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Golden moods for money and financial well-being (10 pages). To develop kindness, generosity, the ability to forgive. If there is a big mental load

MAGIC GOLD SETTINGS FOR MONEY HOW TO READ SETTINGS: Attunements can be read anytime and anywhere, and at least every day aloud, in a low voice or in a whisper. It is better, of course, to read aloud so that sound vibrations are radiated into space. If this is unacceptable for some reason, read to yourself. There is no need to hurry. Each mood is better to read 3-5 times in a row. After repeating each phrase three times, take a break for a few seconds. But not for relaxation! This interval is very important! It must be filled either with the contemplation of a special energetically saturated object, or with special breathing exercises, or with visualization. You don’t need to read a lot of moods in one day. TO GET LIFE'S NEEDED BENEFITS I am a wonderful person. I deserve all the best in life. I deserve prosperity. I'm fine. My business is flourishing. My life is getting better. I am very optimistic, positive now, because I know that my financial situation is already improving. I have every right to flourish. I trust the world in which I live. This world is kind to me, it takes care of me. I open up to the world and let it take care of me. I take care. I am now letting the blessings of life that I need into my life. I welcome them with joy and delight! The blessings I need come into my life in a continuous stream. I am happy to open doors for them! As soon as I have some kind of material need, it is immediately satisfied. The necessary things, the money themselves go into my hands. I keep getting what I need! New and new sources of financial and material income are opening up for me. My life becomes abundant! For me, this is normal and natural. I gladly let wealth, abundance, material well-being into my life! TO ATTRACT SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL INCOMES Now I am connecting to the most powerful source of monetary energy. This source is inexhaustible, infinite. I am gaining strength to connect to this source. His energies are streaming towards me in powerful currents, coming into my life. I am open, I am ready to perceive these energies. I am a strong person, and I can handle the strongest energies in my life! I feel these living, powerful currents with my whole being. I am happy to open doors for them! I express my firm intention to start receiving significant sums of money. I deserve it. I'm ready for it. I calmly and easily open to cash flow. I am bathed in a powerful stream of abundance! He lightly, festively, joyfully breaks into my life and instantly transforms it for the better! Now only the best comes to me. My life is overflowing with abundance. Cash flows never dry up, but become more powerful and richer day by day. I enjoy the high level of my income. My life is rich and wonderful. TO WEALTH I live in a world of abundance. There is something here for everyone! There is enough wealth here for me. Wealth is a natural law of nature. Being rich for me is as simple and natural as breathing. I relax - and breathe easily, joyfully, enjoying the simple fact that I live. Just as easily, with pleasure, I open myself to the wealth of the world. Everything that is best in the world is for me! I am grateful to the world for the fact that he has in store for me many of his gifts. Now my hour has come - I am ready to accept these gifts! I accept them with joy and gratitude. Wealth enters my life simply and naturally. Sources of income arise by themselves. Generous gifts come to me from everywhere. Abundance just falls on me from the sky! Life showers me with its blessings - and I get all this in full right! So it should be, everything is right, wealth is for me! I don't worry about anything. I just enjoy life. Life is beautiful and abundant! I am rich and happy! TO FIND NEW MONEY GAINING OPPORTUNITIES The energies around me are in full swing. The energy, the power of the world in which I live, never dries up. I am a part of this world, and I am now in the very center of powerful energy flows! They wash me from all sides, they permeate me and my life through and through, and I am saturated with new forces! As an underground river necessarily breaks out, so a new financial flow bursts into my life! As a spring springs from under the ground, so new monetary energies make their way to me! As if to a healing source, I now fall down to a gushing and sparkling energy flow! He made his way to me despite all the obstacles. I have found a powerful source of monetary energy and, like a thirsty in the desert, I fall to it to quench my thirst, to fully satisfy my financial needs. The monetary energy of this source is abundant, inexhaustible! There is as much of it as I need, and even more! Enough for everything I need, and more to come! I enjoy how wise the world is. If one source disappears, another immediately appears. Money energies in my life never run out! OUT OF POVERTY Now I finally let go of the past. It no longer has power over me. Everything that prevented money from entering my life remains in the past and leaves my life forever. Now I am completely free of fears, worries, insecurities. I boldly open to a new life. I am confident and I know that I can get everything I need. My self-esteem increases. I was rightfully born and live in this world and have the right to all the riches of this world. Now I am tuned in to the wave of monetary energies. They are near, they are close, now I feel them very well. I draw them into my life - with my will, with my increased strength, with my powerful intention. Cash flow paths now run through my life! I tune into their vibrations and gladly accept them! I attract monetary energies to myself and, saying goodbye to the past, create for myself a rich, abundant present and future! My life is improving day by day. Every day the source of my well-being is strengthened. Now my financial well-being is in my hands. It depends on me. And I voluntarily create for myself a prosperous, financially secure life! Money is entering my life right now. And I accept them with gratitude and joy! TO ENSURE FINANCIAL STABILITY FOR LONG YEARS Powerful light energies touch me, saturate me with their power, enter my life. I let in a powerful, bright energy flow that brings happiness, well-being, a charge of strength, joy, optimism, new opportunities. I bathe in this powerful energy flow. He is like a wide, full-flowing river, the water in which never dries up. A wide, full-flowing river powerfully, evenly, calmly carries its waters. This is the river of my well-being, my financial stability. I can fall into its deep, clean, transparent waters at any moment. Nothing will ever make this river run dry! My cash flow is so strong and stable that no power in the world can drain it! The more I take energy from this stream, the more it arrives there. I boldly, confidently take as much as I need! I receive - and I spend, without fear and doubt, with full confidence that much more will come to me than I spent! It’s like I’m on the bank of a powerful, wide, deep river, which always, no matter what happens, splashes at my feet and generously shares its water. At any time I can take as much as I need. A full-flowing river of monetary energies is always with me. Any amount of money is always available to me. Money comes and comes! So it is now and so it will always be. TO GET MATERIAL SUPPORT IN A DIFFICULT SITUATION I relax and calm down. I have nothing to fear, because the energies of the world are already ready to come to my aid. The world in which I live is kind to me and reasonable. Everything that is happening to me right now is happening for my good. So it is necessary that I find new opportunities, new strengths. New energies are already entering my life. And I become a strong, confident, calm person, able to easily accept these new energies. Difficulties are temporary. They are going away. And now I have enough strength to defeat them. I firmly know that I will solve all problems. I attract the energies necessary for this. Right now, the source of monetary energy necessary for me is being born. Right now the world is sending me their help and support. I thank the energies of the world for the fact that they are already in a hurry to help me! I open myself to the flow of money and accept it. I know for sure, he comes exactly at the moment when I need it. I drive away all doubts. I know for sure that help is coming! I mobilize all my strength for success. I deserve help, support, success. I deserve to win! IN ORDER TO PAY OFF DEBTS QUICKLY I release all worries, worries, stresses from myself. The tension is gone. Peace and confidence come to me. I am calm, I am balanced. I firmly know that my problems are already being solved. I relax and let go of my current situation. I look at what is happening as if from the side. I know for sure that there is not even one, but many ways out of this situation. Relaxed and calm, I find these exits. I know for sure that I have real opportunities right now to find a decent way to get the money I need. I am filled with peace, confidence - and the energy that attracts money enters me. This powerful flow inside me spirals and begins to attract monetary energy. I myself turn into a magnet for money! I attract the amount I need. She really exists, she is very close to me. Money is attracted to me easily and simply, like iron filings to a powerful magnet. I relax and just let them be attracted. It's very simple and easy. I completely calm down and allow the amount I need to come into my life. I reach out and I get the money I need. It happens as if by itself, without effort. I am absolutely sure of success. The situation is already resolved in my favor. I have all the power to do this. I get everything right! (From the book "Golden moods for money and financial well-being" by Andrey Levshinov)

Words don't describe the world, they write it. But one point should be taken into account here. Our speech is not only what we say out loud, but also what we say to ourselves. And even our unintentional phrases have a significant impact on us. Since the language is primary, and the situation is only a consequence, by making certain adjustments to our own vocabulary, we automatically correct the context of our circumstances.

How to read settings. Attunements, unlike conspiracies, can be read anytime and anywhere, and at least every day. Read aloud only when you are alone with yourself. In all other cases - about yourself. Each mood is better to read 3-5 times in a row. You don’t need to read a lot of moods in one day. Limit yourself to one or two. Attunements are best read in Money Days.

Among the favorable days, there are special days when the energy of abundance spilled in space is activated, begins to boil, and it becomes easy to attract money. There are only two or three such magical days in a month. It was believed that these days money is attracted only by cutting the hair on the head, through which energy exchange with the Cosmos takes place. It turns out that moods are also “sensitive” to these days and capture the energy of money hovering in space no worse than hair. Setting up to attract money on such days is super effective!

Favorable days for the 1st quarter of 2013:

January -4.15

February - 2.23

March - 15.25

Get ready to get out of poverty.

“Now I finally let go of the past. It no longer has power over me. Everything that prevented money from entering my life remains in the past and leaves my life forever. Now I am completely free of fears, worries, insecurities. I boldly open to a new life. I am confident and I know that I can get everything I need. My self-esteem increases. I was fully born and live in this world, and I have the right to all the riches of this world. Now I am tuned in to the wave of monetary energies. They are near, they are close, now I feel them very well. I draw them into my life - with my will, with my increased strength, with my powerful intention. Cash flow paths now run through my life! I tune in to their vibrations and gladly accept them! I attract monetary energies to myself, and, saying goodbye to the past, I create for myself a rich, abundant present and future! My life is improving day by day. Every day the source of my well-being is strengthened. Now my financial well-being is in my hands. It depends on me. And I voluntarily create for myself a prosperous, financially secure life! Money is entering my life right now. And I accept them with gratitude and joy!”

“I let go of all the worries, worries, stresses. The tension is gone. Peace and confidence come to me. I am calm, I am balanced. I firmly know that my problems are already being solved. I relax and let go of my current situation. I look at what is happening as if from the outside. I know for sure that there is not even one, but many ways out of this situation. Having relaxed and calmed down, I find these exits. I know for sure that I have real opportunities right now to find a worthy way to get the money I need. I am filled with peace, confidence - and the energy that attracts money enters me. This powerful flow inside me spirals and begins to attract monetary energy. I myself turn into a magnet for money! I attract the amount I need. She really exists, she is very close to me. Money is attracted to me easily and simply, like iron filings to a powerful magnet. I relax and just let them be attracted. It's very simple and easy. I completely calm down, And allow the amount I need to come into my life. I reach out and I get the money I need. It happens as if by itself, without effort. I am absolutely sure of success. The situation is already resolved in my favor. I have all the power to do this. Everything works out the way it should!”

To get support in a difficult situation.

“I relax and calm down. I have nothing to fear, because the energies of the world are already ready to come to my aid. The world in which I live is kind to me and reasonable. Everything that is happening to me right now is happening for my good. So it is necessary that I find new opportunities, new strengths. New energies are already entering my life. And I become a strong, confident, calm person, able to easily accept these new energies. Difficulties are temporary. They are going away. And now I have enough strength to defeat them. I firmly know that I will solve all problems. I attract the energies necessary for this. Right now, the source of monetary energy necessary for me is being born. Right now the world is sending me their help and support. I thank the energies of the world for the fact that they are already in a hurry to help me! I open myself up to the cash flow and accept it. I know for sure that it comes exactly at the moment when I need it. I drive away all doubts. I know for sure that help is coming! I mobilize all my strength for success. I deserve help, support, success. I deserve to win!

SET UP to attract significant financial returns.

“Now I am connecting to the most powerful source of monetary energy. This source is inexhaustible, infinite. I am gaining strength to connect to this source. His energies are streaming towards me in powerful currents, coming into my life. I am open, I am ready to perceive these energies. I am a strong person, and I can handle the strongest energies in my life! I feel these living, powerful currents with my whole being. I am happy to open doors for them. I express my firm intention to start receiving significant sums of money. I deserve it. I'm ready for it. I calmly and easily open to cash flow. I am bathed in a powerful flow of abundance. He lightly, festively, joyfully breaks into my life and instantly transforms it for the better! Now only the best comes to me. My life is overflowing with abundance. Cash flows never dry up, but become more powerful and richer day by day. I enjoy a high level of my income. My life is abundant and beautiful.”

CUSTOMIZE to find new money making opportunities.

“The energies around me are surging. The energy, the power of the world in which I live, never dries up. I am a part of this world, and I am now in the very center of powerful energy flows! They wash me from all sides, they permeate me and my life through and through, and I am saturated with new forces! As a spring springs from under the ground, so new monetary energies make their way to me! As if to a healing source, I now fall down to a gushing and sparkling energy flow! He made his way to me despite all the obstacles. I found a powerful source of monetary energy, and, like a thirsty one in the desert, I fall to him to quench my thirst, to fully satisfy my financial needs. The monetary energy of this source is abundant, inexhaustible! There is as much of it as I need, and more to come! I enjoy how wisely the world works! If one source disappears, another immediately appears. Monetary energies in my life never dry up!”

Set up to get what you want.

“I deserve to buy exactly the thing that I like. This thing was made for me. She walks into my arms. I have the necessary energy, all the strength and ability to attract this thing into my life. I have every right to receive it. For me it's easy. I always get what I need. The world I live in is abundant. All my needs are met. All my tasks are solved. All my desires are fulfilled.

I don't need to limit myself to anything. In a world full of abundance, there are no and cannot be restrictions! I deserve all the best. And I get it. I'm happy that I can get exactly what I need! My wealth is growing day by day. I just need to want - and I get the thing I need. I rightfully own the most beautiful things! They surround me from all sides. I enjoy wealth, abundance.

I thank life for its generosity to me.

From the book "Golden moods for money and financial well-being" by Andrey Levshin.

Attunements, unlike conspiracies, can be read at any time and in any place, and at least every day aloud, in an undertone or in a whisper. It is better, of course, to read aloud so that sound vibrations are radiated into space. If this is unacceptable for some reason, read to yourself. There is no need to hurry.

Each mood is better to read 3-5 times in a row. After repeating each phrase three times, take a break for a few seconds. But not for relaxation! This interval is very important! It must be filled either with the contemplation of a special energetically saturated object, or with special breathing exercises, or with visualization. You don’t need to read a lot of moods in one day.

Set yourself up for wealth and financial well-being

To get the necessary benefits of life

I am a wonderful person. I deserve all the best in life. I deserve prosperity. I'm fine. My business is flourishing. My life is getting better. I am very optimistic, positive now, because I know that my financial situation is already improving. I have every right to flourish. I trust the world in which I live. This world is kind to me, it takes care of me. I open up to the world and let it take care of me. I take care. I am now letting the blessings of life that I need into my life. I welcome them with joy and delight! The blessings I need come into my life in a continuous stream. I am happy to open doors for them! As soon as I have some kind of material need, it is immediately satisfied. The necessary things, the money themselves go into my hands. I keep getting what I need! New and new sources of financial and material income are opening up for me. My life becomes abundant! For me, this is normal and natural. I gladly let wealth, abundance, material well-being into my life!

To attract significant financial income

Now I am connecting to the most powerful source of monetary energy. This source is inexhaustible, infinite. I am gaining strength to connect to this source. His energies are streaming towards me in powerful currents, coming into my life. I am open, I am ready to perceive these energies. I am a strong person, and I can handle the strongest energies in my life! I feel these living, powerful currents with my whole being. I am happy to open doors for them! I express my firm intention to start receiving significant sums of money. I deserve it. I'm ready for it. I calmly and easily open to cash flow. I am bathed in a powerful stream of abundance! He lightly, festively, joyfully breaks into my life and instantly transforms it for the better! Now only the best comes to me. My life is overflowing with abundance. Cash flows never dry up, but become more powerful and richer day by day. I enjoy the high level of my income. My life is rich and wonderful.

For wealth

I live in a world of abundance. There is something here for everyone! There is enough wealth here for me. Wealth is a natural law of nature. Being rich for me is as simple and natural as breathing. I relax - and breathe easily, joyfully, enjoying the simple fact that I live. Just as easily, with pleasure, I open myself to the wealth of the world. Everything that is best in the world is for me! I am grateful to the world for the fact that he has in store for me many of his gifts. Now my hour has come - I am ready to accept these gifts! I accept them with joy and gratitude. Wealth enters my life simply and naturally. Sources of income arise by themselves. Generous gifts come to me from everywhere. Abundance just falls on me from the sky! Life showers me with its blessings - and I get all this in full right! So it should be, everything is right, wealth is for me! I don't worry about anything. I just enjoy life. Life is beautiful and abundant! I am rich and happy!

To find new money making opportunities

The energies around me are surging. The energy, the power of the world in which I live, never dries up. I am a part of this world, and I am now in the very center of powerful energy flows! They wash me from all sides, they permeate me and my life through and through, and I am saturated with new forces! As an underground river necessarily breaks out, so a new financial flow bursts into my life! As a spring springs from under the ground, so new monetary energies make their way to me! As if to a healing source, I now fall down to a gushing and sparkling energy flow! He made his way to me despite all the obstacles. I have found a powerful source of monetary energy and, like a thirsty in the desert, I fall to it to quench my thirst, to fully satisfy my financial needs. The monetary energy of this source is abundant, inexhaustible! There is as much of it as I need, and even more! Enough for everything I need, and more to come! I enjoy how wise the world is. If one source disappears, another immediately appears. Money energies in my life never run out!

Out of poverty

Now I finally let go of the past. It no longer has power over me. Everything that prevented money from entering my life remains in the past and leaves my life forever. Now I am completely free of fears, worries, insecurities. I boldly open to a new life. I am confident and I know that I can get everything I need. My self-esteem increases. I was rightfully born and live in this world and have the right to all the riches of this world. Now I am tuned in to the wave of monetary energies. They are near, they are close, now I feel them very well. I draw them into my life - with my will, with my increased strength, with my powerful intention. Cash flow paths now run through my life! I tune into their vibrations and gladly accept them! I attract monetary energies to myself and, saying goodbye to the past, create for myself a rich, abundant present and future! My life is improving day by day. Every day the source of my well-being is strengthened. Now my financial well-being is in my hands. It depends on me. And I voluntarily create for myself a prosperous, financially secure life! Money is entering my life right now. And I accept them with gratitude and joy!

To ensure financial stability for years to come

Powerful light energies touch me, saturate me with their power, enter my life. I let in a powerful, bright energy flow that brings happiness, well-being, a charge of strength, joy, optimism, new opportunities. I bathe in this powerful energy flow. He is like a wide, full-flowing river, the water in which never dries up. A wide, full-flowing river powerfully, evenly, calmly carries its waters. This is the river of my well-being, my financial stability. I can fall into its deep, clean, transparent waters at any moment. Nothing will ever make this river run dry! My cash flow is so strong and stable that no power in the world can drain it! The more I take energy from this stream, the more it arrives there. I boldly, confidently take as much as I need! I receive - and I spend, without fear and doubt, with full confidence that much more will come to me than I spent! It’s like I’m on the bank of a powerful, wide, deep river, which always, no matter what happens, splashes at my feet and generously shares its water. At any time I can take as much as I need. A full-flowing river of monetary energies is always with me. Any amount of money is always available to me. Money comes and comes! So it is now and so it will always be.

To get financial support in a difficult situation

I relax and calm down. I have nothing to fear, because the energies of the world are already ready to come to my aid. The world in which I live is kind to me and reasonable. Everything that is happening to me right now is happening for my good. So it is necessary that I find new opportunities, new strengths. New energies are already entering my life. And I become a strong, confident, calm person, able to easily accept these new energies. Difficulties are temporary. They are going away. And now I have enough strength to defeat them. I firmly know that I will solve all problems. I attract the energies necessary for this. Right now, the source of monetary energy necessary for me is being born. Right now the world is sending me their help and support. I thank the energies of the world for the fact that they are already in a hurry to help me! I open myself to the flow of money and accept it. I know for sure, he comes exactly at the moment when I need it. I drive away all doubts. I know for sure that help is coming! I mobilize all my strength for success. I deserve help, support, success. I deserve to win!

I let go of all the worries, worries, stresses. The tension is gone. Peace and confidence come to me. I am calm, I am balanced. I firmly know that my problems are already being solved. I relax and let go of my current situation. I look at what is happening as if from the side. I know for sure that there is not even one, but many ways out of this situation. Relaxed and calm, I find these exits. I know for sure that I have real opportunities right now to find a decent way to get the money I need. I am filled with peace, confidence - and the energy that attracts money enters me. This powerful flow inside me spirals and begins to attract monetary energy. I myself turn into a magnet for money! I attract the amount I need. She really exists, she is very close to me. Money is attracted to me easily and simply, like iron filings to a powerful magnet. I relax and just let them be attracted. It's very simple and easy. I completely calm down and allow the amount I need to come into my life. I reach out and I get the money I need. It happens as if by itself, without effort. I am absolutely sure of success. The situation is already resolved in my favor. I have all the power to do this. I get everything right!

A small preface.

Question 1. Why does what happens to me happen to me?

Answer: - What is happening to me is happening in absolutely

Exact and strict compliance with what and how I say.

Question 2. Why does what happens to me happen exactly

With me?

Answer: - Because I'm the one who says it.

Question 3. Can I change what happens to me if

I don't like what's happening to me?

Answer: - Insofar as what happens to me depends on

What I say, if I change my speech

What is happening will also change.

That is, words do not describe the world, they write it.

But one point should be taken into account here. Our speech is not only

what we say out loud, but also what we say to ourselves.

And even our unintentional phrases have a significant effect on us.


Since the language is primary, and the situation is only a consequence,

then, making certain adjustments to their own vocabulary,

we automatically adjust the context of our circumstances as well.

E. Tsvetkov. "Psychoactive Dictionary".

From the book by A. Levshinov "Conspiracies of the Karelian healer and Andrey Levshinov's attitudes."

h How are moods fundamentally different from affirmations? The fact that they do not interfere with consciousness! They do not give rigid instructions and do not program the psyche. Attunements awaken, open and activate the energy of a person.

We call to life our inner energy potential and direct it to solving current problems. In addition, moods, unlike incantations and affirmations, are more plastic in terms of language. If you rearrange the words or forget a word, nothing bad will happen. The special verbal formula by which the mood was created, and its internal energy will remain unchanged. Even if you replace the words inside this formula with others that are appropriate in meaning (if, for example, you forgot the exact word).

My moods are universal: they take into account not only the eternal needs of people that are relevant at all times, but also modern problems, unknown to our ancestors - the compilers of ancient conspiracies. And they help at any time - both in "peaceful" and in times of crisis.

Settings, unlike conspiracies, can be read at any time

and anywhere, and at least every day. Read aloud only when

when you are alone. In all other cases - about yourself.

You don’t need to read a lot of moods in one day.

Limit yourself to one or two. The settings are best read in

"money days" -

Get ready to get out of poverty.

“Now I finally let go of the past. It no longer has power over me. Everything that prevented money from entering my life remains in the past and leaves my life forever. Now I am completely free of fears, worries, insecurities. I boldly open to a new life. I am confident in myself and know that I can get everything I need. My self-esteem increases. I was fully born and live in this world, and I have the right to all the riches of this world. Now I am tuned in to the wave of monetary energies. They are near, they are close, now I feel them very well. I draw them into my life - with my will, with my increased strength, with my powerful intention. Cash flow paths are now running through my life! I tune in to their vibrations and gladly accept them! I attract monetary energies to myself, and, saying goodbye to the past, I create for myself a rich, abundant present and future! My life is improving day by day. Every day the source of my well-being is strengthened. Now my financial well-being is in my hands. It depends on me. And I voluntarily create for myself a prosperous, financially secure life! Money is entering my life right now. And I accept them with gratitude and joy!”

“I let go of all the worries, worries, stresses. The tension is gone. Peace and confidence come to me. I am calm, I am balanced. I firmly know that my problems are already being solved. I relax and let go of my current situation. I look at what is happening as if from the outside. I know for sure that there is not even one, but many ways out of this situation. Having relaxed and calmed down, I find these exits. I know for sure that I have real opportunities right now to find a worthy way to get the money I need. I am filled with peace, confidence - and the energy that attracts money enters me. This powerful flow inside me spirals and begins to attract monetary energy. I myself turn into a magnet for money! I attract the amount I need. She really exists, she is very close to me. Money is attracted to me easily and simply, like iron filings to a powerful magnet. I relax and just let them be attracted. It's very simple and easy. I completely calm down, And allow the amount I need to come into my life. I reach out and I get the money I need. It happens as if by itself, without effort. I am absolutely sure of success. The situation is already resolved in my favor. I have all the power to do this. Everything works out the way it should!”

To get support in a difficult situation.

“I relax and calm down. I have nothing to fear, because the energies of the world are already ready to come to my aid. The world in which I live is kind to me and reasonable. Everything that is happening to me right now is happening for my good. So it is necessary that I find new opportunities, new strengths. New energies are already entering my life. And I become a strong, confident, calm person, able to easily accept these new energies. Difficulties are temporary. They are going away. And now I have enough strength to defeat them. I firmly know that I will solve all problems. I attract the energies necessary for this. Right now, the source of monetary energy necessary for me is being born. Right now the world is sending me their help and support. I thank the energies of the world for the fact that they are already in a hurry to help me! I open myself up to the cash flow and accept it. I know for sure that it comes exactly at the moment when I need it. I drive away all doubts. I know for sure: help is coming! I will mobilize all my strength for success. I deserve help, support, success. I deserve to win!

SET UP to attract significant financial returns .

“Now I am connecting to the most powerful source of monetary energy. This source is inexhaustible, endless. I am gaining strength to connect to this source. His energies are streaming towards me in powerful currents, coming into my life. I am open, I am ready to perceive these energies. I am a strong person, and I can handle the strongest energies in my life! I feel these living, powerful currents with my whole being. I am happy to open doors for them. I express my firm intention to start receiving significant sums of money. I deserve it. I'm ready for it. I calmly and easily open to cash flow. I am bathed in a powerful flow of abundance. He lightly, festively, joyfully bursts into my life and instantly transforms it for the better! Now everything comes to me only the best. My life is overflowing with abundance. Cash flows never dry up, but become more powerful and richer day by day. I enjoy a high level of my income. My life is abundant and beautiful.”

CUSTOMIZE to find new money making opportunities.

“The energies around me are surging. The energy, the power of the world in which I live, never dries up. I am a part of this world, and I am now in the very center of powerful energy flows! They wash me from all sides, they permeate me and my life through and through, and I am saturated with new forces! new monetary energies are breaking through! As if to a healing source, I now fall down to a gushing and sparkling energy flow! He made his way to me despite all the obstacles. measure. The monetary energy of this source is abundant, inexhaustible! There is as much of it as I need, and more to come! I enjoy how wisely the world works! If one source disappears, another immediately appears. Monetary energies in my life never dry up!”

Set up to get what you want.

“I deserve to buy exactly the thing that I like. This thing was made for me. She walks into my arms. I have the necessary energy, all the strength and ability to attract this thing into my life. I have every right to receive it. For me it's easy. I always get what I need. The world I live in is abundant. All my needs are met. All my tasks are solved. All my desires are fulfilled.

I don't need to limit myself to anything. In a world full of abundance, there are no and cannot be restrictions! I deserve all the best. And I get it. I'm happy that I can get exactly what I need! My wealth is growing day by day. I just need to want - and I get the thing I need. I rightfully own the most beautiful things! They surround me from all sides. I enjoy wealth, abundance. I thank life for its generosity to me.

To find a new job.

“A powerful charge of energy is awakening in me now. It is energy focused on action. Energy awakens, and begins to beat with a powerful key, like a spring from the earth. Energy fills me completely, powerful streams of energy move throughout my body.

Energy fills me from the inside, goes out, and envelops me in a luminous cocoon. I am full of energy inside and out! Now I am a strong, confident, energetic person.

Now everything is in my hands. I myself, with my own hands, can build my life.

I take control of my life! I build my life the way I want to see it.

I direct my path in the direction that I need. I go where joy, success, job satisfaction, high level of well-being await me.

My energy paves a bright, joyful path for me! This path is open to me, it is meant only for me. There are no obstacles, there are only open doors.

I go where a straight road has already been laid for me. I go where the door is open, behind which a new, successful, happy life immediately begins!

I deserve to do what brings me joy. I deserve a high level of payment for my work.

I deserve to realize all my best opportunities and abilities. Such work exists. She is waiting for me, and only me.

It is meant only for me. I easily and simply find the job that I need. I turn on all my energy and act!

I open the door I need and find the most suitable job for me. I'm confident! I rejoice! I have success!

From the book by N. Vladimirova "Magic conspiracies for wealth and happiness."

“My financial situation is improving every day. My income is growing daily. I have a high paying job. I associate with people who are rich, powerful and successful. Wherever I am, whatever I do, whatever happens around, everything brings me success, health and prosperity. My family and I are always in a safe area. Guardian angels help us in everything. Life is Beautiful".

From R. Blavo's book "The Conspiracies of the White Witch and the Attitudes of Roushel Blavo" .

Setting yourself up for long-term financial well-being .

It is necessary to pronounce the mood out loud, loudly and energetically, three, seven, nine times in a row.

To enhance the effect of moods, you can do the following: put your hands in front of you with your palms up and imagine that a powerful stream of golden color is flowing into them from above. In this stream, you can also visualize gold coins or banknotes flying towards you.

“The world is full of abundance! There is a source of abundance in the world and for me. I deserve to receive from this inexhaustible source everything that I need! Being rich is wonderful! The Universe itself is Rich! Nature is rich! The world around us is immeasurably rich. I am part of a beautiful, generous, rich world! That's why I'm rich! I open myself to the flow of wealth that is rushing towards me! I bathe in this stream, enjoy it! I rightfully receive the material well-being worthy of me! Life is immensely kind to me. As a gift from her, I receive endless wealth! Abundance comes into my life easily and freely. I open my heart and soul to accept it with joy and gratitude. I thank life for being so generous to me! I handle money easily and freely. I fearlessly part with them, because I know for sure: to replace what is gone, new, even greater wealth instantly comes! I know that the source of my material well-being will never dry up! At the right time, the blessings I need always come to me. I always get as much as I need. Money comes and goes, but the flow never ends! Day by day the flow is getting stronger and stronger. I deserve to be a wealthy, rich man! I am rich, I am happy! So it is now, and so it will always be!

The main mood is to attract good luck in business.

"Thank you life, for this wonderful new day! I am happy that I live on Earth! This amazing day has come to multiply my joy, to bring me many new happy opportunities! There are so many good things in life! And all this is good, all the best the best in this world is for me! I am absolutely sure that life is kind to me. I am immensely grateful to life for the good that it brings me every day and every hour. Right now I am entering a bright streak of my life, a streak of luck. Right now the most favorable events begin to unfold in my life. I feel their approach with delight in my soul, with joyful trembling! I am worthy of all the most beautiful things in life! Happiness, luck, success, well-being come to me in full. Right now, new ones are opening up for me. Happy paths! And I am happy to embark on them! I am absolutely confident in myself. I do great at everything. I have an even, calm, cheerful mood. I am cheerful, healthy, full of strength. I succeed in everything I dream of. I achieve all my goals! Everything is working out in the best way. Everything is fine with me! Greetings, good luck! Greetings, success! Greetings, happiness! "

In the rider's position, the fingers of the right foot and the palms of the hands are pressed to the floor. The right leg is straightened and tense, the heel tends back, and the body - forward and up.

In mountain pose, the pelvis tends back and up, the heels are pressed to the floor, the hands are repelled from it, the chin is pulled to the chest, and the lower back is arched.

When performing the cat pose, it is necessary to bend as much as possible in the lower back, lifting the pelvis and touching the floor with the chest as close to the knees as possible. The chin is strongly pressed to the chest, the toes rest on the floor.

In the snake pose, the inner work is to maximize the deflection of the lower back by tightening the psoas muscles while maintaining the relaxed gluteal muscles and shoulder girdle. Shoulders and elbows are pressed to the sides, the head is thrown back, the gaze is directed upwards.

The first two stages are considered mastered if the position of the body and muscle tension no longer require mental control. After that, you can proceed to the third stage - working out the breathing technique.

Third stage: interaction with the energy of the Sun

The third stage involves feeding with the energy of the Sun. It doesn't matter if you see the Sun or not, its energy can be represented as a golden wind. It is recommended to combine figurative representations with breathing. For example, on a slow breath, imagine a stream of solar energy swirling like a funnel and passing through the head and neck, and then descending to the solar plexus; while holding the breath, imagine that the energy accumulates in Manipur and rotates clockwise; on a slow exhalation, mentally direct the energy to the legs and bring it into the ground; during a pause after exhalation, imagine your body purified by the solar energy passed through it. In addition, the energy concentrated in the solar plexus can be sent to a specific chakra - resonating with the purpose of your mood. Please note that the stability and clarity of images is very important; you should not just see, but feel the movement of energy - usually it is accompanied by a slight tingling, goosebumps or warmth.

To pass solar energy through the body, you can use the following scheme:

Greeting posture - heart center (Anahata-chakra).

Arch Pose - Neck Center (Vishudtha Chakra).

The stork pose is the base of the spine (Muladhara Chakra).

Horseman pose - brow center (Ajna chakra).

Mountain Pose - Neck Center (Vishudtha Chakra). Cat Pose - Navel Center (Manipura Chakra).

Snake pose - lower abdomen (Svadhisthana-chakra).


So, you know how to deal with moods so that they attract into your life what you lack, what you strive for with all your heart. Attitudes are perhaps the easiest way I know to patch up holes in fate and direct the train of fate along other rails - leading to happiness, success, achieving goals. Unless, of course, you follow the structure of the mood exactly - enter it correctly, conduct the main part correctly (I still recommend getting objects of power!) And not be lazy on the final exercises.

How often to work with settings? Three or four times a week is great. And so for a month. Then you can take a two-week break and start a new course. If you want more often and without intervals - please! I leave this question to your discretion. But from the experience of observing my students, I know: the more a person needs what he asks for in the mood, the more often he turns to him.

It remains for me to give you texts that store the energy of ancient Karelian incantations. I want to warn you in advance to save you from an annoying mistake. At first, the moods cause some people (more often these are insecure individuals) to be bewildered. Like, the text of the mood does not correspond to the real state of affairs, which means that all this is nonsense. My dears, he cannot match! Because moods are the personification of our needed future, and not a reflection of current affairs! But to focus on this is to put a spoke in your own wheels. It is completely unnecessary to compare moods with reality and torment yourself with the question - will it help or not help. Work with the mind according to the rules outlined in this book. Everything else will be done by the power of words, exercises and objects of power - trust them!



To get the necessary benefits of life

I am a wonderful person. I deserve all the best in life. I deserve prosperity. I'm fine. My business is flourishing. My life is getting better. I am very optimistic, positive now, because I know that my financial situation is already improving. I have every right to flourish. I trust the world in which I live. This world is kind to me, it takes care of me. I open up to the world and let it take care of me. I take care. I am now letting the blessings of life that I need into my life. I welcome them with joy and delight! The blessings I need come into my life in a continuous stream. I am happy to open doors for them! As soon as I have some kind of material need, it is immediately satisfied. The necessary things, the money themselves go into my hands. I keep getting what I need! New and new sources of financial and material income are opening up for me. My life becomes abundant! For me, this is normal and natural. I gladly let wealth, abundance, material well-being into my life!

To attract significant financial income

Now I am connecting to the most powerful source of monetary energy. This source is inexhaustible, infinite. I am gaining strength to connect to this source. His energies are streaming towards me in powerful currents, coming into my life. I am open, I am ready to perceive these energies. I am a strong person, and I can handle the strongest energies in my life! I feel these living, powerful currents with my whole being. I am happy to open doors for them! I express my firm intention to start receiving significant sums of money. I deserve it. I'm ready for it. I calmly and easily open to cash flow. I am bathed in a powerful stream of abundance! He lightly, festively, joyfully breaks into my life and instantly transforms it for the better! Now only the best comes to me. My life is overflowing with abundance. Cash flows never dry up, but become more powerful and richer day by day. I enjoy the high level of my income. My life is rich and wonderful.

For wealth

I live in a world of abundance. There is something here for everyone! There is enough wealth here for me. Wealth is a natural law of nature. Being rich for me is as simple and natural as breathing. I relax - and breathe easily, joyfully, enjoying the simple fact that I live. Just as easily, with pleasure, I open myself to the wealth of the world. Everything that is best in the world is for me! I am grateful to the world for the fact that he has in store for me many of his gifts. Now my hour has come - I am ready to accept these gifts! I accept them with joy and gratitude. Wealth enters my life simply and naturally. Sources of income arise by themselves. Generous gifts come to me from everywhere. Abundance just falls on me from the sky! Life showers me with its blessings - and I get all this in full right! So it should be, everything is right, wealth is for me! I don't worry about anything. I just enjoy life. Life is beautiful and abundant! I am rich and happy!

To find new money making opportunities

The energies around me are surging. The energy, the power of the world in which I live, never dries up. I am a part of this world, and I am now in the very center of powerful energy flows! They wash me from all sides, they permeate me and my life through and through, and I am saturated with new forces! As an underground river necessarily breaks out, so a new financial flow bursts into my life! As a spring springs from under the ground, so new monetary energies make their way to me! As if to a healing source, I now fall down to a gushing and sparkling energy flow! He made his way to me despite all the obstacles. I have found a powerful source of monetary energy and, like a thirsty in the desert, I fall to it to quench my thirst, to fully satisfy my financial needs. The monetary energy of this source is abundant, inexhaustible! There is as much of it as I need, and even more! Enough for everything I need, and more to come! I enjoy how wise the world is. If one source disappears, another immediately appears. Money energies in my life never run out!

Out of poverty

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