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Feelings and symptoms after eco. How to recover from a failed IVF attempt. Bleeding in the early stages of IVF

How long does it take for the first signs of pregnancy to appear?


Successful IVF is a big joy for future parents who become pregnant after undergoing an in vitro fertilization protocol. Signs of pregnancy after IVF begin to develop when human chorionic gonadotropin enters the blood. An analysis for its presence can accurately tell whether pregnancy has occurred in the body or not. HCG after IVF increases up to 20 weeks. High hCG in the first weeks of embryo development indicates that a multiple pregnancy is developing in the uterus. When conducting artificial insemination Often twins develop, which is more difficult to carry. In the first trimester, there is a risk of termination of such pregnancies. Therefore, at this time, ultrasound monitoring is carried out, which helps to detect the threat of miscarriage in time and prevent it. The joy of the result should not reduce control over the condition of the expectant mother. It is necessary to respond in a timely manner to all difficulties that arise in connection with carrying twins and notify the attending physician.

If IVF is successful, then after the embryo is implanted, the development of new life in the uterine cavity begins. 3- or 5-day-old embryos, implanted inside the uterus, clinging to its wall, begin their miraculous transformation into a fetus. With their normal development, hormonal changes begin in the woman’s body. Human chorionic gonadotropin, by its amount in the blood, helps determine whether fetal development is normal in a woman’s body.

Embryo implantation is a stage of pregnancy

The egg becomes an embryo at the moment when it manages to attach to the walls of the uterus and begins to grow. Implantation of the embryo after in vitro fertilization occurs on the 7th day after the procedure. The implanted fertilized oocytes must independently pass through the tubes and attach to the walls of the uterus. If this does not happen, then the female fertilized cell will be rejected as an unidentified object and pregnancy will not occur. The egg needs only 40 hours to attach and begin its development period. This period is called embryonic and lasts 8 weeks. In total, embryo implantation lasts up to the 20th week of pregnancy. During this time, the placenta is fully formed and then well protects the fetus from negative influences.

With in vitro fertilization, late implantation of the embryo may occur, which occurs on the 10th day. This is a pleasant event in the life of the attending physician and the woman, because the protocol becomes successful at the moment when disappointment has already appeared. When several fertilized eggs are implanted at once, a multiple pregnancy results. Twins after IVF are a common option for a successfully completed protocol.

In order for the embryo to begin to develop after transfer, conditions must be created for pregnancy to occur. Hormonal system must prepare a layer of epidermis on the walls of the uterus with a certain thickness. Its size is very important for successful IVF. The content of necessary chemicals in the uterus must be sufficient for the further development of the embryo after IVF. Signs of pregnancy after IVF begin to develop after entering the bloodstream human chorionic gonadotropin person.

The appearance of the first signs of pregnancy after IVF

Signs of pregnancy are associated with implantation of the embryo and the appearance of a new hormone in the body, which provokes the development of nervousness, low mood and increased tearfulness.

Signs of pregnancy after IVF begin with toxicosis. This is the most pronounced sign of a developing embryo in the uterine cavity. Toxicosis during pregnancy after IVF is a consequence of stimulation of superovulation.

The second sign is an increase in basal temperature. In the first month of pregnancy it reaches 37.2ºC and indicates that the female body is being rebuilt and preparing to bear a fetus. Positive signs There may be ailments, weakness, deterioration in health. The reason for this is general decline immunity that was damaged during the in vitro fertilization protocol. At this point, you need to eat foods that will naturally cleanse the body of toxins and saturate it with vital substances.

Congestion may be present skin, hot flashes or chills will appear. These symptoms indicate the beginning hormonal changes during pregnancy. During this happy period for a woman, the mammary glands become more sensitive. They swell and the nipple halos begin to darken.

A woman's emotionally unstable state can also be a symptom of pregnancy. Women in the first trimester are very irritable, moody and often cry. But the most important sign that pregnancy has occurred after artificial insemination is a positive hCG test with IVF, the results of which indicate successful completion of the protocol, possible development twins after embryo implantation has occurred.

HCG analysis and pregnancy after IVF

Women who have managed to become pregnant using in vitro fertilization experience understandable impatience. They anxiously await the time when they can take a pregnancy test after IVF. It's useless to listen to your own inner sensations. The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome after a failed protocol and the beginning of pregnancy are the same. Only an hCG analysis during IVF will tell you whether in vitro fertilization was successful.

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that is formed only during pregnancy. It is formed by the placenta, which nourishes the embryo after fertilization and implantation. HCG is measured in mIU/ml. There is a table of hCG values, which determines the onset of fetal development, the timing and number of embryos that have developed inside the uterus. All information about the development of the fetus in the woman’s body will be available after a two-week period has passed after the day on which the embryos were transferred.

After this, the amount of this hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood will constantly increase, which means the normal functioning of the placenta, which, during its functioning, releases a specific hormone into the blood. If the growth of the hormone stops before 20 weeks or begins to fall, then this is a bad sign. It indicates that the pregnancy is fading.

First ultrasound after successful IVF

If IVF is successful, then 28 days after the transplantation you can do the first ultrasound. There is no point in doing an ultrasound examination before this period. In embryos transferred after 3 days of growth in the incubator, the heart is visible at this time.

During the first ultrasound, they assess the condition of the ovaries, endometrium, and examine ovum. Ultrasonography can be done at intervals of a week. This is done when it is necessary to track the dynamics of fetal growth in the womb and detect the threat of abortion. This is especially important when multiple pregnancy. Preventive actions carried out on time, in some cases help preserve the fetus.

Pregnancy with twins after IVF has a risk of miscarriage early stages. In the first weeks of pregnancy, such women must be observed by a doctor in the clinic where the protocol was carried out. A woman who gets pregnant after successful artificial insemination must understand the seriousness of the event. Any conditions associated with a feeling of abdominal pain, bloating, bloody discharge, should not be left without the attention of the attending physician. And then the pregnancy will end with the birth of the long-awaited baby.

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The only reliable answer to the question of whether the in vitro fertilization procedure was successful can be given by a hCG test. However, before it is delivered after the transfer, there are at least two weeks, which the couple spends in anxious and exciting anticipation, trying to catch the first signs of pregnancy after IVF. Do they exist? Is it possible to name common symptoms for all women that would suggest that the goal has been achieved?

The only reliable confirmation of pregnancy in the early stages is analysis hCG level and ultrasound

The phenomena of early toxicosis are observed in any pregnancy, regardless of how it occurred. True, the signs of pregnancy in the early stages after IVF can be more pronounced, since ordinary toxicosis is superimposed by the consequences of stimulation and taking drugs that are prescribed to the woman after the transfer. Let's list the main ones:

  • the appearance of spotting, from pink to Brown. This may be implantation bleeding, which occurs as a result of damage to the arteries during implantation;
  • pain in the abdomen (in its lower part) of a pulling nature or slight tingling;
  • breast engorgement, breast tenderness;
  • mood swings, tearfulness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • changes in sensitivity to smells and tastes;
  • increase (small) basal temperature;
  • non-critical decrease in pressure.

In general, the signs early pregnancy after IVF are largely individual. Thus, in their reviews, women mention lack of appetite, increased drowsiness, heartburn, a feeling of “pins and needles”, an increase in body temperature to low-grade fever, and bloating.

The first signs of pregnancy before hCG appear after human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be released, that is, approximately seven days after the replantation.

What signs are reliable?

All of the above symptoms can also be observed in the absence of pregnancy - as a result of stimulation of ovulation with large doses of hormonal drugs, as well as nervous tension. Therefore, only the results of laboratory and instrumental studies can be reliable:

  1. High hCG level. With the onset of pregnancy, it begins to increase and corresponds to certain levels. The analysis is taken 12-14 days after replantation, and subsequently, during the first trimester - every two days. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn not only about the presence of pregnancy, but also about its course.
  2. Ultrasound, during which the uterine cavity and ovaries are assessed. With this study, the doctor will see corpus luteum in the uterus (or its absence, which, together with the level of hCG, will allow us to conclude that ectopic pregnancy), number of embryos.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy after IVF

In some cases, for early toxicosis a woman may accept symptoms of threatening conditions - for example, a frozen pregnancy. This is the name for a pathology in which the embryo stops its intrauterine development. Most often this happens if the embryo has genetic pathologies. In early pregnancy, the following symptoms are observed:

  • severe pain, having a cramping nature;
  • bloody issues;
  • decrease in basal temperature.

If freezing occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy, before taking the hCG test, the woman may not find out anything about her condition, since obvious signs during this period they are most often absent.

Signs of ectopic pregnancy after IVF

As a result of in vitro fertilization, it occurs less frequently than with natural conception, but such cases still occur, especially when tubal pathologies are the cause of infertility. The main diagnostic factor in this case is the level of hCG, which after two weeks reaches borderline values, and in the following days grows very slowly. Early subjective signs the following:

  • stomach ache. On early stage they can appear if there is ovarian pregnancy; with other locations of the embryo, including in the tubes, pain occurs at a later period;
  • spotting, differing from implantation bleeding primarily in quantity; with an ectopic pregnancy they are abundant.

First signs of pregnancy

It is worth mentioning the so-called biochemical pregnancy spontaneous interruption in the very initial period, even before the corpus luteum in the uterus is detected by ultrasound. There are no signs of an unsuccessful pregnancy after IVF, and the only evidence that there was one is the hCG analysis. That is why, during natural conception, a woman, as a rule, does not even suspect that she was pregnant for a very short period of time.

If married couple cannot get pregnant after trying many methods and treatments for natural fertilization, then doctors recommend that they resort to in vitro fertilization, or so-called IVF. This is a process where an artificially fertilized egg is implanted into a woman's uterus. And first, this fertilization takes place outside the uterine cavity.

In order to perform this operation, doctors first stimulate ovulation. by medicinal method. And after the operation, the woman will need to drink hormonal pills, in order to support required level progesterone.

First signs of pregnancy after IVF before hCG

Signs of pregnancy after IVF before hCG, with successful egg transplantation into the uterine wall, can appear after two weeks. And as a rule, these symptoms do not differ from those that occur and manifest themselves during normal, natural fertilization.

After normal fertilization, as well as after IVF, a woman’s breasts swell and become extremely painful. Her nipples darken and are quite sensitive to palpation. Emotionally, a woman is more nervous, although at times she will fall into apathy, depression, and powerlessness. They get tired quickly, tears quickly give way to joy, a strong appetite often awakens, and women’s tastes and sense of smell also change. Signs of IVF will appear after fourteen days. Doctors also note the fact that after in vitro fertilization, nausea and gag reflexes appear much stronger and more noticeable. After IVF, the sense of smell changes dramatically, and an aversion to many odors appears, which is perceived and tolerated by women much more difficult than during normal, natural fertilization.

Symptoms of pregnancy after IVF

Symptoms and signs of fertilization after IVF affect both the emotional, psychological and physiological aspects of a woman’s pregnancy.
Also, after in vitro fertilization, women feel an increase in the so-called basal temperature. In general, this is a normal and common state of any healthy, pregnant body. Since the body is being rebuilt, both hormonally and emotionally, and is preparing for the future bearing, birth and feeding of the unborn child.

From possible symptoms is a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen that a woman periodically experiences during pregnancy.

It may also hurt, tingle, or even shoot. lumbar region backs. Her feet may be cold, and a woman after IVF may feel either cold or hot. Also, the next symptoms will be bloating, diarrhea, and gas formation. The reason for this is often increased blood flow in the pelvic organs, which increases the size of the uterus, but not the size of the fetus.

Significant salivation may still occur, which can even lead to significant weight loss of several kilograms.

Due to the fact that a woman who became pregnant as a result of IVF took and continues to take hormones during pregnancy, her blood pressure decreases significantly, despite the increased temperature. Because of this, a woman can feel both hot and cold at the same time. And for this reason, you can often see a blush on her face.

Another sign of pregnancy after IVF is an anxious, restless sleep, due to which the woman wakes up early and then cannot fall asleep for a long time. Headaches and often dizziness are also common signs pregnancy both after IVF and during normal pregnancy.

And the most responsible and extremely important period, when doctors “keep their eyes open” - this is the first trimester, during which the woman is observed and monitored her well-being.

Therefore, as you can see, the signs of pregnancy after IVF differ quite slightly, and if this is the price that you are willing to pay for a future miracle, then it is worth it.

In vitro fertilization (abbreviated as IVF) is one of the most “popular” procedures in medicine today, which couples resort to when pregnancy cannot occur for certain reasons. naturally. It involves artificial fertilization of mature eggs outside female body with their further placement in the uterine cavity.

In vitro fertilization is carried out only after preliminary drug stimulation female ovulation, which is often also called “superovulation”. In the future, immediately after the IVF procedure, even with a normal pregnancy, a woman has to take hormonal pills for a certain time. medications for supporting the required level progesterone in her body. Most often, if the transplantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity is successful, pregnancy has occurred and is developing, symptoms of pregnancy after IVF appear two weeks after fertilization. By and large, these signs are not particularly different from those that accompany a pregnancy that occurs naturally. Swelling and increased sensitivity mammary glands with simultaneous darkening of nipple halos, weakness and fatigue, irritability are signs interesting situation after IVF, as symptoms of ordinary pregnancy.

Typical of pregnancy after IVF and toxicosis, only in in this case it appears almost always and is more pronounced than natural during pregnancy. Nausea and sensitivity to smells, even to the point of complete disgust, vomiting (sometimes repeated, several times a day) are signs of toxicosis that overtook the expectant mother after IVF.

Symptoms of pregnancy after IVF

Symptoms of pregnancy after IVF are varied, manifesting themselves in various cases in different ways, in varying degrees, both physiological and psychological level. For example, after IVF in early pregnancy, many women experience an increase in basal temperature, which is considered normal for natural pregnancy; this is a consequence of the body restructuring to a different “mode” of operation. At the same time, at the physiological level future mommy may feel a certain tingling sensation in the area of ​​the uterus and lower abdomen. There are frequent complaints of lower back pain, “lumbago” that radiates to the legs, indigestion or gas. This situation provoked by an increase in blood flow to the pelvic organs and a regular increase in the size of the uterus. Since the expectant mother, after a successful IVF procedure, has to use for some time hormonal drugs, pregnancy symptoms after IVF are also expressed in low blood pressure due to elevated temperature. Associated with this state of affairs are the woman’s feelings as if she is constantly feeling hot or cold, manifestations of redness of the skin of the face, especially in evening time. In addition, a sign of pregnancy after IVF is restless sleep: the expectant mother, as a result of feeling unwell, gets tired faster than usual, falls asleep early, and then wakes up early. Often after sleep I do not feel rested, there is a feeling of “brokenness” and apathy. Problems with sleep and other signs of pregnancy after IVF are complemented by other unpleasant symptoms: dizziness and headache, sharp changes moods, whims.

The most dangerous and difficult period pregnancy after IVF is the first trimester. During this time period, signs of pregnancy appear “in full force.” It is during the first trimester that specialists most carefully monitor the well-being of a pregnant woman and how the pregnancy develops. If everything goes well, by the second trimester it is very unpleasant symptoms pregnancies after IVF are significantly weakened, many disappear altogether.

In vitro fertilization is popular procedure, which is used by married couples facing the problem of infertility. After IVF, the signs of pregnancy are not very different from the symptoms natural conception child. This method is used almost all over the world, since artificial insemination helps married couples fulfill the dream.

How to determine pregnancy after IVF?

Women focus on their feelings. Mother feels accomplished joyful event. After successful IVF the sensations are somewhat different. Unfortunately, this cannot be described in words, you can only feel it.

A blood test is performed to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (a hormone produced by a woman’s body). Signs of pregnancy during IVF and hCG indicator doubly confirm that conception has occurred. The doctor who performed artificial insemination performs an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound will show the gestational age and the number of embryos.

Many women manage to experience the joy of motherhood through IVF. Medical sources claim: “The first signs of pregnancy after embryo transfer will appear no earlier than 2 weeks later.” Immediately after the procedure, the woman will not feel that she has succeeded in conceiving a child.

During the period of implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity, a woman rather screws herself up. After all, I can’t wait to find out if I managed to get pregnant. After embryo transfer, pregnancy symptoms, according to women, appear within a few days. However, their appearance has no clear explanation. Future mom experiences unpleasant symptoms due to embryo implantation.

Signs of pregnancy after embryo transfer are the process of implantation of a fertilized egg, accompanied by the appearance of sensations after transfer before hCG. During the first two weeks, women experience symptoms that previously did not bother them. This is quite normal phenomenon, this is how it should happen.

First signs

To worry less, a woman must know what happens in the first few weeks. Here is a list of signs of pregnancy after embryo transfer by day:

  1. 1 DPP (day after the transfer) - the lower back ache, the stomach pulls. Severe pain cannot be tolerated, it is recommended to take Noshpa, and before going to bed you should insert a candle with Papaverine.
  2. 2 DPP - a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, slightly aching. You need to drink 3 liters of water per day. Severe pain cannot be tolerated; a suppository is given twice a day.
  3. 3 DPP - signs of pregnancy after embryo transfer are the same as in the first 2 days. It starts to pull as a result of long walking, physical activity. Body temperature rises (37–38 degrees).
  4. 4 DPP - the stomach should not be tight, the temperature remains stable. You cannot take antipyretics.
  5. 5 DPP - there is a feeling as if something is happening in the pubic part (pelvis), the stomach hurts in the morning (lunch), the pain lasts until the evening. If necessary, take Noshpa.
  6. 6–7 DPP - the stomach is very tight, it looks like the onset of menstruation. The pain is spasmodic, nagging.
  7. 8 DPP - brown (pale pink) discharge appears. This sign pregnancy after embryo transfer before hCG cannot be ignored, it may mean the onset of a miscarriage, contact medical care. It doesn't hurt to be on the safe side. Usually a Progesterone injection is given.
  8. 9 DPP - a pregnancy test after IVF before hCG should show a weak second line. Negative result does not mean a lack of conception; the procedure should be repeated later.
  9. 10–11 DPP - severe pain in the abdomen (lower back) is possible. Nagging pain requires the use of Noshpa medication, and Papaverine before bedtime.
  10. 12–14 DPP - the tummy is a little tight, the first signs of pregnancy after IVF appear.

The first ultrasound is performed after 20 DPP. An ultrasound examination will show the number of embryos. The doctor must check compliance with the deadline.

IVF is successful, the sensations after embryo transfer and after their final attachment to the walls of the uterus are significantly different. The time has come for the first signs of pregnancy to appear after IVF. Before hCG, these symptoms determine the onset of pregnancy.

Before hCG

The level of beta-hCG in the blood on days 6–8 allows one to diagnose the onset of conception. The concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine reaches diagnostic level 24-48 hours later.

What should women do who are unable to donate blood to determine their hCG level? They live far from the nearest laboratory, and they already want to know the result. Conception is determined by general well-being.

Pregnancy symptoms after IVF before hCG begin to appear at 8–12 DPP. The appearance of new signs depends on the female body, many ladies are simply worried. As you know, shaky nervous system can cause headaches, fatigue, nausea.

The first signs of pregnancy with IVF before hCG:

  1. Bloating. Every woman expects successful IVF; the feeling after the transplant, according to patients’ reviews, is not pleasant. Those who have undergone artificial insemination have a bloated stomach at 6 DPP. Women in labor claim that conception has occurred. However similar symptom appears in units.
  2. The earliest sign of pregnancy after IVF before hCG is breast tenderness. A similar change appears in the first weeks of embryo transfer. The chest becomes painful, heavy, tender, and a tingling sensation is felt. The discomfort decreases after a few weeks. The areola, the area around the nipple, darkens. The veins on the chest become noticeable, and small “bumps” (Montgomery glands) enlarge.
  3. Aversion to food. Often women experience nausea after 7–10 days. This sign of pregnancy during IVF before hCG is the main one; it is because of nausea that most women suspect the presence of crumbs inside. Then the remaining symptoms are analyzed, confirming the interesting condition.
  4. Irritability. This sign of pregnancy during IVF before hCG appears a little later, but some women become nervous at the beginning of the first trimester.
  5. Sleep is disturbed. Problems with insomnia appear, the woman constantly complains of fatigue.

Signs of pregnancy after IVF before hCG do not appear in every patient. A successful protocol is not necessarily accompanied by specific symptoms. In women, signs of successful IVF may not appear at all before undergoing hCG and after passing the 1st trimester.


The expectant new mother may have critical days. Menstruation before hCG after IVF does not always signal a miscarriage. This symptom quite explainable.

Menstruation during IVF before hCG may indicate the following:

  • ovarian response to invasion;
  • hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • enlargement of the uterus.

The drug Diferelin can induce menstruation. Other problems with a woman’s health, such as endometrial hyperplasia, can provoke bleeding.


Symptoms of impregnation:

  1. Implantation bleeding. The fertilized egg implants into the uterine mucosa after about 6–12 days, vaginal bleeding. Bloody discharge harmless, but you should tell your doctor.
  2. Fatigue is a normal response to the body's 24-hour workload. Progesterone obtained after fertilization leads to increased body temperature and lack of energy.
  3. Frequent urination usually bothers a woman at the beginning of the third trimester. The uterus puts pressure on the kidneys from the beginning of pregnancy, more blood begins to flow to this organ, and urine production increases.
  4. Cramps, bloating, back pain caused by hormonal changes and the growth of the uterus - early signs pregnancy after IVF.
  5. Dizziness, fainting. Progesterone makes blood vessels expand, decrease blood pressure. Dizziness occurs due to low level blood sugar.
  6. Headache is a sign of pregnancy in the early stages after IVF. This symptom occurs due to higher level progesterone, worries if a woman does not drink enough fluids.

On gynecological examination The doctor will notice a change in the color of the vagina. Due to increased blood levels in the pelvic area, it becomes darker. Thick mucus is secreted, the appearance unpleasant smell means an infection has invaded, you should visit the hospital. Discharge occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the vaginal walls thicken.

Miscarriage or frozen fetus

Miscarriage is a common situation resulting from artificial insemination. If pregnancy symptoms do not appear after IVF, you should start worrying.

Signs of early miscarriage:

  • strong cutting pain in the pelvic area;
  • bloody (brown) discharge;
  • bleeding.

A frozen pregnancy is said to occur when the pain is cramping in nature, underwear blood stains appear basal temperature body decreases. Freezing that occurred at the very beginning before the hCG test may not appear, since obvious signs are often absent.

First signs of pregnancy (Video)

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