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How to quickly remove shellac at home. Using a special set. Professional salon products

Every girl wants to be beautiful and well-groomed, and the condition of her hands plays an important role in this. To extend the life of a manicure, many of the fairer sex use a special coating called shellac. This substance is something between a varnish and a gel. As a result, the manicure looks very impressive and lasts at least 3 weeks. It is important to take into account that the process of removing the coating from the plate requires certain skills. How to remove shellac at home? Let's talk!

What is shellac

For the manufacture of shellac, the same base is used as for ordinary varnishes. However, it contains additional ingredients that prolong the life of a manicure or pedicure. As a result, the coating on the nails lasts at least 3 weeks. It is necessary to remove shellac from nails only because they grow quite strongly, and the manicure becomes less accurate.

Since shellac is not simple varnish, its application requires the use special tools and special skills. First of all, you need to be careful, all movements should be as accurate as possible. Only in this case, the manicure will look attractive. In addition, the solidification of shellac occurs in special device- ultraviolet lamp.

Today you can find such a coating in different color solutions, which makes it possible to achieve perfect manicure that will easily fit into any outfit. In addition, the tool can be an excellent alternative to nail extensions.

Shellac not included harmful components, which can disrupt the structure of the nail plate. This varnish is completely harmless and suitable for all girls.

Shellac removal technology using foil

The most popular way to quickly remove shellac is to use foil. It is used by many masters. To implement this technology, you should arm yourself with the following devices:

To remove shellac at home, you need to follow these steps:

If, after performing the above manipulations, a transparent base was present on the nails, you need to thoroughly wipe them with a cotton pad, after wetting it in nail polish remover.

Should be considered:

Do not be afraid that after this procedure, the nails will not look too attractive. This can be fixed in just a few days by careful care. Daily it is recommended to treat the nail plates and skin with oil. Baths made from salt, honey, etc. are very useful.

Nail polish removal technology without the use of foil

To remove the cover, follow these steps:

  1. Fill the dishes with nail polish remover, it must certainly contain acetone.
  2. cut down shiny finish from the plate. To do this, you need to use a special file.
  3. Handle skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnails with oil or fat cream.
  4. Place your fingers in a bowl of nail polish remover. This must be done in such a way as to achieve immersion of each nail.
  5. It is recommended to keep fingers in the container for 7-8 minutes.
  6. Softened shellac should be disposed of with a wooden stick.

How to remove shellac without foil - video

How to remove shellac without acetone

The use of acetone can cause serious damage to the structure of the nail plates, making them more brittle and unattractive in appearance. What can replace this substance? Ordinary liquids for removing varnish are ineffective, because they do not have sufficiently strong softening properties. The use of such compounds will lead to the fact that the manicure will become less shiny, but the coating itself will not go anywhere.

  • To replace acetone, it is recommended to buy a special remover. It is sold in specialized stores. The undoubted advantage of this composition is its high efficiency. In addition, he does not have bad smell and gently affects the nail. The composition of such products contains vitamins and useful elements that provide nails with complete care.
  • Some girls use isopropyl alcohol to remove shellac from nails. It can be bought at hardware stores. This tool It is very inexpensive and helps to effectively cope with the remnants of manicure.

It is important to consider that isopropyl alcohol is highly concentrated and can cause severe skin irritation. Therefore, extreme caution must be exercised when using it. It is important to ensure that the composition does not get on the skin. In addition, it is not recommended to keep it on the nails for more than a quarter of an hour.

Features of using a special set

To facilitate the process of removing shellac from nails, you can purchase a special kit that is designed for this. Thanks to this, it will be possible to minimize all negative effects on the nail plates. As a rule, the composition includes:

  • orange sticks;
  • comfortable sponges in the form of pockets;
  • a special liquid that helps remove shellac from nails.

To use these devices, you need to follow these steps:

Through this procedure, it will be possible to minimize negative consequences. This will help protect the nail plates. In addition, shellac can be removed more efficiently, which avoids the use of a buff.

To facilitate the process of cleaning the nail plates, you need to use the following recommendations:

As you can see, you can even remove shellac from the nail plates yourself. To minimize the negative impact on nails and skin, it is recommended to use a special kit for this purpose. If this is not possible, it is quite possible to choose improvised means. However, in this case it is very important to strictly follow all the recommendations. This will make it possible to minimize Negative influence aggressive liquids on the nails.

High-quality application of shellac requires a skill that is acquired only in manicure courses, and the presence special equipment (ultraviolet lamp), so this operation is more likely to salon procedures. Shellac coating lasts for a long time, at least two weeks. But what to do if during this time a manicure of one color is tired or if new image Do you need an urgent color change? If you know how to remove shellac at home, then such difficulties will not arise. It remains only to remove the old coating, and then apply a new one to the nail.

Is it possible to remove shellac from nails at home

The answer to the question is yes, because there is such a possibility. To remove shellac right at home and save money and time is a real success, but not all girls know about it. In addition, having never tried technology, as at home habitual conditions remove shellac from the nails, they are afraid to do it. However, to clean nails from shellac, you do not need to have pro skills - you just need to purchase a special shellac removal kit in the store or use improvised tools, the list of which is below.

How to remove shellac coating yourself

Such a durable coating as gel polish cannot be removed with alcohol or cologne: more serious preparations will be required here. But do not be afraid - everything you need is on sale, the price of many products is affordable even for beauties with a modest manicure budget. It remains only to find out how to remove shellac gel at home, what means are used for this.

Professional gel polish remover without acetone

Many women avoid acetone because they can't stand it. pungent odor and believe that this chemical dries nails and even causes cancer (the latter claim has not been proven). Therefore, manufacturers are releasing more and more acetone-free liquids, replacing the overly odorous ingredient in them with softer isopropyl alcohol or acetate organic compounds. A set with such a tool will be in demand among fashionistas.

Acetone-free liquids degrease and spoil the plates and skin, no less than products with acetone. But acetone-free products evaporate more slowly, which is convenient when you need to keep your nails moistened for a while - this property is very useful when we are talking about shellac removal. The most popular brands of acetone-free liquids now The most popular brands of acetone-free liquids now are Product Remover, Severina, Bluesky, CND.

Acetone nail polish remover and foil

If you can’t get rid of shellac with the help of special tools, ordinary acetone liquid will help, you just have to keep it on your nails longer - not ten, but fifteen to twenty minutes. Resourceful beauties figured out how to remove Shellac using foil at home. The liquid is applied to a simple cotton pad, applied to the nail, then fixed on the finger with a homemade metal cap.

With special wipes

These are wonderful helpers, helping to wash off the annoying coating almost on the go. Sold in sets of ten or more. They are oblong paper envelopes, inside of which is wet wipe moistened with gel polish softener. The fingertip must be inserted into a sticky bag, wait the time set according to the instructions, and then wipe off the varnish.

How to replace the foil

Foil is the most inexpensive option, but if desired, it is replaced with reusable devices, such as thimble caps. The desired liquid is poured into them and the fingertips are lowered inside, waiting until the coating softens. Some skilled craftsmen know how to remove shellac from nails at home, fixing wet cotton wool on the nail with cellophane and “swaddling” the entire phalanx in it. But unlike foil cling film from polyethylene does not hold its shape at all, so it is a poorly suited material for these purposes.

How to properly remove Shellac at home: step by step instructions

There are two ways to remove shellac at home. Both methods are described step by step below. The first method is useful for those who have only the simplest manicure tools and accessories at home. To remove the second method, you will have to buy special sponges in the store. Any other method will be a variation of one of these two.

  • Method number 1: How to remove shellac at home if there is no special kit consisting of chemicals and a certain tool (such is used by the master in the salon).

You will need aluminum foil, non-sterile cotton wool or discs, acetone liquid or isopropyl alcohol, citrus wood sticks (orange or similar).


  1. Wash your hands, there should be no marks on them sebum.
  2. Disconnect cotton pads lengthwise into two thinner parts or cut into four equal parts: across and again across.
  3. Cut the foil into pieces the size of a matchbox.
  4. Saturate that part of the disk with liquid, which will then be adjacent to the nail (it is more convenient if this is the center of the disk).
  5. Apply cotton wool to the nail and tightly wrap the phalanx with foil so that it is firmly fixed.
  6. Carry out this operation with each nail plate.
  7. After a quarter of an hour, release the first finger from the foil, scrape off the softened shellac with a stick.
  8. Remove the foil, scraping off the shellac.
  9. If there are areas from which the shellac has not been scraped off, you need to repeat the procedure.

The final part of the procedure will allow you to take care of the nails and the skin around them. So, you need to rub into the cuticle and nail plates oil for recovery, choosing one that is not allergic.

  • Method number 2: How to quickly remove shellac at home with specialized manicure chemicals and devices.

You will need disposable sponges with Velcro to hold, liquid to remove nail polish, scraping sticks, cuticle oil. All these items and products are sold in beauty stores as a shellac kit or individually.

  1. Hands are washed thoroughly with soap.
  2. Soak the sponge with the agent, wrap it around the phalanx, fasten the Velcro.
  3. Sponges are put on all fingers.
  4. Fill the hand bath with acetone, immerse the nails “packed” in sponges inside.
  5. Ten minutes later, the fingers are pulled out and freed from the sponges.
  6. Remove varnish with a stick. It is not recommended to use a pusher or remover tweezers for scraping, because metal tools will definitely damage the records.
  7. Lubricate the cuticle with nutritious fat.

Video: how to quickly and easily wash off gel polish yourself

There is a proverb that tells us that it is better to see once than to hear many times. This is fully confirmed by the video below. Algorithm of action, opinions of beauties and fashionistas, available funds to remove shellac - you will see all this. Learn how to remove shellac at home, it will turn out quickly and easily!

From shellac, nails become a little thinner, weaker, they need some time special care. The salon master after removing the varnish will offer procedures for restoring the nail plates. A miracle will not happen, but the nails will recover faster than with home procedures, and a nail file is not needed. by the most effective methods specialists consider nail sealing and paraffin therapy.

If financial possibilities do not allow you to take care of your nails in the salon, you will have to do it yourself by buying necessary funds in a specialized cosmetic or nail store. It is possible to get by with simple home remedies - olive oil, lemon juice, bath salt, essential oil. home recovery carried out in stages.

  • Moisturize and nourish with oil bath. heat up olive oil to a slightly warm state and lower the nails for five minutes. Then blot your fingertips with a tissue and wait ten minutes for the remaining oil to be absorbed. If the nails after shellac are too dry, break and exfoliate, the procedure is repeated several more times at intervals of a day.
  • Whitening. After removing shellac, it is sometimes found that the nail plates have turned yellow. In this case, they are bleached with lemon juice. Lemon acid not only brightens, but also moisturizes, strengthens nails. Make a lemon nail mask as follows: cut the fruit in half and dip the ends of the fingers into the lemon pulp for a couple of minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Strengthening. Baths will help sea ​​salt enriched with essential oils. This salt, designed specifically for hand care, is found in some lines. cosmetics e.g. PRO Manicure, DNC, Blanc Bleu. An analogue of a special remedy can be ordinary sea salt from a pharmacy, but then you will have to add a few drops to the bath essential oil, the best orange.

In almost any online store that sells shellac kits, there are also tools for recovery period. Such preparations contain organic and chemical complexes for the restoration, strengthening and resuscitation of nails. Most often on sale there are restorative compositions for nails of the following trademarks:

  • oils PN-Nourish Nageloil and Nail Hardener (Germany);
  • resuscitator "Horsepower" (Russia);
  • base coat after Restoration acrylic (USA);
  • pencil Talika Nail Regenerator Serum (France).

Where to buy and how much do shellac removers cost?

The easiest way to buy a shellac remover at home is to visit specialized stores for manicure products. Finding them is very easy - every self-respecting outlet of this profile has at least an online page, or even an entire online store. It can be like shops with a wide range, selling products for all types of manicure, as well as specialized ones, aimed only at selling products for shellac.

Lady Victory is a large wholesale and retail beauty products company. Has representation in Russian Federation and several online stores. The Moscow company store is located in the Dubrovka shopping center at 13, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya St. Lady Victory online store addresses:


Shilak.rf is an online beauty products store with a focus on selling shellac products. It sells shellac products for almost any brand. The store's online consultant will explain how to remove shellac at home. Equipment (UV lamps) and materials for nail repair are on sale. The store is located at Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 6a. Delivery works throughout Russia.

The pivot table will help determine the prices.

Professional masters are sure that in 90% of cases it is not shellac that spoils nails, but its improper removal. Peeling off, scraping off the layer, using aggressive or inappropriate products can ruin not only beauty, but also health. The nail plate, cuticle, skin on the fingertip suffer from incorrect actions. Cracks, peeling appear, the road to microbes opens. But all this can be easily avoided if you remove shellac correctly.


Professional salon products

Shellac manufacturers produce special solvents that effectively and quickly soften the resistant coating. They are also called removers. The layer is removed by several scrapers with a special spatula. No pieces remain, only a clean and bright nail. Not all of them work equally effectively. It is advisable to buy shellacs and solvents from the same company.

Popular liquid removers:

  • Severina;
  • Lafitel;
  • match;
  • perfect.

All of these products are sold in bottles, require wetting cotton wool, wrapping the nail in foil, or using special tips. But now on the market you can find special removers in bags. Inside there is a soaked napkin. The use is extremely simple: tear off the tip of the bag, stick your finger in, hold for the specified time, remove the coating. This know-how was first invented by Chinese manufacturers, and now some European firms have adopted the idea.

Professional removers will help to remove shellac at home, there is nothing difficult in this, but it is not always possible to buy special solvents. Sometimes it’s just a pity for money, because one procedure needs a small amount of not a whole bottle. It is in such cases that women resort to alternative means.

Home alternatives to professional solvents

Before using any solvents, it is advisable to cut off the top protective layer - the fixer. Thanks to this reception, the substances will quickly penetrate and act. A regular file or buff is suitable for removal, the size of the abrasive does not matter. After that, solvents are applied. It is recommended for a beginner to treat hands alternately, since application, wrapping takes a lot of time, there is a risk of overdosing the solvent on the nails.

Important! Cuticle skin suffers from chemicals. Therefore, before the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the area around the nail with a greasy cream or any cosmetic oil.

Acetone and liquids with it

One of the most used home methods. Despite the harm of acetone and liquids for removing ordinary varnish based on it, girls regularly resort to it and very successfully remove shellac. It should be noted right away that the product negatively affects not only nail plate but also the skin of the hands.

To work, you need to prepare cotton wool, pieces of bandages or chopped discs. It is advisable to immediately choose the size so that the plate is completely closed, but not the skin around. You will also need a stick or spatula (pusher), but without a sharp edge. The shellac should scrape off, but not cut off. Cut pieces of foil in advance into which it will be convenient to wrap the tip of your finger.

How to easily remove shellac at home:

  1. Moisten the prepared cotton wool in acetone solution, but not all at once. First one, slightly squeeze, attach to the nail.
  2. Wrap the tip of your finger with a piece of foil, press down. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Gently unfold the first finger, check the shellac with a stick. If the coating has softened, then attach the spatula to the base of the nail and scrape off to the tip with light pressure.
  4. If the shellac is not softened, then stand for a few more minutes, remove again.
  5. After the procedure, walk on the plate with a buff to remove small particles of varnish, polish the nail. Then wash your hands, apply a caring cream or rub cosmetic oil on the nail plates.

Important! For diseases of the respiratory system, for example, bronchial asthma, it is worth abandoning such experiments. In addition to acetone, liquids additionally contain fragrances and dyes that will worsen the situation.

Soaking in liquid with acetone (without foil)

This is a rather aggressive way that harms the skin and nails. But it can be used if there is no foil or fleece, for example, you have to remove shellac in camping or other difficult conditions. It is not recommended to use often, as the solvent covers the nail plate from different sides.

For the procedure, you will need any nail polish remover with the addition of acetone, but in no case a pure solvent. You also need a small bowl for soaking your fingers, a pusher or a stick of orange tree, fat cream (Vaseline, oil).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour regular nail polish remover into a bowl.
  2. Lubricate the fingers around the nail with a greasy cream or other alternative product.
  3. Dip your nails in the bowl and wait. The exposure time will directly depend on the quality of shellac and the amount of acetone in the product. Periodically check the coating for looseness.
  4. Remove loose layers with a pusher.

After this procedure, wash your hands with soap. It is also desirable to make a restorative bath with sea salt, oils. Or apply a caring hand mask, then apply cream and oil to moisturize the cuticles.

Important! This method is not suitable if there are wounds on the hands, it has recently been edged manicure or there is irritation. Immersion in an aggressive solution will cause a strong burning sensation, turning a small wound into a big sore.

Other means

You can find ways to remove gel polish with alcohol, solvent-based varnishes, fatty oils and cream. In fact, these techniques only help when using a low-quality coating that has outlived its useful life and is already starting to peel off by itself. To soften and remove the layer in this way, it will take a long time to soften. But if the question arose about the mechanical peeling off of the layer, then alcohol or fresh layers of varnish will still help to facilitate the process.

Salon and home sawing: advantages and dangers

Sawing shellac is now considered the most in a safe way removal of the coating. But only with an emphasis on the fact that the procedure is trusted professional master. A beginner can easily touch his nail, as it is still difficult for him to determine the boundaries.

How to cut shellac:

  1. Fresa. Represents a nozzle in the hardware manicure tool. Allows you to remove a layer of shellac very simply and quickly.
  2. Files. Used ordinary nail files for manicure. The process can be delayed, it all depends on your own skills.

Another difficulty in cutting is the determination of the desired abrasive. In order not to injure the nail, you need to start with a large file or cutter. As soon as color coating will be removed, you can take a fine abrasive of about 150 grit.

Restoration of the nail plate

Restoration of damaged nails is a long process, most often the former appearance and health returns only after the damaged areas have completely grown back. It is very important that the stratification does not progress further. For this reason, it is necessary to strengthen the care of nails and hands.

Common Procedures:

  • baths;
  • masks;
  • creams;
  • cuticle oils.

The easiest way to avoid problems with nails after shellac is to apply it well and remove it carefully. This is especially true for beginners. You do not need to subject your own nails to numerous workouts, especially on the hands. If it is not possible to find a model, then in winter time you can learn to walk. There, the nail plate is stronger, excessive sawing will not hurt, and sometimes it is even necessary.

Video: Removing shellac with a solvent at home

Manicure is an integral part appearance each modern woman. Manufacturers various coatings delight the public with novelties, one of which is Shellac (shellac) - a combination of varnish and gel for nails.

The advantage of this coating is that it is a kind of "golden mean" between the usual varnish and nail extensions. Shellac is applied relatively quickly - in the salon the whole procedure will not take more than 40 minutes, such a coating will last an average of 2-3 weeks.

It is worth noting that such a long "life" of shellac is offset by some difficulties in removing it. Unlike ordinary varnish, you can’t get rid of it with a few strokes of a cotton pad..

A specialist in a nail salon will quickly and efficiently remove the coating, but this, firstly, costs money, and secondly, it takes time.

Means and methods for removing shellac at home

It is quite possible to remove shellac at home, for the procedure you will need some manicure devices:

  • Coating remover: acetone, a concentrated liquid that removes normal gel polish, a special "wash" for shellac, isopropyl alcohol.
  • Foil, polyethylene, disposable manicure wraps.
  • Disks from cotton wool and cotton wool itself.
  • Styluses from orange tree, pusher.
  • Polishing file.
  • Care products for restoring nails- oil, nourishing cream.

If it is possible to purchase professional set to remove shellac - do not miss it. As a savings, you can get by with the above items.

The key method of how to erase shellac yourself at home is quite similar to salon manipulations.

Cotton wool treated with a remover is applied to the nails, wrapped and fixed for 10 to 15 minutes.

After shellac is easily removed manually or with an orange tree stick, with soft mechanical movements.

In some cases, you can use another method, simpler, when the nails are simply dipped in a container of acetone. This is not as gentle and safe as the first option, but if there are no allergic reactions to the solvent, it is quite suitable.

What is important to know

Often there are cases when home procedure come to see a doctor and restore destroyed nails. Unfortunately, thin and fragile nail plates, sensitive skin do not always withstand aggressive stripping.

If there is a predisposition to allergic reaction for gel polish solvents, carefully study the composition, purchase gentle professional liquids or wipes.

Second important nuance- the exposure time of the compress on the nails. When doing the first procedure, it is recommended to keep the wrappers for about 15 minutes. This average duration dissolution of the gel coat.

Pretreatment of shellac will help to reduce time sanding file. This will help remove upper layer coating, which contributes to the rapid dissolution of the gel. In addition, this will reduce the risk of irritation from the action of acetone on the skin.

Tools for removing gel polish: what to choose

There is an alternative to all the materials necessary for removing gel polish, which is very convenient. For lack of what you need, you can always choose something similar, but is there a difference and what should be preferred? To answer these questions, it is necessary to consider in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of various means or tools.

Acetone based nail polish remover. If you buy products with acetone to remove ordinary varnish, then you know exactly how the nails and skin around the nail plate react to them. Acetone - excellent solvent gel coat shellac, but negatively affects the health of the nails.

The composition of liquids based on acetone should include protective and nourishing components: vitamin E, herbal extracts, oils


Means without acetone are not effective. There are many reviews of women who are against acetone-containing products, as it is possible remove shellac at home liquids without acetone. In fact, such products actually help if the composition contains isopropyl alcohol or an acetone substitute.

Foil, cling film or plastic bag. Wrapping the nail plate is necessary so that the dissolving liquid does not evaporate. What to choose from the above is everyone's business, the main condition is tightness and reliable fixation.

Special wipes designed for fast and high-quality coating removal. This great option for those who apply shellac regularly and want to save time on removal.

There are always instructions for use on the package, the wipes themselves are already impregnated with a special quality tool to remove shellac.

It is enough to wrap the nail plate with a napkin, and the packaging of the napkin itself, which has a thin foil coating, will help to fix the “compress”. There is an adhesive strip on the surface of the package, remove the protective film from it and fix the wrapper on your finger.

Where can I buy special tools

Applying shellac to nails is no longer a rarity, and therefore there are many means for removing gel polish. You can buy the right one in a nail salon, specialized or general cosmetics store. In addition, online stores often offer more attractive prices than retailers.

With a selection of styluses, napkins and cotton pads unlikely to be a problem. But choosing a liquid to remove shellac, pay attention to the domestic brand Severina, which is often used in salons. Its composition includes whole complex protective components, and the cost is very democratic.

Next on the "best of the best" list is CND enriched vitamin complex E. Lafitel groupuniversal remedy, jojoba oil was added to its composition to strengthen the nail plate. Due to the small volume of the bottle, it is quite cheap.

We follow step by step instructions

Probably, the first time to wash shellac from nails will seem like a long and complicated process, since at home everything needs to be done independently and carefully.

Saved by the fact that the procedure has been worked out more than once by professionals and has its own step by step instructions . Following the recommendations based on the experience of many masters, it will not be difficult to remove a resistant coating.

Standard Shellac Removal Method

Step 1. Wash your hands thoroughly to degrease the surface of the shellac.

Step #2. Apply a nourishing cream to the skin around the nail plate to protect against the aggressive effects of acetone.

Step #3 The compress is applied only to the surface of the shellac, avoiding contact with the skin. To do this, use cotton wool, half a cotton pad or a special napkin. The compress is pressed tightly against the nail.

Step #4 Pre-prepared strips of foil, polyethylene or film wrap the fingers to half and fix. The wrapper must adhere well and be airtight to keep the solvent from evaporating. At this time you can do light massage, fingers and nails, this contributes to the intensive removal of the coating.

If during the compress are present pain, wrapping must be removed immediately. Don't endure pain, saving time and money for removing gel polish


Step #5. After 15 minutes, remove the foil and compress in the same order as applied. After removing the wrapper and fleece from the first nail, immediately proceed to remove the shellac.

Coatings should be removed in pieces that are easy to pick up with an orange stick or pusher. Gently scrape off any remaining polish, one at a time from each nail. If the shellac is not partially removed from some nails, repeat the wrapping procedure on them.

Step #6. After removing the entire nail coating, file the surface with a polishing file and make nourishing mask on nails, rub oil and cream. This will help to quickly restore the nail plate, which still suffers from mechanical impact and various chemical solvents.

Quick shellac removal method

The second method, showing how you can erase shellac at home, is more aggressive, but quick and easy. You will need a professional nail sponge. It will protect the skin of the hands and cuticles, but will provide solvent access to the nail plate.

Previously, as in the previous method, it is necessary to degrease the hands and the surface of the nail coating, for this it is enough to wash them with soap and water. The top coating must be cut with a special grinding file. Then a nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the fingers, this will protect against harmful effects acetone.

Pour the solvent into the bath- any of the previously listed will do, but, as a rule, acetone is used. Wrap your fingers with special sponges so that the letting side covers the nail plate. Then, the fingers are dipped in the solvent for 10 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, gently release the fingers from the compress and wrapping, removing the shellac with a stylus or a plastic stick with a blunt end.

The final stage- polishing and caring procedure, you can rub oil into the nail plate and cuticle skin.

Naturally, when removing shellac from nails on your own at home, especially if you wash it for the first time, you can make mistakes such as choosing the wrong remedy or improper removal of the compress.

What you need to know, for a positive result:

  • Never use commercial grade acetone to remove shellac. Such a tool is not subjected to additional cleansing and composition adjustment, and is likely to damage the skin around the nails.
  • Cotton wool, cotton pads or napkins, processed special means, remove only with rotational movements. It contributes effective removal coatings.
  • Foil can be replaced, for example, use office rubber bands.
  • If you have an allergic reaction to acetone(earlier or when removing gel polish), try using a professional gentle product, wipes or contact the salon, where a specialist will remove the coating quickly and efficiently.

Besides, lifestyle can also affect gel polish coverage, if you often come into contact with water or work on a computer every day, then the coating may peel off in a week. The same result should be expected if the hands and, in particular, the nails succumbed sharp drop temperature, for example, when, after visiting the sauna, they plunge into a cold pool.

Well, a natural parting word from any specialist is to contact only professionals in their field.

Hand and nail care

Contrary to the promises of manufacturers, shellac is not as harmless as they say. First of all, the nail plate is intensively polished before applying the gel, which makes it somewhat thinner, the gel polish closes the nail plate from sunlight, which in no way benefits it. What can we say about the procedure for erasing shellac, carried out both in the salon and at home.

As already described above, acetone is harmful to nails and skin.. The impact of the solvent itself or the means on its base intensively dries out the skin and nails, which leads to brittleness, brittleness and even burns. Need to understand after similar procedures hands need protection, nourishment and hydration.

Actually, it is worth concentrating in these areas. moisturizing masks, nourishing creams, cosmetic oils- everything will benefit and health of the hands, and, therefore, will preserve the beauty of the hands and nails.

Since the cost of services nail salon not always democratic you can erase shellac yourself, at home. By following all the recommendations of professionals, the process will be as safe and efficient as possible.

In this video you will learn how to remove shellac at home:

IN next video talks about how to remove shellac without foil:

Care about own appearance and beauty for women is perfect natural. However, she is not the only one for them. In addition to it, there is cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, and sometimes laundry. Not a single manicure is able to withstand such loads, so shellac came to the aid of fashionistas. Quite a lot has already been written about how to cover nails with it and everyone knows what shellac varnish is and how to use it, but much less is known about how to remove shellac from nails at home.

General information

Shellac is a cross between nail polish and extension gel. He combined the durability of gel with the relative harmlessness of varnish. Such a manicure can last on the nails for more than three weeks. However, more exact date depends on the brand of varnish, as well as the initial condition of the nails, compliance with the application technology and other factors. So, if your nails exfoliate and break, then you should not expect shellac to last the declared three weeks.

But the life of such a manicure can be significantly extended by using rubber gloves and other precautions when cleaning. The average period for which shellac is applied to the nails is two to three weeks.
Due to the properties of the gel in its composition, shellac effectively protects the nail from external influence, creates a dense hard layer on its surface, which prevents brittleness.

This coating causes some damage to the nails, as it blocks the access of oxygen to them, and in addition, prevents the development of a natural protective layer. However, this harm is minimal in comparison with the gel. All this allows you to wear shellac for several months, performing only a correction. You should think about how to properly remove shellac when you get tired of the chosen color.

Removal without the use of special tools

The main material for the procedure is foil. However, if you are interested in the question of how to remove shellac without foil, then the answer is very simple - you can replace it with culinary mica, although this is much less convenient.

So, before you remove shellac at home, make sure that you have everything you need for this, for the procedure at home you will need:

  1. Nail polish remover with acetone;
  2. orange sticks;
  3. Foil or cling film;
  4. Cotton discs.

Before proceeding with the procedure, lubricate the fingers and the area around the nails with a greasy cream. In this case, direct contact with the plates should be avoided. This will help protect your skin from negative impact acetone.

Dampen cotton pads with enough nail polish remover. Now tightly wrap the nail with a disc and wrap this structure with mica or foil on top. The purpose of this is to minimize air entry to the nails and drying of the acetone.

With such a compress on the fingers, you need to go through some time. Depending on the number of layers of shellac, the company that makes the liquid, the condition of the nails and skin, the amount of time can vary from five to thirty minutes. It is necessary to use the minimum time possible, since the procedure causes natural nails the harm is even greater than the shellac coating itself.

Using a custom kit

Almost every girl knows about how, but how to remove shellac at home with minimal harm to nails should be discussed separately. In order for the process to take a minimum of time and not be too complicated, there are not only special liquids, but also entire sets designed for this. With their use, minimal damage will be done to their own plates. Therefore, if you care about how and how to quickly remove (wash off) shellac as safely as possible for your nails, then you should choose such a set. It usually includes:

  1. orange sticks;
  2. Special ;
  3. Special comfortable sponges - pockets.

The same liquid that is usually used to remove shellac from nails in salons exists in free sale and separately, and not together with a set. Thus, you can use it instead of nail polish remover with acetone for the first method, that is, under the foil. Sponges - pockets are not so easy to purchase separately. They are small rectangular cases for fingertips, having a valve and Velcro for tight fixation. If you have chosen a shellac coating (shea varnish), then before you do it, it is better to immediately purchase such a set, then later there will be no questions about how to remove shellac at home.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or otherwise degrease;
  • Take the coating remover and saturate the sponges with it - pockets. Depending on the type this material, the absorbent side can be one or two. If the side is one, then moisten only it;
  • Place your finger in the pocket so that the absorbent side is on the nail;
  • Fasten the flap tightly with Velcro. It is important that the sponge is firmly fixed on the nail and does not fall off;
  • After 10 minutes have passed, remove your fingers from the bath and start removing the covers from them. You will notice that the shellac has peeled off and is coming off in layers. Clean its softened residues from the plates with an orange stick.

This removal procedure will cause the least damage to the nails. This not only guarantees less exposure to harmful acetone, but also protects the plate a little from it. In addition, shellac is removed much better, there is no need to cut off the remains with a buff.

Now you know how to remove shellac from nails. Before applying it, you need to consider that it is quite harmful to the nails. Even the most competent removal procedure harms even more. Therefore, between periods of wearing this coating, it is worth taking breaks of 2 to 3 weeks so that the nails can rest and recover.

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