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What to do with a friend while visiting. What is the best way to snack on strong alcoholic drinks? Lunch is over and it's time to say goodbye

IN modern society Few people pay attention to the rules of etiquette, especially young people. Of course, some visiting ceremonies are already outdated, but there are eternal moral principles that everyone should know!

If you want to be invited to visit more than once, you should familiarize yourself with some tips that can greatly annoy hosts.

What can't you do when visiting?

From the threshold, walk through all the rooms with outerwear in your hands.

Taking off outerwear and after changing your shoes, go to the room offered to you. You shouldn’t wander around your home without permission and look behind every door, as you can put the owners in an awkward position. Etiquette does not accept such behavior.

If you come to a one-room apartment, do not sit on the master's bed.

The same advice applies to studio apartments, ask for a better chair.

Don't take pets without permission

You never know what the temperament of your owner's cat might be. Unless he himself asks to be held in your arms.

Do not use towels at your own discretion.

Before the feast, be sure to ask what towel you can use after washing your hands. It is advisable to do this before guests are invited to dine.

Don’t pretend to be a connoisseur of interiors and art

DO NOT look at furniture, paintings, carpets, vases, sets as if they were at a new exhibition... It is even more impolite to be interested in their price, much less express your admiration with the words “Where did you manage to get such a rarity? How lucky you are!”

With such behavior you may not flatter the owners, but, on the contrary, hurt or offend them. Those who invited you will have the opinion that you did not come to celebrate the holiday with them, but to be curious

If you break something while away, it’s better to admit it right away

Any material damage must be compensated. But this does not mean that you should drop everything and run to the store for new glasses. Offering money is also not always correct. In such situation better later bring back what you accidentally broke.

Don't mess around in someone else's refrigerator!

This is, to say the least, shameless and very annoying, believe me...

Do not use the computer, remote control or other equipment without permission

There may be personal information on your computer that you are not supposed to know. You can ruin the equipment.

Do not touch personal hygiene items, perfumes and cosmetics of the owners

Many people have a fashion for smelling and tasting everything in someone else's bathroom. This is very ugly and unhygienic!

Be good guest and get the same in return! Share useful rules with friends, especially if they violate them!

Cooking 292

More tender than tender! Incomparable light chicken stewed in kefir

funny 557

Hares from the nursery group are conquering the Internet. Five point dance!

Creation 145

This duet tore apart the audience's ideas about spreading generations! Monatik and Nina Matvienko!

beauty 71

DIY body scrub

Creation 6 115

A poem that heals! Amazing thing!

1) Together with a friend you can watch a very beautiful movie or a funny comedy, you can also discuss your favorite general series, discuss your favorite actors. Prepare pop food or drink a bottle of wine.

2) You can also arrange online shopping shopping. You can order something from clothes or the same jewelry. Spend all your money with pleasure, but don’t forget to leave something in reserve.

3) Also very popular are fortune telling. You can get your tarot cards. If you do not have them, you can use ordinary playing cards. On the Internet, you can easily find a large number of various fortune telling.

4) You can also to play solitaire. This is not difficult to do, but believe me, it’s very exciting; you yourself won’t notice how quickly the time flies by.

5) Buy some board game and start playing it together. It can be anything, checkers, chess, monopoly, lotto. For more interest, you can play for something, for example, for wishes.

6) Of course girlfriends are needed in order to be frank with them. Brew some tea, sit over a cup of coffee and talk about everything that has already boiled over. Time will pass very quickly if you find something to talk about, of course interesting topic are guys.

7) Very an exciting activity is view photos together . Remember your entire childhood, how you got mad together, played, and found yourself in various pleasant and unpleasant situations.

8) You can also together enjoy cartoons. It's a very fun pastime. You can always watch cartoons with a friend, she is just as crazy as you, so you will have something to discuss together.

9) Can arrange a mutual photo session. She takes pictures of you, and you take pictures of her. Do it in very funny and amusing poses, believe me, then you will have something to remember with a big smile on your face.

10) Fool around more. Of course, this is probably the best pastime. Turn on the music at full volume, dance, fall, run, play, have fun, fool around, do whatever your heart desires. This is your friend, you don't need to be ashamed of anything.

We are sure that you already know what to do at home with your boyfriend. But let's tell you a secret: romantic conversations, kisses and all of the following are not the only way have a good time.

Child's world

Take out the albums that your parents have kept for a thousand years and tell him why you were scared of the stuffed hare in younger group kindergarten and who I was in love with in first grade. True, be careful with the latter - if he suddenly starts talking about himself in response.

Offer to get to know you at general photography. In 5 minutes, admit that you watched SpongeBob at home that day.

Happily ever after

Sit back comfortably on the pillows and fantasize about the future: tell each other how great it will be to live in the mountains, go to concerts in the middle of the week, and invite friends (except Tolik) over on weekends. Go wherever you want: to Seattle or Vienna, St. Petersburg or Kamchatka.

Plan your vacation - choose a city and several excursions that no guide would think of. Even if you're not going anywhere.

Instead of sushi

Choose a few recipes to have a tasting later, and cook something unusual together. Get inspired by "Kitchen", "Ratatouille" and these sites: - with the ability to select according to the ingredients that are in the refrigerator; - a website with a cartoon design for fans of Japanese cuisine; - video recipes, which are divided by parts of the world and countries.

He's still running

If your boyfriend finds working out as common as brushing his teeth, ask him to be your personal trainer (that's also a compliment). The main thing is not to be too serious. The motto of training at home is “You are allowed to fool around!”

An alternative is arm wrestling (he doesn’t have to carry a handbag with a ton of cosmetics on his shoulder every day, which means you have every chance).

Clean dancing

Turn on your favorite slow composition (or the very song that you call “ours”) and... desk lamp instead of the usual one will already give the desired effect. Let this dance last as long as you want.

To really make it look like something out of a movie, change your T-shirt to a floor-length dress.

bat your eyelashes

It's unlikely that the guy is a fan fashion shows(or knows about them only from the Victoria's Secret show). But his angel is the best, although sometimes he behaves unangelically? Show off a few of your favorite outfits, and let him choose the one you'll wear next time you go on a date.

If you need to choose a set for an occasion (a friend’s birthday or an exam), ask the guy to take a photo of you in each one - he will feel like an artist, and you will see everything from the outside.

Come up with a quest for him

Buy some funny thing in advance and hide it in your apartment. Come up with a quest with hints that will help the guy get there. When there is silence, slap yourself on the forehead: “But I have a gift for you!”

Remember the game “Hot and Cold” and take turns looking for the stuffed otter.

Need a pencil

You can find out a little more about MCH using psychological tests. Just like he is talking about you. Just don’t take it seriously, the result of any test is not a reason for a quarrel, even if it turns out that Hermione is ideal for the guy, and you are more like Ginny.

Make up your own test. For example, how well does he know you, with questions like “What color is my Toothbrush?. And let him come up with something more complicated for you.

Even making soap becomes an adventure when you are together.

Came out of the foam

The girls call it “Beauty Day,” but it’s better not to tell the prince about it. Turn on the ambient music, make each other aroma massage. Maybe you can even get him to make a blue clay mask that relieves redness and removes oiliness.

Try learning meditation or yoga lessons on YouTube.

Everything is fine

Shared challenges like cleaning bring us closer together. His strong shoulder and determined look will not let you stop dismantling the boxes in the middle, and his height will be useful (or rather, harmful) for dust on the eaves. Every 15 minutes, have a “minute” during which you are allowed to lie on the couch and check the pages.

Don’t tell him what to do and how to do it, and don’t be offended if he moves the rare Hemiphusus colossus shell a millimeter. Be fun, not boring.

Geek romance

It is much more pleasant to educate yourself together. Learn languages, solve puzzles, virtually walk through museums holding hands (in reality). You can look at a site like - this is an interuniversity e-education platform, everything is serious.

If a guy has a technical mind and you have a humanitarian mind, even better. Let him explain physics to you simple examples and using improvised means, and you will tell him in his ear about the leitmotifs of Bulgakov’s work.

And finally just be quiet

If you suddenly have objectively nothing to do, and all the points above have been tried, just sit next to each other and mind your own business. And these moments will be more beautiful than any crazy parties and adventures.

6 simple games for two

  • “Jenga” (let him concentrate while you distract him with stories about what will happen to the loser).
  • “Sea battle” (immediately warn that if he doesn’t give in and sinks all your ships, you will have a pillow fight in which you have no equal).
  • “Cities”, “blue-haired cartoon characters” or whatever (exclude the use of any gadgets).
  • “Twister” (for advice on yoga).
  • “Mario” (if you can’t find a console, play on the computer - and be sure to comply with your wishes).
  • Reading aloud and role-playing.

Photo: Konstantin Yuganov, Syda Productions/, Legion-Media

Not only for sex, of course, you can have sex, but this is far from the only thing two people can do in an empty apartment. If you want to impress a friend with your extraordinary culinary talents, you can prepare a mind-blowing meal in advance delicious dinner. It’s not always a trip to a restaurant - the best option for a date. If a woman knows how to cook deliciously and set the table beautifully, anyone, even the most fastidious man, will appreciate it. In addition, during dinner you will have time to socialize and will not have to frantically figure out what to do with yourself.

When there is a snowstorm outside, and any romantic walks inevitably end in frostbite, better place than a house, it is simply impossible to find. It's so nice to warm up here under the soft warm blanket or sit in the kitchen, sipping hot tea with honey and raspberry jam. It is not at all necessary to invent something extraordinary. The simple warmth of communication and the comfort of your apartment will always play only in your favor. A man appreciates a woman who is able to preserve and maintain an internal fire and create a feeling of home even for those who come to visit.

If you invite your friend to your home, it is better to think through the entertainment program in advance. You can watch a romantic movie on a soft sofa or play backgammon. Or maybe you both are chess connoisseurs or prefer entertaining Board games? If you are sure that this will not ruin your evening, show some of your photographs or even children's albums. But don’t get carried away - not everyone is capable of looking at other people’s photos for hours, so know when to stop.

What if you're visiting? Don't worry or be embarrassed. Yes, the territory is a place where you have to play by his rules, but you don’t need to think that he will definitely drag you into bed or make you dance naked on the table. If you don't want sex, you need to discuss it in advance. After all, when a man invites you to his place, of course, he means exactly this. Do not be embarrassed or afraid to refuse, because if you are applying for serious relationship, your unpreparedness will not cause a violent reaction. If a man begins to be indignant, draw conclusions.

Don’t think that going on a visit is an event designed to amuse and entertain. If you are not familiar enough yet, this is great occasion get to know each other better. If your relationship has already moved beyond the frivolous, by visiting each other, you can simply enjoy the time spent together and not think about anything else.


  • things to do at home with boyfriend

Have you been dating a guy for several months, but haven’t dared to invite him home? Something inside resists and interferes with the natural course of events. And the guy hints from time to time that he doesn’t mind seeing how you live. How to invite guy To to myself V guests?


Think about what is stopping you from inviting someone home? Sometimes the cause may be various fears. Many settings are at home, parents. Or do you think that inviting guy home, are you hinting at sex? There is no need to worry about the situation. Especially if the apartment you live in is owned or rented. You don't want a house and a fortune, do you? A young man, first of all, values ​​you as a person. And if something is wrong in the apartment, perhaps guy there will be an opportunity to show your masculine abilities and fix or fix something. It often happens that you want to look more wealthy in front of a young man. Think about how long you can maintain an “inflated” image? Sooner or later, she will find out everything anyway. Don’t worry about your parents, because they are not chosen. Your or his parents are who they are. Find something to be proud of as a family. Be grateful to your dad and mom, because they gave birth to you. Invitation to guests It’s not that you have to have sex. Everything is just according to your wishes. Rules good manners and friendly relationships include inviting each other for a cup of tea or coffee, lunch, conversation. There is nothing reprehensible in this.

Prepare for the young man's arrival in advance. Clean your apartment or your room: wipe off the dust, wash the floor. You don't want to shock guy? Buy something tasty for tea. Hearty lunch- this is good, but not at all necessary. After all, the young man did not come to eat, but guests. It’s good to cook something yourself, because this is an opportunity to show your culinary skills and prove yourself as a housewife. Think about what you will do. As you know, pauses in words are replaced by . But if sex is not part of your plans this evening, it is better to offer to play your favorite board game together, watch a movie, or chat. Show the guy your favorite things, interesting books, photo album. And then go for a walk with the dog. If you have known each other for a long time, do not hesitate to go to the store with a young man if required. In general, live ordinary life and involve there guy.

By inviting him home, you will become closer to him. If this is your person, then he will appreciate this action, and then the relationship will go well. new level. After all, this means trust, openness. If the guy doesn't pass this stage and something will scare him, this means that he is not ready for a close relationship with you. Don't be upset if young man the apartment is more important than you. You're not looking for a gigolo, are you?

When you are bored and sad, you will always come to the rescue best friend. There are many solutions for what to do at home with your girlfriend. For example, you can cook something delicious together. Even if you are not confident in your culinary abilities, together you will definitely succeed. Prepare a delicious pizza or some that is simple even for beginners.

If you haven’t yet decided what to do together at home, then board games that you can enjoy playing together would be an excellent solution. This entertainment is time-tested. Surely you have some interesting game at home, for example, Monopoly or something else.

What to do at home with friends?

When your friends come to visit you, then, of course, you think about how to entertain them. And here on help will come the right decision- we can watch it together interesting movie. Set up a home theater with chips and popcorn. You can lay a blanket right on the floor and have a real picnic in front of the TV. Choose the genre of the film so that everyone is interested in watching it - it can be a fiery comedy or a scary horror film - but the main thing is that no one gets bored while watching it.

Sometimes many of us have to be alone with younger relatives. But what to do at home with your sister, whom you see every day? Great solution There will be a photo shoot, or a beauty salon at home. Your sister can help you color your regrown hair roots and give you a pedicure. And then it will be your turn to make your sister beautiful. Make some interesting and original photographs, where you are together, where each of you is captured in an unusual image.

If you don’t know what to do with two girls at home, then get creative and come up with something interesting for the two of you. The main thing is that you don’t get bored, that you have fun.

You can throw a party, come up with fun and funny competitions. For example, the game “Cow” is very interesting. If you are gathered with friends, then this game will help you have a great rest and get a lot of positive emotions. One of the players goes to the center of the room and tries to show a word that one of his friends will whisper in his ear. The one who guesses this word first replaces the first player - now he guesses a new word for the next participant. And so on. The game can continue endlessly - until you get bored.

For help bored friends a computer or tablet will come, or maybe a laptop. Find Interesting games for two, look at your pages on Odnoklassniki or another network, listen to your favorite music, watch a new film with your favorite actors. If you are completely bored at home, then go for a walk. You can go to the store or visit your neighbors for a cup of coffee. If you find something you like, you will never be bored at home. In the end, tidy up the house, make it clean and tidy, and please your mother. Here you will need the help of both sisters and friends. Turn cleaning into a game, a real adventure. While cleaning out your closet, you can have a real fashion show - for sure, there will be beautiful outfits, which you can try on together. By the way, all this can be captured in photographs - there will be something to remember later.

Surely you and your friend have a lot common interests. This means it's time to do something that you both enjoy. It could be reading interesting book or doing yoga, and of course, talking about what kind of guy you like, dreams of traveling, harmless gossip. The main thing is that both you and your friend enjoy the activity. Never be discouraged. If you feel sad, your soul is heavy, then be sure to invite your friend to your home. Together you will cope with any problem.

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