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At the intersection of fashion and technology: "smart" clothing for all occasions. Smart things of the future. creative gadgets

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

smart clothes (wearable technology) - clothingthat can interactively interact with the environment, perceiving signals, processing information and triggering responses.

“Smart” is no longer limited to clothes that meet this definition. In addition to special medical or military suits that can really track a person’s condition and environment and process this information, the epithet "smart" in the press can also be applied to clothing that serves only as a platform for attaching electronics, such as jackets with built-in players. Due to the vagueness of the term, such wardrobe items cannot be ignored in the review of “smart” clothes, but nevertheless:

“A jacket with a built-in mobile phone pocket doesn't get smart. “Smart” clothes should add some non-clothing properties to the item of clothing, so that its normal functions are not violated, for example, so that the clothes can be washed and worn. Ideally, smart clothing provides non-clothing features, such as health monitoring, in addition to the traditional function of clothing to protect the body from influences. external environment]. Such clothing can, for example, collect data and either automatically transmit it wirelessly to an external computer, or process it on its own and react to the results of calculations without user intervention.

Electronics for "smart" clothes

"Smart" clothes can be equipped with:

  • textile keyboard. For example, SOFTswitch is developing a fabric that, when pressed, produces an electric current, their technology is based on the effect of quantum tunneling in a composite material. An easier method for creating a textile keyboard is to use layers of conductive and insulating fabric so that when pressed, the conductive layers touch;
  • sensors for measuring heart rate and breathing rate using ECG electrodes and pressure sensors or other technologies, such as sensors based on fiber Bragg grating, which are used to monitor the deformation of engineering structures;
  • accelerometer or stretch sensors to track human movements;
  • optical fiber, which allows you to track gaps in the tissue and thus obtain information about a possible injury to a person or obtain information about the content of various substances in the air or temperature fluctuations (in addition to the fiber, such a sensor contains chemicals that react to the composition or temperature of the air and affect the passage of light through the fiber);

In addition, other electronic devices, such as players, GPS systems, and the like, can be embedded in "smart" clothes.

The data from the sensors undergo primary processing using electronics sewn into clothes, and then, in many cases, they are transferred to a smartphone or other external device, where they are analyzed by mobile applications.

In addition to ordinary fabric, 3D-printed elements can be used as the basis for electronics in "smart" clothes. For example, such a dress was presented in the fall of 2014 at the Intel Design Forum 2014 exhibition. The clothes are decorated with LEDs that react to the mood of the person who wears them, thanks to reading his brain activity.


The first attempts to combine clothing and electrical elements date back to the end of the 19th century, when incandescent lamps began to spread and displace gas lighting. So, in 1884, The New Your Times published an advertising article about a company that offered the services of girls who wore incandescent bulbs and could serve as living lamps. The same article mentions that ballerina electric bulbs began to be used in stage costumes a year earlier.

In 1968, the Museum of Modern Crafts in New York (USA) hosted an exhibition called Body Covering, dedicated to the use of technical devices in clothing. It showed both special clothing, such as space suits for astronauts, a fireproof suit, overalls that protect against radiation and poisonous gases, and ordinary clothing with built-in electrical devices: for example, a leather dress with photographs sewn into it, which were illuminated by light bulbs powered by sewn-in batteries, or a plastic belt with a speaker.

The actual idea of ​​"smart" clothing begins to develop in the 1980s from the concept of wearable computers. At this time, scientists and engineers worked primarily on the creation of miniature computers, and the actual garments were more of a base to which electronics could be attached. Examples include Steve Mann's wearable computer and Digital Eye Glass augmented reality system or Puma's running shoes with built-in computer. By connecting these shoes to a desktop computer such as an Apple IIe or Commodore 64, the wearer could see how many miles they had run and how many calories they had burned.

Most of the projects at that time developed at universities and did not reach mass production. For example, in 1996, the Georgia Institute of Technology began developing a T-shirt with optical and conductive fibers woven into the fabric. The project was originally funded Naval Forces USA, its commercial development was subsequently taken up by the Sensatex startup, which released a beta version of the "smart" t-shirt - Smart Shirt - in 2006. Clothing tracks movement, heartbeat and the breath of the person wearing it, and can transmit data wirelessly. However, it does not look bulky and can be washed.

In the late 1990s, the fashion industry began to get involved in the production of smart clothes, and the number of joint projects between electronics and clothing manufacturers began to grow. First commercial product, resulting from this kind of collaboration, is considered to be the joint development of Philips and clothing manufacturer Levi Strauss & Co - an ICD + jacket with a built-in MP3 player, cell phone, as well as a headset and a remote control included, it was released in 2000. The example of Philips and Levi in ​​subsequent years was followed by many manufacturers.

However, more complex developments in the early 2000s remained at the prototype stage. For example, at the World Exhibition in Hannover in 2000, one of the first concepts of "smart" clothing was presented - Cyberia survival suit - a joint development of the clothing manufacturer Reima, the University of Lapland and the Tampere University of Technology. This snowmobile suit was equipped with heating elements, sensors that tracked the heartbeat, inside and outside temperature, humidity (in case a person was in the water), and the person's movements, posture and hitting something. The clothes were also equipped with a GPS system and a mobile phone. All this was controlled by a small computer with a graphical interface. The whole structure was very heavy.



Medicine is one of the areas in which "smart" clothing is most in demand. Clothing with built-in sensors is used for continuous monitoring of the condition of patients, as it allows you to take a cardiogram, monitor heart rate, respiration, pressure and other parameters. Examples of such developments are the LifeShirt System vest with built-in sensors and the ability to record and analyze data, or the “smart” Sensatex T-shirt mentioned above.

"Smart" clothes and the problem of aging

It is known that in developed countries the problem of aging associated with an increase in life expectancy is becoming more acute. "Smart" clothes partly help in solving it. For example, in Europe there is a state program "Aging in the Information Society", the purpose of which is to develop technologies that allow monitoring the health of older people. Smart bracelets can be used for this purpose.


Manufacturers sportswear and equipment have always been willing to experiment with new technologies. Smart clothes are no exception. Its use differs between professional and amateur sports. Smart clothing for professional athletes is similar to medical human monitoring systems and allows you to monitor parameters such as heart rate, breathing, etc. An example of such a development is the Adidas heart rate tracking system. It is a sportswear - bras, T-shirts, T-shirts - with sensors woven into the fabric. From the sensors, the data is sent to the transmitter, which can transmit them to a sports watch, smartphone or cardio machine.

In 2013, a student at Brigham Young University in the United States invented a "smart" helmet, inside which a special piezoelectric foam generates an electrical signal when compressed. The signal is transmitted to a tablet or computer. Thus, the coach within a few seconds receives information about how serious blow got an athlete and can quickly take him out of the game. Similar helmets, but with an accelerometer instead of piezoelectric elements, are already used in professional sports, for example, by players in the US National Football League.

In the field of amateur sports, the use of elements of "smart" clothing is more likely to be part of the entertainment category. For example, many sportswear manufacturers produce clothes with sewn-in buttons for controlling players or iPods. In 2003, Adidas made a second-ever attempt to equip sneakers with a computer and released the adidas 1 model with cushioning that changes depending on the actions of the wearer, but such sneakers did not work reliably and were not widely used. A joint product of Nike and Apple turned out to be more successful - sneakers that synchronize with the iPod or iPhone at the time, and those in turn collect statistics and switch music tracks.

Fashion and design

In this area, "smart" clothing is required not so much functionality or convenience as interesting ideas for using new technologies. In production casual wear these ideas are almost never used. Examples include the development of the Studio 5050 design studio - a Love Jacket with a built-in source and receiver of infrared radiation, a microcontroller, as well as LEDs and a speaker. By pulses of infrared radiation, paired jackets “recognize” each other and start flashing LEDs and emit sounds. Hug Shirt - a t-shirt that allows you to feel hugs from a distance using Bluetooth communication and a sensor system.

For those who want to try their hand at creating "smart" clothes on their own, kits are available that include conductive fabric, LEDs, switches and other necessary electronics.

Military developments

The military departments, especially the American ones, were initially the most active sponsors of developments in the field of wearable electronics and "smart" clothing. One of these projects - Future Force Warrior - was dedicated to the development of a combat suit for the infantry. This suit should fully protect a person and help him move with the help of an exoskeleton, it is equipped with a soldier’s condition monitoring system, a display and communication system built into the helmet, as well as weapons and batteries to power electronics.

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An excerpt characterizing Smart clothes

Natasha did not speak to Sonya anymore and avoided her. With the same expression of agitated surprise and criminality, she paced the rooms, taking up first this and then another occupation and immediately abandoning them.
No matter how hard it was for Sonya, she kept her eyes on her friend.
On the eve of the day on which the count was supposed to return, Sonya noticed that Natasha had been sitting all morning at the living room window, as if waiting for something and that she had made some kind of sign to the passing military man, whom Sonya mistook for Anatole.
Sonya began to observe her friend even more attentively and noticed that Natasha was in a strange and unnatural state all the time of dinner and evening (she answered inappropriately to questions put to her, began and did not finish phrases, laughed at everything).
After tea, Sonya saw a timid maid waiting for her at Natasha's door. She let it through, and, eavesdropping at the door, learned that the letter had again been handed over. And suddenly it became clear to Sonya that Natasha had some kind of terrible plan for this evening. Sonya knocked on her door. Natasha didn't let her in.
“She will run away with him! Sonya thought. She is capable of everything. To-day there was something particularly pathetic and resolute in her face. She burst into tears, saying goodbye to her uncle, Sonya recalled. Yes, that's right, she runs with him - but what should I do? thought Sonya, now recalling those signs that clearly proved why Natasha had some kind of terrible intention. "There is no count. What should I do, write to Kuragin, demanding an explanation from him? But who tells him to answer? Write to Pierre, as Prince Andrei asked in case of an accident? ... But maybe, in fact, she had already refused Bolkonsky (she sent a letter to Princess Marya yesterday). There are no uncles!” It seemed terrible to Sonya to tell Marya Dmitrievna, who believed so much in Natasha. But one way or another, Sonya thought, standing in a dark corridor: now or never the time has come to prove that I remember the good deeds of their family and love Nicolas. No, I won’t sleep for at least three nights, but I won’t leave this corridor and won’t let her in by force, and won’t let shame fall on their family, ”she thought.

Anatole recently moved to Dolokhov. The plan for the abduction of Rostova had already been thought out and prepared by Dolokhov for several days, and on the day when Sonya, having overheard Natasha at the door, decided to protect her, this plan was to be carried out. Natasha promised to go out to Kuragin on the back porch at ten o'clock in the evening. Kuragin was supposed to put her in a prepared troika and take her 60 miles from Moscow to the village of Kamenka, where a trimmed priest was prepared, who was supposed to marry them. In Kamenka, a set-up was ready, which was supposed to take them to the Varshavskaya road, and there they were supposed to ride abroad on postage.
Anatole had a passport, and a traveler's, and ten thousand money taken from his sister, and ten thousand borrowed through Dolokhov.
Two witnesses - Khvostikov, a former clerk, whom Dolokhov and Makarin used for playing, a retired hussar, good-natured and weak person, who had boundless love for Kuragin - sat in the first room for tea.
In Dolokhov's large office, decorated from wall to ceiling with Persian carpets, bearskins and weapons, Dolokhov sat in a traveling beshmet and boots in front of an open bureau, on which lay bills and wads of money. Anatole, in his unbuttoned uniform, walked from the room where the witnesses were sitting, through the study to the back room, where his French footman and others were packing the last things. Dolokhov counted money and wrote it down.
“Well,” he said, “Khvostikov should be given two thousand.
- Well, let me, - said Anatole.
- Makarka (that's what they called Makarina), this one disinterestedly for you through fire and into water. Well, the scores are over, - said Dolokhov, showing him a note. - So?
“Yes, of course, that’s how it is,” said Anatole, apparently not listening to Dolokhov and with a smile that did not leave his face, looking ahead of himself.
Dolokhov slammed the bureau shut and turned to Anatole with a mocking smile.
- And you know what - drop it all: there is still time! - he said.
- Fool! Anatole said. - Stop talking nonsense. If you only knew... The devil knows what it is!
“Damn right,” said Dolokhov. - I'm talking to you. Is this a joke you're up to?
- Well, again, teasing again? Went to hell! Huh?... – Anatole said with a frown. “The right is not up to your stupid jokes. And he left the room.
Dolokhov smiled contemptuously and condescendingly when Anatole left.
“Wait a minute,” he said after Anatole, “I’m not joking, I’m talking business, come, come here.
Anatole again entered the room and, trying to concentrate his attention, looked at Dolokhov, obviously involuntarily submitting to him.
- You listen to me, I'll tell you last time I say. What should I joke with you? Did I cross you? Who arranged everything for you, who found the priest, who took the passport, who got the money? All I.
- Well, thank you. Do you think I'm not grateful to you? Anatole sighed and hugged Dolokhov.
- I helped you, but still I have to tell you the truth: the matter is dangerous and, if you take it apart, stupid. Well, you'll take her away, okay. Will they leave it like that? It turns out that you are married. After all, you will be brought to criminal court ...
– Ah! stupidity, stupidity! - Anatole spoke again, grimacing. “Because I told you. A? - And Anatole, with that special predilection (which stupid people have) for the conclusion that they reach with their own mind, repeated the reasoning that he repeated a hundred times to Dolokhov. “After all, I explained to you, I decided: if this marriage is invalid,” he said, bending his finger, “then I do not answer; Well, if it's real, it doesn't matter: no one abroad will know this, right? And don't talk, don't talk, don't talk!
- Right, come on! You only bind yourself...
“Go to hell,” said Anatole, and, holding his hair, went out into another room and immediately returned and sat down with his feet on an armchair close to Dolokhov. “The devil knows what it is!” A? Look how it beats! - He took Dolokhov's hand and put it to his heart. - Ah! quel pied, mon cher, quel regard! Une deesse!! [ABOUT! What a leg, my friend, what a look! Goddess!!] Huh?
Dolokhov, smiling coldly and shining with his beautiful, insolent eyes, looked at him, apparently wanting to still have some fun with him.
- Well, the money will come out, then what?
- What then? A? - Anatole repeated with sincere bewilderment at the thought of the future. - What then? There I don’t know what… Well, what nonsense to say! He looked at his watch. - It's time!
Anatole went into the back room.
– Well, will you soon? Dig in here! he shouted at the servants.
Dolokhov took away the money and, shouting to a man to order food and drink for the road, entered the room where Khvostikov and Makarin were sitting.
Anatole was lying in the study, leaning on his arm, on the sofa, smiling thoughtfully and softly whispering something to himself with his beautiful mouth.
- Go eat something. Well, have a drink! Dolokhov shouted to him from another room.
- Don't want! - Anatole answered, still smiling.
- Go, Balaga has arrived.
Anatole got up and went into the dining room. Balaga was a well-known troika driver who had known Dolokhov and Anatole for six years and served them with his troikas. More than once, when Anatole's regiment was stationed in Tver, he took him away from Tver in the evening, delivered him to Moscow by dawn, and took him away the next day at night. More than once he took Dolokhov away from the chase, more than once he drove them around the city with gypsies and ladies, as Balaga called. More than once, with their work, he crushed the people and cabbies around Moscow, and his gentlemen, as he called them, always rescued him. He drove more than one horse under them. More than once he was beaten by them, more than once they made him drunk with champagne and Madeira, which he loved, and he knew more than one thing behind each of them, which Siberia would have long deserved for an ordinary person. In their carousing, they often called Balaga, forced him to drink and dance with the gypsies, and more than one thousand of their money passed through his hands. In their service, he risked both his life and his skin twenty times a year, and in their work he overworked more horses than they overpaid him. But he loved them, he loved this crazy ride, at eighteen miles an hour, he loved to overturn a cab and crush a pedestrian in Moscow, and fly at full speed through Moscow streets. He loved to hear this wild cry of drunken voices behind him: “Let's go! gone!” while it was already impossible to go any faster; he liked to stretch painfully up the neck of the peasant, who, in any case, was neither dead nor alive, shunned him. "Real gentlemen!" he thought.
Anatole and Dolokhov also loved Balaga for his driving skills and for the fact that he loved the same thing as they did. Balaga dressed up with others, took twenty-five rubles for a two-hour ride, and with others he only occasionally went himself, and mostly sent his fellows. But with his masters, as he called them, he always rode himself and never demanded anything for his work. Only when he found out through the valets the time when there was money, he came in the morning sober once every few months and, bowing low, asked to help him out. It was always planted by the gentlemen.
“Release me, father Fyodor Ivanovich or your excellency,” he said. - I completely lost my horses, you can go to the fair, lend what you can.
Both Anatole and Dolokhov, when they were in money, gave him a thousand and two rubles each.
Balaga was fair-haired, with a red face and especially a red, thick neck, a squat, snub-nosed peasant, about twenty-seven, with small shining eyes and a small beard. He was dressed in a thin blue caftan lined with silk, worn over a sheepskin coat.
He crossed himself at the front corner and went up to Dolokhov, holding out his small black hand.
- Fyodor Ivanovich! he said, bowing.
- Good, brother. - Well, here he is.
“Hello, Your Excellency,” he said to Anatole, who was entering, and also held out his hand.
“I’m telling you, Balaga,” Anatole said, putting his hands on his shoulders, “do you love me or not?” A? Now serve the service ... On which ones did you come? A?
- As the ambassador ordered, on your animals, - said Balaga.
- Well, you hear, Balaga! Slaughter all three, and to arrive at three o'clock. A?
- How will you slaughter, what will we ride? Balaga said, winking.
- Well, I'll break your face, don't joke! - Anatole suddenly shouted, rolling his eyes.
“What a joke,” said the coachman, laughing. “Will I be sorry for my masters? What urine will ride horses, then we will go.
- A! Anatole said. - Well, sit down.
- Well, sit down! Dolokhov said.
- I'll wait, Fyodor Ivanovich.
“Sit down, lie, drink,” Anatole said and poured him a large glass of Madeira. The coachman's eyes lit up with wine. Refusing for the sake of decency, he drank and dried himself with a red silk handkerchief that lay in his hat.
- Well, when to go then, Your Excellency?
- Yes, here ... (Anatole looked at his watch) now and go. Look, Balaga. A? Are you up to speed?
- Yes, how is the departure - will he be happy, otherwise why not be in time? Balaga said. - Delivered to Tver, at seven o'clock they kept up. Do you remember, Your Excellency.
“You know, I once went from Tver to Christmas,” Anatole said with a smile of recollection, turning to Makarin, who looked with tender eyes at Kuragin. - Do you believe, Makarka, that it was breathtaking how we flew. We drove into the convoy, jumped over two carts. A?
- There were horses! Balaga continued. “Then I banned the young slaves to kaury,” he turned to Dolokhov, “do you believe it, Fyodor Ivanovich, the animals flew 60 miles away; you can’t hold it, your hands were stiff, it was cold. He threw the reins, hold, they say, Your Excellency, himself, and so he fell into the sleigh. So after all, not only to drive, you can’t keep to the place. At three o'clock they told the devil. Only the left one died.

Anatole left the room and a few minutes later returned in a fur coat girded with a silver belt and a sable hat, smartly put on the hips and very fitting for his handsome face. After looking in the mirror and in the same position that he took in front of the mirror, standing in front of Dolokhov, he took a glass of wine.
“Well, Fedya, goodbye, thanks for everything, goodbye,” said Anatole. - Well, comrades, friends ... he thought ... - youth ... my, goodbye, - he turned to Makarin and others.

For a long time, many fashion creators believe that all discoveries have already been made in fashion, and it’s simply impossible to come up with anything radically new here. That is why designers should draw inspiration from the fashion of the past, which they can process in a new way and include in their fashion collections. However, the world is constantly changing, new technologies are emerging that are gradually being introduced into the fashion industry.

Today, many fashion designers use various 3D modeling programs to create their own unique accessories and clothing. Others prefer to print fashion items on special 3D printers, and shoe manufacturers have already started making shoes with lights and all sorts of sensors.

Therefore, we can already say with confidence that new technologies are penetrating the fashion industry and are already beginning to become part of our everyday clothing, helping it to solve more and more important tasks. Recently, information appeared that Ekonika created shoes with a smart insole, and H&M developed interactive clothes that provide positive influence on baby brain and its development.

Claire Danes tried on a Cinderella from the Future outfit designed by Zac Posen. But IBM and Marchesa created a dress with color-changing decor for top model Karolina Kurkova. But Topshop plans to introduce new technologies into the production of casual clothing for ordinary consumers.

Some people do not take such innovations seriously, and they have their reasons for this. For example, take at least the notorious smart watch, on which everyone had high hopes, which as a result did not materialize. However, in any case, modern technologies are changing the fashion world, as well as our way of life. It's just that it's not happening as fast as we would like or as the manufacturers claim.

Currently, smart accessories and clothing occupy a very small part of the market, they want to acquire modern fashionistas and mods who are fans of modern technology. However, every year there are more and more such smart things.

Now, new technologies in the field of smart clothes are not limited to 3D printing or lighting. The founder of Wearable Experiments, Australian Billie Whitehouse has created underwear that can imitate touch. Such linen can be controlled from a distance through a phone application, and it is intended for lovers who are far from each other.

She also created a T-shirt that allows you to feel everything that happens to the player throughout the match. Sensors register impulses on the athlete's body and transmit them through the T-shirt in real time. This technology will help many fans to immerse themselves in what is happening and even feel like a part of this team.

The company Wearable Experiments does not stop with emotions, it has released leggings that control the position of the body.
They can act as a trainer during fitness classes, determining whether the person has taken the correct position. Concerning ordinary life, they can also tell you if you are sitting correctly at the computer. In addition, they can monitor the level of activity of their owner and detailed information send to the phone application, which is available for Android and Apple environments.

Some companies are already producing special jackets designed for motorcyclists. They can regulate the temperature using a mechanism that is implemented on the basis of space technology. The interface that connects to the jacket can also be connected to the motorcycle, and it will measure the temperature in four different areas, and activate the heating if necessary.

Sebastien Meyer and Arnaud Vaillant from Courrèges have included a coat that is equipped with a heating system in their autumn-winter collection.

In addition, many companies are now working on the development of smart fabrics. Mildew-resistant fabrics with deodorizing and antibacterial effects, fire-resistant and reflective fabrics, as well as fabrics with memory that change depending on the air temperature are created.

Illuminated things are also useful, they can even save your life. For example, motorcyclists dressed in clothing with electroluminescent film will be more visible on the road. Such clothes can make you more visible at a disco or a party.

Also, internal illumination will make it more convenient to search for clothes. And although it seems like a trifle, our whole life consists of trifles, and it would be better if these trifles are comfortable.

In 2015, about sixty thousand smart fashion items were sold, in 2016 more than a million are expected, and in 2017 - more than five million. This market is currently one of the fastest growing, which means that it is one of the most promising.

Many smart things for the home seem like fantasy. Some are still an inaccessible luxury, with the help of others you can significantly improve and simplify your life. Choose useful smart home gadgets!

Robot vacuum cleaner. The Roomba smart vacuum cleaner does everything by itself: it cleans floors with high quality, filters the air and turns off after cleaning. You only need to set the program and relax.

Do not want to leave the keys to the house for anyone, but you need to walk the dog or let the children in from school while you are at work? After a call from a child or a dog walker using mobile device open and then close the doors again.

Chamberlain Garage Opener. With it, you will never worry whether you closed the garage or forgot - you can always check and correct the situation. Getting out of the car in bad weather is also no longer required.

Home Protection Canary Home Security. The system consists of a camera and an alarm. A wide-angle lens allows you to monitor your home day and night, while at work or on a business trip. The cool device will even tell you about the heat and cold, as well as the composition of the air outside.

Super Intercom Ring Video Doorbell. Thanks to this gadget, you will see everyone who came to the house, even if you are not there (thieves have no chance, they will always be answered). In this case, you can chat with the guest.

Security Sentri Monitoring System. Wireless home security system with a touch screen and at an affordable cost will protect your home from criminal intrusions.

Awair Air Quality Monitor. This miracle device monitors the temperature, humidity and purity of the air, sending a signal to a humidifier or air conditioner if necessary.

"Smart" things for home care for pets. Petnet Smartfeeder and Petzi Treat Cam allow you to feed your pet with your iPhone, and even play with your dog thanks to your mobile device.

Home Security Robot. If you have to leave the children by themselves, they will be looked after by a robot controlled via your smartphone. With it, you can see what your kids are doing and interact with them, like checking homework.

Flux Smart Bulb and Playbulb. I like the combination of music and flashing, iridescent different colors Sveta? Then these devices are for you!

The Nest Thermostat automatically programs and shuts off, saving energy and money for hosts.

Nest Protect will prevent a fire by preventing it at the stage of smoke. She will inform you about the emergency by calling or sms.

Miracle fridge magnet. Through the Triby Connected Speaker, you can leave a voice message to your family, talk on the speakerphone and send a picture from your mobile device.

Nucleus Smart Intercom allows you to communicate with family members in other rooms without having to run to the garage or upstairs to gather the whole family for dinner. Another function of the touch device is to look after the house in the absence of the owners.

Turtle Shell 2.0 waterproof wireless speaker. Water Resistant Wireless Speaker impact resistant and stylish look. Can be used while traveling.

Mini speaker Sugr Cube Smart Speaker. No buttons, gesture control, interactivity - this is a device for cool parties.

Automated irrigation system. Rain Machine Irrigation Controller is an irrigation system that doesn't waste a single drop of excess water, it takes into account the weather forecast and waters lawns only when needed.

This is a lost device. Attach it to the remote control, keychain, mobile phone and they will not be lost again.

"Smart" display. On Digital Art Display you can bring out the artistic masterpieces of art geniuses or your own and see them in the magnificent quality of bright colors.

"Smart" things for the home for the distribution of WiFi. Eero WiFi System - designed for many points of service, it guarantees high-quality wireless Internet anywhere in your home. Luma WiFi System is a financially affordable analogue.

With Customizable E-Ink Keyboard, you don't have to memorize and search different characters, the keyboard will display and change each one.

Universal charger. Satechi USB Power Strip has so many connectors that it will be enough for all devices: 4 sockets and 4 USB ports.

PowerCube extension. It is compact, has 4 sockets and 2 USB ports.

OORT Smart Socket allows you to save electricity. The device monitors the amount of consumption and turns off unnecessary gadgets through the smartphone.

WeMo WiFi Switch is a device for worried forgetfulness. With it, you can turn off the iron or turn on the washing machine at home through a mobile application.

Withings Body Analyzer measures the pulse and monitors the air quality in the apartment, and also gives tips on how to improve your health.

charging lamp. OLED Lamp Charger is two in one: a stylish table lamp and charger at the same time. LED Qi Charger features ordinary LED bulb and lower price.

"Smart" thing for the house all in one. The All-In-One Charger is a minimalist smart device that includes a clock, charger, speaker and thermometer.

Throw away all remotes and buy one for all devices. Peel Pronto is suitable for 450 thousand different devices!

Fujifilm Smartphone Printer allows you to print instant photos and pictures anywhere!

Toilet nightlight. The delicate gadget Illumi Bowl Toilet Night Light turns on when a person enters the bathroom. It illuminates the inside of the toilet. The device will delight children and surprise guests.

Motion Sensor Night Light turns on and off for movement within a radius of 2 meters. Significantly more economical than traditional manual shut-off counterparts.

Waterproof speakers. This device is for those who cannot live without music. Now you can sing in the bathroom with headphones and listen to your favorite hits while brushing your teeth.

Super Toothbrush Oral-B. Smart Toothbrush Oral-B helps you brush your teeth properly. She'll tell you if you're rough with your gums and won't let you miss hard-to-reach places oral cavity and also give advice.

Sensor mixers. Your faucets will always be clean, which is practical and hygienic.

kitchen scales. The Drop Smart Kitchen Scale helps you accurately measure food and cook flawlessly. Perfect Bake additionally offers recipes for products available in the house. Both devices are compatible with iOS and Android.

Wi Fi Coffee Machine will grind and brew fine coffee of any size and strength automatically or on demand.

Smart Hydration Tracker will take into account your size, age, how much you sleep and move, and determine how much water you need to drink per day.

Tablet mount. Where to put the gadget? A special bracket allows you to mount it on the wall at a convenient distance from the eyes.

Dish drying. Arena Dish Rack has a compact size and a convenient design with water drain from dishes to the washbasin.

Smart flower pot . Click & Grow Herb Garden will take care of your greenery and you will be able to have even very whimsical plants. The gadget will provide them with the necessary lighting and watering.

Sports and proper nutrition make a person healthier and significantly prolong his life. What if the clothes of the future had the same effect? Just imagine: the tangible benefits for physical form just because we put on a T-shirt or sneakers. Next, we will talk about smart clothes, in which direction it is moving, what are its benefits for each person and what will be the clothes of the future.

Looking beyond the horizon

You will be surprised, but smartphones, watches and bracelets that track the number of steps taken per day are just small part what awaits us in the future. The clothes of the future or smart clothes that are being developed today will make your hair stand on end in anticipation of what will be available to everyone in the near future. Modern clothing made of metamaterials will also not leave you indifferent.

Imagine that in 10 years your clothes and shoes will be much smarter than modern smartphones and watches. Impressive? Certainly! And at the same time with delight it becomes a little scary.

Clothes make a person?

As long as the clothes sway peacefully on the clothesline, there is nothing special about them. But as soon as we put it on, various difficulties begin. Even the most practical clothes wrinkle, rustle loudly, crumble into pieces in the rain, fade in the sun, easily get dirty and difficult to clean, instantly covered with spools, it can be uncomfortable or hot in it.

About materials

These problems are as old as the world. People are used to believing that perfect clothing does not exist in nature. About two thousand years ago, the entire population wore hoodies made of prickly and soft-corpse color, which was sewn with thick threads. Today, clothes and shoes are made from nylon, elastomers like lycra, and other synthetic materials. This can be considered the main achievement fashion industry 20th century.

What have we achieved? Our new clothes began to make a longer journey from the hanger to the trash heap. But is it more useful? Clothing still only protects from the weather and covers the body - the same thing she did in the time of the pharaohs.

There are things over which time has no power. For example, a space marine's boat would look the same as a Roman legionary's spoon. But clothes are far from the ideal of functionality. Yes, you can sew reflective tapes on it or increase the number of pockets. But why is clothing - a thing that we wear much more often than smartphones - still not touched by high technology?


The clothes of the future will be made from metamaterials. What it is? These are materials created artificially, and such a strange name is due to the fact that they have special characteristics that ordinary fabrics do not have.

Clothing companies strive to make their products more beautiful and more functional: often metamaterials have unusual optical, acoustic or electromagnetic properties. The simplest example It's the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter. If such a cape goes on sale, it will be created from metamaterials. Besides, versatile clothing, which would make its carrier invisible - the dream of many scientists, and attempts to create it have been made for a long time. It is impossible that certain successes have already been achieved in this matter.

Andrea de Falco, for example, was able to create a metaflex - this is the name of a material that, by refracting the light falling on it, makes the object that is wrapped in it imperceptible and even almost invisible. However, we are more interested in the use of such materials in the sports industry, because it is during sports that our body works to the limit of its own capabilities, and it is extremely important to receive the maximum amount of information about its condition.

Columbia has invented a technology that will make sure that metamaterials are the future of humanity. The concept of this technology lies in a special material, which contains aluminum, which prevents heat from escaping and returns it back to the owner. Incredibly, this technology really works.

Smart clothes: are we from the future?

If metamaterials will not be available to ordinary people for a long time, then smart clothes are available today. For example, the miCoach clothing series from Adidas, the largest sportswear and footwear brand. It includes many wardrobe items: from a T-shirt to a bra. What is the feature? In the built-in cardio sensor that reads the heartbeat of the wearer and then synchronizes with one of the gadgets to store statistics.

Polyester is the main component of the material of modern clothing. It uses a lot of unusual technologies. One of the most interesting is Techfit. What is special about her? And the fact that it allows you to make the human body 5% stronger! How? Just science and no magic. The laws of physics have also come in handy in the fashion industry: due to the rigid material, much stronger compression is achieved. At the same time, the stretchable elements of the suit act on the principle of springs and help a person perform physical exercise. For example, if you lowered the bar to chest, then you will not squeeze it all alone - your T-shirt will help you.

Another technology from Adidas brand, which is actively used now, is called Climacool. Its characteristic feature is that it promotes the removal of sweat and air circulation. Sweat is absorbed into clothes due to special breathable materials, after which it is brought to the surface of the fabric, where it evaporates. This technology is being actively implemented in those items of clothing that touch the most sweaty areas of the human body, such as sneakers.

Modern technologies of the fashion industry

What can be considered the pinnacle of the smart clothing industry? For example, presented in 2015 T-shirts from Hexoskin. Their characteristic feature is a built-in sensor that reads indicators such as activity level, breathing rate, calories burned, sleep efficiency, movement speed and, of course, heart rate.

We live in an age of advanced high technology. What yesterday was high technology, the latest achievement of science and technology, today is already a turned page in history. Modern technologies penetrate into all spheres of human life: education, career, communication and even fashion. It would not be surprising if, in a couple of years, such an eminent brand as, for example, Apple, will be engaged in the production of high-tech clothing of the new generation.

Modern people are experimenting with a variety of innovative materials today. Until recently, polyester was considered a revolutionary material. And today, all this has long been and is very actively used in the production of clothing and footwear.

"Clothes of the future" that you can buy in the present

  1. A Japanese textile company has invented a warm ventilation system. outerwear. So fashionistas, even on the hottest days of summer, will be able to remain true to their style.
  2. Adidas has released "smart sneakers" - in principle new shoes for sports. A microchip is embedded in their sole, which determines the type of surface with which the sole interacts. Depending on it, the chip automatically adjusts the rigidity of the sole, which provides the most optimal grip and cushioning.
  3. English company Bodymetrics and the most well-known manufacturer Serfontaine Jeans combined their efforts to create the perfect denim pants. The light scanner captures the exact parameters of the client's figure. This procedure lasts no longer than eight seconds. Next, the client chooses a style, and two weeks later, the perfect pants come to him by mail. Such pleasure will cost a pretty penny - $ 530 is twice as expensive as an ordinary pair of jeans from Serfontaine.
  4. Burton has released a jacket model that has a built-in mini-disk player. The operation of the player is facilitated by the remote control, which is built into the sleeve. An interesting feature is that both the player and the remote control are placed in the jacket so that they are protected not only from impacts when dropped, but also from dust and moisture getting into them.

The near future: what can we expect?

Adjustable sleeves. US scientists say they have succeeded in creating a material that can change its length depending on the temperature of the surrounding world. Clothing companies will certainly be interested new technology, because it can be applied in the production of textiles. Sweatshirts and sweatshirts made of such material in hot weather will turn into T-shirts, and when it gets cold again become sweaters.

Spray dress. Susan Lee in one of her interviews said that in the near future the spray dress will become very popular. According to her, it is necessary to spray a special material from a spray can around him, after which a person will be enveloped in a cloud of non-fibrous matter, from which it will be possible to fashion a dress for himself.

Children's clothing of the future

What will be the children's clothing in the future, you can already imagine now. Scientists will invent pajamas that will sing lullabies to babies, and microchip diapers that will inform parents that it's time to change the diaper. And as long as all this has not yet been invented, to the happiness of all, we will raise our children with tenderness and love, rejoicing in their smiles and first words.

Smart clothes are our near future. We go off our feet in search of ways to extend our lives, without even thinking that our clothes can be one of the tools for this.

Extraordinary abilities of ordinary things.

Now you will not surprise anyone with the functions of Wi-Fi and GPS, counting calories and kilometers traveled in various devices. But the same options, only ordinary clothes… Yes, yes, technology, as you know, does not stand still, so it's time to talk about such a phenomenon as "smart" clothing.

Wearable assistant

"Smart" clothes - clothes (from underwear to jackets and gloves), which uses special technologies aimed at interactive interaction with the outside world. In English, it sounds like "wearable technologies" (literally - "wearable technologies"). Such clothing can be used in a variety of areas: medicine (helps in the prevention and treatment various diseases, monitors heart rate, breathing, temperature and overall health), military (helps military personnel do their job more efficiently, ensures safety), sports and fitness (monitors physical indicators, controls physical load) and many others.

How it all started

Although “smart” clothing is a fundamentally new concept, it also has its own history. For example, already in late XIX centuries, ballerinas used light bulbs in their costumes during performances. And the pilots of the Second World War, in order to protect them, heated the flight uniform with special elements. IN modern world"smart" clothing has become much more diverse and widespread among ordinary people. So, we present the most popular instances.

Ralf Lauren PoloTech Shirt

For those who especially care about their health. The "smart" shirt monitors the pulse, controls the depth, balance of breathing and more. In a word, he knows everything about the owner. Then the shirt transmits the received indicators to the iPhone screen or Apple Watch. The price, respectively, is not cheap - $ 295 apiece.

Smart shoe insoles Foot Loggers

They analyze the data obtained during sports activities, and also diagnose diseases associated with gait disorders. You just need to put them in your shoes and go about your business. Upon returning home, we take out the insole and put it on the Shoe-Station. This device charges the insole, collects the accumulated data and transfers it to the smartphone application or via SMS. This item costs about $100.

T-shirt that doesn't get dirty

Isn't this a miracle? American student Amir Patel has created a Silic T-shirt that is water-repellent and resistant to drinks, sauces, sweat and other liquids. Thanks to hydrophobic technology, the spilled liquid instantly rolls off, while the T-shirt itself remains clean. Ideal for sloppy and lazy people.

As you may have guessed, there are many more smart things. Our list did not include a USB jacket, a suit for monitoring 22 muscle groups, socks that save you from injuries, a bra that diagnoses breast diseases, and much more.

Clothes of the future

It will be enough time before smart clothes become commonplace, and each of us will have a pair of smart t-shirts and pants. So far, having such a wardrobe, and by the way, even one smart thing is an expensive pleasure, especially in Russia. Yes, and the people are mostly conservative and skeptical about everything new (“Smart T-shirt?! Who needs it? Pfft… I’d rather buy a bunch of ordinary ones for such a price”). But, as practice shows, what we are skeptical about at first, often becomes something without which we cannot imagine our life.

Rita Stepanidenko

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