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What can you give a guy from a girl? What is gossip - reasons, types and how not to be a gossip. tips on how to relieve stress and nervous tension without alcohol

The gift does not have to be material. Making a young man remember his birthday for a long time is not so difficult: you just need to choose entertainment that you will like and will bring a lot of good emotions.

This can be a certificate for any leisure: playing laser tag, flying in a wind tunnel, jumping on a trampoline, go-karting, snowboarding or alpine skiing. Well, or a subscription to Gym or swimming pool.

If the birthday boy is not afraid of heights, give him a parachute jump, a flight on a training plane, hot-air balloon or paragliding. He loves to drive a car - sign him up for the Encounter or DozoR team.

Loves solving riddles - send him to an escape room (a room from which you need to escape within a certain time by solving a series of puzzles) or to a salon psychological game"Mafia".

When choosing such a gift, it is important to study the passions and capabilities of the young man.

What if he doesn’t know how and doesn’t like to swim? Or does not tolerate any type of weapon, including laser. It would be a shame to make a mistake.

2. Give new knowledge and experience

A great gift - a master class. The birthday boy, depending on his preferences, can be sent to a lesson in archery or crossbow, extreme driving, horse riding, acting, boxing or wrestling.

Perhaps since childhood he dreamed of trying himself as a blacksmith, photographer, climber, fire show participant or fisherman. Give him a chance to finally do it.

3. Give romance

A young man in love will certainly appreciate any efforts addressed exclusively to him. On your birthday you can arrange, play role-playing game and present yourself in a beautiful wrapper. It is possible that your chosen one will be happy to go on a night tour of the rooftops, which offer a beautiful view of the city. Such walks are practiced, for example, in St. Petersburg.

Give him a calendar with a picture of you in a pin-up outfit. Together with the designer, create an exclusive issue of GQ magazine with the birthday boy on the cover. Knit a sweater, scarf or hat for your guy: receiving such a gift from a loved one is doubly pleasant.

Every gift, no matter how small, becomes a great gift if you give it with love.

John Walcott, English writer

4. Give a dream

Such a gift requires careful preparation. At a minimum, you need to find out what the young man has been dreaming about for a long time and so far unsuccessfully.

Perhaps it’s a trip to a concert of your favorite band, a telescope or binoculars, an autograph of a famous athlete, a visit to a tattoo parlor, a rare book, a custom-made amulet, a guitar, a chess, a cool gaming mouse, a quadcopter, paraphernalia of your favorite sports team...

Chat with his friends long before his birthday and unobtrusively find out what the guy wants to buy or do, but cannot yet. Well, go ahead.

5. Give useful things

The list of gifts that definitely won’t gather dust on the shelves is long:

  • the athlete can be given a fitness bracelet,
  • for hikers - thermal underwear or a comfortable backpack,
  • for a fisherman - a good spinning rod or a set of spinners,
  • for a coffee lover - a set for brewing coffee on sand or a new Turk with a pack of exclusive coffee,
  • for motorists - a set of car mats or covers, a video recorder, a car refrigerator, a subwoofer,
  • for the photographer - a good tripod or camera bag,
  • for a cyclist - a helmet, contact pedals with cycling shoes or other accessories...

The only condition: be sure to consult with the pros, who will tell you where and what to buy so as not to get into trouble.

6. Give original things

Original gifts are always remembered. Perhaps a young man will be delighted with a puzzle with 10 thousand pieces. Or a 3D pen that can create three-dimensional drawings. Or he will appreciate the “Gopnik set”: a man purse, a cap and sports suit with stripes.

The choice is limited solely by your imagination and the birthday person’s sense of humor.

A gift presented with a smile is doubly valuable.

Thomas Fuller, English historian

Bonus: what not to give

In brackets are comments from young people.

  1. Socks and panties. (“Trivial.”)
  2. Eau de Toilette. (“You need to buy it when you want and when you need it, and not just for your birthday.”)
  3. Shampoo, soap, foam and shaving machine. (“Everyday life kills.”)
  4. Tie. (“There’s a good chance you’ll give something you don’t like.”)
  5. Teddy bear, photo frames. (“What makes girls think that guys like it?”)
  6. A pen, even an expensive one. (“Too formal.”)
  7. Bracelet and other jewelry, including jewelry. (“It’s better to choose the jewelry yourself, and the fashion for them has passed.”)
  8. Incense, oils and other exotic things. (“An exception is if I myself for some reason asked for it.”)
  9. Cigarettes and alcohol. (“We are for healthy lifestyle!”)
  10. Car gadgets that plug into the cigarette lighter. (“As a rule, these are unnecessary devices whose fate is to lie in the glove compartment.”)

After analyzing dozens of sources, we met on the Internet and prepared for you best review gifts that were preferred. So, let's get started, to give an original gift to your beloved guy for his birthday, just take into account 3 key points:

  1. what is your budget
  2. information about your boyfriend's interests
  3. lover's age

If with key points If you’ve decided, then let’s see what you can give your boyfriend.

Originality comes first

Give an original gift to your boyfriend for his birthday, and the response will not take long. pay attention to important rule when preparing a surprise: memories, feelings and creativity.

List original gifts :

- everything is simple here: find a cute photo of you and your boyfriend together or where he is alone, and give it to be made. Perhaps very original present birthday boy Costs up to 5000 rub.

Cup with engraving and notes— buy a cup, order engraving with the text and initials of your loved one and fill the cup with notes, 100 reasons why I love you, in which declarations of love and stories are written why he is so important to you. Your boyfriend will definitely like this surprise. The cost of the cup is 3500 rubles. .

Personalized phone case- here you have to show imagination and creativity, you need to choose the material, color, so that this surprise It didn’t turn out to be banal, your boyfriend will appreciate such a gift.

with your boyfriend's name on it. It's not only original surprise, but also an award that can be given for other important achievements. Costs up to 2800 rubles. .

- if your attitude towards him is serious, then it’s time to hint about it. Usually guys give these pendants as gifts, but you show originality and give them yourself.

Abstract painting kit- a unique set for lovers, original and romantic gift, capable of capturing passionate love passion, saving it on a special canvas.

Keeping up with the times, you can give your guy an unusual and useful gadget. In the article “” we have compiled a list of the coolest and most useful gadgets, take a look there, there are a lot of interesting things there.

Inexpensive DIY gifts for boyfriend

Well, everything is simple here! If you experience financial difficulty, or you simply don’t have money, then use your handicraft skills, and we will help you with ideas. From this list, you can use any of the options and make it yourself for your beloved guy. This will be an inexpensive gift for you.

List of gifts you can make with your own hands:

Birthday cake

Checkbook desires

Gift set

Decorate the room with hearts

    1. Decorate the room with hearts and draw a poster, well, that is if you live together.
    2. A set of inexpensive items- it could be scented candles, aftershave balm, a box of cookies, fruit tea, collect it all and package it beautifully. This will be an inexpensive surprise for you.
    3. Checkbook of wishes, every guy will be happy with such a surprise made with his own hands, because when will he get the opportunity to control you.
    4. Birthday cake- an inexpensive gift that any girl can make with her own hands.

Useful and practical birthday gifts

So that your efforts are not in vain, on your birthday you need to give useful and practical gifts, then the guy will always use them and remember you.

  • Certificate for a brand boutique- where the guy likes to give himself, perhaps best option birthday gift young man. This way he can choose exactly what he likes and needs.
  • Set of tools, it can be construction, or it can be automotive, often guys are hectic to buy it themselves.
  • Embroidered bathrobe, such a gift is worth giving if the young man is over 20-25 years old, younger guys such a gesture will not be understood.
  • gadget— there are now a lot of useful gadgets on the IT device market that your young man will like.
  • Beard trimmer- a useful gift that can be given to a bearded guy if the man has a beard and often visits barbershops. With a trimmer, he will be able to take care of his beard at home.

A cool and unusual gift for a guy aged 20, 25 and 27

For guys over the age of 22, any crazy and cool ideas are suitable, remember one main truth: you don’t need to give a thing, you need to give emotions. A cool gift is one that can evoke emotions in a guy, but here’s the list: cool ideas for a birthday gift for a guy:

  • Romantic weekend on quad bikes, you kill 2 birds with one stone: both emotions and a cool gift;
  • Zorb descent, this option is more suitable for extreme sports;
  • Joint bungee jump;
  • Men's edible briefs— it’s worth giving such a miracle to your loved one if you are already close enough;
  • Towel with the inscription "SUPERMAN"- will tell you that he is a super hero for you;
  • Sega Mega Drive- Another one unusual gift from a past that most guys have fond memories of.

Well, at worst, if you’ve run out of ideas and don’t know what to give your loved one for his birthday, then a “Black Star Wear” gift card will be the best gift for a guy, especially if he’s a fan of the rapper Timamti. Cards come in denominations starting from 500 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles, the main thing is to take a card with a higher denomination so that the birthday person can choose a better gift. You don’t have to torture him with questions about what gift you want, with such a card he will choose what he likes.

In conclusion, I would like to say, when you don’t know what to give for a birthday, go up to the guy and ask or ask questions in the comments and we will definitely choose a gift.

Choosing gifts for men is always difficult, especially for young guys whose interests and hobbies can change every day. So if your birthday is approaching dear person, preparation for choosing a gift must begin in advance. You can try to unobtrusively ask the future birthday boy what he expects from the holiday, or try to guess on your own. And we will tell you a few of the most different ideas What to give a guy on his 23rd birthday to definitely please him and make this day unforgettable.

What useful gifts can you give a guy for his 23rd birthday?

Don't think it's a gift to a young guy must be funny or surprising, useful things are very relevant at 23 years old. Many men like to receive practical items for their birthday that they can use often and remember the giver. Best ideas such gifts:

  • A set of tools for minor household repairs. If the guy already lives alone or is going to get his own home, such a gift will be very useful.
  • Cordless electric drill- another gift that will be useful to the home craftsman.
  • Bluetooth headset for phone. It will allow you to free your hands if the guy is driving a car, riding a bike, or busy with other necessary and important work.
  • Laptop Cooling Board useful for a guy who spends a lot of time working with a laptop in not the most comfortable conditions. You can also give a car computer table with a cooling function.
  • Purse or wallet. A brand new product made of high-quality leather will be an excellent replacement for an old wallet.
  • Good headphones or a computer mouse. Everyone uses PCs modern guys, so such a gift will be more than relevant.

Often girls like to give guys clothes. But you have to do it very carefully, for example, you can give a cool T-shirt, baseball cap or mittens with a scarf, but classic shirts or warm sweaters It’s better to let the guy choose for himself. Great idea– certificate for tailoring. This way you will present something useful, but at the same time leave the birthday boy the freedom to choose his own gift.

Shouldn't be given to men cosmetical tools and perfumes. This seemingly useful gift is so banal and everyone is so tired of it that by giving something like that, you can easily offend the birthday person by accidentally hinting at a disdainful attitude on your part.

Good and useful gift- learning something new. This could be a culinary master class and an extreme driving lesson, something related to creativity or creating unique things. A useful skill will forever remain with the birthday boy and will remind him of the girl who gave it to him.

TOP 10 gifts for a guy aged 23

  1. Date in an unusual place
  2. Running alarm clock
  3. Drunk roulette or beer helmet
  4. Participation in a quest or paintball battle
  5. Helicopter excursion over the city
  6. A mug or T-shirt with an original picture or photograph
  7. Multifunctional corkscrew or knife
  8. Good headphones or computer mouse
  9. Car computer table with cooling function
  10. Set of tools for minor household repairs

What inexpensive gift can you give a guy for his 23rd birthday?

A good gift doesn't have to be expensive. Moreover, at this age, too valuable gifts may be inappropriate, so feel free to choose what you can afford. The best ideas for such gifts:

  • A bottle of good cognac;
  • Multifunctional corkscrew or knife;
  • A stylish lamp or night light, for example, in the form of a ball or mask;
  • Thermal mug;
  • Cute soft blanket;
  • A mug or T-shirt with an original picture or photograph of you and/or the recipient;
  • Personalized case for the gadget;
  • Covers for documents, made in the same style;
  • Unusual keychain.

Good idea for inexpensive giftcool treat. If a guy has a sweet tooth, he will be happy to receive a cake with his photo or name and funny congratulations, a box of cookies self made or a cool composition of candies. You can also prepare a cake from beer cans, decorated various snacks. And for a meat lover, you can give a composition of several varieties of sausage.

When choosing a budget gift, do not forget about its quality. Avoid cheap knockoffs and unnecessary trinkets. It is better to give something very small, but of high quality and useful.

Original gifts for a guy on his 23rd birthday

If the birthday boy loves non-standard solutions, try to surprise him with your present. IN Lately The fashion for adventure gifts is gaining momentum. The most popular solutions:

  • Skydiving;
  • Hot air balloon ride;
  • Helicopter excursion over the city;
  • ATV or snowmobiling;
  • Horseback riding;
  • Participation in a quest or paintball battle;
  • Thai massage or other pleasant and useful procedure in the SPA salon;
  • Certificate for manicure or pedicure in a beauty salon.

If a guy likes jokes and pranks, you can organize an almost real kidnapping for him. The victim can be both the birthday boy and his beloved pet, or even a hobby item, for example, a favorite spinning rod or game console. Then you need to demand a ransom, for example, sing or dance on camera and send a video. After this, you can tell the birthday boy where the kidnapping victim is waiting for him, and then gather friends for congratulations and birthday celebration.

If the guy is not particularly adventurous, give him something material, but no less. interesting present. Best ideas:

  • Game of drunken roulette or beer helmet will appeal to lovers of parties and relaxation in the company of friends;
  • Table soccer– great entertainment for a cheerful and active guy;
  • Umbrella in the shape of a saber– with it the birthday boy will look like a real samurai;
  • Unusual alarm clock, for example, someone running away or flying away with a pear or target will be useful to a dormouse who is always late.

Be sure to choose something unusual, but consistent with the tastes and habits of the birthday person. This way you will definitely please him and give him a memorable gift.

Romantic gifts for your loved one on his 23rd birthday

If you want to do something nice to your loved one and show your feelings, choose romantic gift. The best ideas for such gifts:

  • Romantic video greeting. You can even record it on your smartphone camera, but it is advisable to choose interesting places and for real beautiful words. If you know how to edit a video, you can make a whole small confession clip. Even the most unromantic guy will like this video, and he will definitely watch it periodically.
  • A date in an unusual place. This could be the roof of a house, a planetarium or greenhouse, a river bank or a salt cave. You need to choose a location based on what is available in your area and your financial capabilities. The main thing is to surprise the guy and make the evening unforgettable.
  • A set of magnets with your general photos. Now your photos will always be visible, because everyone loves to look into the refrigerator, and they will remind you of your feelings.

A good idea is a gift that is not entirely romantic, but rather intimate. If you and the birthday person have a close enough relationship that such gifts allow, the best gifts will become:

  • Album with your photos in nude style;
  • Kama-sheet;
  • Erotic dance;
  • Present from a sex shop.

What can you make with your own hands as a gift for a guy on his 23rd birthday?

The best way to show your creativity and feelings for the birthday person is to make a gift with your own hands. To do this, you don’t need to be a needlewoman, just study a couple of master classes on the Internet and put in a little effort. The simplest and most pleasant ideas:

  • Handmade cookies. You can bake it from the simplest shortbread dough, making it in the shape of hearts or letters of your loved one’s name.
  • Photo collage of your shared photos in the form of a poster or beautiful picture in a frame.
  • A knitted scarf, or even better socks. It’s not difficult to make them, but the present will be useful. Socks – more good option. Even if something doesn’t turn out perfectly, it won’t be noticeable under your shoes.
  • Box with confessions. This is probably the most inexpensive and simplest option, but at the same time very pleasant and touching. You just need to write confessions on small pieces of paper and put the reasons for your love in a beautiful box.
  • Photo frame with a general photo. It’s very simple to make, for example, from thick cardboard, decorating with small decorative elements. Must be framed beautiful photo where you are happy. This is a great reminder of the bright moments in life and a wonderful present.

Don't be afraid to show your creativity and imagination when choosing a gift for your guy on his 23rd birthday. This is the only way you can choose not just a pleasant, but also a very interesting present. And be sure to try to demonstrate your feelings with a gift, because this is the most valuable and important thing.

As you know, not only women, but also men love gifts. . What to give to the guy you like? Many people are puzzled by this question young girls Today. The variety of store offerings is simply amazing. But, nevertheless, everyone wants to present something special to the object of their dreams. A well-delivered gift can directly affect your relationship with a young man, however, just like a gift chosen by chance, it can put an end to your relationship.

Let's look at several effective options for what to give to the guy you like depending on your relationship with him.

If you are looking for a gift for someone you see daily because you are connected serious relationship, (perhaps you live together or are going to get married), you need to give gifts that will tell about your feelings for him.

In this case, the “With Love” Breakfast Table in Bed as a gift will be just what you need. Show attention and care to the one you care about. This gift can be given in the morning, along with a hot breakfast and a cup of invigorating coffee. Your boyfriend will be very pleased to receive such a surprise.

The best alternative to this romantic gift would be a useful gift as an option what to give to the guy you like. Here it would be useful to remember what your young man prefers to do. A good gift in this case would be a barbecue set for someone who loves to relax in nature, or a car thermal mug for an avid car enthusiast, with which you can always count on a hot drink while somewhere on the road.

Thinking what to give to the guy you like, Special attention We recommend looking for cool gifts. If your crush has a sense of humor, the best gift would be a cool apron with a colorful print depicting Apollo. This gift can be used not only in the kitchen, but also in a more intimate setting during love dates.

If you are looking for something to give to someone you like from afar, gifts should be less explicit. This should be a pleasant sign of attention with a hint of your feelings, so that the young man understands how much sympathy you have for him.

Give him the Order “Behind You Like a Stone Wall” or the Order “To the Winner of My Heart”; any recipient of such a gift will appreciate such a sign of attention. Award orders and medals can be regarded as a good joke, so such a gift can be presented to a guy with whom you do not yet have a strong close relationship.

So to the question, what to give to the guy you like, you can answer in different ways. The main thing is, when choosing the perfect gift for the object of your affection, think about his preferences and desires more than your own, and then you will be able to find the best gift for him.

When holidays come one after another: New Year, Christmas, February 23, birthdays, dating days, wedding anniversaries, etc., need to look for gifts. And if finding a gift for a woman is not particularly difficult, then finding... Like, what does this man need, especially when you ask him and hear the answer - nothing? This does not mean at all that he does not need anything. He’s just so tired of answering this question, given the fact that he himself doesn’t know what he needs, but he still wants to get something pleasant and/or useful.

Having collected all the fabrications of a similar topic on the forum, adding a couple of books and experience, we make a list of what. Plus interesting rule- for a birthday it is advisable to give a good and the right thing, on New Year, February 23 and other minor holidays - of course, you can do the same, but it’s easier to buy a souvenir (otherwise there will be nothing left for the next birthday). In the list below, gifts are sorted (approximately) in descending order of cash spent on them. You can swap things around. Separate list- bells and whistles for those who are passionate about something.

General gifts for men

Apartment. No comments. Only for the very best...

Car. Probably, but for fairly wealthy ladies. Just make sure that it is needed at all. Some are simply afraid and don't want to drive. And some already have 1-2-3 cars and yours is like a dog’s fifth leg.

Motorbike . Gadgets for it, if you already have them. Motorcycle helmet, matching T-shirt, bandana, etc.

Computer or laptop. Only here you need to know what to give. If you don't understand it, it's better not to. Or ask if you need something specifically.

Camera (simple or digital). Video camera (analog or digital). Accessories for them (flashes, tripods, bags, cassettes, etc.)

Household appliances as a gift for a man

TV, home cinema, stereo system, VCR, DVD, tape recorder, speakers. Karaoke, microphone.

Hair clipper.

For a bachelor - Dishwasher, good iron, microwave with grill . To him - binoculars or telescope (if there is a high-rise building opposite). Light music for a music center. A good bright table lamp.

Radio or small tape recorder , if the work involves business trips into the wilderness. The radio receiver can be in the form of headphones. Same way - electronic games like Tetris, Electronics, Lotto or Monopoly.

An electric toothbrush.

Cell phone and accessories . There is nothing to write here on cell phones; it’s easier to go to the store and get advice from the sellers. Gadgets - keychains, glowing pendants, laces, headphones, phone stand at home, in the car. You can use a simple home phone, preferably a cordless handset.

Watch. Depending on the availability of money - gold, gilded, very expensive, not very expensive, very cheap. For the military, it’s mandatory for commanders; they don’t recognize others. You can give an alarm clock - especially to a person you have been dating for a short time and he is always late for dates. Or you wake up for work together—double benefit. Stylish or funny.

Pneumatic rifle. Set for guns (target+figures+pistol or rifle). Darts and cool darts to go with it.

Business accessories as a gift for a man

Notepad, business diary, diary, electronic Notebook, organizer, calculator (especially if the man is an accountant, this will be very good gift) and other things for work.
Stationery stand - such a thing on the table where pens, pencils, scissors, paper clips, notepads and other nonsense live. From very stylish, expensive and large to a simple stand for a notepad and pen. There are also very beautiful wooden and not only business card stands.
Nice pen. Leather passport cover. Leather cover for auto documents. Wallet or purse (leather is also preferable). Good penknife. Housekeeper (leather or so), key ring (for a car - with its symbols).

Clothes for a man

Sweaters, jumpers, T-shirts . You can knit a sweater or jumper yourself or buy it, funny or serious - depending on your relationship with the man.
A simple, very expensive branded T-shirt, with a photograph (of a man, you, your child, your family, your favorite actress or singer (possibly in the nude), etc.), with the inscription (The best husband-lover-etc., a cool inscription).

Outerwear - coat, jacket, windbreaker, sheepskin coat, hats, etc. Jeans, trousers (sew yourself), suit, jacket.

Robe. Pajamas. Underpants (only for very loved one, you can and should be funny, sex stores generally sell VERY interesting ones. Mikey. Slippers - summer flip-flops, warm winter ones, funny and not so funny, but also definitely practical.

Scarf (buy or knit, you can knit together with a hat in the same style). Gloves (leather, sheepskin). Socks (knitted by yourself and only for a loved one, father, brother or grandfather - others will not understand).

Ties. Only for those who wear it. Serious, funny, blotted or with naked women. Tie-pin .

Trouser belt. Here it’s clear - only leather, for some reason they don’t recognize others. Suspender (only for those who wear them, otherwise it’s a waste of time and money. Or if his wife is pregnant, it will be very convenient for her to use them).

Jewelry. The chain is gold or silver (whichever you prefer, ask in advance). A cross if one has been baptized or is about to be baptized. A ring or signet, if he loves you. Half of the heart on a chain (there are two halves on chains, you keep the other half). You can have gold or silver, but there are also simple ones.

Bags. Purse, folder, diplomat, good bag(large roomy or small folding), suitcase. Leather, leatherette, rag. A backpack (for a young guy instead of a bag, for an adult - for fishing, hunting).

Shoes usually causes problems, well this is just for the sake of completeness.

Gifts for men for holidays

Beach mat, folding beach chair, sun lounger, large beautiful towel, swimming trunks, sunscreen, cap.

Warm blanket, warm big camel blanket.

Rocking chair, hammock.


Set of glasses, wine set.

Perfumery as a gift for a man

Eau de Toilette. Depending on the character of your man, his hobbies in sports and general wishes and most importantly - your sensitivity to odors. It's mostly up to you to sniff!

Deodorant. Shaving kits. Creams, gels, jelly for shaving and after shaving. To them or separately - electric razor or a good brand of razor + shaving brush, depending on what you use to shave.
Facial and body care kits. Creams, balms, gels, milks, etc. There are men who are very interested in this. Especially those who bad skin(anti-inflammatory balms, anti-acne tonics). But keep in mind that if you give this to someone you don’t know very well, there may be a lot of offense.
Shower sets. Also not for all men, many simply do not understand what it is and who needs it. Here are aromatic salts, shampoos for men, shower gels, washcloths (available in the form of naked ladies).

Next is a chaotic list of various little things as gifts for men

Flask. Some are simple, some are leather cases, there are sets - flask + glasses.
A mug with a photo (his, yours, child, family), with his name, his zodiac sign, with a funny poem, with girls undressing, etc.
Books. Depending on his hobbies - construction, cars, computers, etc. Books for work. Kama Sutra in pictures. Stereo books 3CD (third dimension). Fairy tales for adults (“A Thousand and One Nights”). The latest book from your favorite author. A collection of aphorisms from your favorite philosopher, a collection of sketches from your favorite artist.
Video cassettes, DVDs and just discs, audio cassettes. Favorite films, songs, karaoke, new gizmos, erotica, porn, educational tapes - sports, wrestling, bodybuilding, computers, studies, English and other languages. Toys for the computer. Cartoons for adults.
Souvenirs. Charms, designer toys. Cool gifts- a glass from which you cannot drink, a mug with holes, a mug without a bottom. Bubbles lamp. Singing fountain. Flowers or air balloons for work (without a signature, let him guess from whom.) For a bachelor - bed sheets with a naked girl on a sheet (possible with you if this is your bachelor). Soft and not very funny toys. Pistol-lighter. A chest with a brownie or other evil spirits jumping out and neighing.

In general, souvenirs should be given like this - you go into a big store and just look - what you like is what you buy. Preferably something cool, moving or sounding.

Lottery tickets (it’s better to give these only to relatives - husband, dad, grandfather, brother - in case you win, then you’ll worry for the rest of your life that you didn’t keep them for yourself). Photo. Yours, his, child, family. Options: photo in a frame, calendar with a photo, mug with a photo, T-shirt with a photo, photo puzzle, collage in the form of a calendar or stand. His portrait, drawn by you or ordered from a photograph to a good artist. A picture of his physiognomy or from your wedding. Nudity is good only in one case - if he himself doesn’t mind, otherwise he will become jealous of the photographer and the one who printed the photos. Photo album - empty or with your general photos. Kit playing cards with images of relatives, friends and acquaintances. You can send your or his photos to a local newspaper, magazine with congratulations or some interesting article.
A set of tools (drill, screwdriver, chainsaw, set of screwdrivers). Toolbox. Box for small items (cogs and bolts).
Alcohol in beautiful packaging. Or just good, expensive and tasty alcohol.
Tickets for: concert, play, show, hockey, football, etc. Dinner in a restaurant, cafe. Overnight at a hotel (with you). A trip somewhere abroad or to the nearest holiday home, sanatorium (for one or both of you). Going to the sauna.
A dog or a cat. Alive. And only if he dreams about them. It is advisable to give along with a basket for sleeping, a box of Chapi or Whiskas, a set for cat litter. And already toilet trained. IN as a last resort- horse. If you already have one, a saddle with his initials or a bit. Just keep in mind that if you live together, most likely walking, grazing, feeding, buying food, stocking up on hay, bathing, and so on will be on you.

Special gifts for men

Now let’s look at individual hobbies and “extra” gifts.

Car. You can buy things with it endlessly. A good radio, tape recorder, jvc cassette player or CD player, a stinky little thing (attached to the wall or roof - in the form of a sticker, a toy, just in a jar), fasteners for cell phone(now there are flashing ones when there is a signal, very beautiful), curtains for the rear window, a toy or a talisman (there are such beautiful brownies with a steering wheel in their hands, as well as Japanese hieroglyphs-amulets for a car), a leather cover for car documents, a sticker like “ The bumper is strong, there are no nerves" (sold in bookstores). Some little thing with the symbols of this car. Key ring. The steering wheel cover is thin for the summer and warm fur for the winter. Paint for the car itself unnatural color. Or better yet, take the car to a salon for painting, or have airbrushed designs painted on it (make sure the man doesn’t mind).

Computer. Also endless gifts. A good modem, video card, CD-ROM, stylish system box, monitor size from 17 to infinity, keyboard, printer, video camera, microphone, uninterruptible power supply, speakers, flash drive. A simple mouse, wireless, luminous, etc., a joystick (if playing). Mouse pad - simple, soft, fluffy, square, round, abstract, with a hand rest, again with your photo. Headphones. If he plays, toys on CD; watches movies, listens to music - give them as gifts. Stands, bags, boxes for discs.

Sport. A bicycle (simple, mountain), a training device for something (walking, running, an exercise bike, etc.), weights, dumbbells or a barbell (just keep in mind that you will most likely have to carry and put all this away), a foot massager; clothes for training (one thing for a hockey player, another for a football player, another for a judoka). And then - according to the sport, think for yourself - a stick for a hockey player, a ball for a football player, a basket for balls (at home or at the dacha) for a basketball player, etc. Expander, ski poles (possible with skis), accessories for scuba diving (fins, mask, goggles, etc.). Skates, rollers, knee and elbow pads, skateboard. Swedish wall. Tennis rackets - large and small. For small things, you can also use a tennis table. Home golf set (slide + club + ball) for the office or home. Badminton.

Job. Look at the profession - an accountant - a calculator, a teacher - a pointer, good book for work, military - commander's hours, etc. For the manager - a leather chair for the office or a set of flags - Russian, regional, city. In general, any man can be given his OWN chair for home; they are very scrupulous about THEIR chairs and stools. Vibrating massager for this chair. You can give a safe, and not only to the manager, but to any man, they always love to hide something.

Fishing. Fishing rods, spinning rods, sets of hooks and lures, baits in the form of worms and other things. Nice thermos. Net. Picnic set in a basket. Fishing chair, waders, net fishing suit (which is waterproof).

Musicians. Cases for their instruments (guitar, balalaika, button accordion), piano cover, good pick, leather belt on the guitar. Send a piano tuner if it is out of tune. Cassettes or discs with your favorite opera, waltz, etc. Piano chair (rising and falling). If you don’t have instruments, but you have a dream, give them a guitar, violin, saxophone, etc....

To the artist. Easel, set good colors, good brushes(be sure to ask for the brand in advance!). A trip to the open air (to the nearest lake or to the Far East).

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