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How to tell a guy I like you. Different ways to let a guy know that a girl likes him

“The road will be mastered by the walking one” is a phrase that is fair in relation to interpersonal communication of opposite sexes. A handsome young man who does not reciprocate is either shy or indifferent.

There are several types of interpersonal communication available today:

  • Messages in chats, special mobile applications (Skype, Viber);
  • With the use of telephones, SMS messages;
  • Social media;
  • Through personal contact.

Hints to the guy in the message,

In the absence of acquaintance, it is important in the first message to “hook” the attention of the young man. Start the conversation with a question about the interlocutor's opinion on any occasion: “Hi! I've always wondered if women or men lie more? Happened? Develop the topic further.

When talking with a familiar young man, follow the rules:

  1. Try to keep the mystery. The conversation should be structured in such a way that the guy remotely understands about sympathy.
  2. Avoid intimate, too personal topics (sex, income, parents).
  3. Do not embellish your virtues. They don't like braggarts.
  4. Excessive pessimism, whining are bad qualities for an interlocutor.
  5. Annoyance in correspondence (“Are you silent?”) Will rather repel the young man. A funny story, a link to an interesting video will help start a conversation.
  6. Be interested in the guy's hobbies, look for common among your hobbies, then the conversation will be exciting for both.
  7. Use your intuition. If the guy is silent now, there is a possibility that there are good reasons.
  8. Literacy is valued at all times. Watch for misspelled words.

How to hint to a guy that I like him

Social media is a popular communication tool. The recommendations described above are valid for communication on VKontakte.

Remember, the chosen one can be at the computer with a friend, brother. Too obvious a hint of sympathy can confuse a young man. An interesting, neutral message is the best way to start a conversation.

Use the popular Vkontakte tool - gifts. Successfully comment on the photos on the page of the chosen one, making a compliment that favorably emphasizes the dignity.

For some girls, the “mysterious stranger” tactic is suitable. Having written to the chosen one from an outside account, unobtrusively, interestingly drag them into a conversation. The task is to systematically intrigue the young man, causing a desire to meet and make an appointment. The tactic works well with guys with a romantic streak. Remember, hints for men are often incomprehensible. It's better to be straight forward.

How to Hint a Guy in a -Message

The absolute advantage of SMS correspondence is a great guarantee of the absence of prying eyes. Hint subtly. Banal SMS "Hi. How are things?" make the interlocutor think about why he is interesting to you. When you get a simple, one-word "OK" response, continue the conversation. Don't despair if you don't get an answer. Perhaps the money on the balance of the phone has run out, the battery has run out, or the young man is just busy.

Courageous girls should try to write SMS with a clear hint and a little understatement: “For some reason, you are in my thoughts all day ...”.

Different ways to let a guy know that a girl likes him

Interest is expressed in many ways:

  • Be an attentive interlocutor, learn to listen to the guy without interrupting.
  • Give a sincere smile to your chosen one more often.
  • Be moderately interested in the young man's personal life (hobbies, favorite dishes, pets). Try to talk about yourself so that the conversation is two-way.
  • Laugh at the jokes of the chosen one, learn to "flirt" them.
  • At the beginning of communication, try to agree with the guy, otherwise he may negatively perceive your discontent.
  • Maintain a spirit of competition. Find out the favorite sport of the chosen one, view competitions together.
  • Give and receive gifts. Let them be small, but made from a pure soul.

How to show your sympathy to a guy at school

School is a place where communication takes place through personal contact. Make the most of your free time. At breaks, try to be close to the young man.

Offer to help with the test. Communicating, be direct, smiling, sweet. Inadvertently lightly touch the guy with your hair or bag. Catch the eye, smile, invite after class in a cafe, just chat. Do not refuse the guy's offers to take him home. When speaking, be cheerful and sincere.

Experts have established several signs that betray a man's sympathy for a woman:

Language of the body

Frequent tilts (turns) of the body towards the girl indicate the interest of the young man.


A shy man quickly takes his eyes off a pretty woman. Self-confident - tries to catch the eye, holding for a while.


In a company, when talking about other young men, men try to prove their superiority in order to present themselves favorably in the eyes of the girl they like.


Light, unobtrusive touches clearly signal sympathy.

Behavior with other girls

Some men flirt with girls to make them jealous. The chosen one constantly monitors the reaction. If you leave the premises, then the cessation of flirting will be proof of this.

Friends of the chosen one

Approaching a group of friends, it can be noted that they begin to play a trick on a pretty girl friend. Or directly interested in her sympathy for him.


Frequent banter with a girl indicates sympathy for her. Only on condition that the young man does not behave this way with others.

Confessing your feelings is a difficult decision for many girls. The initiative often in practice saves promising relationships. Be sincere. The chosen one will definitely reciprocate.

act -

He is yours -

Love show -

School of Yuri Okunev

Greetings, dear ladies! I often hear from women and girls that it is much more difficult for them than for men in terms of romantic acquaintances. After all, there is an opinion that it is somehow not customary for women to take the first step. In particular, the first to confess their feelings.

But I insist on saying goodbye to this counterproductive stereotype once and for all! Q: How do I tell a guy that I like him? concerns not only schoolgirls. He keeps many girls who have not yet begun a romantic relationship awake. So that's what we're going to talk about today.

To begin with, you will have to somehow get to know the subject of your sighs and start friendly communication. After all, you won’t go to confess your love to the first person you meet on the street?

Although such stories, of course, mankind knows. And some of them even ended in a wedding... But for now, we will still start from situations that will give real chances for success.

So, you have known each other for some time and communicate from time to time. Now what? Many girls are intimidated by the need to be direct about their feelings. Suddenly the guy refuses, or even laughs at them. Like, how can a girl's pride survive this.

I perfectly understand all these concerns, and therefore I recommend that if you are not sure of a positive outcome, you should act more elegantly. Purely feminine, so to speak.

Firstly, if it’s so hard for you to communicate with a young man you like on some topics face to face, then you can always transfer some of the conversations to the Internet. If you are still new to each other, then correspondence on a social network or through an Internet messaging program on your phone (such as Viber, WhatsApp) would be an excellent solution.

So you can get to know each other better and avoid many embarrassing moments. Plus, if suddenly something goes wrong, you can remove him from your contact list with the least moral loss and forget the situation like an unpleasant dream.

Secondly, it is also absolutely not necessary to speak in plain text about your sympathy. Use some indirect methods for this. Which? Read on!

How can I tell that I like him?

Here are a few simple options that you should not limit yourself to in any case. If you come up with something else that can help you in your hard work in the romantic field - feel free to implement it!

Body language, gestures, facial expressions, voice

Our eyes can tell us a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor. His manner of movement, facial expression, intonation and timbre of voice, gestures - all this together makes it clear what mood a person is in and how he treats us. So feel free to use this opportunity to tell him how you feel. For this:

  • When talking to him, try to make your voice and tone sound as attractive as possible. After all, you probably noticed that when you are dissatisfied at work, you have one timbre, and when talking with loved ones close to you, it’s completely different. Softer, calmer, more benevolent.
  • Smile more.
  • Look into his eyes more often. The look can be both playful and flirtatious, and serious, deep.
  • Make fleeting touches to him (well, kind of random) as gentle, light, affectionate as possible.
  • If you are standing or sitting next to him, then turn your body slightly in his direction. It also tells about sympathy, openness and desire to be closer to him.
  • Forget about legs crossed in his presence, arms are bright psychological stop signs that speak of a person’s closeness and discomfort.
  • You can periodically play coquettishly with a curl, beads, a bracelet on your watch. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will look like a neurotic.


Men love compliments just as much as women. And it will also work in your favor! With maximum sincerity in your voice and admiration in your eyes, emphasize his merits, strengths, and skills. And, of course, say that you really like all these pluses of it.

  • Thanks for helping me move the closet. You are so strong!
  • God, I've been solving this problem all week, and you did it in half an hour. Yes, you are just a megamind!
  • Cool you fought back the boss. I love strong men!
  • I have never had such delicious coffee before. I respect guys who can cook!
  • It's always so nice to talk to you. I'll talk to you, and already the mood rises.

Just remember that you need to give out courtesies in a dosed manner. You remember that it is pleasant for a man to "hunt" a little for the lady he is interested in. Girls who hang themselves around their necks are no longer so interesting to him.


The more often you turn to him for one reason or another, the faster he will realize that you are not indifferent to him. It is not necessary to start a two-hour conversation every time.

Just send him a cool track or a link to a video in a message. Ask about something simple (for example, if he heard such and such news and what he thinks about it). Just send an emoji without words.

A couple of times you can call him to a meeting under some pretext. For example, you may “accidentally” have a movie ticket lying around or need help getting potatoes from the garage to your parents. Read more about this method here.

You know, after such obvious hints and obvious clues, only a very narrow-minded guy will not guess about your sympathy. True, it may also happen that he is simply not ready to reciprocate you.

I hope the article will be useful for you. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments. I will definitely answer. All peace, kindness and mutual love! See you soon! Yours, Yuri Okunev.

The first sympathy and falling in love is a pure and wonderful feeling, but inexperience and self-doubt can interfere with the development of relationships. Young girls often do not know how to tell a guy that I like him, or how to hint to him about it. In fact, there are many options that will prompt and reveal simple secrets about how to make a guy fall in love with you by correspondence and communication on the Internet.

Should you tell a guy that you like him?

You are in love, but you have doubts about whether to talk about your feelings. And in cases where they are unrequited, thoughts come - how to make a guy fall in love with you -. It is impossible to give universal advice in this case, but there are certain steps that will help you.

  • It is very important to understand what kind of girls guys like your age, analyze the correctness of your behavior and find out if there is even the slightest chance of reciprocity.
  • If you are confident and determined, and the guy of your dreams is just timid and shy, then taking the very first step is the only right decision.
  • If the guy does not show sympathy for you and absolutely does not react to you, then proceed carefully so that don't be a victim of ridicule.
  • And if you act too pushy, then you will definitely need advice like "how to get a guy back" and get his attention again. That is why it is better not to make mistakes right away.

Ways to tell a guy that I like him

There are many ways to express your feelings without losing your dignity. Here are some of them:

  • To begin with, it is worth finding out how does the object of your sympathy treat you. To do this, you can chat with his friends and, by asking a few leading questions, find out if he likes you too. If you do not yet have an established relationship with his friends or you are not confident in your abilities, then you can ask your best friend about it.

  • If it turned out that the feelings are somewhat mutual, then when communicating with him, start modestly hinting that you are waiting for the development of relations.
  • Ideally, it is good to enlist the support of his family and friends. Make a favorable impression on his sister or mother, and they themselves will tell him only good things about you.
  • Try to find out what does the young man do. The more you know about the area of ​​his interests and pay attention to this, the more interesting it will be for him to communicate with you.
  • Feel free to offer your help. Let it be a small service, but it certainly will not go unnoticed.
  • Try to be in the same places as your favorite guy. So you will become associated with him with positive moments, and he will miss you.
  • While in the company, try to keep your eyes on him. If you answer it, then you have every chance to start a relationship.
  • Talking to the guy you like flirt but do it naturally without crossing the line of what is permitted. You should absolutely not flirt with his friends, otherwise he will think that you are easily accessible and behave like that with everyone.

  • It would be nice to violate his personal space a little. In a conversation, casually touch his arm or shoulder, but you definitely shouldn’t hang on his neck. This can cause negativity and ridicule from his friends, and then your boyfriend will begin to avoid communication.
  • Guys definitely do not like boring and dull girls, so try to always show your cheerful and sociable character, radiating positivity with all its appearance.
  • All men, regardless of age, love praise and compliments, so whenever possible, say how strong, handsome or successful he is.
  • Be tactful and don't show your feelings too pointedly, especially in a general company. Nobody likes obsessive girls.

Statuses hinting to a guy that I like him

Great importance in Lately acquired communication in social networks and using mobile applications. If you are not yet familiar with the young man you like, then you can do it yourself by offering him friendship.

If he accepts your offer, then you will have more chances to hint about your feelings. The most eloquent way is the correct status in the social network, which is impossible not to notice. Change it as the relationship develops using the examples we have provided.

  • Love is when you compliment a guy on his shirt and he starts wearing it every day.
  • For some reason, I start listening to all the music that he listens to, and then I start to like this music too.
  • If you're lucky, you can meet a person who will divide your life into two parts - "before" and "after".
  • Never leave someone who loves you for someone you just like. Perhaps one day the one you like will leave you for the one he loves.

  • It's a pity that most guys don't go after who they like, but prefer those who definitely agree.
  • How much does a person need to be happy? It turns out a lot. One more person.
  • All my friends are divided into two parts: those who like me, and those who could not see me.
  • And how many of you listened to the same song all night just because he likes it so much.
  • What is happiness? Happiness is him.
  • Each Shrek will be able to find his Fiona, who will be somehow purple that he is so green.
  • Wish your ex-boyfriend a little luck, because he has definitely already lost happiness.
  • Love begins with deceiving oneself and ends with deceiving another.
  • What is happening to me, I don't know yet. Heart like a stone in the pool again. What an evil thing it is - virtual love.
  • My love for you is always online!
  • To love is to see a miracle that no one else will ever see!
  • The beat of my heart with him alone online.
  • Where do virtual feelings come from? It's so easy to sink into them, but so hard to wake up.
  • Love online - it's all not real, if you love online - it's too banal.
  • Virtual love! What an interesting start! But love comes, and it becomes small.
  • My statuses reflect my mood. If my mood changes, my status will also change.
  • I don't believe in virtual love at all. This is self-delusion and self-deception. To fall in love, you need to know this person, see him often, talk to him and feel.
  • A cup of warm tea and internet. I look at your photos and see that you are online. My heart was beating fast. I must have fallen in love...
  • Not a single smiley will express all that I feel for you.
  • For the word “love”, Yandex gives out more than five million photos, and my heart rhythmically beats out the sounds of only your name.
  • Love on the net is a funny phrase. It's funny for those who never loved! Those who did not feel ecstasy when a loved one entered the chat with you.
  • Acquaintance in a social network is the first step to the emergence of love.
  • I promise, I will always be there, and you just say that you really need it!
  • Love runs only from those who strongly pursue it, and those who quickly run away - throw themselves on his neck!

  • Between the arguments of the mind and the feelings of the heart, you should not seek a compromise - it's useless!
  • You need to love not the one with whom you long to meet, but only the one with whom you avoid parting.
  • Saying the phrase "I love you" will take only a few seconds, but showing it will take a lifetime.
  • Separation in love is what the wind is to the flame. He extinguishes not too strong love, but inflates a large one.
  • For the world you are just “someone”, but for me the world is only you.
  • What is the dream of the guy you like—? Or maybe it's love?

Have you already realized that happiness is only in your hands? Our simple recommendations will help you not only win the sympathy and love of the guy you like, but also tell you how to get your ex back without much effort. Share in the comments your experience of relationships with guys, in what ways did you get their attention?

Try to find out if he likes you. If yes, then you can confidently go on the offensive, you have nothing to lose! If not, do not rush to despair; you just need a little time to convince him that you are the only one he needs. Of course, if he's already in a relationship, you should step back and get on with your life (maybe for a while), but if he just doesn't have any feelings for you yet, flirt and be friendly. There are several ways to get to know a guy better before asking him out:

  • Check with your friends about it. If you are shy, ask your good friend or girlfriend to find out if he likes you or not; perhaps he makes some hints about it. Knowing that he likes you will allow you to be a little more courageous.
  • Look for clues. If a guy likes you, he will show with all his appearance that he wants to be with you. (This isn't always the case, but most of the time it's a good indicator.) He'll come up with excuses to sit next to you, attend every event you attend, or even decide to spend more time with your friends. Watch him.
  • If you catch him admiring you, look him straight in the eyes and don't break eye contact for a few seconds. If he doesn't look away, that's a sure sign that he likes you too. If he turned away, it may mean that he likes you, but he is too shy to admit it to you. But remember that people look at each other not only because of the presence of romantic feelings. It is possible that you have breakfast stuck between your teeth!

Try to strike up a conversation with him. Before you tell a guy that you like him, or invite him on a date, you must first become a good conversationalist with him. In order to get closer, you must first become friends and get to know each other better. This will also allow you to understand if you really like him, because in a conversation you can find out something that you may not like. There are several ways to start a conversation:

  • Start the conversation with a veiled compliment. He will feel flattered, and this will be a good start for a casual conversation. Eg:
    • “You did great on the pitch during the football match last Friday. My friend and I watched the game from the stands. How long have you been playing?"
    • “You always get excellent grades in English. Do you know how to read the minds of all teachers, or are you just lucky with an English teacher?
    • "I like your hairstyle. Did you cut your hair recently?"
  • Talk about common hobbies. You can talk about things that you could do together, even if it's not your common interest (a guy might enjoy this activity if you keep him company). Then both of you will feel calm and confident.

    • Here are some examples:
      • “Do you happen to know what we were asked in mathematics? I forgot my diary at school and don't remember what we need to do."
      • “Does your older brother go to visit Anya? My sister thinks he's doing it because they need to get ready for a class together."
      • “Oh, I see you have a Schwinn bike. How is he to you? I’m just thinking about asking my parents for the same for my birthday.”
    • Don't tell him you like him if you don't interact much. Do not surprise a person with confessions - you can scare him away. At a minimum, this will affect the further development of your relationship and friendship.
  • Flirt with him. Guys, as you know, are far from immediately aware that girls are flirting with them. The Internet is full of articles written for men that help them figure out if a girl is flirting with them. This does not mean that you need to increase the pressure. You just need to keep in mind that he may not support your flirting, even if he likes you.

    • Twist a lock of hair around your finger while talking. This is not unusual, many people will not even notice it, but if he somehow comments on your actions, it will mean that he is definitely watching you. This is one of the simplest flirting options.
    • Ask him for help. Difficulties may arise with this: he may refuse to do this in front of friends or be embarrassed. But here are some things you can safely ask for:
      • Ask him to help carry your backpack between classes. You can say that it is too heavy for you and you need the help of a strong man.
      • Ask for help with your homework, even if you don't need it. This is the perfect excuse to get close to him, but you can also test how patient he is.
      • Try not to act like you really need his help. Do not ask him to help you with the move or with anything global.
    • Smile while looking into his eyes. Show your best side. Smile with your charming smile, throw expressive glances at him and try to be near him more often. Then he certainly will not pass by!
  • Start touching him. Touches should be casual and careful.

    • Place your head or hand on his shoulder. Pretend you're tired. If he looks at you, smile back.
    • If he decides to tease you, playfully push him. Girls often do this when guys tease them. You can pretend to be offended or laugh.
    • Look for excuses to touch him. You can take his hand and say: "Your hands are so big and strong - not like mine," and then put your palm on his for comparison.
  • If you're ready to tell him how you feel, there are several ways to do so. Take courage and confess. Steal it from friends for a minute to talk. You need to look confident (and even better - actually feel confident in your abilities). Start with a simple conversation, wait for a pause and tell him everything.

    If you are worried about what he will answer you, just ask him on a date. This is a good way to get an answer to a question of interest without asking it directly. You just invite him to go somewhere with you. And if he responds positively to your flirting and talking, he has no reason to refuse you. Try something like:

    • “You know, I was going to go to one movie on Saturday with a friend, but she had urgent business. Would you mind keeping me company?"
    • “I really want to visit one abandoned house, but so far I have not found daredevils who would agree to accompany me. Come with me?"
    • “My parents and I are going to attend one annual festival, and they will not mind if I invite someone else from school with me. Would you like to come with us?"
  • If you don't want to be so direct, you can write him a note. Pass it on yourself or ask your close friend or girlfriend to help you with it.

    • Leave a note with the text "I like you very much" on his desk.
    • Write "I like you" on a piece of paper, sign the note with the guy's name, but don't say on the note who it's from. Ask a friend to walk past his desk and put it in his place. If he reads it and looks around wondering who might have written it, you can give him a hint as to who the author of the note is, or leave him wondering.
  • Whatever his reaction, don't lose faith in yourself. If he answers “yes” to you, you can be sure that he likes you for who you are. Don't be surprised by the positive response! You have every reason to love yourself.

    • If he does not reciprocate, try to end the conversation and forget about what happened. Remember that rejection does not mean you are a bad person. The reasons may be different. Don't forget that you don't have to suit anyone's taste, and there are plenty of guys around who will be lucky if you pay attention to them.
  • If you're a brave girl, try sending him a text message saying, "Listen, [guy's name] is so cool!”, and then send another one with the words “Sorry! This message was for [your girlfriend's name]!" If he likes you, he will immediately want to ask you out on a date.

    Be yourself on a date. When you find out that your sympathy is mutual, you will try to behave differently than usual. However, it's important to remember that people like you just the way you are, so there's no need to be a sex bomb on the first date. Behave as usual: talk about the things you usually talk about and make fun of him in the same way as always. If he likes you, you don't have to worry about anything.

    • Ask him if he likes you, only in private. If he is in the company of guys, he will feel the need to appear cool, so he may respond in the negative, no matter how he feels about you.
    • Be confident (or better yet, feel confident). This way you won't come across as constricted and it will be easier for you to communicate.
    • If you think he likes you, try to get close to him. For example, sit next to him or walk arm in arm with him.
    • No need to say that you were just joking if he is silent in response to your confession. In this case, it's better to just shrug than to look stupid.
    • Guys are by no means stone, they also have feelings. If he is nervous or blushing, do not laugh at him or insult him. This can be done flirtatiously, but it's worth putting it off until you're officially dating.
    • Ask yourself if you really want this relationship before it gets too far.
    • If you still decide to tell him that you like him, do it gently and carefully. Start with something that he is interested in, and then try to hint to him about your feelings.
    • If he rejects you, don't get offended and don't try to figure out why he did it. But don't pretend that you don't notice it anymore. Live like before. At least he will know what you are interested in and will remember you more often.
    • There is no worse place for confession of feelings than a party. You can ask him to step aside for a one-on-one conversation, but he may then blather everything you've told him to his friends.
    • Make jokes if it's appropriate for the conversation. Guys like girls with a sense of humor.
    • Act natural around him. You've probably heard this before, but we'll say it again: always be yourself. You have the right not to change in order to win someone's favor. If you really If a guy likes you, he will accept you for who you are.
    • You should not tell him about your feelings by e-mail or send letters. He will be pleased if you muster up the courage and say this in person.
    • Try not to flirt with other guys during this time. At least don't do it in front of him. Focusing on it will indicate your sympathy.
    • Remember that if you spend time with him, pay attention to him and behave in a pleasant manner, you will not need any words, because everything will be obvious.
    • Most guys will support you for being brave, and even if a guy doesn't have feelings for you, he will definitely respect you.
    • Try inviting him over to your house to do some study assignment together. This is a good reason to be alone with him and calmly talk to him about your feelings.
    • Befriend his friends, but don't get too carried away. If you spend time with him and his friends, he will see that you have many common interests and you get along very well, which is also very important for guys, because both friends and a girl play a significant role in life young man. In addition, he will understand that you can open up.
    • It's hard to tell a guy how you feel. But admitting to yourself that you like him is also not easy. If you are in love, you should find out how he feels about you. If you are made for each other, you will find a way to be together. How you behave with a guy will tell him about your feelings (in particular, flirting).
    • Before confessing to him, win him over, but don't make it too obvious to him. Give him gifts on holidays, but not too often. When you go on vacation, you don’t need to bring him anything, but you can present some nice little thing to your girlfriend in front of his eyes. Let him think that it is difficult to achieve you, and he will be unexpectedly pleased to know that you like him.


    • If you are good friends, make sure he also likes you before telling him how you feel, otherwise he may start to ignore you and this will ruin your friendship.
    • Be careful about telling anyone about your sympathies, especially if you study with this young man in the same school, because rumors tend to spread at the speed of light. The best way to keep your feelings private is to keep your mouth shut. If you are tired of sharing your experiences with someone, you can tell your close friend who knows how to keep secrets, or someone completely outside, like a pen pal or a person from another school who does not know him .
      • You should not devote his friends to this story and ask them to find out what he thinks about this, because this can play a cruel joke on you - they can tell him everything or tell you a lie.
    • Be prepared for him to be surprised by your confession. It's possible he doesn't even know what you like.
    • Do not stare at him, otherwise you will scare him.
    • Hottie, cute girl or beautiful - there is a huge difference between the words a guy calls you. If he thinks you're hot, he probably only likes you on the outside.
    • Try to be more direct. Games and beating around the bush will not lead to anything good. It's like ripping a band-aid off your skin: if he doesn't like you, you'd better find out as soon as possible. And if you like it, everyone will only win!
    • If he's more focused on your body than what you're saying, be careful. You don't want to get into trouble, do you?
    • Don't make him jealous. This will confuse him and will not lead to the desired. Cheap tricks have never helped anyone.
    • If you turn to him for help, make sure that you really need it, otherwise he may think that you are just being imposed.
    • No need to stir up his past (including his ex-girlfriends), even if you know something about him. The past cannot be changed. At best, he will pass it on deaf ears or ask you why you started talking about it, at worst, he will assume that you intentionally made inquiries about him.
    • No need to constantly fill up your chosen one with SMS messages. You will look in his eyes a stupid and obsessive girl. Wait until he writes to you himself, and only then continue the correspondence.
    • Tip for older girls and men: Mature men have no problem telling girls about their feelings, which makes it unnecessary for girls to make the first move. Just make sure he understands that the feeling is mutual.
    • You should not show your affection too actively in the presence of his friends. In order not to look like a laughingstock and the object of universal jokes, he will not reciprocate your feelings.
    • If your friends do not approve of your choice, this may mean that they know more about the guy than you do, and this information is alarming to them. Ask them about the reasons for such dislike, and this will help you in the future.
    • Don't act like an upstart. The guy will be embarrassed in your company.

    Does the guy you have a crush on show little initiative? Perhaps he simply does not know that you are interested, and therefore he does not dare to take the first step. There are many ways in which you can show a young man how you feel without talking about them directly.

    Should you tell your boyfriend about your feelings?

    The most important question for a girl is whether it is necessary to confess to a young man about her love at all, or is it better to wait for the first step from him, as required by numerous traditions. There can be many reasons to tell a man about it herself. A guy can be very timid, he can be too sensitive to a girl and is simply afraid to offend or rush her with his confession. Also, some bettors are morally afraid to reveal their soul and therefore hide their feelings. Or a young man may have doubts whether he really likes you or is it just a passing fad. So do not be afraid - recognition by a girl of tender feelings today is considered quite normal. First of all, it is worth assessing the general situation and the situation. Logically, a declaration of love should entail serious consequences, the main of which is the creation and development of a couple and your love relationship. Therefore, first of all, you yourself must be sure that you want the possible development of relations with this man, you want to see and communicate with him more often. You also need to assess whether he is ready for a potential relationship, whether he currently has strong love with another girl, or whether he has recently suffered a difficult breakup, after which he definitely wants to be alone for a long time. Take the initiative if he is shy You understand that this young man likes you, as indicated by some direct or indirect facts, but there are no confessions of sympathy on his part. If you see that the guy is shy or for some reason not confident in himself, then you can take the initiative into your own hands. His shyness can manifest itself in different ways: for example, you notice that he tries to stay longer in your company, but is embarrassed if he accidentally touches you or when the conversation turns to personal topics. He can also fade if he catches your eye or is alone with you. Of course, the lack of initiative can be explained by indifference, but most girls, perhaps, will be able to distinguish indifferent behavior from hesitant attempts to get closer. Don't embarrass a guy if he has a girlfriend If you know that the person you like is already in a relationship with another girl, and this romance at least outwardly seems to be prosperous, then you don’t need to embarrass him with your confessions. It is unlikely that he will reciprocate under such circumstances. But even if this happens, it is unlikely that you will want to be in the status of a homemaker. You can gently hint to the guy that you like him, but do not talk about your feelings directly. Don't push if he's not interested in you Communicating with him, you see that he has no interest, and this is clearly not embarrassment or self-doubt - he is really burdened by this communication. The reasons may not be in you at all - in general, he may not want a relationship now, or he is looking for a girl exclusively for a certain type, which you do not fall under. In addition, he may have liked another for a long time. There may be a lot of circumstances due to which he does not see you as a potential lover, and in this case, your recognition may completely make him avoid meeting you.

    How to show a person that you like him

    Just telling a man about your love in plain text - you can always do this, but it's not too romantic and morally very difficult. It is much more beautiful to express your warm sympathy for the person you like with the help of gentle words spoken in a suitable setting and with the right emphasis on your hints for a man. At the same time, it is worth choosing the right words depending on how close you are already with a young man you like - he may just be nice to you, you may be in love with him and your feelings may well be mutual. The tips below will surely help you find a way to express your feelings to a man without getting confused and not missing your opportunity to become happy next to him.

    When you just really like him

    When a young man is just nice to you, you can express your tender feelings well with the help of hints. For example, appear in front of him in beautiful outfits and, in response to his compliments, say that you wanted to look good especially for him. Men generally love with their eyes, so your beautiful appearance will be very important for a young man to have a good impression of you and this will put him in a position to communicate and get to know you better. You can also use not too obvious compliments to a young man, tell him live or via SMS, as if by chance, how strong he is, how he looks like a handsome actor, what interesting hobbies he has, etc. You can make friends with his friends or acquaintances, and through them learn about the tastes and interests of the guy, so that later in conversations with him to use these topics as "hooks". And in one of these conversations, you can notice that you have a lot of similar interests and therefore you clearly sympathize with this guy.

    When you love him, how to confess your feelings

    If your feelings are already something more than just sympathy, you should act more confidently so as not to miss your happiness. First of all, exclude flirting with other young people in his presence, so as not to arouse the opinion of yourself as a loose and fickle girl. Try to be positive and cheerful in order to attract attention - it will also be useful to evaluate the jokes of a guy you like, because he will certainly appreciate those who appreciate his sense of humor. You can also write to him about your feelings, without naming the word “love” itself, but speaking quite clearly about your feelings. In this case, if the guy is interested in you, he will answer you, and if not, you can pretend that this message did not exist and thereby get rid of unnecessary worries.

    Declaration of love when feelings are mutual

    In the case when your feelings are mutual and you are also nice to this young man, it will be easier. It will be enough for you to take the first step to start a relationship. You can write a message in a message or social network saying that you like him and if his feelings are mutual, then let him write you a response message. You can also tell the guy that you have long wanted to go to a movie or play, but you have no one to go with. He will probably offer to keep you company - and this is an excellent occasion to talk and get to know each other better. A good option is to give the guy a small gift that would hint to him about the reciprocity of your feelings. For example, paired mugs or key chains, one of your joint photos in a frame, etc. Do not be afraid to make contact, because young people are also often shy before the first conversation and may be embarrassed to admit their warm feelings.

    I want it like hint to bed

    If you are not in a relationship yet, then such hints may not play into your hands. The guy, of course, can answer your “signals”, but there is a high probability that everything will be limited to bed only - the chosen one will simply consider you a windy person. However, if you have already started dating, but things don’t go beyond kissing, then, of course, you can take the initiative. Try to be alone with your lover more often, hug him and just touch him. Also, in order to take the relationship to a new level, you can invite him home for a romantic dinner - wine, candles and pleasant music will undoubtedly encourage your rapprochement.

    Interesting places In personal communication or during correspondence, you can mention some new establishments or just interesting places that you would like to visit. Note that you usually go for a walk with a friend, but in the coming days she has other things to do, so you don’t even know whether to wait for her or find yourself another company. For a young man, this will be a clear hint that you are located for a walk together. His tastes Find out where your chosen one likes to spend time, and show interest in his choice. For example, he likes skiing. Tell them you've never done it, or you can't learn it, but you'd really like to. Or he may state that he likes a certain genre of films, which he periodically goes to the cinema. You, in turn, can answer that you are also interested in such films, but your friends do not share these tastes, and you yourself do not want to go to the movies. direct hints Write or tell the young man that you are very interested in communicating with him, and it would be nice to take a walk together sometime. You can find a reason. For example, you told the interlocutor about some place that he had not been to. Note in passing that you will definitely show him "somehow" this institution. If he wants to meet, then your application for him will be a good chance to take advantage of the situation and invite you for a walk or a date.

    We hint the guy at the relationship correctly

    Positive mood In his presence, try to maintain a positive mood, showing the guy that you enjoy being in such a society. It makes sense not only to show it, but also to voice it. Talk about how interesting and fun you are with him. You can also mention that he, like no other, is able to cheer you up. body contact Touch the guy you like. Although, of course, here it is also worth knowing the measure - there is no need to “hang” on it, your touches should be as if by chance. You can take it by the hand when crossing the road or climbing stairs. Light hugs and a kiss on the cheek are also quite appropriate when meeting or parting. Telling something important to the interlocutor or needing his support, you can briefly take his hand. Personal questions Here, too, it is important not to cross the line. Ask the guy how long he had his last relationship, what kind of girl he sees next to him. However, if the young man is reluctant to answer, then it is better not to delve into such questions. True, detailed answers do not mean at all that you need to pay excessive attention to this topic - it would be more appropriate to find out all the details of parting with ex-girlfriends if you are in a closer relationship. For now, it’s enough to let him know that you care about his personal life.

    Say "I love you" with other words or actions

    It is quite difficult to say about your love to a man in plain text. It is much easier to veil your confession so that the man himself guesses about your tender feelings. This option eliminates many awkward sensations. Therefore, you can try other good options for declaring love below. One of them will surely give a positive result and you will definitely get closer with a young man you like.

    Beautiful words for a declaration of love

    In order to confess your love to a young man, it is not necessary to use banal phrases. It is much better to speak from a pure heart and sincerely. If it is difficult to collect your thoughts live, write a long confession in the message - this will help you pick up beautiful phrases, think over the train of thought. Be sure to use more characteristics that emphasize the qualities of a young man who sympathize with you (strong, caring, reliable, etc.). This will help him understand why you appreciate him. Do not use too many diminutive forms like "bunny" or "cat". A declaration of love is a rather serious thing, and such words will reduce seriousness to a minimum. The words must be honest - say only what you are really sure of. You should not make abstract reviews of your common future and prophesy an excellent development of relations. It is better to talk more about the present tense, about your feelings and the positive qualities of this young man. Then the conversation will be more effective.

    Confessions through communication on the Internet or by SMS

    Modern communication allows you to make a confession in a social network or using SMS messages. This relieves your stress and worries, you can properly prepare. Choose the right words, think about what idea you want to convey to the guy with your messages - and send him. In correspondence, you do not see the reaction of the young man and do not worry so much. In addition, if the guy says no or ignores you, it will be much easier to bear than if he refused you during a personal conversation. In addition, in order to declare love in this way, too close communication and acquaintance between you is not required - after all, it is enough to find a guy’s number or his page on a social network, bypassing the need to get to know friends, etc.

    Confessions in verse, through gifts or selfless help

    A beautiful and unbanal way to hint to a guy about your feelings is to write poetry to him. It is to write, even if they are not very colorful, since almost every guy has already seen poems from the Internet and you are unlikely to please him with such bad taste. Find an opportunity to write poetry yourself, or ask your friends about it, and send it to a young man via SMS or on a social network - he will surely appreciate your creativity. Another option is a nice present or an offer of disinterested help to a young man. These gifts or help should not be large-scale, rather, it is just a small sign of attention that will let a man know that you care about him. The present can be something like a keychain, a photo frame, a book that a young man told you about - something nice that this man will then associate with you. You can also make a commemorative engraving, non-banal, then in the future it may become a kind of motto of your relationship with this young man.

    Confess love in person

    The most honest and open version of a declaration of love is a personal meeting and a face-to-face conversation. In this way, you can immediately see the real emotions of a man in response to your words, clarify some individual phrases and supplement your confession with some comments and clarifications. Before a personal meeting, you will have to muster up the courage, but this method is really the most reliable and time-tested. This option is also very good because in the event of a successful conversation, you will immediately feel a new closeness to each other, you can hug or kiss each other for the first time. And this is a great start to the strong development of your relationship.

    I'm afraid to confess my feelings to him, what to do - advice from psychologists

    It is not uncommon for a girl to be very afraid to tell a young man about her love (for example, she is one of the timid ones). This is normal, because subconsciously the girl is afraid of a possible rejection, rejection of her feelings. In such cases, you need to be able to overcome your fears and understand what goal you would like to achieve: just hint to a guy about feelings, openly declare your love, get your relationship started, etc. And then it is important to actively act until the first impression you create did not dissipate. It will be useful when you feel fear and excitement to find out what psychologists recommend doing and what common female mistakes are best avoided by deciding to confess your feelings to a young man. your words and say them out loud in front of the mirror, as if to evaluate yourself from the outside. Firstly, it will help relieve the excitement that you can start to get confused in words and say too much or not quite what you wanted. Secondly, it will be easier to relieve stress, because the body will feel that you are not saying such words for the first time, which means you should not worry too much. Also, experts often suggest pre-assessing the situation - not the best option would be to confess to a guy in love when he heavily loaded with problems at work or school, or in the family. Both of you should be conducive to conversation, be in a good mood and be able to think over everything that has been said after communication.

    Is it true that guys don't take hints?

    Many men really do not react as subtly to the intonation of the interlocutor as women do, and do not always understand the hints. For example, you can tell him that you would like to go to the cinema in the near future or you are interested in some kind of event. Some guys react instantly, offering to go together to a place that intrigues you, but there are also those who sincerely think that you are just sharing information to keep the conversation going. In the second case, the interlocutor sincerely does not realize that he was hinted at something - he can understand what you need only if direct offers are made. When the couple is already in a relationship, this problem does not disappear. For example, before your birthday, you can praise some new popular book, stating that your friends really liked it, and you would also like to read it madly. Or you can say that your earrings are missing a ring in a similar style. It is likely that you are hoping to receive a bestseller or jewelry as a gift, but the chances are very high that the chosen one will not understand this and will give, for example, perfume you do not need. Coquetry will not work with such men: “I don’t even know what I want, choose to your taste.” He needs to speak directly, and just accept the fact that he does not understand the hints - this is how you prevent resentment and misunderstanding in the future.

    How to understand that a man understood your hint

    There are few options here. If you start a topic with enviable regularity, and the young man diligently avoids it, despite all the transparency of the hints, or constantly takes the conversation in a different direction, then most likely he understood what you are leading to. However, his reaction, unfortunately, indicates that he is not enthusiastic about your message. There is also a reverse option, in which everything is more obvious. A man with interest supports the topic you set, asking clarifying questions, instead of simply ignoring your words. So he noticed that it was about something important, and did not lose sight of it. In this case, your hints will probably bring the desired result soon.

    The most common mistakes girls make

    Backlash Have you hinted in every possible way to the guy that he is interesting to you, but still did not wait for an invitation to a date? No need to hastily remove him from friends in VK or turn away when you meet. Assume that he really did not understand the hints, and now your behavior looks completely stupid. Unnatural behavior Deciding to hint to the young man of sympathy, suddenly you began to behave unnaturally - to flirt excessively, to joke vulgarly, to actively show him signs of attention. Many guys like this approach, but there are also those who are confused by such behavior. Engagement of third parties You have already discussed with some mutual friends that you are interested in a young man. However, when you meet him, you show detachment, expecting that he will seek you out. This is not the best tactic, which in his eyes, most likely, looks strange. Pointlessness of allusions It also happens that a girl actively flirts with a guy, hints at sympathy, but there is no purpose behind all this - she just likes to communicate like that or she wants to surround herself with fans without planning any relationship with them. Realizing that your hints mean nothing, the young man may completely cut off contact with you. If you understand that you do not consider a guy as a potential lover, it is better to maintain a friendly relationship with him.

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