gel polish from nails yourself is to use acetone or a liquid containing it. These solvents are attractive because they are cheap and accessible, but they are very harmful and injure not only the nails, but also the skin around them. When choosing aggressive acetone, you need to work very carefully.

Step-by-step removal technique:

  1. Cut off the top layer for better solvent penetration.
  2. Soak sponges or pieces cotton pads acetone.
  3. Wrap your fingertips cling film or use a bag and an adhesive plaster, food foil.
  4. Leave for 10-12 minutes.
  5. Scrape off any loose polish from the nail plate.

If small pieces of gel polish remain, there is no need to reapply aggressive acetone. Since it hits the cleaned plate, deep damage cannot be avoided. It is better to carefully cut down small remains.

Video: 5 ways to remove gel polish at home

Alcohol vs gel polish

Gel polish coatings are destroyed by heat and become stronger from cold. It is for this reason that alcohol is used for removal. You can try using regular vodka, but the result will be worse. Additionally, you will need food foil to wrap your fingertips. You need to prepare pieces of the required size in advance.

The principle of use is absolutely the same as when removing the gel with acetone: the discs are moistened in alcohol, placed on a plate, and wrapped in foil, but the exposure time increases to 20-25 minutes. Then remove the varnish with a stick and cut off any small remains. If there are a lot of them, then repeat the procedure.

Soaking in nail polish remover

For this method you will need any nail polish remover, often used with the addition of acetone. No film, foil or discs are needed. Just a small container, rich cream and an orange stick.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Lubricate the fingertips to the outer phalanx with a layer rich cream, treat the cuticle, but not the nail. You can use pharmaceutical Vaseline.
  2. Pour nail polish remover into a small bowl. The thickness of the layer is equal to the length of the nails.
  3. Dip your fingertips and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Orange stick scrape and remove the gel layer.

Wash your hands, dry, and polish your nails if necessary.

Using regular varnish

If you urgently need to remove your manicure, but there is nothing suitable at hand, then at home help will come regular varnish. It is a kind of solvent. To avoid staining anything and remove the gel as carefully as possible, it is better to use transparent and light shades. From bright colors stains may remain. Additionally, you will need a glass file, a stick, and napkins.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Use a glass file to grind off the top layer to make it easier for the solvent to work.
  2. Take a lot of varnish onto the brush and apply a thick layer.
  3. Wait a few minutes, but do not let the surface dry out; you can constantly renew it.
  4. Use a stick to remove loose areas of gel.
  5. Reapply regular varnish. Carry out the procedure until the nails are completely clean.

Not all gel polishes can be dissolved using this method; for some it will be powerless. Another disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time; it may even take more than one hour.

Filing off gel polish

Many people consider filing off the coating to be one of the gentlest ways to remove the coating of gel polish and shellac, since no aggressive components are used. In fact, this method is gentle only in the hands of a master. At home, people often make mistakes that lead to cracks, splitting and destruction of the nail. You can remove the layer special apparatus(with a milling cutter) or a regular file. For beginners, it is advisable to choose the second option, even if it is more time-consuming.

How to file off gel polish correctly:

  1. Wash your hands, dry your skin and nails.
  2. Use an orange stick to push back the cuticle. This will help avoid damage.
  3. Use a large file (100/100 grit) to go over all surfaces, carefully removing the top colored layer of gel polish.
  4. Take a file with a fine abrasive (180/150 grit) and carefully remove the residue. It is better not to finish the transparent base layer a little than to overdo it. After finishing sanding, nothing will be noticeable.

By the way! It is easier to cut down the layer with your leading hand, often the right one. Therefore, when it comes to working with your left hand, it is better to move your finger, not the file. This makes it easier to control the pressure and depth of impact.

It is important to have good lighting when working. After removing the varnish, it is advisable to restorative procedures which will help nails tired of gel get well-groomed appearance. You can simply rub in heated oil, then polish the plate with a piece of suede.

Often, as a result of long-term use of laminate flooring, chips are formed that are visible on its surface, which require timely and high-quality repairs.

Read more:

And although chips on laminated flooring are not a new problem, few people know how to deal with it. This article is devoted to how to repair damaged coating.

Still, you first need to consider the relevant reasons why chipping occurs on a laminated coating. This will help you prevent such a chip from forming again.

Reasons for chipping on laminate flooring

There may be several reasons why the material chipped, and not all of them are caused by the influence of the human factor.

The main causes of chipping are:

  • Poor quality material from which the coating is made;
  • Use of depreciated equipment in the production process;
  • Low professional specialization of the manufacturer;
  • Poor quality coating base;
  • Poor quality top protective layer of lamellas.

Important! Most of the reasons for the chipping of part of the laminated coating are associated precisely with mistakes by the manufacturer or the people responsible for installing the coating, including during the installation of laminate baseboards.

Low-quality base for the decorative part of the laminate is a common problem among the modern offerings on the flooring market. There are a lot of manufacturers, and some of them strive to reduce the cost of manufactured products by reducing the quality of the materials used.

Modern ideas about repairing chips on laminate flooring involve the need to dismantle the part of the coating that needs to be replaced, and problems may arise with adjacent parts, which can also be damaged during dismantling.

In general, this procedure is labor intensive. What to do in such a situation?

Laminate chip repair

Do not dismantle or replace damaged parts of the decking The best decision, but on the other hand, I also don’t want to observe pronounced deformation of the coating every day. Therefore, you can resort to local repair of the chip.

To eliminate this problem, special means have been created to get rid of the source of difficulties and hide this drawback of a laminate made of low-quality material. With proper and timely use of these products, chip repair can be carried out without difficulty.

How can I repair a chip?

Putties. The use of this product is the most common method of combating chipping and restoring lamellas. Firstly, this tool is affordable, and secondly, it copes quite effectively with eliminating defects of any complexity.

Helpful information! Putty for laminate allows you to ensure additional protection laminate from dust, moisture and dirt, and its a wide range of, presented on the market, will allow you to most accurately match the color to the original coating.

Mixtures of building gypsum and sawdust. This is also one of the most accessible and popular methods in everyday practice. A paste-like mixture is obtained, which fills the chipped space, by mixing sawdust and gypsum in equal proportions in water. When the damage has penetrated the laminate too deeply, the right thing to do is to use wood chips to reduce the depth of the chip, and then fill the remaining void with a mixture.

Acrylic sealant. This tool is essentially the functional equivalent of the previous version, but does not require homemade and is sold in any hardware store. Usually the sealant is white, after applying it and leveling it under the floor surface, it is painted over using a colored pencil that conveys the shade of the floor covering as closely as possible.

Helpful information! To apply the sealant, use a rubber or plastic spatula. It is important to know that when the sealant dries, it shrinks somewhat, so repairs using this product require several approaches. If the damage is deep, up to 4 approaches may be required to fill the void with sealant.

How to remove a chip on laminate flooring?

Wax chalk. An affordable and cheap option that involves purchasing a wax chalk that is similar in color to or copies the color of the laminate. Removing a chip with a chalk is very quick and simple: first heat the chalk until it becomes plastic (you can use an open fire), then place it in the recess at the chip site, and then level it and remove the excess with a knife or spatula.

Polyester resin and epoxy resin . Resin is one of the highest quality options for “reviving” the original appearance of the floor. The product is suitable even when the floor is already so badly damaged that it seems necessary to dismantle the entire flooring, however, it is enough to simply cut out the damaged piece of laminate and replace it with a new one set on resin.

Retouching marker. Retouching is suitable when the chip is not particularly localized. It perfectly conveys the tone of wood due to the alcohol resin contained in its composition, and also allows you to preserve the natural appearance of the restored floor fragment.

Helpful information! The results from using the retouching marker are amazing, and all the instructions for using it are described in detail on the packaging.

How to cover up chips on laminate flooring?

After filling the chip with the necessary substance, a surface application of protective substances and varnish should be made, since the original protective and varnished layer has been lost.

Mastic for wood. It perfectly covers damage of any size and is also most accurately compared to the floor, but you need to know that, unlike putty, it dries within 8 hours. And only after this time can you begin to grind the surface using fine-grained sandpaper, you should bend it in half and grind it with the resulting edge. Don't forget that the nearby floor is vulnerable to abrasives, so be careful not to snag it while sanding.

Use a varnish that matches the color of the lamellas to paint over the resulting area after repair.

Important! You should not be afraid to repair damaged slats. If you're not sure, practice in areas that are out of sight, such as under a sofa or closet. Try several methods and choose the one that works best.

Delay in repairing a chip can result in unpleasant consequences, including a damaged part of the flooring and an increase in the size of the chip. Try to carry out repairs as quickly as possible.

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