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Simplify your life and become happy. Ways to simplify your life

Decide what things you don't need. Simplification should not turn into complexity: determine what you need most and get rid of the rest. Imagine that you have only an hour to pack for moving to the other side of the country for ten years or forever. What would you take with you? What can you do without? Reduce your possessions to the bare necessities and get rid of what only takes up space.

  • If you tend to hoard things for nostalgic or emotional reasons, try to assess how attached you really are to things. Start collecting things around the house that you don't need and give them away or throw them away right away. An old candlestick of no value, in which a candle has not been lit since Perestroika? Throw away. Filing of the newspaper "Soviet Sport" of the mid-70s? Throw away.
  • As a rule, if you have not used a thing for 18 months, then you will never use it again.

Do a quick cleanup. Walk around the house with a large basket or box. Collect in it things that are lying around or taking up space. Put on your favorite music, give yourself 15 minutes to clear out the junk, and see how much you can get done. Sort things: put the things you need in their places, throw out the garbage, collect the clothes for washing. Be prudent. If the thing is not needed, feel free to throw it away.

  • Concentrate on areas where clutter builds up the fastest, such as the living room and kitchen. If unwashed dishes are piled in the sink, there can be no talk of any order, even if the whole house is clean and tidy. Therefore, having little time, focus on areas where the result will be most noticeable.
  • Do not try to clean the dirt from every corner and wash every surface. Focus on tidying up. Put things in their places, remove unnecessary things - let the housing not look cluttered.
  • Do general cleaning every season. Several times a year, you should do a more thorough cleaning to get rid of the accumulated trash and simplify your living space and also clean the house from dirt. Over time, even in the cleanest room, animal hair, dust, and other small debris can accumulate, so it is important to periodically clean the house properly. Vacuum, clean carpets, scrub walls, clean plumbing, wash windows. Get rid of the dirt!

    • Get your papers in order. Empty the drawers of the table - a lot of trash can be hidden in them. Try not to accumulate paper waste and, if possible, store important documents V in electronic format. It will also help simplify your living space. Strive for a life without papers!
  • Downsize your wardrobe. Leave only your favorite and versatile clothing, and get rid of the rest. If the item is worn out, throw it away. If it has become small for you, give it to someone to whom it suits. If you never put on a thing due to the lack of a suitable occasion, accept that such an opportunity may never present itself, and part with it. Keep only what you wear in your closet.

    • If your favorite clothes don't care complete wardrobe, make your search easier by breaking everything down by season. Why do you need to rummage through the heap winter sweaters in the middle of summer? Pack your seasonal clothes and store them until it's time to take them out. Out of sight, out of mind.
    • Throw a party for your friends. Collect all the things that you do not wear and that do not suit you, and let your friends try on and take apart everything that they like. You may no longer be able to fit into these jeans, but they will look stunning on someone. Donate items that no one wants to take to a local charity.
  • Stop buying new things that you don't really need. If the item is sold for favorable price, this does not mean that you need it. One way to make life easier is to stop hoarding too much.

    Strive for less. Let your home be small, but comfortable and cozy. Learn to get by with little. Buy less, value quality more, and save the money saved for a rainy day or spend on travel.

    • Whenever possible, choose to rent rather than buy, whether it's a home or property. Then taxes, repairs and mold will be someone else's problem, not yours.
    • Buy fewer things, but let them be more versatile. If an item has two or even three purposes, it is preferable to several items separately. Remember: if your life is all about making money to buy things, this is unlikely to make you happy. Review your priorities.
  • Create free space. Empty space in your home, room or office will help you relax and create a feeling of simplicity. Do not hang anything on the walls; emptiness is soothing and looks more stylish. Let simplicity prevail over embellishment.

    • Free space does not have to be white. If you do not like the feeling of sterility and completely white interiors, opt for natural wood, brick or other simple textures that will rest your eyes. The main thing is the absence of visual "garbage". No need for shelves, posters, frames. Simple lines and clean empty walls.
  • Make your bed every day. It only takes five minutes, but it will miraculously change your mood. With a made bed, your bedroom will immediately become neater and more elegant. These small steps will help you simplify your life and relieve stress.

    • If it’s really easier and more comfortable for you to leave the bed disassembled, so be it. The point is to take small steps that make life seem easier. Instead, you might want to slowly prepare your coffee each morning by grinding beans, boiling water, and brewing your coffee in a French press. You may start the day by cleaning the kitchen and listening to the radio. Get yourself a daily ritual.

    Organize life

    1. Plan everything you can, or take your inner chaos as it is. Some of us do not see the point in planning a trip in advance and decide everything in the last hours before leaving the house. Why put yourself under the stress of a three-day camp? Others, on the contrary, need to pack things in advance, think over several times what they will need, and be sure that they have taken everything they need.

      • If you tend to procrastinate, don't force yourself to change, unless it prevents you from being able to effectively handle tasks and complete them on time. Be yourself. Allow sufficient time in your schedule for tasks that need to be completed on time. last minute: forced deadlines will help you perform as best as possible. Simply and easily.
      • If unfinished tasks cause you stress, do them in advance so that you can forget about them with a clear conscience. Don't drop your trip fees halfway, even if you start early; finish them quickly and rest. This is your way of making life easier: get everything done in advance and relax. It's also easy and simple.
    2. Distribute household chores evenly. Clutter in the living space and the inability to organize the household are often a source of difficulties and stress. Finding time for laundry, washing all the dishes, cooking, taking care of other essential things can be difficult if you do not know how to simplify and organize it all. Get together with your household and agree on how to share responsibilities and make housework easier.

      • Divide things by day. Let everyone contribute to the laundry or take out the trash, but not every day. Agree that someone takes over these cases for a few days, then change. Make a schedule everyone can agree on and post it in a prominent place in your kitchen.
      • Divide cases according to preference. For example, if you hate laundry and tend to accumulate dirty clothes to the last, agree with your household - if they take care of the laundry entirely, you agree, for example, to always wash the dishes or cook dinner three times a week (especially when others are working). until late). In any situation, you can find a balance.
    3. Simplify your finances. Money is always the hardest part. If you can, simplify them as much as possible. Consolidate expenses where possible and try to make as few payments as possible each month (it's better to pay all bills on the same day than one every day!). Create a budget based on your monthly income and calculate your average expenses, both known and estimated. Stick to a plan and it will be easier for you to control your spending.

      • If you pay the same amount every month, set up automatic debiting of money from your account, then you won't have to worry about payments anymore. If there is no auto payment option or the amount changes, set yourself a payment reminder in your calendar and try to pay from home via the Internet. What could be easier?
      • By default, always try to cut spending. If you're not sure how to approach simplifying your finances, lean towards saving. The less you spend, the less you think about money.
    4. Remember the rule:"A place for everything and everything in its place." If every thing in the house will have its own place, it will greatly simplify your life. The living space will become more beautiful and pleasant, and you will stop being nervous because you cannot find what you need.

      • Order creates peace. If the keys are always in the key holder near front door, you won't have to panic looking for them at the last minute. This will make your life calmer and give you the feeling that even in a world full of chaos, you have everything under control.
      • Organized space is a pleasure. If on the desktop in your workshop all the tools are in plain sight, neatly laid out and organized, then working on it is much more pleasant than on one where finding the right screwdriver turns into a grandiose quest.
      • Your living space brings more joy others. For example, they sit on the sofa, and do not put washed things on it. Unorganized space scares off guests; underwear laid out on the couch hints to them that your pants deserve best place than they are. Organize your accommodation, and it is likely that you will invite friends to your place more often.
      • You use what you have. If in your kitchen cabinets mess, you may not even notice that you have two kilograms of flour in stock, and buy new package instead of using an existing one.
      • Organizing things in places begins with individual steps. Some are discouraged by the thought of finding absolutely perfect place for every thing, and the fear of not being able to cope prevents you from getting down to business. However, it is better to try to do something than nothing at all. In addition, there are always several ways to organize, simplify, decompose ... choose the one that suits you personally.
    5. cook fast food. The end of a hard day's work best time for energy and time-consuming culinary exploits. Cook fast meals. Search the Internet simple recipes of the products that are already in stock. Better to spend free time at dinner and family conversations than at the kitchen stove.

      Simplify your parenting responsibilities. Don't cook dinner, don't do laundry dirty clothes don't put away the toys. Let the child certain age learns to take care of himself. Sometimes it's easier to do everything for him, but in long term this approach will teach the child not to do anything himself. Tell him where to get everything he needs, show him the first few times how to do it, but then let him handle it himself.

      • Make a weekly list of household chores for all the children. Let them actively participate in its creation, then they will more readily take up the execution.
      • Stop overloading the kids. Never in the past have children been busy after school in so many circles and sections as is often the case now. Realize that if your kids have days off from ballet, ice hockey, English, or the oboe, that's perfectly fine.

    Simplify Relationships

    1. Think about those who make your life worse as a friend. Try to fix such relationships or end them.

      Learn to say no. One of the reasons why life is difficult is the inability to refuse. Sometimes we think that life will be easier if we let others decide for us where to go to dinner, what task to take on at work, whether we can drive a friend to the airport. However, this will not simplify anything: if you act like a rag, they will just wipe their feet on you. Don't let me use you. Learn to stand your ground and say no.

      • On the other hand, if you are self-confident and tend not to depend on other people's opinions, you may be able to simplify your life if you learn to sometimes be silent. Do not dramatize the situation if there is no drama in it.
    2. Spend more time alone. Maintaining relationships - love, friendship, family - is a difficult process. When you focus on the characteristics and habits of other people, you pay less attention to yourself and your needs. You make your own life difficult for others instead of making it easy for yourself. But the desire to be alone and work on yourself is not selfishness.

      • Consider going on vacation alone. Take a trip to those places that you have long dreamed of. Rely only on yourself to navigate and understand in an unfamiliar place. Perhaps you want to know yourself and are attracted to the thought of a monastery - so do it.
      • Romantic relationships are often tricky, but some basic ideas can help. Good communication is extremely important. You need to have realistic expectations. Don't try to change the other person or stop them from changing. Set boundaries lovingly but firmly. Any kind of violence is unacceptable.
    3. Spend less time on social media. Garbage is not only physical. Psychological junk in the form of status updates, tweets and Instagram pictures slows down and complicates your life. Don't try to "like" all new posts, don't constantly check for updates. By the time you have a free second, they won't be going anywhere and you won't miss anything.

      • If you really want it, try giving up entirely. social networks. Make face-to-face communication a priority for yourself, meet or call up old friends, instead of constantly visiting their pages.

    Slow down the pace

    1. Put your phone aside. Nothing is more distracting and distracting than checking messages on your phone every two minutes. If you are not waiting for anything really important and urgent, then SMS, Email, Facebook alerts, and other small messages are still there an hour later.

      • When you're out with friends or family, put your phone on silent and put it away. Even better is to leave it in the car. Don't look at your phone. Make a rule: the first one who climbs to check the phone pays the bill. Focus on communication and have fun.
      • All more people are subject to a phenomenon called "FOMO" - an abbreviation of the English "fear of missing out", "fear of missing out". What if you don't read the status update first? What if someone responds to your witty comment? What if your girlfriend or boyfriend texts you and you can't reply immediately? Don't let technology designed for convenience become a source of stress. Be ready to disconnect at any moment from the virtual to enjoy the moment of real life.
    2. Set timers on electronics that quietly consume your time. If you spend more hours on the Internet than you would like, set a timer and use it. You will be surprised how much time can be released. Even if you just start taking regular breaks, it will instantly become easier for you to use technology to your advantage.
    3. Try to keep your mailbox empty. Respond to letters, save the necessary ones in folders, delete the rest immediately.
  • Do one thing at a time. Avoid multitasking whenever possible. That a person can focus on several things at the same time and do them all well is a myth. Sometimes you have to or even (as in the parable below) want to, but the ideal is one thing at a time.

  • Leave work at work. Don't let work problems ruin your evening after work. Don't bring work home to finish - stay in the office and finish it. If you're stressed out, find a way to relax as soon as you get home so you don't burden your loved ones with your lamentations about a hard day. Don't spread stress around you. Simplify your life.

    • Reduce working hours if possible if work is the source of a significant proportion of the difficulties in your life. If you want to live easier, one of the easiest ways is to work less. The less money, the less fuss.
    • Stop working on weekends. Even if you love your job, leave yourself time to rest so as not to disturb the balance of life. You may not feel it right away, but over time, burnout can set in and your enthusiasm will fade. Free up all the weekends for the next six months. From now on, no working weekend!
    • Be wise when choosing a pet. For example, dogs require more attention than cats because they need to be walked every day. However, this can also be a plus - a way to relax and regularly maintain contact with the outside world.
    • Everyone says, "Be yourself." This has already become a cliché, but it is not for nothing that it is repeated so often - when you deny your true essence and pretend that you are completely different, it takes away your strength. If you are yourself, you feel happier and make your life less difficult.
  • 1. It's probably not a secret for you that people (more often women) sometimes evaluate you by the condition of your elbows. Wrinkled, darkened, or even just bitten skin on the elbows can ruin your charisma. Meanwhile give the elbows blooming view as easy as shelling pears: you just need to cut the lemon in half and immerse your elbows in the resulting half-lemons for a minute or two.

    2. If one day, in order to atone for sins, you decide to bake a cake in the shape of a heart, keep in mind: it is very difficult to give even the most compliant dough the desired shape, especially as a man. But there is a trick. Bake two cakes: one square, the other round. Cut the circle in half and attach the halves to two adjacent sides of the square. Voila! If the diameter was equal to the length of the side, it will turn out even beautifully.

    3. When going on vacation, pack your suitcase in advance (the price is worthless to us if the advice ended there). Take it and try to go through the native quarter with it. If you get tired, it's better to repack.

    4. Do you want to take half a day off work? Call in the morning and say in the most anxious voice that you have a force majeure and you will not come. After lunch, boldly fill up the office with the words: "I managed earlier, I decided to come." And now you are a hero, not a truant.

    5. To calm down raging (to the point of berserk) children, it is often enough to turn on the camera. The lens has the same deadening effect as a stranger: many children with it begin to be shy and behave decently.

    6. You should never tell children “never do this”: a) they do not perceive the “not” particle well; b) by focusing on misconduct, you give the child ideas for new mischief. He will remember your words and will not fail to do the same again when he wants to piss you off.

    7. An attack of persecution mania? It seems to you that some stranger is persistently following your car, but at the same time you did not take it in tow? Find an intersection with roundabout and do a couple of circles. All. If the chasing driver is not a spy or an idiot (for which there is little hope), he should get behind you.

    8. small spots rust on chrome metal, or, more simply, on a bumper, can be easily polished with a sheet of foil. Note: a sheet, not a lump. Rubbing the bumper with crumpled foil will scratch it.

    9. If your religion does not prohibit it, refuel only at night or early in the morning. Or on sunny days. Under the rays of the sun, even the most modern columns heat up and gasoline is saturated with vapors that disappear during refueling. You lose up to 5% of the tank on these things of nature.

    10. If you have lost the tank cap, you can get a new one in the same place, at any gas station. You forgot yours when you refueled, didn't you? Here are dozens of other drivers who forgot theirs there. Every gas station usually has a "lost and found box" full of caps. Choose the right one.

    11. To stretch the new tight shoes thrown to you by envious people, put two strong bags in your shoes and fill them with water to capacity. Put the structure in the freezer. While solidifying, the water will slowly swell, stretching the skin over the entire area.

    12. Decided to go on a romantic trip with someone else's wife? There is a great trick that allows two lovers to take all three seats in one of the rows of the plane. Just don't take adjacent seats, but ask for one in the aisle and another by the window. These are the most demanded seats, and the central ones, on the contrary, no one ever takes. If the plane is not crowded, there is a chance that no one will sit next to you at all.

    13. Before making difficult and truly risky decisions (taking out a loan, leaving your wife, cutting off a wart), always ask yourself five questions, starting with the words “who”, “what”, “when”, “why”, “how”. How will I give it if wife will leave? Who will take out the trash if I cut off the wart? This simple exercise allows you to see the problem from unexpected angles.

    14. Saying unpleasant things to people (to a girl at parting or business partners, whose money you lost in the yard with knives) is best tête-à-tête, but in public. Say, in a crowded cafe or at a parade. The need to keep a face, for example, in front of a waiter makes people hold back their emotions.

    15. Can't remember the person who recently greeted you in the elevator? Try to ask him: "When we are in last time seen each other? Have I already told you about my brilliant plan?” The person will probably retell the circumstances of your last meeting, and you will remember him. Or not.

    16. Do not frighten children with obviously impossible punishments. For example: "I'm going to throw the console out the window!" If you don't throw it away, don't make such threats. Bluffing destroys discipline like hell.

    17. Guests came to you, but you didn’t have time to clean the toilet for dinner? No problem. It is enough to throw two tablets of Alka-Seltzer into the water, hold it there until dissolved - and rinse. The popper will do all the dirty work for you.

    18. To give the impression of an erudite and subtle person, it is enough to resort to a cheap trick, invented, according to rumors, by the writer F. S. Fitzgerald. When there is a pause in the conversation (preferably with a woman), say: “Now I have a condition that the ancient Hittites called a special word ... Unfortunately, it is unpronounceable by modern standards.”

    19. Feel free to use codes and cheats in computer and console games if you play not for the sake of getting into the leaderboard, but just to pass the time or find out how it all ends there. You can find cheats and guides at and .

    20. Never order a dish during a first date or a business lunch, appearance which you don't know. It would be foolish to know that bokkonchini a la fuchalote is actually a ketchup-spitting bun, and it is impossible to eat it without making yourself look like a bloodthirsty idiot.

    21. Always keep a spare set of keys to your apartment from a trusted friend. In case you lose your mother's kit.

    22. If you, without listening to anyone, decided to buy a used car, at least ride it at night. This will not only make it easier to check the health of the lights. At night, on top of everything else, the streets are also quiet, so it will be easier for you to hear disturbing noises. Or at least evaluate the sound of the radio.

    23. When putting up for auction (selling through websites and newspapers) your car, apartment, kidney, always ask for a price that is 10-15% higher than the maximum that you expect to receive. People will be pleased to bargain with you and knock out a "discount", and you may well get even 5% more than the desired amount.

    24. Warn everyone that you absolutely do not know how to lie (even if it is so). This not only increases your credibility, but also eliminates the need to participate in adventures like: “Friend, cover me urgently! Say we're going to drink football together!"

    25. Buy or fight off someone else's sneakers Velcro. Glue one half to your TV remote and the other half to your coffee table or sofa. The remote will be easy to find at least sometimes.

    26. When moving to a new apartment, always collect a “starter box” with things that you will need on the very first evening in a new place.

    27. Maybe you did not know, but there is no law prohibiting New Year give the same gifts different people(especially if they never meet). Buying five cat shaving kits is a hell of a time saver.

    28. To get rid of bad habit, force yourself every time you break down, write down everything that you did in the minute before the relapse. This is both boring (maybe in the future you won’t pick your nose with a cigarette just because you don’t want to write), and useful: you will surely understand what exactly provokes a relapse.

    29. Get at home an inconspicuous box or bag in which you will put rubbish that seems superfluous (say, the things of your wife and children). If none of the household missed the loss in three months, then the thing can be safely thrown away.

    30. Are you planning to move? Start collecting TetraPak bags from juice, milk, etc. in advance. It is easy and pleasant to pack any nostalgic small things (nails, shells, ascorbic acid) in them, and the bags themselves are readily stacked in a larger box.

    31. Any bad hostess knows that the apartment will look neat if it has clean long planes. It is enough to brush off the dust and things from the windowsills, the floor and a couple of tables - and the guests will consider you a neurotic obsessed with cleanliness, even if the rest of the apartment is a mess.

    32. When planning to argue with support or catering employees, first of all ask for the name and position of the person you are talking to. And be sure to pretend that you write everything down. You won't believe how this ploy disciplines people.

    33. The pin code of your favorite credit card should not be written down on your hands and banknotes, but if you absolutely cannot remember it, enter it into the phone’s memory in the form of a number of a non-existent person. If you are a client of, say, Privatbank, create a typical post “Alina privat is super!” and enter a fake number, the last four digits of which will be your pin code.

    34. Some auto insurance companies offer discounts for drivers who have completed extreme driving courses and are certified to do so. You can get one (at least fake) for another reason: certificate holders are more willing to rent a car abroad, especially in non-planar countries (Switzerland, Italy, Montenegro).

    35. Stop standing in bank "utility" lines or driving your butler to the cashier. Banks can automatically pay utility bills for you - just fill out an application for a monthly transfer of funds. For the same purpose, you can use the site or Yandex.Money.

    36. Always lend only the amount that you can give the applicant, and immediately say goodbye to the money. If he still gives them (which is unlikely), it will be a pleasant surprise, in no way, however, does not characterize a person positively.

    37. If you don’t want to lend a person at all, in response to a request, say with fake surprise: “Imagine, but I just wanted to ask you!” Works flawlessly.

    38. In a person, if he is blindfolded, the sensitivity of skin receptors becomes aggravated. Therefore, the most simple toy for sex, if you need one, can be made from a sleep mask issued on airplanes.

    39. The construction of the house and the birth of a son will have to wait. Start with a tree. There is no logic in this - we just have good advice. Scratch the soap with your nails, the rims of the holes will fill with it, and the earth will not penetrate under the nails when you fiddle with it.

    40. To discreetly stare at another woman while walking with your wife, hug her (wife, of course) and admire the stranger from behind your shoulder!

    41. Going to buy a vacuum cleaner or something like that? Ok, which of the two thousand four hundred models do you want? You can poke at random, or you can do it more cunningly: just copy the choice of a friend who recently bought a vacuum cleaner. He probably suffered from this problem - read reviews and talked with sellers.

    42. Never pay off a credit card debt using money withdrawn from another credit card. Such recursion can quickly drive you into a financial dead end.

    43. There is nothing smart or practical about having two credit cards. The only thing you can do with a second credit card is double the debt more money twice as many ruthless people.

    44. It's easy to get a woman interested in porn: slip her a Feminist Porn Award-winning film - "For careful attitude to a woman." Let's say the lesbian agitation The Crash Pad.

    45. This advice is unlikely to ever come in handy for a humanoid like you, and yet we can't help but admire its labored grace: circular saw blades are very convenient to store in old vinyl sleeves.

    46. ​​Do not confess to anyone except your superiors that you know foreign language, remember by heart the Criminal Code and is able to assemble a computer with eyes closed. What is a moment of glory compared to hours of inglorious labor for the benefit of the younger relatives of your acquaintances? Do not fall for provocations like: “Did you hang this shelf yourself?” Suppress the instinct of the alpha leader and mumble "No."

    47. Get rid of unnecessary gadgets. Things are eaters of your time, and electronic things in this regard are the most insidious. Behind every iPod, smartphone, tablet, you need an eye and an eye: fill in, update, reflash. Only the wires from the chargers are worth unraveling. It is better to use the device as functional as possible, but one.

    48. Taking a shower, throw a couple under your feet dirty socks(we can’t even imagine where you will get them) and, while washing, trample on them. By the end of the event, they will be as clean as you.

    49. Only autistic geniuses can keep in mind birthdays and anniversaries in which something is expected of you. And since you are neither one nor the other, conscientiously fill in the “Birthday” field in your smartphone contacts (you can ignore friends who honestly indicated the date on Facebook - the social network will remind you), and fill your head only with what is really important - for example , cheats for shooters.

    50. If you are going to write an article about life hacking, do not decide in advance that it must have fifty points. They are very, very difficult to find.

    Is it possible to make life even a little easier? Can. To do this, you just need to follow simple advice, which Faktrum leads below.

    1. Choose the truth

    Speak straight. The truth is much easier than lying to yourself, living in illusions and constantly being afraid of exposure.

    2. Accept

    Denial is hard. We often deny who we are, deny the choices we have made, deny what we want, deny reality as it is. But imagine a world where everyone accepts everything they have done, said or thought. Isn't it amazing?

    Start by accepting yourself for who you are, with all your good and bad traits, past mistakes, dreams and plans. When this is all right, you can easily change.

    3. Talk less

    We talk too much and often say nothing of substance. At the same time, we do not listen to others, so others do not listen to us. That's why it's so hard to communicate these days. So why not start talking less and listening more from now on?

    4. Drop excuses

    We make so many excuses every day. We are great at finding reasons not to do something, even if we really want to, we don't try new things, we don't meet new people, we don't change. Living like this is hard. Instead, you should open up to simplicity, and just do what you want. Easier nowhere!

    5. Dress simply

    Eliminating some accessories can make life easier. In addition, we have a lot of clothes that we do not wear for years, and there are clothes that we are not going to wear at all anymore. So get rid of all that.

    6. Create silence

    Leave yourself some silence. Rest from time to time. There is so much noise around us that sometimes we cannot even hear our own thoughts.

    7. Walk more

    The walk is simple and free way improve your mood, clear your head, burn calories and take a break from driving if you are constantly behind the wheel.

    8. Focus

    We are productive not when we have many tasks taking up all our time, but when we have concentrated on one activity and eliminated everything else.

    9. Eat simply

    Diversity in the kitchen is also an illusion. Too many types of food are available to us today. We use too many seasonings, we eat too many fats, we think that dessert is a must, we eat too many times a day, and so on. Stop doing all this.

    Eat the most basic: fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, dairy products, nuts, olive oil, rice, potatoes and legumes.

    10. Stop trying to control everything.

    Most things you can't control, even in own life. Understanding this will make everything much easier and easier. We constantly worry about things that we cannot control, we are afraid of where they will lead, and we try to fix them. But the truth is, they don't need to be fixed. Everything will be great. Just go with the flow, do the best you can, and everything else will fall into place.

    11. Tidy up

    Throw things out of the house that you don't use. Get rid of things that just take up space. Once you do this, you will have less property to take care of, clean and repair. And you will feel more free.

    12. Buy less

    The more you buy, the more you have, the more money you spend on it, and the less satisfaction you get from it.

    So the next time you're thinking about making another purchase, take your time and ask yourself if you really need it and if you'll be using it a few weeks after purchase.

    These are just some of the ways to make your life easier. All of them consist of eliminating something, of refusing to do something, of things that need to be got rid of, that need to be left to their own devices, and so on. It's easy. And the benefits of this are priceless - peace, space, freedom, contentment, awareness, happiness.

    1. Try completely opposite things. For example, if you've been eating a lot of meat, it's time to try cutting it out for at least a short amount of time. Love to argue - try to remain silent. Woke up late - get up early, etc. Make these little experiments part of your Everyday life and this will be a kind of inoculation of “out of the comfort zone”. Firstly, it is interesting, and secondly, at the moment of the next sharp turn in your life, going beyond the comfort zone will not be so noticeable.

    2. Wake up 20 minutes earlier. You can do this in several sets of 20 minutes, and then you can calmly wake up an hour earlier and have time to do a lot of interesting things, before which before hand did not reach. Most recently, we touched on the topic of early rises, so if you have not started yet, you have a wonderful opportunity to include this item in your life in a complex.

    3. Arrive to all appointments and meetings 10 minutes early. Firstly, by leaving early, you will not worry that you will be late and make your colleagues wait. Why do you need extra stress before important meeting? Secondly, by arriving a little earlier, you can prepare and check again if you have not forgotten anything.

    4. Single-tasking. Our brains are unable to multitask. We still have to switch from one task to another. When you work on only one thing, you do it better and more focused, without distractions.

    5. Ask yourself: Am I trying to keep things simple? Analyze the situation. If it turns out that your actions complicate things even more, think about how to decompose it into simpler components and solve the problem.

    6. Ask yourself: will this matter in 5 years? Before you make an elephant out of a fly and tear your hair out, think about whether this situation will be important in 5 years? And after 5 weeks?

    7. Make purchases only based on the money you have earned or saved. Before buying something expensive, think carefully and remember the rule "consider the purchase for as many days as hundreds are included in its cost (if 100, then one day, if 200 - 2 days, etc.)". This will help you make smart purchases and avoid stupid loans.

    8. Learn a few recipes and cook at home more often. This way you will save money and be able to eat healthier food (assuming you cook healthy food). By the way, there are quite a few interesting and simple recipes on our blog.

    9. When you cook, try to cook more than you will eat. This will save you time - next time you will only need to reheat the already prepared one. And, of course, you will not have to wash the dishes so often.

    To be honest, I don't really like to eat warm food. But during periods of blockages, it saves a lot. In addition, there are dishes that become tastier on the second day (some soups, for example).

    10. Write down. human memory- not the most reliable tool. Therefore, keep records of affairs, purchases, meetings, etc. Also, try to identify 4 priority goals for this year and periodically look at them in your notes so as not to deviate from the set course.

    11. Remember that life is much bigger than you think. You don't know everything and sometimes you make mistakes. This will help you listen with great patience to other people's opinions and accept them, change yourself and always remain open to new knowledge and opportunities.

    12. Take risks, don't be afraid to make mistakes. And then learn from them, learn the lessons that life brings, and with the knowledge and experience gained, boldly take on new ideas.

    13. Do what you really enjoy! Do not live other people's dreams and desires.

    14. Try to buy products for the week at once. This will save not only money, but also time.

    15. Go shopping when you're full. Most the right way go to the store and buy only what you need is to go there not hungry. There will be no temptation to buy something else and standing at the checkout, your hands will not reach for chocolates and cookies, so helpfully laid out at the last frontier :)

    16. Enjoy small pleasures. A beautiful sunset, flowering trees outside the window after a long winter, the last tastiest piece of cake. Learn to savor life in small pieces and find pleasant moments in the world around you.

    17. Drink water. Instead of eating when you get bored, it's better to drink a glass of water - get rid of the feeling of hunger and at the same time replenish the water supply in the body.

    18. Eat slowly. Do not fly as if you are missing the last train in your life to a bright and happy future. Food must be taken in good mood and take your time enjoying every bite. Firstly, this way you will get full faster, although you will eat less than if you stuff food at cruising speed. And secondly, it will be another pleasant moment that will complement your mosaic of enjoying life.

    19. Be kind. Be kind to the people around you, and especially to yourself.

    20. Write short letters. Usually 1-5 sentences are enough.

    21. Answer emails once a day. Select the most optimal time to check email and reply to incoming emails. Checking your mailbox every 5 minutes will take time and add nervousness.

    22. Learn and try new ways to deal with stress. Meditation, yoga, classical music, a couple of laps around the stadium after work - any of these methods can help you relieve stress.

    23. Keep the house and yours workplace in order. Then you can quickly find the right things and thus save time and nerves.

    24. Live "here and now." Enjoy life, capture every moment. Be aware of each day instead of rushing through it headlong, constantly thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

    25. Spend more time with people who make life easier. And try to avoid the company of those who complicate things for no reason.

    26. Exercise every day. Let it be at least a walk or a walk during lunch. This will allow you to get rid of stress, add energy, help put your body in order and drive away negative thoughts.

    27. Get rid of junk. Get rid of unnecessary things in the house, from projects that hinder your development, from bad thoughts in your head and from people who are an obstacle to your goals and take up too much time and energy with constant complaints about life.

    28. Ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for advice from people who have been in situations like yours and have been able to find a solution.

    29. Stop trying to please everyone. Just because it's useless. This is impossible because there will always be people who don't like you for one reason or another. And there can be thousands of such reasons.

    30. Break up challenging tasks into small ones. If the task seems difficult, break it down into several small tasks and solve gradually one by one.

    31. Stop trying to be perfect. This does not mean that everything needs to be done carelessly. Just instead of focusing on the smallest details just do your job well. ABOUT side effects We have also written about perfectionism more than once - a waste of time, energy and nerves, plus increasing dissatisfaction with yourself and others because of the high bar.

    32. Stop for a minute and just take a deep breath. And then exhale slowly. Deep breathing relaxes and saturates the blood with oxygen. It also helps you focus better on the important things.

    33. Spend 20% of your time thinking about solving a problem and 80% on solving it. And not vice versa.

    34. Focus on a Few important things, and cut off everything unnecessary and secondary. Instead of being sprayed on 10 projects at once, focus all your energy on solving two or three main tasks.

    35. Keep a diary. By writing down your thoughts and actions every day, you can then easily track what exactly helped you find the right solution. Also, rereading your notes will help you clearly see your progress and avoid the same mistakes.

    36. If you don't like what you're doing, find something else. The world around us is changing and we are changing with it. What we were simply delighted with yesterday may no longer be of any interest to us today. If you feel that what you once loved no longer brings you satisfaction, it's time to think about a change.

    37. Use a minimalist workplace. Nothing should interfere with you. Your desktop should be organized and contain only those things that are necessary for work. Clutter is distracting and productivity drops. I think that the order should be not only on the desktop, but also on the desktop of your computer.

    38. Give yourself 15 minutes every Sunday to plan your upcoming work week. This will help you get organized in your head, prioritize and order things to do, set goals, tune in to the work ahead, and reduce stress.

    39. Cancel unwanted subscriptions. Whether it's disconnecting from cable TV with a huge number of channels, or cleaning your rss feed from the trash that you continue to browse out of habit. Some magazines and newspapers can also be added here.

    40. Ask instead of guessing. Until we are able to read other people's thoughts, you can find out what a person is thinking about only by asking him a direct question. Stop guessing - just ask what interests you. A wrong interpretation and guesswork can lead to very sad consequences. Do not be afraid to ask - they do not take money for asking.

    41. Make one change at a time. Getting rid of old habits (especially if they are harmful) and introducing something new into your life is very difficult. Make changes gradually. For example, start with the first item on this list and gradually, fixing one item after another, change your life for the better.

    42. Sometimes just let yourself be lazy. If you can put your life in order, get rid of negativity and unnecessary things, you will have time for a little and pleasant laziness. Sometimes laziness is a barrier that prevents us from achieving our desired goals, but sometimes it is a cure. Allow yourself to be a little lazy at least once a week. Do not think about work, do not think about goals, but just enjoy silence, a book, a walk or loneliness. This little laziness will allow you to have a good rest and start working week with renewed vigor and inspiration. You know, when the head is not occupied with anything, very interesting thoughts drop in there.

    How complicated is your life? Problems at work, at home, stress in transport, deadlines, dissatisfaction with yourself, complexes, low self-esteem... Surprisingly, but it is our distorted perception and the habit of thinking negatively makes our life so unbearable - circumstances have nothing to do with it.

    If you want to let go of tension and make your life easier, perhaps you should learn the following.

    1. Set your priorities. Choose the top 5 things that are especially important to you. What is it: family, career, education, friends, charity? Give them the most energy and do not waste it on other areas.
    2. Learn to say no. Without fear of offending or losing. If you know that you do not have the strength and time to fulfill the request, refuse - appreciate yourself.
    3. Less social media and internet. If you have a habit of surfing the Internet every time you are bored or stuck in traffic, get rid of it. Extra information drains.
    4. Turn off the negative. If someone tells you news about a catastrophe or something negative, make an effort on yourself - do not listen to it. Ask the other person to change the subject or let them know that you are not interested. Read less negative articles and generally limit the bad in your life.
    5. Learn to enjoy being alone. If you go crazy one on one with yourself, this may indicate certain problems. You don't need company to have a great time. Take a book and go read in the park. Try to enjoy it.
    6. Eat slowly. Don't eat lunch in a hurry, don't eat out of boredom or while watching a series. Choose your food carefully and don't forget about serving.
    7. Get out. On the desktop, in the closet, at home. A mess in the room is a mess in the head.
    8. Stick to a schedule. You don't have to live like in a barracks, but discipline never got in the way. Make it a habit to fully exercise at least twice a week or walk for at least two hours.
    9. Don't borrow. Try to save and not spend money on unnecessary things.
    10. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
    11. Meditate. At least 5 minutes a day will make it easier to navigate in space.
    12. Don't multitask. Julius Caesar was great, but do you really want to conquer the world instead of living in grace and harmony?
    13. Don't do anything. Sometimes you just need to come home and relax to the fullest!
    14. Value quality over quantity. In fact, we do not need much - we need something big and good. So don't chase quantity, work on quality.

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