Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Congratulations on being awarded the title of excellent student of the financial service. Congratulations on important events with the assignment of a title. Short toast with awarding the title

In the life of a military man appropriation next rank it is always an important and solemn event. Congratulations on this significant day should be inspiring and beautiful. Put in your wishes respect and admiration for a man who has devoted his whole life to carrying dangerous service. Be sure to take the time to congratulate your acquaintance as a man or woman on being promoted to senior lieutenant, colonel, ensign or major. Congratulations do not have to be pompous and voluminous. Good words in verse or prose, even a funny SMS will be a beautiful sign of attention on your part.

Congratulations on conferring the title in verse

You went up a step
Here comes the senior lieutenant!
All friends have long known
You are a great talent for this.
Let the service be only a joy,
Be bold and courageous.
In a matter chosen for life,
No doubt you are cool.
On the achieved, of course,
You don't stop at all.
Move on, brother, move on.
It will be difficult - you hold on.

Today you are
Significant culprit.
We wash the title
New Colonel!
I wish you good luck
In an important, difficult service.
I wish you strength, vigor,
Our man is golden.
Be healthy, it's important
Honest, kind, as always.
Let it be only favorable
Bold fate for you.

At our table today
Very important conversation.
We'll fill all the glasses
Here, my friend, and Major.
Keep it up, we wish you strength
To serve an honest cause.
The honor of a uniform in a difficult life
Never drop.
We only wish you victories
Move only forward
Under pressure, let him surrender
A series of adversities.

Comic congratulations on the assignment of the next title for SMS

A new star has fallen
I congratulate you.
It wouldn't hurt to sober up
At least four days later.

You're a colonel, hooray!
I scream fervently.
You are worthy of all praise
They all know for sure.

You are in military affairs, brother,
Everyone knows, big giant.
With what I congratulate you
First Lieutenant!

I congratulate you on the title
I want it from the bottom of my heart, bro.
Served at last
Our beloved captain.

Honesty and Valor
You are a big fan.
That is why
Today lieutenant colonel.
I "Vivat" shout to you,
I shake my hand from my heart.
From the prostava, my dear,
Nowhere to go.

Congratulations on the assignment of the next title in prose

Today, dear comrade, I want to congratulate you on being awarded the title. You have been working towards this for a long time, honestly and painstakingly worked. Everyone knows you as an honest and noble person who is familiar with the concept of "honor of uniform" firsthand. On this significant day for you, I wish you good health. So that the forces in the body allow you to realize all your heroic plans and lofty goals. May the road chosen once in life never disappoint. Only real, true friends will be nearby, on whom you can always rely. Well, let the house and family always be a reliable rear for you, where you will always be, first of all, your beloved husband and father.

The next title is a whole era filled with sorrows and joys, victories and defeats, successes and disappointments. That is why the moment of receiving is so sweet and exciting. new sprocket. Let this day be the start of a new, happy round in your life. Stay the same honest and decent person true friend and top notch professional. Never give in to difficulties - you can do everything. And you have proved it to your friends and colleagues more than once. I wish you new victories and success in your service. Don't forget about your personal life. Service is service, but in the heart of a real man there should be an image of a beautiful lady who will smooth out all the hardships of your difficult fate.

Humorous congratulations for officers with a rank in prose

Our dear comrade, the entire combat battalion of your friends, relatives and colleagues in in full force came to congratulate you on your promotion. We hope that you are ready for the meeting and will adequately accept our congratulations. We remind you that for happy outcome activities, you had to prepare ammunition. Namely: cutting meat, fish, vegetables - 3 kilograms, salads in assortment - 5 kilograms, alcohol various brands and fortress levels - unlimited. For our part, we guarantee: good mood, laudatory odes in honor of the hero of the occasion, sincere wishes health, happiness, new successes and further career growth.

Allow me to congratulate you, our glorious friend, on the assignment of the next title. You certainly deserve your coveted star. On this day, we want to wish you that the uniform sits like a glove, hiding all the features of the figure in the form of a lump of nerves accumulated over the years of service. Fighting spirit flared up not only after the celebration of various outstanding events. So that health does not fail, and there is an opportunity to demonstrate their dexterity and power, without risking falling into the infirmary with a fracture. But seriously, good luck to you, our dear. You great friend and a real officer. Each of us is proud of our acquaintance with such a glorious and noble person. Good luck to you. Keep it up!

Congratulations on conferring the title of a woman in verse

woman in military uniform
Very erotic.
Don't give her a colonel
It's just indecent.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you well.
Let not only on shoulder straps
The star is shining.
We wish you beauty
And good luck in your service.
More people like us
Everyone needs it in the army.

The blood runs cold in the veins,
If you look straight ahead.
You are not a woman - a goddess,
And now a major.
Congratulations on the new title
Everyone is happy with you today.
There will be more on your list
May well-deserved awards.
The fragility of women in the service
We wish to keep.
After all, you will only see such
You understand, we will live.

You do not have eyes, but simply
Enchantment of the great ocean.
And don't tell me what's in front of us
Already a good captain.
Congratulations on this title
Joy in everything, victories.
You radiate bright
And big soul light.
There will be a service let you be happy
Kitel is only getting younger.
A series of new accomplishments
May it always beckons forward.

Congratulations on conferring the title from loved ones in verse

In a new rank, you son
We are very proud of dad.
Watching with rapture
Nurturing fruit.
Always be the very best
We wish now.
You are the real officer
Our beloved, glorious son.
Keep it up, we wish you
Keep the honor of the uniform.
principles and goals
Never change.

My husband, beloved, glorious,
With a new title to you.
Lucky, of course, very,
What are you to me.
I wish you good luck
May the Lord keep you.
Your guardian angel is kind
In a dangerous moment, it will protect.
I'm always by your side
I'm walking quietly.
You are doing a great service
I will save our hearth.

At first glance, people of military professions are harsh and unwilling to sentiment. But, believe me, most of them have sensitive and quivering hearts. Congratulations on the assignment of a new title will surely touch them to the core and melt even the most callous heart. Newly minted captains, junior lieutenants and lieutenant colonels may not show it, but they will be very pleased and flattered to receive sincere congratulations with the next rank. After all, this is not just a sign of courtesy, but an indicator of the significance of their difficult service. Delight a real valiant officer with heartfelt prose or a beautiful poem.

Salutes so as not to fade,

And we all played tricks.

And tomorrow you are back in the ranks

Children of Lieutenant Schmidt - congratulations from A.V. Maslyakov

Congratulations to A. V. Maslyakov on his seventieth birthday from Lieutenant Schmidt.

Thanks to Paul Van Haver (Stromae) and gr. "Merry Fellows" for music.

Show-theater "Kaleidoscope" (Barnaul) for the idea of ​​the text.

And there is no braver fighter.

And you will still sing

Poems will not be spared.

Throw shoulder straps into the glass,

And let's drink according to our laws!

Congratulations and toasts on the title

Junior Lieutenant

There are many military ranks

But for you the most important

When the rank of officer

Like the first premiere.

You have been given a superior.

And there is no bragging.

You honestly deserve it

And he put in a lot of effort.

Now you are a second lieutenant,

And a debutant in officers.

Accept congratulations from us

And may luck accompany you!

Freshly minted lieutenants

It is not without reason that glasses are heard ringing, -

To shine brightly gold

Everyone kept the balance like that,

Or at least a general!

Finding polite manners

Making a choice once and for all

Let's raise a toast to good luck, officers,

Cavaliers, ladies... gentlemen!

Ahead - the radiance of starfall

And the ranks of the high ceiling ...

And for this - you definitely need to drink,

So, as they say - God forbid!

With the assignment of a toast to the lieutenant

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate


Lieutenant, we know it

Will never let you down!

He is now an example for many,

Not afraid of anything!

And in business he is very strict,

Everyone respects him.

Let the road go forward

There will be many tests.

You have enough strength for this

After all, you are the face of Russia!

Stars on shoulder straps shine

And let them shine in the sky.

Congratulations on being awarded the title

This is up a serious way!

Congratulations on the rank of senior lieutenant - military or policeman

Your turn, as they say, -

No wonder the glasses are heard ringing.

To shine brightly gold

Lieutenant's brand new shoulder straps!

So that from now on in life, as on the march,

Everyone kept the balance like that,

So that a marshal comes out of a lieutenant,

Or at least a general!

Finding polite manners

Making a choice once and for all

Let's drink to luck, officers,

Cavaliers, ladies, gentlemen

Ahead - the radiance of starfall

And there is a high ceiling.

And for this you definitely need to drink,

So, as they say, God forbid!

Wish catalog and :: :: to lieutenant:: lieutenants

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Congratulations to the lieutenant from a platoon of soldiers - and wishes, and sms and mms, jokes, jokes and voice cards for a mobile phone. ::

For sending voice postcard you need to send one SMS with the code to the short number 1051. The cost of sending SMS to the short number 1051 depends on the operator cellular communication please check the list below:

  • MTS 84.32 rub.
  • Beeline 85.00 rub.
  • Megaphone 82.60 rub.
  • TELE2 - 82.60 rub.
  • The rest 83.20 rubles.

Prices are inclusive of VAT.

Congratulations on the title

Any difficult tasks are subject to a person who has reached the heights of mastery in his activity. Being in constant search, reflection and knowledge, such people become virtuosos of their craft, never resting on their laurels. And of course, every person is very important appreciation and outstanding service to society. Assignment of the title becomes a well-deserved reward for striving for excellence. Congratulations on the title will allow you to express respect, admiration and joy for such a significant event in your life.

Cheerful congratulations for the junior lieutenant -

We congratulate you on behalf of our entire school team! We are proud that today we have the honor to express our gratitude, respect and admiration to you, because serving the Motherland is not an easy task! To be able to put the interests of the Motherland above one's own, to risk one's life for the sake of others - only a real man can do it! We wish you good health, prosperity and family happiness!

Today all relatives are assembled
And they became amicably exactly in order!
Our Colonel, we wish you in unison
You are a hundred years old and fight with life.

All overcome her boundaries,
Break down barriers along the way.
Enemies do not see evil faces,
Morally and in ranks to grow!

We remember this holiday
How can I forget this day?
Happy birthday Colonel
True to the title and to yourself!

You're off duty today
And with family at the table.
I wish you all you need:
Many years, success in everything!

Let health strengthen
Faith, joy and love.
Money is just coming
And the blood boils with happiness!

* * *

You are a real colonel
It can be seen with an unarmed gaze.
Eyes and posture...
Valuable at home and at work!

Devoted to high principles
And self-confident.
Wish in a high voice
I want big blessings for you!

Thinking about what you can give the colonel in solemn date? We will offer you several interesting options! Of course, it is worth considering not only where the culprit of fun serves, but also his hobbies. But thematic presentations are almost always appropriate.

Present a military colonel with a gift with army symbols. It can be beautiful souvenir shoulder straps, a funny keychain in the form of a grenade or a realistic model of a tank that can decorate the interior. A practical and at the same time memorable surprise will be a set for strong drinks, consisting of a damask and glasses with original design.

And a police colonel can be pleased with an unusual comic award. For example, a medal or an order made to order. A serious man will evaluate a thematic printed publication in gift version. A universal present a diary in a beautiful cover or a practical business card holder will perform.

And remember that the main holiday gift for the colonel - your attention!

Happy birthday to police colonel

Not the first year you serve in the police,
You are friends with courage, strength, endurance.
Let the stars shine on shoulder straps,
And everyone congratulates you today!

Colonel brave, cast aside all doubts
IN fun party stormy birthday,
Let no worries interfere with the triumph,
Your eyes are shining with joy!

Police Colonel is a calling
For daring criminals, you are a punishment!
So be loved by the beauty Fortune,
So that everything succeeds! With your birth!

You are responsible, serious!
And, due to shoulder straps, stellar!
You are a police colonel
The most stringent measures are a fan.

All criminals are afraid
Fall into your hands.
Have success, happiness,
Happy birthday wonderful!

Happy birthday to a man colonel

Colonel - sounds beautiful and proud,
To success, happiness, the path is open to you,
You have achieved everything with your charisma,
Strong character, friends support!

May there be success faithful companion henceforth,
You are brave and strong, lucky after all,
So be incorruptible and invincible
Now and always! Happy birthday to you!

In the soul - fire, in the chest - courage,
After all, you are a colonel anywhere.
That's the kind of man you need to be
So be happy forever!

You deserve your stripes
We will bow to you,
Colonel, let the years go by
But always be lucky!

Solve any problem
Have luck in your friends
Be invincible in the service
Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to the colonel in verse

You are brave, strong and courageous,
And everyone can see the male become,
Colonel prominent, very important,
Mind not to occupy at all!

Happy birthday to you today
We will congratulate you together
Good, success, luck,
Wish well-being!

You rightfully wear shoulder straps
After all, the most courageous, smart, brave,
So be your destiny love!
With your joyful birth!

Colonel, let me congratulate
Happy birthday to you!
Let joy rule life
And sadness-sadness burns with fire,

Anxiety and bad weather will go away,
The celebration of peace will come!
You - love, good luck, happiness
And all the best!

Happy birthday to a retired colonel

Retired colonel, many years
You gave your service,
And everyone who knows you is definitely ready
Say you were wiser than everyone

Remained the same, and at the holiday hour
We wish you fun, good.
We hasten to congratulate you with pleasure
And in honor of your shout "Hurrah!".

Even if you are retired, but your courage
As before, knows no boundaries,
Let troubles still fear you
Enemies fall prostrate!

You gave a lot of your service
Patience, courage, strength.
And we dedicate a holiday verse to you,
So that this moment gives happiness!

Always to be completely satisfied,
Beautiful owning fate,
So that you stay on a frisky horse,
And in the heart was the ardor of mischief!

Happy birthday to the colonel cool

Happy birthday, Colonel!
I only want huge
Happiness, joy, love,
Pleasure in the blood!

So that the soul blooms and sings,
You only went forward boldly,
Everything was resolved in an instant,
And fate would help!

The stars lay down on your shoulder straps,
And we wish you many more years!
Let fate give barriers
From troubles and troubles!

Shoulder straps are given to you for courage and bravery!
We wish that there are no troubles and worries,
Lucky were everywhere and always,
And life would be illuminated by a star of happiness!

Congratulations to the son-in-law of the colonel on his birthday

Today I will congratulate
Happy birthday to you, good son-in-law!
Man you are quite serious
For a long time in uniform, prominent, stellar,

So what do you wish for today?
Hold luck in your hands
To be the most successful for you
And do not worry a single gram!

My son-in-law is a colonel!
I'm lucky with you!
Happiness, great joy
I wish, to spite everyone!

Son-in-law, happy birthday!
Like a colonel, be successful
To meet the flow of luck,
Become strong indeed, like a nut!

Be always cheerful at home
Try to rest your soul
Definitely something new
Get interesting!

Happy birthday to a military colonel

I can't count your virtues
There is strength, endurance and honor,
You became a colonel by right,
I want to achieve fame

And overcome all obstacles!
Let the river of life wade
Sometimes you have to go
But still happiness will smile!

I want to congratulate you
Happy birthday with the best day!
After all, all tasks are on the shoulder
With your soul spark!

Be always on top -
And in the service, and everywhere!
However, just as always,
So that grief is not a problem!

To be completely satisfied
Stayed on horseback
To make us proud of you
Glorious fighting force!

Congratulations to the colonel on his birthday in prose

Thanks to your strong will, indestructible character and unsurpassed endurance, you have become a colonel! And having a good disposition, being attentive to loved ones and caring for their well-being, you have acquired loving family and true friends! May all these components of your destiny provide happy life! Happy birthday!

Let the character remain strong, health - strong, friends - faithful, subordinates - executive! Happy birthday, brave colonel!

* * *

Everyone knows you as a brave and strong, but kind and considerate person. That's what a real colonel should be. Be yourself and always achieve your goals without special problems! Happy birthday!

Any difficult tasks are subject to a person who has reached the heights of mastery in his activity. Being in constant search, reflection and knowledge, such people become virtuosos of their craft, never resting on their laurels. And of course, every person is very important appreciation and recognition of outstanding services to society. Assignment of the title becomes a well-deserved reward for striving for excellence. Congratulations on the title will allow you to express respect, admiration and joy for such a significant event in your life.

Congratulations to the officers

  • You junior lieutenant became,
    I congratulate you!
    You deserve all the praise!
    I sincerely wish -
    Let success continue
    Advance in service!
    To leave everyone behind
    Of course, try!
  • Today I became a lieutenant!
    I hasten to congratulate
    I didn't expect it
    I want to tell you.
    But I knew that such a day would come -
    Get yours!
    Let luck await in business!
    All the best!
  • You became a senior lieutenant,
    I congratulate you with all my heart!
    You got what you wanted
    Today is a big day for us!
    May you always succeed
    After all, you deserve it!
    Luck will smile again
    And spring will bloom in my soul!
  • Today I'll probably be drunk
    And no one dares to forbid me -
    After all, you received the title, captain,
    I will hurry with congratulations!
    And from the bottom of my heart I want to say
    May you keep moving forward!
    And you never get tired -
    After all, a big goal in this life awaits!
  • You received the rank of major
    We are all in a hurry to congratulate today!
    So that you value your favorite service,
    We want to wish today.
    To never forget yours
    May you succeed and always.
    So that you know the price of words, deeds,
    And never be sad in your life!
  • Congratulations on your new title!
    You are a lieutenant colonel! What to say?
    I want to move on
    And don't give in to anyone!
    Any business succeeds
    Good luck everywhere, always!
    May all good things come back
    And will never leave!
  • You are a colonel! fireworks today
    In your honor, they will certainly thunder!
    And the solemnity of this moment
    Everyone remembers, of course, happy.
    Let the memory of such moments
    For years, of course, stores!
    In your honor - applause!
    Your title speaks for you!
  • You are now a general!
    I hasten to congratulate you today!
    You seem to be made of steel -
    Always strive to protect everyone!
    Let with this new promotion
    Only the best will enter your life!
    Joy and happiness, without a doubt,
    And may great success come!
  • You are a Major General!
    You deserve it!
    After all, in life for a long time
    They were always worthy!
    May success always await
    You serve the Motherland!
    For many years
    You keep your spirits up!
  • Your new title
    lieutenant general,
    This is your calling!
    I am very happy for you!
    May you succeed
    And there is no doubt -
    Happiness will smile at you
    Many more years!
  • Colonel General is a rank
    You deserved a worthy service,
    Performed important tasks,
    They were a man of honor in business.
    I wish you happiness without a doubt
    And good health always!
    Let luck accompany you in business
    Happy years await!

Entries 1 - 18 from 18

We hasten to congratulate you on the assignment of the title,
Only the strongest, worthy and brave,
You can reward like this - and with great success
May you now be lucky in any business,
Fate guards and will help in everything,
Will reward you with an unexpected gift,
May luck bring joy soon
And make your destiny bright!

Let's celebrate today
The matter is very important.
You have risen in rank
You won't be fooled here.

We wish you well
Keep it up, buddy.
Let it come to your destiny
What you are looking for for a long time.

The title is given only to the best.
You are already among the lucky ones.
Congratulations on this! Improve your life
Got a chance. We are happy for you in our hearts!

With elevation comes seriousness
And responsibility for their actions.
Let a colleague not miss happiness
Let him work in a team in love.

There is no place or reason for sadness here,
I hasten to congratulate you on the promotion,

I also wish you good health, patience,
Good luck, happiness, progress,
So that the mood does not leave the house,
So that luck accompanies you in everything!

Our military - support, protection!
And your ranks are formidable to the enemy.
To you - the unyielding parts of the monolith
Let's trust Russia and life always!

Congratulations to the one who, having passed the test,
He showed himself to be an excellent soldier.
Let's congratulate him on his title!
He best example for the green guys.

Let's have a happy holiday.
Be "At ease!" command is more audible.
And the insignia so we "wash",
That our native country will not forget us.

In the shape of an asterisk four
Lie on a strong shoulder.
The rows are slimmer, and the stride is wider.
We warmly congratulate you!

Your knowledge is a matter of honor
You carry in the ranks every day.
When a country with such together,
No shadow will fall on Russia!

The enemy with such protection is not terrible,
And if you suddenly want something,
Run away like a beaten dog
Who is threatening Russia?

Comrade captain - today it is already possible
To call you not a lieutenant, friend.
And soon - and it's all possible,
Not far away is a major and a lieutenant colonel suddenly.
No wonder they say - "patience and work ..."
And you are a special example

Of course, you are a good military man,
And your experience is invaluable.
When did you enter the Academy of the General Staff
He blew up the commission with his knowledge.
Now it's all behind
And the future is just ahead.
Today we congratulate you on your new title,
And, of course, we wish
Be a good major general
Still serve up to the marshal.

Once you, like any soldier,
He dreamed, of course, of becoming a general.
But they were just dreams
And the fact that they will come true - you partially believed.
You always shone with your skills,
You have grown rapidly.
And now you've become a general,
And he did everything he dreamed of.

And prowess, vivacity and enthusiasm -
You can't take it all away.
Now you are in the rank of major,
Let me hug you!

Shoot fireworks faster
Let's celebrate the holiday with fun.
Salutes so as not to fade,
And we all played tricks.

And tomorrow you are back in the ranks
And there is no braver fighter.
And songs will still be sung to you,
Poems will not be spared.

Throw shoulder straps into the glass,
And let's drink according to our laws!

There are many military ranks
But for you the most important day
When the rank of officer
Like the first premiere.

You have been given a superior.
And there is no bragging.
You honestly deserve it
And he put in a lot of effort.

Big two stars are not shoulder straps,
You are now a Lieutenant Colonel.
We are happy to serve under your command.
You are in the ranks - and we have troubles, as if it never happened!

We wish you to be so fair,
What have you always been in this life.
We believe that with such helmsmen
Military affairs will not freeze!

And be healthy and cheerful,
You are our vanguard, we are always with you.

We meet the military rank,
The Motherland is proud of its sons.
We honor the colonel now,
Congratulations on this event.

Don't let gray hair scare you
She only talks about
That your heart knows a lot
It hurts for everyone.

Therefore, we wish
Lots of health and patience.
You deserve it - we know it!
You are the generation of honor!

Yesterday you were just a boy
And he ran fast in a jacket.
Then they were drafted into the army,
To securely defend the Motherland.

Then you took the oath
And you immediately became an ordinary,
You were given a weapon
And everyone was instructed to learn the charter.

We congratulate you, ordinary,
So that the service flew home
To relatives and friends, and the bride,
To be with them everywhere.

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
Lieutenant, we know it
Will never let you down!

He is now an example for many,
Not afraid of anything!
And in business he is very strict,
Everyone respects him.

Let the road go forward
There will be many tests.
You have enough strength for this
After all, you are the face of Russia!

Stars on shoulder straps shine
And let them shine in the sky.
Congratulations on this title.
This is up a serious way!

When the draft board called for the army,
You immediately became very serious.
In all classes you are the first,
And very rarely you are in reserve.

You memorized the charter by heart,
And you have tasted the tricks of science.
For excellent progress in preparation,
And for good possession of a rifle

You became the best among your comrades
That's why you were given the rank of sergeant.
We congratulate you on this promotion,
But don't let this be the end.

Today important holiday, without a doubt,
There is no place or reason for sadness here.
I hasten to congratulate you on the promotion,
It deserves such a big feast!

Another star plus for shoulder straps.
In honor of exploits and wisdom, of course.
I wish that today and in the future
Everything in life was just perfect!

I also wish you health, patience,
Good luck, happiness and forward movement,
So that the mood does not leave the house.
Let luck accompany everything!

Today new star
Your shoulder straps are added,
And we wish that always
Such updates were pouring in.

Our congratulations are sweeter than everyone,
She brings happiness and good luck.
And gives joy, and success,
And maybe a general's dacha!

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